
#' Cluster methylation profiles
#' \code{betareg_cluster_wrap} is a wrapper function that clusters methylation
#' profiles using the EM algorithm. Initially, it performs parameter checking,
#' and initializes main parameters, such as mixing proportions, basis function
#' coefficients, then the EM algorithm is applied and finally model selection
#' metrics are calculated, such as BIC and AIC.
#' @param x The Beta distributed observations, which has to be a list of
#'   elements of length N, where each element is an L x 2 matrix of
#'   observations, where 1st column contains the locations and the 2nd column
#'   contain the methylation level. See \code{\link{process_haib_caltech_wrap}}
#'   on a possible way to get this data structure.
#' @param K Integer denoting the number of clusters K.
#' @param pi_k Vector of length K, denoting the mixing proportions.
#' @param w A MxK matrix, where each column consists of the basis function
#'   coefficients for each corresponding cluster.
#' @param basis A 'basis' object. E.g. see \code{\link{create_rbf_object}}.
#' @param em_max_iter Integer denoting the maximum number of EM iterations.
#' @param epsilon_conv Numeric denoting the convergence parameter for EM.
#' @param init_opt_itnmax Optimization iterations for obtaining the initial EM
#'   parameter values.
#' @param is_verbose Logical, print results during EM iterations.
#' @inheritParams betareg_optimize
#' @return A 'betareg_cluster' object which, in addition to the input parameters,
#'   consists of the following variables: \itemize{ \item{\code{pi_k}: Fitted
#'   mixing proportions.} \item{\code{w}: A MxK matrix with the fitted
#'   coefficients of the basis functions for each cluster k.} \item{\code{NLL}:
#'   The Negative Log Likelihood after the EM algorithm has finished.}
#'   \item{\code{post_prob}: Posterior probabilities of each promoter region
#'   belonging to each cluster.} \item{\code{labels}: Hard clustering
#'   assignments of each observation/promoter region.} \item{\code{BIC}:
#'   Bayesian Information Criterion metric.} \item{\code{AIC}: Akaike
#'   Information Criterion metric.} \item{\code{ICL}: Integrated Complete
#'   Likelihood criterion metric.} }
#' @author C.A.Kapourani \email{C.A.Kapourani@@ed.ac.uk}
#' @export
betareg_cluster_wrap <- function(x, K = 3, pi_k = NULL, w = NULL, disp = 1,
                                 basis = NULL, em_max_iter = 100,
                                 epsilon_conv = 1e-04, lambda = 1/2,
                                 opt_method = "CG", opt_itnmax = 100,
                                 init_opt_itnmax = 100, is_parallel = TRUE,
                                 no_cores = NULL, is_verbose = FALSE){
    # Check that x is a list object

    # Extract number of observations
    N <- length(x)
    assertthat::assert_that(N > 0)

    # Perform checks for initial parameter values
    out <- .do_betareg_EM_checks(x = x,
                                 K = K,
                                 pi_k = pi_k,
                                 w = w,
                                 basis = basis,
                                 lambda = lambda,
                                 opt_method = opt_method,
                                 init_opt_itnmax = init_opt_itnmax,
                                 is_parallel = is_parallel,
                                 no_cores    = no_cores)
    w     <- out$w
    basis <- out$basis
    pi_k  <- out$pi_k

    # Apply EM algorithm to cluster similar methylation profiles
    message("Clustering methylation profiles via EM ...\n")
    betareg_cluster <- .betareg_EM(x = x,
                                   K = K,
                                   pi_k = pi_k,
                                   w = w,
                                   disp = disp,
                                   basis = basis,
                                   em_max_iter = em_max_iter,
                                   epsilon_conv = epsilon_conv,
                                   lambda = lambda,
                                   opt_method = opt_method,
                                   opt_itnmax = opt_itnmax,
                                   is_parallel = is_parallel,
                                   no_cores = no_cores,
                                   is_verbose = is_verbose)
    message("Finished clustering!\n\n")

    # Add names to the estimated parameters for clarity
    names(betareg_cluster$pi_k) <- paste0("clust", 1:K)
    colnames(betareg_cluster$w) <- paste0("clust", 1:K)

    # Get hard cluster assignments for each observation
    betareg_cluster$labels <- apply(X      = betareg_cluster$post_prob,
                                    MARGIN = 1,
                                    FUN    = function(x)
                                        which(x == max(x, na.rm = TRUE)))

    # Perform model selection
    total_params <- (K - 1) + K * NROW(w)

    # Bayesian Information Criterion
    betareg_cluster$BIC <- 2 * utils::tail(betareg_cluster$NLL, n = 1) +
        total_params * log(N)

    # Akaike Iformation Criterion
    betareg_cluster$AIC <- 2 * utils::tail(betareg_cluster$NLL, n = 1) +
        2 * total_params

    # Integrated Complete Likelihood criterion
    entropy <- (-1) * sum(betareg_cluster$post_prob *
                              log(betareg_cluster$post_prob), na.rm = TRUE)
    betareg_cluster$ICL <- betareg_cluster$BIC + entropy

    # Store initial max optimization iterations
    betareg_cluster$init_opt_itnmax <- init_opt_itnmax

    class(betareg_cluster) <- "betareg_cluster"


# EM algorithm for BPR mixture model
# \code{.betareg_EM} implements the EM algorithm for performing clustering on
#  DNA methylation profiles, where the observation model is the Beta
#  distributed Probit Regression function.
# @param x A list of elements of length N, where each element is an L x 3
# matrix of observations, where 1st column contains the locations. The 2nd
# and 3rd columns contain the total trials and number of successes at the
# corresponding locations, repsectively.
# @param K Integer denoting the number of clusters K.
# @param pi_k Vector of length K, denoting the mixing proportions.
# @param w A MxK matrix, where each column contains the basis function
# coefficients for the corresponding cluster.
# @param basis A 'basis' object. E.g. see \code{\link{create_rbf_object}}.
# @param em_max_iter Integer denoting the maximum number of EM iterations.
# @param epsilon_conv Numeric denoting the convergence parameter for EM.
# @param opt_method The optimization method to be used. See
#  \code{\link[stats]{optim}} for possible methods. Default is "CG".
# @param opt_itnmax Optional argument giving the maximum number of iterations
#  for the corresponding method. See \code{\link[stats]{optim}} for details.
# @param is_parallel Logical, indicating if code should be run in parallel.
# @param no_cores Number of cores to be used, default is max_no_cores - 2.
# @param is_verbose Logical, print results during EM iterations
# @importFrom stats optim
.betareg_EM <- function(x, K = 2, pi_k = NULL, w = NULL, disp = 1, basis = NULL,
                        em_max_iter = 100, epsilon_conv = 1e-05, lambda = 1/2,
                        opt_method = "CG", opt_itnmax = 100, is_parallel = TRUE,
                        no_cores = NULL, is_verbose = FALSE){

    # Extract number of observations
    N <- length(x)
    # Extract number of basis functions
    k <- 0
    # Store weighted PDFs
    weighted_pdf <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = K)

    # Initialize and store NLL for each EM iteration
    NLL <- c(1e+40)

    # If parallel mode is ON
    if (is_parallel){
        # If number of cores is not given
        if (is.null(no_cores)){
            no_cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 2
            if (no_cores >= parallel::detectCores()){
                no_cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
        if (is.na(no_cores)){
            no_cores <- 2
        if (no_cores > K){
            no_cores <- K
        # Create cluster object
        cl <- parallel::makeCluster(no_cores)

    if (is_parallel){
        # Create design matrix for each observation
        des_mat <- parallel::mclapply(X   = x,
                              FUN = function(y)
                                  design_matrix(x = basis, obs = y[, 1])$H,
                              mc.cores = no_cores)
        # Create design matrix for each observation
        des_mat <- lapply(X   = x,
                          FUN = function(y)
                              design_matrix(x = basis, obs = y[, 1])$H)

    # Add dispersion parameter in observation matrix x
    for (i in 1:N){
        # Concatenate the dispersion parameter
        if (length(disp) == 1){ # If we have the same value for dispersion
            x[[i]] <- cbind(x[[i]], rep(disp, NROW(x)))
        }else{ # If we have a different dispersion value for each point
            x[[i]] <- cbind(x[[i]], disp)

    # Run EM algorithm until convergence
    for (t in 1:em_max_iter){
        # E-Step -----------------------------------------------
        # Compute weighted pdfs for each cluster
#         weighted_pdf <- bpr_lik_resp(w = w,
#                                      x = x,
#                                      des_mat = des_mat,
#                                      pi_k = log(pi_k),
#                                      lambda = lambda,
#                                      is_NLL = FALSE)

        for (k in 1:K){
            # For each element in x, evaluate the BPR log likelihood
            weighted_pdf[, k] <- vapply(X   = 1:N,
                                        FUN = function(y)
                                            betareg_likelihood(w = w[, k],
                                                               H = des_mat[[y]],
                                                               data = x[[y]],
                                                               lambda = lambda,
                                                               is_NLL = FALSE),
                                        FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),
                                        USE.NAMES = FALSE)
            weighted_pdf[, k] <- log(pi_k[k]) + weighted_pdf[, k]

        # Calculate probs using the logSumExp trick for numerical stability
        Z <- apply(weighted_pdf, 1, .log_sum_exp)
        # Get actual posterior probabilities, i.e. responsibilities
        post_prob <- exp(weighted_pdf - Z)
        # Evaluate and store the NLL
        NLL  <- c(NLL, (-1) * sum(Z))

        # M-Step -----------------------------------------------
        # Compute sum of posterior probabilities for each cluster
        N_k <- colSums(post_prob)
        # Update mixing proportions for each cluster
        pi_k <- N_k / N

        # Update basis function coefficient vector w for each cluster
        # If parallel mode is ON
        if (is_parallel){
            # Parallel optimization for each cluster k
            w <- foreach::"%dopar%"(obj = foreach::foreach(k = 1:K,
                                           .combine = cbind),
                    ex  = {
                        out <- optim(par       = w[, k],
                                     fn        = sum_weighted_betareg_lik,
                                     gr        = sum_weighted_betareg_grad,
                                     method    = opt_method,
                                     control   = list(maxit = opt_itnmax),
                                     x         = x,
                                     des_mat   = des_mat,
                                     post_prob = post_prob[, k],
                                     lambda    = lambda,
                                     is_NLL    = TRUE)$par
            # Sequential optimization for each clustrer k
            w <- foreach::"%do%"(obj = foreach::foreach(k = 1:K,
                                            .combine = cbind),
                     ex  = {
                         out <- optim(par       = w[, k],
                                      fn        = sum_weighted_betareg_lik,
                                      gr        = sum_weighted_betareg_grad,
                                      method    = opt_method,
                                      control   = list(maxit = opt_itnmax),
                                      x         = x,
                                      des_mat   = des_mat,
                                      post_prob = post_prob[, k],
                                      lambda    = lambda,
                                      is_NLL    = TRUE)$par

        if (is_verbose){
            cat("It:\t", t, "\tNLL:\t", NLL[t + 1],
                "\tNLL_diff:\t", NLL[t] - NLL[t + 1], "\n")
        if (NLL[t + 1] > NLL[t]){
            message("Negative Log Likelihood increases - Stopping EM!\n")
        # Check for convergence
        if (NLL[t] - NLL[t + 1] < epsilon_conv){
        if (K == 1){
            w <- as.matrix(w)
    if (is_parallel){
        # Stop parallel execution
    if (K == 1){
        w <- as.matrix(w)
    # Check if EM converged in the given maximum iterations
    if (t == em_max_iter){
        warning("EM did not converge with the given maximum iterations!\n")

    obj <- structure(list(K = K,
                          N = N,
                          w = w,
                          pi_k = pi_k,
                          lambda = lambda,
                          em_max_iter = em_max_iter,
                          opt_method = opt_method,
                          opt_itnmax = opt_itnmax,
                          NLL = NLL,
                          basis = basis,
                          post_prob = post_prob),
                     class = "betareg_EM")

# Internal function to make all the appropriate type checks.
.do_betareg_EM_checks <- function(x, K = 2, pi_k,  w, basis, lambda = 1/2,
                                  opt_method = "CG", init_opt_itnmax = 100,
                                  is_parallel = TRUE, no_cores = NULL){
    if (is.null(basis)){
        basis <- create_rbf_object(M = 3)
    if (is.null(w)){
        w <- rep(0.5, basis$M + 1)

        # Optimize the BPR function for each element in x
        out_opt <- betareg_optim(x           = x,
                                 w           = w,
                                 basis       = basis,
                                 fit_feature = NULL,
                                 cpg_dens_feat = FALSE,
                                 lambda      = lambda,
                                 method      = opt_method,
                                 itnmax      = init_opt_itnmax,
                                 is_parallel = is_parallel,
                                 no_cores    = no_cores)

        # Keep only the optimized coefficients
        W_opt <- out_opt$W_opt

        # Use Kmeans with random starts
        cl <- stats::kmeans(W_opt, K, nstart = 25)
        # Get the mixture components
        C_n <- cl$cluster
        # Mean for each cluster
        w <- t(cl$centers)

        # Mixing proportions
        if (is.null(pi_k)){
            N <- length(x)
            pi_k <- as.vector(table(C_n) / N)
    if (is.null(pi_k)){
        pi_k <- rep(1 / K, K)
    if (NROW(w) != (basis$M + 1) ){
        stop("Coefficient vector should be M+1, M: number of basis functions!")
    return(list(w = w, basis = basis, pi_k = pi_k))
andreaskapou/BPRMeth-devel documentation built on May 12, 2019, 3:32 a.m.