Man pages for andrewparkermorgan/argyle
Basic interface and QC for genotypes from Illumina Infinium arrays

apply.filtersDrop samples and/or markers flagged as low-quality
argyleargyle: An 'R' package for import and QC of genotypes from... genotypes to a dataframe
as.genotypesConvert an 'R/qtl' object to a 'genotypes' object
as.rqtlConvert a 'genotypes' object to an 'R/qtl' object
assoc.plinkPerform a genome-wide association scan with PLINK
autosomesShortcut for grabbing just the autosomes
bafplotPlot B-allele frequency (BAF) and log2-intensity ratio (LRR)...
blank.grobMake a blank grob for plotting
cash-.genotypesAccess attributes of a 'genotypes' object as if they were a...
cbind.genotypesConcatenate two 'genotypes' objects 'horizontally'
consensusIdentify the consensus genotype call among a group of samples
dist.genotypesCalculate a simple genetic distance: proportion of alleles...
dotplot.genotypesShow a visual representation of a slice of a genotype matrix
drop.intensityStrip intensity matrices from a 'genotypes' object
exGenotype calls and intensities from the GigaMUGA array for...
export.doqtlExport genotyping result in format suitable for DOQTL
filter.plinkFilter markers and samples from a dataset with PLINK
filters.genotypesGet filters attached to a 'genotypes' object
fixed.diffsIdentify fixed differences between a pair of samples
fix.strand.swapsFix alleles in marker map using those in observed genotypes
freqCalculate allele frequencies by marker or sample
freqplotPlot frequencies of missing, heterozygous, and minor-allele...
genoapplyApply a function over a 'genotypes' object, by sample or...
genotypesConstructor for a 'genotypes' object
get.bafExtract BAF/LRR as a dataframe
get.callExtract genotype calls as a dataframe
get.intensityExtract hybridization intensities as a dataframe
ggmanhattanCreate skeleton of a 'Manhattan plot' (concatenated...
guess.parentsAttempt to guess the mother-father pair corresponding to...
has.intensityCheck if a 'genotypes' object has intensity data attached
head.genotypesShow the first few samples and markers for a 'genotypes'
heatmap.genotypesPlot a heatmap representing genetic distances between samples
heterozygosityCalculate heterozygosity by marker
informativeFind markers informative between sample groups
intensity.genotypesGet intensity matrices attached to a 'genotypes' object
intensityhistPlot histogram of (sum-)intensities by sample
intensity.vs.refKS-test for difference in intensity distributions
is.filteredCheck if markers or samples are marked with filters
kinship.plinkCompute realized kinship matrix (aka GRM) with PLINK
ld.plinkCompute pairwise LD between markers with PLINK
mafCalculate minor-allele frequency (MAFs) from a genotypes...
markers.genotypesGet marker map for a 'genotypes' object
mds.plinkPerform classical multidimensional scaling (MDS) with PLINK
mendel.distanceCompute rate of Mendelian inconsistency between an individual...
merge.genotypesMerge two 'genotypes' objects which share markers
missingnessCalculate rate of missing genoypes by marker or sample
nmissCount number of missing genotypes by marker or sample
onewayGet one-way marker-phenotype association
oneway.plotMake graphical representation of a 'one-way'...
pca.genotypesPerform PCA on a 'genotypes' object
pca.plinkPerform PCA on genotypes with PLINK
plinkifyCreate a pointer to a PLINK fileset
plot.clustersPlot 2D hybridization intensities at a few markers
plot.haplotypesPlot the results of haplotype reconstruction
plot.pca.resultAuto-plotting of a PCA result
predict.f1Predict genotype of an F1 individual given genotypes of its...
predict.haplogroupPredict haplogroup (eg chrY or chrM), given labelled controls
predict.sexPredict sample sexes based on genotype and intensity data
prop.hetCalculate the proportion of sites at which each sample is...
prune.plinkPrune markers by pairwise LD with PLINK
qcplotProduce a visual summary of QC measures
quantile.normalizePerform quantile normalization of intensity data.
rbind.genotypesConcatenate two 'genotypes' objects 'vertically'
read.beadstudioRead genotype calls and hybridization from Illumina...
read.plinkRead a PLINK binary fileset into a 'genotypes' object
recode.genotypesSwitch between character and numeric representations of... genotypes against genotypes of a parent
reconstruct.hapsPerform (simplistic) haplotype reconstruction, given parental...
replace.mapSwap out the marker map for a different one
replace.namesRename some or all samples
run.marker.qcPerform basic marker-wise QC on genotype calls
run.sample.qcPerform basic sample-wise QC on genotype calls and...
samples.genotypesGet sample metadata for a 'genotypes' object
scale_fill_heatmapA red-to-orange color scale for heatmaps
scale_x_genomeCustom x-axis scale for genome coordinates.
scale_y_logpCustom y-axis scale for -log10(p-values)
segregatingIdentify segregating sites among a group of samples
sex.genotypesExtract vector of sample sexes
sextablePrint summary table of sample sexes
sexysumSummary stats for the sex chromosomes
sub-.genotypesIndexing into a 'genotypes' object
subset.genotypesSubset a 'genotypes' object by markers or samples
summarize.callsSummarize genotype calls by sample or marker
summarize.filtersShow tally of filters failed by sites, samples.
summarize.intensitySummarize hybridization intensity by sample
tdt.plinkPerform family-based transmission diseqiulibrium test (TDT)...
theme_axesonlyA graphics theme with only an x-axis
theme_gbrowseA genome-browser like graphics theme
theme_heatmapA graphics theme suitable for heatmaps
theme_nothingA very minimal graphics theme
thin.genotypesThin markers to a specified density on the genetic map
tQNPerform tQN normalization of intensity data.
twowayGet two-way (marker x marker)-phenotype association
twoway.plotMake graphical representation of a 'one-way'...
validate.genotypesCheck the integrity of a 'genotypes' object
weir.fst.plinkCompute Weir & Cockerham's F_st estimator using PLINK
write.hgdpExport genotypes in Stanford HGDP format
write.plinkWrite a 'genotypes' object as a PLINK binary fileset
xchromShortcut for grabbing just chrX
ychromShortcut for grabbing just chrY
andrewparkermorgan/argyle documentation built on May 10, 2019, 11:08 a.m.