
Defines functions hybridPowerComp

Documented in hybridPowerComp

#' @name hybridPowerComp
#' @title Assignment power comparison among different SNP subsets using NewHybrids simulated datasets3.
#' @description Evaluates the accuracy with which NewHybrids assigns individuals of known hybrid class to the correct hybrid class in simulated datasets at varying levels of stringency (PofZ). The code will write graphical and numerical results to the directory provided by the user.
#' @param dir File path to the directory in which the NewHybrids results (in individual folders as returned by parallelNH_XX) are located.
#' @param save_output A logical indicating whether the plots and plotting data should be saved to the hard drive. The default is TRUE
#' @param return_workspace A logical indicating whether the plots and plotting data should be returned to the workspace as a list object. The default is FALSE
#' @param Thresholds A vector of critical posterior probability thresholds by which to facet plots. The default is c(0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9)
#' @param samplesize The number of individuals per NewHybrids class. By (default: NULL) this data will be extracted from the "*individuals.txt" output from parallelnewhybrids if present in the same folder as the PofZ file. This can also explicitly defined as a vector (6 values corresponding to # in P1,P2,F1,F2,BC1,BC2) or a path to a *_Individuals.txt.
#' @param CT The threshold posterior probability of assignment (PofZ) to F2 above which Pure Population 1 or Pure Population 2 individuals are flagged to indicate possible non-convergence. The default is 0.1.
#' @param CTI The proportion of individuals in either Pure Population 1 OR Pure Population 2 allowed to exceed the F2 assignment threshold (PofZCutOff). The default is 0.5.
#' @rdname hybridpowercomp
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import magrittr
#' @importFrom dplyr filter summarise ungroup group_by do
#' @importFrom grid arrow unit
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom  scales alpha
#' @export

# dir <- "~/Dropbox/DFO Aquaculture Interaction/South West Rivers Analysis/South Coast - Proportional Sampling Analysis/NL South West Fixed Linkages NH/NH.Results/"
# save_output = TRUE
# return_workspace = FALSE
# Thresholds = c(0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9)
# samplesize = NULL
# CT = 0.1
# CTI = 0.5

hybridPowerComp <-function(dir, save_output = TRUE, return_workspace = FALSE, Thresholds = c(0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9),  samplesize = NULL, CT = 0.1, CTI = 0.5){

##Make sure people  aren't specifying that the function shouldn't output anything######
  if(save_output == FALSE & return_workspace == FALSE){
stop("You have asked me to not return any results. If you're not going to look at the analyses, I'm not going to bother running them.")

  if(save_output == TRUE){
##Create Results Folders##

#set directory for which holds the New Hybrids output folders
  filedir <- dir
  lfiles <- setdiff(list.files(dir), c("Figures and Data", "NewHybrids Plots")) #ignores Figures folder in case this is run more than once and in case plots made
    if(length(which(list.files(dir) == "Figures and Data")) == 0) {dir.create(paste0(dir, "Figures and Data"))} # if there isn't a 'Figures and Data' folder for output create one
    if(length(which(list.files(paste0(dir, "Figures and Data")) == "pdf")) == 0) {dir.create(paste0(dir, "Figures and Data/pdf"))} #create a folder for pdfs
    if(length(which(list.files(paste0(dir, "Figures and Data")) == "jpg")) == 0) {dir.create(paste0(dir, "Figures and Data/jpg"))} #create a folder for jpgs
    if(length(which(list.files(paste0(dir, "Figures and Data")) == "data")) == 0) {dir.create(paste0(dir, "Figures and Data/data"))} #create a folder for data

  ##Convergence Check##

  #Convergence checker - set to initial state
  arethereproblems = "no"

   # Collate the output from New Hybrids together ('p of z' files)
        output <- NULL
        for (i in lfiles)

          ### ANALYSIS REPs - if used hybriddetective to simulate the data, unique replicates will have different numbers of loci, a unique simulation number, and a replicate nubmer
              tempfiles <- list.files(paste0(filedir, i)) ## Get names of all files in the directory
              pzfile <- tempfiles[grep("PofZ", tempfiles)] ## Which of the files is the PofZ file?
              tempfile <- read.table(paste0(filedir, i, "/", pzfile), head = TRUE) ### Read the PofZ file in

              ## Each analysis must have an accompanying LociAndAlleles file <- use this to figure out how many loci there are
              LociandAlleles <- tempfiles[grep("LociAndAlleles", tempfiles)]
              LandAfile <- readChar(paste0(filedir, i, "/", LociandAlleles), file.info(paste0(filedir, i, "/", LociandAlleles))$size)
              numLociExt <- stringr::str_extract(string = LandAfile, pattern = paste0("from ", "[:digit:]{1,5}", " loci")) ### find the string with the number of loci, extract
              numLociWorking <- gsub(x = numLociExt, pattern = "from ", replacement = "") ## remove "from"
              numLociWorking <- as.numeric(gsub(x = numLociWorking, pattern = " loci", replacement = "")) ### This is how many loci there are

              #identify the simulation and repeat info
              S_ident <- gsub("_", "", stringr::str_extract(pzfile, paste0("_S", "[:digit:]{1}", "R", "[:digit:]{1}", "_"))) ### if used hybriddetective, will have S#_R# - exctract
              tempfile$sim <- substring(S_ident, 1, 2)
              tempfile$rep <- substring(S_ident, 3, 4)
              tempfile$nLoci <- numLociWorking

              tempfile <- tempfile[ , -grep("IndivName", colnames(tempfile))] #delete IndivName

              #rename the columns
              colnames(tempfile) <- c("Indv", "Pure1", "Pure2", "F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2", "sim", "rep", "nLoci")
              tempfile <- tempfile[ , c("Indv", "sim", "rep", "nLoci", "Pure1", "Pure2", "F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2")]# reorder

                #Get the samplesize for a given class
                IndividualsPath <- tempfiles[grep("individuals.txt", tempfiles)]
                  if(length(samplesize) == 1 & is.numeric(samplesize)){samplesize <- rep(samplesize, 6)}
                  if(length(samplesize) == 1 & !is.numeric(samplesize)){samplesize <- as.vector(n_class(samplesize)[ ,2])}
                  if(is.null(samplesize)){samplesize <- as.vector(n_class(paste0(filedir, i, "/", IndividualsPath)))[ ,2]}

                #common order
                if(sum(tempfile[1:samplesize[1], "Pure1"], na.rm = TRUE) < sum(tempfile[1:samplesize[1], "Pure2"], na.rm = TRUE)){
                  pure1 <- tempfile$Pure2;pure2 <- tempfile$Pure1
                  bc1 <- tempfile$BC2;bc2 <- tempfile$BC1

                  tempfile$Pure1 <- pure1;tempfile$Pure2 <- pure2
                  tempfile$BC1 <- bc1;tempfile$BC2 <- bc2

              #Filter for convervence issues. Based on the 'convergence filter (CT) and % of indviduals permited to fail (CTI)
              #Here we look at the "pure 1 and 2 populations for
                if(length(which(tempfile[1:samplesize[1], "F2"] > CT))/length(1:samplesize[1]) > CTI &
                        length(which(tempfile[(samplesize[1] + 1):samplesize[2],"F2"] > CT))/length((samplesize[1] + 1):samplesize[2]) > CTI){

                      tempfile[ ,5:length(tempfile)] = NA #replace data with NAs
                      print(paste("Possible non-convergence detected in", pzfile))
                      arethereproblems = "Yes"}

              output <- rbind(output, tempfile)

          }#end of for loop

        #If convergence issues were flagged then the process stops here.
        if(arethereproblems == "Yes")
            stop("Please remove, or re-run those results for which non-convergence was detected", call. = F)

        temp <- output
    tempinds <- hybriddetective::n_class(paste0(filedir, lfiles[1], "/", IndividualsPath))
    out.inds.class = NULL

    ## get the correct numbers of individuals for known categories
    for(j in 1:length(samplesize)){
        make.class <- rep(as.character(tempinds[j,1]), times = tempinds[j,2])
        out.inds.class <- c(out.inds.class, make.class)
      } # END J Loop

    temp$known <- out.inds.class
    colnames(temp)[c(5, 6)] <- c("P1", "P2") ## rename these two columns to match column names between all data frames made
    temp$max.class <- NA ## add a column that will be the class to which each indiviudal is assigned

      ## calculate what the most probable (highest PofZ) genotype frequency category is for each indivivudal
      for(k in 1:nrow(temp)){
        temp$max.class[k] = names(which.max(temp[k, 5:10]))
        } ## END K Loop


          ## Calculate ACCURACY ##

          #### CHECK HERE - ACCURACY LOOP - Can speed up???

          writeLines("Calculating Accuracy

          ## ACCURACY =  number assigned correctly / total number assigned  -> for each category

          temp2 <- temp
          tempAccuracy <- temp
          tempAccuracy$isgood = TRUE ### Set all isgood to TRUE - isgood is a check if the assigned PofZ > the critical PofZ - will change to FALSE in function
          tempAccuracy$domatch = FALSE ### Set all domatch to FALSE - domatch is check if the assigned class == known class. Will change to TRUE in function

          #Create long form data for dplyr loop
          PofZVector_Accuracy <- rep(50:99/100, each = nrow(tempAccuracy)) #vector of PofZs

          tempAccuracyLong <- do.call("rbind", replicate(length(50:99), tempAccuracy, simplify = FALSE))
          tempAccuracyLong$group <- as.character(PofZVector_Accuracy)
          tempAccuracyLong$pofz <- PofZVector_Accuracy

          AccuracyData <- tempAccuracyLong%>%

          #Set up plotting data
          AccuracyData$nLoci <- factor(x = AccuracyData$nLoci, levels = ordered(unique(as.numeric(AccuracyData$nLoci))))
          AccuracyData$max.class <- factor(x = AccuracyData$max.class, levels = c("P1", "P2", "F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2"))

          ### Can now plot Accuracy 6 class boxplot

          tempAccuracyLong2 <- tempAccuracyLong
          tempAccuracyLong2$max.class2 <- as.character(tempAccuracyLong2$max.class)
          tempAccuracyLong2$max.class2[tempAccuracyLong2$max.class2 %in% c("F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2")] = "Hyb"

          AccuracyDataBoxPlot <- tempAccuracyLong2%>%

          AccuracyDataBoxPlot$max.class2 <- factor(x = AccuracyDataBoxPlot$max.class2, levels = c("P1", "P2", "Hyb"))

          ## Can now plot Accuracy Pure Hyb boxplot

          #Summary among simulations --
          SummaryAccuracy <- AccuracyData%>%

          get.y.min.AccuracyLine <- min((SummaryAccuracy$mean - SummaryAccuracy$sd), na.rm = TRUE)

           get.y.min.AccuracyThreshold <- min(dplyr::filter(SummaryAccuracy,pofz %in% Thresholds)$mean-dplyr::filter(SummaryAccuracy,pofz %in% Thresholds)$sd)

          ## Can now plot Accuracy Line 6 Class Line Plot -> Class as colour, faceted by Loci, with SD
          ## Can now plot Accuracy Line Plot 6 Class -> Loci as colour, faceted by 6 Classes
          ## Can now plot Accuracy Dot Plot 6 Class -> Colour as Class, Faceted by PofZ %in% c(0.05, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9)

          #ComboHybrids ------------
          ComboHybridAccuracy <- AccuracyData
          ComboHybridAccuracy$class <- as.character(AccuracyData$max.class)
          ComboHybridAccuracy$class[ComboHybridAccuracy$class %in% c("F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2")] = "Hybrid"
          ComboHybridAccuracy$class[ComboHybridAccuracy$class == "P1"] = "Pure1"
          ComboHybridAccuracy$class[ComboHybridAccuracy$class == "P2"] = "Pure2"

          ComboHybridAccuracy <- ComboHybridAccuracy%>%
                            dplyr::summarise(mprob = mean(means,na.rm=T),
                                             sdprob = sd(means,na.rm=T))%>%

          ComboHybridAccuracy$class <- factor(ComboHybridAccuracy$class, levels=c("Pure1", "Pure2", "Hybrid")) # set plotting levels

         ## Can now plot Accuracy Dot Plot 6 Class -> Colour as Class, Faceted by PofZ %in% c(0.05, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9) and Pure Hyb
         ## Can now plot Accuracy Line Plot Hyb Pure -> Loci as colour, faceted by Hyb Pure

          AccuracyData2 <- AccuracyData
          AccuracyData2$class <- as.character(AccuracyData2$max.class)
          AccuracyData2$class[AccuracyData2$class %in% c("F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2")] = "Hybrid"
          AccuracyData2$class[AccuracyData2$class == "P1"] = "Pure1"
          AccuracyData2$class[AccuracyData2$class == "P2"] = "Pure2"

          SummaryAccuracy2 <- AccuracyData2%>%

          ## Can now plot Accuracy Line Pure Hyb Line Plot -> Class as colour, faceted by Loci, with SD

          SummaryAccuracy$Group = NA

          SummaryAccuracy$Group[SummaryAccuracy$max.class %in% c("P1", "P2")] = "Pure"
          SummaryAccuracy$Group[SummaryAccuracy$max.class %in% c("F1", "F2")] = "Generational Hybrids"
          SummaryAccuracy$Group[SummaryAccuracy$max.class %in% c("BC1", "BC2")] = "Back-cross"

          SummaryAccuracy$Group <- factor(x = SummaryAccuracy$Group, levels = c("Pure", "Generational Hybrids", "Back-cross"))

          ## Can now plot Accuracy Line Plot Group Facet -> Class as colour, faceted by LOCI and "hybrid grouping", with SD


           ### CALCULATE EFFICIENCY ##

            Calculating Efficiency

          ## average and SD the  replicate runs of each simulation in New Hybrids. Filter is just a holder for the dplyr:: call
                sim_data <-dplyr::filter(output)%>%dplyr::group_by(nLoci,sim,Indv)%>%dplyr::summarise(Pure1_sd=sd(Pure1),Pure1=mean(Pure1),
          #pull out just the means of the replicates
          sim_means <- sim_data[ ,-grep("_sd", colnames(sim_data))]
          ## Look at assignment success as a function of threshold probability

                  num.sim <- length(which(sim_means$sim == "S1"))/6/length(unique(sim_means$nLoci))

                  ## find he dim of each class in a given sim (length = sum n_class$n
                  classvec2 <- rep(c("Pure1", "Pure2", "F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2"), times = samplesize)

                  ProbOutput <- NULL
                  for (s in unique(sim_means$nLoci)){

                    lsub <- filter(sim_means,nLoci == s)

                    for(i in unique(sim_means$sim)){
                      tempsub <- filter(lsub,sim == i)

                      for(q in 50:99/100){ # probability of 50 - 99%

                        p1.p <- length(which(tempsub[which(classvec2 == "Pure1"), "Pure1"] > q))/samplesize[1]
                        p2.p <- length(which(tempsub[which(classvec2 == "Pure2"), "Pure2"] > q))/samplesize[2]
                        F1.p <- length(which(tempsub[which(classvec2 == "F1"), "F1"] > q))/samplesize[3]
                        F2.p <- length(which(tempsub[which(classvec2 == "F2"), "F2"] > q))/samplesize[4]
                        BC1.p <- length(which(tempsub[which(classvec2 == "BC1"), "BC1"] > q))/samplesize[5]
                        BC2.p <- length(which(tempsub[which(classvec2 == "BC2"), "BC2"] > q))/samplesize[6]
                        tempout <- data.frame(nLoci = s, sim = i, level = q, prob = c(p1.p, p2.p, F1.p, F2.p, BC1.p, BC2.p),
                                    class=c("Pure1", "Pure2", "F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2"))
                        ProbOutput <- rbind(ProbOutput,tempout)

                      } # end q loop
                    } # end i loop
                  } # end s loop

                  ### set proper levels for ProbOutput
                  ProbOutput$class <- factor(x = ProbOutput$class, levels = c("Pure1", "Pure2", "F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2"))

                  #combined hybrid probabilities
                  ProbOutput2 <- NULL
                  for (s in unique(sim_means$nLoci)){

                    lsub <- filter(sim_means,nLoci == s)

                    for(i in unique(sim_means$sim)){

                      tempsub <- filter(lsub,sim == i)
                      tempsub$phyb <- rowSums(tempsub[ ,c("F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2")])

                      for(q in 50:99/100){ # probability of 50 - 99%

                        p1.p <- length(which(tempsub[which(classvec2 == "Pure1"), "Pure1"] > q))/samplesize[1]
                        p2.p <- length(which(tempsub[which(classvec2 == "Pure2"), "Pure2"] > q))/samplesize[2]
                        Hybrid <- length(which(tempsub[which(classvec2 %in% c("F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2")), "phyb"] > q))/sum(samplesize[3:6])
                        tempout <- data.frame(nLoci = s, sim = i, level = q, prob = c(p1.p, p2.p, Hybrid),
                                class = c("Pure1", "Pure2", "Hybrid"))
                        ProbOutput2 <- rbind(ProbOutput2, tempout)

                      } # end q loop
                    } # end i loop
                  } # end s loop

                  ### set proper levels for ProbOutput2
                  ProbOutput2$class <- factor(x = ProbOutput2$class, levels = c("Pure1", "Pure2", "Hybrid"))

                  # get the mean and standard error for the estimates of assignment succes based on NH probabilty among simulations
                  FinalData <- data.frame(ProbOutput%>%dplyr::group_by(nLoci,level,class)%>%dplyr::summarise(mprob = mean(prob,na.rm=T),
                                                                            sdprob = sd(prob,na.rm=T))%>%dplyr::ungroup())
                  FinalData$class <- factor(FinalData$class, levels=c("Pure1", "Pure2", "F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2")) # NH class

                  # set plotting levels
                  FinalData$group <- "Pure"
                  FinalData[which(FinalData$class %in% c("BC1", "BC2")), "group"] <- "Back-cross"
                  FinalData[which(FinalData$class %in% c("F1", "F2")), "group"] <- "Generational hybrids"

                  FinalData$group <-  factor(FinalData$group, levels = c("Pure", "Generational hybrids", "Back-cross"))
                  FinalData$class <- factor(FinalData$class, levels = c("Pure1", "Pure2", "F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2"))

                  #ComboHybrids ------------
                  FinalData2 <- data.frame(ProbOutput2%>%group_by(nLoci,level,class)%>%summarise(mprob = mean(prob,na.rm=T),
                                                                               sdprob = sd(prob,na.rm=T))%>%ungroup())

                  FinalData2$class <- factor(FinalData2$class, levels=c("Pure1","Pure2","Hybrid")) # set plotting levels


                   ### CALCULATE OVERALL POWER!!!!!! ##

                      Calculating Power!!!!

                    ### Create power box plots
                    performance_efficiency <- FinalData
                    performance_accuracy <- SummaryAccuracy

                    performance_efficiency$class <- as.character(performance_efficiency$class)
                    performance_efficiency$class[which(performance_efficiency$class == "Pure1")] = "P1"
                    performance_efficiency$class[which(performance_efficiency$class == "Pure2")] = "P2"

                    performance_accuracy$to.merge <- interaction(performance_accuracy$max.class, performance_accuracy$nLoci, performance_accuracy$pofz)
                    performance_efficiency$to.merge <- interaction(performance_efficiency$class, performance_efficiency$nLoci, performance_efficiency$level)

                    performance_merge <- merge(x = performance_accuracy, y = performance_efficiency, by = "to.merge")

                    performance_merge$performance <- performance_merge$mean*performance_merge$mprob

                    performance_merge$class <- factor(performance_merge$class, levels = c("P1", "P2", "F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2"))

                    performance_merge_Hyb <- performance_merge
                    performance_merge_Hyb$class <- as.character(performance_merge_Hyb$max.class)
                    performance_merge_Hyb$class[performance_merge_Hyb$class %in% c("F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2")] = "Hybrid"
                    performance_merge_Hyb$class[performance_merge_Hyb$class == "P1"] = "Pure1"
                    performance_merge_Hyb$class[performance_merge_Hyb$class == "P2"] = "Pure2"

                    ## Power with SD plots
                    getEfficiency <- ProbOutput
                    getAccuracy <- AccuracyData
                    getAccuracy$nLoci = as.double(as.character(getAccuracy$nLoci))
                    getAccuracy$max.class <- as.character(getAccuracy$max.class)
                    getEfficiency$sim <- as.character(getEfficiency$sim)
                    getEfficiency$class <- as.character(getEfficiency$class)
                    getEfficiency$class[getEfficiency$class == "Pure1"] = "P1"
                    getEfficiency$class[getEfficiency$class == "Pure2"] = "P2"

                    start_Power <- merge(x = getEfficiency, y = getAccuracy, by.y = c("simulation", "max.class", "pofz", "nLoci"), by.x = c("sim", "class", "level", "nLoci"))

                    start_Power$Power <- start_Power$prob * start_Power$means

                    Final_Power <- data.frame(start_Power%>%dplyr::group_by(nLoci,level,class)%>%dplyr::summarise(meanPower = mean(Power,na.rm=T),
                                                                          sdPower = sd(Power,na.rm=T))%>%dplyr::ungroup())

                    Final_Power$class <- factor(x = Final_Power$class, levels = c("P1", "P2", "F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2"))

                    AccuracyData3 <- AccuracyData
                    AccuracyData3$class <- as.character(AccuracyData3$max.class)
                    AccuracyData3$class[AccuracyData3$class %in% c("F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2")] = "Hybrid"
                    AccuracyData3$class[AccuracyData3$class == "P1"] = "Pure1"
                    AccuracyData3$class[AccuracyData3$class == "P2"] = "Pure2"

                    ProbOutput2$class <- as.character(ProbOutput2$class)
                    getEfficiency2 <- ProbOutput2

                    getAccuracy2 <- AccuracyData3
                    start_Power2 <- merge(x = getEfficiency2, y = getAccuracy2, by.y = c("simulation", "class", "pofz", "nLoci"), by.x = c("sim", "class", "level", "nLoci"))
                    start_Power2$Power = start_Power2$prob * start_Power2$means
                    Final_Power2 <- data.frame(start_Power2%>%dplyr::group_by(nLoci,level,class)%>%dplyr::summarise(meanPower = mean(Power,na.rm=T),
                                                                          sdPower = sd(Power,na.rm=T))%>%dplyr::ungroup())
                    Final_Power2$class <- factor(x = Final_Power2$class, levels = c("Pure1", "Pure2", "Hybrid"))

                    Final_Power$group = NA
                    Final_Power$group[Final_Power$class %in% c("P1", "P2")] = "Pure"
                    Final_Power$group[Final_Power$class %in% c("F1", "F2")] = "Generational Hybrids"
                    Final_Power$group[Final_Power$class %in% c("BC1", "BC2")] = "Back-cross"
                    Final_Power$group <- factor(x = Final_Power$group, levels = c("Pure", "Generational Hybrids", "Back-cross"))


                ## MEAN AND SD PofZ SCORE ##

                  Calculating Mean Posterior Probabilities

                ## average and SD the  replicate runs of each simulation in New Hybrids. Filter is just a holder for the dplyr:: call
                sim_data <-dplyr::filter(output)%>%dplyr::group_by(nLoci,sim,Indv)%>%dplyr::summarise(Pure1_sd=sd(Pure1),Pure1=mean(Pure1),

                #pull out just the means of the replicates
                sim_means <- sim_data[ ,-grep("_sd", colnames(sim_data))]
######### There was an error here when Nick ran it
                ## assign the classes to the data
                classvec <- rep(c("Pure1", "Pure2", "F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2"), times = samplesize)
                classvec <- rep(classvec, times = nrow(sim_means)/length(classvec))
                sim_means$class <- classvec

                #Compare the simulations using boxplots
                boxdata <- NULL
                for (i in unique(sim_means$nLoci))
                    for (j in unique(sim_means$class))
                        bdat_temp <- filter(sim_means, class == j, nLoci == i)
                        tout <- data.frame(sim = bdat_temp$sim, Indv = bdat_temp$Indv, class = j, nLoci = i, value = bdat_temp[ ,j])
                        boxdata <- rbind(boxdata, tout)
                  } ## END J Loop
                      } ## END I LOOP

                boxdata$nLoci <- factor(boxdata$nLoci)

                #Combined loci
                sim_means2 <- sim_means
                sim_means2$hybrid <- rowSums(sim_means2[ ,c("F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2")])
                sim_means2[which(sim_means2$class == "Pure1"),"hybrid"] = sim_means2[which(sim_means2$class =="Pure1"), "Pure1"] #add values of the Pure
                sim_means2[which(sim_means2$class == "Pure2"),"hybrid"] = sim_means2[which(sim_means2$class =="Pure2"), "Pure2"] #add values of the Pure

                sim_means2$hclass <- "Hybrid"
                sim_means2[which(sim_means$class == "Pure1"), "hclass"] <- "Pure1"
                sim_means2[which(sim_means$class == "Pure2"), "hclass"] <- "Pure2"

                sim_means2$hclass <- factor(sim_means2$hclass, levels = c("Pure1", "Pure2", "Hybrid"))


              ## TYPE I ERROR ##

 ### Calculate Type I Error - The number of individuals wrongly called hybrid over the actual number of purebreds in the sample

                Calculating Type I Error

              ### TYPE I ERROR

              tempType1 <- temp
              tempType1$isgood <- TRUE ## set all isgood to "YES" - default is correct <- will switch to "NO" if PofZ value < critical value
              tempType1$domatch <- FALSE ## set all domatch to "NO" -  default is incorrect <- will swith to "YES" if they match

              #Create long form data for dplyr loop
              PofZVector_Type1 <- rep(50:99/100, each = nrow(tempType1)) #vector of PofZs

              tempType1Long <- do.call("rbind", replicate(length(50:99), tempType1, simplify = FALSE))
              tempType1Long$group <- as.character(PofZVector_Type1)
              tempType1Long$pofz <- PofZVector_Type1

              #dplyr loop
              TypeIout <- tempType1Long%>%

              colnames(TypeIout) <- c("PofZ", "Loci", "Prop")

              TypeIout$Loci <- factor(x = TypeIout$Loci, levels = ordered(unique(as.numeric(as.character(TypeIout$Loci)))))

              TypeIout.PofZeds <- TypeIout
              TypeIout.PofZeds$Prop <- as.numeric(as.character(TypeIout.PofZeds$Prop))

              ## now - plot the TYPE I ERROR at all PofZ between 0.5 and 0.99
              TypeIout$Prop <- as.numeric(as.character(TypeIout$Prop))

              testsum_TypeI <- TypeIout%>%dplyr::group_by(PofZ,Loci)%>%

              #set plot limits
              max.y = max(testsum_TypeI$means + testsum_TypeI$sd)


                    ## TYPE II ERROR ##

                      Calculating Type II Error

                    classnames <- c("Pure1", "Pure2", "F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2")

                    tempType2 <- sim_means

                    #Create long form data for dplyr loop
                    PofZVector_Type2 <- rep(50:99/100, each = nrow(tempType2)) #vector of PofZs

                    tempType2Long <- do.call("rbind", replicate(length(50:99), tempType2, simplify = FALSE))
                    tempType2Long$group <- as.character(PofZVector_Type2)
                    tempType2Long$pofz <- PofZVector_Type2
                    tempType2Long$samplesize = paste(samplesize, collapse = ",") #wild card variables to be incorperated into the do function directly
                    tempType2Long$classnames = paste(classnames, collapse = ",")

                    missout <- tempType2Long%>%dplyr::group_by(nLoci,sim,pofz)%>%

                    #calcluate the means among simulations
                  miss_mean <- missout%>%dplyr::group_by(nLoci,pofz,class)%>%
                      dplyr::summarise(mprobP1 = mean(mclass_P1, na.rm = T),
                      sdprobP1 = sd(mclass_P1, na.rm = T),
                      mprobP2 = mean(mclass_P2, na.rm = T),
                      sdprobP2 = sd(mclass_P2, na.rm = T),
                      mprobF1 = mean(mclass_F1, na.rm = T),
                      sdprobF1 = sd(mclass_F1, na.rm = T),
                      mprobF2 = mean(mclass_F2, na.rm = T),
                      sdprobF2 = sd(mclass_F2, na.rm = T),
                      mprobBC1 = mean(mclass_BC1, na.rm = T),
                      sdprobBC1 = sd(mclass_BC1, na.rm = T),
                      mprobBC2 = mean(mclass_BC2, na.rm = T),
                      sdprobBC2 = sd(mclass_BC2, na.rm = T))%>%

                    miss_mean[is.na(miss_mean)] = NA #replace NaN's with NAs

                    colnames(miss_mean)[grep("pofz", colnames(miss_mean))] = "level"

                    #merge with the other data
                    FinalData3 <- merge(miss_mean,FinalData, by = c("nLoci", "level", "class"))

                    PlotData <- reshape2::melt(FinalData3[c("nLoci", "level", "class", "mprobP1", "mprobP2", "mprobF1", "mprobF2", "mprobBC1", "mprobBC2")],
                      id.vars=c("nLoci", "level", "class"))

                    PlotDatasd <- reshape2::melt(FinalData3[c("nLoci", "level", "class", "sdprobP1", "sdprobP2", "sdprobF1", "sdprobF2", "sdprobBC1", "sdprobBC2")],
                       id.vars=c("nLoci", "level", "class"))

                    PlotData$sd <- PlotDatasd$value
                    PlotData$variable <- as.character(PlotData$variable)
                    PlotData[which(PlotData$variable == "mprobP1"), "variable"] = "Pure1"
                    PlotData[which(PlotData$variable == "mprobP2"), "variable"] = "Pure2"
                    PlotData[which(PlotData$variable == "mprobF1"), "variable"] = "F1"
                    PlotData[which(PlotData$variable == "mprobF2"), "variable"] = "F2"
                    PlotData[which(PlotData$variable == "mprobBC1") ,"variable"] = "BC1"
                    PlotData[which(PlotData$variable == "mprobBC2"), "variable"] = "BC2"
                    PlotData$variable = factor(PlotData$variable, levels = c("Pure1", "Pure2", "F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2"))


                  ##Prepare a list of the plots that will be made and their descriptions##

                    Plot.Names = c("Plot_1", "Plot_2", "Plot_3", "Plot_4", "Plot_5", "Plot_6", "Plot_7", "Plot_8", "Plot_9", "Plot_10", "Plot_11", "Plot_12", "Plot_13", "Plot_14", "Plot_15",
                      "Plot_16", "Plot_17", "Plot_18", "Plot_19", "Plot_20", "Plot_21", "Plot_22", "Plot_23", "Plot_24", "Plot_25", "Plot_26", "Plot_27", "Plot_28", "Plot_29", "Plot_30", "Plot_31")

                    Plot.Description = c(
                      "Accuracy Boxplot - by hybrid class, and critical posterior probability", #1
                      "Efficiency Boxplot - by hybrid class, and critical posterior probability", #2
                      "Power Boxplot - by hybrid class, and critical posterior probability", #3
                      "Accuracy Boxplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, and critical posterior probability", #4
                      "Efficiency Boxplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, and critical posterior probability", #5
                      "Power Boxplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, and critical posterior probability", #6
                      "Accuracy Lineplot - by hybrid class, faceted by panel size", #7
                      "Efficiency Lineplot - by hybrid class, faceted by panel size", #8
                      "Power Lineplot - by hybrid class, faceted by panel size", #9
                      "Accuracy Lineplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, faceted by panel size", #10
                      "Efficiency Lineplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, faceted by panel size", #11
                      "Power Lineplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, faceted by panel size", #12
                      "Accuracy Lineplot - by hybrid class, faceted by panel size and \"hybrid grouping\"", #13
                      "Efficiency Lineplot - by hybrid class, faceted by panel size and \"hybrid grouping\"", #14
                      "Power Lineplot - by hybrid class, faceted by panel size and \"hybrid grouping\"", #15
                      "Accuracy Lineplot - by panel size, faceted by hybrid class", #16
                      "Efficiency Lineplot - by panel size, faceted by hybrid class", #17
                      "Power Lineplot - by panel size, faceted by hybrid class", #18
                      "Accuracy Lineplot - by panel size, faceted by pure classes and all hybrids", #19
                      "Efficiency Lineplot - by panel size, faceted by pure classes and all hybrids", #20
                      "Power Lineplot - by panel size, faceted by pure classes and all hybrids", #21
                      "Accuracy Dotplot - by hybrid class, faceted by critical posterior probability %in% Thresholds", #22
                      "Efficiency Dotplot - by hybrid class, faceted by critical posterior probability %in% Thresholds", #23
                      "Power Dotplot - by hybrid class, faceted by critical posterior probability %in% Thresholds", #24
                      "Accuracy Dotplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, faceted by critical posterior probability %in% Thresholds", #25
                      "Efficiency Dotplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, faceted by critical posterior probability %in% Thresholds", #26
                      "Power Dotplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, faceted by critical posterior probability %in% Thresholds", #27
                      "Type I Error Boxplot - by hybrid class and panel size", #28
                      "Type I Error Boxplot - by pure classes and all hybrids and panel size", #29
                      "Mean Posterior Probability of Assignment - per simulation, faceted by hybrid class", #30
                      "Mean Posterior Probability of Assignment - per simulation, faceted by  pure classes and all hybrids" #31

                    ### make the legend a dataframe - this will then be added to the list that is composed of all plots
                    Plot.Legend <- data.frame(Plot = Plot.Names, Description = Plot.Description)


                #### Do the darn plotting already ####

                      Makin' you some plots

                    # Accuracy Boxplot - by hybrid class, and critical posterior probability
                    Plot_1 <-
                      ggplot2::ggplot(filter(AccuracyData,pofz %in% c(0.5,0.75,0.9)), aes(x = max.class, y = means, fill = max.class)) +
                        geom_boxplot() +
                        facet_grid(pofz~nLoci) +
                        labs(x = "Genotype Frequency Class", y = "Accuracy") +
                        scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                        theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                          plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                          legend.position = "none", , legend.key = element_blank(),
                          strip.background = element_rect(, colour = "black", fill = "white"),
                          strip.text.x = element_text(colour = "black"), strip.text.y = element_text(colour = "black"))

                    # Efficiency Boxplot - by hybrid class, and critical posterior probability
                    Plot_2 <-
                      ggplot2::ggplot(filter(ProbOutput,level %in% c(0.5,0.75,0.9)), aes(x = class, y = prob, fill = class)) +
                        geom_boxplot() +
                        facet_grid(level~nLoci) +
                        labs(x = "Genotype Frequency Class", y = "Efficiency") +
                        scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                        theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                          plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                          legend.position = "none", strip.background = element_rect(, colour = "black", fill = "white"),
                          strip.text.x = element_text(colour = "black"), strip.text.y = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                        coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(ProbOutput$prob), max(ProbOutput$prob)))

                    # Power Boxplot - by hybrid class, and critical posterior probability
                    Plot_3 <-
                      ggplot2::ggplot(filter(performance_merge,level %in% c(0.5,0.75,0.9)), aes(x = class, y = performance, fill = class)) +
                        geom_boxplot() +
                        facet_grid(level~nLoci.y) +
                        labs(x = "Genotype Frequency Class", y = "Power") +
                        scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                        theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                          plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                          legend.position = "none", , legend.key = element_blank(),
                          strip.background = element_rect(, colour = "black", fill = "white"),
                          strip.text.x = element_text(colour = "black"), strip.text.y = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                        coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(performance_merge$performance), max(performance_merge$performance)))

                    # Accuracy Boxplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, and critical posterior probability
                    Plot_4 <-
                      ggplot2::ggplot(filter(AccuracyDataBoxPlot,pofz %in% c(0.5,0.75,0.9)), aes(x = max.class2, y = means, fill = max.class2)) +
                        geom_boxplot() +
                        facet_grid(pofz~nLoci) +
                        labs(x = "Genotype Frequency Class", y = "Accuracy") +
                        scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                        theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                          plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                          legend.position = "none", , legend.key = element_blank(),
                          strip.background = element_rect(, colour = "black", fill = "white"),
                          strip.text.x = element_text(colour = "black"), strip.text.y = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                        coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(AccuracyDataBoxPlot$means), max(AccuracyDataBoxPlot$means)))

                    # Efficiency Boxplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, and critical posterior probability
                    Plot_5 <-
                      ggplot2::ggplot(filter(ProbOutput2,level %in% c(0.5,0.75,0.9)), aes(x = class, y = prob, fill = class)) +
                        geom_boxplot() +
                        facet_grid(level~nLoci) +
                        labs(x = "Genotype Frequency Class", y = "Efficiency") +
                        scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                        theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                          plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                          legend.position = "none", strip.background = element_rect(, colour = "black", fill = "white"),
                          strip.text.x = element_text(colour = "black"), strip.text.y = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                        coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(ProbOutput2$prob), max(ProbOutput2$prob)))

                      # Power Boxplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, and critical posterior probability
                      Plot_6 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(filter(performance_merge_Hyb,pofz %in% c(0.5,0.75,0.9)), aes(x = class, y = performance, fill = class)) +
                          geom_boxplot() +
                          facet_grid(level~nLoci.y) +
                          labs(x = "Genotype Frequency Class", y = "Power") +
                          scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                            plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position = "none", , legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(, colour = "black", fill = "white"),
                            strip.text.x = element_text(colour = "black"), strip.text.y = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                        coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(performance_merge_Hyb$performance), max(performance_merge_Hyb$performance)))

                      # Accuracy Lineplot - by hybrid class, faceted by panel size
                      Plot_7 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(SummaryAccuracy) +
                          geom_line(aes(x = pofz, y = mean, colour = max.class), lwd = 1.25) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = mean+sd, x = pofz, colour = max.class), linetype = 2) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = mean-sd, x = pofz, colour = max.class), linetype = 2) +
                          facet_wrap(~nLoci, ncol = 3) +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position="bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = "white")) +
                            scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = expression("Accuracy "%+-%"sd"), col="Genotype Frequency Class") +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(get.y.min.AccuracyLine, 1))

                      # Efficiency Lineplot - by hybrid class, faceted by panel size
                      Plot_8 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(FinalData, aes(x = level, y = mprob, col = class)) +
                          geom_line(lwd = 1.25) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = mprob + sdprob, x = level, colour = class), linetype = 2) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = mprob - sdprob, x = level, colour = class), linetype = 2) +
                          facet_wrap(~nLoci, ncol = 3) +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                            plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position="bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = expression("Efficiency "%+-%"sd"), col = "Genotype Frequency Class") +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(FinalData$mprob - FinalData$sdprob), 1))

                      # Power Lineplot - by hybrid class, faceted by panel size
                      Plot_9 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(Final_Power, aes(x = level, y = meanPower, col = class)) +
                          geom_line(lwd = 1.25) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = meanPower + sdPower, x = level, colour = class), linetype = 2) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = meanPower - sdPower, x = level, colour = class), linetype = 2) +
                          facet_wrap(~nLoci, ncol = 3) +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                            plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position="bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = expression("Power "%+-%"sd"), col = "Genotype Frequency Class") +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(Final_Power$meanPower - Final_Power$sdPower, na.rm = TRUE), 1))

                      min(Final_Power[!is.na(Final_Power$meanPower) & !is.na(Final_Power$sdPower),]$meanPower - Final_Power[!is.na(Final_Power$meanPower) & !is.na(Final_Power$sdPower),]$sdPower)

                      # Accuracy Lineplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, faceted by panel size
                      Plot_10 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(SummaryAccuracy2) +
                          geom_line(aes(x = pofz, y = mean, colour = class), lwd = 1.25) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = mean+sd, x = pofz, colour = class), linetype = 2) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = mean-sd, x = pofz, colour = class), linetype = 2) +
                          facet_wrap(~nLoci, ncol = 3) +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position="bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = "white")) +
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = expression("Accuracy "%+-%"sd"), col="Genotype Frequency Class") +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(get.y.min.AccuracyLine, 1))

                      # Efficiency Lineplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, faceted by panel size
                      Plot_11 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(FinalData2) +
                          geom_line(aes(x = level, y = mprob, col = class), lwd = 1.25) +
                          geom_line(aes(x = level, y = mprob + sdprob, col = class), lty = 2) +
                          geom_line(aes(x = level, y = mprob - sdprob, col = class), lty = 2) +
                          facet_wrap(~nLoci, ncol = 3)+
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                            plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position = "bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = expression("Efficiency "%+-%"sd"), col = "Genotype Frequency Class") +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(FinalData2$mprob - FinalData2$sdprob, na.rm = TRUE), 1))

                      # Power Lineplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, faceted by panel size
                      Plot_12 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(Final_Power2, aes(x = level, y = meanPower, col = class)) +
                          geom_line(lwd = 1.25) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = meanPower + sdPower, x = level, colour = class), linetype = 2) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = meanPower - sdPower, x = level, colour = class), linetype = 2) +
                          facet_wrap(~nLoci, ncol = 3) +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                            plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position="bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                        scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                        labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = expression("Power "%+-%"sd"), col = "Genotype Frequency Class") +
                        coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(Final_Power2$meanPower - Final_Power2$sdPower, na.rm = TRUE), 1))

                      # Accuracy Lineplot - by hybrid class, faceted by panel size and \"hybrid grouping\"
                      Plot_13 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(SummaryAccuracy) +
                          geom_line(aes(x = pofz, y = mean, colour = max.class), lwd = 1.25) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = mean+sd, x = pofz, colour = max.class), linetype = 2) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = mean-sd, x = pofz, colour = max.class), linetype = 2) +
                          facet_grid( Group ~ nLoci, scales = "free_y") +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position="bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = "white")) +
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = expression("Accuracy "%+-%"sd"), col="Genotype Frequency Class") +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(get.y.min.AccuracyLine, 1))

                      # Efficiency Lineplot - by hybrid class, faceted by panel size and \"hybrid grouping\"
                      Plot_14 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(FinalData, aes(x = level, y = mprob, col = class)) +
                          geom_line(lwd = 1.25) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = mprob + sdprob, x = level, colour = class), linetype = 2) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = mprob - sdprob, x = level, colour = class), linetype = 2) +
                          facet_grid( group ~ nLoci, scales = "free_y") +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                            plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position="bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                        scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                        labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = expression("Efficiency "%+-%"sd"), col = "Genotype Frequency Class") +
                        coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(FinalData$mprob - FinalData$sdprob, na.rm = TRUE), 1))

                      # Power Lineplot - by hybrid class, faceted by panel size and \"hybrid grouping\"
                      Plot_15 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(Final_Power, aes(x = level, y = meanPower, col = class)) +
                          geom_line(lwd = 1.25) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = meanPower + sdPower, x = level, colour = class), linetype = 2) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = meanPower - sdPower, x = level, colour = class), linetype = 2) +
                          facet_grid( group ~ nLoci, scales = "free_y") +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                            plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position="bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = expression("Power "%+-%"sd"), col = "Genotype Frequency Class") +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(Final_Power$meanPower - Final_Power$sdPower, na.rm = TRUE), 1))

min(Final_Power$meanPower - Final_Power$sdPower, na.rm = TRUE)

                      # Accuracy Lineplot - by panel size, faceted by hybrid class"
                      Plot_16 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(SummaryAccuracy) +
                          geom_line(aes(x = pofz, y = mean, colour = nLoci), lwd = 1.25) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = mean - sd, x = pofz, colour = nLoci), linetype = 2) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = mean + sd, x = pofz, colour = nLoci), linetype = 2) +
                          facet_wrap(~max.class, nrow = 3) +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position="bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = "white")) +
                            scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = expression("Accuracy "%+-%"sd"), col="Panel Size (Loci)") +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(get.y.min.AccuracyLine, 1))

                      # Efficiency Lineplot - by panel size, faceted by hybrid class"
                      Plot_17 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(data = FinalData) +
                          geom_line(aes(x = level, y = mprob, col = factor(nLoci)), lwd = 1.25) +
                          geom_line(aes(x = level, y = mprob + sdprob, col = factor(nLoci)), lty = 2) +
                          geom_line(aes(x = level, y = mprob - sdprob, col = factor(nLoci)), lty = 2) +
                          facet_wrap(~class, nrow = 3) +
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"),
                            panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"), legend.position = "bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                          labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = expression("Efficiency "%+-%"sd"), col = "Panel Size (Loci)")  +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(FinalData$mprob - FinalData$sdprob, na.rm = TRUE), 1))

                      # Power Lineplot - by panel size, faceted by hybrid class
                      Plot_18 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(Final_Power, aes(x = level, y = meanPower, colour = as.factor(nLoci))) +
                          geom_line(lwd = 1.25) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = meanPower + sdPower, x = level, colour = as.factor(nLoci)), linetype = 2) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = meanPower - sdPower, x = level, colour = as.factor(nLoci)), linetype = 2) +
                          facet_wrap(~class, nrow = 3) +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                            plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position="bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = expression("Power "%+-%"sd"), col = "Panel Size (Loci)") +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(Final_Power$meanPower - Final_Power$sdPower, na.rm = TRUE), 1))

                      # Accuracy Lineplot - by panel size, faceted by pure classes and all hybrids
                      Plot_19 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(ComboHybridAccuracy) +
                          geom_line(aes(x = pofz, y = mprob, colour = nLoci), lwd = 1.25) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = mprob - sdprob, x = pofz, colour = nLoci), linetype = 2) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = mprob + sdprob, x = pofz, colour = nLoci), linetype = 2) +
                          facet_wrap(~class, ncol = 3) +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position="bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = "white")) +
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = expression("Accuracy "%+-%"sd"), col="Panel Size (Loci)") +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(get.y.min.AccuracyLine, 1))

                      # Efficiency Lineplot - by panel size, faceted by pure classes and all hybrids
                      Plot_20 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(data = FinalData2) +
                          geom_line(aes(x = level, y = mprob, col = factor(nLoci)), lwd = 1.25) +
                          geom_line(aes(x = level, y = mprob + sdprob,col = factor(nLoci)), lty = 2) +
                          geom_line(aes(x = level, y = mprob - sdprob, col = factor(nLoci)), lty = 2) +
                          facet_grid(~class) +
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"),
                            panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"), legend.position = "bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                          labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = expression("Efficiency "%+-%"sd"), col = "Panel Size (Loci)") +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(FinalData2$mprob, na.rm = TRUE), 1))

                      # Power Lineplot - by panel size, faceted by pure classes and all hybrids
                      Plot_21 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(Final_Power2, aes(x = level, y = meanPower, colour = as.factor(nLoci))) +
                          geom_line(lwd = 1.25) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = meanPower + sdPower, x = level, colour = as.factor(nLoci)), linetype = 2) +
                          geom_line(aes(y = meanPower - sdPower, x = level, colour = as.factor(nLoci)), linetype = 2) +
                          facet_wrap(~class, ncol = 3) +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                            plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position="bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = expression("Power "%+-%"sd"), col = "Panel Size (Loci)") +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(Final_Power$meanPower, na.rm = TRUE), 1))

                      # Accuracy Dotplot - by hybrid class, faceted by critical posterior probability %in% Thresholds
                      Plot_22 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(dplyr::filter(SummaryAccuracy,pofz %in% Thresholds), aes(x = factor(nLoci), y = mean, col = max.class, group = max.class)) +
                          geom_point(size = 2.5, position = position_dodge(0.5)) + geom_path(lwd = 0.9, position = position_dodge(0.5)) +
                          geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean - sd, ymax = mean + sd), position = position_dodge(0.5), width = 0.5) +
                          facet_grid(~pofz) +
                          labs(x="Panel Size (Loci)",y=expression("Accuracy "%+-%"sd"), col = "Genotype Frequency Class", group = "") +
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"),
                            panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position = "bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(get.y.min.AccuracyThreshold, 1))

                      # Efficiency Dotplot - by hybrid class, faceted by critical posterior probability %in% Thresholds
                      Plot_23 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(dplyr::filter(FinalData, level %in% Thresholds), aes(x = factor(nLoci), y = mprob, col = class, group = class)) +
                          geom_point(size = 2.5, position = position_dodge(0.5)) +
                          geom_path(lwd = 0.9, position = position_dodge(0.5)) +
                          geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mprob - sdprob, ymax = mprob + sdprob), width = 0.5, position = position_dodge(0.5)) +
                          facet_grid(~level) +
                          labs(x = "Panel Size (Loci)", y = expression("Efficiency "%+-%"sd"), col = "Genotype Frequency Class", group = "") +
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"),
                            panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position = "bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(FinalData$mprob - FinalData$sdprob, na.rm = TRUE), 1))

                      # Power Dotplot - by hybrid class, faceted by critical posterior probability %in% Thresholds
                      Plot_24 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(dplyr::filter(Final_Power,level %in% Thresholds), aes(x = factor(nLoci), y = meanPower, col = class, group = class)) +
                          geom_point(size = 2.5, position = position_dodge(0.5)) +
                          geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = meanPower - sdPower, ymax = meanPower + sdPower), position = position_dodge(0.5), width = 0.5) +
                          facet_grid(~level) +
                          labs(x="Panel Size (Loci)",y=expression("Power "%+-%"sd"), col = "Genotype Frequency Class", group = "") +
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"),
                            panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position = "bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(Final_Power$meanPower - Final_Power$sdPower, na.rm = TRUE), 1))

                      # Accuracy Dotplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, faceted by critical posterior probability %in% Thresholds
                      Plot_25 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(dplyr::filter(ComboHybridAccuracy, pofz %in% Thresholds), aes(x = factor(nLoci), y = mprob, col = class, group = class)) +
                          geom_point(size = 2.5, position = position_dodge(0.5)) +
                          geom_path(lwd = 0.9, position = position_dodge(0.5)) +
                          geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = (mprob - sdprob), ymax = (mprob + sdprob)), width = 0.5, position = position_dodge(0.5)) +
                          facet_grid(~pofz) +
                          labs(x = "Panel Size (Loci)", y = expression("Accuracy "%+-%"sd"), col = "Genotype Frequency Class", group = "") +
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                            plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position = "bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                            text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(ComboHybridAccuracy$mprob - ComboHybridAccuracy$sdprob, na.rm = TRUE), 1))

                      # Efficiency Dotplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, faceted by critical posterior probability %in% Thresholds
                      Plot_26 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(dplyr::filter(FinalData2, level %in% Thresholds), aes(x = factor(nLoci), y = mprob, col = class, group = class)) +
                          geom_point(size = 2.5, position = position_dodge(0.5)) + geom_path(lwd = 0.9, position = position_dodge(0.5)) +
                          geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mprob - sdprob, ymax = mprob + sdprob), width = 0.5, position = position_dodge(0.5)) +
                          facet_grid(~level) +
                          labs(x = "Panel Size (Loci)", y = expression("Efficiency "%+-%"sd"), col = "Genotype Frequency Class", group = "")+
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"),
                            panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position = "bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(FinalData$mprob - FinalData$sdprob, na.rm = TRUE), 1))

                      # Power Dotplot - by pure classes and all hybrids, faceted by critical posterior probability %in% Thresholds
                      Plot_27 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(dplyr::filter(Final_Power2,level %in% Thresholds), aes(x = factor(nLoci), y = meanPower, col = class, group = class)) +
                          geom_point(size = 2.5, position = position_dodge(0.5)) +
                          geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = meanPower - sdPower, ymax = meanPower + sdPower), position = position_dodge(0.5), width = 0.5) +
                          facet_grid(~level) +
                          labs(x="Panel Size (Loci)",y=expression("Power "%+-%"sd"), col = "Genotype Frequency Class", group = "") +
                          scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"),
                            panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position = "bottom", legend.key = element_blank(),
                            strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), text = element_text(colour = "black")) +
                          coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(Final_Power2$meanPower - Final_Power2$sdPower, na.rm = TRUE), 1))

                      ## Type I Error Boxplot - by hybrid class and panel size
                      Plot_28 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(dplyr::filter(TypeIout.PofZeds,PofZ %in% Thresholds), aes(x = PofZ, y = Prop)) +
                          geom_boxplot(fill = "grey75") +
                          facet_grid(.~Loci) +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"),
                            panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position = "none", strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = "white")) +
                          labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = "Type I Error Proportion")

                      # Type I Error Boxplot - by pure classes and all hybrids and panel size
                      Plot_29 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(testsum_TypeI) +
                          geom_line(aes(x = as.numeric(PofZ), y = means, group = factor(Loci)), size = 2) +
                          geom_line( aes(y = (means + sd), x = as.numeric(PofZ), group = factor(Loci)), lty = 2) +
                          geom_line( aes(y = (means - sd), x = as.numeric(PofZ), group = factor(Loci)), lty = 2) +
                          facet_wrap(~Loci, ncol = 3) +
                          ylim(ymin = 0, ymax = max.y) +
                          labs(x = "Critical Posterior Probability Threshold", y = expression("Type I Error Proportion "%+-%"sd")) +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                            plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position = "none", strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = "white"),
                            text = element_text(colour = "black"))

                      # Mean Posterior Probability of Assignment - per simulation, faceted by hybrid class
                      Plot_30 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(boxdata, aes(x = nLoci, y = value, fill = sim, group = sim)) +
                          geom_boxplot(alpha = 0.8, outlier.size = 0) +
                          facet_wrap(~class, nrow = 3, scales = "free_y") +
                          labs(y = "Posterior Probability", x = "Panel Size (Loci)") +
                          scale_fill_manual(values = c("grey75", "grey75", "grey75")) +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                            plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position = "none", strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = "white"),
                            text = element_text(colour = "black"))

                      # Mean Posterior Probability of Assignment - per simulation, faceted by  pure classes and all hybrids
                      Plot_31 <-
                        ggplot2::ggplot(sim_means2, aes(x = factor(nLoci), y = hybrid, fill = sim)) +
                          geom_boxplot(alpha = 0.8, outlier.size = 0) +
                          facet_wrap(~hclass, nrow = 3, scales = "free_y") +
                          labs(y = "Posterior Probability", x = "Panel Size (Loci)") +
                          scale_fill_manual(values = c("grey75", "grey75", "grey75")) +
                          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"), plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
                            legend.position = "none", strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = "white"), text = element_text(colour = "black"))

HybridPower_Plots <- list(Plot_1, Plot_2, Plot_3, Plot_4, Plot_5, Plot_6, Plot_7, Plot_8, Plot_9, Plot_10, Plot_11, Plot_12, Plot_13, Plot_14, Plot_15, Plot_16, Plot_17, Plot_18, Plot_19, Plot_20, Plot_21, Plot_22, Plot_23, Plot_24, Plot_25, Plot_26, Plot_27, Plot_28, Plot_29, Plot_30, Plot_31)


                #### Get the data that was plotted for people and stuff ####

                Plot_1_Data <- dplyr::filter(AccuracyData,pofz %in% c(0.5,0.75,0.9))
                Plot_1_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_1_Data$max.class, y = Plot_1_Data$means, fill = Plot_1_Data$max.class, facet.1 = Plot_1_Data$pofz, facet.2 = Plot_1_Data$nLoci)

                Plot_2_Data <- dplyr::filter(ProbOutput,level %in% c(0.5,0.75,0.9))
                Plot_2_Data = data.frame(x = Plot_2_Data$class, y = Plot_2_Data$prob, fill = Plot_2_Data$class, facet.1 = Plot_2_Data$nLoci)

                Plot_3_Data <- dplyr::filter(performance_merge,level %in% c(0.5,0.75,0.9))
                Plot_3_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_3_Data$class, y = Plot_3_Data$performance, fill = Plot_3_Data$class, facet.1 = Plot_3_Data$level, facet.2 = Plot_3_Data$nLoci.y)

                Plot_4_Data <- dplyr::filter(AccuracyDataBoxPlot,pofz %in% c(0.5,0.75,0.9))
                Plot_4_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_4_Data$max.class2, y = Plot_4_Data$means, fill = Plot_4_Data$max.class2, facet.1 = Plot_4_Data$pofz, facet.2 = Plot_4_Data$nLoci)

                Plot_5_Data <- dplyr::filter(ProbOutput2,level %in% c(0.5,0.75,0.9))
                Plot_5_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_5_Data$class, y = Plot_5_Data$prob, fill = Plot_5_Data$class, facet.1 = Plot_5_Data$level, facet.2 = Plot_5_Data$nLoci)

                Plot_6_Data <- dplyr::filter(performance_merge_Hyb,pofz %in% c(0.5,0.75,0.9))
                Plot_6_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_6_Data$class, y = Plot_6_Data$performance, fill = Plot_6_Data$class, facet.1 = Plot_6_Data$level, facet.2 = Plot_6_Data$nLoci.y)

                Plot_7_Data <- SummaryAccuracy
                Plot_7_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_7_Data$pofz, y = Plot_7_Data$mean, sd.upper = (Plot_7_Data$mean + Plot_7_Data$sd), sd.lower = (Plot_7_Data$mean - Plot_7_Data$sd), colour = Plot_7_Data$max.class, facet = Plot_7_Data$nLoci)

                Plot_8_Data <- FinalData
                Plot_8_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_8_Data$level, y = Plot_8_Data$mprob, sd.upper = (Plot_8_Data$mprob + Plot_8_Data$sdprob), sd.lower = (Plot_8_Data$mprob - Plot_8_Data$sd), colour = Plot_8_Data$class, facet = as.factor(Plot_8_Data$nLoci))

                Plot_9_Data <- Final_Power
                Plot_9_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_9_Data$level, y = Plot_9_Data$meanPower, sd.upper = (Plot_9_Data$meanPower + Plot_9_Data$sdPower), sd.lower = (Plot_9_Data$meanPower - Plot_9_Data$sdPower), colour = Plot_9_Data$class, facet = as.factor(Plot_9_Data$nLoci))

                Plot_10_Data <- SummaryAccuracy2
                Plot_10_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_10_Data$pofz, y = Plot_10_Data$mean, sd.upper = (Plot_10_Data$mean + Plot_10_Data$sd), sd.lower = (Plot_10_Data$mean - Plot_10_Data$sd), colour = Plot_10_Data$class, facet = as.factor(Plot_10_Data$nLoci))

                Plot_11_Data <- FinalData2
                Plot_11_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_11_Data$level, y = Plot_11_Data$mprob, sd.upper = (Plot_11_Data$mprob + Plot_11_Data$sdprob), sd.lower = (Plot_11_Data$mprob - Plot_11_Data$sdprob), colour = Plot_11_Data$class, facet = as.factor(Plot_11_Data$nLoci))

                Plot_12_Data <- Final_Power2
                Plot_12_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_12_Data$level, y = Plot_12_Data$meanPower, sd.upper = (Plot_12_Data$meanPower + Plot_12_Data$sdPower), sd.lower = (Plot_12_Data$meanPower - Plot_12_Data$sdPower), colour = Plot_12_Data$class, facet = as.factor(Plot_12_Data$nLoci))

                Plot_13_Data <- SummaryAccuracy
                Plot_13_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_13_Data$pofz, y = Plot_13_Data$mean, sd.upper = (Plot_13_Data$mean + Plot_13_Data$sd), sd.lower = (Plot_13_Data$mean - Plot_13_Data$sd), colour = Plot_13_Data$max.class, facet.1 = Plot_13_Data$Group, facet.2 = as.factor(Plot_13_Data$nLoci))

                Plot_14_Data <- FinalData
                Plot_14_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_14_Data$level, y = Plot_14_Data$mprob, sd.upper = (Plot_14_Data$mprob + Plot_14_Data$sdprob), sd.lower = (Plot_14_Data$mprob - Plot_14_Data$sdprob), colour = Plot_14_Data$class, facet.1 = Plot_14_Data$group, facet.2 = as.factor(Plot_14_Data$nLoci))

                Plot_15_Data <- Final_Power
                Plot_15_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_15_Data$level, y = Plot_15_Data$meanPower, sd.upper = (Plot_15_Data$meanPower + Plot_15_Data$sdPower), sd.lower = (Plot_15_Data$meanPower - Plot_15_Data$sdPower), colour = Plot_15_Data$class, facet.1 = Plot_15_Data$group, facet.2 = as.factor(Plot_15_Data$nLoci))

                Plot_16_Data <- SummaryAccuracy
                Plot_16_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_16_Data$pofz, y = Plot_16_Data$mean, sd.upper = (Plot_16_Data$mean + Plot_16_Data$sd), sd.lower = (Plot_16_Data$mean - Plot_16_Data$sd), colour = as.factor(Plot_16_Data$nLoci), facet = Plot_16_Data$max.class)

                Plot_17_Data <- FinalData
                Plot_17_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_17_Data$level, y = Plot_17_Data$mprob, sd.upper = (Plot_17_Data$mprob + Plot_17_Data$sdprob), sd.lower = (Plot_17_Data$mprob - Plot_17_Data$sdprob), colour = as.factor(Plot_17_Data$nLoci), facet = Plot_17_Data$class)

                Plot_18_Data <- Final_Power
                Plot_18_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_18_Data$level, y = Plot_18_Data$meanPower, sd.upper = (Plot_18_Data$meanPower + Plot_18_Data$sdPower), sd.lower = (Plot_18_Data$meanPower - Plot_18_Data$sdPower), colour = as.factor(Plot_18_Data$nLoci), facet = Plot_18_Data$class)

                Plot_19_Data <- ComboHybridAccuracy
                Plot_19_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_19_Data$pofz, y = Plot_19_Data$mprob, sd.upper = (Plot_19_Data$mprob + Plot_19_Data$sdprob), sd.lower = (Plot_19_Data$mprob - Plot_19_Data$sdprob), colour = as.factor(Plot_19_Data$nLoci), facet = Plot_19_Data$class)

                Plot_20_Data <- FinalData2
                Plot_20_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_20_Data$level, y = Plot_20_Data$mprob, sd.upper = (Plot_20_Data$mprob + Plot_20_Data$sdprob), sd.lower = (Plot_20_Data$mprob - Plot_20_Data$sdprob), colour = as.factor(Plot_20_Data$nLoci), facet = Plot_20_Data$class)

                Plot_21_Data <- Final_Power2
                Plot_21_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_21_Data$level, y = Plot_21_Data$meanPower, sd.upper = (Plot_21_Data$meanPower + Plot_21_Data$sdPower), sd.lower = (Plot_21_Data$meanPower - Plot_21_Data$sdPower), colour = as.factor(Plot_21_Data$nLoci), facet = Plot_21_Data$class)

                Plot_22_Data <- dplyr::filter(SummaryAccuracy,pofz %in% Thresholds)
                Plot_22_Data <- data.frame(x = as.factor(Plot_22_Data$nLoci), y = Plot_22_Data$mean, sd.upper = (Plot_22_Data$mean + Plot_22_Data$sd), sd.lower = (Plot_22_Data$mean - Plot_22_Data$sd), colour = Plot_22_Data$max.class, group = Plot_22_Data$max.class, facet = Plot_22_Data$pofz)

                Plot_23_Data <- dplyr::filter(FinalData, level %in% Thresholds)
                Plot_23_Data <- data.frame(x = as.factor(Plot_23_Data$nLoci), y = Plot_23_Data$mprob, sd.upper = (Plot_23_Data$mprob + Plot_23_Data$sdprob), sd.lower = (Plot_23_Data$mprob - Plot_23_Data$sdprob), colour = Plot_23_Data$class, group = Plot_23_Data$class, facet = Plot_23_Data$level)

                Plot_24_Data <- dplyr::filter(Final_Power,level %in% Thresholds)
                Plot_24_Data <- data.frame(x = as.factor(Plot_24_Data$nLoci), y = Plot_24_Data$meanPower, sd.upper = (Plot_24_Data$meanPower + Plot_24_Data$sdPower), sd.lower = (Plot_24_Data$meanPower - Plot_24_Data$sdPower), colour = Plot_24_Data$class, group = Plot_24_Data$class, facet = Plot_24_Data$level)

                Plot_25_Data <- dplyr::filter(ComboHybridAccuracy, pofz %in% Thresholds)
                Plot_25_Data <- data.frame(x = as.factor(Plot_25_Data$nLoci), y = Plot_25_Data$mprob, sd.upper = (Plot_25_Data$mprob + Plot_25_Data$sdprob), sd.lower = (Plot_25_Data$mprob - Plot_25_Data$sdprob), colour = Plot_25_Data$class, group = Plot_25_Data$class, facet = Plot_25_Data$pofz)

                Plot_26_Data <- dplyr::filter(FinalData2, level %in% Thresholds)
                Plot_26_Data <- data.frame(x = as.factor(Plot_26_Data$nLoci), y = Plot_26_Data$mprob, sd.upper = (Plot_26_Data$mprob + Plot_26_Data$sdprob), sd.lower = (Plot_26_Data$mprob - Plot_26_Data$sdprob), colour = Plot_26_Data$class, group = Plot_26_Data$class, facet = Plot_26_Data$level)

                Plot_27_Data <- dplyr::filter(Final_Power2,level %in% Thresholds)
                Plot_27_Data <- data.frame(x = as.factor(Plot_27_Data$nLoci), y = Plot_27_Data$meanPower, sd.upper = (Plot_27_Data$meanPower + Plot_27_Data$sdPower), sd.lower = (Plot_27_Data$meanPower - Plot_27_Data$sdPower), colour = Plot_27_Data$class, group = Plot_27_Data$class, facet = Plot_27_Data$level)

                Plot_28_Data <- dplyr::filter(TypeIout.PofZeds,PofZ %in% Thresholds)
                Plot_28_Data <- data.frame(x = Plot_28_Data$PofZ, y = Plot_28_Data$PofZ, facet = Plot_28_Data$Loci)

                Plot_29_Data <- testsum_TypeI
                Plot_29_Data <- data.frame(x = as.numeric(Plot_29_Data$PofZ), y = Plot_29_Data$means, sd.upper = (Plot_29_Data$means + Plot_29_Data$sd), sd.lower = (Plot_29_Data$means - Plot_29_Data$sd), group = as.factor(Plot_29_Data$Loci), facet = Plot_29_Data$Loci)

                Plot_30_Data <- boxdata
                Plot_30_Data <- data.frame(x = as.factor(Plot_30_Data$nLoci), y = Plot_30_Data$value, group = Plot_30_Data$sim, facet = Plot_30_Data$class)

                Plot_31_Data <- sim_means2
                Plot_31_Data <- data.frame(x = as.factor(Plot_31_Data$nLoci), y = Plot_31_Data$hybrid, fill = Plot_31_Data$sim, facet = Plot_31_Data$hclass)

            HybridPower_Data <- list(Plot_1_Data, Plot_2_Data, Plot_3_Data, Plot_4_Data, Plot_5_Data, Plot_6_Data, Plot_7_Data, Plot_8_Data, Plot_9_Data, Plot_10_Data, Plot_11_Data, Plot_12_Data, Plot_13_Data, Plot_14_Data, Plot_15_Data, Plot_16_Data, Plot_17_Data, Plot_18_Data, Plot_19_Data, Plot_20_Data, Plot_21_Data, Plot_22_Data, Plot_23_Data, Plot_24_Data, Plot_25_Data, Plot_26_Data, Plot_27_Data, Plot_28_Data, Plot_29_Data, Plot_30_Data, Plot_31_Data)

HybridPower_Output <- list(legend = Plot.Legend, plots = HybridPower_Plots, data = HybridPower_Data)


                #### Save the sweet sweet plots ####

                      I'm saving your plots for you over here

                      I'm savin' the data too

                ### Save data and plots is save_output == TRUE
                if(save_output == TRUE){
                  ## save the plot legends as well
                  write.csv(x = Plot.Legend, file = paste0(dir, "Figures and Data/pdf/Plot_Legends.csv"),row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
                  write.csv(x = Plot.Legend, file = paste0(dir, "Figures and Data/jpg/Plot_Legends.csv"),row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
                  for(j in 1:length(Plot.Names)){
                    # Save .pdf version of plots
                    ggsave(paste0(dir, "Figures and Data/pdf/", Plot.Names[j], ".pdf"), HybridPower_Plots[[j]], height = 10, width = 10)
                    # Save .jpg version of plots
                    ggsave(paste0(dir, "Figures and Data/jpg/", Plot.Names[j], ".jpg"), HybridPower_Plots[[j]], height = 10, width = 10)
                    # Save plot data
                    write.csv(x = HybridPower_Data[[j]], file = paste0(dir, "Figures and Data/data/", Plot.Names[j], ".csv"), row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

                ## Return plots and data
                if(return_workspace == TRUE){

bwringe/hybriddetective documentation built on March 22, 2023, 6:52 a.m.