
Defines functions strandPhaseR

Documented in strandPhaseR

#' Wrapper function 
#' This function will move through .bam files in a folder and perform several steps (see Details).
#' @param numCPU The numbers of CPUs that are used. Should not be more than available on your machine.
#' @inheritParams phaseChromosome
#' @import foreach
#' @import doParallel 
#' @importFrom Rsamtools scanBamHeader FaFile
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster

#' @author David Porubsky
#' @export

strandPhaseR <- function(inputfolder, outputfolder='./StrandPhaseR_analysis', configfile=NULL, numCPU=1, positions=NULL, WCregions=NULL, chromosomes=NULL, pairedEndReads=TRUE, min.mapq=10, min.baseq=20, num.iterations=2, translateBases=TRUE, concordance=0.9, fillMissAllele=NULL, splitPhasedReads=FALSE, compareSingleCells=FALSE, exportVCF=NULL, bsGenome=NULL, ref.fasta=NULL, assume.biallelic=FALSE) {
  ### Helper functions ###
  as.object <- function(x) {
  ### General variables ###
  conf <- NULL
  if (is.character(configfile)) {
    ## Read config file ##
    errstring <- tryCatch({
      conf <- readConfig(configfile)
      errstring <- ''
    }, error = function(err) {
      errstring <- paste0("Could not read configuration file ",configfile)
    if (errstring!='') {
  ## Convert BSgenome to string if necessary
  if (class(bsGenome)=='BSgenome') {
    bsGenome <- attributes(bsGenome)$pkgname
  ## Check if ref.fasta file is in a valid FASTA format
  if (!is.null(ref.fasta)) {
    if (class(Rsamtools::FaFile(ref.fasta)) != "FaFile") {
      ref.fasta <- NULL
      warning("User defined reference FASTA file, '", ref.fasta, "' is not in a proper FASTA format!!!")
  ## If parameter chromosomes is not defined process all chromosomes present in BAM files
  if (is.null(chromosomes)) {
    bamFile <- list.files(inputfolder, pattern = ".bam$", full.names = TRUE)[1]
    file.header <- Rsamtools::scanBamHeader(bamFile)[[1]]
    chrom.lengths <- file.header$targets
    chromosomes <- names(chrom.lengths)
  ## Put options into list and merge with conf
  params <- list(numCPU=numCPU, positions=positions, WCregions=WCregions, chromosomes=chromosomes, pairedEndReads=pairedEndReads, min.mapq=min.mapq, min.baseq=min.baseq, num.iterations=num.iterations, translateBases=translateBases, concordance=concordance, fillMissAllele=fillMissAllele, splitPhasedReads=splitPhasedReads, compareSingleCells=compareSingleCells, exportVCF=exportVCF, bsGenome=bsGenome, ref.fasta=ref.fasta, assume.biallelic=assume.biallelic)
  conf <- c(conf, params[setdiff(names(params),names(conf))])
  ### Input checks ###
  ## Check user input
  #if (!is.null(conf[['exportVCF']]) & is.null(conf[['bsGenome']])) {
  #  warning("VCf file cannot be created because reference genome is NULL")

  if (!is.character(conf[['fillMissAllele']]) & !is.null(conf[['fillMissAllele']])) {
    stop("fillMissAllele option takes merged bam file as an argument!!!")
  ### Create directiories ###
  ## Creating directories for data export
  if (!dir.exists(outputfolder)) {
  phased.store <- file.path(outputfolder, 'Phased')
  if (!dir.exists(phased.store)) {
  data.store <- file.path(outputfolder, 'data')
  if (!dir.exists(data.store)) {
  browser.store <- file.path(outputfolder, 'browserFiles')
  if (!dir.exists(browser.store)) {
  vcf.store <- file.path(outputfolder, 'VCFfiles')
  if (!dir.exists(vcf.store)) {
  singlecell.store <- file.path(outputfolder, 'SingleCellHaps')
  if (!dir.exists(singlecell.store)) {

  ## Export haplotypes
  destination <- file.path(phased.store, 'phased_haps.txt')
  phased_haps.header <- matrix(c("sample", "cell", "chrom", "start", "end", "class", "hap1.cis.simil", "hap1.trans.simil", "hap2.cis.simil", "hap2.trans.simil"), nrow = 1)	
  utils::write.table(data.frame(phased_haps.header), file=destination, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")	
  ## Make a copy of the conf file
  writeConfig(conf, configfile=file.path(outputfolder, 'StrandPhaseR.config'))
  ## Load BSgenome
  if (class(conf[['bsGenome']]) != 'BSgenome') {
    if (is.character(conf[['bsGenome']])) {
      conf[['bsGenome']] <- tryCatch({
        suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(conf[['bsGenome']], character.only = TRUE))
        conf[['bsGenome']] <- as.object(conf[['bsGenome']]) ## replacing string by object
      }, error = function(e) {return(NULL)})
    } else {
      conf[['bsGenome']] <- NULL
  ## Loading in list of SNV positions and locations of WC regions
  if (grepl(conf[['positions']], pattern = "\\.vcf", ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    snvs <- vcf2ranges(vcfFile=conf[['positions']], genotypeField=1, chromosome=conf[['chromosomes']])
  } else {
    message("Loading SNV positions from BED file")
    snvs <- utils::read.table(conf[['positions']], header=F)
    snvs <- GRanges(seqnames=snvs$V1, IRanges(start=snvs$V2, end=snvs$V2))
  #vcf <- read.vcfR(file = conf[['positions']], limit = 10000000, convertNA = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
  #gt <- extract.gt(vcf)
  #hets <- is_het(gt)
  ## Remove duplicated SNV positions if exists
  dup.snvs <- any(duplicated(snvs))
  if (dup.snvs) {
    mask <- !duplicated(snvs)
    removed.snvs <- table(mask)['FALSE']
    snvs <- snvs[mask]
    message("    Removed ", removed.snvs, " duplicated SNV positions!!!")
  WC.regions <- utils::read.table(conf[['WCregions']], header=FALSE)
  #WC.regions <- read.table(conf[['WCregions']], header=F, sep = ":")
  WC.regions <- GRanges(seqnames=WC.regions$V1, IRanges(start=WC.regions$V2, end=WC.regions$V3), filename=as.character(WC.regions$V4))
  ## Parallelization ##
  if (conf[['numCPU']] > 1) {
    message("Using ",conf[['numCPU']]," CPUs")
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(conf[['numCPU']])
    message("Phasing chromosomes ...", appendLF=F); ptm <- proc.time()
    temp <- foreach (chr = conf[['chromosomes']], .packages=c('StrandPhaseR')) %dopar% {
      chr <- as.character(chr)
      #Select chromosome of interest from the list
      snvs.chr <- snvs[seqnames(snvs) == chr]
      WCregions.chr <- WC.regions[seqnames(WC.regions) == chr]
      if (length(WCregions.chr) > 0 & length(snvs.chr) > 0) {
        seqlevels(snvs.chr) <- chr
        seqlevels(WCregions.chr) <- chr
        #snvs.chr <- keepSeqlevels(snvs.chr, chr, pruning.mode="coarse")
        #WCregions.chr <- keepSeqlevels(WCregions.chr, chr, pruning.mode="coarse")
        #snvs.chr <- keepSeqlevels(snvs.chr, chr)
        #WCregions.chr <- keepSeqlevels(WCregions.chr, chr)	
        tC <- tryCatch({
          phaseChromosome(inputfolder=inputfolder, outputfolder=outputfolder, positions=snvs.chr, WCregions=WCregions.chr, chromosome=chr, pairedEndReads=conf[['pairedEndReads']], min.mapq=conf[['min.mapq']], min.baseq=conf[['min.baseq']], num.iterations=conf[['num.iterations']], translateBases=conf[['translateBases']], concordance=conf[['concordance']], fillMissAllele=conf[['fillMissAllele']], splitPhasedReads=conf[['splitPhasedReads']], compareSingleCells=conf[['compareSingleCells']], exportVCF=conf[['exportVCF']], bsGenome=conf[['bsGenome']], ref.fasta=conf[['ref.fasta']], assume.biallelic=conf[['assume.biallelic']]) 
        }, error = function(err) {
      } else {
        message("No SNVs or WC regions for a give chromosome ", chr)
        if (!is.null(conf[['exportVCF']]) & !is.null(conf[['bsGenome']])) {
          message(" Printing empty VCF !!!")
          exportVCF(index = conf[['exportVCF']], outputfolder = vcf.store, phasedHap = NULL, bsGenome=conf[['bsGenome']], ref.fasta=conf[['ref.fasta']], chromosome=chr)
    time <- proc.time() - ptm; message(" ",round(time[3],2),"s")  
  } else {
    for (chr in conf[['chromosomes']]) {
      chr <- as.character(chr)
      #Select chromosome of interest from the list
      snvs.chr <- snvs[seqnames(snvs) == chr]
      WCregions.chr <- WC.regions[seqnames(WC.regions) == chr]
      if (length(WCregions.chr) > 0 & length(snvs.chr) > 0) {
        seqlevels(snvs.chr) <- chr
        seqlevels(WCregions.chr) <- chr
        #snvs.chr <- keepSeqlevels(snvs.chr, chr, pruning.mode="coarse")
        #WCregions.chr <- keepSeqlevels(WCregions.chr, chr, pruning.mode="coarse")
        #snvs.chr <- keepSeqlevels(snvs.chr, chr)
        #WCregions.chr <- keepSeqlevels(WCregions.chr, chr)			
        phaseChromosome(inputfolder=inputfolder, outputfolder=outputfolder, positions=snvs.chr, WCregions=WCregions.chr, chromosome=chr, pairedEndReads=conf[['pairedEndReads']], min.mapq=conf[['min.mapq']], min.baseq=conf[['min.baseq']], num.iterations=conf[['num.iterations']], translateBases=conf[['translateBases']], concordance=conf[['concordance']], fillMissAllele=conf[['fillMissAllele']], splitPhasedReads=conf[['splitPhasedReads']],  compareSingleCells=conf[['compareSingleCells']], exportVCF=conf[['exportVCF']], bsGenome=conf[['bsGenome']], ref.fasta=conf[['ref.fasta']], assume.biallelic=conf[['assume.biallelic']]) 
      }	else {
        message("No SNVs or WC regions for a give chromosome ", chr)
        if (!is.null(conf[['exportVCF']])) {
          message("    Printing empty VCF file !!!")
          exportVCF(index = conf[['exportVCF']], outputfolder = vcf.store, phasedHap = NULL, bsGenome=conf[['bsGenome']], ref.fasta=conf[['ref.fasta']], chromosome=chr)
} #end of wrapper function
daewoooo/StrandPhaseR documentation built on April 7, 2024, 7:13 p.m.