
#' Merge two CAGEr objects into one
#' Merges two [`CAGEr`] objects into one by combining the CTSS genomic
#' coordinates and raw tag counts.  The resulting object will contain a union
#' of TSS positions present in the two input objects and raw tag counts for
#' those TSSs in all samples from both input objects.
#' @param cs1 A `CAGEr` object
#' @param cs2 A `CAGEr` object
#' @return Note that merging discards all other information present in the
#' two `CAGEr` objects, that is, the merged object will not contain any
#' normalised tag counts, CTSS clusters, quantile positions, etc., so these
#' have to be calculated again by calling the appropriate functions on the
#' merged object.  Also, it is only possible to merge two objects that contain
#' TSS information for the same reference genome and do not share any sample
#' names.
#' @return Returns a `CAGEexp` object, which contains a union of
#' TSS positions present in the two input objects and raw tag counts for those
#' TSSs in all samples from both input objects.
#' @author Vanja Haberle
#' @author Charles Plessy
#' @seealso [`CAGEexp`]
#' @examples 
#' library(BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer7)
#' pathsToInputFiles <- system.file("extdata", c("Zf.unfertilized.egg.chr17.ctss",
#'   "Zf.30p.dome.chr17.ctss", "Zf.prim6.rep1.chr17.ctss"), package="CAGEr")
#' ce1 <- CAGEexp(genomeName = "BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer7",
#' inputFiles = pathsToInputFiles[1:2], inputFilesType = "ctss", sampleLabels =
#' c("sample1", "sample2"))
#' ce1 <- getCTSS(ce1)
#' ce2 <- CAGEexp(genomeName = "BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer7",
#' inputFiles = pathsToInputFiles[3], inputFilesType = "ctss", sampleLabels =
#' "sample3")
#' ce2 <- getCTSS(ce2)
#' ce <- mergeCAGEsets(ce1, ce2)
#' @export

setGeneric( "mergeCAGEsets"
          , function(cs1, cs2) {
  if (genomeName(cs1) != genomeName(cs2))
    stop("Cannot merge two objects with data from different genomes!")
  if(any(sampleLabels(cs1) %in% sampleLabels(cs2)))
    stop("Cannot merge two objects that share same sample labels!")

#' @rdname mergeCAGEsets

setMethod( "mergeCAGEsets"
         , signature(cs1 = "CAGEexp", cs2 = "CAGEexp")
         , function (cs1, cs2) {
  # First, make a new CTSS SummarizedExperiment.
  getListsOfCTSS <- function(object) {
    lapply(sampleList(object), function(name) {
      ctss <- CTSScoordinatesGR(object)
      mcols(ctss) <- NULL
      score(ctss) <- CTSStagCountDF(object)[[name]]
      ctss[score(ctss) != 0]
  l <- GRangesList(c(getListsOfCTSS(cs1), getListsOfCTSS(cs2)))
  # Code duplicated from getCTSS
  rowRanges <- sort(unique(unlist(l)))
  mcols(rowRanges) <- NULL

  assay <- DataFrame(V1 = Rle(rep(0L, length(rowRanges))))
  expandRange <- function(global, local) {
    x <- Rle(rep(0L, length(global)))
    x[global %in% local] <- score(local)
  for (i in seq_along(l))
    assay[,i] <- expandRange(rowRanges, l[[i]])
  colnames(assay) <- names(l)
  se <- SummarizedExperiment( rowRanges = rowRanges
                            , assays    = SimpleList(counts = assay))

  # Second, merge column metadata
  df1 <- colData(cs1)
  df2 <- colData(cs2)
  commonCols <- intersect(colnames(df1), colnames(df2))
  df <- rbind(df1[,commonCols], df2[,commonCols])
  # Then construct a new CAGEexp object
  ce <- CAGEexp(colData = df)
  CTSStagCountSE(ce) <- se

#' Reset a CAGEexp object
#' Removes all data but the raw CTSS counts and coordinates from a [`CAGEexp`]
#' object.  Useful after removing samples.
#' @param object A `CAGEexp` object
#' @return Returns a `CAGEexp` object, which contains a non-normalised
#' `tagCountMatrix` experiment.
#' @author Charles Plessy
#' @family CAGEr object modifiers
#' @examples 
#' resetCAGEexp(exampleCAGEexp)
#' @export

setGeneric("resetCAGEexp", function(object) standardGeneric("resetCAGEexp"))

#' @rdname resetCAGEexp

setMethod("resetCAGEexp", signature("CAGEexp"), function (object) {
  se <- CTSStagCountSE(object)
  assays(se) <- assays(se)['counts']
  mcols(rowRanges(se)) <- NULL
  se <- se[decode(rowSums.RleDataFrame(assay(se))) > 0,]
  cd <- colData(object)
  cd <- cd[, ! colnames(cd) %in% c("promoter", "exon", "intron", "unknown", "unannotated", "genes", "outOfClusters")]
  cd$librarySizes <- sapply(assay(se), sum)
  ce <- CAGEexp(colData = cd)
  CTSStagCountSE(ce) <- se
charles-plessy/CAGEr documentation built on Aug. 2, 2024, 4:35 p.m.