#' DiffusionMaps method in SnapATAC
#' @param bmatSnap sparse matrix, cell by feature
#' @param nLandmark integer, numebr of landmark cells, default is 10,000
#' @param n integer, used for fitting regression of random depth effect, default is 1000
#' @param outlier double, used for choosing threshold of normalized Jaccard similarity matrix,
#' default is 0.999
#' @param nPC integer, default is 30
#' @param seed integer, default is 1
#' @return list of two element
#' - dmat dense matrix, cell by principle components, keep the same order of cells
#' - sdev vector, length of principle components
#' @export
SnapATAC_DiffusionMaps <- function(bmatSnap, nLandmark = 10000,
n = 1000, outlier = 0.999,
nPC = 30, seed = 1) {
nCell <- nrow(bmatSnap)
idxLandmark <- sampleBasedOnDepth(bmat = bmatSnap, n = nLandmark)
bmatLandmark <- bmatSnap[idxLandmark, ]
mapLandmark <- SnapATAC_runDiffusionMaps(bmat = bmatLandmark,
nPC = nPC, n = n, outlier = outlier)
message("Finish getting landmark mappings.")
rownames(mapLandmark$dmat) <- rownames(bmatSnap)[idxLandmark]
if (nCell > nLandmark) {
bmatQuery <- bmatSnap[-idxLandmark, ]
mapQuery <- SnapATAC_runDiffusionMapsExtension(
bmatLandmark = bmatLandmark,
bmatQuery = bmatQuery,
mapLandmark = mapLandmark
message("Finish projecting query on landmark space.")
rownames(mapQuery$dmat) <- rownames(bmatSnap)[-idxLandmark]
mapMerge <- rbind(mapLandmark$dmat, mapQuery$dmat)
mapReorder <- mapMerge[rownames(bmatSnap),]
} else {
mapReorder <- mapLandmark$dmat[rownames(bmatSnap),]
return(invisible(list(dmat = mapReorder, sdev = mapLandmark$sdev)))
#' Core of DiffusionMaps for landmark cells.
#' @param bmat sparse Matrix, cell by feature, after binarization
#' @param nPC integer, default is 30
#' @param n integer, used for fitting regression of random depth effect, default is 1000.
#' @param outlier double, used for choosing threshold of normalized Jaccard similarity matrix,
#' default is 0.999
#' @return list of five elements
#' - dmat dense matrix, cell by features
#' - sdev vector, standard deviation
#' - cutoff numeric, cutoff of outiliers for the normalized Jaccard similarity matrix
#' - betas numeric vector of three elements, regression coefficients for reducing the random
#' depth effect in Jaccard similarity matrix.
#' - diagFactor Diagonal Matrix, inverse of square root of
#' the rowSums of normalized Jaccard similarity matrix.
#' @importFrom Matrix diag diag<-
#' @export
SnapATAC_runDiffusionMaps <- function(bmat, nPC = 30, n = 1000, outlier = 0.999) {
message("Running SnapATAC Diffusion Maps...")
if(any(Matrix::rowSums(bmat) == 0)) {
stop("Some cells have no reads, please remove them firstly.")
message("Step1: calculate Jaccard similarity matrix.")
J <- runJaccard2(xi = bmat, xj = bmat)
message("Step2: fit regression model to reduce cell depth effect.")
idx <- sampleBasedOnDepth(bmat = bmat, n = n)
subrmeans <- Matrix::rowMeans(bmat[idx, ])
subNormOVE <- getNormOVE(p1 = subrmeans, p2 = subrmeans)
jmat <- J[idx, idx]
fitData <- data.frame(x = subNormOVE[upper.tri(subNormOVE)], y = jmat[upper.tri(jmat)])
model <- stats::lm(formula = y ~ x + I(x^2), data = fitData)
betas <- as.numeric(model$coefficients)
message("Regression coefficients: ", paste(round(betas, 5), collapse = ", "))
message("Step3: normalize Jaccard similarity matrix by reducing the fitted random depth.")
rmean <- Matrix::rowMeans(bmat)
allNormOVE <- getNormOVE(p1 = rmean, p2 = rmean)
## pred is a matrix
pred <- betas[1] + betas[2] * allNormOVE + betas[3] * (allNormOVE ** 2)
normJ <- J / pred
message("Step4: set cutoffs for the outliers of the normalized Jaccard similarity matrix.")
cutoff <- quantile(normJ, outlier)
normJ[normJ > cutoff] <- cutoff
message("Step5: get eigin decomposition by igraph arpack.")
diag(normJ) <- 0.0
rsum <- Matrix::rowSums(normJ)
diagFactor <- Matrix::Diagonal(x = 1 / sqrt(rsum))
transition <- as.matrix(diagFactor %*% normJ %*% diagFactor)
diag(transition) <- 0
eig_transitions <- eig_decomp(transition, n_eigs = nPC)
message(paste("Return the diffusion map result: dim from 2 to", nPC + 1))
dmat <- eig_transitions$vectors[, 2:(nPC+1)]
sdev <- eig_transitions$value[2:(nPC + 1)]
return(invisible(list(dmat = dmat, sdev = sdev,
cutoff = cutoff, betas = betas,
diagFactor = diagFactor)))
#' Run DiffusionMaps for query cells baesd on the landmark results.
#' @param bmatLandmark matrix, cell by feature, after binarization
#' @param bmatQuery matrix, cell by feature, after binarization
#' @param mapLandmark results from difusionMaps for landmark cells.
#' @return list of two elements
#' - dmat matrix, nquery cell by feature
#' - sdev numeric vector, standard deviation for the query cells.
#' NOTE: when one query have all zeros, the function will not fail, but
#' return NaN for that query.
#' @export
SnapATAC_runDiffusionMapsExtension <- function(bmatLandmark, bmatQuery, mapLandmark) {
if(ncol(bmatLandmark) != ncol(bmatQuery)) {
stop("Features have different dims between Landmark and Query.")
if(!identical(colnames(bmatLandmark), colnames(bmatQuery))) {
stop("bmatQuery has no identical colnames with bmatLandmark.")
message("Step1: calculate Jaccard similarity matrix.")
J <- runJaccard2(xi = bmatQuery, xj = bmatLandmark)
message("Step2: normalze Jaccard similarity matrix.")
rmeanQuery <- Matrix::rowMeans(bmatQuery)
rmeanLandmark <- Matrix::rowMeans(bmatLandmark)
normOVE <- getNormOVE(p1 = rmeanQuery, p2 = rmeanLandmark)
betas <- mapLandmark$betas
pred <- betas[1] + betas[2] * normOVE + betas[3] * (normOVE ** 2)
normJ <- J / pred
message("Step3: set cutoffs for the outliers of the normalized jaccard similarity matrix.")
cutoffLandmark <- mapLandmark$cutoff
normJ[normJ > cutoffLandmark] <- cutoffLandmark
message("Step4: project query to landmark map space.")
diagFactorLandmark <- mapLandmark$diagFactor
diagFactorQuery <- Matrix::Diagonal(x = 1 / sqrt(Matrix::rowSums(normJ, na.rm = TRUE)))
transition <- diagFactorQuery %*% normJ %*% diagFactorLandmark
dmatLandmark <- mapLandmark$dmat
sdevLandmark <- mapLandmark$sdev
dmatQuery <- as.matrix(t( t(as.matrix(transition) %*% dmatLandmark) / sdevLandmark ))
sdevQuery <- sdevLandmark
return(invisible(list(dmat = dmatQuery, sdev = sdevQuery)))
#' Get Jaccard Matrix
#' Ref: SnapATAC runJaccard2
#' @param xi matrix/sparseMatrix, cell by feature, multi-hot representation
#' @param xj matrix/sparseMatrix, cell by feature, multi-hot representation
#' @return dense matrix, Jaccard Matrix
#' @export
runJaccard2 <- function(xi, xj) {
A <- Matrix::tcrossprod(xi, xj)
sumi <- Matrix::rowSums(xi)
sumj <- Matrix::rowSums(xj)
jmat <- as.matrix(A / (replicate(ncol(A), sumi) + t(replicate(nrow(A), sumj)) - A))
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