
Defines functions preload_maf

Documented in preload_maf

#' Read and verify MAF somatic mutation data 
#' Reads MAF-formatted data from a text file or data table, checks for problems, and
#' provides a few quality check annotations (if available). If core MAF columns don't have
#' standard names (Chromosome, Start_Position, etc., with Tumor_Sample_Barcode used as the
#' sample ID column), you can supply your own column names. If the data you are loading is
#' from a different genome build than the chosen reference data set (refset) you can use
#' the \code{chain_file} option to supply a UCSC-style chain file, and your MAF coordinates
#' will be automatically converted with rtracklayer's version of liftOver.
#' The \code{ces.refset.hg19} \code{ces.refset.hg38} refsets provides three annotations
#' that you may consider using for quality filtering of MAF records:
#' \itemize{
#' \item cosmic_site_tier Indicates if the variant's position overlaps a mutation in
#' COSMIC v92's Cancer Mutation Census. Mutations are classified as Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier
#' 3, and Other. Note that the MAF mutation itself is not necessarily in the census. See
#' COSMIC's website for tier definitions.
#' \item germline_variant_site The variant's position overlaps a site of common germline
#' variation. Roughly, this means that gnomAD 2.1.1 shows an overlapping germline variant at
#' greater than 1\% prevalence in some population.
#' \item repetitive_region The variant overlaps a site marked as repetitive sequence by
#' the RepeatMasker tool (data taken from UCSC Table Browser). Variant calls in repetitive
#' sites frequently reflect sequencing or calling error.
#' }
#' @param maf Path of tab-delimited text file in MAF format, or a data.table/data.frame with MAF data
#' @param refset name of reference data set (refset) to use; run \code{list_ces_refsets()} for
#'   available refsets. Alternatively, the path to a custom reference data directory.
#' @param sample_col column name with patient ID; defaults to
#'   Unique_Patient_Identifier, or, in its absence, Tumor_Sample_Barcode
#' @param chr_col column name with chromosome data  (Chromosome)           
#' @param start_col column name with start position (Start_Position)
#' @param ref_col column name with reference allele data (Reference_Allele)
#' @param tumor_allele_col column name with alternate allele data; by default,
#'   values from Tumor_Seq_Allele2 and Tumor_Seq_Allele1 columns are used
#' @param keep_extra_columns TRUE/FALSE to load data columns not needed by cancereffectsizeR,
#' or a vector of column names to keep.
#' @param chain_file a LiftOver chain file (text format, name ends in .chain) to convert MAF
#'   records to the genome build used in the CESAnalysis.
#' @param coverage_intervals_to_check If available, a BED file or GRanges object
#'   represented the expected coverage intervals of the sequencing method used to generate
#'   the MAF data. Unless the coverage intervals are incorrect, most records will be
#'   covered. Output will show how far away uncovered records are from covered regions,
#'   which can inform whether to use the covered_regions_padding option in load_maf().
#'   (For example, some variant callers will identify variants up to 100bp out of the
#'   target regions, and you may want to pad the covered intervals to allow these variants
#'   to remain in your data. Alternatively, if all records are already covered, then the
#'   calls have probably already be trimmed to the coverage intervals, which means no
#'   padding should be added.)
#' @param detect_hidden_mnv Find same-sample adjacent SNVs and replace these records with
#'   DBS (doublet base substitution) records. Also, find groups of same-sample variants
#'   within 2 bp of each other and replace these records with MNV (multi-nucleotide
#'   variant) records.
#' @return a data.table of MAF data, with any problematic records flagged and a few
#'   quality-control annotations (if available with the chosen refset data).
#' @export
preload_maf = function(maf = NULL, refset = NULL, coverage_intervals_to_check = NULL,
                    chain_file = NULL, sample_col = "Unique_Patient_Identifier", chr_col = "Chromosome", start_col = "Start_Position",
                    ref_col = "Reference_Allele", tumor_allele_col = "guess", keep_extra_columns = FALSE, detect_hidden_mnv = TRUE) {
  if(is.null(refset)) {
    msg = paste0("Required argument refset: Supply a reference data package (e.g., ces.refset.hg38 or ces.refset.hg19).")
    stop(paste0(strwrap(msg, exdent = 2), collapse = "\n"))
  if (is(refset, "environment")) {
    refset_name = as.character(substitute(refset))
  } else {
    refset_name = refset
  # Check for and load reference data for the chosen genome/transcriptome data
  if (! is(refset_name, "character")) {
    stop("refset should be a refset object, the name of an installed refset package, or a path to custom refset directory.")
  using_custom_refset = TRUE
  if (refset_name %in% names(.official_refsets)) {
    using_custom_refset = FALSE
    if(file.exists(refset_name)) {
      stop("You've given the name of a CES reference data set package, but a file/folder with the same name is in your working directory. Stopping to avoid confusion.")
    if(! require(refset_name, character.only = T)) {
      if(refset_name == "ces.refset.hg19") {
        message("Install ces.refset.hg19 like this:\n",
      } else if(refset_name == "ces.refset.hg38") {
        message("Install ces.refset.hg38 like this:\n",
      stop("CES reference data set ", refset_name, " not installed.")
    req_version = .official_refsets[[refset_name]]
    actual_version = packageVersion(refset_name)
    if (actual_version < req_version) {
      stop("CES reference data set ", refset_name, " is version ", actual_version, ", but your version of cancereffectsizeR requires at least ",
           "version ", req_version, ".\nRun this to update:\n",
           "remotes::install_github(\"Townsend-Lab-Yale/", refset_name, "\")")
    ref_data_version = actual_version
    data_dir = system.file("refset", package = refset_name)
  } else {
    if (! dir.exists(refset_name)) {
      if (grepl('/', refset_name)) {
        stop("Could not find reference data at ", refset_name)
      } else {
        stop("Invalid reference set name. Check spelling, or view available data sets with list_ces_refsets().")
    data_dir = refset_name
    refset_name = basename(refset_name)
    if(refset_name %in% names(.official_refsets)) {
      stop("Your custom reference data set has the same name (", refset_name, ") as a CES reference data package. Please rename it.")
  if (refset_name %in% ls(.ces_ref_data)) {
    refset_env = .ces_ref_data[[refset_name]]
  } else if(using_custom_refset) {
    refset_env = preload_ref_data(data_dir)
    .ces_ref_data[[refset_name]] = refset_env
  } else {
    refset_env = get(refset_name, envir = as.environment(paste0('package:', refset_name)))
    .ces_ref_data[[refset_name]] = refset_env
  # By default, only load core columns to save time and memory
  more_cols = NULL
  if (identical(keep_extra_columns, TRUE)) {
    more_cols = 'all'
  } else if (! identical(keep_extra_columns, FALSE)) {
    if (is.character(keep_extra_columns)) {
      more_cols = keep_extra_columns
    } else {
      stop("keep_extra_columns should be T/F or names of extra columns to include.")

  maf = read_in_maf(maf = maf, refset_env = refset_env, chr_col = chr_col, start_col = start_col, ref_col = ref_col,
                    tumor_allele_col = tumor_allele_col, sample_col = sample_col, more_cols = more_cols, chain_file = chain_file)
  coverage_gr = NULL
  if(! is.null(coverage_intervals_to_check)) {
    if (is.character(coverage_intervals_to_check)) {
      if (length(coverage_intervals_to_check) != 1) {
        stop("coverage_intervals_to_check should be a BED filename or GRanges object")
      if (! file.exists(coverage_intervals_to_check)) {
        stop("BED file not found; check path?", call. = F)
      coverage_gr = rtracklayer::import.bed(coverage_intervals_to_check)
    } else if (is(coverage_intervals_to_check, 'GRanges')) {
      coverage_gr = coverage_intervals_to_check
    } else {
      stop("coverage_intervals_to_check should be a BED filename or GRanges object")
    coverage_gr = clean_granges_for_cesa(refset_env = refset_env, gr = coverage_gr)
  anno_grs = list()
  if ('preload_anno' %in% ls(.ces_ref_data[[refset_name]])) {
    anno_grs = .ces_ref_data[[refset_name]][['preload_anno']]
  if(! is.logical(detect_hidden_mnv) || length(detect_hidden_mnv) != 1) {
    stop("detect_hidden_mnv should be TRUE/FALSE.")
  maf[! is.na(problem) & ! problem %in% c('duplicate_record', 'duplicate_from_TCGA_sample_merge',
                                'duplicate_record_after_liftOver', 'failed_liftOver',
                                'merged_into_dbs_variant', 'merged_with_nearby_variant', 
               c('variant_id', 'variant_type') := list(NA_character_, NA_character_)]
  maf[variant_type == 'illegal', problem := 'invalid_record']
  if (detect_hidden_mnv) {
    mnv = detect_mnv(maf[is.na(problem)])
    if(mnv[, .N] > 0) {
      # Groups of 2 consecutive SNVs are double-base substitutions
      # Create DBS entries suitable for MAF table
      mnv[, is_dbs := .N == 2 && diff(Start_Position) == 1 && variant_type[1] == 'snv' && variant_type[2] == 'snv', by = mnv_group]
      dbs = mnv[is_dbs == T, 
                .(Unique_Patient_Identifier = Unique_Patient_Identifier[1], 
                  Chromosome = Chromosome[1], Start_Position = Start_Position[1],
                  Reference_Allele = paste(Reference_Allele, collapse = ''),
                  Tumor_Allele = paste0(Tumor_Allele, collapse = ''), variant_type = 'dbs',
                  v1 = variant_id[1], v2 = variant_id[2]), by = mnv_group][, -"mnv_group"]
      dbs[, dbs_id := paste0(Chromosome, ':', Start_Position, '_', Reference_Allele, '>', Tumor_Allele)]
      # Remove the SNV entries that form the new DBS variants
      maf[dbs, dbs_id := i.dbs_id, on = c("Unique_Patient_Identifier", variant_id = "v1")]
      maf[dbs, dbs_id := i.dbs_id, on = c("Unique_Patient_Identifier", variant_id = "v2")]
      maf_dbs_ind = maf[! is.na(dbs_id), which = T]
      maf_dbs = maf[maf_dbs_ind, .(Unique_Patient_Identifier, Chromosome, Start_Position, 
                                   Reference_Allele, Tumor_Allele)]
      if (all(c("prelift_chr", "prelift_start", "liftover_strand_flip") %in% names(maf))) {
        dbs[maf, c("prelift_chr", "prelift_start", "liftover_strand_flip") := list(prelift_chr, prelift_start, liftover_strand_flip), on = c(v1 = 'variant_id')]
      maf[is.na(problem) & ! is.na(dbs_id), problem := "merged_into_dbs_variant"]
      maf[, dbs_id := NULL]
      # Add new DBS entries
      dbs[, c("v1", "v2") := NULL]
      setnames(dbs, "dbs_id", "variant_id")
      dbs[, problem := NA_character_]
      maf = rbind(maf, dbs, fill = T)
      num_dbs = dbs[, .N]
      if(num_dbs > 0) {
        grammar1 = ifelse(num_dbs == 1, 'pair', 'pairs')
        grammar2 = ifelse(num_dbs == 1, 'has', 'have')
        msg = paste0('Note: ', num_dbs, ' adjacent ', grammar1, ' of SNVs ', grammar2, ' been reclassified as doublet base substitutions (dbs).')
      # For non-DBS mnvs, reclassify as "other"
      num_mnv_groups = mnv[is_dbs == FALSE, uniqueN(mnv_group)]
      if(num_mnv_groups > 0) {
        mnv = mnv[is_dbs == F, .(Unique_Patient_Identifier, Chromosome, Start_Position, Reference_Allele, Tumor_Allele, 
                                 variant_id, mnv_group)]
        maf[mnv, mnv_group := mnv_group, on = c("Unique_Patient_Identifier", "Chromosome", "Start_Position")]
        maf[! is.na(mnv_group), problem := 'merged_with_nearby_variant']
        mnv[, increment := c(0, diff(Start_Position)), by = 'mnv_group']
        mnv[increment == 0, to_add := '']
        mnv[increment > 0, to_add := paste0('(+', increment, ')')]
        mnv[, Reference_Allele := paste0(to_add, Reference_Allele)]
        mnv[, c("increment", "to_add") := NULL]
        mnv = mnv[, c("variant_id", "Reference_Allele", "Tumor_Allele") := .(paste(variant_id, collapse = ','),
                                                                             paste(Reference_Allele, collapse = ','),
                                                                             paste(Tumor_Allele, collapse = ',')),
                  by = 'mnv_group'][, .SD[1], by = 'mnv_group']
        mnv[, variant_type := 'other']
        if (all(c("prelift_chr", "prelift_start", "liftover_strand_flip") %in% names(maf))) {
          mnv[maf, c("prelift_chr", "prelift_start", "liftover_strand_flip") := .(prelift_chr, prelift_start, liftover_strand_flip), on = 'mnv_group']
        maf = rbind(maf, mnv, fill = TRUE)
        maf[, mnv_group := NULL]
        msg = ifelse(num_dbs > 0, 'Additionally, ', 'Note: ')
        grammar = ifelse(num_mnv_groups > 1, 's', '')
        msg = paste0(msg, num_mnv_groups, ' group', grammar, ' of same-sample variants within 2 bp of each other have been reclassified as ',
                     'variant_type = "other", since they likely do not constitute independent mutation events.')

  # Make MAF-based gr if needed
  # Will annotate all good records, and also bad ones that have valid chr/start
  valid_loci = maf[! is.na(Chromosome) & ! is.na(Start_Position) & ! problem %in% c("out_of_bounds", "unsupported_chr", "missing_values"), which = T]
  if (! is.null(coverage_gr) || length(anno_grs) > 0) {
    maf_gr = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(maf[valid_loci], start.field = "Start_Position", end.field = "Start_Position",
                                      seqnames.field = "Chromosome", ignore.strand = TRUE) # don't want possible user strand field parsed
  if(! is.null(coverage_gr)) {
    maf[valid_loci, is_covered := IRanges::overlapsAny(maf_gr, coverage_gr, type = "within")]
    maf[valid_loci, dist_to_coverage_intervals := 0]
    chr_not_in_coverage = setdiff(refset_env$supported_chr, seqnames(coverage_gr))
    maf[valid_loci] = maf[valid_loci][Chromosome %in% chr_not_in_coverage, dist_to_coverage_intervals := NA]
    uncovered_gr = maf_gr[maf[valid_loci][is_covered == F & ! is.na(dist_to_coverage_intervals), which = T]]
    # distToNearest gives gap width, so off-by-one records get a confusing 0 unless we add 1
    maf[valid_loci] = maf[valid_loci][is_covered == F & ! is.na(dist_to_coverage_intervals), 
                                      dist_to_coverage_intervals := as.data.table(distanceToNearest(uncovered_gr, coverage_gr))$distance + 1]
    maf[, is_covered := NULL]
  for (gr in anno_grs) {
    # can either be a GRanges or a list of them
    if (is(gr, "GRanges")) {
      anno_colname = attr(gr, "anno_col_name", exact = T)
      maf[valid_loci, (anno_colname) := IRanges::overlapsAny(maf_gr, gr, type = "within")]
    } else if (is(gr, "list") && unique(sapply(gr, function(x) is(x, "GRanges"))) == T) {
      # will go in reverse order since ranges are listed in order of precedence (first gr's overlaps should always appear)
      anno_colname = attr(gr, "anno_col_name", exact = T)
      gr = rev(gr)
      labels = names(gr)
      for (i in 1:length(labels)) {
        curr_label = labels[i]
        has_overlap = IRanges::overlapsAny(maf_gr, gr[[i]], type = "within")
        maf[valid_loci[has_overlap], (anno_colname) := curr_label]
    } else {
      warning("A misformatted annotation source was skipped.")
  # "merged_with_nearby_variant" replaced "merged_into_other_variant" in v2.6.4
  already_reported = c("merged_into_dbs_variant", "merged_into_other_variant", "merged_with_nearby_variant")
  problem_summary = maf[! is.na(problem) & ! problem %in% already_reported, .(num_records = .N), by = "problem"]
  if(problem_summary[, .N] > 0) {
    pretty_message("Some MAF records have problems:")
    # this is how to print a table nicely in the message stream
    if(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO") == "1" && rstudioapi::isAvailable() && rstudioapi::getThemeInfo()$dark) {
      message(crayon::white(paste0(utils::capture.output(print(problem_summary, row.names = F)), collapse = "\n")))
    } else {
      message(crayon::black(paste0(utils::capture.output(print(problem_summary, row.names = F)), collapse = "\n")))
    pretty_message("You can remove or fix these records, or let load_maf() exclude them automatically.")
    num_mit = maf[problem == 'unsupported_chr' & Chromosome %like% '^(chr)?MT?$', .N]
    build_name = get_ref_data(data_dir, 'genome_build_info')$build_name
    is_recent_human_build = build_name %in% c('hg19', 'hg38')
    if (num_mit > 0 && is_recent_human_build == T) {
      pretty_message(paste0('FYI, ', num_mit, ' of the unsupported_chr records are mitochondrial variants, which ',
                          'for a variety of technical reasons cannot be included.'))
    num_out_out_bounds = maf[problem == 'out_of_bounds', .N]
    frac_mismatch = maf[problem == 'reference_mismatch', .N] / maf[, .N]
    if (num_out_out_bounds > 0 | frac_mismatch > .05) {
      if (is.null(chain_file)) {
        msg = paste0("Presence of out-of-bounds MAF records (position greater than chromosome length) ",
               "or having many reference mismatches typically indicates use of an incorrect genome build. ", 
               'Make sure (all) of your input data uses ', build_name, ' coordinates, or use a chain file ',
               'to convert the coordinates if necessary.')
      } else {
        msg = paste0("Having many reference mismatches typically indicates use of an incorrect genome build. ",
                     "Since you supplied a chain file to convert coordinates, make sure it's the correct chain file ",
                     "to convert from the data's original coordinate system to ", build_name, '.')
      msg = paste0(msg, " (Or, if you didn't intend to use ", build_name, ", use the \"refset\" argument to specify the ",
            "reference data set that matches your desired build.)")
      warning(pretty_message(msg, emit = F))
    tcga_patient_dups = maf[problem == "duplicate_from_TCGA_sample_merge", .N]
    if(tcga_patient_dups > 0) {
      pretty_message("(Duplicate records are expected when same-patient TCGA samples are merged.)")
  setcolorder(maf, c("Unique_Patient_Identifier", "Chromosome", "Start_Position", 
                     "Reference_Allele", "Tumor_Allele", "variant_type", "variant_id"))
  # Enable skipping reference allele check on load_maf(), provided user doesn't mess with things.
  setattr(maf, 'ref_md5', digest::digest(maf[, .(variant_id, Reference_Allele)]))
  setattr(maf, 'ref_md5_noproblem', digest::digest(maf[is.na(problem), .(variant_id, Reference_Allele)]))

#' Catch duplicate samples
#' Takes in a data.table of MAF data (produced, typically, with \code{preload_maf()}) and
#' identifies samples with relatively high proportions of shared SNV mutations. Some
#' flagged sample pairs may reflect shared driver mutations or chance overlap of variants
#' in SNV or sequencing error hotspots. Very high overlap may indicate sample duplication,
#' re-use of samples across data sources, or within-experiment sample contamination. To limit
#' the influence of shared calling error, it's recommended to run this function after
#' any quality filtering of MAF records, as a final step.
#' Sample pairs are flagged when...
#' \itemize{
#' \item Both samples have <6 total SNVs and any shared SNVs.
#' \item Both samples have <21 total SNVs and >1 shared mutation.
#' \item One sample has just 1 or 2 total SNVs and has any overlaps with the other sample.
#' \item The samples have >2 shared SNVs and at least one percent of SNVs are shared (in the sample with fewer SNVs).
#' }
#' These thresholds err on the side of reporting too many possible duplicates. In general,
#' and especially when dealing with targeted sequencing data, the presence of 1 or 2
#' shared mutations between a pair of samples is not strong evidence of sample
#' duplication. It's up to the user to filter and interpret the output.
#' In addition to reporting SNV counts, this function divides the genome into 1000-bp
#' windows and reports the following:
#' \itemize{
#' \item variant_windows_A: Number of windows in which sample A has a variant.
#' \item variant_windows_B: Same for B.
#' \item windows_shared: Number of windows that contain a variant shared between both samples.
#' }
#' Sometimes, samples have little overlap except for a few hotspots that may derive from
#' shared calling error or highly mutable regions. These window counts can help
#' distinguish such samples from those with more pervasive SNV overlap.
#' @param maf_list A list of data.tables (or a single data.table) with MAF data and cancereffectsizeR-style column names,
#'   as generated by \code{preload_maf()}.
#' @return a data.table with overlap statistics
#' @export
check_sample_overlap = function(maf_list) {

  if (is(maf_list, "data.table")) {
    maf_list = list(maf_list)
  } else if (is(maf_list, "list")) {
    which_not_dt = which(! sapply(maf_list, is, "data.table"))
    if(length(which_not_dt) > 0) {
      stop("Item(s) ", paste(which_not_dt, collapse = ", "), "of maf_list are not data.table.")
  } else {
    stop("maf_list should be a list of MAF data.tables (or a single MAF data.table).")
  maf_names = names(maf_list)
  if(! is.null(maf_names)) {
    if(uniqueN(maf_names) != length(maf_names)) {
      stop("Named list maf_list has repeated names. Give each MAF its own name.")
    if(any(maf_names == "")) {
      stop("An MAF in maf_list has an empty-string name")
  } else {
    names(maf_list) = 1:length(maf_list)
    maf_names = names(maf_list)
  maf_cols = c("Chromosome", "Start_Position", "Reference_Allele", "Tumor_Allele", "Unique_Patient_Identifier")
  all_samples = character()
  for (i in maf_names) {
    maf = maf_list[[i]]
    if(! all(maf_cols %in% names(maf))) {
      msg = paste0("Missing some required MAF columns in MAF ", i, ". (One fix is to run your MAF data through preload_maf() first.)")
      stop(pretty_message(msg, emit = F))
    if (any(maf$Unique_Patient_Identifier %in% all_samples)) {
      stop("MAF ", i, " contains sample(s) already present in previous MAFs in maf_list.")
    all_samples = union(all_samples, maf$Unique_Patient_Identifier)
  maf = rbindlist(maf_list, idcol = "source_maf", fill = TRUE)
  if("problem" %in% names(maf) & ! all(is.na(maf$problem))) {
    message("Excluding MAF records with problems from this check (if problems were fixed, stop and re-run preload_maf)...")
    maf = maf[is.na(problem)]
  maf = maf[, .SD, .SDcols = c(maf_cols, "source_maf")]
  nt = c('A', 'C', 'T', 'G')
  maf = maf[Reference_Allele %in% nt & Tumor_Allele %in% nt]
  maf[, mut_id := paste(Chromosome, Start_Position, Tumor_Allele, sep = "_")]
  # For efficiency, only need to check recurrent mutations
  maf[, window := paste(Chromosome, Start_Position %% 1000, sep = '.')]
  recurrent_muts = maf[, .N, by = "mut_id"][N > 1, mut_id]
  records_to_check = maf[recurrent_muts, on = "mut_id"]
  # Also will count shared mutations by 1000bp window
  setkey(records_to_check, "Unique_Patient_Identifier")
  setindex(records_to_check, "mut_id")
  if(uniqueN(maf$Unique_Patient_Identifier) < 2) {
    stop("Less than two samples in MAF input.")
  # Only need to count samples with recurrent mutations
  samples_to_check = maf[recurrent_muts, unique(Unique_Patient_Identifier), on = 'mut_id']
  if(length(samples_to_check) < 2) {
    message("There are no recurrent mutations in the input, so there is no overlap between samples!")
  # Function to handle overlap counting
  count_overlaps = function(samples_to_check, dt) {
    sample_pairs = utils::combn(samples_to_check, 2, simplify = F)
    # Organize mutations by sample
    mutations <- new.env(hash=TRUE)
    for (sample in samples_to_check) {
      mutations[[sample]] = dt[sample, mut_id]
    ## Assess overlap of mutations between every pair of samples
    count = 0
    with_inter = 0
    num_samples = length(samples_to_check)
    possible_dups = list()
    i = 0
    for (pair in sample_pairs) {
      s1_muts = mutations[[pair[1]]]
      s2_muts = mutations[[pair[2]]]
      muts_in_both = intersect(s1_muts, s2_muts)
      intersection = length(muts_in_both)
      if (intersection > 0) {
        with_inter = with_inter + 1
        intersect_windows = uniqueN(dt[muts_in_both, window, on = "mut_id"])
        if (length(s1_muts) > length(s2_muts)) {
          possible_dups[[with_inter]] = c(pair[1], pair[2], intersection, intersect_windows)
        } else {
          possible_dups[[with_inter]] = c(pair[2], pair[1], intersection, intersect_windows)
      i = i + 1
      if (i %% 10000 == 0) {
        message("Finished ", format(i, big.mark = ',', scientific = F), " pairs.")
    possible_dups = rbindlist(lapply(possible_dups, as.list))
    colnames(possible_dups) = c("sample_A", "sample_B", "variants_shared", "windows_shared")
    possible_dups[, variants_shared := as.integer(variants_shared)]
    possible_dups[, windows_shared := as.integer(windows_shared)]
  # Run overlap count function
  num_pairs = format(choose(length(samples_to_check), 2), big.mark = ",", scientific = F)
  pretty_message(paste0("Comparing ", num_pairs, " pairs of samples for suspicious variant overlap..."))
  dups = count_overlaps(samples_to_check = samples_to_check, dt = records_to_check)
  # Add total variant counts
  counts_by_sample = maf[, .N, by = "Unique_Patient_Identifier"]
  dups[counts_by_sample, variants_A := N, on = c(sample_A = "Unique_Patient_Identifier")]
  dups[counts_by_sample, variants_B := N, on = c(sample_B = "Unique_Patient_Identifier")]
  ## Flag cases where both samples have <6 total mutations and any shared mutations
  ## Flag cases where both samples have <21 total mutations and >1 shared mutation
  ## Flag cases where one sample has just 1 or 2 mutations and has any overlaps with other samples
  ## Flag cases where there are >2 shared mutations and at least 1% overlap
  dups[variants_A < 21 & variants_B < 21 & variants_shared > 1, to_examine := T]
  dups[variants_A < 6 & variants_B < 6 & variants_shared > 0, to_examine := T]
  dups[(variants_A < 3 | variants_B < 3) & variants_shared > 0, to_examine := T] 
  # Mark pairs with high overlap
  dups[, greater_overlap := pmax((variants_shared / variants_A), (variants_shared / variants_B))]
  dups[(variants_shared > 2 & greater_overlap > .01), to_examine := T]
  # Filter down to the pairs to examine manually, add variant window counts, format for output
  to_examine = dups[to_examine == T, -"to_examine"][order(-greater_overlap)]
  to_examine[, greater_overlap := round(greater_overlap, 3)]
  window_counts_by_sample = maf[, .(N = uniqueN(window)), by = "Unique_Patient_Identifier"]
  to_examine[window_counts_by_sample, variant_windows_A := N, on = c(sample_A = "Unique_Patient_Identifier")]
  to_examine[window_counts_by_sample, variant_windows_B := N, on = c(sample_B = "Unique_Patient_Identifier")]
  to_examine[maf, source_A := source_maf, on = c(sample_A = "Unique_Patient_Identifier")]
  to_examine[maf, source_B := source_maf, on = c(sample_B = "Unique_Patient_Identifier")]
  setcolorder(to_examine, c("sample_A", "source_A", "variants_A", "variant_windows_A", 
                            "sample_B", "source_B", "variants_B", "variant_windows_B", "windows_shared",
                            "variants_shared", "greater_overlap"))
  if(length(maf_list) == 1) {
    to_examine[, source_A := NULL]
    to_examine[, source_B := NULL]
  if(to_examine[, .N] == 0) {
    message("No sample pairs met overlap reporting thresholds!")
  } else {
    message("Returning ", to_examine[, .N], " sample pairs for review.")
Townsend-Lab-Yale/cancereffectsizeR documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 10:21 a.m.