
Defines functions rasch.pml3

Documented in rasch.pml3

## File Name: rasch.pml3.R
## File Version: 6.131

# Pairwise marginal likelihood (PML) estimation
##NS export(rasch.pml)
rasch.pml3 <- function( dat, est.b=seq( 1, ncol(dat) ),
            est.a=rep( 0, ncol(dat) ),
#            Q=NULL,
#            zero.corrs=NULL,
            numdiff.parm=.001, b.init=NULL,
            a.init=NULL, sigma.init=NULL,
            error.corr=0*diag( 1, ncol(dat) ),
            err.constraintM=NULL, err.constraintV=NULL,
            glob.conv=10^(-6), conv1=10^(-4), pmliter=300,
            progress=TRUE, use.maxincrement=TRUE ){
    # multidimensional version does not work
    Q <- NULL ; combs <- zero.corrs <- NULL
    V <- err.constraintM
    # load libraries
# a0 <- Sys.time()
    # extract information from data
    link <- "probit"
    s1 <- Sys.time()
    I <- ncol(dat)
    dat <- as.matrix(dat)
    if( is.null( colnames(dat)) ){ colnames(dat) <- paste("I", 1:I, sep="") }
    dat <- dat[ rowMeans( is.na( dat) ) < 1, ]
    dat0 <- dat
    dat[ is.na(dat) ] <- 9
    N <- nrow(dat)
        if ( progress  ){
        cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
        cat("Pairwise Marginal Likelihood Estimation \n")
        cat(paste( "Raschtype Model with", link, "link" ), "\n")
        cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
    # extract frequencies from items
    p1 <- t(( dat==1 )) %*% ( dat==1 )
    itemfreq <- data.frame( "item"=1:I, "p1"=diag(p1)  )
    # extract frequencies from item pairs
    itempairs <- as.data.frame( t( combn(1:I, 2 ) ) )
    colnames(itempairs) <- c("item1", "item2")
    itempairs <- itempairs[ order( 1000 * itempairs[,2]  + itempairs[,1]  ), ]
    # create weight matrix
    weight <- nrow(dat) * weight / sum(weight)
#    weight <- rep(1,nrow(dat))
    # WM <- sqrt( outer( weight, rep(1,I) ) )
    WM <- matrix( sqrt(weight), length(weight), I )
    WM1 <- ( dat==1 )*WM
    WM0 <- ( dat==0 )*WM
    # p11
    p11 <- t(WM1) %*% (WM1)
    itempairs$f11 <- p11[ upper.tri(p11) ]
    # p10
    p10 <- t(WM1) %*% (WM0)
    itempairs$f10 <- p10[ upper.tri(p10) ]
    # p01
    p10 <- t(WM0) %*% (WM1)
    itempairs$f01 <- p10[ upper.tri(p10) ]
    # p01
    p10 <- t(WM0) %*% (WM0)
    itempairs$f00 <- p10[ upper.tri(p10) ]
    # error correlations
    est.eps.corr <- itempairs$est.eps.corr <- error.corr[ upper.tri( error.corr ) ]
    est.corrs <- FALSE
    if ( any( itempairs$est.eps.corr !=0 ) ){ est.corrs <- TRUE }
    if ( link=="logit" ){ est.corrs <- FALSE }
    eps.corr <- 0.2 * ( itempairs$est.eps.corr !=0 )

    # exclude some item pairs from calculation because they are
    # located in the same itemclusters (local dependence)
    # if error calculations are estimated, then no itemclusters
    # can be selected
    if ( sum( error.corr) > 0 ){ itemcluster <- NULL }

    itemclusters <- unique( itemcluster[ itemcluster !=0 ] )
    IC <- length( itemclusters)
    for ( cc in itemclusters ){
    #    cc <- 1
        icc <- which( itemcluster==cc )
        elim <- intersect( which( itempairs[, "item1" ] %in% icc ), which( itempairs[, "item2" ] %in% icc ) )
        if ( length(elim) > 0 ){ itempairs <- itempairs[ - elim, ] }
    if ( ! is.null( itemcluster ) ){
        eps.corr <- rep(0,nrow(itempairs ))
    # evaluate pairwise likelihood
    if ( is.null(b.init)){
        b <- b0 <- - stats::qnorm( colMeans( dat0, na.rm=T) )
     if ( sum( est.b !=    seq( 1, ncol(dat) ))>0 ){
        b <- 0*b
            } #    if ( link=="logit"){
#        b <- b0 <- - qlogis( colMeans( dat0, na.rm=T) )
#        p.ki <- c( .25220, .58522, .16257 )
#        S.ki <- c( .90793, .57778, .36403 )
#                }
    if ( sum(est.a) >0 ){
                a <- rep(.5,I)
                    } else { a <- rep(1,I) }
    a1s <- a1b <- a1a <- 0
    if ( ! is.null( b.init) ){ b <- b0 <- b.init }
    if ( ! is.null( a.init) ){ a <- a0 <- a.init }
    if ( is.null(sigma.init)){ sigma <- 1 } else { sigma <- sigma.init }
    # mutidimensional model
#    if ( ! is.null(Q) ){
#        D <- ncol(Q)
#        sigma <- diag(D)
#        combs <- t( combn( D, 2 ) )
#        combs <- rbind( combs, cbind(1:D, 1:D) )
#        combs <- combs[ order(  combs[,1]*1000+combs[,2] ), ]
#        if ( ! is.null(zero.corrs)){
#            for (ii in seq(1, nrow(zero.corrs)) ){
#                ind <- which( ( combs[,1]==zero.corrs[ii,1] ) & ( combs[,2]==zero.corrs[ii,2] ) )
#                combs <- combs[-ind, ]
#                                    }
#                            }
#                } else {
                D <- 1
#                }

    IP <- nrow(itempairs )
    itempairs$p1.item2 <- itempairs$p1.item1 <- rep(0,IP)
    itempairs$p11 <- rep(0,IP)
    # design matrices for faster calculation
    # design matrix for item difficulties b
    est.b_unique <- unique( est.b[ est.b !=0 ] )
    IB <- length( est.b_unique)
    desb00 <- desb10 <- desb01 <- desb11 <- matrix( 0, nrow=IP, ncol=IB )
    b.items <- match( est.b, est.b_unique )
    for (bb in 1:IB){    # ii <- 1
        ii.bb <- which( est.b==est.b_unique[bb] )
        desb00[ itempairs$item1 %in% ii.bb | itempairs$item2 %in% ii.bb, bb ] <- 1
        desb01[ itempairs$item2 %in% ii.bb & ! ( itempairs$item1 %in% ii.bb ), bb ] <- 1
        desb10[ itempairs$item1 %in% ii.bb & ! ( itempairs$item2 %in% ii.bb ), bb ] <- 1
        desb11[ itempairs$item1 %in% ii.bb & itempairs$item2 %in% ii.bb, bb ] <- 1
    # design matrix for item slopes a
    if ( sum(est.a) > 0 ){
        est.a_unique <- unique( est.a[ est.a !=0 ] )
        IA <- length( est.a_unique)
        desa00 <- desa10 <- desa01 <- desa11 <- matrix( 0, nrow=IP, ncol=IA )
        a.items <- match( est.a, est.a_unique )
        for (bb in 1:IA){    # ii <- 1
            ii.bb <- which( est.a==est.a_unique[bb] )
            desa00[ itempairs$item1 %in% ii.bb | itempairs$item2 %in% ii.bb, bb ] <- 1
            desa01[ itempairs$item2 %in% ii.bb & ! ( itempairs$item1 %in% ii.bb ), bb ] <- 1
            desa10[ itempairs$item1 %in% ii.bb & ! ( itempairs$item2 %in% ii.bb ), bb ] <- 1
            desa11[ itempairs$item1 %in% ii.bb & itempairs$item2 %in% ii.bb, bb ] <- 1
    # design matrix for correlations
    epsG <- setdiff( unique( est.eps.corr ), 0 )
    if ( length(epsG) > 0 ){
        epsG_unique <- epsG
        IG <- length( epsG_unique)
        deseps00 <- deseps10 <- deseps01 <- deseps11 <- matrix( 0, nrow=IP, ncol=IG )
        eps.items <- match( est.eps.corr, epsG_unique )
        for (bb in 1:IG){    # ii <- 1
            ii.bb <- which( est.eps.corr==epsG_unique[bb] )
            deseps00[ ii.bb, bb ] <- 1

    max.increment.a <- .3
#    use.maxincrement <- TRUE

    iter <- 0
    dev <- 1 ; par.change <- dev.change <- 1000
    while ( ( dev.change > glob.conv | par.change > conv1  ) & ( iter < pmliter )    ){
        cat( paste(rep("-", 70), collapse=""), "\n")
# a00 <- Sys.time()
        k1 <- floor( log10(iter+1) )
        x1 <- "        |"
        x1 <- substring( x1, k1+1 )
        s1c <- Sys.time()
        cat( paste( paste( "PML EM Iter.", iter + 1 ), x1, paste( rep( "*", 10  ), collapse=""), "|  ",
                        s1c, "  ",
                        if ( iter > 0 ){ paste( round(difftime(s1c,s1b, units='secs' ),4), "secs" ) },
                        "\n",sep="") ) #
        s1b <- Sys.time()
        h <- numdiff.parm
        dev0 <- dev
        # estimation of b parameters
        b0 <- b
        # identify different b parameter groups
        bG <- setdiff( unique( est.b ), 0 )
 #       prbar <- seq( 1, 10, len=length(bG) )
#        prbar <- floor( prbar )
#        prbar <- c( prbar[1], diff(prbar) )
        cat(" Estimation of b:     |")
        respml0 <- .ll.rasch.pml3.probit.est.b( b,a,  sigma, Q,
                            eps.corr,itempairs, IP, eps=10^(-14), h=h,
                            desb00, desb01, desb10, desb11, b.items)
        b <- respml0$b
        itempairs0 <- respml0$itempairs
        dev <- -2*respml0$ll
        a1b <- max( abs( b - b0 ) )
        cat("----------|     max. parm. change", round( a1b, 5),"\n")
# cat("est.b") ; a11 <- Sys.time(); print(a11-a00) ; a00 <- a11

        # estimation of a parameters

        a0 <- a
        # identify different a parameter groups
        aG <- setdiff( unique( est.a ), 0 )
        if ( sum(est.a) > 0 ){
            cat(" Estimation of a:     |")
            respml0 <- .ll.rasch.pml3.probit.est.a( b, a, sigma, Q,eps.corr, itempairs, IP, eps=10^(-14),
                h, desa00, desa01, desa10, desa11, a.items )
            a <- respml0$a
            dev <- -2*respml0$ll
            if ( use.maxincrement ){
                incr <- a - a0
                incr <- ifelse( abs(incr) > max.increment.a, sign(incr)*max.increment.a, incr )
                a <- a0 + incr
                max.increment.a <- max.increment.a / 1.2
            a1a <- max( abs( a - a0 ) )
            cat("----------|     max. parm. change", round( a1a, 5),"\n")
        # estimation sigma
        sigma0 <- sigma
        cat(" Estimation of sigma: |")
        if (est.sigma & is.null(Q) ){
                  respml0 <- .ll.rasch.pml.probit( b, a, sigma,
                                Q, eps.corr, itempairs, IP, eps=10^(-14) )
                  ll0 <- respml0$ll
                  respml0 <- .ll.rasch.pml.probit( b, a, sigma + h,
                                Q, eps.corr, itempairs, IP, eps=10^(-14) )
                  ll1 <- respml0$ll
                  respml0 <- .ll.rasch.pml.probit( b, a, sigma - h,
                            Q, eps.corr, itempairs, IP, eps=10^(-14) )
                  ll2 <- respml0$ll
            d1 <- ( ll1 - ll2  ) / ( 2 * h )
            # second order derivative
            # f(x+h)+f(x-h)=2*f(x) + f''(x)*h^2
            d2 <- ( ll1 + ll2 - 2*ll0 ) / h^2
            alpha.change <- - d1 / d2
            a1k2 <- alpha.change <- ifelse( abs( alpha.change ) > .2, .2*sign(alpha.change), alpha.change )
            sigma <- sigma + alpha.change
            prbar <- 10
        if (est.sigma & (!is.null(Q)) ){
            for ( zz in seq(1,nrow(combs)) ){
                ii <- combs[zz,1]
                jj <- combs[zz,2]
                sigma.hh <- 0*sigma
                sigma.hh[ii,jj] <- sigma.hh[jj,ii] <- 1
                  respml0 <- .ll.rasch.pml.probit( b, a, sigma,
                                Q, eps.corr, itempairs, IP, eps=10^(-14) )
                  ll0 <- respml0$ll
                  respml0 <- .ll.rasch.pml.probit( b, a, sigma + h*sigma.hh,
                                Q, eps.corr, itempairs, IP, eps=10^(-14) )
                  ll1 <- respml0$ll
                  respml0 <- .ll.rasch.pml.probit( b, a, sigma - h*sigma.hh,
                            Q, eps.corr, itempairs, IP, eps=10^(-14) )
                  ll2 <- respml0$ll
            d1 <- ( ll1 - ll2  ) / ( 2 * h )
            # second order derivative
            # f(x+h)+f(x-h)=2*f(x) + f''(x)*h^2
            d2 <- ( ll1 + ll2 - 2*ll0 ) / h^2
            alpha.change <- - d1 / d2
            a1k2 <- alpha.change <- ifelse( abs( alpha.change ) > .12, .12*sign(alpha.change), alpha.change )
            alpha.change <- alpha.change*sigma.hh

            sigma <- sigma + alpha.change
        diag(sigma)[ diag(sigma) < .001 ] <- .0001
        cat( paste( rep( "-", prbar), collapse="") )
        a1s <- max( abs( c( sigma - sigma0 )) )
        cat("|     max. parm. change", round( a1s, 5),"\n")
# cat("est.sigma") ; a11 <- Sys.time(); print(a11-a00) ; a00 <- a11

        # estimation of error correlation parameters
        a1e <- 0
        epsG <- NULL
        if ( est.corrs ){
            eps.corr0 <- eps.corr
            # identify different eps parameter groups
            epsG <- setdiff( unique( est.eps.corr ), 0 )
            prbar <- seq( 1, 10, len=length(epsG) )
            prbar <- floor( prbar )
            prbar <- c( prbar[1], diff(prbar) )
            cat(" Estimation of eps:   |")
            respml0 <- .ll.rasch.pml3.probit.est.corr( b, a, sigma, Q,eps.corr, itempairs,
                    IP, eps=10^(-14),h, deseps00, eps.items )
            dev <- -2*respml0$ll
            eps.corr <- respml0$eps.corr
            # linear constraints: Let e be the vector of error
            # correlations, V a design matrix and c a vector.
            # The constraints can be written in the form
            # c=V * e . Then V*e - c=0.
            # See the Neuhaus paper:
            # e_cons=e + V'* (V'V)^(-1) * ( c - V * e )
            if ( ! is.null( err.constraintM ) ){
                V1 <- solve( t(V) %*% V )
                e1 <- matrix( eps.corr, ncol=1 )
                eps.corr2 <- eps.corr + V %*% V1 %*% ( err.constraintV - t(V) %*% e1 )
#                itempairs$eps.corr <- eps.corr2
                eps.corr <- eps.corr2
            a1e <- max( abs( eps.corr - eps.corr0 ) )
            cat("---------|     max. parm. change", round( a1e, 5),"\n")
        # convergence display
#        a1 <- aggregate( b, list( est.b), mean )
#        a1aa <- aggregate( a, list( est.a), mean )
#        cat("   b parameters: ", paste( round( a1[,2], 3 ), collapse=" " ), "\n" )
#        cat("   a parameters: ", paste( round( a1aa[,2], 3 ), collapse=" " ), "\n" )
#        if ( D==1){
#            cat("   sigma parameter:  ", paste( round( sigma, 3 ), collapse=" " ), "\n" )
#                }
        if (D>1){
            cat("   sigma parameters:  ", paste( round( sigma[ ! lower.tri(sigma) ], 3 ), collapse=" " ), "\n" )
#        if (est.corrs){
#            a1 <- aggregate( eps.corr, list( est.eps.corr), mean )
#            cat("   eps parameters: ", paste( round( a1[,2], 3 ), collapse=" " ), "\n" )
#                    }
        iter <- iter + 1
#        dev <- -2*ll0
        dev.change <- abs( ( dev - dev0)/ dev0 )
#        par.change <- max( a1a, a1b, a1d, a1k, a1m, a1s)
        par.change <- max( a1b, a1s, a1e, a1a )
        cat( "Pseudolikelihood=",   round( dev, 5 ), "| max. parm. change=",
                                        round( par.change, 6 ),  " \n"   )
        if ( ( dev > dev0 ) & ( iter > 4 ) ){ cat("   Objective Function has increased! Convergence Problems?\n") }
    # information criteria
        # calculations for information criteria
        ic <- list( "deviance"=dev, "n"=nrow(dat0) )
        # number of parameters to be estimated
        # these formulas hold when assuming normal distributions
        ic[[ "np" ]] <- length(bG) + est.sigma + length( epsG ) + length(aG)
        if ( ! is.null(err.constraintM) ){
                ic$np <- ic$np - ncol( err.constraintM )
        # AIC
   #     ic$AIC <- dev + 2*ic$np
        # BIC
        ic$PLIC <- dev + ( log(ic$n) )*ic$np
        # CAIC
     #   ic$CAIC <- dev + ( log(ic$n) + 1 )*ic$np
    # results item parameters
    item <- data.frame( "item"=colnames(dat0),
#                "sumWeights"=colSums( ( !is.na(dat0)) * WM ),
                "p"=colMeans( dat0, na.rm=T ),
                "b"=b, "est.b"=est.b,
                "a"=a, "est.a"=est.a ) #, "aG"=aG, "bG"=bG)
    if (D==1){ item$sigma <- sigma }
#    item$link"=link
    if ( ! is.null( itemcluster) ){ item$itemcluster <- itemcluster }
    item$b.logit <- item$b * 1.701
    item$a.logit <- item$a*1.701
    if (D==1){    item$sigma.logit <- item$sigma * 1.701 }
    # add results dependency parameter for item clusters
    #item$itemcluster <- itemcluster
    #item$delta <- 0

    cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
    # print item summary
    cat("Item Parameter Summary\n")
    cat( " Estimated", length(bG), "Item Parameters\n\n")
    sirt_print_helper( item, digits=3 )        # print item statistics
    cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")

    # print Trait parameter summary
#    cat("Trait Distribution Summary\n")
#    cat("\nCovariance Matrix (Probit Link)\n")
    cat("Trait SD (Probit Link): ")
    cat( round(sigma, 3 ), "\n")
    cat("Trait SD (Logit Link) : ")
    cat( round( item$sigma[1] * 1.701, 3 ), "\n")
    if (D>1){
        cat("\nCorrelation Matrix\n")
        print( cov2cor(sigma), digits=3 )
   cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
    # print correlation parameter summary
    error.corr0 <- error.corr
    if ( est.corrs){
        cat("Residual Correlation Parameter Summary\n")
        cat( " Estimated", length(epsG), "Residual Correlation Parameters\n\n")
        diag(error.corr0) <- 0
        colnames(error.corr) <- rownames(error.corr) <- colnames(dat)
        error.corr[ upper.tri( error.corr) ] <- eps.corr
        error.corr[ lower.tri( error.corr) ] <- 0
        error.corr <- error.corr + t(error.corr)
#        error.corr[ lower.tri( error.corr) ] <- eps.corr
        diag(error.corr) <- 1
       sirt_print_helper( error.corr, digits=3 )        # print item statistics
       cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
        # computational time
        s2 <- Sys.time()
        if (progress){
                cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
                cat("Start:", paste( s1), "\n")
                cat("End:", paste(s2), "\n")
                cat("Difference:", print(s2 -s1), "\n")
                cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
    res <- list( "item"=item, "iter"=iter, "deviance"=dev,
                    "b"=b, "sigma"=sigma,
                    "dat"=dat    ,  "ic"=ic    ,
                    "link"=link, "itempairs"=itempairs0,
                    "error.corr"=error.corr0         ,
                    "eps.corr"=eps.corr, # NEW!!!
                    "bG"=bG, "aG"=aG, "epsG"=epsG,
                    "est.b"=est.b, "est.a"=est.a, "est.corrs"=est.corrs,
                    "Q"=Q, "D"=D )
    if (est.corrs){
            res$eps.corr <- eps.corr
            res$eps.corrM <- error.corr
    # reliabiity

    thresh <- - matrix( item$a * item$b, I, 1 )
    A <- matrix( item$a * item$sigma, I, 1 )
    # extract estimated correlation matrix
#    corM <- mod1$eps.corrM
    if (is.null(res$eps.corrM) ){
        corM <- diag(I)
            } else {
        corM <- res$eps.corrM
    # compute standardized factor loadings
    facA <- 1 / sqrt( A^2 + 1 )
    resvar <- 1 - facA^2
    covM <- outer( sqrt(resvar[,1]), sqrt(resvar[,1] ) ) * corM
    facloadings <- A *facA
    # estimate reliability
    rel1 <- reliability.nonlinearSEM( facloadings=facloadings,
            thresh=thresh, resid.cov=covM)
    res$omega.rel <- rel1$omega.rel

    res$fct <- "rasch.pml3"
    res$s1 <- s1 ; res$s2 <- s2
    class(res) <- "rasch.pml"
alexanderrobitzsch/sirt documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 2:45 a.m.