
#' @useDynLib flowReMix
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom stats as.formula coef cov.wt dbinom glm model.offset model.response model.weights optim optimize p.adjust pbeta predict pwilcox rbinom rnorm runif t.test uniroot update.formula  var weighted.mean weights wilcox.test
autoPreAssign <- function(x) {
  y <- x$y
  N <- x$N
  x$prop <- y / N
  stim <- x$treatmentvar
  if(!is.factor(stim)) {
    baseline <- 0
  } else {
    baseline <- levels(x$treatmentvar)[1]
  assign <- by(x, x$sub.population, function(y) min(y$prop[y$treatmentvar == baseline]) < max(y$prop[y$treatmentvar != baseline]))
  subsets <- names(assign)
  assign <- as.numeric(assign)
  assign <- -assign
  result <- data.frame(id = x$id[1], subset = subsets, assign = assign)

randomizeAssignments <- function(x, prob = 0.5) {
  if(runif(1) < prob) {
    coordinate <- sample.int(length(x), 1)
    x[coordinate] <- ifelse(x[coordinate] == 1, 0, 1)


binomDensity <- function(v, prop, N, eta) {
  result <- sum(dbinom(prop, N, expit(eta + v), log = TRUE))

logit <- function(p) log(p / (1 - p))

updateCoefs <- function(coef, fit, iter, updateLag, rate, flag) {
  iterweight <- 1 / max(iter - updateLag + 1, 1)
  if(flag > 0 & flag <= 2) {
    coef <- c(coef[1], rep(0, length(coef) - 1))

  if(class(fit)[1] == "cv.glmnet") {
    update <- as.numeric(coef(fit, s = "lambda.min"))
  } else {
    update <- as.numeric(coef(fit))
  notna <- !is.na(update)
  coef[notna] <- (1 - iterweight) * coef[notna] + iterweight * update[notna]

replicateDataset <- function(data, replicate) {
  data$id <- paste(data$id, "%%%", replicate, sep = "")

estimateIntercept <- function(propMat) {
  prop <- pmin(propMat[, 1] + 10^-5, .99)
  estProp <- pmin(propMat[, 2] + 10^-5, .99)
  logit <- log(prop/(1 - prop))
  estLogit <- log(estProp / (1 - estProp))
  return(mean(logit - estLogit))

initializeModel <- function(dat, formula, method, mixed) {
  if(is.null(dat)) {
    warning("Some cell-subsets are empty!")
  if(!mixed) {
    if(all(dat$treatmentvar == 1)) {
      props <- dat$y / dat$N
      mu <- mean(props)
      var <- var(props)
      alpha <- ((1 - mu) / var - 1 / mu) * mu ^ 2
      beta <- alpha * (1 / mu - 1)
      probs <- pbeta(props, alpha, beta)
      dat$treatmentvar <- rbinom(nrow(dat), 1, probs)
      mtrt <- mean(dat$treatmentvar)
      if(mtrt < 0.2 | mtrt > 0.8 | is.na(mtrt)) {
        dat$treatmentvar <- rbinom(nrow(dat), 1, 0.5)
  initdat <- model.frame(formula, data = dat)
  X <- model.matrix(formula, initdat)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
  y <- model.response(initdat)

  # Checking for separation
  if(method == "firth") {
    sep = TRUE

  if(ncol(X) > 0) {
    outputsep <- glm(formula, data = dat, family = "binomial", weights = weights,
                     method = detect_separation)$separation
    if(method != "firth") sep <- outputsep
  } else {
    outputsep <- FALSE
    if(method != "firth") sep <- FALSE

  if((sep & method != "sparse") |
     (method == "sparse" & ncol(X) == 1)) {
    X <- model.matrix(formula, dat)
    fit <- glm(formula, data = dat, family = "binomial", weights = weights,
               method = brglmFit)
    coef <- coef(fit)
    estProp <- predict(fit, type = "response")
  } else if(ncol(X) > 1 & method == "sparse") {
    fit <- try(cv.glmnet(X, y =  y[, 2:1], family = "binomial", weights = dat$weights),silent=TRUE)
      fit <- cv.glmnet(X, y =  y[, 2:1], family = "binomial", weights = dat$weights,lambda = exp(seq(log(0.001), log(5), length.out=100)))
    coef <- coef.cv.glmnet(fit, s = "lambda.min")[, 1]
    estProp <- predict.cv.glmnet(fit, type = "response", newx = X, s = "lambda.min")
  } else if(method == "binom") {
    fit <- glm(formula, data = dat, family = "binomial", weights = weights)
    coef <- coef(fit)
    estProp <- predict(fit, type = "response")
  } else if(method == "robust") {
    fit <- NULL
    try(capture.output(fit <- glmrob(formula, data = dat, family = "binomial",
                                     weights = weights)),silent=TRUE)
    if(is.null(fit)) {
      fit <- glm(formula, data = dat, family = "binomial", weights = weights)
    coef <- coef(fit)
    estProp <- predict(fit, type = "response")

  # First estimate for dispersion
  M <- dispersionMLE(dat$y, dat$N, estProp)
  fit$M <- M

  # Terminating
  prop <- dat$y / dat$N
  propMat <- cbind(prop, estProp)
  randomEffects <- as.numeric(by(propMat, dat$id, estimateIntercept))
  randomEffects <- randomEffects[order(unique(dat$id))]
  return(list(fit = fit, coef = coef, randomEffects = randomEffects,
              separation = outputsep,empty=FALSE))

#' Fitting a Mixture of Mixed Effect Models for Binomial Data
#' @description \code{flowReMix} fits a mixture of mixed effect models
#'   to binomial or over-dispersed binomial data. The package was specifically
#'   designed for analyzing flow-cytometry cell-count data but may be suitable
#'   for other purposes as well.
#' @param formula an object of class \code{\link[stats]{formula}}. The response
#'   should be a matrix of two column matrix with first column containing the
#'   counts of the cell subsets of interest and the second column the difference
#'   between the reference count and the cell count.
#' @param cell_type a factor vector identifying which cell type each row in the
#'   data set refers to.
#' @param subject_id a vector identifying the subjects.
#' @param data a data frame containing the variables in the model. It is
#'   advisable to include the \code{subject_id}, \code{cell_type} and
#'   \code{cluster_variable} variables in the data frame.
#' @param cluster_variable a variable with respect to which clustering will be
#'   done. See description for more detail.
#' @param cluster_assignment an optional matrix of known cluster assignments.
#'   Must include all subject/cell_type combinations. See description for more
#'   detail.
#' @param weights an option vector of weights.
#' @param covariance the method to be used for estimating the covariance
#'   structure of the random effects. \code{\link[PDSCE]{pdsoft.cv}} will be
#'   used by default.
#' @param ising_model a method for estimating the Ising model.
#'   Sparse neighborhood selection will be used by default.
#' @param regression_method the regression method to be used. Default option is
#'   the \code{\link[stats]{glm}} function with family = "binomial".
#' @param iterations the number of stochastic-EM itreations to perform.
#' @param parallel \code{logical}. Use parallel processing to fit the model. Default TRUE.
#' @param verbose whether to print information regrading the fitting process as
#'   the optimization algorithm runs.
#' @param control an optional object of \code{\link{flowReMix_control}} class.
#' @param keepSamples \code{logical} whether to keep all the samples. Fitted object takes more memory. Default TRUE.
#' @param newSampler \code{logical} use the new sampler.. may or may not work. Default FALSE
#' @details flowReMix fits a mixture of mixed effects regression models for
#'   binomial data. Accordingly, the response supplied in the \code{formula}
#'   must contain be a two column matrix the first column of which is the number
#'   of successes and the second column is the number of failiures. In the
#'   context of flow-cytomery count the left column would be the cell counts and
#'   the right columns the parent counts minus the cell count. The right side of
#'   the formula should include any number of fixed effects. For details on how
#'   the function processes the formula object see, for example, the
#'   documentation for the \code{\link[stats]{glm}} function.
#'   The model fit by the function is a hierchical one, assuming the existence
#'   of subjects and one or more cell-types for each subject. the
#'   \code{subject_id} variable identifies different rows in the dataset as
#'   corresponding to measurements taken from specific subjects. The model
#'   assumes the existence of a random intercept for each \code{cell_type}.
#'   The \code{cluster_variable} identifies which variable out of the covariates
#'   corresponds to the variable with respect to which clustering should be
#'   performed. The model assumes that the effect of cluster variable (and
#'   corresponding interactions) are either always zero or non-zero. For
#'   flow-cytomery experiments the \code{cluster_variable} will typically be an
#'   indicator for whether the stimulation introduced into the blood sample was
#'   an antigen or a control. A response status (zero or non-zero) is estimated
#'   for each subject/cell-type combination. The dependence between the
#'   cell-subsets is modeled via an Ising model.
#'   \code{cluster_assignment} is an optional variable which allows the user to
#'   pre-specificy some known cluster assignments. For example, in vaccine
#'   studies we could expect all subjects who received a placebo treatment to be
#'   non-responders across all cell-subsets. This variable should be three
#'   column matrix, the first column of which should contain all unique values
#'   of \code{subject_id}, the second should column should contain all unique
#'   values of \code{cell_type} and in total the matrix should include all
#'   \code{subject_id} and \code{cell_type} combinations. The third column is an
#'   integer which takes the value 0 if the cell-type/subject combination is
#'   non-response, 1 if it is response and -1 if the response status is unknown
#'   and must be estimated.
#'   The fitting algorithm uses one of three methods for estimating the
#'   covariance structure of the random effects. A diagonal covariance structure
#'   will be estimated if \code{covariance = "diagonal"}. A dense covariance
#'   structure will be estimated with no penalization will be estimated if
#'   \code{covariance = "dense"}. This may produce a singual covariance
#'   structure if the number of subjects is smaller than the number of
#'   cell-types. A sparse covariance matrix is estimated via the
#'   \code{\link[PDSCE]{pdsoft.cv}} function by default.
#'   The ising model describing the dependence between the response/non-resposne
#'   status of the different cell-types can be estimated via three methods. If
#'   \code{ising_model} is set to \code{"none"} then an independence model is
#'   assumed. If the \code{ising_model} is set to \code{"dense"} then the ising
#'   model is estimated via a set of firth regressions
#'   (\code{\link[logistf]{logistf}}), one for each node in the graph. The
#'   default option is \code{"sparse"}, where neighborhood selection with eBIC will be used.
#'   \code{regression_method} specifies which function should be used for
#'   estimating the reqression coefficients conditionally on the values of the
#'   random effects and cluster assignments. If the default option
#'   \code{"binom"} is chosen then a binomial model is fit using the
#'   \code{\link[stats]{glm}} function. Otherwise, if \code{"betabinom"} option
#'   is selected then a beta-binomial regression model is estimated with the
#'   \code{\link[gamlss]{gamlss}} function. We recommend using the
#'   \code{"sparse"} method which uses the \code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}}
#'   procedure if the number of subjects is small and the number of predictors
#'   is large.
#' @return \code{flowReMix} returns an object of class \code{flowReMix} which
#'   contains the following variables:
#'   * \code{coefficients} a list, each component of which is a vector of
#'   regession coefficients corresponding to a single cell type.
#'   * \code{posteriors} a matrix containing the posterior probabilities for
#'   response computed for each subject/cell-type combination.
#'   * \code{levelProbs} a vector of the marginal estimated probabilities of
#'   response estiamted for each cell subset.
#'   * \code{randomEffects} the estimated random effects for each
#'   subject/cell-type.
#'   * \code{covariance} the estimated covariance structure for the random
#'   effects.
#'   * \code{isingCov} the estimated `covariance` structure of the ising model.
#'   * \code{dispersion} the over-dispersion estimated for each cell-subset. If
#'   regression method is not "betabinomial" then this will be a vector of large
#'   constants.
#'   * \code{assignmentList} a list of matrices containing the posterior cluster
#'   assignemnt sampled for each subject at the last iteration of the stochastic
#'   EM algorithm.
#'   * \code{data} the input data frame.
#'   * \code{subject_id} the value of the subject_id argument used in the call.
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom foreach foreach
#' @import foreach
#' @import tidyr
#' @importFrom R.utils withTimeout
#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @importFrom PDSCE pdsoft.cv
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom brglm2 brglmFit
#' @importFrom brglm2 detect_separation
#' @importFrom robustbase glmrob
#' @importFrom glmnet cv.glmnet
#' @importFrom glmnet coef.cv.glmnet
#' @importFrom glmnet predict.cv.glmnet
#' @importFrom data.table is.data.table
#' @import doRNG
#' @import doParallel
#' @import foreach
#' @import parallel
#' @md
#' @export
flowReMix <- function(formula,
                      cell_type = NULL,
                      data = parent.frame(),
                      cluster_assignment = TRUE,
                      weights = NULL,
                      covariance = c("sparse", "dense", "diagonal"),
                      ising_model = c("sparse", "dense", "none"),
                      regression_method = c("betabinom", "binom", "sparse", "robust", "firth"),
                      iterations = 80, parallel = TRUE, verbose = FALSE,
                      control = NULL, keepSamples = FALSE,
                      newSampler = FALSE) {
    stop("data must be a data.frame",call. = FALSE)
  # Getting control variables -------------------
  if(is.null(control)) {
    control <- flowReMix_control()
  } else if(class(control) != "flowReMix_control") {
    stop("`control' variable must be of `flowReMix_control' class!")
  updateLag <- control$updateLag
  randomAssignProb <- max(min(control$randomAssignProb, 0.5), 0)
  nsamp <- as.integer(control$nsamp)
  dataReplicates <- as.integer(control$nPosteriors)
  maxDispersion <- as.integer(control$maxDispersion)
  minDispersion <- as.integer(control$minDispersion)
  centerCovariance <- as.logical(control$centerCovariance)
  intSampSize <- as.integer(control$intSampSize)
  initMHcoef <- as.numeric(control$initMHcoef)
  keepEach <- as.integer(control$keepEach)
  initMethod <- control$initMethod
  ncores <-  control$ncores
  isingInit <- control$isingInit
  lastSample <- control$lastSample
  preAssignCoefs <- control$preAssignCoefs
  markovChainEM <- control$markovChainEM
  clusterType = control$clusterType[1]
  clusterType = match.arg(clusterType, c("SOCK","FORK","AUTO"))
  prior <- as.numeric(control$prior)
  isingWprior <- as.logical(control$isingWprior)
  zeroPosteriorProbs <- as.logical(control$zeroPosteriorProbs)
  learningRate <- as.numeric(control$learningRate)
  keepWeightPercent <- as.numeric(control$keepWeightPercent)
  sampleNew = as.logical(control$sampleNew)
  subsetDiscardThreshold <- control$subsetDiscardThreshold

  subjid = as.character(substitute(subject_id))
  ctype  = as.character(substitute(cell_type))
  S1 = try(dataReplicates * nlevels(factor(get(x = subjid, pos = data))), silent=TRUE)
  S2 = try(nlevels(factor(get(x = ctype, pos = data))), silent=TRUE)
  if(inherits(S1, "try-error")|inherits(S2, "try-error")){
    stop(paste0("Failed to find ",subjid," or ",ctype," in data"), call. = FALSE)
  if(S1 <= S2){
    stop(paste0("nPosteriors * nSubjects should be greater than nSubsets. \n nPosteriors * nsubjects = ",S1,"\n nsubsets = ",S2,"\n Try increasing nPosteriors,  currently: ",dataReplicates,"\n"), call. = FALSE)

  if(markovChainEM) {
    saveSamples <- keepSamples
  } else {
    saveSamples <- keepSamples
    keepSamples <- TRUE

  if(iterations <= updateLag){
    stop("iterations should be > updateLag")

  if(parallel) {
    if(is.null(ncores)) {
      if(clusterType=="FORK") {
        cl = makeForkCluster(detectCores())

      } else if(clusterType=="SOCK") {
        cl = makePSOCKCluster(detectCores())

      } else {

    } else {
      if(clusterType=="FORK") {
        cl = makeForkCluster(ncores)

      } else if(clusterType=="SOCK") {
        cl = makePSOCKCluster(ncores)

      } else {
        cl <- registerDoParallel(ncores)

  } else {
    ncores <- 1

  # ncores <- getDoParWorkers()
  if(ncores == 1) {
    message("Estimating model via sequential computation")
  } else {
    message(paste("Computing in parallel on", ncores, "cores"))

  if(is.null(initMethod)) {
    if(regression_method == "sparse") {
      initMethod <- "sparse"
    } else {
      initMethod <- "binom"

  # Checking if inputs are valid --------------------------
  if(!is.null(data)) {
    if(is.data.table(data)) {
      data <- as.data.frame(data, check.names = FALSE)

  regressionMethod <- regression_method
  isingMethod <- ising_model
  covarianceMethod <- covariance
  maxIter <- as.integer(iterations)
  rate <- 1
  updateLag <- max(ceiling(updateLag), 1)

  if(updateLag < 2) {
    warning("We recommend using an updateLag of at least 3 to let the algorithm warm up.")

  maxIter <- max(ceiling(maxIter), 1)
  if(maxIter < 4) {
    warning("We recommend running the EM algorithm for at least 4 iterations.")

  nsamp <- ceiling(nsamp)
  if(nsamp < keepEach) {
    nsamp <- keepEach
    warning("Number of samples per MH iteration must be equal to or larger than `keepEach` variable!")

  call <- as.list(match.call())
  mixed <- FALSE
  if(is.null(call$cluster_variable)) {
    message("Cluster variable not specified, fitting a mixed effect model!")
    mixed <- TRUE
    treatmentvar <- 1

  isingMethod <- isingMethod[1]
  isingMethod <- match.arg(isingMethod,  c("raIsing", "sparse", "dense", "none"))

  regressionMethod <- regressionMethod[1]
  regressionMethod <- match.arg(regressionMethod,c("firth", "binom", "betabinom", "sparse", "robust"))
  if(regressionMethod == "binom") {
    firth <- FALSE
    smallCounts <- FALSE
    betaDispersion <- FALSE
    robustreg <- FALSE
  } else if(regressionMethod == "betabinom") {
    firth <- FALSE
    smallCounts <- FALSE
    betaDispersion <- TRUE
    robustreg <- FALSE
  } else if(regressionMethod == "sparse") {
    firth <- FALSE
    smallCounts <- TRUE
    betaDispersion <- TRUE
    robustreg <- FALSE
  } else { #fallback firth or robust
    firth <- regressionMethod == "firth"
    smallCounts <- FALSE
    robustreg <- TRUE
    betaDispersion <- TRUE

  covarianceMethod <- covarianceMethod[1]
  covarianceMethod = match.arg(covarianceMethod, c("sparse", "dense", "diagonal"))
  if(!markovChainEM & learningRate > 1) {
    warning("`learningRate' must be between between less or equal to 1 and larger than 0.5! Using learningRate = 1")
    learningRate <- 1
  } else if(!markovChainEM & learningRate <= 0.5) {
    warning("`learningRate' must be between between less or equal to 1 and larger than 0.5! Using learningRate = 0.51")
    learningRate <- 0.51

  if(!markovChainEM & keepWeightPercent < 0.1) {
    warning("`keepWeightPercent must be larger than or equal to 0.1! Using 0.1.")
    keepWeightPercent <- 0.1

  #### Getting all relevant variables from call --------------------
  # Getting model frame
  tempcall <- match.call()
  tempcall$formula <- formula
  dat <- buildFlowFrame(tempcall, data)
  subpopInd <- dat$subpopInd
  uniqueSubpop <- dat$uniqueSubpop
  baseline <- dat$baseline
  dat <- dat$frame

  # Determining number of data replicates ----------------------
  if(is.null(dataReplicates)) {
    nSubjects <- length(unique(dat$id))
    dataReplicates <- max(ceiling(300 / nSubjects), 2)

  # replicating data set ---------------------------------------
  if(dataReplicates > 1) {
    if(round(dataReplicates) != dataReplicates) warning("dataReplicates rounded to the nearest positive whole number!")
    dataReplicates <- round(dataReplicates)
    dat <- do.call("rbind",c(lapply(1:dataReplicates, function(x) replicateDataset(dat, x)), make.row.names = FALSE))
  } else {
    dataReplicates <- 1

  # Editing formulas ------------------------------
  formulas <- editFlowFormulas(match.call(), mixed)
  formula <- formulas$formula
  glmformula <- formulas$glmformula
  initFormula <- formulas$initFormula

  # Initializing covariates and random effects------------------
  if(verbose) print("Initializing Regression Equations")
  dataByPopulation <- by(dat, dat$sub.population, function(x) x)

  #indices <- 1:length(dataByPopulation)
  #chunkids = rep(seq_len(ceiling(length(dataByPopulation) / chunkSize)),each = chunkSize,length.out = length(dataByPopulation))
  #chunks = split(indices,chunkids)
  #for(i in seq_along(chunks)){
  initialization <- foreach(j = 1:length(dataByPopulation)) %dorng%  {
    initializeModel(dataByPopulation[[j]], initFormula, initMethod, mixed)
  #    initialization = c(initialization,initializationI)
  names(initialization) <- names(dataByPopulation)

  isEmpty <- sapply(initialization, function(x) x$empty) #Sooo much faster than comparing the first element, which is a "fit" object against a "string".

  if(any(isEmpty)) {
    empty <- names(initialization)[isEmpty]
    newlevels <- levels(sub.population)[!(levels(sub.population) %in% empty)]
    sub.population <- factor(as.character(sub.population), levels = newlevels)
    initialization <- initialization[!isEmpty]
    dat$sub.population <- sub.population
  coefficientList <- lapply(initialization, function(x) x$coef)
  glmFits <- lapply(initialization, function(x) x$fit)
  nSubjects <- length(unique(dat$id))
  nSubsets <- length(glmFits)
  separation <- sapply(initialization, function(x) x$separation)
  if(regressionMethod == "firth") {
    separation <- rep(TRUE, length(separation))

  estimatedRandomEffects <- lapply(initialization, function(x) x$randomEffects)
  estimatedRandomEffects <- lapply(estimatedRandomEffects, function(x) {
    if(length(x) < nSubjects) x <- c(x, sample(x, nSubjects - length(x), replace = TRUE))
  estimatedRandomEffects <- do.call("cbind", estimatedRandomEffects)
  estimatedRandomEffects[is.nan(estimatedRandomEffects)] <- 0

  # Initializing covariance from diagonal covariance
  levelProbs <- rep(0.5, nSubsets)
  covariance <- diag(apply(estimatedRandomEffects, 2, var, na.rm = TRUE))
  invcov <- diag(1 / diag(covariance))
  invCovAvg <- invcov
  invCovVar <- invcov^2
  isingfit <- NULL
  modelprobs <- rep(1, nSubsets + 1)

  # Setting up preAssignment ----------------------
  if(length(cluster_assignment) == 1) {
    if(cluster_assignment & !mixed) {
      # preAssignment <- by(dat, dat$id, autoPreAssign) #slow
      preAssignment = dat %>% dplyr::group_by(id, subset = sub.population) %>% dplyr::summarize(assign = {
        prop = y / N
        baseline = ifelse(is.factor(treatmentvar), levels(treatmentvar)[1], 0)
        - as.numeric(min(prop[treatmentvar == baseline]) < max(prop[treatmentvar !=
                                                                      baseline]))  ## https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/issues/341
      }) %>% complete(subset,fill=list(-1)) %>% arrange(id, as.character(subset))%>%as.data.frame # preAssignment of -1 means it's ignored.. now we will have complete preassignment data.. this could still crash elsewhere..
      preAssignment$assign[is.na(preAssignment$assign)] <- -1
      # preAssignment <- do.call("rbind", c(preAssignment,make.row.names=FALSE))
      # names(preAssignment) <- c("id", "subset", "assign")
    } else {
      preAssignment <- expand.grid(id = unique(dat$id), subset = unique(dat$sub.population))
      preAssignment$assign <- rep(-1, nrow(preAssignment))
      if(mixed) {
        preAssignment$assign <- 1
  } else {
    preAssignment <- cluster_assignment
    if(ncol(preAssignment) != 3) stop("preAssignment must have 3 columns: id, subset, assignment")
    if(any(!(preAssignment[, 3] %in% c(-1, 0, 1)))) stop("The third column of preAssignment must take values -1, 0 or 1.")
    preAssignment <- data.frame(preAssignment)
    names(preAssignment) <-  c("id", "subset", "assign")
    if(dataReplicates > 1) {
      preAssignment <- do.call("rbind",lapply(1:dataReplicates, function(x) replicateDataset(preAssignment, x)))
    if(nrow(preAssignment) != (nSubsets * nSubjects)) stop("preAssignment must have nSubjects X nSubsets rows.")
    if(any(!(preAssignment[, 1] %in% unique(dat$id)))) stop("The first column of Preassignment must correspond to the id variable.")

  # preAssignmentMat <- preAssignment[order(preAssignment$id, preAssignment$subset), ]
  preAssignmentMat = preAssignment %>% arrange(id, subset)
  preAssignment <- by(preAssignmentMat, preAssignment$id, function(x) {
    x$id <- as.character(x$id)

  if(any(preAssignCoefs > 1) | any(preAssignCoefs < 0)) {
    warning("preAssignCoefs must be a numeric vector the coordinates of which must be between 0 and 1!")
    preAssignCoefs <- pmin(1, pmax(preAssignCoefs, 0))

  # More preparations ---------------------------
  databyid <- by(dat, dat$id, function(x) x)
  dat$subpopInd <- as.numeric(dat$sub.population)
  posteriors <- matrix(0, nrow = nSubjects, ncol = nSubsets)
  clusterAssignments <- matrix(0.5, nrow = nSubjects, ncol = nSubsets)
  iterCoefMat <- matrix(ncol = length(glmFits), nrow = maxIter + 1)
  if(length(initMHcoef) == nSubsets) {
    MHcoef <- initMHcoef
  } else if(is.null(initMHcoef)) {
    MHcoef <- rep(0.5, nSubsets)
  } else {
    MHcoef <- rep(initMHcoef[1], nSubsets)

  clusterDensities <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = intSampSize)
  isingRho <- 0 #ifelse(isingInit < 0, -isingInit / nSubsets, 0)
  isingCoefs <- matrix(isingRho, ncol = nSubsets, nrow = nSubsets)
  diag(isingCoefs) <- isingInit
  if(betaDispersion) {
    M <- rep(minDispersion, nSubsets)
  } else {
    M <- rep(minDispersion, nSubsets)

  flagEquation <- rep(0, nSubsets)
  netFlags <- rep(FALSE, nSubsets)
  isingAvg <- isingCoefs
  isingVar <- isingCoefs^2
  isingCount <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(isingCoefs), ncol = ncol(isingCoefs))
  accumList <- list()
  randomOuput <- list()
  if(!markovChainEM) {
    rateWeights <- matrix(nrow = iterations - updateLag, ncol = iterations - updateLag)

  # Starting analysis -------------------------------
  if(verbose) print("Starting Stochastic EM")
  for(iter in 1:maxIter) {
    if(iter == maxIter & !is.null(lastSample)) {
      nsamp <- lastSample * keepEach
    iterweight <- 1 / max(iter - updateLag + 1, 1)

    # Preparing weights for saEM ----------
    if(!markovChainEM & iter > updateLag) {
      if(iter == updateLag + 1) {
        rateWeights[1, 1] <- 1
        weightMap <- 1
      } else {
        wind <- iter - updateLag
        rateWeights[wind, 1:(wind - 1)] <- rateWeights[wind - 1, 1:(wind - 1)] * (1 - wind^(-learningRate))
        rateWeights[wind, wind] <- wind^(-learningRate)
        sumweights <- cumsum(na.omit(rateWeights[wind, 1:wind]))
        keepLastIterations <- sum(sumweights >= (1 - keepWeightPercent))
        weightMap <- rateWeights[wind, 1:wind]
        # print(keepLastIterations)

    # Refitting Model with current random effects/assignments
    dataByPopulation <- as.data.frame(rbindlist(databyid))
    dataByPopulation$iteration <- iter
    dataByPopulation$emWeights <- 1
    if(markovChainEM) {
      accumDat <- by(dataByPopulation, dataByPopulation$sub.population, function(x) x)
    } else {
      accumList[[max(1, iter - updateLag)]] <- dataByPopulation
      accumDat <- as.data.frame(rbindlist(accumList))
      if(!markovChainEM & iter > updateLag + 1) {
        accumDat$emWeight <- weightMap[accumDat$iteration - updateLag]
        accumDat <- subset(accumDat, accumDat$iteration >= iter - keepLastIterations + 1)
        if(verbose) print(round(unique(accumDat$emWeight), 3))
      } else {
        accumDat$emWeight <- 1
      accumDat <- by(accumDat, accumDat$sub.population, function(x) x)

    oldM <- M
    # Updating Regression Equation -------------------
    if(iter > 1) {
      if(verbose) print("Updating Regression")
      minDispersion <- pmax(minDispersion / 10, maxDispersion)
      randomAssignProb <- randomAssignProb / 2
      popList <- lapply(1:nSubsets, function(j) list(accumDat[[j]], separation[j], clusterAssignments[, j]))
      # Robust
      if(robustreg) {
        glmResult <- foreach(popDat = popList) %dorng% {
          if(sum(popDat[[3]]) < 3) {

          # separation <- glm(glmformula, data = popDat[[1]], weights = weights * emWeights,
          #                   family = "binomial", method = "detect_separation")$separation
          if(popDat[[2]] | firth) {
            fit <- NULL
            try(fit <- glm(glmformula, data = popDat[[1]], weights = weights * emWeights,
                           family = "binomial", method = brglmFit))
          } else {
            fit <- NULL
            try(capture.output(fit <- glmrob(formula = glmformula,
                                             data = popDat[[1]],
                                             weights = weights * emWeights,
                                             family = "binomial")), silent=TRUE)

          if(is.null(fit)) {
            try(fit <- glm(formula = glmformula, data = popDat[[1]],
                           weights = weights * emWeights, family = "binomial"),silent=TRUE)
            if(is.null(fit)) {

          # # # EXPERIMENTAL # # # #
          if(!is.null(fit)) {
            if(any(abs(coef(fit)) > 10^6, na.rm = TRUE)) {
              try(fit <- glm(glmformula, data = popDat[[1]], weights = weights * emWeights,
                             family = "binomial", method = brglmFit))
          # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

          eta <- predict(fit)
          mu <- 1 / (1 + exp(-eta))
          N <- popDat[[1]]$N
          y <- popDat[[1]]$y
          thisM <- dispersionMLE(y, N, mu)
          fit$M <- thisM
        for(j in 1:nSubsets) {
          if(!is.null(glmResult[[j]])) {
            glmFits[[j]] <- glmResult[[j]]
            if(!is.null(glmFits[[j]]$M)) {
              M[j] <- max(glmFits[[j]]$M, minDispersion)
          #What if it's null?

        # Beta-Binomial
      } else if(betaDispersion & !smallCounts) {
        glmResult <- foreach(popDat = popList) %dorng% {
          if(sum(popDat[[3]]) < 3) {

          if(separation[j]) {
            fit <- glm(glmformula, data = popDat[[1]], weights = weights * emWeights,
                       family = "binomial", method = brglmFit)

          tempfit <- NULL
          try(tempfit <- BBreg(popDat[[1]], glmformula, weights),silent=TRUE)
          if(is.null(tempfit)) {
            try(fit <- glm(glmformula, family = "binomial", data = popDat[[1]],
                           weights = weights * emWeights),silent=TRUE)
          } else {
            fit <- tempfit
        for(j in 1:nSubsets) {
          if(!is.null(glmResult[[j]])) {
            glmFits[[j]] <- glmResult[[j]]
          if(class(glmFits[[j]])[1] == "bbreg") {
            M[j] <- max(glmFits[[j]]$M, minDispersion)
        # Sparse
      } else if(smallCounts) {
        tempFits <- foreach(popDat = popList) %dorng% {
          if(sum(popDat[[3]]) < 3) {
          try(X <- model.matrix(glmformula, data = popDat[[1]])[, - 1], silent = TRUE)
          if(is.null(X)) return(NULL)
          y <- cbind(popDat[[1]]$N - popDat[[1]]$y, popDat[[1]]$y)
          fit <- NULL
          try(withTimeout(fit <- cv.glmnet(X, y, weights = popDat[[1]]$weights * popDat[[1]]$emWeights, family = "binomial",
                                           offset = popDat[[1]]$randomOffset),
                          timeout = 20, onTimeout = "warning"))
          if(!is.null(fit)) {
            eta <- predict(fit, newx = X, offset = popDat[[1]]$randomOffset, s = "lambda.min")
            mu <- 1 / (1 + exp(-eta))
            N <- popDat[[1]]$N
            y <- popDat[[1]]$y
            Mthis <- dispersionMLE(y, N, mu)
            fit$M <- thisM
        for(j in 1:nSubsets) {
          if(!is.null(tempFits[[j]])) {
            glmFits[[j]] <- tempFits[[j]]
            M[j] <- max(glmFits[[j]]$M, minDispersion)
          } else {
            print(paste("subset", j, "did not converge!"))
            netFlags[j] <- TRUE
        # Binomial
      } else {
        tempFits <- foreach(popDat = popList) %dorng% {
          if(sum(popDat[[3]]) < 3) {
          tempfit <- NULL
          try(tempfit <- glm(glmformula, family = "binomial", data = popDat[[1]],
                             weights = weights * emWeights,
                             method = brglmFit))
        for(j in 1:nSubsets) {
          if(!is.null(tempFits[[j]])) {
            glmFits[[j]] <- tempFits[[j]]

      coefficientList <- mapply(updateCoefs, coefficientList, glmFits,
                                iter, Inf, rate, flagEquation,
                                SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

      if(iter == min(updateLag, iterations)) {
        coefficientsOut <- coefficientList
      } else if(iter > updateLag) {
        if(markovChainEM) {
          coefficientsOut <- mapply(updateCoefs, coefficientList, glmFits,
                                    iter, updateLag, rate, flagEquation,
                                    SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
          if(iter == iterations) {
            coefficientList <- coefficientsOut
        } else if(!markovChainEM & iter == iterations) {
          coefficientsOut <- coefficientList

    # Updating dispersion ---------------
    if(iter == maxIter) {
      Mout <- (1 - iterweight) * oldM + iterweight * M

    if(!markovChainEM) {
      M <- (1 - iterweight) * oldM + iterweight * M

    # Updating Prediction ---------------
    if(iter == 1) popnames <- names(accumDat)
    accumDat <- foreach(popdata = accumDat) %dopar% {
      computeFlowEta(popdata, coefficientList, iter, initFormula, mixed)
    names(accumDat) <- popnames

    databyid <- as.data.frame(rbindlist(accumDat))
    databyid <- with(databyid, databyid[order(sub.population, id, decreasing = FALSE), ])
    databyid <- by(databyid, databyid$id, function(x) x)

    # S-step ------------------------------
    iterAssignments <- matrix(0, nrow = nSubjects, ncol = nSubsets)
    dataLength <- 0
    MHlag <- 5
    assignmentList <- list()
    randomList <- list()
    assignListLength <- 0
    MHattempts <- rep(0, nSubsets)
    MHsuccess <- rep(0, nSubsets)
    if(verbose) print("Sampling!")

    if(iter == 1) { # finding the columns of the data that are needed for S-step
      forcols <- databyid[[1]]
      keepcols <- which(names(forcols) %in% c("y", "N", "subpopInd", "nullEta", "altEta"))

    if(iter <= 2) {
      doNotSampleSubset <- rep(FALSE, nSubsets)
    } else {
      doNotSampleSubset <- levelProbs < subsetDiscardThreshold

    listForMH = vector('list', nSubjects)
    for(i in 1:length(listForMH)){
      listForMH[[i]] = list(dat = databyid[[i]][, keepcols],
                            pre = preAssignment[[i]],
                            rand = estimatedRandomEffects[i, ],
                            assign = clusterAssignments[i, ],
                            index = i)

    if(newSampler & iter == 1) {
      settingNsamp <- nsamp
      nsamp <- 2 * nsamp
    } else if(newSampler & iter == 2) {
      nsamp <- settingNsamp

    # inds <- splitIndices(length(listForMH), ncores)
    # listForMH <- lapply(inds, function(x) listForMH[x])
    # iterAssignCoef <- preAssignCoefs[min(iter, length(preAssignCoefs))]
    # print(mem_used()) #### MEMORY CHECK
      inds <- splitIndices(length(listForMH), 1)
      listForMH <- lapply(inds, function(x) listForMH[x])
      iterAssignCoef <- preAssignCoefs[min(iter, length(preAssignCoefs))]
      mhList = extractFromList(listForMH)

      # MHresult <- foreach(sublist = listForMH, .combine = c,.noexport="listForMH") %dorng% {
      # CppFlowSstepList_mc(sublist, nsamp, nSubsets, intSampSize,
      #                  isingCoefs, covariance, keepEach, MHcoef,
      #                  betaDispersion, randomAssignProb, modelprobs,
      #                  iterAssignCoef, prior, zeroPosteriorProbs,
      #                  M, invcov, mixed, sampleRandom = TRUE,
      #                  doNotSample = doNotSampleSubset,
      #                  markovChainEM = markovChainEM)
      (MHresult <- CppFlowSstepList_mc_vec(nsubjects = mhList$N, Y = mhList$Y,
                                           N = mhList$TOT, subpopInd = mhList$subpopInd,
                                           clusterassignments = mhList$clusterassignments,
                                           nullEta = mhList$nullEta, altEta = mhList$altEta,
                                           rand = mhList$rand, index = mhList$index, preassign = mhList$preassign,
                                           nsamp = nsamp, nsubsets = nSubsets,
                                           intSampSize = intSampSize, isingCoefs = isingCoefs,
                                           covariance = covariance, keepEach = keepEach,
                                           MHcoef = MHcoef, betaDispersion = TRUE,
                                           randomAssignProb = randomAssignProb,
                                           iterAssignCoef = iterAssignCoef, prior = prior,
                                           zeroPosteriorProbs = FALSE,
                                           M = M, invcov = invcov, mixed = mixed,
                                           sampleRandom = TRUE,
                                           doNotSample = doNotSampleSubset,
                                           markovChainEM = markovChainEM, cpus=ncores, seed = as.integer(control$seed)))
      # print("S-STEP TIME:")
      # print(time)

      # }
      inds <- splitIndices(length(listForMH), ncores)
      listForMH <- lapply(inds, function(x) listForMH[x])
      iterAssignCoef <- preAssignCoefs[min(iter, length(preAssignCoefs))]

      MHresult = foreach(sublist = listForMH, .combine = c) %dorng% {
        lapply(sublist, function(subjectData) {
          newSstep(subjectData, nsamp, nSubsets, intSampSize,
                   isingCoefs, covariance, keepEach, MHcoef,
                   betaDispersion, randomAssignProb, modelprobs,
                   iterAssignCoef, prior, zeroPosteriorProbs,
                   M, invcov, mixed, sampleRandom = TRUE,
                   doNotSample = doNotSampleSubset)
    # print(mem_used()) #### MEMORY CHECK

    # assignmentList <- lapply(MHresult, function(x) x$assign)
    assignmentList = (plyr::alply(MHresult$assign, 3, function(x) x))
    # MHrates <- rowMeans(sapply(MHresult, function(x) x$rate))
    MHrates = rowMeans(MHresult$rate, na.rm = TRUE)
    # randomList <- lapply(MHresult, function(x) x$rand)
    randomList = (plyr::alply(MHresult$rand, 3, function(x) x))

    for(i in 1:nSubjects) {
      assignmentMat <- assignmentList[[i]]
        assignmentMat[,which(preAssignment[[i]]$assign==0)]=0 #zero out pre-assigned z's
        iterPosteriors <- colMeans(assignmentMat) # compute  posterior probabilities using zeroed z's
        assignmentMat <- assignmentList[[i]]  # restore the z's for cluster assignments.
        iterPosteriors <- colMeans(assignmentMat) # compute  posterior probabilities using zeroed z's
      posteriors[i, ] <- (1 - iterweight) * posteriors[i, ] +  iterweight * iterPosteriors
      clusterAssignments[i, ] <- assignmentMat[nrow(assignmentMat), ]

      subjectData <- databyid[[i]]
      popInd <- subjectData$subpopInd
      randomMat <- randomList[[i]]
      randomMat[is.na(randomMat)] <- 0
      randomEst <- randomMat[nrow(randomMat), ]
      # Updating global estimates
      currentRandomEst <- estimatedRandomEffects[i, ]
      estimatedRandomEffects[i, ] <- (1 - iterweight) * currentRandomEst + iterweight * (colMeans(randomMat) - currentRandomEst)

      # preparing data for glm
      subjectData$randomOffset[1:length(popInd)] <- as.numeric(randomEst[popInd])
      for(j in 1:nSubsets) {
        # Setting treatment according to cluster assignment
        if(clusterAssignments[i, j] == 1) {
          subjectData$treatmentvar[popInd == j] <- subjectData$tempTreatment[popInd == j]
        } else {
          if(is.factor(subjectData$treatmentvar)) {
            subjectData$treatmentvar[popInd == j] <- baseline
          } else {
            subjectData$treatmentvar[popInd == j] <- 0
      databyid[[i]] <- subjectData

    # Updating Ising -----------------------
    if(!mixed) {
      if(verbose) print("Updating Ising!")

      # Saving posterior samples (or not)
      if(iter == updateLag + 1) {
        if(keepSamples) {
          assignmentList <- lapply(assignmentList, function(x) {attr(x, "iter") <- iter ; return(x)})
          exportAssignment <- assignmentList
          names(exportAssignment) <- names(databyid)
      } else if(iter > updateLag + 1) {
        names(assignmentList) <- names(databyid)
        assignmentList <- lapply(assignmentList, function(x) {attr(x, "iter") <- iter ; return(x)})
        if(keepSamples) exportAssignment <- c(exportAssignment, assignmentList)

      # Calculating Ising Weights
      if(!markovChainEM & iter > updateLag + 1) {
        assignFromIter <- sapply(exportAssignment, function(x) attr(x, "iter"))
        exportAssignment <- exportAssignment[assignFromIter > iter - keepLastIterations]
        isingWeights <- assignFromIter[assignFromIter > iter - keepLastIterations]
        isingWeights <- unlist(as.vector(mapply(function(x, y) rep(x, nrow(y)), isingWeights, exportAssignment, SIMPLIFY = TRUE)),use.names = FALSE)
        isingWeights <- weightMap[isingWeights - updateLag]
        # print(unique(isingWeights))
        # print(sum(unique(isingWeights)))

      # If saEM then use all previous samples
      if(!markovChainEM & iter > updateLag + 1) {
        assignmentList <- exportAssignment

      # If markov chain EM then start saving samples (or not)
      if(markovChainEM & iter == iterations) {
        exportAssignment <- assignmentList

      # assignmentList <- as.data.frame(rbindlist(assignmentList))
      assignmentList <- do.call("rbind", assignmentList)
      assignmentList[assignmentList == 0.5] <- 0
      colnames(assignmentList) <- popnames

      # If markov chain EM or not aggregating then all weights are 1
      if(markovChainEM | iter <= updateLag + 1) {
        isingWeights <- rep(1, nrow(assignmentList))

      if(isingMethod %in% c("sparse", "raIsing") & nSubsets > 2) {
        if(!isingWprior) {
          isingfit <- raIsing(assignmentList, AND = TRUE,
                              modelprobs = modelprobs,
                              minprob = 1 / nSubjects, verbose=verbose,
                              weights = isingWeights, parallel = parallel)
        } else {
          isingfit <- pIsing(assignmentList, AND = TRUE,
                             preAssignment = preAssignmentMat,
                             prevfit = isingCoefs, verbose=verbose,
                             weights = isingWeights)

        isingAvg <- isingAvg * (1 - iterweight) + isingfit * iterweight
        isingVar <- isingVar * (1 - iterweight) + isingfit^2 * iterweight
        if(iter > updateLag) {
          isingCount <- isingCount + (isingfit != 0)

        isingCoefs <- isingfit #isingCoefs * (1 - iterweight) + isingfit * iterweight
      } else if(isingMethod == "dense") {
        for(j in 1:nSubsets) {
          firth <- glm(assignmentList[, j] ~ assignmentList[, -j], family = "binomial",
                       method = brglmFit)
          firth <- coef(firth)
          intercept <- firth[1]
          firth[-j] <- firth[-1]
          firth[j] <- intercept
          isingCoefs[j, ] <- (1 - iterweight) * isingCoefs[j, ] + iterweight * firth
      } else {
        levelProbabilities <- colMeans(assignmentList)
        isingCoefs <- matrix(0, nrow = nSubsets, ncol = nSubsets)
        minprob <- 10^-4
        diag(isingCoefs) <- logit(pmin(pmax(levelProbabilities, minprob), 1 - minprob))
      levelProbs <- colMeans(posteriors)
    } else {
      isingFit <- NULL
      isingCov <- NULL
      isingCoefs <- NULL

    # Updating Covariance -------------------------
    if(verbose) print("Estimating Covariance!")

    if(iter == updateLag + 1) {
      names(randomList) <- names(databyid)
      if(keepSamples) randomOutput <- randomList
    } else if(iter > updateLag + 1){
      names(randomList) <- names(databyid)
      if(keepSamples) randomOutput <- c(randomOutput, randomList)

    if(markovChainEM & iter == iterations) {
      randomOutput <- randomList

    if(!markovChainEM & iter > updateLag + 1) {
      randomOutput <- randomOutput[assignFromIter > iter - keepLastIterations]
      randomList <- randomOutput

    # randomList <- as.data.frame(rbindlist(randomList))
    randomList <- do.call("rbind", randomList)
    randomList <- imputeRandomEffects(randomList)
    oldCovariance <- covariance
    if(iter > 1) {
      if(covarianceMethod == "sparse") {
        pdsoftFit <- NULL
        randomList <- imputeRandomZeros(randomList, threshold = 0.90)
        try(pdsoftFit <- pdsoft.cv(randomList, init = "dense"))
        if(is.null(pdsoftFit)) {
        covariance <- pdsoftFit$sigma
        invcov <- pdsoftFit$omega
      } else if(covarianceMethod == "dense") {
        covariance <- cov.wt(randomList, rep(1, nrow(randomList)), center = centerCovariance)$cov
        invcov <- solve(covariance)
      } else if(covarianceMethod == "diagonal") {
        if(centerCovariance) {
          randomList <- apply(randomList, 2, function(x) x - mean(x))
        covariance <- diag(apply(randomList, 2, function(x) mean(x^2)))
        invcov <- diag(1 / diag(covariance))
      invCovAvg <- invcov * iterweight + invCovAvg * (1 - iterweight)
      invCovVar <- invcov^2 * iterweight + invCovVar * (1 - iterweight)

    # Updating MH coefficient ----------------
    ratevec <- numeric(nSubsets)
    if(newSampler) {
      targetRate <- max(min(2 / keepEach, 0.4), 0.234)
    } else {
      targetRate <- 0.234

    for(j in 1:nSubsets) {
      MHrate <- MHrates[j]
      ratevec[j] <- MHrate
      if(MHrate > targetRate + 0.05) {
        MHcoef[j] <- MHcoef[j] * 1.5
      } else if(MHrate > targetRate) {
        MHcoef[j] <- MHcoef[j] * 1.1
      } else if(MHrate < targetRate - 0.05) {
        MHcoef[j] <- MHcoef[j] * .5
      } else {
        MHcoef[j] <- MHcoef[j] * .90

    if(verbose) {
      print(round(c(iter, levelP = levelProbs), 3))
      if(betaDispersion) print(c(M = M))
      print(round(rbind(MH = MHcoef, ratevec = ratevec, var = diag(covariance)), 3))

  # Processing posteriors -------------------
  uniqueIDs <- sapply(databyid, function(x) x$id[1])
  if(!mixed) {
    posteriors <- data.frame(posteriors)
    if(dataReplicates <= 1) {
      posteriors <- cbind(id = uniqueIDs, 1 - posteriors)
      names(posteriors) <- c(as.character(call$subject_id), popnames)
    } else {
      realIDs <- gsub("\\%%%.*", "", uniqueIDs)
      post <- by(posteriors, INDICES = realIDs, FUN = colMeans)
      postid <- names(post)
      posteriors <- data.frame(do.call("rbind", post))
      names(posteriors) <- popnames
      posteriors <- cbind(id = postid, 1 - posteriors)
      names(posteriors)[1] <- as.character(call$subject_id)

  # Processing random effects -----------
  estimatedRandomEffects <- data.frame(estimatedRandomEffects)
  names(estimatedRandomEffects) <- names(coefficientList)
  estimatedRandomEffects <- cbind(id = uniqueIDs, estimatedRandomEffects)

  # Preparing flowReMix object --------------------
  result <- list()
  # result$modelFrame <- dat
  result$coefficients <- coefficientsOut
  names(result$coefficients) <- popnames
  result$covariance <- covariance
  result$invCovAvg <- invCovAvg
  result$invCovVar <- invCovVar - invCovAvg^2
  result$randomEffects <- estimatedRandomEffects
  result$dispersion <- M
  result$call <- match.call()
  result$control <- control
  result$data <- data
  result$subject_id <- match.call()$subject_id
  result$preAssignment <- preAssignmentMat
  result$MHcoef <- MHcoef
  result$randomEffectSamp <- randomOutput

  if(!mixed) {
    result$isingCov <- isingCoefs
    result$isingfit <- isingfit
    result$assignmentList <- exportAssignment
    posteriors[, -1] <- 1 - posteriors[, -1]
    result$posteriors <- posteriors
    result$levelProbs <- levelProbs
    result$isingAvg <- isingAvg
    result$isingVar <- isingVar - isingAvg^2
    result$isingCount <- isingCount
  class(result) <- "flowReMix"
  if(parallel) {

  # Stability Selection -----------------
  if(parallel) {
    cpus <- control$ncores
    if(is.null(cpus)) cpus <- floor(detectCores() / 2)
  } else {
    cpus <- 1

  if(control$isingStabilityReps > 0) {
    if(verbose) print("Performing stability selection for ising model!")
    # browser()
    result$isingStability <- try(stabilityGraph(result, type = "ising",
                                                reps = control$isingStabilityReps,
                                                seed = control$seed,
                                                cpus = cpus,
                                                gamma = control$stabilityGamma,
                                                AND = control$stabilityAND,
                                                sampleNew = sampleNew))

  if(control$randStabilityReps > 0) {
    if(verbose) print("Performing stability selection for random effects!")
    result$randomStability <- try(stabilityGraph(result, type = "randomEffects",
                                                 reps = control$randStabilityReps,
                                                 seed = control$seed,
                                                 cpus = cpus,
                                                 gamma = control$stabilityGamma,
                                                 AND = control$stabilityAND,
                                                 sampleNew = sampleNew))

  #If ising stability did not error out, then toss out samples
  if(!saveSamples & !inherits(result$isingStability,"try-error")) {
    result$randomEffectSamp <- NULL
    result$assignmentList <- NULL

  # if(!verbose) close(pb)

# S-step function -----------------
flowSstep <- function(subjectData, nsamp, nSubsets, intSampSize,
                      isingCoefs, covariance, keepEach, MHcoef,
                      betaDispersion, randomAssignProb, modelprobs,
                      iterAssignCoef, prior, zeroPosteriorProbs,
                      M, invcov, mixed, sampleRandom = TRUE,
                      doNotSample = NULL, markovChainEM = TRUE) {
  if(is.null(doNotSample)) {
    doNotSample <- rep(FALSE, nSubsets)
  condvar <- 1 / diag(invcov)
  popInd <- subjectData$dat$subpopInd
  N <- subjectData$dat$N
  y <- subjectData$dat$y
  prop <- y/N
  nsamp = floor(nsamp / keepEach) * keepEach
  msize = nsamp/keepEach;
  unifVec <- runif(nsamp * nSubsets)
  normVec <- rnorm(intSampSize)
  if(mixed) {
    assignmentMat <- matrix(1, nrow = 1, ncol = nSubsets)
  } else {
      subjassign = rep(0,length(subjectData$pre$assign))
      # subjassign = subjectData$assign
      #only initialize to previous iteration when we use the saEM, not the mcEM.
      subjassign = subjectData$assign
    assignmentMat <- subsetAssignGibbs(y, prop, N, isingCoefs,
                                       subjectData$dat$nullEta, subjectData$dat$altEta,
                                       covariance, nsamp, nSubsets, keepEach, intSampSize,
                                       unifVec, normVec,
                                       M, betaDispersion,
                                       randomAssignProb, modelprobs, iterAssignCoef,
                                       prior, zeroPosteriorProbs,

  unifVec <- runif(nsamp * nSubsets)
  eta <- subjectData$dat$nullEta
  assignment <- as.vector(assignmentMat[nrow(assignmentMat), ])
  responderSubset <- popInd %in% which(assignment == 1)
  eta[responderSubset] <- subjectData$dat$altEta[responderSubset]
  randomEst <- as.numeric(subjectData$rand)

  MHattempts <- rep(0, nSubsets)
  MHsuccess <- rep(0, nSubsets)
  if(sampleRandom) {
    randomMat <- simRandomEffectCoordinateMH(y, N,
                                             nsamp, nSubsets, MHcoef,
                                             as.numeric(condvar), covariance, invcov,
                                             MHattempts, MHsuccess,
                                             M, betaDispersion,
  } else {
    randomMat <- NULL
  return(list(assign = assignmentMat, rand = randomMat,
              rate = MHsuccess / MHattempts))

newSstep <- function(subjectData, nsamp, nSubsets, intSampSize,
                     isingCoefs, covariance, keepEach, MHcoef,
                     betaDispersion, randomAssignProb, modelprobs,
                     iterAssignCoef, prior, zeroPosteriorProbs,
                     M, invcov, mixed, sampleRandom = TRUE,
                     doNotSample = NULL) {
  condvar <- 1 / diag(invcov)
  popInd <- subjectData$dat$subpopInd
  N <- subjectData$dat$N
  y <- subjectData$dat$y

  initAssign <- as.vector(subjectData$assign)
  initRand <- as.numeric(subjectData$rand)

  MHattempts <- rep(0, nSubsets)
  MHsuccess <- rep(0, nSubsets)

  assign <- matrix(7, nrow = ceiling(nsamp / keepEach), ncol = nSubsets)
  random <- matrix(7, nrow = ceiling(nsamp / keepEach), ncol = nSubsets)
  newMHsampler(assign, random, initAssign, initRand,
               y, N, keepEach, prior, isingCoefs,
               invcov, covariance, condvar, M,
               subjectData$dat$nullEta, subjectData$dat$altEta,
               MHattempts, MHsuccess, MHcoef)

  return(list(assign = assign, rand = random,
              rate = MHsuccess / MHattempts))

# A fuction for constructing the data.frame used within the flowReMix iterations ----------
buildFlowFrame <- function(call, data) {
  formula <- eval(call$formula, envir = parent.frame())
  dat <- model.frame(formula, data, na.action=na.pass)
  n <- dim(dat)[1]

  # Getting id, waves, weights and treatment variable
  if(typeof(data) == "environment"){
    id <- subject_id
    if(is.null(call$subject_id)) stop("id must be specified!")
    weights <- weights
    if(is.null(call$weights)) weights <- rep(1, n)
    treatmentvar <- cluster_variable
    if(length(call$subject_id) == 1){
      subj.col <- which(colnames(data) == call$subject_id)
      if(length(subj.col) > 0){
        id <- data[, subj.col]
        id <- eval(call$subject_id, envir = parent.frame())
    }else if(is.null(call$subject_id)){
      id <- as.character(1:n)

    if(length(call$weights) == 1){
      weights.col <- which(colnames(data) == call$weights)
      if(length(weights.col) > 0){
        weights <- data[, weights.col]
        weights <- eval(call$weights, envir=parent.frame())
    }else if(is.null(call$weights)){
      weights <- rep.int(1, n)

    if(length(call$cluster_variable) == 1){
      treatment.col <- which(colnames(data) == call$cluster_variable)
      if(length(treatment.col) > 0){
        treatmentvar <- data[,treatment.col]
        treatmentvar <- eval(call$cluster_variable, envir=parent.frame())

  # getting offset, if no offset is given, then set to zero
  offset <- model.offset(dat)
    off <- rep(0, n)
    off <- offset

  # getting Subpopulation
  if(typeof(data) == "environment"){
    sub.population <- cell_type
  else {
    if(length(call$cell_type) == 1){
      s.col <- which(colnames(data) == call$cell_type)
      if(length(s.col) > 0) {
        sub.population <- data[, s.col]
      else {
        sub.population <- eval(call$cell_type, envir=parent.frame())
    else if(is.null(call$cell_type)){
      sub.population <- rep(1, n)
      sub.population <- factor(sub.population)

  # Sub-population must be a factor
  if(!is.factor(sub.population)) stop("Sub-population must be a factor!")

  # Creating working dataset ------------------------------
  y <- model.frame(formula, data)
  y <- model.response(y)
  if(!is.matrix(y) | ncol(y) != 2) {
    stop("Response must be a two columns matrix, the first column of which is the
         count of the cell subset and the second is the `parent count - cell count'.")
  N <- rowSums(y)
  y <- y[, 1]
  dat$y <- y
  dat$N <- N
  dat$id <- id
  dat$weights <- weights
  dat$prop <- y / N
  dat$off <- off
  dat$sub.population <- sub.population
  dat$treatmentvar <- treatmentvar
  dat$tempTreatment <- dat$treatmentvar
  dat <- dat[, -1]

  subpopInd <- as.numeric(dat$sub.population)
  uniqueSubpop <- sort(unique(subpopInd))
  dat$subpopInd <- subpopInd

  if(is.numeric(dat$treatmentvar)) {
    baseline <- 0
  } else if(is.factor(dat$treatmentvar)) {
    baseline <- levels(dat$treatmentvar)[1]
  } else {
    stop("`cluster_variable' must be a numeric variable or a factor!")

  return(list(frame = dat,
              uniqueSubpop = uniqueSubpop,
              subpopInd = subpopInd,
              baseline = baseline))

# A function for computing the linear term in the flowReMix Model --------
computeFlowEta <- function(popdata, coefficients, iter,
                           initFormula, mixed) {
  j <- popdata$subpopInd[1]
  coefs <- coefficients[[j]]
  coefs <- coefs[!is.na(coefs)]
  subsetDat <- subset(popdata, iteration == iter)

  # Updating nullEta only if we are fitting a model w clustering
  if(!mixed) {
    if(is.factor(subsetDat$treatmentvar)) {
      baseline <- levels(subsetDat$tempTreatment)[1]
      subsetDat$treatmentvar <- factor(baseline, levels = levels(subsetDat$tempTreatment))
    } else {
      subsetDat$treatmentvar <- 0

    modelMat <- NULL
    try(modelMat <- model.matrix(initFormula, data = subsetDat))
    if(!all(colnames(modelMat) %in% names(coefs))) {
      modelMat <- modelMat[, colnames(modelMat) %in% names(coefs)]
    newNullEta <- as.numeric(modelMat %*% coefs)
    if(iter > 1) {
      nullEta <- subsetDat$nullEta
    } else {
      nullEta <- 0

    if(TRUE) {
      subsetDat$nullEta <- newNullEta
    } else {
      subsetDat$nullEta <- (1- iterweight) * nullEta + iterweight * newNullEta
    subsetDat$treatmentvar <- subsetDat$tempTreatment

  modelMat <- model.matrix(initFormula, data = subsetDat)
  if(!all(colnames(modelMat) %in% names(coefs))) {
    modelMat <- modelMat[, colnames(modelMat) %in% names(coefs)]
  newAltEta <- as.numeric(modelMat %*% coefs)

  if(iter > 1) {
    altEta <- subsetDat$altEta
  } else {
    altEta <- 0

  if(TRUE) {
    subsetDat$altEta <- newAltEta
  } else {
    subsetDat$altEta <- (1 - iterweight) * altEta + iterweight * newAltEta


# Function for editing formulas ---------------
editFlowFormulas <- function(call, mixed) {
  formula <- call$formula
  covariates <- deparse(formula[[3]])
  if(!mixed) {
    covariates <- gsub(as.character(call$cluster_variable), "treatmentvar", covariates)
  formula <- update.formula(formula, as.formula(paste(". ~", covariates)))
  glmformula <- update.formula(formula, cbind(y, N - y) ~ .  + offset(randomOffset))
  initFormula <- update.formula(formula, cbind(y, N - y) ~ .)
  return(list(formula = formula, glmformula = glmformula, initFormula = initFormula))

# A function for imputing elements in the random effect sample
imputeRandomEffects <- function(X, imputeLM = FALSE) {
  if(!any(is.na(X))) {

  result <- X
  # First step: impute with mean
  for(i in 1:ncol(X)) {
    result[is.na(X[, i]), i] <- mean(X[, i], na.rm = TRUE)

  # Second step: Impute with regression
  if(imputeLM) {
    for(i in 1:ncol(X)) {
      if(any(is.na(X[, i]))) {
        lmmod <- lm(X[, i] ~ X[, -i] - 1)
        isna <- is.na(X[, i])
        residSD <- sd(lmmod$residuals)
        result[isna, i] <- predict(lmmod, newdata = result[isna, -i]) +
          rnorm(length(isna), sd = residSD)


# A function for coping with a weird bug where sometimes the algorithm
# fails to sample the random effects of non-responsive cell-subsets,
# resulting in the covariance estimation routine failing
imputeRandomZeros <- function(randomList, threshold = 0.90) {
  manyZeros <- apply(randomList, 2, function(x) mean(x == 0) > threshold)
  if(!any(manyZeros)) {

  isZeros <- which(manyZeros)
  sampleFrom <- randomList[, -isZeros]
  for(j in 1:length(isZeros)) {
    col <- isZeros[j]
    for(i in 1:nrow(randomList)) {
      randomList[i, col] <- sample(sampleFrom[i, ], 1)

RGLab/flowReMix documentation built on May 8, 2019, 5:55 a.m.