
Defines functions bf_test exact_pvalue duplicateRow duplicateCol extract_post extract_post_pred lpl_summary bf_summary bayes_posthoc VSMPR posterior_odds prob_directed vsmpr_plot tidyRatio tidyProbs tidyGg MCMC_R2 post_pred post_linpred dtoCLES empirical.cles bootstrap.cles bern.test VIF post_check confusion.matrix inv_gamma_params beta_params extract_cor_post extract_cor_prior cor_summary extract_cormat tidy_confint summary_stats

Documented in bayes_posthoc bern.test beta_params bf_summary bf_test bootstrap.cles confusion.matrix cor_summary dtoCLES duplicateCol duplicateRow empirical.cles exact_pvalue extract_cormat extract_cor_post extract_cor_prior extract_post extract_post_pred inv_gamma_params lpl_summary MCMC_R2 post_check posterior_odds post_linpred post_pred prob_directed summary_stats tidy_confint tidyGg tidyProbs tidyRatio VIF VSMPR vsmpr_plot

#' Bayes Factor Hypothesis Tests
#' This function allows you to test a hypothesis. Requires prior and posterior samples.
#' Returns the Savage-Dickey Density Ratio (Bayes Factor), Posterior Probabilities,
#' and Credible Interval.
#' @param prior vector of prior samples
#' @param post vector of posterior samples
#' @param H0 the null hypothesis. Defaults to 0.
#' @param plot should the results be plotted? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bf_test()

bf_test <- function(prior, post, H0 = 0, plot = FALSE){

  xlab = "\u03B8"
  ylab = "density"

  ##  Check inputs
  post = as.vector(as.matrix(post))
  prior = as.vector(as.matrix(prior))

            is.numeric(post) | is.integer(post),
            is.numeric(prior) | is.integer(prior),
            is.numeric(H0) | is.integer(H0))

  ##  Get densities at the null hypothesis
  max_prior = EnvStats::demp(H0, prior)


  max_posterior = EnvStats::demp(H0, post)

  ##  Calculate Bayes factors and probabilities

  BF01 = max_posterior / max_prior
  BF10 = max_prior / max_posterior
  pep = BF01 / (1+BF01)

  ##  Make ggplot2 graphs

  if (isTRUE(plot)){

    label_null = paste("P(Null|\u03B8)=", round(pep,digits=3))

    # Gather posterior and prior
    results <- data.frame("prior" = prior,
                          "posterior" = post )

    plot_ <- results %>%
      tidyr::gather("postprior", "gathered") %>%
      ggplot2::ggplot() +
      ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = c("deepskyblue2", "red3")) +
      ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c("deepskyblue2", "red3")) +
      ggplot2::geom_density(ggplot2::aes(gathered, fill = postprior, color=postprior, y = ..density..), size = .75, alpha = .2) +
      ggplot2::labs(x=xlab, y=ylab) +
      theme(legend.title=element_blank()) +
      annotate("linerange", x = H0, linetype="dotted",size=1.2,
               ymin  = min(EnvStats::demp(H0,post),EnvStats::demp(H0,prior)),
               ymax=max(EnvStats::demp(H0,post),EnvStats::demp(H0,prior)), colour = "black")

    probs = cbind.data.frame(m= c("P(null|D)\n","P(alt|D)\n"), prob = c(pep, 1-pep))
    probs$m = factor(probs$m, levels(probs$m))
    bar <- ggplot(probs, aes(x=m, y=prob,fill=m)) +
      geom_col(position = "dodge",width=.35) +
      scale_fill_manual(values=c("deepskyblue2", "red3")) +
      guides(fill=FALSE) +
      coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0,1)) +
      ggplot2::labs(x="hypothesis", y="probability")


    ##  Results

    df = c("BF01" = BF01, "BF10" = BF10, "pep"=pep)

  } else {

    df = c("BF01" = BF01, "BF10" = BF10, "pep"=pep)

#' Calculate Equal Tailed or Highest Density Interval
#' @param object vector of posterior samples
#' @param cred.level the confidence level. defaults to  .95
#' @param method type of credible interval. One of "ETI" or default "HDI".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cred_interval()

cred_interval = function (object, cred.level = .95, method="HDI")
  if (method=="HDI"){
    object = as.vector(as.matrix(object))
    result <- c(NA_real_, NA_real_)
    if (is.numeric(object)) {
      attributes(object) <- NULL
      x <- sort.int(object, method = "quick")
      n <- length(x)
      if (n > 0) {
        exclude <- n - floor(n * cred.level)
        low.poss <- x[1:exclude]
        upp.poss <- x[(n - exclude + 1):n]
        best <- which.min(upp.poss - low.poss)
        result <- c(low.poss[best], upp.poss[best])
        names(result) <- c("hdi.low", "hdi.high")
  } else if (method=="ETI"){
    object = as.vector(as.matrix(object))
    alpha = 1-cred.level
    upper = cred.level + (alpha/2)
    lower = alpha/2
    result <- quantile(object,probs=c(lower,upper), type=5)
    names(result)  <- c("cred.low", "cred.high")


#' Compute the lowest posterior loss interval
#' @param posterior vector of posterior samples
#' @param prior vector of prior samples
#' @param cred.level the confidence level. defaults to  .95
#' @param plot Should the output be plotted? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lpl_interval()

lpl_interval = function (prior, posterior, cred.level = .95, plot = FALSE)

  prior = as.vector(as.matrix(prior))
  posterior = as.vector(as.matrix(posterior))

  if (missing(prior))
    stop("Must input a prior distribution!.")
  if (missing(posterior))
    stop("Must input a posterior distribution!.")
  if (!is.vector(prior))
    prior <- as.vector(prior)
  if (!is.vector(posterior))
    posterior <- as.vector(posterior)
  if (length(prior) != length(posterior))
    stop("Prior and posterior must have the same number of samples!.")

  name <- names(posterior)
  if (is.null(name))
    name <- "theta"
  ord <- order(posterior)
  prior <- EnvStats::demp(prior,prior, discrete = TRUE)
  prior <- prior[ord]
  posterior <- posterior[ord]
  loss <- abdisttools:::kld(prior, posterior)[[3]]

  x = c(min(posterior), posterior, max(posterior))
  y = c(min(loss), loss, min(loss))
  coords = cbind.data.frame(x=x,y=y)

  postloss = cbind.data.frame(loss=loss,posterior=posterior,prior=prior,ord=ord)
  lowest = which(postloss$loss==min(postloss$loss))
  lowest = as.vector(postloss$posterior)[lowest]

  n <- length(loss)
  gap <- max(1, min(n - 1, round(n * cred.level)))
  loss.sum <- init <- 1:(n - gap)
  for (i in 1:length(init)) {
    loss.sum[i] <- sum(loss[init[i]:(init[i] + gap)])

  min.init <- init[which.min(loss.sum)]
  ans <- cbind(posterior[min.init], posterior[min.init + gap])
  colnames(ans) <- c("LPL.interval", "LPL.interval")

  if (plot == TRUE) {
    ab = cbind.data.frame(
      a=c(min(posterior[min.init]), posterior[min.init:(min.init +gap)], max(posterior[min.init + gap])),
      b=c(min(loss[min.init:(min.init +gap)]), loss[min.init:(min.init + gap)], min(loss[min.init:(min.init + gap)]))

    loss_curve =  ggplot2::ggplot() +
      geom_polygon(data=coords,aes(x=coords$x, y=coords$y), fill = "skyblue", colour = "skyblue", alpha = 0.5) +
      geom_polygon(data=ab,aes(x=ab$a, y=ab$b), fill = "royalblue3", colour = "royalblue3", alpha = .9) +
      ylim(min(loss), max(loss)) +
      scale_x_continuous(limits=range(posterior)) +
      labs(y="E[intrinsic loss]", x="\u03B8")

    postdens =
      ggplot2::ggplot(postloss,aes(x = posterior, y=..density..)) +
      stat_density(fill="skyblue",alpha = .25, size = .75, adjust = 4, bw = "SJ", kernel = "epanechnikov", n = 2048, trim = FALSE) +
      scale_x_continuous(limits=range(posterior)) +

    d <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(postdens)$data[[1]]

    postdens = postdens +
      geom_area(data = subset(d, x > ans[1] & x < ans[2]), aes(x=x, y=y), fill="royalblue3", alpha=.9)


    loss_curve= ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(loss_curve))
    postdens = ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(postdens))
    postdens$widths = loss_curve$widths


    gridExtra::grid.arrange(loss_curve,postdens,ncol=1, top=grid::textGrob(paste0("Posterior with",  " ", cred.level*100, " ", "%", " " ,"Lowest Posterior Loss Interval"),gp=gpar(fontsize=12,font=2)))


  ans = as.vector(c(ans,lowest))
  names(ans) <- c("LPL.low", "LPL.high", "LPL point estimate")


#' Compute the kullback leibler divergence
#' @param a the first distribution
#' @param b the second distribution
#' @param base exponent base, defaults to exp(1)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' kld()

kld = function (a, b, base = exp(1))
  if (!is.vector(a))
    a <- as.vector(a)
  if (!is.vector(b))
    b <- as.vector(b)
  n1 <- length(a)
  n2 <- length(b)
  if (!identical(n1, n2))
    stop("a and b must have the same length.")
  if (any(!is.finite(a)) || any(!is.finite(b)))
    stop("a and b must have finite values.")
  if (any(a <= 0))
    a <- exp(a)
  if (any(b <= 0))
    b <- exp(b)
  a[which(a < .Machine$double.xmin)] <- .Machine$double.xmin
  b[which(b < .Machine$double.xmin)] <- .Machine$double.xmin
  a <- a/sum(a)
  b <- b/sum(b)
  kld.a.b <- a * (log(a, base = base) - log(b, base = base))
  kld.b.a <- b * (log(b, base = base) - log(a, base = base))
  sum.kld.a.b <- sum(kld.a.b)
  sum.kld.b.a <- sum(kld.b.a)
  mean.kld <- (kld.a.b + kld.b.a)/2
  mean.sum.kld <- (sum.kld.a.b + sum.kld.b.a)/2
  out <- list(kld.a.b = kld.a.b, kld.b.a = kld.b.a,
              mean.kld = mean.kld, sum.kld.a.b = sum.kld.a.b, sum.kld.b.a = sum.kld.b.a,
              mean.sum.kld = mean.sum.kld, intrinsic.discrepancy = min(sum.kld.a.b,

#' Compute exact p-values for bootstrap or monte carlo samples
#' This uses the correct formula (r+1)/(n+1) for computing exact p-values, instead of
#' r/n (where r is the number of samples greater than the mode of the samples,
#' and n is the total number of samples). See citations.
#' @param samples vector of posterior or bootstrap samples
#' @export
#' @examples
#' exact_pvalue()
exact_pvalue <- function(samples) {

  if (length(dim(samples)) == 0) {
    std <- backsolve(chol(var(samples)), cbind(0, t(samples)) - mean(samples),
                     transpose = TRUE)
    sqdist <- colSums(std * std)
    (sum(sqdist[-1] > sqdist[1]) + 1) / (length(samples) + 1)
  } else {
    std <- backsolve(chol(var(samples)), cbind(0, t(samples)) - colMeans(samples),
                     transpose = TRUE)
    sqdist <- colSums(std * std)
    sum(sqdist[-1] > sqdist[1]) + 1 / (nrow(samples) +1)


#' Get a basic tidy summary of a bayesian model (no prior samples needed)
#' Get summary including ETI or HDI credible intervals, exact p-values, and
#' Vovk-Selke maximum p-value ratio (VS-MPR).
#' @param x the set of posterior samples to be summarized
#' @param digits number of digits to round estimates to
#' @param estimate.method one of "mean" or "median"
#' @param cred.method one of "HDI" or "ETI"
#' @param cred.level the confidence level. defaults to  .95
#' @param cred.int set to FALSE to exclude credible intervals
#' @param pvals set to FALSE to exclude exact p-values
#' @param VSMPR set to FALSE to exclude VS-MPR
#' @param droppars list of parameters to exclude, defaults to c("lp__","hs_c2")
#' @param rhat set to TRUE to include rhat
#' @param ess set to TRUE to include ess
#' @export
#' @examples
#' post_summary()

post_summary =
  function (x, pars, digits = 2, estimate.method = "mean", cred.int = TRUE,
            pvals = FALSE, ess = TRUE, VSMPR = FALSE, cred.level = 0.95, cred.method = "ETI",
            droppars = c("lp__", "hs_c2"), ...)
    stan <- inherits(x, "stanfit")
    ss <- if (stan)
    else as.matrix(x)
    ss <- ss[, !colnames(ss) %in% droppars, drop = FALSE]
    wch = as.numeric(grep("prior_", colnames(ss)))
    if (length(wch) == 0) {
      ss = ss
    else {
      ss = ss[, -wch]
    wch = as.numeric(grep("ySim", colnames(ss)))
    if (length(wch) == 0) {
      ss = ss
    else {
      ss = ss[, -wch]
    wch = as.numeric(grep("yTest", colnames(ss)))
    if(length(wch)==0) {
      ss = ss
    } else {
      ss = ss[,-wch]
    if (!missing(pars) && !stan) {
      if (length(badpars <- which(!pars %in% colnames(ss))) >
          0) {
        stop("unrecognized parameters: ", pars[badpars])
      ss <- ss[, pars]
    if (estimate.method == "mean") {
      estimate.method <- match.arg(estimate.method, c("mean",
      m <- switch(estimate.method, mean = colMeans(ss), median = apply(ss, 2, stats::median))
    else if (estimate.method == "median") {
      estimate.method <- match.arg(estimate.method, c("mean",
      m <- switch(estimate.method, mean = colMeans(ss), median = apply(ss, 2, stats::median))

    ret <- data.frame(estimate = m, std.error = apply(ss, 2, sd))

    if (cred.int) {
      digits = digits
      cred.method <- match.arg(cred.method, c("ETI", "HDI"))
      SS = as.data.frame(ss)
      ci <- switch(cred.method, ETI = t(apply(SS, 2, function(s)
        abdisttools:::cred_interval(s, method = "ETI", cred.level = cred.level))),
        HDI = t(apply(SS,2, function(s) cred_interval(s, method = "HDI", cred.level = cred.level))))
      ci = as.data.frame(ci)
      colnames(ci) = c("cred.low", "cred.high")
      ret <- data.frame(ret, ci)

    if (pvals == "TRUE") {
      p = apply(ss, 2, abdisttools::exact_pvalue)
      ret$p.value <- signif(as.vector(p), 5)

    if (VSMPR == "TRUE") {
      p = apply(ss, 2, abdisttools::exact_pvalue)
      vsmpr = VSMPR(as.vector(p))
      ret$vs.mpr <- as.vector(vsmpr)
      minBF = 1/ret$vs.mpr
      ret$`min p.null` <- signif(as.vector(minBF/(1 + minBF)), 5)

    if (ess == "TRUE"){
      ess = apply(ss, 2, coda::effectiveSize)
      ret$ess <- ess

    ret = abdisttools:::post_tibble(ret)
    ret$term = factor(ret$term, levels = ret$term)
    ret = ret %>% mutate(estimate = signif(estimate, digits = digits),
                         std.error =  signif(std.error, digits = digits))

#' Convert posterior summary to tibble
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' post_tibble()
post_tibble = function (x, newnames = NULL, newcol = "term")
  unrowname = function (x)
    rownames(x) <- NULL

  if (!is.null(newnames) && length(newnames) != ncol(x)) {
    stop("newnames must be NULL or have length equal to number of columns")
  if (all(rownames(x) == seq_len(nrow(x)))) {
    ret <- data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    if (!is.null(newnames)) {
      colnames(ret) <- newnames
  else {
    ret <- data.frame(...new.col... = rownames(x), unrowname(x),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(ret)[1] <- newcol
    if (!is.null(newnames)) {
      colnames(ret)[-1] <- newnames

#' Repeat a row
#' Repeat a row
#' @param x the row
#' @param n the number of times
#' @export
#' @examples
#' duplicateRow()

#' Repeat a column
#' Repeat a column
#' @param x the column
#' @param n the number of times
#' @export
#' @examples
#' duplicateCol()
  matrix(rep(x,each=n), ncol=n, byrow=TRUE)

#' Extract posterior samples from a brms object
#' @param x the brms object
#' @param pars specific parameters to include, otherwise all if empty
#' @param droppars parameters to exclude. defaults to c("lp__","hs_c2","temp_Intercept", "log_lik")
#' @export
#' @examples
#' extract_post()
extract_post = function(x,pars,droppars = c("lp__","hs_c2", "temp_Intercept", "log_lik", "ySim", "yTest")){
  stan <- inherits(x, "stanfit")
  ss <- if (stan)
    as.matrix(x, pars = pars)
  else as.matrix(x)
  ss <- ss[, !colnames(ss) %in% droppars, drop = FALSE]
  wch = as.numeric(grep("prior_", colnames(ss)))
  if(length(wch)==0) {
    ss = ss
  } else {
    ss = ss[,-wch]
  wch = as.numeric(grep("ySim", colnames(ss)))
  if(length(wch)==0) {
    ss = ss
  } else {
    ss = ss[,-wch]
  wch = as.numeric(grep("yTest", colnames(ss)))
  if(length(wch)==0) {
    ss = ss
  } else {
    ss = ss[,-wch]
  if (!missing(pars) && !stan) {
    if (length(badpars <- which(!pars %in% colnames(ss))) >
        0) {
      stop("unrecognized parameters: ", pars[badpars])
    ss <- ss[, pars]

#' Extract posterior predictive samples from an abdiststan model
#' @param x the model
#' @param predname name of the prediction. Default is "ySim"
#' @export
#' @return returns a matrix where the columns are the posterior
#' distributions for each observation in the regression model. Each
#' row is a simulated re-sampling of the data.
#' @examples
#' extract_post_pred()
extract_post_pred = function(x, predname = "ySim"){
  pars = predname
  stan <- inherits(x, "stanfit")
  ss <- if (stan)
    as.matrix(x, pars = pars)
  else as.matrix(x)
  wch = as.numeric(grep("prior_", colnames(ss)))
  if (length(wch) == 0) {
    ss = ss
  else {
    ss = ss[, -wch]
  if (!missing(pars) && !stan) {
    if (length(badpars <- which(!pars %in% colnames(ss))) >
        0) {
      stop("unrecognized parameters: ", pars[badpars])
    ss <- ss[, pars]
  df = as.data.frame(abdisttools:::post_tibble(ss))
  rownames(df) = c(paste0("yRep[", 1:nrow(df), "]" ))

#' Extract prior samples from a brms object
#' @param x the brms object
#' @param pars specific parameters to include, otherwise all if empty
#' @param droppars parameters to exclude. defaults to c("lp__","hs_c2")
#' @export
#' @examples
#' extract_prior()
extract_prior =
  function (x, pars, droppars = c("lp__", "sigma"))
    stan <- inherits(x, "stanfit")
    ss <- if (stan)
      as.matrix(x, pars = pars)
    else as.matrix(x)
    ss <- ss[, !colnames(ss) %in% droppars, drop = FALSE]
    wch = as.numeric(grep("prior_", colnames(ss)))
    if (length(wch) == 0) {
      ss = ss
    else {
      names = colnames(ss)[wch]
      ss = as.matrix(ss[, wch])
      colnames(ss) = names
    if (!missing(pars) && !stan) {
      if (length(badpars <- which(!pars %in% colnames(ss))) >
          0) {
        stop("unrecognized parameters: ", pars[badpars])
      ss <- ss[, pars]


#' Get a summary of the posterior based on the lowest posterior loss relative to prior
#' Get summary including LPL (lowest-posterior loss) intervals and estimates. Parallel offered 
#' to speed up calculation for bigger models. 
#' @param prior prior samples
#' @param post posterior samples
#' @param estimate.method one of "LPL", "mean", or "median"
#' @param cred.level the confidence level. defaults to  .95
#' @param parallel set to TRUE for large models.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lpl_summary()

lpl_summary = function(prior, post, cred.level= .95, parallel=FALSE){
  names = colnames(post)
  prior = as.matrix(prior)
  post = as.matrix(post)

  if (parallel == TRUE) {
    varlist = c("prior","post", "cred.level")
    cl = as.integer(parallel::detectCores() - 1)
    cl = parallel::makeCluster(cl)
    parallel::clusterExport(cl, varlist, envir = environment())

      intervals =t(parallel::parSapply(cl, 1:ncol(prior), function(i) abdisttools:::lpl_interval(prior[,i], post[,i], cred.level = cred.level)))
      estimate = intervals[,3]
      intervals = as.data.frame(intervals[,1:2])
      colnames(intervals) = c("cred.low", "cred.high")
      summary = cbind.data.frame(term = names, estimate = estimate, intervals)
  } else {

      intervals = t(sapply(1:ncol(prior), function(i) abdisttools:::lpl_interval(prior[,i], post[,i], cred.level = cred.level)))
      estimate = intervals[,3]
      intervals = as.data.frame(intervals[,1:2])
      colnames(intervals) = c("cred.low", "cred.high")
      summary = cbind.data.frame(term = names, estimate = estimate, intervals)
  summary = abdisttools:::post_tibble(summary)

#' Get savage-dickey bayes factors for multiple parameters
#' @param prior prior samples
#' @param post posterior samples
#' @param H0 null value. defaults to 0. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bf_summary()

bf_summary = function(prior, post, H0=0){
  prior = as.matrix(prior)
  post = as.matrix(post)
  bf = as.data.frame(t(sapply(1:ncol(prior), function(x) abdisttools:::bf_test(post[,x],prior[,x], H0=H0))))

#' Get the Hellinger distance between two probability distributions
#' @param post1 the first posterior distribution
#' @param post2 the second posterior distribution
#' @param plot set to TRUE to plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hell.dist()
hell.dist = function (post1, post2, plot = FALSE)
  post1 = as.vector(as.matrix(post1))
  post2 = as.vector(as.matrix(post2))
  minx = min(c(post1, post2))
  maxx = max(c(post1, post2))
  e1 <- EnvStats::demp(post1, post1, discrete=FALSE)
  e2 <- EnvStats::demp(post2, post1, discrete=FALSE)
  BC = function(a, b) {sum(sqrt((a/sum(a))*(b/sum(b))))}
  BCcoef <- BC(e1, e2)
  hdist_cont = sqrt(1-BCcoef)

  if (plot == TRUE) {
    length = length(post1)
    distr = c(rep("post1", length), rep("post2", length))
    samps = c(post1, post2)
    posteriors = cbind.data.frame(distr, samps)
    plot = ggplot(posteriors, aes(x = samps, fill = distr)) +
      geom_density(alpha = 0.4) 
  hdist = c(hdist_cont, hdist_cont^2)
  names(hdist) = c("Hellinger's Distance", "Squared Hellinger's Distance")

#' Get the Jensen-Shannon divergence between two or more distributions
#' @param m a matrix where each column is a set of distribution samples
#' @param plot set to TRUE to plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' js.div()
js.div = function (m, plot=FALSE)
    H <- function(v) {
      v <- v[v > 0]
      return(sum(-v * log(v)))
    m = as.matrix(m)
    original.m  = m
    m = apply(m,2,function(x) EnvStats::demp(x, x, discrete = FALSE)/sum(EnvStats::demp(x, x, discrete = FALSE)))
    nDistributions <- ncol(m)
    nElements <- nrow(m)

    w = as.vector(1/ncol(m))
    w = rep(w, ncol(m))

    wm <- w* m
    jsd <- H(rowSums(wm)) -
      sum((w* apply(m, 2, H)))
    if (plot == TRUE) {
      length = nrow(m)
      distr = c(sapply(1:ncol(m), function(n) rep(paste("post",
                                                        n), length)))
      samps = c(original.m)
      posteriors = cbind.data.frame(distr, samps)
      plot = ggplot(posteriors, aes(x = samps, fill = distr)) +
        geom_density(alpha = 0.4)
    jsd = c(jsd, sqrt(jsd))
    names(jsd) = c("J-S Divergence", "J-S Distance")

#' Get posthoc group comparisons for an ANOVA-type model fit with brms
#' @param brms the model fit
#' @param var the first factor in the interaction
#' @param by the second factor in an interaction if there is one, defaults to "NA"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bf_robust()
bayes_posthoc = function(brms, var="variable", by="NA") {

  if (by=="NA"){
    brms %>%
      emmeans::emmeans(var) %>%
      emmeans::contrast("revpairwise") %>%
      gather_emmeans_draws() %>%
      spread(key=contrast, value=.value) %>%
      mutate(.chain=NULL, .iteration=NULL, .draw=NULL)
  } else {
    brms %>%
      emmeans::emmeans(var, by=by) %>%
      emmeans::contrast("revpairwise") %>%
      gather_emmeans_draws() %>%
      spread(key=contrast, value=.value) %>%
      mutate(.chain=NULL, .iteration=NULL, .draw=NULL)


#' Get the Vovk-Selke Maximum P-value Ratio for a p-value
#' @param p a p-value or vector of p-values
#' @param plot whether to plot; only works for a single p-value. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' VSMPR()

VSMPR <- function(p, plot=FALSE){

  totallynotthevoightkampfftest <- function(p){
    vs.mpr <- ifelse(p >= 1/exp(1), 1, 1/(-exp(1)*p*log(p)))
    if (any(is.nan(vs.mpr)))
      vs.mpr[is.nan(vs.mpr)] <- Inf

  vk = totallynotthevoightkampfftest(p)

  if (length(p)>1){

  if (plot==TRUE) {
    beta_alt = rbeta(200000,min(1,-1/log(p)),1)
    beta_null = runif(200000,0,1)
    alt_dens = EnvStats::demp(p,beta_alt)
    H = c(rep("alt",200000),rep("null",200000))
    beta = cbind.data.frame(pvals=c(beta_alt,beta_null),H=H)
    title = paste0("H1: beta(\u03BE =",round(min(1,-1/log(p)),2),",","1)"," ", " ","H0: beta(1,1)"," ", " ","VS-MPR="," ", round(vk,digits=2))
    gg = ggpubr::ggdensity(as.data.frame(beta),y="..density..", x="pvals", fill="H")  +
      labs(title=title) + 
      ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = c("deepskyblue2", "red3")) +
      annotate("linerange", x = p, linetype="dotted",size=1.2, ymin = 1, ymax=max(alt_dens), colour = "black") + theme_get()



#' Get the posterior odds and posterior p-value
#' Evaluates the density at the null hypothesis vs the density at the estimate, and calculates the
#' posterior odds as P(H0 | Data) / P(theta_hat | Data). Taking inspiration from Mills' (2014, 2017)
#' Bayesian Hypothesis Testing approach, the posterior odds are also converted to a probability.
#' The probability is calculated as odds / 1+odds. This provides a p-value type measure without
#' the need to calculate Bayes Factors for conversion to posterior error probabilities. This can
#' be extremely useful when prior samples are not available. Note that Savage-Dickey Density
#' Ratio Bayes Factors evaluate P(H0 | Data) / P(H0) and characterize the change in probability
#' between the null hypothesis in the prior and posterior. Mill's Posterior Odds characterizes
#' the relative posterior probability in the null hypothesis to the point estimate. Hence, the
#' two approaches to calculating odds and p-values differ in what question is answered.
#' @param posterior a vector or data frame of posterior samples
#' @param H0 a single value or a vector of values for the null hypothesis
#' @param method whether the mean (default) or median should be used for the hypothesis test
#' @export
#' @examples
#' posterior_odds()
posterior_odds = function(posterior, H0, method = "mean"){
  posterior.odds = function(posterior, H0, method){
    if (method == "mean"){
      estimate = mean(posterior)
    else if (method == "median"){
      estimate = median(posterior)
    dens.est  = EnvStats::demp(estimate, posterior, discrete = FALSE)
    dens.null = EnvStats::demp(H0, posterior, discrete = FALSE)
    odds = ( (dens.null) / (dens.est) ) + 2.2e-16
    prob = odds / (1+odds)
    data.frame(posterior_odds = odds, posterior_pvalue = prob)

  if (length(H0) > 1) {
    out = t(sapply(1:ncol(posterior), function(x) posterior.odds(as.data.frame(posterior)[,x], H0[x], method)))
  } else if (length(H0) == 1){
    posterior.odds(posterior, H0, method)

#' One sided (Directional) Bayesian hypothesis testing
#' @param posterior the posterior distribution in question
#' @param H0 The Null Hypothesis. Defaults to 0, but for distributions such as the beta it
#' makes sense to change H0 to 0.50.
#' @param direction  "pos" evaluates P(theta > H0 | Data). "neg" evaluates P(theta < H0 | Data).
#' "fsp" (false sign probability) calculates the probability that the estimate is in the wrong
#' direction, ie, min( P(theta > H0 | Data) , P(theta < H0 | Data) ). Defaults to "fsp".
#' @param plot defaults to TRUE
#' @export
#' @examples
#' prob_directed()
prob_directed = function(posterior, H0=0, direction = "fsp", plot = TRUE){

  if (direction == "fsp") {
    p = min((min(pemp(H0, posterior, discrete = TRUE),
                 1 - EnvStats::pemp(H0, posterior, discrete = TRUE)) + 2.2e-16), 1)
    odds = p / (1-p)
    df = data.frame(Odds = odds, false_sign_prob = p)
  else if (direction == "pos"){
    p = min((1 - EnvStats::pemp(H0, posterior, discrete = TRUE) + 2.2e-16) , 1)
    odds = p / (1-p)
    df = data.frame(Odds = odds, prob_theta_pos = p)
  else if (direction == "neg"){
    p = min((EnvStats::pemp(H0, posterior, discrete = TRUE) + 2.2e-16), 1)
    odds = p / (1-p)
    df = data.frame(Odds = odds, prob_theta_neg = p)

  if (plot == TRUE) {

      cutoff <- H0
      if (direction == "neg"){
        p = EnvStats::pemp(H0, posterior, discrete = TRUE)
        label = paste(round(p, 4)*100, "\u0025","\u003c", H0)
      if (direction == "pos"){
        p = 1 - EnvStats::pemp(H0, posterior, discrete = TRUE)
        label = paste(round(p, 4)*100, "\u0025","\u003e", H0)
      if (direction == "fsp"){
        p1 = EnvStats::pemp(H0, posterior, discrete = TRUE)
        p2 = 1 - EnvStats::pemp(H0, posterior, discrete = TRUE)
        label = paste(round(p1, 4)*100, "\u0025", "\u003c", H0, "\u003c", round(p2, 4)*100, "\u0025")

      hist.posterior <- density(posterior, adjust = 3, kernel="gaussian", bw = "SJ", n = length(posterior)) %$%
        data.frame(x = x, y = y) %>%
        mutate(area = x >= cutoff)

      the.plot <- ggplot(data = hist.posterior, aes(x = x, ymin = 0, ymax = y, fill = area)) +
        geom_ribbon() +
        geom_line(aes(y = y)) +
        ggtitle(label = label) +
        theme(legend.position="none") +
        xlab(label="\u03B8") +
      if (direction == "neg"){
        the.plot = the.plot + scale_fill_manual(values = c("#2CBAFF9B", "#FF00009B"))
      if (direction == "pos"){
          the.plot = the.plot + scale_fill_manual(values = c("#FF00009B", "#2CBAFF9B"))


#' Plot the VSMPRs from a summary containing p-values
#' @param summary a summary containing a column named p.value
#' @param text_angle the text angle
#' @param vjust vertical adjustment
#' @export
#' @examples
#' vsmpr_plot()
vsmpr_plot = function(summary, text_angle=90,vjust=.06){

  summary =cbind.data.frame(summary)

  ggplot(summary, aes(y=forcats::fct_rev(term), x=log(VSMPR(summary$p.value)))) +
    geom_point(size=5,color="steelblue3") +
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +

#' make likelihood ratios look nice
#' convert a vector of bayes factors, VSMPRs, or likelihood ratios to easier to read
#' character columns
#' @param ratio a vector of likelihood ratios
#' @param digits number of digits
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tidyRatio()
tidyRatio <- function(ratio, digits="default"){

  round.ratio <- function(ratio, digits="default"){
      if(ratio < 1/1000)
        result <- "\u2264 1/1000"
      if((ratio >= 1/1000) & (ratio <= 1/10))
        result <- paste("1/", as.character(round(1/ratio)), sep="")
      if((ratio > 1/10) & (ratio < 1))
        result <- paste("1/", as.character(round(1/ratio, digits=1)), sep="")
      if((ratio < 10) & (ratio >= 1))
        result <- as.character(round(ratio, digits=1))
      if((ratio >= 10) & (ratio <= 1000))
        result <- as.character(round(ratio))
      if(ratio > 1000)
        result <- "\u2265 1000"
      if(ratio < 1)
        result <- paste("1/", as.character(round(1/ratio, digits=digits)), sep="")
        result <- as.character(round(ratio, digits=digits))

  result <- character()
  for(i in 1:length(ratio))
    result[i] <- round.ratio(ratio[i], digits=digits)


#' Add significance stars to probabilities
#' Add significance stars to probabilities
#' @param p a vector of probabilities
#' @param cutpoints in order from most to least significant, a vector of probabilities to demarcate
#' significance levels. Defaults to 0, .002 , .0075, .037, .07,  1. The middle four numbers correspond to
#' the chosen significance levels.
#' @param  a vector of symbols to use corresponding to the cutpoints
#' @details The default significance levels,  .0075 , .0145, .025, .037 correspond to the p-values
#' obtained when the maximum BF10 (calculated via the VSMPR) is 10, 6, 4, and 3, respectively. These also
#' correspond to minimum posterior probabilities for the null hypothesis of 0.091, 0.143, 0.20, and 0.25.
#' If applying these probabilities to local false discovery rates or posterior null probabilities
#' then one may wish to change the cutpoints to c(0, 0.091, 0.143, 0.20, 0.25, 1).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tidyProbs()
tidyProbs =  function(p, digits = 4, cutpoints = c(0, .0075 , .0145, .025, .037,  1) , symbols = c("***", "**", "*", "\u00B0", " "))

  paste(format(signif(p,digits=digits), nsmall = digits) ,
          symnum(p, corr = FALSE, na = FALSE,
                 cutpoints = cutpoints,
                 symbols = symbols)


#' Estimate local false discovery rates and q-values
#' Estimate local false discovery rates and q-values (as well as their false sign counterparts) from a
#' vector of p-values. Works best with a large number of p-values, the more the better (in the 100s+ is best,
#' but may work fine with 50+). Using with less than 50 results in an error.
#' @param p a vector of p-values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' est.lfdr()

est.lfdr =  function (p)
  eps = .Machine$double.eps

  if (length(p) < 50) {
    stop("For lfdr and q-value estimation a large number of p-values are required. Consider instead utilizing the VS-MPR,\n  or using lpl_summary to obtain the posterior error probabilities if prior samples are available.")

  est.xi = function (p)
    lambda = seq(0.05, .95, 0.025)
    rm_na <- !is.na(p)
    p <- p[rm_na]
    m <- length(p)
    lambda <- sort(lambda)
    ll <- length(lambda)
    if (min(p) < 0 || max(p) > 1) {
      stop("p-values not in valid range [0, 1].")

    if (ll == 1) {
      xi0 <- mean(p >= lambda)/(1 - lambda)
      xi0.lambda <- xi0
      xi0 <- min(xi0, 1)

    else {
      ind <- length(lambda):1
      xi0 <- cumsum(tabulate(findInterval(p, vec = lambda))[ind])/(length(p) *
                                                                     (1 - lambda[ind]))
      xi0 <- xi0[ind]
      xi0.lambda <- xi0

      minxi0 <- quantile(xi0, prob = 0.01,na.rm=TRUE)
      W <- sapply(lambda, function(l) sum(p >= l))
      mse <- (W/(m^2 * (1 - lambda)^2)) * (1 - W/m) + (xi0 -
      xi0 <- min(xi0[mse == min(mse)], 1)


    xi = xi0
    names(xi) = "\u03BE"

  lfdr_out <- p
  one.sided.p = p/2
  rm_na <- !is.na(p)
  p <- p[rm_na]
  if (min(p) < 0 || max(p) > 1) {
    stop("P-values must be in interval [0,1]. Make sure you have not passed along Bayes Factors or VS-MPRs!")

  xi0 <- est.xi(p)

  n <- length(p)

  x <- log((p + eps)/(1 - p + eps))
  myd <- scdensity::scdensity(x, constraint=c("monotoneLeftTail"), bw="nrd0")
  mys <- smooth.spline(x = myd$x, y = myd$y)
  y <- predict(mys, x)$y
  dx <- exp(x)/(1 + exp(x))^2
  lfdr <- (xi0 * dx)/y
  lfdr = sapply(lfdr, function(lfdr) min(lfdr, 1))

  o <- order(p, decreasing = FALSE)
  ro <- order(o)
  lfdr <- cummax(lfdr[o])[ro]

  lfdr_out[rm_na] <- lfdr
  lfsr = lfdr+one.sided.p
  lfsr = sapply(lfsr, function(lfsr) min(lfsr, 1))

  q.value = q.value %>%
    mutate(index=seq(1:nrow(q.value))) %>%
    arrange(lfdr_out) %>%
    mutate(q.value = cummean(lfdr_out)) %>%
    arrange(index) %>%

  s.value = data.frame(lfsr=lfsr)

  s.value = s.value %>%
    mutate(index=seq(1:nrow(s.value))) %>%
    arrange(lfsr) %>%
    mutate(s.value = cummean(lfsr)) %>%
    arrange(index) %>%

  lfdr_out = list(lfdr=lfdr_out, lfsr=lfsr, q.value=q.value$q.value, s.value=s.value$s.value, xi=xi0)

#' Conduct a ROPE test
#' Conduct a test of practical equivalence by defining a region of practical equivalence (ROPE) around the null hypothesis H0.
#' @param x a vector of posterior samples
#' @param ROPE a numeric vector of two numbers. Defaults to c(-.1, .1), assuming a Cohen's d... Adjust to what is reasonable!
#' @param interval.method If cred.limits="NA", then interval method must be one of "HDI", "ETI", or "LPL"
#' @param prior.samps only needed if interval.method="LPL"
#' @param cred.level the confidence level for interval.method. Defaults to  .95.
#' @param plot plot the output. defaults to TRUE.
#' @param line.color color marking H0. "white" is default.
#' @param interval.color defaults to purple/violet "#8c00ff"
#' @param density.color defaults to blue "#2CBAFF"
#' @param rope.color defaults to red "#FF0000"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ROPE_test()
ROPE_test = function (x, ROPE = c(-.1, .1), H0 = 0, prior.samps=NULL, plot = TRUE, 
                      line.color = "white", 
                      interval.color = "#8c00ff", 
                      density.color = "#2CBAFF",
                      rope.color = "#FF0000",
                      interval.method = "ETI",
                      cred.level = .95)
  x = as.vector(as.matrix(x))
  if (cred.level == 1){
    cred.level = .99999
  if (interval.method == "ETI") {
    interval <- abdisttools:::cred_interval(as.vector(as.matrix(x)),
                                            cred.level = cred.level, method = "ETI")
    names(interval) <- c("lower", "upper")
  else if (interval.method == "HDI") {
    interval <- abdisttools:::cred_interval(as.vector(as.matrix(x)),
                                            cred.level = cred.level, method = "HDI")
    names(interval) <- c("lower", "upper")
  else if (interval.method == "LPL") {
    if (is.null(prior.samps)) {
      stop("Lowest Posterior Loss intervals require prior samples!",
           call. = F) }
    else {
      interval <- abdisttools:::lpl_interval(prior = prior.samps, posterior = x, plot = FALSE, cred.level = cred.level)[1:2]
      names(interval) <- c("lower", "upper")

  if (length(ROPE) != 2)
    stop("Argument ROPE needs to be a vector of length two.",
         call. = F)
  if (ROPE[1] > ROPE[2]) {
    tmp <- ROPE[2]
    ROPE[2] <- ROPE[1]
    ROPE[1] <- tmp

  original.x = x
  x <- sort(x)
  x.rope <- dplyr::between(x, interval[1], interval[2])
  x <- x[which(x.rope == TRUE)]
  r <- dplyr::between(x, ROPE[1], ROPE[2])
  rope.pct = sum(r)/length(x)
  rope.pct = data.frame(rope = rope.pct)
  interval = as.data.frame(t(interval))
  rope.pct$outside.rope = 1 - rope.pct$rope
  colnames(rope.pct) <- c("inside", "outside")
  .neff <- length(x)
  result <- dplyr::case_when(interval$lower > ROPE[2] ~ "reject null",
                             interval$upper < ROPE[1] ~ "reject null", interval$lower >=
                               ROPE[1] & interval$upper <= ROPE[2] ~ "accept null",
                             TRUE ~ "undecided")
  if (cred.level ==  .99999){
    result = cbind.data.frame(rope.pct, odds = rope.pct$inside / rope.pct$outside,result, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    names(result) = c("Inside ROPE", "Outside ROPE", "Interval Odds", "Decision")
  } else {
    result = cbind.data.frame(rope.pct, result, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    names(result) = c("Inside ROPE", "Outside ROPE", "Decision")

  if (plot == TRUE) {
    xdf = data.frame(posterior.samples = as.vector(original.x))
    ROPE = data.frame(t(ROPE))
    plot <- xdf %>% ggplot2::ggplot(aes(x = posterior.samples,
                                        y = ..density..)) + 
      stat_density(fill = density.color, alpha = .90, adjust = 3)
  if (result$`Inside ROPE` == 0) {
      plot <- plot + theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
        ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = H0, color = line.color,
                            linetype = "dotted", size = 1) + 
        geom_segment(aes(y = 0, yend = 0, xend = upper, x = lower), 
        data = interval, size = 2, color = interval.color) + 
        labs(x = "\u03B8")
    else {
      d <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(plot)$data[[1]]
      plot <- plot + 
        geom_area(data = subset(d, x > ROPE$X1 & x < ROPE$X2), fill = rope.color, aes(x = x, y = y), alpha = 0.90) + 
        theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
        ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = H0, color = line.color,
                            linetype = "dotted", size = 1) + 
        geom_segment(aes(y = 0, yend = 0, xend = upper, x = lower), data = interval,size = 2, color = interval.color) +
        labs(x = "\u03B8")
  else {

#' Convert MCMC chains to tidy for ggplot2
#' @param mcmc.list. an MCMC list
#' @param family. group of parameters
#' with the same name but different numerical value
#' between square brackets (as beta[1], beta[2])
#' @param description. Character vector giving a short descriptive text that identifies the model.
#' @param par_labels. data frame with two colums. One named "Parameter"
#' with the same names of the parameters of the model.
#' @param sort. Logical. When TRUE (the default), parameters are sorted first by
#' family name and then by numerical value.
#' @param inc_warmup. Logical. When dealing with stanfit objects from rstan,
#' logical value whether the warmup samples are included. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param stan_include_auxiliar.	Logical value to include "lp__" parameter in rstan, and "lp__", "treedepth__" and
#' "stepsize__" in stan running without rstan. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param droppars variables to exclude. Defaults to droppars = c("lp__","hs_c2","nu","sigma").
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tidyGg()
tidyGg = function(GG, family. = NA, description. = NA, burnin. = FALSE, par_labels. = NA,
                   sort. = TRUE, inc_warmup. = FALSE, stan_include_auxiliar. = FALSE,
                   droppars = c("lp__","hs_c2","nu","sigma")) {

  MCMC_Chain = function (s)
    n.samples <- dim(s)[1]
    iter <- 1:n.samples
    d <- data.frame(Iteration = iter, as.matrix(unclass(s)),
                    check.names = FALSE)
    D <- d %>% tidyr::gather(Parameter, value, -Iteration)
    D <- dplyr::tbl_df(D)

  MCMC.Sort = function (x)
    x <- sort(as.character(unique(x)))
    family <- gsub("\\[.+\\]", "", x)
    Families <- sort(unique(family))
    X <- NULL
    for (f in Families) {
      x.family <- x[family == f]
      if (length(grep("\\[", x.family)) > 0) {
        index <- gsub("]", "", gsub("(.+)\\[", "", x.family))
        if (length(grep(",", index) > 0)) {
          idl <- data.frame(x.family = x.family, index = index,
                            matrix(unlist(strsplit(index, ",")), nrow = length(index),
                                   byrow = TRUE))
          for (c in 3:(dim(idl)[2])) {
            idl[, c] <- as.numeric(as.character(idl[, c]))
          command <- paste("dplyr::arrange(idl,", paste(names(idl)[-(c(1,
                                                                       2))], collapse = ","), ")", sep = "")
          idl <- eval(parse(text = command))
          x.family <- as.character(idl$x.family)
        else {
          x.family <- x.family[order(as.numeric((gsub("]",
                                                      "", gsub("(.+)\\[", "", x.family)))))]
        X <- c(X, x.family)
      else {
        X <- c(X, x.family)

  MCMCtoggplot = function (S, family = family., description = description., burnin = burnin., par_labels = par_labels.,
                           sort = sort., inc_warmup = inc_warmup., stan_include_auxiliar = stan_include_auxiliar.)
    processed <- FALSE
    original.object.class <- class(S)[1]
    if (length(class(S)) > 1 & class(S)[1] == "stanreg") {
      S <- S$stanfit
    if (class(S) == "brmsfit") {
      S <- S$fit
    if (class(S) == "stanfit") {
      nChains <- S@sim$chains
      nThin <- S@sim$thin
      mDescription <- S@model_name
      D <- NULL
      for (l in 1:nChains) {
        sdf <- as.data.frame(S@sim$samples[[l]])
        names(sdf) <- names(S@sim$samples[[l]])
        sdf$Iteration <- 1:dim(sdf)[1]
        s <- tidyr::gather(sdf, Parameter, value, -Iteration) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(Chain = l) %>% dplyr::select(Iteration,
                                                     Chain, Parameter, value)
        D <- dplyr::bind_rows(D, s)
      if (!inc_warmup) {
        if (original.object.class == "stanfit") {
          D <- dplyr::filter(D, Iteration > (S@sim$warmup/nThin))
          D$Iteration <- D$Iteration - (S@sim$warmup/nThin)
        nBurnin <- S@sim$warmup
      else {
        nBurnin <- 0
      if (!stan_include_auxiliar) {
        D <- dplyr::filter(D, Parameter != "lp__")
      if (sort) {
        D$Parameter <- factor(D$Parameter, levels = MCMC.Sort(D$Parameter))
      else {
        D$Parameter <- factor(D$Parameter)
      processed <- TRUE
      D <- dplyr::tbl_df(D)
    if (class(S) == "list") {
      D <- NULL
      for (i in 1:length(S)) {
        samples.c <- dplyr::tbl_df(read.table(S[[i]], sep = ",",
                                              header = TRUE, colClasses = "numeric", check.names = FALSE))
        D <- dplyr::bind_rows(D, tidyr::gather(samples.c,
                                               Parameter) %>% dplyr::mutate(Iteration = rep(1:(dim(samples.c)[1]),
                                                                                            dim(samples.c)[2]), Chain = i) %>% dplyr::select(Iteration,
                                                                                                                                             Chain, Parameter, value))
      if (!stan_include_auxiliar) {
        D <- D[grep("__$", D$Parameter, invert = TRUE), ]
        if (sort) {
          D$Parameter <- factor(D$Parameter, levels = MCMC.Sort(D$Parameter))
        else {
          D$Parameter <- factor(D$Parameter)
      nBurnin <- as.integer(gsub("warmup=", "", scan(S[[i]],
                                                     "", skip = 12, nlines = 1, quiet = TRUE)[2]))
      nThin <- as.integer(gsub("thin=", "", scan(S[[i]], "",
                                                 skip = 13, nlines = 1, quiet = TRUE)[2]))
      processed <- TRUE
    if (class(S) == "mcmc.list" | class(S) == "mcmc" | processed) {
      if (!processed) {
        lS <- length(S)
        D <- NULL
        if (lS == 1 | class(S) == "mcmc") {
          if (lS == 1 & class(S) == "mcmc.list") {
            s <- S[[1]]
          else {
            s <- S
          D <- dplyr::mutate(MCMC_Chain(s), Chain = 1) %>%
            dplyr::select(Iteration, Chain, Parameter,
          nBurnin <- (attributes(s)$mcpar[1]) - (1 * attributes(s)$mcpar[3])
          nThin <- attributes(s)$mcpar[3]
        else {
          for (l in 1:lS) {
            s <- S[l][[1]]
            D <- dplyr::bind_rows(D, dplyr::mutate(MCMC_Chain(s),
                                                   Chain = l))
          D <- dplyr::select(D, Iteration, Chain, Parameter,
          nBurnin <- (attributes(s)$mcpar[1]) - (1 * attributes(s)$mcpar[3])
          nThin <- attributes(s)$mcpar[3]
        if (sort) {
          D$Parameter <- factor(D$Parameter, levels = MCMC.Sort(D$Parameter))
        else {
          D$Parameter <- factor(D$Parameter)
        D <- dplyr::arrange(D, Parameter, Chain, Iteration)
      attr(D, "nChains") <- length(unique(D$Chain))
      attr(D, "nParameters") <- length(unique(D$Parameter))
      attr(D, "nIterations") <- max(D$Iteration)
      if (is.numeric(burnin) & length(burnin) == 1) {
        attr(D, "nBurnin") <- burnin
      else if (is.logical(burnin)) {
        if (burnin) {
          attr(D, "nBurnin") <- nBurnin
        else {
          attr(D, "nBurnin") <- 0
      else {
        stop("burnin must be either logical (TRUE/FALSE) or a numerical vector of length one.")
      attr(D, "nThin") <- nThin
      if (is.character(description)) {
        attr(D, "description") <- description
      else {
        if (!is.na(description)) {
          print("description is not a text string. The name of the imported object is used instead.")
        if (exists("mDescription")) {
          attr(D, "description") <- mDescription
        else {
          attr(D, "description") <- as.character(sys.call()[2])
      if (!is.na(family)) {
        D <- get_family(D, family = family)
      if (class(par_labels) %in% c("data.frame", "tbl_df")) {
        if (length(which(c("Parameter", "Label") %in% names(par_labels))) ==
            2) {
          aD <- attributes(D)
          levels(D$Parameter)[which(levels(D$Parameter) %in%
                                      par_labels$Parameter)] <- as.character(par_labels$Label[match(levels(D$Parameter)[which(levels(D$Parameter) %in%
                                                                                                                                par_labels$Parameter)], par_labels$Parameter)])
          L <- dplyr::tbl_df(data.frame(Parameter = par_labels$Label,
                                        ParameterOriginal = par_labels$Parameter)) %>%
            mutate(Parameter = as.character(Parameter))
          D <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::left_join(D, L,
                                                 by = "Parameter"))
          D <- D %>% dplyr::select(Iteration, Chain, Parameter,
                                   value, ParameterOriginal)
          if (class(D$Parameter) == "character") {
            if (sort) {
              D$Parameter <- factor(D$Parameter, levels = MCMC.Sort(D$Parameter))
            else {
              D$Parameter <- factor(D$Parameter)
          attr(D, "nChains") <- aD$nChains
          attr(D, "nParameters") <- aD$nParameters
          attr(D, "nIterations") <- aD$nIterations
          attr(D, "nBurnin") <- aD$nBurnin
          attr(D, "nThin") <- aD$nThin
          attr(D, "description") <- aD$description
          if (dim(par_labels)[2] > 2) {
            aD <- attributes(D)
            L.noParameter <- dplyr::tbl_df(par_labels) %>%
              dplyr::select(-Parameter) %>% dplyr::mutate(Label = as.character(Label))
            D <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::left_join(D, L.noParameter,
                                                   by = c(Parameter = "Label")))
            if (class(D$Parameter) == "character") {
              if (sort) {
                D$Parameter <- factor(D$Parameter, levels = MCMC.Sort(D$Parameter))
              else {
                D$Parameter <- factor(D$Parameter)
          attr(D, "nChains") <- aD$nChains
          attr(D, "nParameters") <- aD$nParameters
          attr(D, "nIterations") <- aD$nIterations
          attr(D, "nBurnin") <- aD$nBurnin
          attr(D, "nThin") <- aD$nThin
          attr(D, "description") <- aD$description
        else {
          stop("par_labels must include at least columns called 'Parameter' and 'Label'.")
      else {
        if (!is.na(par_labels)) {
          stop("par_labels must be a data frame or a tbl_df.")
    else {
      stop(cat(bold(red(("I'm sory Dave. I afraid I can't do that.")))))

  fit.gg = MCMCtoggplot(GG)
  fit.gg = fit.gg[!fit.gg$Parameter %in% droppars , ]

#' Calculate R2 for MCMC or Bootstrap Regression Samples
#' Calculate R2 for MCMC or Bootstrap Regression Samples
#' @param formula a formula specifying the model.
#' @param data the data
#' @param the samples
#' @export
#' @examples
#' MCMC_R2()

MCMC_R2 = function(formula, data, model.fit){
  model.fit = as.matrix(model.fit)
  y = which(colnames(data)==as.character(formula)[[2]])
  y = data[,y]
  Xmat = model.matrix(formula, data)
  model = extract_post(model.fit, droppars = c("log_lik", "lp__", "nu", "sigma", "skew", "invsigma2", "lambda"))
  wch = colnames(model)
  coefs = model[, wch]
  fit = as.data.frame(as.matrix(coefs) %*% as.matrix(t(Xmat)))
  resid = sweep(fit, 2, as.vector(as.matrix(y)), "-")
  var_f = apply(fit, 1, var)
  var_e = apply(resid, 1, var)
  R2 = var_f/(var_f + var_e)

#' Get posterior distributions for predictions from abdiststan fits
#' Generate Posterior Predictive Distributions for Regression Models
#' @param fit the MAPfit or abdiststanfit object
#' @param newdata the data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' post_pred()

post_pred = function(fit, newdata){
  formula = attr(fit, "formula")
  xmat = model.matrix(formula, newdata)
  samples = abdisttools::extract_post(fit)[,1:ncol(xmat)]
  t(apply(samples, 1, function(z) as.vector((z %*% t(xmat)))))

#' Get point predictions from MAPfit or abdiststanfit models
#' Predict function for abdiststanfit or MAPfit models. If another type of object is accidentally passed to
#' this function it will attempt to pass the object to the generic predict method.
#' @param fit the MAPfit or abdiststanfit object
#' @param newdata the data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' post_linpred()
post_linpred = function(fit, newdata){
  if (isTRUE("abdiststanfit" %in% attr(fit, "class"))) {
    formula = attr(fit, "formula")
    xmat = model.matrix(formula, newdata)
    coefs = abdisttools::post_summary(fit, estimate.method = "median")$estimate
    coefs = coefs[1:ncol(xmat)]
    as.vector((coefs %*% t(xmat)))
  } else if (isTRUE("MAPfit" %in% attr(fit, "class"))) {
    formula = attr(fit, "formula")
    xmat = model.matrix(formula, newdata)
    coefs = as.vector(fit)[1:ncol(xmat)]
    as.vector((coefs %*% t(xmat)))
  } else {
    predict(fit, newdata)

#' Convert Cohen's d or Hedge's g to CLES
#'  Convert Cohen's d or Hedge's g to CLES
#' @param x a numeric vector containing 1 or more cohen's d/hedge's g estimates
#' @param the samples
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dtoCLES()
dtoCLES = function(x){pnorm(0, x/sqrt(2), 1, lower.tail = FALSE)}

#' Calculate empirical/non-parametric CLES
#' Calculate empirical/non-parametric CLES
#' @param formula a formula specifying the model.
#' @param data the data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' post_check()
empirical.cles  = function(formula, data){

  cles  <- function(variable, group, baseline, data) {

    # Select the observations for group 1
    x <- data[data[[group]] == baseline, variable]

    # Select the observations for group 2
    y <- data[data[[group]] != baseline, variable]

    # Matrix with difference between XY for all pairs (Guillaume Rousselet's suggestion)
    m <- outer(x,y,FUN="-")

    # Convert to booleans; count ties as half true.
    m <- ifelse(m==0, 0.5, m>0)

    # Return proportion of TRUEs
    qxly <- mean(m)


  data = as.data.frame(data)
  variable = as.character(formula[2])
  group = as.character(formula[3])
  data$Variable = as.numeric(as.matrix(data)[,which(colnames(as.matrix(data))==variable)])
  data$Group <- as.numeric(as.factor(as.matrix(data[,which(colnames(data)==as.character(group))])[,1]))
  cles(variable = "Variable", group = "Group", baseline = 1, data = data)

#' Bootstrap empirical/non-parametric CLES
#' Bootstrap empirical/non-parametric CLES
#' @param formula a formula specifying the model.
#' @param data the data
#' @param iter defaults to 10000
#' @export
#' @examples
#' post_check()
bootstrap.cles = function(formula, data, iter=10000){
  data = as.data.frame(data)
  Data = matrix(nrow=nrow(data), ncol = 2)
  variable = as.character(formula[2])
  group = as.character(formula[3])
  Data[,1] <- as.numeric(as.matrix(data)[,which(colnames(as.matrix(data))==variable)])
  Data[,2] <- as.numeric(as.factor(as.matrix(data[,which(colnames(data)==as.character(group))])[,1]))
  colnames(Data) = c("Variable", "Group")
  Data = as.data.frame(Data)

  CLES  <- function(variable, group, baseline, data) {

    # Select the observations for group 1
    x <- data[data[[group]] == baseline, variable]

    # Select the observations for group 2
    y <- data[data[[group]] != baseline, variable]

    # Matrix with difference between XY for all pairs (Guillaume Rousselet's suggestion)
    m <- outer(x,y,FUN="-")

    # Convert to booleans; count ties as half true.
    m <- ifelse(m==0, 0.5, m>0)

    # Return proportion of TRUEs
    qxly <- mean(m)


  Cles = vector()
  for (i in 1:iter){
    Cles[i] <- CLES(variable = "Variable", group = "Group", baseline = 1,data=dplyr::sample_n(Data, size=nrow(Data), replace=TRUE))

#' Elicit a prior distribution
#' Prior elicitation
#' @param coins how many coins are you willing to invest? Defaults to 100.
#' @param bins how many bins should the sample space be divided into?
#' @param min.value what is the smallest number you expect to be possible for your sample space?
#' @param max.value what is the largest number you expect to be possible for your sample space?
#' @param distribution one of "gaussian", "beta", "half-t", or "gamma"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' prior.elicit()

prior.elicit = function (coins=100, bins=9, min.value, max.value, distribution="gaussian")
  n = coins
  cats = round(seq(min.value, max.value, length.out = bins), 3)
  cat.names = as.character(cats)
  cat.names = c(sapply(cat.names[1:(length(cat.names)-1)], function(x) paste(x, ":")), paste(":", cat.names[length(cat.names)]))

  if (missing(n))
    stop("The n argument is required.")
  if (missing(cats))
    stop("The cats argument is required.")
  if (missing(cat.names))
    stop("The cat.names argument is required.")
  if (!identical(length(cats), length(cat.names)))
    stop("Different lengths found for cats and cat.names.")
  cat.labels <- letters[1:length(cats)]
  cat(crayon::red("\n\n You will be asked two questions until all coins are invested:"))
  cat(crayon::green("\n\n1. How much would you like to invest"))
  cat(crayon::magenta("\n2. In which bin do you wish to invest? \n"))
  cat(crayon::bold(crayon::cyan("\n Each bin represents the endpoint of a range. The first number, for example, might represent -Inf:100.
      \n The last number might represent the range 100:Inf, in the context of an unbounded continuous distribution. \n")))
  cat("\nbins:", cat.names)
  cat("\nbin ID:", cat.labels, "\n\n")
  readline("Press Enter/Return to start: ")
  while (n > 0) {
    cat("\n\nYou have", n, "coins remaining.\n")
    N <- 0
    while ((N <= 0)) N <- readline("How much would you like to invest?")
    N <- as.numeric(N)
    cat("\nIn which bin do you wish to invest?\n")
    cat("\nbins:", cat.names)
    cat("\nbin Entry:", cat.labels, "\n\n")
    answer <- "Bayes"
    while (all(cat.labels != answer)) answer <- readline("bin: ")
    pos <- which(cat.labels == answer)
    if (!exists("out"))
      out <- rep(cats[pos], N)
    else out <- c(out, rep(cats[pos], N))
    bar.out = as.data.frame(table(out))
    colnames(bar.out) <- c("Bin", "Coins")
    bar = ggpubr::ggbarplot(bar.out, x="Bin", y="Coins", fill="skyblue2") 
    n <- n - N

  if (distribution=="gaussian") {
    out = out

    dist <- c(median(out), sd(out))
    df <- fitdistrplus::fitdist(as.vector(scale(out)), distr="t", start = list(df=6), method="mge", gof="KS")$estimate[1]
    df = round(df, 0)
    t <- ggpubr::ggdensity(brms:::rstudent_t(5000, df, mu=dist[1], sigma=dist[2]), title="Student-T") + theme_get()
    cat(crayon::underline(crayon::bold(crayon::green("Student T approximation:\n"))))
    cat(crayon::bold(crayon::green("\nThe parameters that best describe your prior beliefs are:", "\ndf=", df,
                                   "\nmean=", round(dist[1],2), "\nsd=", round(dist[2],1))))
    cat(crayon::bold(crayon::green("\nThe approximate quantiles of your prior are:\n")))

    print(round(quantile(brms:::rstudent_t(5000, df, mu=dist[1], sigma=dist[2]), c(.025, .05, .25, .5, .75, .95, .975)),2))

    cat(crayon::underline(crayon::bold(crayon::blue("Normal approximation:\n"))))

    dist <- MASS::fitdistr(out, "normal")$estimate
    n <- ggpubr::ggdensity(rnorm(5000, dist[1], dist[2]), title="Normal") + theme_get()

    cat(crayon::bold(crayon::blue("\nThe parameters that best describe your prior beliefs are:",
                                  "\nmean=", round(dist[1],2), "\nsd=", round(dist[2],1))))

    cat(crayon::bold(crayon::blue("\nThe approximate quantiles of your prior are:\n")))
    print(round(quantile(rnorm(5000, dist[1], dist[2]), c(.025, .05, .25, .5, .75, .95, .975)),2))

    plot(ggpubr::ggarrange(t, n, nrow=2, ncol=1))

  if (distribution=="beta") {
    dist <- fitdistrplus::fitdist(out, distr  ="beta",
                                  start = list(shape1= .01, shape2 = .01), lower=0.001, method="mme")$estimate
    plot(ggpubr::ggdensity(rbeta(400000, dist[1], dist[2])) + theme_get()) 
    cat(crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("The parameters that best describe your prior beliefs are:",
                                     "\nshape1=", round(dist[1],3), "\nshape2=", round(dist[2],3))))
    cat(crayon::bold(crayon::magenta("\nThe approximate quantiles of your prior are:\n")))
    print(round(quantile(rbeta(200000, dist[1], dist[2]), c(.025, .05, .25, .5, .75, .95, .975)),2))


  if (distribution=="half-t") {
    out = out
    dist <- c(median(out), sd(out))
    df <- fitdistrplus::fitdist(as.vector(scale(out)), distr="t", start = list(df=df.start), method="mge", gof="AD")$estimate[1]
    df = round(df, 0)
    t <- ggpubr::ggdensity(abs(brms:::rstudent_t(5000, df, mu=dist[1], sigma=dist[2])), title="Student-T") + theme_get()
    cat(crayon::underline(crayon::bold(crayon::cyan("Half-Student T approximation:\n"))))
    cat(crayon::bold(crayon::cyan("\nThe parameters that best describe your prior beliefs are:", "\ndf=", df,
                                  "\nmean=", round(dist[1],2), "\nsd=", round(dist[2],1))))
    cat(crayon::bold(crayon::cyan("\nThe approximate quantiles of your prior are:\n")))

    print(round(quantile(abs(brms:::rstudent_t(5000, df, mu=dist[1], sigma=dist[2])), c(.025, .05, .25, .5, .75, .95, .975),2)))


  if (distribution=="gamma") {
    out = out
    dist <- fitdistrplus::fitdist(out, "gamma", method="mme")$estimate
    g <- ggpubr::ggdensity(abs(rgamma(5000, dist[1], dist[2])), title="Gamma")+ theme_get()
    gamma <- crayon::make_style(rgb(.09 , .89, .53, 1))
    cat(crayon::underline(crayon::bold(gamma("Gamma approximation:\n"))))
    cat(crayon::bold(gamma("\nThe parameters that best describe your prior beliefs are:",
                           "\nshape", round(dist[1],2), "\nrate=", round(dist[2],1))))
    cat(crayon::bold(gamma("\nThe approximate quantiles of your prior are:\n")))

    print(round(quantile(abs(rgamma(5000, dist[1], dist[2])), c(.025, .05, .25, .5, .75, .95, .975),2)))



#' Calibrate a personal probability with the deFinetti Game!
#' Prior elicitation
#' @param coins State a personal probability, ie, "I think there's a p=.80 chance it will rain today"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' deFinettiGame()
deFinettiGame = function (probability)
  if (missing(probability))
    stop("The probability argument is required.")
  if ((probability <= 0) | (probability > 1))
    stop("The probability must be between 0 and 1")
  ques <- paste("\nDescribe a hypothesis (such as ``There is an owl in that tree''): ")
  event <- readline(crayon::red(ques))
  region <- c(0, 1)
  while ((region[2] - region[1]) > probability) {
    x <- round(mean(region) * 100)
    y <- 100 - x
    cat(crayon::green(crayon::bold("\nYou have two options:")))
    cat(crayon::cyan("\n\n1.Wait and win a payout of $1 if the event happens."))
    cat(crayon::magenta("\n2.Draw a marble from a bucket with", x, "purple marbles and",
                        y, "orange marbles. Drawing a purple", "marble results in a payout of $1."))
    ans <- readline(cat(crayon::red(crayon::bold("\n\nChoose Option 1 or Option 2: "))))
    if (ans == 1)
      region[1] <- x/100
    else if (ans == 2)
      region[2] <- x/100
    else region <- c(0, 0)
  if (sum(region) == 0)
    cat("\nTry again. Valid answers are 1 or 2.")
  else {
    cat("\n\nYour subjective probability is in the interval [",
        region[1], ",", region[2], "] of ", event,
        ".\n\n", sep = "")

#' Bayesian Binomial & Negative Binomial Test
#' Estimate a probability that has a bernoulli likelihood
#' @param z number of successes
#' @param N number of trials
#' @param a.prior Prior for first shape parameter
#' @param b.prior Prior for second shape parameter
#' @param cred.level Credibility level. Defaults to .975
#' @param console Should it print to console? Defaults to TRUE
#' @param return.samples Should it return samples of the prior and posterior? Defaults to FALSE
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bern.test()

bern.test = function(z, N, a.prior=1, b.prior=1, cred.level=.975, return.samples=FALSE, console=TRUE){

  scientific_10x <- function(values, digits = 1) {
      stop("values must be numbers")
    if(grepl("^\\d{2}$", digits)){
      stop("digits must a one or two digit whole number")

    x <- sprintf(paste0("%.", digits, "e"), values)

    x <- gsub("^(.*)e", "\\1e", x)

    longestExponent <- max(sapply(gregexpr("\\d{1,}$", x), attr, 'match.length'))
    zeroTrimmed <- ifelse(longestExponent > 2,
                          paste0("\\1", paste(rep("~", times = longestExponent-1), collapse = "")),
    x <- gsub("(e[+|-])[0]", zeroTrimmed, x)

    x <- gsub("e", "*10^", x)

    if(any(grepl("\\^\\-", x))){
      x <- gsub("\\^\\+", "\\^~~", x)
    } else {
      x <- gsub("\\^\\+", "\\^", x)
    # return this as an expression

  estimate =  (z + a.prior) / (N + a.prior + b.prior)
  alpha1 = z + a.prior
  beta1 = N - z + b.prior
  posteriorA = rbeta(42500/2,alpha1, beta1)
  posteriorB = rbeta(42500/2,alpha1, beta1)
  posterior = c(posteriorA, posteriorB)
  priorA = rbeta(42500/2, a.prior, b.prior)
  priorB = rbeta(42500/2, a.prior, b.prior)
  prior =  c(priorA, priorB)
  if(length(qbeta(seq(0,1, by=.00001)[which(dbeta(seq(0,1, by=.00001), a.prior, b.prior)==max(dbeta(seq(0,1, by=.00001), a.prior, b.prior)))], a.prior, b.prior)) > 1) {
    prior.mean = qbeta(.5, a.prior, b.prior)
  } else {
    prior.mean = qbeta(seq(0,1, by=.00001)[which(dbeta(seq(0,1, by=.00001), a.prior, b.prior)==max(dbeta(seq(0,1, by=.00001), a.prior, b.prior)))], a.prior, b.prior)
  prior.dens = dbeta(prior.mean, a.prior, b.prior)
  posterior.dens = dbeta(prior.mean, alpha1, beta1)

  if (console==TRUE) {

    cat(crayon::red(crayon::underline("\nEstimated Prob. of Success\n")))
    cat(crayon::blue(crayon::underline("\n",paste(100*cred.level, "%"), "Lowest Posterior Loss Interval\n")))
    cat(crayon::blue(round(abdisttools:::lpl_interval(prior, posterior, cred.level=cred.level)[-3],3)))
    cat(crayon::magenta(crayon::underline("\n",paste(100*cred.level, "%"), "Exact Equal Tailed Interval\n")))
    lower = qbeta((1  - cred.level  )/ 2, alpha1, beta1)
    upper = qbeta(cred.level+((1  - cred.level  )/ 2), alpha1, beta1)
    ETI = c(lower, upper)
    cat(crayon::magenta(round(ETI, 3)))

    BF10 = prior.dens/posterior.dens
    if (5000 <= BF10 || BF10 <=.0001) {
      BF10 = scientific_10x(BF10, digits=2)
    BF01 = 1 / (prior.dens/posterior.dens  )
    if (5000 <= BF01 || BF01 <=.0001) {
      BF01 = scientific_10x(BF01, digits=2)
    BF = c(BF01, BF10)
    cat(crayon::green(crayon::underline("\nHypothesis Tested: Prob. of Success=", round(prior.mean,3), "\n")))
    cat(crayon::green(crayon::underline("\nBayes Factor:\n")))
    cat(crayon::green(c("BF01", as.character(BF01) , "\n")))
    cat(crayon::green(c("BF10", as.character(BF10) , "\n")))


  if (return.samples == TRUE)


    samples = cbind.data.frame(posterior = posterior, prior = prior)


#' Variance Inflation Factor Plot
#' Calculate the VIF for a least squares or generalized linear model.
#' @param formula the formula
#' @param data the data
#' @param family the glm family. Defaults to "gaussian"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' VIF()
VIF = function(formula, data, family="gaussian"){
  model = glm(formula=formula,data=data,family=family)
  vifs = car::vif(model)
  if (isTRUE(is.vector(vifs))) {
    vifs = as.data.frame(vifs)
    colnames(vifs) = "GVIF"
  vifs %>% as.data.frame() %>% rownames_to_column() %>% mutate(Variable=as.factor(rowname)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(y=Variable, x=GVIF, fill=GVIF)) +
    geom_colh(fill="steelblue") +
    geom_vline(xintercept=5, linetype="dashed") +


#' Posterior Predictive Checks for abdiststan models
#' Calculate the VIF for a least squares or generalized linear model.
#' @param out the model fit
#' @param y.obs the observed outcome variable.
#' @param reps Defaults to 100.
#' @param pred.name the name of the simulations 
#' @param y.obs.color the color of the density curve for the observed data (suggest black or white
#' to contrast with the assortment of colors used for the simulations)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' post_check()
post_check = function(out, y.obs, reps = 100, pred.name = "ySim", y.obs.color = "white") {
  pp = extract_post_pred(out, predname = pred.name)
  N = nrow(pp)
  wch = sample(1:N, size = reps)
  y.obs = data.frame(Y.obs = y.obs)
  y.sims = as.data.frame(pp)
  y.sims = t(y.sims[wch, ])
  y.sims = as.data.frame(y.sims)
  y.sims = y.sims %>% rownames_to_column()
  y.sims = gather(y.sims, key = "rowname")
  g = ggplot(y.sims, aes(x = value, color = rowname), linetype = 4, alpha = 0) + 
    geom_density(trim = FALSE) +
    geom_density(data = y.obs, aes(x = Y.obs), color = y.obs.color, size = 1.2, linetype = 1, trim = FALSE, inherit.aes = FALSE) + 
    guides(color = FALSE) +
    ggtitle(label = "\nPosterior Predictive Check\n")

#' Binomial Confusion matrix for classification problems
#' An alternative to the caret package's confusion matrix function.
#' @param predictions the predicted classes.
#' @param actual the real outcome variable.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' confusion.matrix()

confusion.matrix = function(predictions, actual) {

  table = table(predictions, actual)
  table = as.data.frame.matrix(table)

  A = table[1,1]
  B = table[1,2]
  C = table[2,1]
  D = table[2,2]

  MCC = ((A*D) - (C* B)) / sqrt((A+C)*(A+B)*(D+C)*(D+B))

  Accuracy = (A+D)/(A+B+C+D)
  NIR = max((A+C)/(A+B+C+D) , 1  - (A+C)/(A+B+C+D))
  Prevalence = (A+C)/(A+B+C+D)

  a.prior = 0.5
  b.prior = 0.5
  z = (A+D)
  N = (A+B+C+D)
  estimate.accuracy =  (z + a.prior) / (N + a.prior + b.prior)
  alpha1 = z + a.prior
  beta1 = N - z + b.prior
  lower = qbeta((1  - .90  )/ 2, alpha1, beta1)
  upper = qbeta(.90 +((1  - .90  )/ 2), alpha1, beta1)
  p = pbeta(NIR, alpha1, beta1, lower.tail = FALSE)
  prior.dens = dbeta(NIR, .5, .5)
  posterior.dens = dbeta(NIR, alpha1, beta1)
  BF = prior.dens/posterior.dens

  Sensitivity = A/(A+C)
  Specificity = D/(B+D)

  PPV = (Sensitivity * Prevalence)/((Sensitivity*Prevalence) + ((1-Specificity)*(1-Prevalence)))
  NPV = (Specificity * (1-Prevalence))/(((1-Sensitivity)*Prevalence) + ((Specificity)*(1-Prevalence)))
  FDR = 1-PPV
  FNDR = 1-NPV

  matrix0 = matrix(0, nrow=13, ncol=3)
  matrix0[1,] <- c("Classification", paste0("True", levels(actual)[1]), paste0("True", levels(actual)[2]))
  matrix0[c(2,3),1] <- c(levels(actual)[1], levels(actual)[2])
  matrix0[2,2] = A
  matrix0[2,3] = B
  matrix0[3,2] = C
  matrix0[3,3] = D
  matrix0[4,] = c("", "", "")
  matrix0[5,] = c("Accuracy", round(Accuracy, 4), "")
  matrix0[6,] = c("90% Credible Interval", round(lower,4), round(upper,4))
  matrix0[7,] = c("No Information Rate", round(NIR,3), " ")
  matrix0[8,] = c("Prob(Acc > NIR | Data)", round(p,4), paste0("(BF=", round(BF,4), ")"))
  matrix0[9,] = c("Sensitivity", round(Sensitivity,4), " ")
  matrix0[10,] = c("Specificity", round(Specificity,4), " ")
  matrix0[11,] = c("False Discovery Rate", round(FDR,4), " ")
  matrix0[12,] = c("False Nondiscovery Rate", round(FNDR,4), " ")
  matrix0[13,] = c(paste0("Matthew's Correlation"," ", "(" ,noquote("\u3d5"), ")"), round(MCC, 4), paste0(noquote(paste0("\u3d5", "\u00B2")), "=", round(MCC^2, 4)))
  knitr::kable(as.tibble(matrix0), col.names = c("","",""))


#' Input desired mean and sd to obtain corresponding gamma parameters
#' This function makes it easy to get the parameters of a gamma distribution
#' such that they have a desired mode and standard deviation.
#' @param mean the desired mean
#' @param sd the desired sd
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gamma_params()

gamma_params = function (mean, sd, plot = FALSE)
    ra = (mean)/(sd^2)
    sh = (mean^2)/(sd^2)
    params = c(sh, ra)
    names(params) = c("shape", "rate")
    if (plot == TRUE) {
      gamma = data.frame(gamma = rgamma(25000, sh, ra))
      gg = ggplot(data = gamma, aes(x = gamma)) +
        stat_density(alpha = 0.25,  size = 0.7, adjust = 10, bw = "SJ", kernel = "cosine",
        n = 8192, trim = FALSE, fill = "#00ed7e", color = "#00ed7e")

#' Input desired mode and sd to obtain corresponding inverse gamma parameters
#' This function makes it easy to get the parameters of an inverse gamma distribution
#' such that they have a desired mode and standard deviation.
#' @param mode the mode
#' @param sd the sd
#' @export
#' @examples
#' inv_gamma_params()
inv_gamma_params = function(mode, sigma, plot = FALSE) {

  rinvgamma =
    function (n, shape, scale = 1)
      return(1/rgamma(n = n, shape = shape, rate = scale))

  sigma2 = sigma^2
  mu2 = mode^2
  if(sigma^2 < Inf) {
    shape = sqrt(2*(2+mode^2/sigma^2))
    shape2 = 2*shape
    shape1 = 2
    err = 2*mode^2*gamma(shape/2)^2-(sigma^2+mode^2)*(shape-2)*gamma((shape-1)/2)^2
    while(abs(shape2-shape1) > 1e-12) {
      if(err > 0) {
        shape1 = shape
        if(shape < shape2) {
          shape = shape2
        } else {
          shape = 2*shape
          shape2 = shape
      } else {
        shape2 = shape
      shape =  (shape1+shape2)/2
      err = 2*mode^2*gamma(shape/2)^2-(sigma^2+mode^2)*(shape-2)*gamma((shape-1)/2)^2
    rate = (sigma^2+mode^2)*(shape-2)
  } else {
    shape = 2
    rate = 2*mode^2/pi
  params = c(shape=shape, rate=rate)

  if (plot == TRUE) {
    gamma = data.frame(gamma = rinvgamma(20000, shape, rate))
    gg = ggplot(data = gamma, aes(x = gamma)) + stat_density(alpha = 0.25,
                                                             size = 0.7,
                                                             adjust = 3,
                                                             bw = "SJ",
                                                             kernel = "epanechnikov",
                                                             n = 2048,
                                                             trim = FALSE,
                                                             fill = "#00e6ed",
                                                             color = "#00e6ed") +
      xlab(label = "inverse gamma")


#' Input desired mode and sd to obtain corresponding beta parameters
#' This function makes it easy to get the parameters of a beta distribution
#' such that they have a desired mode and standard deviation.
#' @param mean the mean
#' @param sd the sd
#' @export
#' @examples
#' beta_params()
beta_params = function( mean , sd , plot=FALSE) {
  if ( mean <=0 | mean >= 1) stop("must have 0 < mean < 1")
  if ( sd <= 0 ) stop("sd must be > 0")
  kappa = mean*(1-mean)/sd^2 - 1
  if ( kappa <= 0 ) stop("invalid combination of mean and sd")
  a = mean * kappa
  b = ( 1.0 - mean ) * kappa
  params = c(a, b)
  names(params) = c("alpha", "beta")
  if (plot==TRUE) {
    beta = data.frame(beta = rbeta(10000, a, b))
    gg = ggplot(data = beta, aes(x = beta)) +
      stat_density(alpha = 0.25,
                   size = .70,
                   adjust = 3,
                   bw = "SJ",
                   kernel = "epanechnikov",
                   n = 2048,
                   trim = FALSE,
                   fill = "#00bfff",
                   color = "#00bfff")


#' Extract posterior from a correlation matrix fit in stan
#' @param fit the stan model
#' @param ... other arguments to pass to stan
#' @export
#' @examples
#' extract_cor_post()
extract_cor_post = function(fit, ...){
  post = extract_post(fit, ...)
  wch = grep("cormat", x = colnames(post))
  N = attr(fit, "P")
  mat = matrix(0, N, N)
  cors = post[,wch]
  cors = cors[,which(lower.tri(mat) == TRUE)]
  others = post[,-wch]
  post = cbind.data.frame(cors, others)

#' Extract prior from a correlation matrix fit in stan
#' @param fit the stan model
#' @param ... other arguments to pass to stan
#' @export
#' @examples
#' extract_cor_prior()
extract_cor_prior = function(fit, ...){
  prior = extract_prior(fit, ...)
  wch = grep("prior", x = colnames(prior))
  N = attr(fit, "P")
  mat = matrix(0, N, N)
  cors = prior[,wch]
  cors = cors[,which(lower.tri(mat) == TRUE)]

#' Special summary method for correlation matrices fit in Stan
#' @param fit the stan model
#' @param digits number of digits to round to
#' @param bayes.factor calculate savage-dickey density ratios
#' @param estimate.method the point summary. defaults to "median"
#' @param cred.method Defaults to "ETI"
#' @param cred.level Defaults to .95
#' @param ... other arguments to pass to post summary
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cor_summary()
cor_summary = function(fit, digits = 2, bayes.factor = TRUE, estimate.method = "mean", cred.method = "ETI", cred.level = .95, ...) {
  post = extract_post(fit)
  prior = extract_prior(fit)
  wch = grep("cormat", x = colnames(post))
  N = attr(fit, "P")
  mat = matrix(0, N, N)
  cors = post[,wch]
  cors = cors[,which(lower.tri(mat) == TRUE)]
  prior = prior[,which(lower.tri(mat) == TRUE)]
  sum = post_summary(cors, estimate.method = estimate.method, cred.method = cred.method, cred.level = cred.level, ...)
  #sum = sum %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, signif, digits)
  if (bayes.factor == TRUE) {
    BF = as.data.frame(t(sapply(1:ncol(prior), function(x) abdisttools:::bf_test(cors[, x], prior[, x], H0 = 0))))
    BF = BF %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, signif, 4)
    sum = cbind.data.frame(sum, BF)
    sum = sum %>% transmute(term = term, estimate = estimate, std.error = std.error, cred.low = cred.low,
                            cred.high = cred.high, BF01 = BF01)
    sum = as_tibble(sum)


#' Construct a point-estimated correlation matrix from a stan fit
#' @param fit the stan model
#' @export
#' @examples
#' extract_cormat()
extract_cormat = function(fit) {
  P = attr(fit, "P")
  post = extract_post(fit)
  prior = extract_prior(fit)
  wch = grep("cormat", x = colnames(post))
  post = post[,wch]
  estimates = colMeans(post)
  matrix(estimates, P, P)

#' Concatenate lower and upper confidence interval endpoints
#' @param lower lower
#' @param uppper upper
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tidy_confint()
tidy_confint = function(lower, upper) {
  lu = cbind.data.frame(lower, upper)
  sapply(1:nrow(lu), function(x) {paste("[", lu[x,1], "," , lu[x,2], "]")})

#' Compute Jeffrey's Distance between two distributions
#' Returns the Jeffrey's Distance
#' @param a the first distribution
#' @param b the second distribution
#' @param base exponent base, defaults to exp(1)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' jeffreys_dist()
jeffreys_dist = function (a, b, base = exp(1)) {
  if (!is.vector(a))
    a <- as.vector(a)
  if (!is.vector(b))
    b <- as.vector(b)
  n1 <- length(a)
  n2 <- length(b)
  if (!identical(n1, n2))
    stop("a and b must have the same length.")
  if (any(!is.finite(a)) || any(!is.finite(b)))
    stop("a and b must have finite values.")
  if (any(a <= 0))
    a <- exp(a)
  if (any(b <= 0))
    b <- exp(b)
  a[which(a < .Machine$double.xmin)] <- .Machine$double.xmin
  b[which(b < .Machine$double.xmin)] <- .Machine$double.xmin
  a <- a/sum(a)
  b <- b/sum(b)
  kld.a.b <- a * (.5 * (log(a, base = base) - log(b, base = base)))
  kld.b.a <-  (b * (log(b, base = base) - log(a, base = base)))
  sum.kld.a.b <- sum(kld.a.b)
  sum.kld.b.a <- .5 * sum(kld.b.a)
  sum.kld.a.b + sum.kld.b.a

#' Compute Jaynes' Psi between two distributions
#' Returns the Jaynes' Psi divergence
#' @param a the first distribution
#' @param b the second distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' jaynes_psi()
jaynes_psi = function (a, b) {
  if (!is.vector(a))
    a <- as.vector(a)
  if (!is.vector(b))
    b <- as.vector(b)
  n1 <- length(a)
  n2 <- length(b)
  if (!identical(n1, n2))
    stop("a and b must have the same length.")
  if (any(!is.finite(a)) || any(!is.finite(b)))
    stop("a and b must have finite values.")
  if (any(a <= 0))
    a <- exp(a)
  if (any(b <= 0))
    b <- exp(b)
  a[which(a < .Machine$double.xmin)] <- .Machine$double.xmin
  b[which(b < .Machine$double.xmin)] <- .Machine$double.xmin
  a <- a/sum(a)
  b <- b/sum(b)
  dist = a  * (log10(a) - log10(b))
  dist = sum(dist)
  N = 10*n1
  N * dist

#' Get summary statistics
#' Returns mean, sd, median, mad, skewness, excess kurtosis, min, max
#' @param x the vector or data frame
#' @param na.rm TRUE
#' @param trim 0
#' @export
#' @examples
#' summary_stats()

summary_stats = function(x, ..., na.rm = TRUE, trim = 0) {

  if (is.null(ncol(x))) {
    x = data.frame(x = x)

  XCSS.kurt =
    function (x, na.rm = FALSE, ...)
      if (na.rm)
        x = x[!is.na(x)]
      n = length(x)
      if (is.integer(x))
        x = as.numeric(x)
      kurtosis = sum((x - mean(x))^4/as.numeric(var(x))^2)/length(x) - 3

  ret <- tibble::tibble(
    column = names(x), n = vapply(
      X = x,
      FUN = function(k) sum(!is.na(k)), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)
    mean = vapply(
      X = x, FUN = mean, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),
      na.rm = na.rm
    ), sd = vapply(
      X = x, FUN = stats::sd,
      FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), na.rm = na.rm
    median = vapply(
      X = x,
      FUN = stats::median, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)
    mad = vapply(
      X = x,
      FUN = stats::mad, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), na.rm = na.rm
    min = vapply(
      X = x, FUN = min, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),
      na.rm = na.rm
    max = vapply(
      X = x, FUN = max, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),
      na.rm = na.rm
    skew = vapply(
      X = x, FUN = skewness,
      FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), na.rm = na.rm
    excess.kurtosis = vapply(
      X = x,
      FUN = XCSS.kurt, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)
abnormally-distributed/abdisttools documentation built on May 5, 2019, 7:07 a.m.