
Defines functions seesplit3d flow.centrality.neuronlist flow.centrality.neuron flow.centrality

Documented in flow.centrality flow.centrality.neuron flow.centrality.neuronlist seesplit3d

#' Determine dendritic/axonal by calculating flow centrality
#' @description implementation of the algorithm for calculating  flow
#'   centralities from Schneider-Mizell et al. (2016). Note that the neurites() function will retrieve these clusters as separate neuron objects in a neuronlist.
#' @param x a neuronlist or neuron object
#' @param mode type of flow centrality to calculate. There are three flavors:
#'   (1) centrifugal, which counts paths from proximal inputs to distal outputs;
#'   (2) centripetal, which counts paths from distal inputs to proximal outputs;
#'   and (3) the sum of both.
#' @param polypre whether to consider the number of presynapses as a multiple of
#'   the numbers of connections each makes
#' @param primary.dendrite whether to try to assign nodes to a 'primary
#'   dendrite'. Defaults to considering nodes of 0.9*maximal flow centrality.
#'   Assigning to NULL will prevent generating this compartment.
#' @param bending.flow we may need to add the 'bending flow' to all the branchpoints if looking at centripetal flow centrality
#' @param split the algorithm will assign two main neurite compartments, which as per SWC format will be indicates as either axon (Label =2)
#' or dendrite (Label = 3) in the returned objects, at neuron$d$Label.
#' This assignment can be based which compartment contains the most postsynapses ("postsynapses") or presynapses ("presynapses"),
#' or the Euclidean distance of its first branch point from the primary branch point (i.e. the first branch point from the soma) ("distance").
#' @param catmaid if TRUE, the default CATMAID server can be queried in order to find the number of connections each connector has, and use this to weight this each connector's influence in the flow through the neuronal arbour
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods.
#' @inheritParams catmaid::read.neurons.catmaid
#' @details From Schneider-Mizell et al. (2016): "We use flow centrality for
#'   four purposes. First, to split an arbor into axon and dendrite at the
#'   maximum centrifugal SFC, which is a preliminary step for computing the
#'   segregation index, for expressing all kinds of connectivity edges (e.g.
#'   axo-axonic, dendro-dendritic) in the wiring diagram, or for rendering the
#'   arbor in 3d with differently colored regions. Second, to quantitatively
#'   estimate the cable distance between the axon terminals and dendritic arbor
#'   by measuring the amount of cable with the maximum centrifugal SFC value.
#'   Third, to measure the cable length of the main dendritic shafts using
#'   centripetal SFC, which applies only to insect neurons with at least one
#'   output syn- apse in their dendritic arbor. And fourth, to weigh the color
#'   of each skeleton node in a 3d view, providing a characteristic signature of
#'   the arbor that enables subjective evaluation of its identity."
#' @references Schneider-Mizell, C. M., Gerhard, S., Longair, M., Kazimiers, T.,
#'   Li, F., Zwart, M. F., … Cardona, A. (2015). Quantitative neuroanatomy for
#'   connectomics in Drosophila. bioRxiv, 026617. http://doi.org/10.1101/026617
#' @return the neuron or neuron list object inputted, with centripetal flow
#'   centrality information added to neuron$d, a segregation index score and
#'   estimation of neuronal type (interneuron or PN) based on this score (>0.05
#'   = PN).
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{seesplit3d}} \code{\link{get.synapses}} \code{\link{neurites}}
flow.centrality <-function(x, mode = c("sum","centrifugal","centripetal"), polypre = TRUE, primary.dendrite = 0.9, bending.flow = FALSE,split = c("postsynapses","presynapses","distance"), catmaid = TRUE, ...) UseMethod("flow.centrality")

#' @export
#' @rdname flow.centrality
flow.centrality.neuron <- function(x, mode = c("sum","centrifugal","centripetal"),
                                   polypre = TRUE, primary.dendrite = 0.9,
                                   bending.flow = FALSE, split = c("postsynapses","presynapses","distance"),
                                   catmaid = TRUE, ...){
  # prune Strahler first...and use segmentgraph?
  split = match.arg(split)
  mode = match.arg(mode)
  # Generate ngraph object
  x$d$Label = 0
  el = x$d[x$d$Parent != -1, c("Parent", "PointNo")] # Get list of soma=leaf directed connections
  n = nat::ngraph(data.matrix(el[,2:1]), x$d$PointNo, directed = TRUE, xyz = nat::xyzmatrix(x$d),
                  diam = x$d$W) # Make ngraph object, but for centripetal, invert the el list
  # Get comprehensive paths list
  leaves = which(igraph::degree(n, v = igraph::V(n), mode = "in")==0, useNames = T)
  root= which(igraph::degree(n, v = igraph::V(n), mode = "out")==0, useNames = T)
  segs = x$SegList # Get the segment list
  nodes = x$d # get neuron's node data
  nodes[,"post"] <- 0 # raw synapse number at this location
  nodes[,"pre"] <- 0 # raw synapse number at this location
  nodes[,"up.syns.in"] <- 0 # Here, we are going to culmulatively count synapses
  nodes[,"up.syns.out"] <- 0 # Same but for outputs
  nodes[,"flow.cent"] <- 0 # We'll addd the score for each node here
  nodes[,"Label"] <- 3
  nodes = nodes[unlist(c(root, lapply(segs, function (x) x[-1]))),]
  syns.in = x$connectors[x$connectors$prepost==1,][,"treenode_id"]
  if (polypre){
      pres = x$connectors[x$connectors$prepost==0,][,"connector_id"]
      pre.cons = catmaid::catmaid_get_connectors(pres, ...)$connector_id
      pre.cons = c(pre.cons,pres[!pres%in%pre.cons])
      syns.out = x$connectors[,"treenode_id"][match(pre.cons, x$connectors[,"connector_id"])]
      syns.out = x$connectors[x$connectors$prepost==0,][,"treenode_id"]
    syns.out = unique(x$connectors[x$connectors$prepost==0,][,"treenode_id"])
  # Rearrange so nodes are the indices and we can count no. of synapses to which nodes connect  -(count things multiples???)
  point.no.in = rownames(nodes)[match(syns.in,nodes[,"PointNo"])]
  nodes.in = rep(1,length(point.no.in))
  names(nodes.in) = point.no.in
  nodes.in = tapply(nodes.in, point.no.in, sum)
  point.no.out = rownames(nodes)[match(syns.out,nodes[,"PointNo"])]
  nodes.out = rep(1,length(point.no.out))
  names(nodes.out) = point.no.out
  nodes.out = tapply(nodes.out, point.no.out, sum)
  # Add more accurate synapose positions
  nodes[names(nodes.in),"post"] <- nodes.in
  nodes[names(nodes.out),"pre"] <- nodes.out
  # Add running totals from the seglist and synapse positions to data matrix
  ins = c(0,lapply(segs, function(x) if(!is.null(x)){rev(cumsum(rev(unlist(lapply(x, function(x) ifelse(x%in%names(nodes.in),nodes[as.character(x),"post"],0))))))}))
  outs = c(0,lapply(segs, function(x) if(!is.null(x)){rev(cumsum(rev(unlist(lapply(x, function(x) ifelse(x%in%names(nodes.out),nodes[as.character(x),"pre"],0))))))}))
  nodes[,"up.syns.in"] = nodes[,"up.syns.in"] + c(0,unlist(lapply(ins, function(x) x[-1])))
  nodes[,"up.syns.out"] = nodes[,"up.syns.out"] + c(0,unlist(lapply(outs, function(x) x[-1])))
  # Add in the branch node point carried on from other upstream branches
  in.bps = unlist(lapply(ins, function(x) x[1]))[-1]
  out.bps = unlist(lapply(outs, function(x) x[1]))[-1]
  names(in.bps) = names(out.bps) = bps = c(root,unlist(lapply(segs, function(x) x[1]))[-1])
  in.bps.child = tapply(in.bps,names(in.bps),function(x) ifelse(names(x)[1]%in%names(nodes.in),sum(x)-(nodes.in[names(x)[1]]*length(x)),sum(x))) # Add all the branch point values together for the immediate child fragments, and only coutn synapses on the BP itself ONCE
  out.bps.child = tapply(out.bps,names(out.bps),function(x) ifelse(names(x)[1]%in%names(nodes.out),sum(x)-(nodes.out[names(x)[1]]*length(x)),sum(x)))
  nodes[names(in.bps.child),"up.syns.in"] = in.bps.child
  nodes[names(out.bps.child),"up.syns.out"] = out.bps.child # However! If there is a synapse on the BP itself, it is counted twice...
  #Old way of preventing over counting synapses from branchpoints
  #in.bps[names(in.bps)%in%names(nodes.in)] = in.bps[names(in.bps)%in%names(nodes.in)] - nodes[names(in.bps)[names(in.bps)%in%names(nodes.in)],"post"]
  #out.bps[names(out.bps)%in%names(nodes.out)] = out.bps[names(out.bps)%in%names(nodes.out)] - nodes[names(out.bps)[names(out.bps)%in%names(nodes.out)],"pre"]
  # Propagate scores from branch nodes
  #plot to check: points3d(xyzmatrix(nodes),col=rbPal(max(nodes$up.syns.in+1))[nodes$up.syns.in+1])
  bps = as.numeric(names(in.bps.child))
  for (i in 1:length(bps)){
    bp = bps[i]
    new.in = new.out = c(rep(0,nrow(nodes)))
    names(new.in) = names(new.out) = rownames(nodes)
    vertices = unlist(igraph::shortest_paths(n, bp, to = root)$vpath)[-1]
    new.in[as.character(vertices)] = new.in[as.character(vertices)] + in.bps.child[i]
    new.out[as.character(vertices)] = new.out[as.character(vertices)] + out.bps.child[i]
    nodes[,"up.syns.in"] = nodes[,"up.syns.in"]+ new.in
    nodes[,"up.syns.out"] = nodes[,"up.syns.out"] + new.out
  # Calculate flow centrality
  in.total = nodes[1,"up.syns.in"] = length(point.no.in)
  out.total = nodes[1,"up.syns.out"] = length(point.no.out)
  if(mode[1] == "centrifugal"){nodes[,"flow.cent"] = (in.total - nodes[,"up.syns.in"])*nodes[,"up.syns.out"]}
  if(mode[1] == "centripetal"){nodes[,"flow.cent"] = (out.total - nodes[,"up.syns.out"])*nodes[,"up.syns.in"]}
  if(mode[1] == "sum"){nodes[,"flow.cent"] = ((in.total - nodes[,"up.syns.in"])*nodes[,"up.syns.out"]) + ((out.total - nodes[,"up.syns.out"])*nodes[,"up.syns.in"])}
  nodes = nodes[order(as.numeric(rownames(nodes))),]
  # Calculate flow centrality at branch points
    for(bp in bps){
      # We need to add the 'bending flow' to all the branchpoints if looking at centripetal flow centrality
      down = unlist(igraph::ego(n, 1, nodes = bp, mode = "in",mindist=0))[-1]
      bending.flow = centrifugal.bending.flow = c()
      for(u in down){
        this.seg.posts = nodes[u,]$down.syns.in
        other.segs.pre = nodes[down[!down==u],]$down.syns.out
        bending.flow = c(bending.flow,sum(this.seg.posts*other.segs.pre))
      nodes[bp,"flow.cent"] = nodes[bp,"flow.cent"] + bending.flow
  ais = which(apply(nodes, 1, function(x) x["flow.cent"] == max(nodes[,"flow.cent"])))
  if (length(ais)>0){
    runstosoma = unlist(lapply(ais, function(x) length(unlist(igraph::shortest_paths(n, x, to = root)$vpath))))
    ais = ais[match(min(runstosoma),runstosoma)]
  downstream = suppressWarnings(unique(unlist(igraph::shortest_paths(n, ais, to = leaves, mode = "in")$vpath)))
  upstream = rownames(nodes)[!rownames(nodes)%in%downstream]
    # If the split point is the primary branch point then both axon and dendrite are upstream!
      down = unlist(igraph::ego(n, 1, nodes = bp, mode = "in",mindist=0))[-1]
      ais = down[1]
      downstream = suppressWarnings(unique(unlist(igraph::shortest_paths(n, ais, to = leaves, mode = "in")$vpath)))
      upstream = rownames(nodes)[!rownames(nodes)%in%downstream]
  igraph::V(n)$name = igraph::V(n)
  # Work out the primary neurite and empty leaf Labels
  x.pruned = nat::prune_strahler(x=x,orderstoprune = 1:2)
  pnt = suppressWarnings(primary.neurite(x.pruned,keep.pnt = TRUE, resample = FALSE))
  p.n = rownames(nodes)[match(pnt$d$PointNo,nodes$PointNo)]
  # zeros = subset(rownames(nodes),nodes[,"flow.cent"]==0)
  # remove = rownames(nodes)[!rownames(nodes)%in%zeros]
  # nn = igraph::delete_vertices(n, v = as.character(remove))
  # clust = igraph::clusters(nn)
  # soma.group = clust$membership[names(clust$membership)==root]
  # p.n = names(clust$membership)[clust$membership==soma.group]
  nodes[p.n,"Label"] = 7
    highs = subset(rownames(nodes),nodes[,"flow.cent"]>=primary.dendrite*max(nodes[,"flow.cent"]))
    nodes[as.character(highs),"Label"] = 4
    primary.dendrite = 0.9
    highs = subset(rownames(nodes),nodes[,"flow.cent"]>=primary.dendrite*max(nodes[,"flow.cent"]))
  ### Find primary and secondary branch points ###
  # Find tract parent node for downstream
  downstream.unclassed = downstream[!downstream%in%c(p.n,highs)]
  remove = rownames(nodes)[!rownames(nodes)%in%downstream.unclassed]
  downstream.g = igraph::delete_vertices(n, v = as.character(remove))
  main1 = igraph::components(downstream.g) # Minimally the 'two' main branches, as a primary dendrite node will bisect the singular main branch
  main1 = names(main1$membership[main1$membership%in%1])
  nodes.downstream = nodes[as.character(main1),]
  tract.parent = unique(nodes.downstream$Parent[!nodes.downstream$Parent%in%nodes.downstream$PointNo])
  downstream.tract.parent = match(tract.parent,nodes$PointNo)
    bps.all = rownames(nodes)[match(as.numeric(nat::branchpoints(nodes)),nodes$PointNo)]
    bps.downstream = bps.all[bps.all%in%downstream.unclassed]
    runstoprimarybranchpoint = unlist(lapply(bps.downstream, function(x) length(unlist(suppressWarnings(igraph::shortest_paths(n, to = downstream.tract.parent, from = x)$vpath)))))
    downstream.tract.parent = bps.downstream[which.min(runstoprimarybranchpoint)]
  downstream.tract.parent = nodes[downstream.tract.parent,]
  # Find tract parent node for upstream
  upstream.unclassed = upstream[!upstream%in%c(p.n,highs)]
  remove = rownames(nodes)[!rownames(nodes)%in%upstream.unclassed]
  upstream.g = igraph::delete_vertices(n, v = as.character(remove))
  main1 = igraph::components(upstream.g) # Minimally the 'two' main branches, as a primary dendrite node will bisect the singular main branch
  main1 = names(main1$membership[main1$membership%in%1])
  nodes.upstream = nodes[as.character(main1),]
  tract.parent = unique(nodes.upstream$Parent[!nodes.upstream$Parent%in%nodes.upstream$PointNo])
  upstream.tract.parent = match(tract.parent,nodes$PointNo)
    bps.all = rownames(nodes)[match(as.numeric(nat::branchpoints(nodes)),nodes$PointNo)]
    bps.upstream = bps.all[bps.all%in%upstream.unclassed]
    runstoprimarybranchpoint = unlist(lapply(bps.upstream, function(x) length(unlist(suppressWarnings(igraph::shortest_paths(n, to = upstream.tract.parent, from = x)$vpath)))))
    upstream.tract.parent = bps.upstream[which.min(runstoprimarybranchpoint)]
  upstream.tract.parent = nodes[upstream.tract.parent,]
  # Find primary branchpoint
  neurite.nodes = nodes[!rownames(nodes)%in%p.n,]
  p.n.PointNo = nodes[p.n,"PointNo"]
  primary.branch.point = p.n[p.n.PointNo%in%neurite.nodes$Parent]
  ### Assign putative axonic and dendritic compartments ###
    synapse.choice = gsub("synapses","",split)
    choice = sum(nodes[as.character(downstream.unclassed),synapse.choice]) < sum(nodes[as.character(upstream.unclassed),synapse.choice])
    if (choice){
      nodes[as.character(downstream.unclassed),"Label"] = 2
    }else if(!choice) {
      nodes[as.character(upstream.unclassed),"Label"] = 2
    } else{
      warning("synapse numbers are the same, splitting based on branch point distances to primary branchpoint")
  if(split=="distance"){ # Distance from primary branchpoint
    primary.branch.point.xyz = as.matrix(nat::xyzmatrix(nodes[primary.branch.point,]))
    secondary.branch.points.xyz = nat::xyzmatrix(rbind(upstream.tract.parent,downstream.tract.parent))
    dist.upstream.to.primary.branchpoint = length(unlist(igraph::shortest_paths(n, to = primary.branch.point, from = rownames(upstream.tract.parent))$vpath))# Or euclidean distance: nabor::knn(query=primary.branch.point.xyz,data= nat::xyzmatrix(upstream.tract.parent),k=1)$nn.dists
    dist.downstream.to.primary.branchpoint = length(unlist(igraph::shortest_paths(n, to = primary.branch.point, from = rownames(downstream.tract.parent))$vpath))# Or euclidean distance: nabor::knn(query=primary.branch.point.xyz,data= nat::xyzmatrix(downstream.tract.parent),k=1)$nn.dists
      nodes[as.character(downstream.unclassed),"Label"] = 2
    }else if(dist.upstream.to.primary.branchpoint>dist.downstream.to.primary.branchpoint){
      nodes[as.character(upstream.unclassed),"Label"] = 2
      warning("branch point distances are the same, splitting based on postsynapses")
      choice = sum(nodes[as.character(downstream.unclassed),"post"]) < sum(nodes[as.character(upstream.unclassed),"post"])
      if (choice){
        nodes[as.character(downstream.unclassed),"Label"] = 2
        nodes[as.character(upstream.unclassed),"Label"] = 2
  ### Calculate segregation score ###
  dendrites = subset(nodes, nodes$Label == 3)
  dendrites.post = sum(subset(dendrites$post,dendrites$post>0))
  dendrites.pre = sum(subset(dendrites$pre,dendrites$pre>0))
  dendrites.both = dendrites.post + dendrites.pre
  dendrites.pi = dendrites.post/dendrites.both
  dendrites.si = -(dendrites.pi*log(dendrites.pi)+(1-dendrites.pi)*log(1-dendrites.pi))
  if(is.nan(dendrites.si)){dendrites.si = 0}
  axon = subset(nodes, nodes$Label == 2)
  axon.post = sum(subset(axon$post,axon$post>0))
  axon.pre = sum(subset(axon$pre,axon$pre>0))
  axon.both = axon.post + axon.pre
  axon.pi = axon.post/axon.both
  axon.si = -(axon.pi*log(axon.pi)+(1-axon.pi)*log(1-axon.pi))
  if(is.nan(axon.si)){axon.si = 0}
  entropy.score = (1/(dendrites.both+axon.both))*((axon.si*axon.both)+(dendrites.si*dendrites.both))
  both.comps = (dendrites.post+axon.post)/(dendrites.both+axon.both)
  # both.comps = sum(nodes$post)/(sum(nodes$pre+sum(nodes$post)))
  control.score = -(both.comps*log(both.comps)+(1-both.comps)*log(1-both.comps))
  segregation.index = 1 - (entropy.score/control.score)
  if(is.na(segregation.index)) { segregation.index = 0 }
  # Add new data to object
  x$d = nodes
  x$AD.segregation.index = segregation.index
  x$type = ifelse(segregation.index < 0.05, "interneuron", "PN")
  x$primary.branch.point = as.numeric(primary.branch.point)
  x$secondary.branch.points = as.numeric(c(downstream.tract.parent$PointNo,upstream.tract.parent$PointNo))
  x$max.flow.centrality = as.numeric(ais)

#' @export
#' @rdname flow.centrality
flow.centrality.neuronlist <- function(x, mode = c("sum","centrifugal","centripetal"), polypre = T, primary.dendrite = 0.9, bending.flow = FALSE,split = c("postsynapses","presynapses","distance"), catmaid = TRUE, ...){
  neurons = nat::nlapply(x, flow.centrality, mode = mode, polypre = polypre, primary.dendrite = primary.dendrite, OmitFailures = T, split = split, catmaid = catmaid, ...)

#' Plot neurons split up by flow centrality
#' @param someneuronlist a neuronlist or neuron object that has been modified by flow.centrality
#' @param col colours of sections. Defaults to orange or axons, green for primary dendrite, blue for dendrites and pink for nodes with no flow.
#' @param splitnode if TRUE, a magenta sphere is placed at the location of the axon-dendrite split. Possible a putative action potential initiation site?
#' @param WithConnectors whether ot plot the anatomical location of pre (red) and post (cyan) synapses.
#' @param soma whether to plot a soma, and what the radius should be
#' @param WithNodes whether to plot branch points
#' @param lwd Line width (default 1)
#' @param radius For connectors and axon-dendrite split node (default 1)
#' @param highflow whether to plot the nodes of highest (with in one standard deviation less than maximum) flow centrality (pink points)
#' @param Verbose logical indicating that info about each selected neuron should be printed (default TRUE)
#' @param Wait logical indicating that there should be a pause between each displayed neuron
#' @param sleep time to pause between each displayed neuron when Wait=TRUE
#' @param extrafun an optional function called when each neuron is plotted, with two arguments: the current neuron name and the current selected neurons
#' @param selected_file an optional path to a yaml file that already contains a selection
#' @param selected_col the color in which selected neurons (such as those specified in selected_file) should be plotted
#' @param yaml a logical indicating that selections should be saved to disk in (human-readable) yaml rather than (machine-readable) rda format
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods.
#' @return Plots coloured neuron(s)
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{flow.centrality}} \code{\link{get.synapses}}
#' @importFrom stats sd
seesplit3d = function(someneuronlist, col = c("blue", "orange", "purple","green", "grey", "pink"), splitnode = FALSE,WithConnectors = TRUE, WithNodes = F, soma = 100, highflow = F, lwd = 1, radius = 1, ...){
  someneuronlist = nat::as.neuronlist(someneuronlist)
  for (n in 1:length(someneuronlist)){
    neuron = someneuronlist[[n]]
      warning("No flow centrality calculated, dropping neuron")
    dendrites.v = subset(rownames(neuron$d), neuron$d$Label == 3)
    axon.v = subset(rownames(neuron$d), neuron$d$Label == 2)
    #nulls.v = subset(rownames(neuron$d), neuron$d$Label == 0)
    p.d.v = subset(rownames(neuron$d), neuron$d$Label == 4)
    p.n.v = subset(rownames(neuron$d), neuron$d$Label == 7)
    dendrites = nat::prune_vertices(neuron, verticestoprune = as.integer(c(axon.v, p.d.v, p.n.v)))
    axon = nat::prune_vertices(neuron, verticestoprune = as.integer(c(dendrites.v, p.d.v, p.n.v)))
    #nulls = nat::prune_vertices(neuron, verticestoprune = as.integer(c(axon.v, dendrites.v, p.d.v, p.n.v)))
    p.d = prune_vertices(neuron, verticestoprune = as.integer(c(axon.v, dendrites.v, p.n.v)))
    p.n = prune_vertices(neuron, verticestoprune = as.integer(c(axon.v, dendrites.v, p.d.v)))
    rgl::plot3d(dendrites, col = col[1], WithNodes = WithNodes, lwd = lwd,...)
    rgl::plot3d(axon, col = col[2], WithNodes = WithNodes, soma = FALSE, lwd = lwd,...)
    rgl::plot3d(p.n, col = col[3], WithNodes = WithNodes, soma = soma, lwd = lwd,...)
    rgl::plot3d(p.d, col = col[4], WithNodes = WithNodes, soma = FALSE, lwd = lwd,...)
    #rgl::plot3d(nulls, col = col[5], WithNodes = WithNodes, soma = FALSE, lwd = lwd)
    #rgl::plot3d(neuron, col = col[3], WithNodes = WithNodes, soma = soma)
    if (WithConnectors){
      rgl::spheres3d(subset(xyzmatrix(neuron$d),neuron$d$post>0), col = 'cyan', radius = radius,...)
      rgl::spheres3d(subset(xyzmatrix(neuron$d),neuron$d$pre>0), col = 'red', radius = radius,...)
    if (highflow == T){
      highest = max(neuron$d[,"flow.cent"])
      s.d = sd(neuron$d[,"flow.cent"], na.rm = T)
      high = subset(neuron$d, neuron$d[,"flow.cent"] > (highest - s.d))
      rgl::points3d(nat::xyzmatrix(high), col = col[6],...)
      ais = which(apply(neuron$d, 1, function(x) x["flow.cent"] == max(neuron$d[,"flow.cent"])))

#' @export
#' @rdname seesplit3d
splitscan <- function (someneuronlist, col = c("blue", "orange", "purple","green", "grey", "pink"), WithConnectors = T, WithNodes = F, soma = 100, highflow = F, Verbose = T, Wait = T,
          sleep = 0.1, extrafun = NULL, selected_file = NULL, selected_col = "black",
          yaml = TRUE, ...)
  if(!requireNamespace('yaml', quietly = TRUE))
  stop("Suggested package yaml is required to use this function!")
  if (is.neuronlist(someneuronlist)) {
    db = someneuronlist
    neurons = as.data.frame(db)$name
  frames <- length(neurons)
  selected <- character()
  i <- 1
  if (!is.null(selected_file) && file.exists(selected_file)) {
    selected <- yaml::yaml.load_file(selected_file)
    if (!all(names(selected) %in% neurons))
      stop("Mismatch between selection file and neurons.")
  savetodisk <- function(selected, selected_file) {
    if (is.null(selected_file))
      selected_file <- file.choose(new = TRUE)
    if (yaml) {
      if (!grepl("\\.yaml$", selected_file))
        selected_file <- paste(selected_file, sep = "",
      message("Saving selection to disk as ", selected_file,
      writeLines(yaml::as.yaml(selected), con = selected_file)
    else {
      if (!grepl("\\.rda$", selected_file))
        selected_file <- paste(selected_file, sep = "",
      save(selected, file = selected_file)
      message("Saving selection to disk as ", selected_file)
  chc <- NULL
  while (TRUE) {
    if (i > length(neurons) || i < 1)
    n <- neurons[i]
    cat("Current neuron:", n, "(", i, "/", length(neurons),
    pl <- seesplit3d(someneuronlist[i], col = col, WithConnectors = WithConnectors, WithNodes = WithNodes, soma = soma, highflow = highflow)
    more_rgl_ids <- list()
    if (!is.null(extrafun))
      more_rgl_ids <- extrafun(n, selected = selected)
    if (Wait) {
      chc <- readline("Return to continue, b to go back, s to select, d [save to disk], t to stop, c to cancel (without returning a selection): ")
      if (chc == "c" || chc == "t") {
        sapply(pl, rgl::rgl.pop, type = "shape")
        sapply(more_rgl_ids, rgl::rgl.pop, type = "shape")
      if (chc == "s") {
        if (n %in% selected) {
          message("Deselected: ", n)
          selected <- setdiff(selected, n)
        else selected <- union(selected, n)
      if (chc == "b")
        i <- i - 1
      else if (chc == "d")
        savetodisk(selected, selected_file)
      else i <- i + 1
    else {
      i <- i + 1
    sapply(pl, rgl::rgl.pop, type = "shape")
    sapply(more_rgl_ids, rgl::rgl.pop, type = "shape")
  if (is.null(chc) || chc == "c")
  if (!is.null(selected_file))
    savetodisk(selected, selected_file)
alexanderbates/catnat documentation built on Sept. 5, 2023, 4:51 a.m.