    collapse = TRUE,
    comment = "#>",
    warning = FALSE,
    message = FALSE,
    cache = TRUE,
    tidy = TRUE,
    width.cutoff = 70

Package overview

This overview provides insight into the available datasets (R package version r utils::packageVersion("curatedPCaData")) provided via ExperimentHub cloud services. The main data class is a MultiAssayExperiment (MAE) object compatible with numerous Bioconductor packages.

3 different omics base data types and accompanying clinical/phenotype data are currently available:

  1. gex.* assays contain gene expression values, with the suffix wildcard indicating unit or method for gene expression
  2. cna.* assays contain copy number values, with the suffix wildcard indicating method for copy number alterations
  3. mut assays contain somatic mutation calls
  4. MultiAssayExperiment::colData(maeobj) contains the clinical metadata curated based on a pre-defined template

Their availability is subject to the study in question, and you will find coverage of the omics here-in. Furthermore, derived variables based on these base data types are provided in the constructed MultiAssayExperiment (MAE) class objects.

For a comprehensive guide on how to neatly handle such MAE objects, refer to the MultiAssayExperiment user guide (or cheat-sheets): [MAE User Guide] ( .


The curatedPCaData package contains a collection of manually curated datasets concerning patients diagnosed with prostate cancer. The datasets within this package have followed uniform processing and naming conventions to allow users to more easily reproduce similar analyses between datasets and spend less time concerned with harmonzing data from different sources.

Downloading data from ExperimentHub or loading them from local cache

To get a full list of available datasets see the documentation for getPCa function, or via querying ExperimentHubdirectly for the components used to construct MultiAssayExperiments for the studies. However, getPCa is aimed to comprehensively provide readily usable multi-omics compatible MAE-objects.

All available datasets

Fetching all datasets available in curatedPCaData:


# Use a function to extract all known study short identifiers
studies <- curatedPCaData::getPCaStudies()

# List apply across studies to extract all MAE objects corresponding to the 
# short identifiers
maes <- lapply(studies, FUN=\(id) { curatedPCaData::getPCa(id) })
names(maes) <- studies

Dataset criteria

The datasets were manually selected based on various criteria, such as:


The function getPCa utilizes the studies' short name for identifying which data to extract. An overview into the main datasets is as follows:

# Create a summary table depicting key features in available studies
studytable <- curatedPCaData::getPCaSummaryStudies(maes)
knitr::kable(studytable, caption = "Key study characteristics")

Please note that the TCGA PCa dataset is a subset of the TCGA pan-cancer initiative. For a package focused on TCGA exclusively beyond the PRAD subset, see the Bioconductor package [curatedTCGAData] (


The use of curatedPCaData ought to be cited with [@Laajala2023].

For individual datasets there-in, the following citations are suggested:

Curated clinical variables

The curatedPCaData-package has been curated with an emphasis on the following primary clinical metadata, which were extracted and cleaned up always when available:

template <- template_prad
# Add spaces to |-dividers for linechanges
template <-"cbind", lapply(template, FUN = function(x) {
    gsub("|", " | ", x, fixed = TRUE)
knitr::kable(template, caption = "Template for prostate adenocarcinoma clinical 

Clinical end-points

Three primary clinical end-points were utilized and are offered in the clinical metadata in colData for the MAE-objects, if available:

Below are summaries for each of these endpoints for each study. Of note, OS had very few events, thus survival modelling for this end-point may be considered unreliable.

Gleason grades:

# Create a summary table of Gleason grades
gleasons <- curatedPCaData::getPCaSummaryTable(
    maes, = "gleason_grade", 
knitr::kable(gleasons, caption = "Gleason grades across datasets in 

Grade groups:

# Create a summary table of grade groups
gradegroups <- curatedPCaData::getPCaSummaryTable(
    maes, = "grade_group", 
    vals=c("<=6", "3+4", "4+3", "7", ">=8")
knitr::kable(gradegroups, caption = "Grade groups across datasets in 

Biochemical recurrences:

# Create a summary table of biochemical recurrences
recurrences <- curatedPCaData::getPCaSummarySurv(
    maes, = "disease_specific_recurrence_status", = "days_to_disease_specific_recurrence"
knitr::kable(recurrences, caption = "Disease recurrence end point across 
datasets in curatedPCaData")

Overall survival:

# Create a summary table of overall survival
survivals <- curatedPCaData::getPCaSummarySurv(
    maes, = "overall_survival_status", = "days_to_overall_survival"
knitr::kable(survivals, caption = "Overall survival end point across datasets 
in curatedPCaData")

Querying datasets

The function getPCa functions as the primary interface with building MAE-objects from either live download from ExperimentHub or by loading them from local cache, if the datasets have been downloaded previously.

The syntax for the function getPCa(dataset, assays, timestamp, verbose, ...) consists of the following parameters:

As an example, let us consider querying the TCGA dataset, but suppose only wish to extract the gene expression data, and the immune deconvolution results derived by the method xCell. Further, we'll request risk and AR scores slot. This subset could be retrieved with:

tcga_subset <- getPCa(
    dataset = "tcga", 
    assays = c("gex.rsem.log", "xcell", "scores"), 
    timestamp = "20230215"


The standard way of extracting the latest MAE-object with all available assays is done via querying with just the dataset name:

mae_tcga <- getPCa("tcga")
mae_taylor <- getPCa("taylor")

Accessing primary data

The primary assay names in the MAE objects for gene expression and copy number alteration will consist of two parts. Mutation data is provided as a RaggedExperiment object.

The standard way for accessing a data slot in MAE could be done for example via:

mae_taylor[["gex.rma"]][1:5, 1:5]

The corresponding clinical variables have an accessor function colData provided by the MultiAssayExperiment-package:

MultiAssayExperiment::colData(mae_tcga)[1:2, ]

While it is ideal to make sure user is using the correct namespaces, the pckgName:: can be omitted as curatedPCaData imports necessary packages such as MultiAssayExperiment and their functions should be available in the workspace.

ExperimentHub data listing

In order to access the latest listing of curatedPCaData related resources available in ExperimentHub, consult the metadata.csv file delivered with the package:

metadata <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "metadata.csv", package = 

Omics sample count and overlap

# Retrieve samples counts across different unique assay names as well as omics 
# overlap sample counts
samplecounts <- curatedPCaData::getPCaSummarySamples(maes)

The sample counts in each 'omics separately is listed below:

knitr::kable(samplecounts$Samples, caption = "Sample N counts in each omics for 
every MAE object")

However, taking intersections between different omics shows that different samples were analyzed on different platforms - therefore the effective N counts for analyzing multiple 'omics platforms simultaneously is smaller. The overlaps between gene expression (GEX), copy number alteration (CNA), and mutations (MUT) are shown below:

knitr::kable(samplecounts$Overlap, caption = "Sample N counts for intersections 
between different omics")

Derived variables

In curatedPCaData we refer to derived variables as further downstream variables, which have been computed based on primarily data. For most cases, this was done by extracting key gene information from the gex.* assays and pre-computing informative downstream markers as described in their primary publications.

Immune deconvolution

Tumor progression depends on the immune cell composition in the tumor microenvironment. The 'immunedeconv' package consists of different computational methods to computationally estimate immune cell content using gene expression data. In addition, CIBERTSORTx is provided externally, as this method required registered access. For user convenience, it has been run separately and provided as a slot in the MAE objects. The other methods have been run using the immunedeconv package [@Sturm2019] and code for reproducing these derived variables are provided alongside the package.

In this package, we provide estimates of immune cell content from the following deconvolution methods:

The estimates from each of these methods are stored in the MAE object as a seperate assay as shown for example in the Taylor dataset


To access the quantiseq results for the Taylor et. al dataset, these pre-computed values can be obtained from the corresponding slot in the MAE-object:

head(mae_taylor[["cibersort"]])[1:5, 1:3]

Similarly to access results from the other immune deconvolution methods, the following assays/experiments are also available:

head(mae_taylor[["quantiseq"]])[1:5, 1:3]
head(mae_taylor[["xcell"]])[1:5, 1:3]
head(mae_taylor[["epic"]])[1:5, 1:3]
head(mae_taylor[["mcp"]])[1:5, 1:3]

Each row of the deconvolution matrix represents the content of a certain immune cell type and the columns represent the patient sample IDs. The variables on the rows are specific for each method. Further, it should be noted that not all methods could be run on all datasets due to lack of overlap in genes of interest.

Risk scores and other metrics

The slot scores is used to provide key risk scores or other informative metrics based on the primary data. These scores can be accessed as a matrix as if they were variables on an assay with this name:

mae_tcga[["scores"]][, 1:4]

The following PCa risk scores are offered:

Further, the 20-gene Androgen Receptor (AR) score is calculated as described in the TCGA's Cell 2015 paper:

Single study example for Taylor et al.

Here, a brief example on how to download and process a single study is provided. The example data is of Taylor et al. [@Taylor2010], also known as the MSKCC dataset.

Downloading the MAE-object

A character vector with the short study ID is used to download the MAE object; we will focus only on the primary prostate cancer samples and CNA (GISTIC) and GEX:

taylor <- getPCa("taylor", 
    assays = c("gex.rma", "cna.gistic"),
    sampletypes = "primary"



One typical end-point is an object of type Surv, exported from the survival-package. We will create this end-point for biochemical recurrence:

# BCR events
taylor_bcr <- colData(taylor)$disease_specific_recurrence_status
# BCR events / censoring follow-up time
taylor_fu <- colData(taylor)$days_to_disease_specific_recurrence

taylor_surv <- Surv(event = taylor_bcr, time = taylor_fu)



With the response vector of type Surv, one can plot and analyze multiple survival modelling related tasks.

Kaplan-Meier curves

One of the most common ways to depict survival curves (here BCR events), is a Kaplan-Meier (KM) curve. Gleason grade is known to be a good prognostic factor for BCR, thus a KM curve in respect to biopsy Gleason grade shows differences in prognosis.

For this visualization, package survminer offers a variety of functions building on top of ggplot:


taylor_bcr_gleason <- data.frame(bcr = taylor_surv, 
    gleason = colData(taylor)$gleason_grade)

fit <- survfit(bcr ~ gleason, data = taylor_bcr_gleason)
    data = taylor_bcr_gleason, 
    ylab = "Biochemical recurrence free proportion",
    risk.table = TRUE,
    size = 1,
    pval = TRUE,
    ggtheme = theme_bw()

For more settings for the KM plots, see documentation for survminer::ggsurvplot.

Cox regression

Functions longFormat and wideFormat from MultiAssayExperiment are essential for extracting multi-omics data and metadata in the right format. For the purposes of Cox regression, we will utilize wideFormat:

taylor_coxdat <- MultiAssayExperiment::wideFormat(taylor["PTEN",,],
    colDataCols = c("age_at_initial_diagnosis", "gleason_grade",

taylor_coxdat <-

taylor_coxdat$y <- Surv(
    time = taylor_coxdat$days_to_disease_specific_recurrence,
    event = taylor_coxdat$disease_specific_recurrence_status)


We'll construct a simple Cox proportional hazards model with few variables; PTEN is a known tumor suppressor gene, so changes in its copy number or gene expression levels could also play a role in biochemical recurrence.

coxmodel <- coxph(y ~ cna.gistic_PTEN + gex.rma_PTEN + gleason_grade, 
    data = taylor_coxdat)

In this case we took the GISTIC normalized PTEN amplification as well as its RMA-normalized gene expression. We notice that both are statistically significant Cox regression coefficients together with Gleason grade.

Session info



Syksy/curatedPCaData documentation built on June 3, 2024, 3:10 a.m.