#' @include utils.R
#' `R6` class representing a simulation experiment.
#' @name Experiment
#' @docType class
#' @description A simulation experiment with any number of [DGP],
#' [Method], [Evaluator], and [Visualizer] objects.
#' Generally speaking, users won't directly interact with the `Experiment` R6
#' class, but instead indirectly through [create_experiment()] and the tidy
#' `Experiment` helpers listed in below in the **See also** section.
#' @details When run, an `Experiment` seamlessly combines `DGPs` and
#' `Methods`, computing results in parallel. Those results can then be
#' evaluated using `Evaluators` and visualized using `Visualizers`.
#' @seealso The following tidy helpers take an `Experiment` object as their
#' first argument: [create_experiment()], [generate_data()],
#' [fit_experiment()], [evaluate_experiment()], [visualize_experiment()],
#' [run_experiment()], [clear_cache()], [get_cached_results()],
#' [get_save_dir()], [set_save_dir()], [save_experiment()],
#' [export_visualizers()], [`add_*()`](add_funs.html),
#' [`update_*()`](update_funs.html), [`remove_*()`](remove_funs.html),
#' [`get_*()`](get_funs.html), and [`*_vary_across()`](vary_across.html).
#' @export
Experiment <- R6::R6Class(
classname = 'Experiment',
private = list(
# private fields
.save_dir = NULL,
.dgp_list = list(),
.method_list = list(),
.evaluator_list = list(),
.visualizer_list = list(),
.vary_across_list = list(
dgp = list(),
method = list()
.fit_params = tibble::tibble(),
.future.globals = TRUE,
.future.packages = NULL,
# private methods
.add_obj = function(field_name, obj, obj_name, ...) {
# TODO: check if obj is already in list by another name
obj_list <- private$.get_obj_list(field_name, ...)
if (is.null(obj_name)) {
if (is.null(obj$name) || nchar(obj$name) == 0) {
# give a default name like "dgp1"
obj_name <- paste0(field_name, length(obj_list) + 1)
} else {
obj_name <- obj$name
if (!is.null(obj_list[[obj_name]])) {
paste("The name '%s' already exists in the %s list.",
"Use `update_%s` instead."),
obj_name, field_name, field_name,
call = rlang::caller_env()
} else {
list_name <- paste0(".", field_name, "_list")
private[[list_name]][[obj_name]] <- obj
.update_obj = function(field_name, obj, obj_name, ...) {
obj_list <- private$.get_obj_list(field_name, ...)
if (!obj_name %in% names(obj_list)) {
paste("The name '%s' isn't in the %s list.",
"Use `add_%s` instead."),
obj_name, field_name, field_name
call = rlang::caller_env()
list_name <- paste0(".", field_name, "_list")
private[[list_name]][[obj_name]] <- obj
.remove_obj = function(field_name, obj_name, ...) {
obj_list <- private$.get_obj_list(field_name, ...)
list_name <- paste0(".", field_name, "_list")
if (is.null(obj_name)) {
private[[list_name]] <- list()
} else if (is.null(obj_list[[obj_name]])) {
paste("Cannot remove '%s'.",
"The name '%s' does not exist in the %s list."),
obj_name, obj_name, field_name
call = rlang::caller_env()
} else {
private[[list_name]][[obj_name]] <- NULL
.throw_empty_list_error = function(field_name, action_name = "run") {
paste("No %s has been added yet. ",
"Use add_%s before trying to %s the experiment."),
field_name, field_name, action_name
call = rlang::caller_env()
.get_obj_list = function(field_name, getter_name=NULL) {
list_name <- paste0(".", field_name, "_list")
obj_list <- private[[list_name]]
.check_obj = function(obj, expected_class) {
if (!inherits(obj, expected_class)) {
err_msg <- sprintf("%s must be an instance of simChef::%s",
as.character(substitute(obj)), expected_class)
abort(err_msg, call = rlang::caller_env())
.add_obj_list = function(obj_list, expected_class) {
if (length(obj_list) > 0) {
lapply(obj_list, function(obj) {
if (!inherits(obj, expected_class)) {
paste("Expected all objects in %s_list to be instances of %s,",
"but found an object with the following class(es): %s"),
tolower(expected_class), expected_class,
paste0(class(obj), collapse=", ")
call = rlang::caller_env()
obj_list_names <- names(obj_list)
if (is.null(obj_list_names)) {
obj_list_names <- paste0(tolower(expected_class), 1:length(obj_list))
} else {
empty_names <- sapply(obj_list_names, function(obj_name) {
nchar(obj_name) == 0
obj_list_names[empty_names] <- paste0(
tolower(expected_class), 1:sum(empty_names)
names(obj_list) <- obj_list_names
private[[paste0(".", tolower(expected_class), "_list")]] <- obj_list
.check_vary_across = function(.dgp, .method, ...) {
if (missing(.dgp) && missing(.method)) {
abort("Must specify either '.dgp' or '.method'.",
call = rlang::caller_env())
} else if (!missing(.dgp) && !missing(.method)) {
abort("Must specify one of '.dgp' or '.method', but not both.",
call = rlang::caller_env())
} else if (!missing(.dgp)) {
obj <- .dgp
field <- "dgp"
} else if (!missing(.method)) {
obj <- .method
field <- "method"
is_multi <- FALSE
if (is.vector(obj)) { # note: is.vector("abc") returns TRUE
if (!((length(obj) == 1) && is.character(obj))) { # check that not obj = "abc" case
is_multi <- TRUE
objs <- obj
if (!is_multi) {
if (field == "dgp") {
objs <- list(.dgp)
} else if (field == "method") {
objs <- list(.method)
out <- list()
for (i in seq_along(objs)) {
obj <- objs[[i]]
out[[i]] <- private$.check_each_vary_across(
obj = obj, field_name = field, ...
.check_each_vary_across = function(obj, field_name, ...) {
dots_list <- rlang::list2(...)
if (field_name == "dgp") {
class_name <- "DGP"
} else if (field_name == "method") {
class_name <- "Method"
obj_list <- private$.get_obj_list(field_name)
if (inherits(obj, class_name)) {
obj_name <- sapply(obj_list,
function(x) check_equal(x, obj)) %>%
which() %>%
} else if (obj %in% names(obj_list)) {
obj_name <- obj
} else {
"%s must either be a %s object or the name of a %s in the current Experiment.",
field_name, class_name, class_name
call = rlang::caller_env()
obj_fun_args <- methods::formalArgs(
obj_list[[obj_name]][[paste0(field_name, "_fun")]]
dots_list_valid_names <- names(dots_list) %in% obj_fun_args
if (!all(dots_list_valid_names) && (!("..." %in% obj_fun_args))) {
invalid_names <- names(dots_list)[!dots_list_valid_names]
invalid_names <- paste0(invalid_names, collapse=", ")
sprintf("%s: not valid argument(s) to %s's %s_fun",
invalid_names, obj_name, field_name),
call = rlang::caller_env()
return(list(dots_list = dots_list,
field_name = field_name,
obj_name = obj_name))
.has_vary_across = function() {
if ((length(private$.vary_across_list$dgp) == 0) &&
(length(private$.vary_across_list$method) == 0)) {
} else {
.get_vary_params = function(field_name = c("dgp", "method")) {
field_name <- match.arg(field_name, several.ok = TRUE)
param_names_ls <- purrr::map(private$.vary_across_list[field_name],
function(x) {
if (identical(x, list())) {
} else {
return(purrr::map(x, names) %>%
purrr::reduce(c) %>%
param_names <- purrr::reduce(param_names_ls, c)
# fix duplicate names in dgp and method vary across components
if (all(c("dgp", "method") %in% field_name)) {
same_names <- unique(intersect(param_names_ls[[1]],
if (length(same_names) >= 1) {
unique_param_names <- setdiff(param_names, same_names)
same_param_names <- c(paste0(same_names, "_dgp"),
paste0(same_names, "_method"))
param_names <- c(unique_param_names, same_param_names)
.get_duplicate_param_names = function() {
dgp_params <- private$.get_vary_params("dgp")
method_params <- private$.get_vary_params("method")
return(intersect(dgp_params, method_params))
.combine_vary_params = function(field_name = c("dgp", "method")) {
field_name <- match.arg(field_name)
obj_list <- private$.get_obj_list(field_name)
obj_names <- names(obj_list)
params_list <- purrr::map(obj_names, function(obj_name) {
obj_params <- private$.vary_across_list[[field_name]][[obj_name]]
if (is.null(obj_params)) {
obj_params <- list()
obj_params <- c(obj_name, obj_params)
names(obj_params)[1] <- paste0(".", field_name, "_name")
param_grid <- tidyr::expand_grid(!!!obj_params) %>%
dplyr::transmute(params = purrr::pmap(., list))
}) %>%
unlist(recursive = FALSE)
.update_fit_params = function() {
# update/set (dgp, method) fit parameter combinations
dgp_list <- private$.get_obj_list("dgp")
dgp_params_list <- private$.combine_vary_params("dgp")
method_list <- private$.get_obj_list("method")
method_params_list <- private$.combine_vary_params("method")
fit_params <- tidyr::crossing(.dgp = dgp_params_list,
.method = method_params_list) %>%
.dgp_name = purrr::map_chr(.dgp, ~.x$.dgp_name),
.dgp_fun = purrr::map(
.dgp, ~removeSource(dgp_list[[.x$.dgp_name]]$dgp_fun)
.dgp_params = purrr::map(
.dgp, ~dgp_list[[.x$.dgp_name]]$dgp_params
.method_name = purrr::map_chr(.method, ~.x$.method_name),
.method_fun = purrr::map(
.method, ~removeSource(method_list[[.x$.method_name]]$method_fun)
.method_params = purrr::map(
.method, ~method_list[[.x$.method_name]]$method_params
private$.fit_params <- fit_params
.get_fit_params = function(cached_params = NULL,
type = c("all", "cached", "new"),
n_reps = NULL, simplify = FALSE) {
# get all/new/cached (dgp, method) fit parameter combinations
type <- match.arg(type)
fit_params <- private$.fit_params
if (identical(type, "all")) {
out_params <- fit_params
} else {
if (nrow(cached_params$fit) == 0) {
if (identical(type, "cached")) {
out_params <- cached_params$fit
} else if (identical(type, "new")) {
out_params <- fit_params
} else {
cached_idxs <- dplyr::bind_rows(
cached_params$fit %>%
dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.n_reps) >= n_reps) %>%
) %>%
duplicated(fromLast = TRUE)
if (identical(type, "cached")) {
out_params <- fit_params[cached_idxs[seq_len(nrow(fit_params))], ]
} else if (identical(type, "new")) {
out_params <- fit_params[!cached_idxs[seq_len(nrow(fit_params))], ]
if (simplify) {
duplicate_param_names <- private$.get_duplicate_param_names()
for (param_name in private$.get_vary_params("dgp")) {
# fix naming if also in method vary across
col_name <- ifelse(param_name %in% duplicate_param_names,
paste0(param_name, "_dgp"),
out_params[[col_name]] <- purrr::map(out_params$.dgp,
for (param_name in private$.get_vary_params("method")) {
# fix naming if also in dgp vary across
col_name <- ifelse(param_name %in% duplicate_param_names,
paste0(param_name, "_method"),
out_params[[col_name]] <- purrr::map(out_params$.method,
out_params <- out_params %>%
dplyr::select(-.dgp, -.dgp_fun, -.dgp_params,
-.method, -.method_fun, -.method_params) %>%
.get_obj_params = function(field_name = c("evaluator", "visualizer"),
obj_list) {
field_name <- match.arg(field_name)
field_name <- dplyr::case_when(
field_name == "evaluator" ~ "eval",
field_name == "visualizer" ~ "viz"
obj_params <- tibble::tibble(
name = names(obj_list),
fun = purrr::map(
obj_list, ~removeSource(.x[[sprintf("%s_fun", field_name)]])
params = purrr::map(
obj_list, sprintf("%s_params", field_name)
) %>%
dplyr::rename_with(~sprintf(".%s_%s", field_name, .x))
.get_new_obj_list = function(cached_params,
field_name = c("dgp", "method",
"evaluator", "visualizer"),
new_fit_params = NULL) {
# get new uncached objects for a certain class in the Experiment
field_name <- match.arg(field_name)
if (field_name %in% c("dgp", "method")) {
return(unique(new_fit_params[[paste0(".", field_name)]]))
} else {
obj_verb <- dplyr::case_when(
field_name == "evaluator" ~ "evaluate",
field_name == "visualizer" ~ "visualize"
obj_name_col <- dplyr::case_when(
field_name == "evaluator" ~ ".eval_name",
field_name == "visualizer" ~ ".viz_name"
obj_list <- private$.get_obj_list(field_name)
obj_params <- private$.get_obj_params(field_name, obj_list)
cached_idxs <- dplyr::bind_rows(
obj_params, cached_params[[obj_verb]]
) %>%
duplicated(fromLast = TRUE)
.n_reps_cached = function(cached_fit_params) {
if (nrow(cached_fit_params) == 0) {
fit_params <- private$.get_fit_params()
fit_cached <- compare_tibble_rows(
cached_fit_params %>% dplyr::select(-.n_reps),
op = "contained_in"
if (!fit_cached) {
} else {
n_reps_complete <- get_matching_rows(
id = fit_params, x = cached_fit_params
) %>%
.is_fully_cached = function(cached_params,
results_type = c("fit", "eval", "viz"),
n_reps) {
# has the Experiment been completely cached? Returns TRUE, FALSE, or NULL,
# where NULL means the cached experimental setup is a mismatch and need
# to switch from use_cached = TRUE to use_cached = FALSE
results_type <- match.arg(results_type)
if (identical(results_type, "fit")) {
n_reps_cached <- private$.n_reps_cached(cached_params$fit)
return(n_reps_cached >= n_reps)
if (nrow(cached_params$fit) == 0) {
cached_fit_params <- cached_params$fit %>%
dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.n_reps) == n_reps) %>%
fit_cached_op <- "equal"
if (identical(results_type, "eval")) {
eval_cached_op <- "contained_in"
} else if (identical(results_type, "viz")) {
eval_cached_op <- "equal"
viz_cached_op <- "contained_in"
fit_params <- private$.get_fit_params()
fit_cached <- compare_tibble_rows(fit_params, cached_fit_params,
op = fit_cached_op)
if (!fit_cached) {
evaluator_list <- private$.get_obj_list("evaluator")
evaluate_params <- private$.get_obj_params("evaluator", evaluator_list)
eval_cached <- compare_tibble_rows(evaluate_params,
op = eval_cached_op)
if (identical(results_type, "eval")) {
} else if (!eval_cached) {
visualizer_list <- private$.get_obj_list("visualizer")
visualize_params <- private$.get_obj_params("visualizer", visualizer_list)
visualize_cached <- compare_tibble_rows(visualize_params,
op = viz_cached_op)
.get_cached_results = function(results_type = c("experiment",
"fit", "eval", "viz"),
verbose = 1) {
results_type <- match.arg(results_type)
if (verbose >= 1) {
if (results_type %in% c("fit", "eval", "viz")) {
inform(sprintf("Reading in cached %s results...", results_type))
} else if (identical(results_type, "experiment")) {
inform("Reading in the cached experiment...")
} else if (identical(results_type, "experiment_cached_params")) {
inform("Reading in the cached experiment parameters...")
if (!private$.has_vary_across()) {
save_dir <- private$.save_dir
} else {
save_dir <- private$.get_vary_across_dir()
if (results_type %in% c("fit", "eval", "viz")) {
save_file <- file.path(save_dir, paste0(results_type, "_results.rds"))
if (results_type == "fit") {
save_file2 <- file.path(save_dir,
} else {
save_file <- file.path(save_dir, paste0(results_type, ".rds"))
if (file.exists(save_file)) {
res <- readRDS(save_file)
if (results_type == "fit") {
if (file.exists(save_file2)) {
res <- dplyr::bind_rows(res, readRDS(save_file2))
} else {
if (verbose >= 1) {
if (results_type %in% c("fit", "eval", "viz")) {
inform(sprintf("Cannot find cached %s results.", results_type))
} else {
inform("Cannot find cache.")
.clear_cache = function() {
if (!private$.has_vary_across()) {
save_dir <- private$.save_dir
} else {
save_dir <- private$.get_vary_across_dir()
params_fpath <- file.path(save_dir, "experiment_cached_params.rds")
fits_fpath <- file.path(save_dir, "fit_results_extra_cached_reps.rds")
if (file.exists(params_fpath)) {
if (file.exists(fits_fpath)) {
.get_cache = function(results_type = c("all", "fit", "evaluate",
"visualize")) {
results_type <- match.arg(results_type)
cached_params <- private$.get_cached_results("experiment_cached_params",
verbose = 0)
if (is.null(cached_params)) {
cached_params <- list(
fit = list(fit = tibble::tibble()),
evaluate = list(fit = tibble::tibble(),
evaluate = tibble::tibble()),
visualize = list(fit = tibble::tibble(),
evaluate = tibble::tibble(),
visualize = tibble::tibble())
if (identical(results_type, "all")) {
} else {
.update_cache = function(results_type = c("fit", "eval", "viz"),
n_reps = NULL) {
results_type <- match.arg(results_type)
cached_params <- list()
cached_params_all <- private$.get_cache("all")
cached_params$fit <- private$.get_fit_params() %>%
dplyr::mutate(.n_reps = n_reps)
if (identical(results_type, "fit")) {
if (nrow(cached_params_all$fit$fit) > 0) {
cached_n_reps <- purrr::map_int(
function(i) {
n_reps0 <- cached_params$fit$.n_reps[i]
n_reps_all <- get_matching_rows(
id = cached_params$fit[i, ] %>% dplyr::select(-.n_reps),
x = cached_params_all$fit$fit
) %>%
return(max(n_reps0, n_reps_all, na.rm = TRUE))
cached_params_all$fit$fit <- cached_params$fit %>%
dplyr::mutate(.n_reps = cached_n_reps)
} else {
cached_params_all$fit$fit <- cached_params$fit
evaluator_list <- private$.get_obj_list("evaluator")
cached_params$evaluate <- private$.get_obj_params(
"evaluator", evaluator_list
if (identical(results_type, "eval")) {
cached_params_all$evaluate <- cached_params
visualizer_list <- private$.get_obj_list("visualizer")
cached_params$visualize <- private$.get_obj_params(
"visualizer", visualizer_list
cached_params_all$visualize <- cached_params
.save_results = function(results,
results_type = c("fit", "eval", "viz"),
n_reps, verbose = 1, checkpoint = FALSE) {
results_type <- match.arg(results_type)
if (verbose >= 1) {
if (checkpoint) {
inform(sprintf("Saving %s results checkpoint...", results_type))
} else {
inform(sprintf("Saving %s results...", results_type))
start_time <- Sys.time()
if (!private$.has_vary_across()) {
save_dir <- private$.save_dir
} else {
save_dir <- private$.get_vary_across_dir()
save_file <- file.path(save_dir, paste0(results_type, "_results.rds"))
save_file2 <- file.path(save_dir,
if (!dir.exists(dirname(save_file))) {
dir.create(dirname(save_file), recursive = TRUE)
cached_params <- private$.update_cache(results_type = results_type,
n_reps = n_reps)
file.path(save_dir, "experiment_cached_params.rds"))
saveRDS(self, file.path(save_dir, "experiment.rds"))
if (results_type == "fit") {
main_results <- results %>% dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.rep) <= n_reps)
saveRDS(main_results, save_file)
if (nrow(main_results) < nrow(results)) {
extra_results <- results %>% dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.rep) > n_reps)
saveRDS(extra_results, save_file2)
} else if (file.exists(save_file2)) {
} else {
saveRDS(results, save_file)
if (verbose >= 1) {
inform(sprintf("%s results saved | time taken: %f seconds",
difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")))
.get_vary_across_dir = function() {
obj_names <- purrr::map(private$.vary_across_list, names) %>%
purrr::reduce(c) %>%
paste(collapse = "-")
param_names <- private$.get_vary_params() %>%
paste(collapse = "-")
save_dir <- file.path(private$.save_dir, obj_names,
paste("Varying", param_names))
deep_clone = function(name, value) {
if (is.list(value) && length(value) > 0 && inherits(value[[1]], "R6")) {
lapply(value, function(v) v$clone(deep = TRUE))
} else {
public = list(
#' @field name The name of the `Experiment`.
name = NULL,
# NOTE: R6 methods can't use the `@inheritParams` tag. If you want to update
# the `@param` tags for the public methods below, do so in the appropriate
# docs in experiment-helpers.R, then copy-paste the corresponding `@param`
# tags below.
#' @description Initialize a new `Experiment` object.
#' @param name The name of the `Experiment`.
#' @param dgp_list An optional list of [DGP] objects.
#' @param method_list An optional list of [Method] objects.
#' @param evaluator_list An optional list of [Evaluator] objects.
#' @param visualizer_list An optional list of [Visualizer] objects.
#' @param future.globals Character vector of names in the global environment to
#' pass to parallel workers. Passed as the argument of the same name to
#' [future.apply::future_lapply()] and related functions. To set for a
#' specific run of the experiment, use the same argument in
#' [run_experiment()].
#' @param future.packages Character vector of packages required by parallel
#' workers. Passed as the argument of the same name to
#' [future.apply::future_lapply()] and related functions. To set for a
#' specific run of the experiment, use the same argument in
#' [run_experiment()].
#' @param clone_from An optional `Experiment` object to use as a base for
#' this one.
#' @param save_dir An optional directory in which to save the experiment's
#' results. If `NULL`, results are saved in the current working directory
#' in a directory called "results" with a sub-directory named after
#' `Experiment$name` when using [run_experiment()] or [fit_experiment()]
#' with `save=TRUE`.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return A new instance of `Experiment`.
initialize = function(name = "experiment",
dgp_list = list(), method_list = list(),
evaluator_list = list(), visualizer_list = list(),
future.globals = TRUE, future.packages = NULL,
clone_from = NULL, save_dir = NULL, ...) {
if (!is.null(clone_from)) {
private$.check_obj(clone_from, "Experiment")
clone <- clone_from$clone(deep = TRUE)
dgp_list <- c(clone$get_dgps(), dgp_list)
method_list <- c(clone$get_methods(), method_list)
evaluator_list <- c(clone$get_evaluators(), evaluator_list)
visualizer_list <- c(clone$get_visualizers(), visualizer_list)
if (is.null(save_dir)) {
save_dir <- clone$get_save_dir()
private$.add_obj_list(dgp_list, "DGP")
private$.add_obj_list(method_list, "Method")
private$.add_obj_list(evaluator_list, "Evaluator")
private$.add_obj_list(visualizer_list, "Visualizer")
private$.future.globals <- future.globals
private$.future.packages <- future.packages
self$name <- name
if (is.null(save_dir)) {
save_dir <- file.path("results", name)
private$.save_dir <- R.utils::getAbsolutePath(save_dir)
#' @description Run the full `Experiment` pipeline (fitting, evaluating,
#' and visualizing).
#' @param n_reps The number of replicates of the `Experiment` for this run.
#' @param parallel_strategy A vector with some combination of "reps", "dgps", or
#' "methods". Determines how computation will be distributed across available
#' resources. Currently only the default, "reps", is supported.
#' @param future.globals Character vector of names in the global environment to
#' pass to parallel workers. Passed as the argument of the same name to
#' `future.apply::future_lapply` and related functions. To set for all runs of
#' the experiment, use the same argument during initialization.
#' @param future.packages Character vector of packages required by parallel
#' workers. Passed as the argument of the same name to
#' `future.apply::future_lapply` and related functions. To set for all runs of
#' the experiment, use the same argument during initialization.
#' @param future.seed Passed as the argument of the same name in
#' `future.apply::future_apply`.
#' @param use_cached Logical. If `TRUE`, find and return previously saved
#' results. If cached results cannot be found, continue as if `use_cached` was
#' `FALSE`.
#' @param return_all_cached_reps Logical. If `FALSE` (default), returns
#' only the fit results for the requested `n_reps`. If `TRUE`,
#' returns fit results for the requested `n_reps` plus any additional
#' cached replicates from the (`DGP`, `Method`) combinations in the
#' `Experiment`. Note that even if `return_all_cached_reps = TRUE`,
#' only the `n_reps` replicates are used when evaluating and visualizing
#' the `Experiment`.
#' @param save If `TRUE`, save outputs to disk.
#' @param checkpoint_n_reps The number of experiment replicates to compute
#' before saving results to disk. If 0 (the default), no checkpoints are
#' saved.
#' @param verbose Level of verbosity. Default is 1, which prints out messages
#' after major checkpoints in the experiment. If 2, prints additional
#' debugging information for warnings and messages from user-defined functions
#' (in addition to error debugging information). If 0, no messages are printed
#' other than user-defined function error debugging information.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return A named list of results from the simulation experiment with the
#' following entries:
#' \describe{
#' \item{fit_results}{A tibble containing results from the `fit`
#' method. In addition to results columns, has columns named '.rep', '.dgp_name',
#' '.method_name', and the `vary_across` parameter names if applicable.}
#' \item{eval_results}{A list of tibbles containing results from the
#' `evaluate` method, which evaluates each `Evaluator` in
#' the `Experiment`. Length of list is equivalent to the number of
#' `Evaluators`.}
#' \item{viz_results}{A list of tibbles containing results from the
#' `visualize` method, which visualizes each `Visualizer` in
#' the `Experiment`. Length of list is equivalent to the number of
#' `Visualizers`.}
#' }
run = function(n_reps = 1, parallel_strategy = "reps",
future.globals = NULL, future.packages = NULL,
future.seed = TRUE, use_cached = FALSE,
return_all_cached_reps = FALSE, save = FALSE,
checkpoint_n_reps = 0, verbose = 1, ...) {
if (!is.logical(save)) {
save <- c("fit", "eval", "viz") %in% save
} else {
if (length(save) > 1) {
warn("The input save is a logical vector of length > 1. Only the first element of save is used.")
save <- rep(save[1], 3)
fit_results <- self$fit(n_reps, parallel_strategy = parallel_strategy,
future.globals = future.globals,
future.packages = future.packages,
future.seed = future.seed,
use_cached = use_cached,
return_all_cached_reps = return_all_cached_reps,
save = save[1],
checkpoint_n_reps = checkpoint_n_reps,
verbose = verbose, ...)
eval_results <- self$evaluate(fit_results = fit_results %>%
dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.rep) <= n_reps),
use_cached = use_cached, save = save[2],
verbose = verbose, ...)
viz_results <- self$visualize(fit_results = fit_results %>%
dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.rep) <= n_reps),
eval_results = eval_results,
use_cached = use_cached, save = save[3],
verbose = verbose, ...)
return(list(fit_results = fit_results,
eval_results = eval_results,
viz_results = viz_results))
#' @description Generate sample data from all `DGP` objects that were added
#' to the `Experiment`, including their varied params. Primarily useful
#' for debugging. Note that results are not generated in parallel.
#' @param n_reps The number of datasets to generate per `DGP`.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return A list of length equal to the number of `DGPs` in the
#' `Experiment`. If the `Experiment` does not have a
#' `vary_across` component, then each element in the list is a list
#' of `n_reps` datasets generated by the given `DGP`. If the
#' `Experiment` does have a `vary_across` component, then each
#' element in the outermost list is a list of lists. The second layer of
#' lists corresponds to a specific parameter setting within the
#' `vary_across` scheme, and the innermost layer of lists is of
#' length `n_reps` with the dataset replicates, generated by the
#' `DGP`.
generate_data = function(n_reps = 1, ...) {
# TODO: generate data that was used in run() or fit() (e.g., w/ same seed)
dgp_list <- private$.get_obj_list("dgp")
if (length(dgp_list) == 0) {
private$.throw_empty_list_error("dgp", "generate data from")
if (!private$.has_vary_across()) {
dgp_results <- purrr::map(dgp_list, function(dgp) {
replicates <- replicate(n_reps, {
}, simplify = FALSE)
} else {
dgp_params_list <- private$.combine_vary_params("dgp")
dgp_names <- purrr::map_chr(dgp_params_list, ".dgp_name") %>%
unique() %>%
setNames(., .)
dgp_results <- purrr::map(dgp_names, function(dgp_name) {
keep_dgps <- purrr::map_chr(dgp_params_list, ".dgp_name") == dgp_name
keep_dgp_params_list <- dgp_params_list[keep_dgps]
purrr::map(keep_dgp_params_list, function(dgp_params) {
dgp_params$.dgp_name <- NULL
replicates <- replicate(n_reps, {
sim_data <- do.call(dgp_list[[dgp_name]]$generate, dgp_params)
}, simplify = FALSE)
attr(replicates, "params") <- dgp_params
#' @description Fit `Methods` in the `Experiment` across all
#' `DGPs` for `n_reps` repetitions and return results from fits.
#' @param n_reps The number of replicates of the `Experiment` for this run.
#' @param parallel_strategy A vector with some combination of "reps", "dgps", or
#' "methods". Determines how computation will be distributed across available
#' resources. Currently only the default, "reps", is supported.
#' @param future.globals Character vector of names in the global environment to
#' pass to parallel workers. Passed as the argument of the same name to
#' `future.apply::future_lapply` and related functions. To set for all runs of
#' the experiment, use the same argument during initialization.
#' @param future.packages Character vector of packages required by parallel
#' workers. Passed as the argument of the same name to
#' `future.apply::future_lapply` and related functions. To set for all runs of
#' the experiment, use the same argument during initialization.
#' @param future.seed Passed as the argument of the same name in
#' `future.apply::future_apply`.
#' @param use_cached Logical. If `TRUE`, find and return previously saved
#' results. If cached results cannot be found, continue as if `use_cached` was
#' `FALSE`.
#' @param return_all_cached_reps Logical. If `FALSE` (default), returns
#' only the fit results for the requested `n_reps`. If `TRUE`,
#' returns fit results for the requested `n_reps` plus any additional
#' cached replicates from the (`DGP`, `Method`) combinations in the
#' `Experiment`.
#' @param save If `TRUE`, save outputs to disk.
#' @param checkpoint_n_reps The number of experiment replicates to compute
#' before saving results to disk. If 0 (the default), no checkpoints are
#' saved.
#' @param verbose Level of verbosity. Default is 1, which prints out messages
#' after major checkpoints in the experiment. If 2, prints additional
#' debugging information for warnings and messages from user-defined functions
#' (in addition to error debugging information). If 0, no messages are printed
#' other than user-defined function error debugging information.
#' @param ... Additional `future.*` arguments to pass to [future.apply]
#' functions. See [future.apply::future_lapply()] and
#' [future.apply::future_mapply()].
#' @return A tibble containing the results from fitting all `Methods`
#' across all `DGPs` for `n_reps` repetitions. In addition to
#' results columns, has columns named '.rep', '.dgp_name', '.method_name', and the
#' `vary_across` parameter names if applicable.
fit = function(n_reps = 1, parallel_strategy = "reps",
future.globals = NULL, future.packages = NULL,
future.seed = TRUE, use_cached = FALSE,
return_all_cached_reps = FALSE, save = FALSE,
checkpoint_n_reps = 0, verbose = 1, ...) {
parallel_strategy <- unique(parallel_strategy)
valid_strategies <- c(
# TODO: currently unimplemented:
#, "dgps", "methods", "dgps+reps", "methods+reps",
# "dgps+methods", "dgps+methods+reps"
if (length(parallel_strategy) == 0) {
parallel_strategy <- "reps"
} else if (length(parallel_strategy) > 1) {
parallel_strategy <- sapply(
parallel_strategy, match.arg, choices = c("reps", "dgps", "methods")
strategy_string <- NULL
if ("reps" %in% parallel_strategy) {
strategy_string <- "reps"
if ("methods" %in% parallel_strategy) {
strategy_string <- paste0(c("methods", strategy_string), collapse="+")
if ("dgps" %in% parallel_strategy) {
strategy_string <- paste0(c("dgps", strategy_string), collapse="+")
parallel_strategy <- strategy_string
if (!parallel_strategy %in% valid_strategies) {
paste("`parallel_strategy` '%s' is currently unimplemented.",
"Please use one of the supported values: %s."),
paste0("'", valid_strategies, "'", collapse = "', '")
dgp_list <- private$.get_obj_list("dgp")
method_list <- private$.get_obj_list("method")
if (length(dgp_list) == 0) {
private$.throw_empty_list_error("dgp", "generate data from")
if (length(method_list) == 0) {
private$.throw_empty_list_error("method", "fit methods in")
if (!is.numeric(checkpoint_n_reps)) {
checkpoint <- FALSE
} else {
checkpoint <- isTRUE(checkpoint_n_reps > 0)
n_reps_cached <- 0
n_reps_total <- n_reps
fit_results <- data.frame()
if (checkpoint) {
n_reps <- round(checkpoint_n_reps)
if (use_cached || checkpoint) {
cached_params <- private$.get_cache("fit")
n_reps_cached <- private$.n_reps_cached(cached_params$fit)
if (n_reps_cached > 0) {
results <- private$.get_cached_results("fit", verbose = verbose)
fit_params <- private$.get_fit_params(simplify = TRUE)
fit_results <- get_matching_rows(id = fit_params, x = results) %>%
dplyr::select(.rep, tidyselect::everything()) %>%
dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(.rep), .dgp_name, .method_name)
if (save) {
n_reps_cached <- min(n_reps_total, n_reps_cached)
private$.save_results(fit_results, "fit", n_reps_cached, verbose)
if (n_reps_cached >= n_reps_total) {
if (verbose >= 1) {
if (use_cached && return_all_cached_reps) {
} else {
return(fit_results %>%
dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.rep) <= n_reps_total))
if (verbose >= 1) {
inform(sprintf("Fitting %s...", self$name))
start_time <- Sys.time()
if (is.null(future.packages)) {
future.packages <- private$.future.packages
if (is.null(future.globals)) {
future.globals <- private$.future.globals
dgp_params_list <- private$.combine_vary_params("dgp")
method_params_list <- private$.combine_vary_params("method")
# if new_fit_params is not NULL after the if statement below, then not all
# combos of (dgp_params_list, method_params_list) need to be rerun so need
# to check cache ids when fitting
new_fit_params <- NULL
if (use_cached) {
new_fit_params <- private$.get_fit_params(
cached_params, "new", n_reps
n_params <- nrow(new_fit_params)
new_fit <- n_params == nrow(private$.get_fit_params())
if (!new_fit) {
# get only the new dgps and methods that are not cached
dgp_params_list <- private$.get_new_obj_list(
cached_params, "dgp", new_fit_params = new_fit_params
method_params_list <- private$.get_new_obj_list(
cached_params, "method", new_fit_params = new_fit_params
n_new <- length(dgp_params_list) * length(method_params_list)
if (n_new == n_params) {
new_fit_params <- NULL
duplicate_param_names <- private$.get_duplicate_param_names()
# simulation loop
while (n_reps_cached < n_reps_total) {
n_reps <- min(n_reps, n_reps_total - n_reps_cached)
new_fit_results <- local({
# create an env with objs/funcs that the future workers need
workenv <- rlang::new_environment(
data = list(
verbose = verbose,
dgp_list = dgp_list,
method_list = method_list,
new_fit_params = new_fit_params,
dgp_params_list = dgp_params_list,
method_params_list = method_params_list,
duplicate_param_names = duplicate_param_names,
do_call_wrapper = function(name,
call) {
name, fun, params, verbose, call
error = identity
parent = rlang::ns_env()
# get the experiment compute fun
compute_fun <- switch(
"reps" = compute_rep,
"dgps" = compute_dgp,
"methods" = compute_method,
"dgps+reps" = compute_dgp_rep,
"methods+reps" = compute_method_rep,
"dgps+methods" = compute_dgp_method,
"dgps+methods+reps" = compute_dgp_method_rep
environment(compute_fun) <- workenv
# compute the experiment
new_fit_results <- new_fit_results %>%
.rep = as.character(as.numeric(.rep) + n_reps_cached)
) %>%
if (".err" %in% colnames(new_fit_results)) {
errors <- new_fit_results %>%
.err, ~!is.null(.x)
) %>%
dplyr::select(.dgp, .dgp_name, .dgp_params,
.method, .method_name, .method_params,
.method_output, .err, .pid, .gc) %>%
dplyr::arrange(.dgp_name, .method_name)
# filter out errors
new_fit_results <- new_fit_results %>%
dplyr::filter(purrr::map_lgl(.err, is.null)) %>%
dplyr::select(-c(.dgp, .dgp_params, .method, .method_params,
.method_output, .err))
if (isFALSE(getOption("simChef.debug", FALSE))) {
new_fit_results <- new_fit_results %>%
dplyr::select(-c(.pid, .gc))
# TODO: add fail_fast -- immediately throw an error or continue
# end the simulation with an error
"Error(s) encountered while running the simulation, ",
"including:\n\n", errors$.err[[1]]$message,
"\n\nRun `rlang::last_error()$partial_results`",
"to return partial simulation results.\n",
"Run `rlang::last_error()$errors` to inspect each error, ",
"along with the params,\n `DGP`, `Method`, and ",
"inputs/outputs before the error occurred."
partial_results = new_fit_results,
errors = errors
n_reps_cached <- n_reps_cached + n_reps
col_diff <- setdiff(
private$.get_vary_params(), colnames(new_fit_results)
for (col in col_diff) {
new_fit_results[[col]] <- NA
fit_results <- new_fit_results %>%
dplyr::select(.rep, .dgp_name, .method_name,
tidyselect::everything()) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(fit_results) %>%
dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(.rep), .dgp_name, .method_name)
if (use_cached && !new_fit) {
fit_params_cached <- private$.get_fit_params(cached_params, "cached",
n_reps_total, TRUE)
fit_results_cached <- private$.get_cached_results(
"fit", verbose = verbose
) %>%
get_matching_rows(id = fit_params_cached, x = .)
if (verbose >= 1) {
inform("Appending cached results to the new fit results...")
fit_params <- private$.get_fit_params(simplify = TRUE)
fit_results <- dplyr::bind_rows(fit_results, fit_results_cached) %>%
get_matching_rows(id = fit_params, x = .) %>%
dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(.rep), .dgp_name, .method_name) %>%
dplyr::select(.rep, tidyselect::everything())
if (save || checkpoint) {
fit_results, "fit", n_reps_cached, verbose,
checkpoint && n_reps_cached < n_reps_total
if (verbose >= 1) {
inform(sprintf("%s reps completed (totals: %s/%s) | time taken: %f minutes",
n_reps, n_reps_cached, n_reps_total,
difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "mins")))
} # while (n_reps_cached < n_reps_total) {
if (verbose >= 1) {
if (use_cached && return_all_cached_reps) {
} else {
return(fit_results %>% dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.rep) <= n_reps_total))
#' @description Evaluate the performance of method(s) across all
#' [Evaluator] objects in the `Experiment` and return results.
#' @param fit_results A tibble, as returned by [fit_experiment()].
#' @param use_cached Logical. If `TRUE`, find and return previously saved
#' results. If cached results cannot be found, continue as if `use_cached` was
#' `FALSE`.
#' @param save If `TRUE`, save outputs to disk.
#' @param verbose Level of verbosity. Default is 1, which prints out messages
#' after major checkpoints in the experiment. If 2, prints additional
#' debugging information for warnings and messages from user-defined functions
#' (in addition to error debugging information). If 0, no messages are printed
#' other than user-defined function error debugging information.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return A list of evaluation result tibbles, one for each
#' `Evaluator`.
evaluate = function(fit_results, use_cached = FALSE, save = FALSE,
verbose = 1, ...) {
evaluator_list <- private$.get_obj_list("evaluator")
evaluator_names <- names(evaluator_list)
if (length(evaluator_list) == 0) {
if (verbose >= 1) {
inform("No evaluators to evaluate. Skipping evaluation.")
n_reps <- max(as.numeric(fit_results$.rep))
if (use_cached) {
cached_params <- private$.get_cache("evaluate")
is_cached <- private$.is_fully_cached(cached_params, "eval", n_reps)
if (isTRUE(is_cached)) {
results <- private$.get_cached_results("eval", verbose = verbose)
results <- results[names(private$.get_obj_list("evaluator"))]
if (save) {
if (!setequal(names(private$.get_obj_list("evaluator")),
names(results))) {
private$.save_results(results, "eval", n_reps, verbose)
if (verbose >= 1) {
} else if (is.null(is_cached)) {
use_cached <- FALSE
} else {
evaluator_list <- private$.get_new_obj_list(cached_params,
if (verbose >= 1) {
inform(sprintf("Evaluating %s...", self$name))
start_time <- Sys.time()
eval_results <- purrr::map2(
names(evaluator_list), evaluator_list,
function(name, evaluator) {
name, evaluator$evaluate,
list(fit_results = fit_results,
vary_params = private$.get_vary_params()),
names(eval_results) <- names(evaluator_list)
if (use_cached && !setequal(names(evaluator_list), evaluator_names)) {
eval_results_cached <- private$.get_cached_results("eval",
verbose = verbose)
if (verbose >= 1) {
inform("Appending cached results to the new evaluation results...")
eval_results <- c(eval_results, eval_results_cached)[evaluator_names]
if (verbose >= 1) {
inform(sprintf("Evaluation completed | time taken: %f minutes",
difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "mins")))
if (save) {
private$.save_results(eval_results, "eval", n_reps, verbose)
if (verbose >= 1) {
#' @description Visualize the performance of methods and/or its evaluation metrics
#' using all [Visualizer] objects in the `Experiment` and return
#' visualization results.
#' @param fit_results A tibble, as returned by [fit_experiment()].
#' @param eval_results A list of result tibbles, as returned by
#' [evaluate_experiment()].
#' @param use_cached Logical. If `TRUE`, find and return previously saved
#' results. If cached results cannot be found, continue as if `use_cached` was
#' `FALSE`.
#' @param save If `TRUE`, save outputs to disk.
#' @param verbose Level of verbosity. Default is 1, which prints out messages
#' after major checkpoints in the experiment. If 2, prints additional
#' debugging information for warnings and messages from user-defined functions
#' (in addition to error debugging information). If 0, no messages are printed
#' other than user-defined function error debugging information.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return A list of visualizations, one for each `Visualizer`.
visualize = function(fit_results, eval_results = NULL,
use_cached = FALSE, save = FALSE, verbose = 1, ...) {
visualizer_list <- private$.get_obj_list("visualizer")
visualizer_names <- names(visualizer_list)
if (length(visualizer_list) == 0) {
if (verbose >= 1) {
inform("No visualizers to visualize. Skipping visualization.")
n_reps <- max(as.numeric(fit_results$.rep))
if (use_cached) {
cached_params <- private$.get_cache("visualize")
is_cached <- private$.is_fully_cached(cached_params, "viz", n_reps)
if (isTRUE(is_cached)) {
results <- private$.get_cached_results("viz", verbose = verbose)
results <- results[names(private$.get_obj_list("visualizer"))]
if (save) {
if (!setequal(names(private$.get_obj_list("visualizer")),
names(results))) {
private$.save_results(results, "viz", n_reps, verbose)
if (verbose >= 1) {
} else if (is.null(is_cached)) {
use_cached <- FALSE
} else {
visualizer_list <- private$.get_new_obj_list(cached_params,
if (verbose >= 1) {
inform(sprintf("Visualizing %s...", self$name))
start_time <- Sys.time()
viz_results <- purrr::map2(
names(visualizer_list), visualizer_list,
function(name, visualizer) {
name, visualizer$visualize,
list(fit_results = fit_results,
eval_results = eval_results,
vary_params = private$.get_vary_params()),
names(viz_results) <- names(visualizer_list)
if (use_cached && !setequal(names(visualizer_list), visualizer_names)) {
viz_results_cached <- private$.get_cached_results("viz",
verbose = verbose)
if (verbose >= 1) {
inform("Appending cached results to the new visualization results...")
viz_results <- c(viz_results,
if (verbose >= 1) {
inform(sprintf("Visualization completed | time taken: %f minutes",
difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "mins")))
if (save) {
private$.save_results(viz_results, "viz", n_reps, verbose)
if (verbose >= 1) {
#' @description Add a [DGP] object to the `Experiment`.
#' @param dgp A `DGP` object.
#' @param name A name to identify the `DGP`.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
add_dgp = function(dgp, name = NULL, ...) {
private$.check_obj(dgp, "DGP")
private$.add_obj("dgp", dgp, name)
#' @description Update a [DGP] object in the `Experiment`.
#' @param dgp A `DGP` object.
#' @param name An existing name identifying the `DGP` to be updated.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
update_dgp = function(dgp, name, ...) {
private$.check_obj(dgp, "DGP")
private$.update_obj("dgp", dgp, name)
#' @description Remove a [DGP] object from the `Experiment`.
#' @param name An existing name identifying the `DGP` to be removed.
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
remove_dgp = function(name = NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(name)) {
private$.vary_across_list[["dgp"]] <- list()
} else {
vary_across_sublist <- private$.vary_across_list[["dgp"]][[name]]
if (!is.null(vary_across_sublist)) {
self$remove_vary_across(dgp = name)
private$.remove_obj("dgp", name)
#' @description Retrieve the [DGP] objects associated with the `Experiment`.
#' @return A named list of the `DGP` objects in the `Experiment`.
get_dgps = function() {
#' @description Add a [Method] object to the `Experiment`.
#' @param method A `Method` object.
#' @param name A name to identify the `Method` to be updated.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
add_method = function(method, name = NULL, ...) {
private$.check_obj(method, "Method")
private$.add_obj("method", method, name)
#' @description Update a [Method] object in the `Experiment`.
#' @param method A `Method` object.
#' @param name An existing name identifying the `Method` to be updated.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
update_method = function(method, name, ...) {
private$.check_obj(method, "Method")
private$.update_obj("method", method, name)
#' @description Remove a [Method] object from the `Experiment`.
#' @param name An existing name identifying the `Method` to be removed.
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
remove_method = function(name = NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(name)) {
private$.vary_across_list[["method"]] <- list()
} else {
vary_across_sublist <- private$.vary_across_list[["method"]][[name]]
if (!is.null(vary_across_sublist)) {
self$remove_vary_across(method = name)
private$.remove_obj("method", name)
#' @description Retrieve the [Method] objects associated with the `Experiment`.
#' @return A named list of the `Method` objects in the `Experiment`.
get_methods = function() {
#' @description Add an [Evaluator] object to the `Experiment`.
#' @param evaluator An `Evaluator` object.
#' @param name A name to identify the `Evaluator`.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
add_evaluator = function(evaluator, name = NULL, ...) {
private$.check_obj(evaluator, "Evaluator")
private$.add_obj("evaluator", evaluator, name)
#' @description Update an [Evaluator] object in the `Experiment`.
#' @param evaluator An `Evaluator` object.
#' @param name An existing name identifying the `Evaluator` to be updated.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
update_evaluator = function(evaluator, name, ...) {
private$.check_obj(evaluator, "Evaluator")
private$.update_obj("evaluator", evaluator, name)
#' @description Remove an [Evaluator] object from the `Experiment`.
#' @param name An existing name identifying the `Evaluator` to be removed.
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
remove_evaluator = function(name = NULL, ...) {
private$.remove_obj("evaluator", name)
#' @description Retrieve the [Evaluator] objects associated with the `Experiment`.
#' @return A named list of the `Evaluator` objects in the `Experiment`.
get_evaluators = function() {
#' @description Add a [Visualizer] object to the `Experiment`.
#' @param visualizer A `Visualizer` object.
#' @param name A name to identify the `Visualizer`.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
add_visualizer = function(visualizer, name = NULL, ...) {
private$.check_obj(visualizer, "Visualizer")
private$.add_obj("visualizer", visualizer, name)
#' @description Update a [Visualizer] object in the `Experiment`.
#' @param visualizer A `Visualizer` object.
#' @param name An existing name identifying the `Visualizer` to be updated.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
update_visualizer = function(visualizer, name, ...) {
private$.check_obj(visualizer, "Visualizer")
private$.update_obj("visualizer", visualizer, name)
#' @description Remove a [Visualizer] object from the `Experiment`.
#' @param name An existing name identifying the `Visualizer` to be removed.
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
remove_visualizer = function(name = NULL, ...) {
private$.remove_obj("visualizer", name)
#' @description Retrieve the [Visualizer] objects associated with the `Experiment`.
#' @return A named list of the `Visualizer` objects in the `Experiment`.
get_visualizers = function() {
# @description Add a `vary_across` component in the `Experiment`. When a
#' `vary_across` component is added and the `Experiment` is run, the
#' `Experiment` is systematically varied across values of the specified
#' parameter in the `DGP` or `Method` while all other parameters are
#' held constant.
#' @details One of the `.dgp` or `.method` arguments (but not both) must
#' be provided.
#' @param .dgp Name of `DGP` to vary in the `Experiment`. Can also be a
#' `DGP` object that matches one in the `Experiment` or even a
#' vector/list of `DGP` names/objects, assuming they all support the
#' target arguments provided via `...`.
#' @param .method Name of `Method` to vary in the `Experiment`. Can also be a
#' `Method` object that matches one in the `Experiment` or even a
#' vector/list of `Method` names/objects, assuming they all support the
#' target arguments provided via `...`.
#' @param ... Any number of named arguments where names match an argument in the
#' user-specified `DGP` or `Method` function and values are vectors (for
#' scalar parameters) or lists (for arbitrary parameters).
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
add_vary_across = function(.dgp, .method, ...) {
objs <- private$.check_vary_across(.dgp = .dgp, .method = .method, ...)
for (obj in objs) {
dots_list <- obj$dots_list
field_name <- obj$field_name
obj_name <- obj$obj_name
vary_across_sublist <- private$.vary_across_list[[field_name]][[obj_name]]
if (is.null(vary_across_sublist)) {
vary_across_sublist <- list()
for (arg_name in names(dots_list)) {
if (is.null(vary_across_sublist[[arg_name]])) {
vary_across_sublist[[arg_name]] <- dots_list[[arg_name]]
} else {
"The vary_across parameter for argument '%s' has already ",
"been set for %s's %s_fun. Use update_vary_across instead."
arg_name, obj_name, field_name
private$.vary_across_list[[field_name]][[obj_name]] <- vary_across_sublist
#' @description Update a `vary_across` component in the `Experiment`.
#' @details One of the `.dgp` or `.method` arguments (but not both) must
#' be provided.
#' @param .dgp Name of `DGP` to vary in the `Experiment`. Can also be a
#' `DGP` object that matches one in the `Experiment` or even a
#' vector/list of `DGP` names/objects, assuming they all support the
#' target arguments provided via `...`.
#' @param .method Name of `Method` to vary in the `Experiment`. Can also be a
#' `Method` object that matches one in the `Experiment` or even a
#' vector/list of `Method` names/objects, assuming they all support the
#' target arguments provided via `...`.
#' @param ... Any number of named arguments where names match an argument in the
#' user-specified `DGP` or `Method` function and values are vectors (for
#' scalar parameters) or lists (for arbitrary parameters).
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
update_vary_across = function(.dgp, .method, ...) {
objs <- private$.check_vary_across(.dgp = .dgp, .method = .method, ...)
for (obj in objs) {
dots_list <- obj$dots_list
field_name <- obj$field_name
obj_name <- obj$obj_name
vary_across_sublist <- private$.vary_across_list[[field_name]][[obj_name]]
if (is.null(vary_across_sublist)) {
"The vary_across parameter has not been set for %s's %s_fun. ",
"Use add_vary_across instead."
obj_name, field_name
for (arg_name in names(dots_list)) {
if (is.null(vary_across_sublist[[arg_name]])) {
"The vary_across parameter for argument '%s' has not ",
"been set for %s's %s_fun. Use add_vary_across instead."
arg_name, obj_name, field_name
} else {
vary_across_sublist[[arg_name]] <- dots_list[[arg_name]]
private$.vary_across_list[[field_name]][[obj_name]] <- vary_across_sublist
#' @description Remove a `vary_across` component in the `Experiment`.
#' @details If both the `dgp` and `method` arguments are not provided,
#' then all `vary_across` parameters from the experiment are removed.
#' @param dgp Name of `DGP` to vary in the `Experiment`. Can also be a
#' `DGP` object that matches one in the `Experiment` or even a
#' vector/list of `DGP` names/objects.
#' @param method Name of `Method` to vary in the `Experiment`. Can also be a
#' `Method` object that matches one in the `Experiment` or even a
#' vector/list of `Method` names/objects.
#' @param param_names A character vector of parameter names to remove. If not
#' provided, the entire set of `vary_across` parameters will be removed for
#' the specified `DGP`/`Method`.
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
remove_vary_across = function(dgp, method, param_names = NULL) {
if (missing(dgp) && missing(method)) {
if (!private$.has_vary_across()) {
paste("Cannot remove all vary_across parameters ",
"since the vary_across parameter has not been set.")
} else {
# TODO: check param_names?
private$.vary_across_list <- list(
dgp = list(),
method = list()
objs <- private$.check_vary_across(.dgp = dgp, .method = method)
for (obj in objs) {
field_name <- obj$field_name
obj_name <- obj$obj_name
vary_across_sublist <- private$.vary_across_list[[field_name]][[obj_name]]
if (is.null(vary_across_sublist)) {
"Cannot remove vary_across parameter for %s's %s_fun ",
"since the vary_across parameter has not been set."
obj_name, field_name
for (arg_name in param_names) {
if (is.null(vary_across_sublist[[arg_name]])) {
"Cannot remove vary_across parameter for argument '%s' ",
"in %s's %s_fun since the vary_across parameter has not been set."
arg_name, obj_name, field_name
} else {
vary_across_sublist[[arg_name]] <- NULL
if ((length(vary_across_sublist) == 0) || is.null(param_names)) {
vary_across_sublist <- NULL
private$.vary_across_list[[field_name]][[obj_name]] <- vary_across_sublist
if (length(private$.vary_across_list[[field_name]]) == 0) {
private$.vary_across_list[[field_name]] <- list()
#' @description Retrieve the parameters to vary across for each `DGP` and
#' `Method` in the `Experiment`.
#' @return a nested list with entries "dgp" and "method".
get_vary_across = function() {
#' @description Clear (or delete) cached results from an `Experiment` to
#' start the experiment fresh/from scratch.
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
clear_cache = function() {
#' @description Read in cached results from disk from a previously saved
#' `Experiment` run.
#' @param results_type Character string indicating the type of results to read
#' in. Must be one of "experiment", "experiment_cached_params", "fit", "eval",
#' or "viz".
#' @param verbose Level of verbosity. Default is 1, which prints out messages
#' after major checkpoints in the experiment. If 2, prints additional
#' debugging information for warnings and messages from user-defined functions
#' (in addition to error debugging information). If 0, no messages are printed
#' other than user-defined function error debugging information.
#' @return The cached results, specifically the cached `Experiment` object
#' if `results_type = "experiment"`, the cached fit results if
#' `results_type = "fit"`, the cached evaluation results if
#' `results_type = "eval"`, the cached visualization results if
#' `results_type = "viz"`, and the experiment parameters used in
#' the cache if `results_type = "experiment_cached_params"`.
get_cached_results = function(results_type, verbose = 0) {
return(private$.get_cached_results(results_type = results_type,
verbose = verbose))
#' @description Set R Markdown options for `Evaluator` or `Visualizer`
#' outputs in the summary report. Some options include the height/width of
#' plots and number of digits to show in tables.
#' @param field_name One of "evaluator" or "visualizer".
#' @param name Name of `Evaluator` or `Visualizer` to set R Markdown
#' options.
#' @param show If `TRUE`, show output; if `FALSE`, hide output in
#' R Markdown report. Default `NULL` does not change the "doc_show" field
#' in `Evaluator`/`Visualizer`.
#' @param nrows Maximum number of rows to show in the `Evaluator`'s results
#' table in the R Markdown report. If `NULL`, shows all rows. Default does
#' not change the "doc_nrows" field in the `Evaluator`. Argument is
#' ignored if `field_name = "visualizer"`.
#' @param ... Named R Markdown options to set. If `field_name = "visualizer"`,
#' options are "height" and "width". If `field_name = "evaluator"`,
#' see options for [vthemes::pretty_DT()].
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
set_doc_options = function(field_name, name, show = NULL, nrows, ...) {
field_name <- match.arg(field_name, c("evaluator", "visualizer"))
obj_list <- private$.get_obj_list(field_name)
if (!name %in% names(obj_list)) {
paste("The name '%s' isn't in the %s list.",
"Use add_%s first."),
name, field_name, field_name
list_name <- paste0(".", field_name, "_list")
if (!is.null(show)) {
private[[list_name]][[name]]$doc_show <- show
if (field_name == "evaluator") {
if (!missing(nrows)) {
private[[list_name]][[name]]$doc_nrows <- nrows
doc_options <- list(...)
if (length(doc_options) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(doc_options)) {
private[[list_name]][[name]]$doc_options[[names(doc_options)[i]]] <-
#' @description Get the directory in which the `Experiment`'s results and
#' visualizations are saved.
#' @return The relative path to where the `Experiment`'s results and
#' visualizations are saved.
get_save_dir = function() {
#' @description Set the directory in which the `Experiment`'s results and
#' visualizations are saved.
#' @param save_dir The directory in which the `Experiment`'s results
#' will be saved.
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
set_save_dir = function(save_dir) {
private$.save_dir <- R.utils::getAbsolutePath(save_dir)
#' @description Save the `Experiment` object to a .rds file under the
#' `Experiment`'s results directory (see [get_save_dir()]).
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
save = function() {
if (!private$.has_vary_across()) {
save_dir <- private$.save_dir
} else {
save_dir <- private$.get_vary_across_dir()
if (!dir.exists(save_dir)) {
dir.create(save_dir, recursive = TRUE)
saveRDS(self, file.path(save_dir, "experiment.rds"))
#' @description Export all cached `Visualizer` results from an
#' `Experiment` to images in the `viz_results/` directory under the
#' `Experiment`'s results directory (see [get_save_dir()]).
#' @param device See `device` argument of [ggplot2::ggsave()].
#' @param width See `width` argument of [ggplot2::ggsave()].
#' @param height See `height` argument of [ggplot2::ggsave()].
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to [ggplot2::ggsave()].
#' @return The `Experiment` object, invisibly.
export_visualizers = function(device = "pdf", width = "auto", height = "auto",
...) {
reason = "to export visualizers to image.")
viz_list <- self$get_visualizers()
if (length(viz_list) == 0) {
viz_results <- private$.get_cached_results("viz", verbose = 0)
if (!private$.has_vary_across()) {
save_dir <- private$.save_dir
} else {
save_dir <- private$.get_vary_across_dir()
save_dir <- file.path(save_dir, "viz_results")
if (!dir.exists(save_dir)) {
dir.create(save_dir, recursive = TRUE)
ggsave_args <- list(device = device, ...)
for (viz_name in names(viz_results)) {
viz <- viz_list[[viz_name]]
if (identical(height, "auto")) {
ggsave_args[["height"]] <- viz$doc_options$height
if (identical(width, "auto")) {
ggsave_args[["width"]] <- viz$doc_options$width
fname <- file.path(save_dir, sprintf("%s.%s", viz_name, device))
args = c(list(filename = fname,
plot = viz_results[[viz_name]]),
}, error = function(err) {
"Could not save %s as image using ggplot2::ggsave.", viz_name
if (file.exists(fname)) {
#' @description Print the `Experiment` in a nice format, showing the
#' `DGP`, `Method`, `Evaluator`, `Visualizers`, and varied parameters
#' involved in the `Experiment`.
#' @return The original `Experiment` object, invisibly.
print = function() {
cat("Experiment Name:", self$name, "\n")
cat(" Saved results at:",
R.utils::getRelativePath(private$.save_dir), "\n")
cat(" DGPs:",
sep = "", collapse = ", "), "\n")
cat(" Methods:",
sep = "", collapse = ", "), "\n")
cat(" Evaluators:",
sep = "", collapse = ", "), "\n")
cat(" Visualizers:",
sep = "", collapse = ", "), "\n")
cat(" Vary Across: ")
if (!private$.has_vary_across()) {
} else {
vary_across_list <- private$.vary_across_list
if (!is.null(names(vary_across_list$dgp)) ||
!is.null(names(vary_across_list$method))) {
for (dgp in names(vary_across_list$dgp)) {
cat(" DGP:", dgp, "\n")
for (param_name in names(vary_across_list$dgp[[dgp]])) {
cat(paste0(" ", param_name, ": "))
indent.str = " ", no.list = F))
for (method in names(vary_across_list$method)) {
cat(" Method:", method, "\n")
for (param_name in names(vary_across_list$method[[method]])) {
cat(paste0(" ", param_name, ": "))
indent.str = " ", no.list = F))
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