#' Generate matrix of couts for each tile per cell
#' Ref: ArchR
#' @param rawH5File string
#' @param outfile string
#' @param genome string, default is "mm10"
#' @param sampleName string, default is NULL
#' @param barcodes vector of string, no need to append sampleName, will do that in this code block
#' @param tileSize integer, default is 5000,
#' @param excludeChr vector of string, default is c("chrM")
#' @return string, where the matrix are saved
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5createFile h5createGroup h5createDataset h5closeAll h5write
#' @importFrom S4Vectors start end match DataFrame mcols Rle
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges seqnames split
#' @export
getTileMatrix <- function(rawH5File, outfile,
genome = "mm10",
sampleName = NULL, barcodes = NULL,
tileSize = 5000,
excludeChr = c("chrM")) {
tstart <- Sys.time()
message(paste("Begin to run getTileMatrix with tileSize: ", tileSize, "at", tstart))
rhdf5::h5createFile(file = outfile)
## h5createGroup(file = outfile, group = "TileMatrix")
## h5createGroup(file = outfile, group = "colnames")
## h5createGroup(file = outfile, group = "rownames")
annotGenome <- getAnnotFromArchRData(tag = "genome", genome = genome)
blacklist <- annotGenome$blacklist
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
if (length(blacklist) > 0) {
message(paste("Find blacklist for genome", genome))
blacklist <- split(blacklist, seqnames(blacklist))
}else {
message(paste("No blacklist for genome", genome))
chromSizes <- annotGenome$chromSizes
chromLengths <- end(chromSizes)
names(chromLengths) <- chromSizes@seqinfo@seqnames
chromLengths <- chromLengths[!(match(names(chromLengths), excludeChr, nomatch = 0) > 0)]
dfParams <- data.frame(
seqnames = names(chromLengths),
length = as.vector(chromLengths),
tileSize = tileSize,
binarize = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
## barcodes_with_sampleName <- barcodes
## if (!grepl(pattern = "#", barcodes[1], fixed = TRUE)) {
## barcodes_with_sampleName <- paste0(sampleName, "#", barcodes)
## }
featureDF <- lapply(seq_along(chromLengths), function(x) {
DataFrame(seqnames = names(chromLengths)[x],
idx = seq_len(trunc(chromLengths[x]) / tileSize + 1))
}) %>% Reduce("rbind", .)
featureDF$start <- (featureDF$idx - 1) * tileSize
df <- data.frame(featureDF, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
supressAll(h5write(obj = df, file = outfile, name = "/FeatureDF"))
## record colnames for the matrix
## TODO: may have bugs when not all barcodes are in the raw h5.
## Should write this part later, and check if barcodes in the least.
supressAll(h5write(obj = barcodes, file = outfile, name = "/Barcodes"))
for (z in seq_along(chromLengths)) {
chr <- names(chromLengths)[z]
chrl <- chromLengths[z]
message(paste(chr, "with length ", chrl))
fragments <- getFragsOfAChrFromRawH5File(
rawH5File = rawH5File, chr = chr,
sampleName = sampleName,
barcodes = barcodes
if(length(fragments) < 1) {
message(paste(chr, "has no fragments left after filtering the barcodes."))
} else {
message(paste(chr, "has", length(fragments), "left after filtering the barcodes."))
nTiles <- trunc(chrl / tileSize) + 1
matchBarcodes <- match(mcols(fragments)$RG, barcodes)
mat <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(
i = as.integer(c(trunc(start(fragments) / tileSize),
trunc(end(fragments) / tileSize)) + 1),
j = as.integer(as.vector(c(matchBarcodes, matchBarcodes))),
x = rep(1, 2 * length(fragments)),
dims = c(nTiles, length(barcodes))
## remove blacklisted tiles
if (!is.null(blacklist) & (length(blacklist) > 0)) {
blacklistz <- blacklist[[chr]]
if (length(blacklistz) > 0) {
tile2 <- floor(tileSize / 2)
blacklistIdx <- unique(
trunc(start(unlist(GenomicRanges::slidingWindows(blacklistz, tile2, tile2))) / tileSize) + 1)
blacklistIdx <- sort(blacklistIdx)
idxToZero <- which(match((mat@i + 1), blacklistIdx, nomatch = 0) > 0)
if (length(idxToZero) > 0) {
mat@x[idxToZero] <- 0
mat <- Matrix::drop0(mat)
} ## end of remove blacked tiles
## save to file
h5createGroup(file = outfile, group = chr)
lengthI <- length(mat@i)
file = outfile, dataset = paste0(chr, "/i"), storage.mode = "integer",
dims = c(lengthI, 1), level = 0
supressAll(h5write(obj = mat@i + 1, file = outfile, name = paste0(chr, "/i")))
file = outfile, dataset = paste0(chr, "/x"), storage.mode = "double",
dims = c(lengthI, 1), level = 0
supressAll(h5write(obj = mat@x, file = outfile, name = paste0(chr, "/x")))
## #Convert Columns to Rle
j <- Rle(findInterval(seq_along(mat@x) - 1, mat@p[-1]) + 1)
## effective ncols
lengthRle <- length(j@lengths)
file = outfile, dataset = paste0(chr, "/jLengths"), storage.mode = "integer",
dims = c(lengthRle, 1), level = 0
supressAll(h5write(obj = j@lengths, file = outfile, name = paste0(chr, "/jLengths")))
file = outfile, dataset = paste0(chr, "/jValues"), storage.mode = "integer",
dims = c(lengthRle, 1), level = 0
## corresoinds to cols with elements
supressAll(h5write(obj = j@values, file = outfile, name = paste0(chr, "/jValues")))
} ## end of for loop of chrs
#' load TileMatrix into a sparseMatrix
#' Ref: ArchR
#' @param tileMatrixFile string
#' @param barcodes vector of string, if not null, filter tilematrix by barcodes, default is NULL.
#' We assume barcodes are all in the tileMatrixFile. NOTE: No check for this.
#' @return sparseMatrix, feature by cell, both row and colnames, ordered by barcodes if provides.
#' @export
loadTileMatrix <- function(tileMatrixFile, barcodes = NULL) {
colNames <- removeSampleName(barcodes = h5read(file = tileMatrixFile, name = "/Barcodes"))
if(!is.null(barcodes)) {
barcodes <- removeSampleName(barcodes = barcodes)
idxCols <- which(colNames %in% barcodes)
} else {
idxCols <- seq_along(colNames)
featureDF <- h5read(file = tileMatrixFile, name = "/FeatureDF")
chrs <- unique(featureDF$seqnames)
matList <- lapply(seq_along(chrs), function(x) {
chr <- chrs[x]
idxRows <- featureDF[featureDF$seqnames == chr, "idx"]
RleJ <- S4Vectors::Rle(values = h5read(file = tileMatrixFile, name = paste0("/", chr, "/jValues")),
lengths = h5read(file = tileMatrixFile, name = paste0("/", chr, "/jLengths")))
matchJ <- S4Vectors::match(RleJ, idxCols, nomatch = 0)
idxJ <- BiocGenerics::which(matchJ > 0)
j <- matchJ[idxJ]
i <- h5read(file = tileMatrixFile, name = paste0("/", chr, "/i"))[idxJ]
matchI <- match(i, idxRows, nomatch = 0)
idxI <- which(matchI > 0)
## i <- i[idxI]
j <- j[idxI]
i <- matchI[idxI]
x <- h5read(file = tileMatrixFile, name = paste0("/", chr, "/x"))[idxJ][idxI]
mat <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(
i = as.integer(i),
j = j,
x = x,
dims = c(length(idxRows), length(idxCols))
rownames(mat) <- paste0(chr,"_",featureDF[featureDF$seqnames == chr, "idx"])
mat <- Reduce("rbind", matList)
colnames(mat) <- colNames[idxCols]
## double check order
rowNames <- paste0(featureDF$seqnames, "_",featureDF$idx)
mat <- mat[rowNames, , drop = FALSE]
if(!is.null(barcodes)) {
## one-dim array is not suitable for sparseMatrix
## use vector instead just in case
mat <- mat[, as.vector(barcodes), drop = FALSE]
#' Get Bmat from Snap object.
#' Note: this function is validated with SnapATAC::addBmatFromSnap
#' To include all the chromes in snap file,
#' chrs <- unique(unlist(lapply(strsplit(snap@feature$name, ":"), function(x){x[1]})))
#' where snap is a snap object created by SnapATAC.
#' @param chrs vector of string, the chroms we want. Since there might exist chroms like
#' chrM, chrY_JH584303_random, chrUn_GL456390, so here we use explicitly chrs we want to
#' filter chroms. The default is specific for mm10.
#' @param ibarcode vector of string, the barcodes we want to, we assume all of them are in
#' this snapFile. So use this carefully.
#' @param blacklistBedFile string, bed file of the blacklist, smmtools save one under data dir for mm10.
#' @return sparseMatrix, cell by feature, with both row and colname and ordered by ibarcode if provided
#' @import Matrix
#' @export
getBmatFromSnap <- function(snapFile, binSize = 5000,
chrs = c(paste0("chr", 1:19), "chrX", "chrY"),
ibarcode = NULL,
blacklistBedFile = NULL,
outfile = NULL,
compressLevel = 9) {
barcode <- rhdf5::h5read(file = snapFile, name = "/BD/name")
## get bins
binChrom <- rhdf5::h5read(file = snapFile, name = paste("AM", binSize, "binChrom", sep = "/"))
binStart <- rhdf5::h5read(file = snapFile, name = paste("AM", binSize, "binStart", sep = "/"))
binEnd <- binStart + binSize -1
binNames <- paste(paste(binChrom, binStart, sep=":"), binEnd, sep = "-")
## load sparse matrix
idx <- as.integer(rhdf5::h5read(file = snapFile, name = paste("AM", binSize, "idx", sep = "/")))
idy <- as.integer(rhdf5::h5read(file = snapFile, name = paste("AM", binSize, "idy", sep = "/")))
count <- as.numeric(rhdf5::h5read(file = snapFile, name = paste("AM", binSize, "count", sep = "/")))
## get bmat
bmat <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = idx, j = idy, x = count, dims = c(length(barcode), length(binStart)))
## transfer 1d array to vector
rownames(bmat) <- as.vector(barcode)
colnames(bmat) <- binNames
## filter barcode
if (!is.null(ibarcode)) {
## we assume that ibarcode is a subset of the barcodes in the bmat.
## 1d array not work, so force it to vector
bmat <- bmat[as.vector(ibarcode), ]
## filter blacklist
if(!is.null(blacklistBedFile)) {
blacklist <- read.table(file = blacklistBedFile, header = FALSE)
blackgr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = blacklist[,1],
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = blacklist[,2], end = blacklist[, 3]))
bingr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = binChrom, ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = binStart, end = binEnd))
black_ovs <- as.data.frame(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = bingr, subject = blackgr))
if(nrow(black_ovs) >= 1) {
bmat <- bmat[,-sort(unique(black_ovs$queryHits))]
## keep the desired chrs.
chrCol <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(colnames(bmat), ":"), function(x){return(x[1])}))
idy_chrs <- chrCol %in% chrs
bmat <- bmat[, idy_chrs]
## save bmat
if(!is.null(outfile)) {
t <- as(bmat, "TsparseMatrix")
file = outfile, dataset = "i", storage.mode = "integer", dims = c(length(t@i),1), level = compressLevel))
suppressAll(rhdf5::h5write(obj = t@i + 1, file = outfile, name = "i"))
file = outfile, dataset = "j", storage.mode = "integer", dims = c(length(t@i),1), level = compressLevel))
suppressAll(rhdf5::h5write(obj = t@j + 1, file = outfile, name = "j"))
file = outfile, dataset = "val", storage.mode = "integer", dims = c(length(t@i),1), level = compressLevel))
suppressAll(rhdf5::h5write(obj = t@x, file = outfile, name = "val"))
suppressAll(rhdf5::h5write(obj = as.vector(colnames(bmat)), file = outfile, name = "bins"))
suppressAll(rhdf5::h5write(obj = as.vector(rownames(bmat)), file = outfile, name = "barcode"))
message(paste(outfile, " has saved the bmat."))
#' Load SnapATAC Bmat from the h5 file generated by getBmatFromSnap
#' @param bmatFile string, should be h5 file.
#' @return sparseMatrix, cell by bins with names
#' @export
loadBmatFromFile <- function(bmatFile) {
barcode <- rhdf5::h5read(file = bmatFile, name = "barcode")
bins <- rhdf5::h5read(file = bmatFile, name = "bins")
idx <- as.vector(rhdf5::h5read(file = bmatFile, name = "i"))
idy <- as.vector(rhdf5::h5read(file = bmatFile, name = "j"))
val <- as.vector(rhdf5::h5read(file = bmatFile, name = "val"))
bmat <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = idx, j = idy, x = val,
index1 = TRUE,
dims = c(length(barcode), length(bins)))
rownames(bmat) <- as.vector(barcode)
colnames(bmat) <- as.vector(bins)
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