
Defines functions blast_reassignment metascope_blast blast_result_metrics blastn_results blastn_single_result blastn_seqs check_blastn_exists taxid_to_name get_seqs

Documented in blastn_results blastn_single_result blast_result_metrics check_blastn_exists get_seqs metascope_blast taxid_to_name

#' Gets sequences from bam file
#' Returns fasta sequences from a bam file with a given taxonomy ID
#' @param id Taxonomy ID of genome to get sequences from
#' @param bam_file A sorted bam file and index file, loaded with
#'   Rsamtools::bamFile
#' @param n Number of sequences to retrieve
#' @param bam_seqs A list of the sequence IDs from the bam file
#' @return Biostrings format sequences

get_seqs <- function(id, bam_file, n = 10, bam_seqs) {
  allGenomes <- stringr::str_detect(id, bam_seqs)
  # Get sequence info (Genome Name) from bam file
  seq_info_df <- as.data.frame(Rsamtools::seqinfo(bam_file)) |>
  # Sample one of the Genomes that match
  Genome <- sample(seq_info_df$seqnames[allGenomes], 1)
  # Scan Bam file for all sequences that match genome
  param <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(what = c("rname", "seq"),
                                   which = GenomicRanges::GRanges(
                                     IRanges::IRanges(1, 1e+07)))
  allseqs <- Rsamtools::scanBam(bam_file, param = param)[[1]]
  n <- min(n, length(allseqs$seq))
  seqs <- sample(allseqs$seq, n)

#' Converts NCBI taxonomy ID to scientific name
#' @param taxids List of NCBI taxids to convert to scientific name
#' @param accessions_path Path to accessionsTaxa.sql
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @return Returns a dataframe of blast results for a metascope result

taxid_to_name <- function(taxids, accessions_path) {
  taxids <- stringr::str_replace(taxids, ";(.*)$", "") |> as.integer()
  out <- taxonomizr::getTaxonomy(taxids, accessions_path)
  out_df <- as.data.frame(out) |> tibble::rownames_to_column("staxid") |>
    dplyr::select("staxid", "genus", "species") |>
    dplyr::mutate("species" = stringr::str_replace(.data$species, paste0(.data$genus, " "), "")) |>
    dplyr::mutate("staxid" = gsub("\\.", "", .data$staxid)) |>
    dplyr::mutate("staxid" = gsub("X", "", .data$staxid)) |>
    dplyr::mutate("staxid" = as.integer(.data$staxid))

#' Checks if blastn is installed
#' @title Check if blastn exists on the system
#' @description This is an internal function that is not meant to be used
#'   outside of the package. It checks whether blastn exists on the system.
#' @return Returns TRUE if blastn exists on the system, else FALSE.

check_blastn_exists <- function() {
  if (file.exists(Sys.which("blastn"))) return(TRUE)

# BLASTn sequences

blastn_seqs <- function(db_path, fasta_path, res_path, hit_list, num_threads) {
  if (!check_blastn_exists()) {
    stop("blast not found, please install blast")
    "blastn", c("-db", db_path, "-query", fasta_path, "-out", res_path,
                "-outfmt", paste("10 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen",
                                  "qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore staxid"),
                "-max_target_seqs", hit_list, "-num_threads", num_threads,
                "-task", "megablast"))

#' blastn_single_result
#' @param results_table A dataframe of the Metascope results
#' @param bam_file A sorted bam file and index file, loaded with
#'   Rsamtools::bamFile
#' @param which_result Index in results_table for which result to Blast search
#' @param num_reads Number of reads to blast per result
#' @param hit_list Number of how many blast results to fetch per read
#' @param num_threads Number of threads if multithreading
#' @param db_path Blast database path
#' @param bam_seqs A list of the sequence IDs from the bam file
#' @param out_path Path to output results.
#' @param fasta_dir Path to where fasta files are stored.
#' @inheritParams metascope_blast
#' @return Returns a dataframe of blast results for a metascope result

blastn_single_result <- function(results_table, bam_file, which_result,
                                 num_reads = 100, hit_list = 10,
                                 num_threads = 1, db_path, quiet,
                                 accessions_path, bam_seqs, out_path,
                                 sample_name, fasta_dir = NULL) {
  res <- tryCatch({ #If any errors, should just skip the organism
    genome_name <- results_table[which_result, 2]
    if (!quiet) message("Current id: ", genome_name)
    tax_id <- results_table[which_result, 1]
    if (!quiet) message("Current ti: ", tax_id)

    # Generate sequences to blast
    if (!is.null(fasta_dir)) {
      fasta_path <- list.files(path=fasta_dir, full.names = TRUE)[which_result]
    } else {
      fasta_path <- get_seqs(id = tax_id, bam_file = bam_file, n = num_reads,
                             bam_seqs = bam_seqs)

    res_path = file.path(out_path, paste0(sprintf("%05d", which_result), "_", sample_name,
                                          "_", "tax_id_", tax_id, ".csv"))

    blastn_seqs(db_path, fasta_path, res_path = res_path, hit_list, num_threads)
    blast_res <- utils::read.csv(res_path, header = FALSE)
    colnames(blast_res) <- c("qseqid", "sseqid", "pident", "length", "mismatch",
                             "gapopen","qstart", "qend", "sstart", "send",
                             "evalue", "bitscore", "staxid")

    taxize_genome_df <- taxid_to_name(unique(blast_res$staxid),
                                      accessions_path = accessions_path)

    blast_res$MetaScope_Taxid <- tax_id
    blast_res$MetaScope_Genome <- genome_name
    blast_res <- dplyr::left_join(blast_res, taxize_genome_df, by = "staxid")
  error = function(e) {
    cat("Error", conditionMessage(e), "\n")
    this_format <- paste("qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen",
                         "qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore staxid")
    all_colnames <- stringr::str_split(this_format, " ")[[1]]
    blast_res <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(all_colnames),
                        dimnames = list(c(), all_colnames)) |> as.data.frame()
    tax_id <- results_table[which_result, 1]
    genome_name <- results_table[which_result, 2]
    blast_res$MetaScope_Taxid <- tax_id
    blast_res$MetaScope_Genome <- genome_name
    blast_res$name <- NA

#' rBlast_results
#' @param results_table A data.frame of the Metascope results
#' @param bam_file A sorted bam file and index file, loaded with
#'   Rsamtools::bamFile
#' @param num_results A number indicating number of Metascope results to blast
#' @param num_reads_per_result A number indicating number of reads to blast per
#'   result
#' @param hit_list A number of how many blast results to fetch for each read
#' @param num_threads Number of threads if multithreading
#' @param db_path Blast database path
#' @param out_path Output directory to save csv files, including base name of
#'   files
#' @param fasta_dir inc.
#' @inheritParams metascope_blast
#' @return Creates and exports num_results number of csv files with blast
#'   results from local blast

blastn_results <- function(results_table, bam_file, num_results = 10,
                           num_reads_per_result = 100, hit_list = 10,
                           num_threads = 1, db_path, out_path,
                           sample_name = NULL, quiet = quiet,
                           accessions_path, fasta_dir = NULL,
                           NCBI_key = NULL) {
  # Grab all identifiers
  if (is.null(fasta_dir)) {
    seq_info_df <- as.data.frame(Rsamtools::seqinfo(bam_file)) |>
    bam_seqs <- find_accessions(seq_info_df$seqnames,
                                NCBI_key = NCBI_key, quiet = quiet) |>
      plyr::aaply(1, function(x) x[1])
  } else {
    bam_seqs = NULL
  # Grab results
  num_results2 <- min(num_results, nrow(results_table))
  run_res <- function(i) {
    df <- blastn_single_result(results_table, bam_file, which_result = i,
                               num_reads = num_reads_per_result,
                               hit_list = hit_list, num_threads = num_threads,
                               db_path = db_path, quiet = quiet, bam_seqs = bam_seqs,
                               out_path = out_path, sample_name = sample_name,
                               fasta_dir = fasta_dir, accessions_path = accessions_path)
    tax_id <- results_table[i, 1]
    utils::write.csv(df, file.path(out_path,
                                   paste0(sprintf("%05d", i), "_", sample_name,
                                          "_", "tax_id_", tax_id, ".csv")),
                     row.names = FALSE)
  plyr::a_ply(seq_len(num_results2), 1, run_res)

#' Calculates result metrics from a blast results table
#' This function calculates the best hit (genome with most blast read hits),
#' uniqueness score (total number of genomes hit), species percentage hit
#' (percentage of reads where MetaScope species also matched the blast hit
#' species), genus percentage hit (percentage of reads where blast genus matched
#' MetaScope aligned genus) and species contaminant score (percentage of reads
#' that blasted to other species genomes) and genus contaminant score
#' (percentage of reads that blasted to other genus genomes)
#' @param blast_results_table_path path for blast results csv file
#' @inheritParams metascope_blast
#' @return a dataframe with best_hit, uniqueness_score, species_percentage_hit
#'   genus_percentage_hit, species_contaminant_score, and
#'   genus_contaminant_score

blast_result_metrics <- function(blast_results_table_path, accessions_path, db = NULL,
                                 NCBI_key = NULL){
    # Load in blast results table
    blast_results_table <- utils::read.csv(blast_results_table_path, header = TRUE)

    # Clean species results
    blast_results_table <- blast_results_table |>
      dplyr::filter(!grepl("sp.", .data$species, fixed = TRUE)) |>
      dplyr::filter(!grepl("uncultured", .data$species, fixed = TRUE)) |>

    # Remove any empty tables
    if (nrow(blast_results_table) < 2) {
      return(data.frame(best_hit = 0,
                        uniqueness_score = 0,
                        species_percentage_hit = 0,
                        genus_percentage_hit = 0,
                        species_contaminant_score = 0,
                        genus_contaminant_score = 0))

    # Adding MetaScope Species and Genus columns
    if (db == "silva") {
      # Cleaning up silva genome names
      #silva_genome <- gsub(";([a-z0-9])", " \\1", blast_results_table$MetaScope_Genome[1])
      silva_genome <- gsub(" uncultured", ";uncultured", blast_results_table$MetaScope_Genome[1])

      # Creating silva genus and species names
      silva_genus <- silva_genome |> strsplit(split = ";") |>
        sapply("[", 7)
      silva_species <- silva_genome |> strsplit(split = ";") |>
        sapply("[", 8)

      blast_results_table_2 <- blast_results_table |>
        dplyr::mutate("MetaScope_genus" = rep(silva_genus, nrow(blast_results_table)),
                      "MetaScope_species" = rep(silva_species, nrow(blast_results_table))) |>
        dplyr::rename("query_genus" = "genus",
                      "query_species" = "species") |>
        # Remove rows with NA
        tidyr::drop_na() |>
        # Getting best hit per read
        dplyr::group_by(.data$qseqid) |>
        dplyr::slice_min(.data$evalue, with_ties = TRUE) |>
        # Removing duplicate query num and query species
        dplyr::distinct(.data$qseqid, .data$query_species, .keep_all = TRUE)

    } else {
      meta_tax <- taxid_to_name(unique(blast_results_table$MetaScope_Taxid),
                                accessions_path = accessions_path) |> dplyr::select(-"staxid")

      blast_results_table_2 <- blast_results_table |>
        dplyr::mutate("MetaScope_genus" = meta_tax$genus[1],
                      "MetaScope_species" = meta_tax$species[1]) |>
        dplyr::rename("query_genus" = "genus",
                      "query_species" = "species") |>
        # Remove rows with NA
        tidyr::drop_na() |>
        # Getting best hit per read
        dplyr::group_by(.data$qseqid) |>
        dplyr::slice_min(.data$evalue, with_ties = TRUE) |>
        # Removing duplicate query num and query species
        dplyr::distinct(.data$qseqid, .data$query_species, .keep_all = TRUE)

    # Calculating Metrics
    best_hit_genus <- blast_results_table_2 |>
      dplyr::group_by(.data$query_genus) |>
      dplyr::summarise("num_reads" = dplyr::n()) |>
      dplyr::slice_max(.data$num_reads, with_ties = FALSE)

    best_hit_species <- blast_results_table_2 |>
      dplyr::group_by(.data$query_species) |>
      dplyr::summarise("num_reads" = dplyr::n()) |>
      dplyr::slice_max(.data$num_reads, with_ties = FALSE)

    best_hit_strain <- blast_results_table_2 |>
      tidyr::separate("sseqid", c(NA, "gi", NA, NA, NA), sep = "\\|")  |>
      dplyr::group_by(.data$gi) |>
      dplyr::summarise("num_reads" = dplyr::n()) |>
      dplyr::slice_max(.data$num_reads, with_ties = TRUE)
    if (nrow(best_hit_strain) > 1 | db == "silva") {
      best_strain <- NA
    } else if (nrow(best_hit_strain) == 1) {
      res <- taxize::genbank2uid(best_hit_strain$gi, NCBI_key = NCBI_key)
      best_strain <- attr(res[[1]], "name")

    uniqueness_score <- blast_results_table_2 |>
      dplyr::group_by(.data$query_species) |>
      dplyr::summarise("num_reads" = dplyr::n()) |>

    species_percentage_hit <- blast_results_table_2 |>
      dplyr::filter(.data$MetaScope_species == .data$query_species) |>
      nrow() / length(unique(blast_results_table_2$qseqid))

    genus_percentage_hit <- blast_results_table_2 |>
      dplyr::filter(.data$MetaScope_genus == .data$query_genus) |>
      dplyr::distinct(.data$qseqid, .keep_all = FALSE) |>
      nrow() / length(unique(blast_results_table_2$qseqid))

    species_contaminant_score <- blast_results_table_2 |>
      dplyr::filter(.data$MetaScope_species != .data$query_species) |>
      dplyr::distinct(.data$qseqid, .keep_all = TRUE) |>
      nrow() / length(unique(blast_results_table_2$qseqid))

    genus_contaminant_score <- blast_results_table_2 |>
      dplyr::filter(.data$MetaScope_genus != .data$query_genus) |>
      dplyr::distinct(.data$qseqid, .keep_all = TRUE) |>
      nrow() / length(unique(blast_results_table_2$qseqid))

    all_results <- c(uniqueness_score, species_percentage_hit, genus_percentage_hit,
                     species_contaminant_score, genus_contaminant_score,
                     best_hit_genus$query_genus, best_hit_species$query_species,
    names(all_results) <- c("uniqueness_score", "species_percentage_hit", "genus_percentage_hit",
                            "species_contaminant_score", "genus_contaminant_score",
                            "best_hit_genus", "best_hit_species", "best_hit_strain")

  error = function(e)
    cat("Error", conditionMessage(e), "/n")
    return(data.frame("best_hit" = 0,
                      "uniqueness_score" = 0,
                      "species_percentage_hit" = 0,
                      "genus_percentage_hit" = 0,
                      "species_contaminant_score" = 0,
                      "genus_contaminant_score" = 0,
                      "best_hit" = NA,
                      "best_hit_strain" = NA))

#' Blast reads from MetaScope aligned files
#' This function allows the user to check a subset of identified reads against
#' NCBI BLAST and the nucleotide database to confirm or contradict results
#' provided by MetaScope. It aligns the top `metascope_id()` results to NCBI
#' BLAST database. It REQUIRES that command-line BLAST and a separate nucleotide
#' database have already been installed on the host machine. It returns a csv
#' file updated with BLAST result metrics.
#' This function assumes that you used the NCBI nucleotide database to process
#' samples, with a download date of 2021 or later. This is necessary for
#' compatibility with the bam file headers.
#' This is highly computationally intensive and should be ran with multiple
#' cores, submitted as a multi-threaded computing job if possible.
#' Note, if best_hit_strain is FALSE, then no strain was observed more often
#' among the BLAST results.
#' @param metascope_id_path Character string; path to a csv file output by
#'   `metascope_id()`.
#' @param bam_file_path Character string; full path to bam file for the same
#'   sample processed by `metascope_id`. Note that the `filter_bam` function
#'   must have output a bam file, and not a .csv.gz file. See
#'   `?filter_bam_bowtie` for more details. Defaults to
#'   \code{list.files(file_temp, ".updated.bam$")[1]}.
#' @param tmp_dir Character string, a temporary directory in which to host
#'   files.
#' @param out_dir Character string, path to output directory.
#' @param sample_name Character string, sample name for output files.
#' @param num_results Integer, the maximum number of taxa from the metascope_id
#'   output to check reads. Takes the top n taxa, i.e. those with largest
#'   abundance. Default is 10.
#' @param num_reads Integer, the maximum number of reads to blast per microbe.
#'   If the true number of reads assigned to a given taxon is smaller, then the
#'   smaller number will be chosen. Default is 100. Too many reads will involve
#'   more processing time.
#' @param hit_list Integer, number of blast hit results to keep. Default is 10.
#' @param num_threads Integer, number of threads if running in parallel
#'   (recommended). Default is 1.
#' @param db_path Character string. The database file to be searched (including
#'   basename, but without file extension). For example, if the nt database is
#'   in the nt folder, this would be /filepath/nt/nt assuming that the database
#'   files have the nt basename. Check this path if you get an error message
#'   stating "No alias or index file found".
#' @param quiet Logical, whether to print out more informative messages. Default
#'   is FALSE.
#' @param NCBI_key (character) NCBI Entrez API key. optional. See
#'   taxize::use_entrez(). Due to the high number of requests made to NCBI, this
#'   function will be less prone to errors if you obtain an NCBI key.
#' @param db Currently accepts one of \code{c("ncbi", "silva", "other")}
#' Default is \code{"ncbi"}, appropriate for samples aligned against indices
#' compiled from NCBI whole genome databases. Alternatively, usage of an
#' alternate database (like Greengenes2) should be specified with
#' \code{"other"}.
#' @param fasta_dir Directory where fasta files for blast will be stored.
#' @param accessions_path Directory where accession files for blast are stored.
#' @returns This function writes an updated csv file with metrics.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ### Create temporary directory
#' file_temp <- tempfile()
#' dir.create(file_temp)
#' bamPath <- system.file("extdata", "bowtie_target.bam",
#'                        package = "MetaScope")
#' file.copy(bamPath, file_temp)
#' metascope_id(file.path(file_temp, "bowtie_target.bam"), aligner = "bowtie2",
#'              input_type = "bam", out_dir = file_temp, num_species_plot = 0,
#'              update_bam = TRUE)
#' ## Run metascope blast
#' ### Get export name and metascope id results
#' out_base <- bamPath %>% base::basename() %>% strsplit(split = "\\.") %>%
#'   magrittr::extract2(1) %>% magrittr::extract(1)
#' metascope_id_path <- file.path(file_temp, paste0(out_base, ".metascope_id.csv"))
#' # NOTE: change db_path to the location where your BLAST database is stored!
#' db <- "/restricted/projectnb/pathoscope/data/blastdb/nt/nt"
#' Sys.setenv(ENTREZ_KEY = "<your id here>")
#' metascope_blast(metascope_id_path,
#'                 bam_file_path = file.path(file_temp, "bowtie_target.updated.bam"),
#'                 tmp_dir = file_temp,
#'                 out_dir = file_temp,
#'                 sample_name = out_base,
#'                 db_path = db,
#'                 num_results = 10,
#'                 num_reads = 5,
#'                 hit_list = 10,
#'                 num_threads = 3,
#'                 quiet = FALSE,
#'                 NCBI_key = NULL)
#' ## Remove temporary directory
#' unlink(file_temp, recursive = TRUE)

metascope_blast <- function(metascope_id_path,
                            bam_file_path = list.files(tmp_dir, ".updated.bam$",
                                                       full.names = TRUE)[1],
                            tmp_dir, out_dir, sample_name, fasta_dir = NULL,
                            num_results = 10, num_reads = 100, hit_list = 10,
                            num_threads = 1, db_path, quiet = FALSE,
                            NCBI_key = NULL, db = NULL, accessions_path = NULL) {
  if (!is.numeric(num_threads)) num_threads <- 1
  # Sort and index bam file
  if (is.null(fasta_dir)) {
    sorted_bam_file_path <- file.path(tmp_dir, paste0(sample_name, "_sorted"))
    Rsamtools::sortBam(bam_file_path, destination = sorted_bam_file_path)
    sorted_bam_file <- paste0(sorted_bam_file_path, ".bam")
    bam_file <- Rsamtools::BamFile(sorted_bam_file, index = sorted_bam_file)

  # Load in metascope id file and clean unknown genomes
  metascope_id_in <- utils::read.csv(metascope_id_path, header = TRUE)

  # Create blast directory in tmp directory to save blast results in
  blast_tmp_dir <- file.path(tmp_dir, "blast")
  if(!dir.exists(blast_tmp_dir)) dir.create(blast_tmp_dir, recursive = TRUE)

  # Create accessions database
  if (is.null(accessions_path)) {
    accessions_path <- file.path(tmp_dir, 'accessionTaxa.sql')

  # Run rBlast on all metascope microbes
  blastn_results(results_table = metascope_id_in, bam_file = bam_file,
                 num_results = num_results, num_reads_per_result = num_reads,
                 hit_list = hit_list, num_threads = num_threads,
                 db_path = db_path, out_path = blast_tmp_dir,
                 sample_name = sample_name, quiet = quiet,
                 accessions_path = accessions_path, fasta_dir = fasta_dir,
                 NCBI_key = NULL)

  # Run Blast metrics
  blast_result_metrics_df <- plyr::adply(
    list.files(blast_tmp_dir, full.names = TRUE), 1, blast_result_metrics,
    accessions_path = accessions_path, db = db)

  # Append Blast Metrics to MetaScope results
  if (nrow(metascope_id_in) > nrow(blast_result_metrics_df)) {
    ind <- seq(nrow(blast_result_metrics_df) + 1, nrow(metascope_id_in))
    blast_result_metrics_df[ind, ] <- NA
  print_file <- file.path(out_dir, paste0(sample_name, ".metascope_blast.csv"))

  metascope_blast_df <- data.frame(metascope_id_in, blast_result_metrics_df)
  utils::write.csv(metascope_blast_df, print_file)
  message("Results written to ", print_file)

# Reassign reads from Blast alignment
# This function allows the user to reassign reads who's NCBI BLAST results
# contradict results provided by MetaScope to assignments that were BLAST
# validated. It returns an updated csv with reads reassigned according to their
# BLAST validation.

blast_reassignment <- function(metascope_blast_df, species_threshold, num_hits,
                               blast_tmp_dir, out_dir, sample_name) {

  # Create validated column to determine if reads should be reassigned to accession
  metascope_blast_df <- metascope_blast_df |>
    dplyr::mutate("blast_validated" = (.data$species_percentage_hit > .data$species_threshold),
                  "index" = 1:nrow(metascope_blast_df))
  reassigned_metascope_blast <- metascope_blast_df

  blast_files <- list.files(blast_tmp_dir, full.names = TRUE)

  # Create vector of indices that have been reassigned
  drop_indices <- c()

  for (i in 2:num_hits){
    if (!metascope_blast_df$blast_validated[i]){
      blast_summary <- utils::read.csv(blast_files[i]) |>
        dplyr::group_by(.data$qseqid) |>
        dplyr::slice_min(.data$evalue, with_ties = TRUE) |>
        # Removing duplicate query num and query species
        dplyr::distinct(.data$qseqid, .data$species, .keep_all = TRUE) |>
        dplyr::ungroup() |>
        dplyr::group_by( .data$genus, .data$species) |>
        dplyr::summarise("num_reads" = dplyr::n(), .groups="keep") |>
        dplyr::slice_max(order_by = .data$num_reads, with_ties = TRUE)
      blast_summary <- dplyr::left_join(blast_summary, metascope_blast_df[1:num_hits, ],
                                        by = dplyr::join_by(.data$genus == .data$best_hit_genus,
                                                            .data$species == .data$best_hit_species)) |>
        dplyr::filter(.data$blast_validated == TRUE) |>
        dplyr::mutate(reassignment_proportion = .data$num_reads / sum(.data$num_reads),
                      reassigned_read_count = metascope_blast_df$read_count[i] / .data$reassignment_proportion,
                      reassigned_Proportion = metascope_blast_df$Proportion[i]/ .data$reassignment_proportion,
                      reassigned_readsEM = metascope_blast_df$readsEM[i] / .data$reassignment_proportion,
                      reassigned_EMProportion = metascope_blast_df$EMProportion[i] / .data$reassignment_proportion)

      if (nrow(blast_summary) > 0) {
        for (n in 1:nrow(blast_summary)) {
          metascope_index <- blast_summary$index[n]
          reassigned_metascope_blast$read_count[metascope_index] <-
            reassigned_metascope_blast$read_count[metascope_index] + blast_summary$reassigned_read_count[n]
          reassigned_metascope_blast$Proportion[metascope_index] <-
            reassigned_metascope_blast$Proportion[metascope_index] + blast_summary$reassigned_Proportion[n]
          reassigned_metascope_blast$readsEM[metascope_index] <-
            metascope_blast_df$readsEM[metascope_index] + blast_summary$readsEM[n]
          reassigned_metascope_blast$EMProportion[metascope_index] <-
            reassigned_metascope_blast$EMProportion[metascope_index] + blast_summary$EMProportion[n]
          drop_indices <- append(drop_indices, i)

  reassigned_metascope_blast <- reassigned_metascope_blast[-drop_indices,] |>

  print_file <- file.path(out_dir, paste0(sample_name, ".metascope_blast_reassigned.csv"))

  utils::write.csv(reassigned_metascope_blast, print_file)
  message("Results written to ", print_file)
compbiomed/MetaScope documentation built on June 24, 2024, 9 a.m.