
Defines functions plot.readFit haplotype_match.readFit split_allele.readFit template_fit.readFit position_fit.readFit read_fit.readFit readFit

Documented in haplotype_match.readFit plot.readFit position_fit.readFit readFit read_fit.readFit split_allele.readFit template_fit.readFit

#' readFit constructor
#' @param df read table
#' @param h haplotype matrix
#' @param pi haplotype frequencies, may be NULL
#' @param position If T, assess fits based on nucleotide
#' positions. If F, assess fits based on reads.
#' @details A readFit object is a list.  Each entry in the list
#' contains the entries sampled_freq, predicted_freq, coverage,
#' alleles, P.   sampled_freq and predicted_freq are numeric vectors
#' with an entry for each allele.  Alleles is a character vector.
#' sampled_freq always sums to 1, since alleles are those seen in the
#' data, while predicted_freq may sum to less than 1 when a haplotype
#' does not match any allele.
#' readFit objects are built based on nucleotide positions or reads.
#' For position based readFits, the alleles are some subset of A,C,G,T
#' which are sampled at a given position.  Coverage is the number of
#' reads that cover the position.  For read based fits, the alleles
#' are nucleotide sequences corresponding to a given sequence template
#' (see tempate in read_table objects).  Coverage is the number of reads
#' with a given template.
#' @return a readFit object
readFit <- function(df, h, pi=NULL, position=F)
  if (position)
    rf <- position_fit.readFit(df, h, pi=pi)
    rf <- read_fit.readFit(df, h, pi=pi)

  return (rf)

#' Build a readFit object base on reads
read_fit.readFit <- function(df, h, pi=NULL)
  # get all templates from read table
  template_m <- templates.read_table(df)
  out <- template_fit.readFit(template_m, df, h, pi=pi)

  return (out)

#' Return a readFit object base on nucleotide positions
position_fit.readFit <- function(df, h, pi=NULL)
  # create a template for each position
  npos <- ncol(h)
  if (npos==1)
    template_m <- matrix(T, nrow=1)
  else {
    template_m <- diag(npos)
    template_m <- apply(template_m, 2, as.logical)

  out <- template_fit.readFit(template_m, df, h, pi=pi)

  names(out) <- colnames(h)

  return (out)

#' Build a readFit object base on templates.  This is a
#' generic function used to build readFit objects for
#' both position and read based fits
template_fit.readFit <- function(template_m, df, h, pi=NULL)
  npos <- ncol(h)
  K <- nrow(h)
  ntemplates <- nrow(template_m)

  # for each template, generate all sampled_freqs, alleles,
  # P matrix, predicted_freqs
  info <- lapply(1:ntemplates, function(i) {
    ctemplate <- template_m[i,]
    allele_counts <- template_alleles.read_table(ctemplate, df, match=F)
    sampled_freqs <- allele_counts/sum(allele_counts)
    coverage <- sum(allele_counts)
    alleles <- names(sampled_freqs)
    nalleles <- length(alleles)

    # prepare nucs to be passed to haplotype_match
    nucs <- sapply(1:nalleles, function(i) {
      cnucs <- rep("+", npos)
      cnucs[ctemplate] <- split_allele.readFit(alleles[i])
      #cnucs[ctemplate] <- strsplit(alleles[i], split="")[[1]]
      return (cnucs)
    if (all(class(nucs) != "matrix"))
      nucs <- matrix(nucs, nrow=nalleles)
      nucs <- t(nucs)

    P <- haplotype_match.readFit(nucs, h)
    if (is.null(pi))
      predicted_freqs <- rep(NA, K)
      predicted_freqs <- as.numeric(P %*% pi)

    return (list(sampled_freq=sampled_freqs,

  return (info)

#' Split alleles while accounting for insertions
#' @param character string
#' @details insertions in read tables are stored as, eg., <TTA>.
#' Alleles for a template formed by pasting, eg, TAT<TTA>CAC.
#' To recover the read position values we need to split the allele
#' to return T,A,T,<TTA>,C,A,C
#' @return a character.vector
split_allele.readFit <- function(allele)
  start_ins <- as.numeric(gregexpr("<", allele)[[1]])
  if (start_ins[1]==-1)
    return (strsplit(allele, split="")[[1]])
  end_ins <- as.numeric(gregexpr(">", allele)[[1]])

  if (length(start_ins) != length(end_ins))
    stop("bad allele")

  insertions <- mapply(function(s, e) substr(allele, s, e),
                       start_ins, end_ins)
  insertion_length <- sum(nchar(insertions))
  nc <- nchar(allele)
  nuc_length <- nc - insertion_length

  allele_final <- rep(as.character(NA), nuc_length+length(insertions))
  allele_split <- strsplit(allele, split="")[[1]]

  allele_split_index <- 1
  insertion_index <- 1
  allele_final_index <- 1
  while(allele_split_index <= nc) {
    if (allele_split[allele_split_index] == "<") {
      allele_final[allele_final_index] <- insertions[insertion_index]
      allele_split_index <- end_ins[insertion_index] + 1
      insertion_index <- insertion_index + 1
      allele_final_index <- allele_final_index + 1
    else {
      allele_final[allele_final_index] <- allele_split[allele_split_index]
      allele_final_index <- allele_final_index + 1
      allele_split_index <- allele_split_index + 1

  return (allele_final)

#' Determine haplotypes that match a nucleotide pattern
#' Given a nucleotide pattern covering some portion of
#' read table positions, return a vector of 1's and 0's
#' representing haplotypes that match the patterh
#' @param nucs A character vector equal to the number of positions
#' in the read table.  Positions at which nuceotides are not specified
#' have value "+".
#' @param df read table
#' @param haplotype matrix
#' @return A numeric vector of 1's and 0's
haplotype_match.readFit <- function(nucs, h)

  if (all(class(nucs) != "matrix"))
    nucs <- matrix(nucs, nrow=1)

  if (ncol(nucs) != ncol(h))
    stop("nucs vector has wrong length")

  h_match <- apply(nucs, 1, function(cnucs) {
    active_pos <- which(cnucs != "+")
    x <- apply(h, 1, function(ch) all(ch[active_pos]==cnucs[active_pos]))

  if (all(class(h_match) != "matrix"))
    h_match <- matrix(h_match, ncol=nrow(h))
    h_match <- t(h_match)

  return (h_match)

#' Visualize a readfit object
#' @param rf a readFit object
#' @param outfile If not null, figure is written to outfile.
plot.readFit <- function(rf, outfile=NULL)
  ng <- length(rf)
  if (!is.null(names(rf)))
    labs <- names(rf)
    labs <- paste("g", 1:ng, sep="")

  p_list <- lapply(1:ng, function(i) {
    crf <- rf[[i]]
    cp <- crf$predicted_freq
    cs <- crf$sampled_freq
    coverage <- crf$coverage
    alleles <- crf$alleles
    locus <- labs[i]
    df_p <- data.frame(freq=cp,
    df_s <- data.frame(freq=cs,
    df <- rbind(df_p, df_s)

    p <- ggplot()
    p <- p + geom_bar(mapping=aes(x=alleles, y=freq, fill=type),
                      position="dodge", data=df,
    if (i != 1)
      p <- p + theme(legend.position="none")
    p <- p + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank())
    p <- p + ggtitle(paste(locus, coverage, sep="-"))

    return (p)

  m <- grid.arrange(grobs=p_list)

  if (!is.null(outfile)) {
    jpeg(outfile, width=2500, height = 1000)

  return (m)
SLeviyang/RegressHaplo documentation built on June 1, 2022, 10:48 p.m.