
Defines functions vis_ordinate

Documented in vis_ordinate

#' Ordination plot
#' A wrapper around the vegan package to generate ggplot2 ordination plots suited for analysis and comparison of microbial communities. Simply choose an ordination type and a plot is returned.
#' @title Visually appealing ordination plots
#' @usage vis_ordinate(data, type = "", transform = "", distmeasure = "", constrain = "")
#' @param obj (\emph{required}) A data object of class 'ampvis2' (see \href{https://github.com/MadsAlbertsen/ampvis2}{amp_load}) or class 'mmt' (see \code{\link{mt_load}}).
#' @param filter_vars Remove low signal variables across all samples below this threshold in percent. Setting this to 0 may drastically increase computation time. (\emph{default}: \code{0.1})
#' @param type (\emph{required}) Type of ordination method. One of:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{"PCA"}: (\emph{default}) Principal Components Analysis
#'    \item \code{"RDA"}: Redundancy Analysis (considered the constrained version of PCA)
#'    \item \code{"CA"}: Correspondence Analysis
#'    \item \code{"CCA"}: Canonical Correspondence Analysis (considered the constrained version of CA)
#'    \item \code{"DCA"}: Detrended Correspondence Analysis
#'    \item \code{"NMDS"}: non-metric Multidimensional Scaling
#'    \item \code{"PCOA"} or \code{"MMDS"}: metric Multidimensional Scaling a.k.a Principal Coordinates Analysis (not to be confused with PCA)
#'    }
#'    \emph{Note that PCoA is not performed by the vegan package, but the \code{\link[ape]{pcoa}} function from the APE package.}
#' @param distmeasure (\emph{required for nMDS and PCoA}) Distance measure used for the distance-based ordination methods (nMDS and PCoA). Choose one of the following:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{"wunifrac"}: (\strong{ampvis2 only}) Weighted generalized UniFrac distances (alpha=0.5), calculated by \code{\link[GUniFrac]{GUniFrac}}. \strong{OBS!} Requires a phylogenetic tree.
#'   \item \code{"unifrac"}: (\strong{ampvis2 only}) Unweighted UniFrac distances, calculated by \code{\link[GUniFrac]{GUniFrac}}. \strong{OBS!} Requires a phylogenetic tree.
#'   \item \code{"jsd"}: Jensen-Shannon Divergence, based on \url{http://enterotype.embl.de/enterotypes.html}.
#'   \item Any of the distance measures supported by \code{\link[vegan]{vegdist}}: \code{"manhattan"}, \code{"euclidean"}, \code{"canberra"}, \code{"bray"}, \code{"kulczynski"}, \code{"jaccard"}, \code{"gower"}, \code{"altGower"}, \code{"morisita"}, \code{"horn"}, \code{"mountford"}, \code{"raup"}, \code{"binomial"}, \code{"chao"}, \code{"cao"}, \code{"mahalanobis"}.
#'   \item or \code{"none"}. (\emph{default})
#'  }
#' You can also write your own math formula, see details in \code{\link[vegan]{vegdist}}.
#' @param transform (\emph{recommended}) Transforms the abundances before ordination, choose one of the following: \code{"total"}, \code{"max"}, \code{"freq"}, \code{"normalize"}, \code{"range"}, \code{"standardize"}, \code{"pa"} (presence/absense), \code{"chi.square"}, \code{"hellinger"}, \code{"log"}, or \code{"sqrt"}, see details in \code{\link[vegan]{decostand}}. Using the hellinger transformation is a good choice when performing PCA/RDA as it will produce a more ecologically meaningful result (read about the double-zero problem in Numerical Ecology). When the Hellinger transformation is used with CA/CCA it will help reducing the impact of low abundant species. When performing nMDS or PCoA (aka mMDS) it is not recommended to also use data transformation as this will obscure the chosen distance measure. (\emph{default:} \code{"hellinger"})
#' @param constrain (\emph{required for RDA and CCA}) Variable(s) in the metadata for constrained analyses (RDA and CCA). Multiple variables can be provided by a vector, fx \code{c("Year", "Temperature")}, but keep in mind that the more variables selected the more the result will be similar to unconstrained analysis.
#' @param x_axis Which axis from the ordination results to plot as the first axis. Have a look at the \code{$screeplot} with \code{detailed_output = TRUE} to validate axes. (\emph{default:} \code{1})
#' @param y_axis Which axis from the ordination results to plot as the second axis. Have a look at the \code{$screeplot} with \code{detailed_output = TRUE} to validate axes. (\emph{default:} \code{2})
#' @param sample_color_by Color sample points by a variable in the metadata.
#' @param sample_color_order Order the colors in \code{sample_color_by} by the order in a vector.
#' @param sample_label_by Label sample points by a variable in the metadata.
#' @param sample_label_size Sample labels text size. (\emph{default:} \code{4})
#' @param sample_label_segment_color Sample labels repel-segment color. (\emph{default:} \code{"black"})
#' @param sample_shape_by Shape sample points by a variable in the metadata.
#' @param sample_colorframe Frame the sample points with a polygon by a variable in the metadata split by the variable defined by \code{sample_color_by}, or simply \code{TRUE} to frame the points colored by \code{sample_color_by}. (\emph{default:} \code{FALSE})
#' @param sample_colorframe_label Label by a variable in the metadata.
#' @param sample_point_size Size of the sample points. (\emph{default:} \code{2})
#' @param sample_trajectory Make a trajectory between sample points by a variable in the metadata.
#' @param sample_trajectory_group Make a trajectory between sample points by the \code{sample_trajectory} argument, but within individual groups.
#' @param sample_plotly Enable interactive sample points so that they can be hovered to show additional information from the metadata. Provide a vector of the metadata variables to show, or \code{"all"} to display all. Click or double click the elements in the legend to hide/show parts of the data. To hide the legend use \code{plotly::layout(amp_ordinate(...), showlegend = FALSE)}, see more options at \url{https://plot.ly/r/}.
#' @param var_plot (\emph{logical}) Plot variable points or not. (\emph{default:} \code{FALSE})
#' @param var_shape The shape of the variables points, fx \code{1} for hollow circles or \code{20} for dots. (\emph{default:} \code{20})
#' @param var_point_size Size of the variables points. (\emph{default:} \code{2})
#' @param var_nlabels Number of the most extreme variables labels to plot (ordered by the sum of the numerical values of the x,y coordinates. Only makes sense with PCA/RDA).
#' @param var_label_by Label variable points by taxonomy (\code{ampvis2}) or variable in genedata (\code{mmt}).
#' @param var_label_size Size of the variables text labels. (\emph{default:} \code{3})
#' @param var_label_color Color of the variables text labels. (\emph{default:} \code{"grey10"})
#' @param var_rescale (\emph{logical}) Rescale variables points or not. Basically they will be multiplied by 0.8, for visual convenience only. (\emph{default:} \code{FALSE})
#' @param var_plotly (\emph{logical}) Enable interactive variables points so that they can be hovered to show complete information. (\emph{default:} \code{FALSE})
#' @param envfit_factor A vector of categorical environmental variables from the metadata to fit onto the ordination plot. See details in \code{\link[vegan]{envfit}}.
#' @param envfit_numeric A vector of numerical environmental variables from the metadata to fit arrows onto the ordination plot. The lengths of the arrows are scaled by significance. See details in \code{\link[vegan]{envfit}}.
#' @param envfit_signif_level The significance threshold for displaying the results of \code{envfit_factor} or \code{envfit_numeric}. (\emph{default:} \code{0.005})
#' @param envfit_textsize Size of the envfit text on the plot. (\emph{default:} \code{3})
#' @param envfit_textcolor Color of the envfit text on the plot. (\emph{default:} \code{"darkred"})
#' @param envfit_numeric_arrows_scale Scale the size of the numeric arrows. (\emph{default:} \code{1})
#' @param envfit_arrowcolor Color of the envfit arrows on the plot. (\emph{default:} \code{"darkred"})
#' @param envfit_show (\emph{logical}) Show the results on the plot or not. (\emph{default:} \code{TRUE})
#' @param repel_labels (\emph{logical}) Repel all labels to prevent cluttering of the plot. (\emph{default:} \code{TRUE})
#' @param opacity Opacity of all plotted points and sample_colorframe. \code{0}: invisible, \code{1}: opaque. (\emph{default:} \code{0.8})
#' @param tax_empty (\strong{ampvis2 only}) How to show OTUs without taxonomic information. One of the following:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{"remove"}: Remove OTUs without taxonomic information.
#'    \item \code{"best"}: (\emph{default}) Use the best classification possible.
#'    \item \code{"OTU"}: Display the OTU name.
#'    }
#' @param detailed_output (\emph{logical}) Return additional details or not (model, scores, inputmatrix, screeplot etc). If \code{TRUE}, it is recommended to save to an object and then access the additional data by \code{View(object$data)}. (\emph{default:} \code{FALSE})
#' @param ... Pass additional arguments to the vegan ordination functions, fx the \code{\link[vegan]{rda}}, \code{\link[vegan]{cca}}, \code{\link[vegan]{metaMDS}} functions, see the documentation.
#' @return A ggplot2 object. If \code{detailed_output = TRUE} a list with a ggplot2 object and additional data.
#' @details
#' The \code{\code{vis_ordinate}} function is primarily based on two packages; \code{\link[vegan]{vegan-package}}, which performs the actual ordination, and the \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot2-package}} to generate the plot. The function generates an ordination plot by the following process:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item Various input argument checks and error messages
#'   \item Filtering, where low abundant variables across all samples are removed (if not \code{filter_vars = 0} is set)
#'   \item Data transformation (if not \code{transform = "none"} is set)
#'   \item Calculate distance matrix based on the chosen \code{distmeasure} if the chosen ordination method is PCoA/nMDS/DCA
#'   \item Perform the actual ordination and calculate the axis scores for both samples and variables
#'   \item Visualise the result with ggplot2 or plotly in various ways defined by the user
#' }
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange group_by summarise desc
#' @importFrom plotly ggplotly
#' @importFrom GUniFrac GUniFrac
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @importFrom ape pcoa
#' @importFrom vegan cca decorana decostand envfit metaMDS rda scores vegdist
#' @importFrom purrr imap
#' @importFrom tidyr unite
#' @export
#' @references
#'   GUide to STatistical Analysis in Microbial Ecology (GUSTA ME): \url{https://mb3is.megx.net/gustame}
#'   Legendre, Pierre & Legendre, Louis (2012). Numerical Ecology. Elsevier Science. ISBN: 9780444538680
#'   Legendre, P., & Gallagher, E. (2001). Ecologically meaningful transformations for ordination of species data. Oecologia, 129(2), 271-280. \url{http://doi.org/10.1007/s004420100716}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{mt_load}}
#' @author Kasper Skytte Andersen \email{kasperskytteandersen@@gmail.com}
#' @author Thomas Yssing Michaelsen \email{tym@@bio.aau.dk}
#' @author Mads Albertsen \email{MadsAlbertsen85@@gmail.com}
vis_ordinate <- function(obj,
                         type            = "pca",
                         distmeasure     = "none",
                         transform       = "hellinger",
                         filter_vars     = "abundance",
                         filter_vars_val = 0.1,
                         constrain       = NULL,
                         x_axis = 1,
                         y_axis = 2,
                         # Aesthetics - samples.
                         sample_color_by = NULL,
                         sample_color_order = NULL,
                         sample_shape_by = NULL,
                         sample_colorframe = FALSE,
                         sample_colorframe_label = NULL,
                         sample_label_by = NULL,
                         sample_label_size = 4,
                         sample_label_segment_color = "black",
                         sample_point_size = 2,
                         sample_trajectory = NULL,
                         sample_trajectory_group = NULL,
                         sample_plotly = NULL,
                         # Aesthetics - vars.
                         var_plot = FALSE,
                         var_nlabels = 0,
                         var_label_by = NULL,
                         var_label_size = 3,
                         var_label_color = "grey10",
                         var_rescale = FALSE,
                         var_point_size = 2,
                         var_shape = 20,
                         var_plotly = FALSE,
                         # Modelling.
                         envfit_factor = NULL,
                         envfit_numeric = NULL,
                         envfit_signif_level = 0.005,
                         envfit_textsize = 3,
                         envfit_textcolor = "darkred",
                         envfit_numeric_arrows_scale = 1,
                         envfit_arrowcolor = "darkred",
                         envfit_show = TRUE,
                         repel_labels = TRUE,
                         opacity = 0.8,
                         detailed_output = FALSE,
                         # Object-specific features.
                         tax_empty = NULL,
                         ...) {

  ### Checking data format #####################################################
  if (class(obj) == "mmt"){

    # Set some standards.
    if(is.null(var_label_by))    var_label_by    <- "GeneID"

    # Ensure correct format.
    meta    <- as.data.frame(obj$mtmeta,stringsAsFactor = F)
    data    <- as.data.frame(obj$mtdata,stringsAsFactor = F)
    varmeta <- as.data.frame(obj$mtgene,stringsAsFactor = F)

    data    <- `rownames<-`(data,data$GeneID) %>% select(-GeneID)

    if (!is.null(tax_empty)) message("'tax_empty' has no effect on 'mmt' objects, ignore it.")
  } else if (class(obj) == "ampvis2"){

    # Set some standards.
    if(is.null(tax_empty))       tax_empty       <- "best"
    if(is.null(var_label_by))    var_label_by    <- "OTU"

    # Ensure correct format.
    meta    <- obj$metadata
    data    <- obj$abund
    varmeta <- ampvis2:::amp_rename(obj,tax_empty = tax_empty)$tax %>% select(OTU,everything())

  } else {
    stop("You can only provide an object of class 'ampvis2' or 'mmt'")

  ### Sanity check of options ##################################################
  if(var_plotly == TRUE & !is.null(sample_plotly)){
    stop("You can not use plotly for both var and samples in the same plot.", call. = FALSE)
  if(var_plotly == TRUE | !is.null(sample_plotly)){
    #message("geom_text_repel is not supported by plotly yet.")
    repel_labels <- FALSE

  #Impossible to do ordination with 1 or 2 samples
  if(ncol(data) <= 2) {
    stop("Ordination cannot be performed on 2 or fewer samples (the number of resulting axes will always be n-1, where n is the number of samples).", call. = FALSE)
  if(is.null(sample_color_by) & !is.logical(sample_colorframe) & !is.null(sample_colorframe)) {
    sample_color_by <- sample_colorframe

  #to fix user argument characters, so fx PCoA/PCOA/pcoa are all valid
  type <- tolower(type)

  ##### Data filtering #########################################################
  if (filter_vars == "abundance"){

    wh <- apply(data,2,function(x){ x/sum(x)*100}) %>%
      apply(.,1,sum) %>%
      {. > filter_vars_val}

    data    <- data[wh,]
    varmeta <- varmeta[wh,]

  } else if (filter_vars == "stdev") {

    wh <- apply(data,1,function(x){ifelse(all(x == 0),0,var(x))}) > filter_vars_val

    data    <- data[wh,]
    varmeta <- varmeta[wh,]

  ##### Data transformation with decostand()  ##################################
  if(!transform == "none" & transform != "sqrt") {
    transform <- tolower(transform)
    data      <- t(vegan::decostand(t(data), method = transform))
  } else if (tolower(transform) == "sqrt") {
    data      <- t(sqrt(t(data)))

  ##### Inputmatrix AFTER transformation  ######################################
  if (any(type == c("nmds", "mmds", "pcoa", "dca"))) {
    if(!type == "nmds" & (var_plot == TRUE | var_plotly == TRUE)) {
      stop("No scores available with mMDS/PCoA, DCA.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!distmeasure == "none") {
      #Calculate distance matrix with vegdist()
      distmeasure <- tolower(distmeasure)
      if(distmeasure == "jsd") {
        #This is based on http://enterotype.embl.de/enterotypes.html
        #Abundances of 0 will be set to the pseudocount value to avoid 0-value denominators
        #Unfortunately this code is SLOOOOOOOOW
        dist.JSD <- function(inMatrix, pseudocount=0.000001) {
          KLD <- function(x,y) sum(x *log(x/y))
          JSD <- function(x,y) sqrt(0.5 * KLD(x, (x+y)/2) + 0.5 * KLD(y, (x+y)/2))
          matrixColSize <- length(colnames(inMatrix))
          matrixRowSize <- length(rownames(inMatrix))
          colnames <- colnames(inMatrix)
          resultsMatrix <- matrix(0, matrixColSize, matrixColSize)

          inMatrix = apply(inMatrix,1:2,function(x) ifelse (x==0,pseudocount,x))

          for(i in 1:matrixColSize) {
            for(j in 1:matrixColSize) {
          colnames -> colnames(resultsMatrix) -> rownames(resultsMatrix)
          attr(resultsMatrix, "method") <- "dist"
        message("Calculating Jensen-Shannon Divergence (JSD) distances... ")
        inputmatrix <- dist.JSD(data)
      } else if(any(distmeasure == c("manhattan", "euclidean", "canberra", "bray", "kulczynski", "jaccard", "gower", "altGower", "morisita", "horn", "mountford", "raup" , "binomial", "chao", "cao", "mahalanobis"))) {
        message("Calculating distance matrix... ")
        inputmatrix <- vegan::vegdist(t(data), method = distmeasure)
      else if (distmeasure == "unifrac") {
        if (!any(names(obj) == "tree")) {
          stop("No phylogenetic tree in the provided data.",
               call. = FALSE)
        message("Calculating unweighted generalized UniFrac distances... ")
        unifracs <- suppressWarnings(GUniFrac::GUniFrac(t(data),
                                                        obj$tree, alpha = 0.5)$unifracs)
        inputmatrix <- unifracs[, , "d_UW"] %>% as.data.frame()
      else if (distmeasure == "wunifrac") {
        if (!any(names(obj) == "tree")) {
          stop("No phylogenetic tree in the provided data.",
               call. = FALSE)
        message("Calculating weighted generalized UniFrac distances (alpha=0.5)... ")
        unifracs <- suppressWarnings(GUniFrac::GUniFrac(t(data),
                                                        obj$tree, alpha = 0.5)$unifracs)
        inputmatrix <- unifracs[, , "d_0.5"] %>% as.data.frame()
    } else if (distmeasure == "none") {
      warning("No distance measure selected, using raw data. If this is not deliberate, please provide one with the argument: distmeasure.", call. = FALSE)
      inputmatrix <- t(data)

    if (transform != "none" & distmeasure != "none") {
      warning("Using both transformation AND a distance measure is not recommended for distance-based ordination (nMDS/PCoA/DCA). If this is not deliberate, consider transform = \"none\".", call. = FALSE)
  } else if(any(type == c("pca", "rda", "ca", "cca"))) {
    inputmatrix <- t(data)

  ##### Perform ordination  ####################################################
  #Generate data depending on the chosen ordination type
  if(type == "pca") {
    #make the model
    model <- vegan::rda(inputmatrix)#, ...)

    #axis (and data column) names
    x_axis_name <- paste0("PC", x_axis)
    y_axis_name <- paste0("PC", y_axis)

    #Calculate the amount of inertia explained by each axis
    totalvar <- round(model$CA$eig/model$tot.chi * 100, 1)

    #Calculate var- and site scores
    sitescores <- vegan::scores(model, display = "sites", choices = c(x_axis, y_axis))
    varscores  <- vegan::scores(model, display = "species", choices = c(x_axis, y_axis))
  } else if(type == "rda") {
      stop("Argument constrain must be provided when performing constrained/canonical analysis.", call. = FALSE)
    codestring <- paste0("rda(inputmatrix~", paste(constrain,
                                                   collapse = "+"), ", meta)")
    model <- eval(parse(text = codestring))
    #axes depend on the results
    x_axis_name <- paste0("RDA", x_axis)
    if (model$CCA$rank <= 1){
      y_axis_name <- "PC1"

      #Calculate the amount of inertia explained by each axis
      totalvar <- c(round(model$CCA$eig/model$tot.chi * 100, 1), #constrained of total space
                    round(model$CA$eig/model$tot.chi * 100, 1)  #UNconstrained of total space
      constrainedvar <- c(round(model$CA$eig/model$CA$tot.chi * 100, 1)) #UNconstrained of total UNconstrained space
    } else if (model$CCA$rank > 1) {
      y_axis_name <- paste0("RDA", y_axis)

      #Calculate the amount of inertia explained by each axis
      totalvar <- c(round(model$CCA$eig/model$tot.chi * 100, 1), #constrained of total space
                    round(model$CA$eig/model$tot.chi * 100, 1)  #UNconstrained of total space
      constrainedvar <- c(round(model$CCA$eig/model$CCA$tot.chi * 100, 1)) #constrained of total constrained space

    #Calculate var- and site scores
    sitescores <- vegan::scores(model, display = "sites", choices = c(x_axis, y_axis))
    varscores  <- vegan::scores(model, display = "species", choices = c(x_axis, y_axis))
  } else if(type == "nmds") {
    #make the model
    if(ncol(data) > 100) {
      message("Performing non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling on more than 100 samples, this may take some time ... ")
    model <- vegan::metaMDS(inputmatrix, trace = FALSE)# , ...)                  ##########################
    if(ncol(data) > 100) {

    #axis (and data column) names
    x_axis_name <- paste0("NMDS", x_axis)
    y_axis_name <- paste0("NMDS", y_axis)

    #Calculate var- and site scores
    #varscores may not be available with MDS
    sitescores <- vegan::scores(model, display = "sites")
    if(!length(model$species) > 1) {
      varscores <- NULL
      if(var_plot == TRUE | var_plotly == TRUE) {
        stop("varscores are not available.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      varscores <- vegan::scores(model, display = "species", choices = c(x_axis, y_axis))
  } else if(type == "mmds" | type == "pcoa") {
    #make the model
    model <- ape::pcoa(inputmatrix)#, ...)

    #axis (and data column) names
    x_axis_name <- paste0("PCo", x_axis)
    y_axis_name <- paste0("PCo", y_axis)

    #Calculate the percentage of eigenvalues explained by the axes
    totalvar <- round(model$values$Relative_eig * 100, 1)
    names(totalvar) <- c(paste0("PCo", seq(1:length(totalvar))))

    #Calculate var- and site scores
    #varscores are not available with pcoa
    sitescores <- as.data.frame(model$vectors)
    colnames(sitescores) <- c(paste0("PCo", seq(1:length(sitescores))))
    varscores <- NULL
  } else if(type == "ca") {
    #make the model
    model <- vegan::cca(inputmatrix, ...)

    #axis (and data column) names
    x_axis_name <- paste0("CA", x_axis)
    y_axis_name <- paste0("CA", y_axis)

    #Calculate the percentage of eigenvalues explained by the axes
    totalvar <- round(model$CA$eig/model$tot.chi * 100, 1)

    #Calculate var- and site scores
    sitescores <- vegan::scores(model, display = "sites", choices = c(x_axis, y_axis))
    varscores <- vegan::scores(model, display = "species", choices = c(x_axis, y_axis))
  } else if(type == "cca") {
      stop("Argument constrain must be provided when performing constrained/canonical analysis.", call. = FALSE)
    #make the model
    codestring <- paste0("cca(inputmatrix~", paste(constrain, collapse = "+"), ", meta, ...)") #function arguments written in the format "rda(x ~ y + z)" cannot be directly passed to rda(), now user just provides a vector
    model <-  eval(parse(text = codestring))

    #axes depend on the results
    x_axis_name <- paste0("CCA", x_axis)
    if (model$CCA$rank <= 1){
      y_axis_name <- "CA1"

      #Calculate the amount of inertia explained by each axis
      totalvar <- c(round(model$CCA$eig/model$tot.chi * 100, 1), #constrained of total space
                    round(model$CA$eig/model$tot.chi * 100, 1)  #UNconstrained of total space
      constrainedvar <- c(round(model$CA$eig/model$CA$tot.chi * 100, 1)) #UNconstrained of total UNconstrained space
    } else if (model$CCA$rank > 1) {
      y_axis_name <- paste0("CCA", y_axis)

      #Calculate the amount of inertia explained by each axis
      totalvar <- c(round(model$CCA$eig/model$tot.chi * 100, 1), #constrained of total space
                    round(model$CA$eig/model$tot.chi * 100, 1)  #UNconstrained of total space
      constrainedvar <- c(round(model$CCA$eig/model$CCA$tot.chi * 100, 1)) #constrained of total constrained space

    #Calculate var- and site scores
    sitescores <- vegan::scores(model, display = "sites", choices = c(x_axis, y_axis))
    varscores  <- vegan::scores(model, display = "species", choices = c(x_axis, y_axis))
  } else if(type == "dca") {
    #make the model
    model <- vegan::decorana(inputmatrix, ...)

    #axis (and data column) names
    x_axis_name <- paste0("DCA", x_axis)
    y_axis_name <- paste0("DCA", y_axis)

    #Calculate the percentage of eigenvalues explained by the axes
    #totalvar <- round(model$CA$eig/model$CA$tot.chi * 100, 1)

    #Calculate var- and site scores
    sitescores <- vegan::scores(model, display = "sites", choices = c(x_axis, y_axis))
    varscores  <- vegan::scores(model, display = "species", choices = c(x_axis, y_axis))

  ##### Data for ggplot  #######################################################
  dsites <- cbind.data.frame(meta, sitescores)

  if (!is.null(sample_color_order)) {
    dsites[, sample_color_by] <- factor(dsites[, sample_color_by], levels = sample_color_order)

  if(length(varscores) > 1) {
    dvar <- merge(data.frame(varscores),varmeta,by.x = 0,by.y = 1) %>%
      {eval(parse(text = paste0("dplyr::rename(.,",colnames(varmeta)[1]," = Row.names)")))}

    dvar$dist <- dvar[, x_axis_name]^2 + dvar[, y_axis_name]^2
    dvar <- dplyr::arrange(dvar, desc(dist))
    rownames(dvar) <- dvar[[1]]
    if (var_rescale == TRUE) {
      maxx <- max(abs(dsites[, x_axis_name]))/max(abs(dvar[,x_axis_name]))
      dvar[, x_axis_name] <- dvar[, x_axis_name] * maxx * 0.8
      maxy <- max(abs(dsites[, y_axis_name]))/max(abs(dvar[,y_axis_name]))
      dvar[, y_axis_name] <- dvar[, y_axis_name] * maxy * 0.8
  } else {
    dvar = NULL

  ##### Base plot object #####
  if(is.null(sample_color_by) && is.null(sample_shape_by)) {
    plot <- ggplot(dsites,
                   aes_string(x = x_axis_name,
                              y = y_axis_name)
  } else if(!is.null(sample_color_by) && is.null(sample_shape_by)) {
    plot <- ggplot(dsites,
                   aes_string(x = x_axis_name,
                              y = y_axis_name,
                              color = sample_color_by)
  } else if(is.null(sample_color_by) && !is.null(sample_shape_by)) {
    plot <- ggplot(dsites,
                   aes_string(x = x_axis_name,
                              y = y_axis_name,
                              shape = sample_shape_by)
  } else if(!is.null(sample_color_by) && !is.null(sample_shape_by)) {
    plot <- ggplot(dsites,
                   aes_string(x = x_axis_name,
                              y = y_axis_name,
                              color = sample_color_by,
                              shape = sample_shape_by)

  ##### Colorframe  #####
  if(!sample_colorframe == FALSE) {
    if(is.null(sample_color_by) & sample_colorframe == TRUE)
      stop("Applying a colorframe to the sample points requires a variable in the metadata to be provided by the argument sample_colorframe, or by sample_color_by if the former is only TRUE.", call. = FALSE)
    if(sample_colorframe == TRUE) {
      splitData <- base::split(plot$data, plot$data[, sample_color_by]) %>%
        lapply(function(df) {
          df[chull(df[, x_axis_name], df[, y_axis_name]), ]
      hulls <- do.call(rbind, splitData)
      plot <- plot + geom_polygon(data = hulls, aes_string(fill = sample_color_by, group = sample_color_by), alpha = 0.2*opacity)
    } else if (!is.logical(sample_colorframe) & !is.null(sample_colorframe)) {
      plot$data$colorframeGroup <- paste(plot$data[,sample_color_by], plot$data[,sample_colorframe]) %>% as.factor()
      splitData <- base::split(plot$data, plot$data$colorframeGroup) %>%
        lapply(function(df) {
          df[chull(df[, x_axis_name], df[, y_axis_name]), ]
      hulls <- do.call(rbind, splitData)
      plot <- plot + geom_polygon(data = hulls, aes_string(fill = sample_color_by, group = "colorframeGroup"), alpha = 0.2*opacity)

  ##### Plot sample points  #####
  if (!is.null(sample_plotly)){
    if(identical(sample_plotly, "all") | isTRUE(sample_plotly))
    sample_plotly <- colnames(data$metadata)
    data_plotly <- apply(data$metadata[,sample_plotly, drop = FALSE],
                         function(x) {
                           paste0(paste0(names(x), ": "), x, collapse = "<br>")
    plot <- plot +
      suppressWarnings(geom_point(size = 2, #alpha = opacity,
                                  aes(text = data_plotly))) + #HER
      theme_minimal() +
      theme(axis.line = element_line(colour = "black", size = 0.5))
  } else {
    plot <- plot +
      geom_point(size = sample_point_size) + #, alpha = opacity) +
      theme_minimal() +
      theme(axis.line = element_line(colour = "black", size = 0.5))

  #Only eigenvalue-based ordination methods can be displayed with % on axes
  if(type == "pca" | type == "ca" | type == "pcoa" | type == "mmds") {
    plot <- plot +
      xlab(paste(x_axis_name, " [", totalvar[x_axis_name], "%]", sep = "")) +
      ylab(paste(y_axis_name, " [", totalvar[y_axis_name], "%]", sep = ""))
  } else if(type == "rda" | type == "cca") {
    if(model$CCA$rank > 1) {
      plot <- plot +
        xlab(paste(x_axis_name, " [", totalvar[x_axis_name], "% / ", constrainedvar[x_axis_name], "%]", sep = "")) +
        ylab(paste(y_axis_name, " [", totalvar[y_axis_name], "% / ", constrainedvar[y_axis_name], "%]", sep = ""))
    } else if(model$CCA$rank <= 1) {
      plot <- plot +
        xlab(paste(x_axis_name, " [", totalvar[x_axis_name], "%]", sep = "")) +
        ylab(paste(y_axis_name, " [", totalvar[y_axis_name], "% / ", constrainedvar[y_axis_name], "%]", sep = ""))
  } else if (type == "nmds") {
    plot <- plot +
      annotate("text", size = 3, x = Inf, y = Inf, hjust = 1, vjust = 1, label = paste0("Stress value = ", round(model$stress, 3)))

  ##### Plot var points  #####
  if (var_plot == TRUE) {
    if(var_plotly == T) {
      #generate hover text for vars.
      data_plotly <- varmeta %>%
        purrr::imap(~paste(.y, .x, sep = ": ")) %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        tidyr::unite("test", sep = "<br>") %>%
        unlist(use.names = FALSE) %>%
      plot <- plot +
        geom_point(data = dvar,
                   color = "darkgrey",
                   shape = var_shape,
                   size = var_point_size-1,
                   #alpha = opacity,
                   aes(text = data_plotly))
    } else{
      plot <- plot +
        geom_point(data = dvar,
                   color = "darkgrey",
                   shape = var_shape,
                   size = var_point_size)
                   #alpha = opacity)


  ##### Plot text labels  #####
  if (!is.null(sample_colorframe_label)) {
    temp <- data.frame(group = dsites[, sample_colorframe_label],
                       x = dsites[, x_axis_name],
                       y = dsites[, y_axis_name]) %>%
      group_by(group) %>%
      summarise(cx = mean(x), cy = mean(y)) %>%
    temp2 <- merge(dsites, temp,
                   by.x = sample_colorframe_label,
                   by.y = "group")
    temp3 <- temp2[!duplicated(temp2[, sample_colorframe_label]), ]
    if (repel_labels == T){
      plot <- plot + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = temp3,
                                              aes_string(x = "cx",
                                                         y = "cy",
                                                         label = sample_colorframe_label),
                                              size = 3,
                                              color = "black",
                                              fontface = 2
    } else {
      plot <- plot + geom_text(data = temp3,
                               aes_string(x = "cx",
                                          y = "cy",
                                          label = sample_colorframe_label),
                               size = 3,
                               color = "black",
                               fontface = 2

  ##### Sample_trajectory  #####
  if (!is.null(sample_trajectory)) {
    traj <- dsites[order(dsites[, sample_trajectory, drop = FALSE]), ]
    if(is.null(sample_trajectory_group)) {
      plot <- plot + geom_path(data = traj)
    } else if(!is.null(sample_trajectory_group))
      plot <- plot + geom_path(data = traj, aes_string(group = sample_trajectory_group))

  ##### Sample point labels  #####
  if(!is.null(sample_label_by)) {
    if (repel_labels == T){plot <- plot + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(aes_string(label = sample_label_by),size = sample_label_size, color = "grey40", segment.color = sample_label_segment_color)}
    else{plot <- plot + geom_text(aes_string(label = sample_label_by),size = sample_label_size, color = "grey40", segment.color = sample_label_segment_color)}

  ##### Plot var labels  #####
  if (var_nlabels > 0) {
    if (repel_labels == T){plot <- plot + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = dvar[1:var_nlabels,], aes_string(x = x_axis_name, y = y_axis_name, label = var_label_by),colour = var_label_color, size = var_label_size,fontface = 4,inherit.aes = FALSE)}
    else{plot <- plot +geom_text(data = dvar[1:var_nlabels,], aes_string(x = x_axis_name, y = y_axis_name, label = var_label_by),colour = var_label_color, size = var_label_size,fontface = 4,inherit.aes = FALSE)}

  ##### Categorical fitting  #####
  if(!is.null(envfit_factor)) {
    evf_factor_model <- envfit(dsites[,c(x_axis_name, y_axis_name)],
                               data$metadata[,envfit_factor, drop = FALSE],
                               permutations = 999
    evf_factor_data <- data.frame(Name = rownames(evf_factor_model$factors$centroids),
                                  Variable = evf_factor_model$factors$var.id,
                                  pval = evf_factor_model$factors$pvals
    ) %>% subset(pval <= envfit_signif_level)
    if (nrow(evf_factor_data) > 0 & envfit_show == TRUE) {
      if (repel_labels == T){plot <- plot + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = evf_factor_data,aes_string(x = x_axis_name, y = y_axis_name, label = "Name"), colour = envfit_textcolor, inherit.aes = FALSE, size = envfit_textsize, fontface = "bold")}
      else{plot <- plot + geom_text(data = evf_factor_data,aes_string(x = x_axis_name, y = y_axis_name, label = "Name"), colour = envfit_textcolor, inherit.aes = FALSE, size = envfit_textsize, fontface = "bold")}
    if (nrow(evf_factor_data) == 0) {
      warning("No environmental variables fit below the chosen significant level.", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    evf_factor_model <- NULL

  ##### Numerical fitting  #####
  if (!is.null(envfit_numeric)) {
    evf_numeric_model <- envfit(dsites[,c(x_axis_name, y_axis_name)],
                                data$metadata[,envfit_numeric, drop = FALSE],
                                permutations = 999
    evf_numeric_data <- data.frame(Name = rownames(evf_numeric_model$vectors$arrows),
                                   evf_numeric_model$vectors$arrows * sqrt(evf_numeric_model$vectors$r) * envfit_numeric_arrows_scale,
                                   pval = evf_numeric_model$vectors$pvals
    ) %>% subset(pval <= envfit_signif_level)
    if (nrow(evf_numeric_data) > 0 & envfit_show == TRUE) {
      plot <- plot + geom_segment(data = evf_numeric_data,
                                  aes_string(x = 0,
                                             xend = x_axis_name,
                                             y = 0,
                                             yend = y_axis_name
                                  arrow = arrow(length = unit(3, "mm")),
                                  colour = envfit_arrowcolor,
                                  size = 1,
                                  inherit.aes = FALSE) +
        geom_text(data = evf_numeric_data,
                  aes_string(x = x_axis_name,
                             y = y_axis_name,
                             label = "Name"),
                  colour = envfit_textcolor,
                  inherit.aes = FALSE,
                  size = envfit_textsize,
                  hjust = 1.2,
                  vjust = 1.2,
                  fontface = "bold"
    if (nrow(evf_numeric_data) == 0) {
      warning("No environmental variables fit below the chosen significant level.", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    evf_numeric_model <- NULL

  ##### Return  #####
  #return plot or additional details
    return(plotly::ggplotly(plot, tooltip = "text"))
  else if(var_plotly == T){
    return(plotly::ggplotly(plot, tooltip = "text"))
  else if(!detailed_output){
  else if(detailed_output){
    if (type == "nmds") {
      screeplot <- NULL
    } else {
      ##### Screeplot  #####
      #the data for it
      if (type == "mmds" | type == "pcoa") {
        if (length(model$values$Relative_eig) > 10) {
          unconstrained_eig <- model$values$Relative_eig[1:10]*100
        } else {
          unconstrained_eig <- model$values$Relative_eig*100
        #the scree plot
        screeplot <- ggplot(data.frame(axis = factor(as.character(c(1:length(unconstrained_eig))), levels = c(1:length(unconstrained_eig))), eigenvalues = unconstrained_eig), aes(x = axis, y = eigenvalues)) +
          geom_col() +
          #geom_text(label = round(eigenvalues, 2), vjust = -1, size = 3)  + #Can't get it to work
          theme_minimal() +
          xlab("Axis (max. 10 axes will be shown)") +
          ylab("Eigenvalue in percent of total inertia")
      } else {
        unconstrained_eig <- model$CA$eig/model$tot.chi*100
        constrained_eig <- model$CCA$eig/model$tot.chi*100
        if (length(constrained_eig) > 10) {
          constrained_eig <- constrained_eig[1:10]
        if (length(unconstrained_eig) > 10) {
          unconstrained_eig <- unconstrained_eig[1:10]
        eigenvalues <- c(constrained_eig, unconstrained_eig) #constrained combined with unconstrained
        #the scree plot
        screeplot <- ggplot(data.frame(axis = factor(names(eigenvalues), levels = names(eigenvalues)), eigenvalues = eigenvalues), aes(x = axis, y = eigenvalues)) +
          geom_col() +
          geom_text(label = round(eigenvalues, 2), vjust = -1, size = 3)  +
          theme_minimal() +
          theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) +
          xlab("Axis (max. 10 axes will be shown)") +
          ylab("Eigenvalue in percent of total inertia")

    return(list(plot = plot,
                screeplot = screeplot,
                model = model,
                dsites = dsites,
                dvar = dvar,
                evf_factor_model = evf_factor_model,
                evf_numeric_model = evf_numeric_model)
TYMichaelsen/mmtravis documentation built on Aug. 5, 2019, 10:48 a.m.