
Defines functions alexaNMF attachMutType chihJenNMF countMutTypes extractXvarlinkData filterSNV frequencize getCosmicSignatures importVCFfiles plotMutCount plotMutTypeProfile prelimProcessAssess processVCFdata removeMismatchMut resolveMutSignatures setMutClusterParams table2df attachContext sortByMutations simplifySignatures matchSignatures

Documented in alexaNMF attachContext attachMutType chihJenNMF countMutTypes extractXvarlinkData filterSNV frequencize getCosmicSignatures importVCFfiles matchSignatures plotMutCount plotMutTypeProfile prelimProcessAssess processVCFdata removeMismatchMut resolveMutSignatures setMutClusterParams simplifySignatures sortByMutations table2df

# mutSignatures
# by Damiano Fantini, Ph.D.
# http://www.mutSignatures.org

##### S4 classes and methods

## set 'getters' and 'setters' Generics -----------------------------------------------------
setGeneric("getFwkParam", function(x, label) {

setGeneric("getMutationTypes", function(x) {

setGeneric("getSampleIdentifiers", function(x) {

setGeneric("getCounts", function(x) {

setGeneric("getSignatureIdentifiers", function(x) {

setGeneric("setFwkParam", function(x, label, value) {

## set Generics for class-to-class Object coercion and other operations -----------------
setGeneric("coerceObj", function(x, to, ...) {

setGeneric("as.mutation.counts", function(x, rownames=NULL, colnames=NULL) {

setGeneric("as.mutation.signatures", function(x) {

setGeneric("as.mutsign.exposures", function(x, samplesAsCols = TRUE) {

## mutFrameworkParams class -------------------------------------------------------------
         slots = list(params = "list"))

# Define an initializer
setMethod("initialize", "mutFrameworkParams",
          function(.Object, params) {
            .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object)
            # Check args
              stop("Bad Input")
            if(sum(sapply(params, length) != 1, na.rm = TRUE) > 0)
              stop("Bad input")
            requiredNames <- c("num_processesToExtract","num_totIterations","num_parallelCores",
                               "niter", "guided", "debug", 
                               "approach", "stopRule", "algorithm",
            if(sum(names(params) %in% requiredNames) < 16)
              stop("Missing Params")
            .Object@params <- params

setMethod("show", signature(object = "mutFrameworkParams"),
          function(object) {
            out <- object@params
            cat(" mutFrameworkParams object - mutSignatures \n")
            cat(paste(" num of params included:", length(out), "\n\n"))
            linex <- lapply(1:length(out), function(i) {
              paste("   - ", names(out)[i], ": ", out[[i]], "\n", sep = "")
            for (li in linex) {cat(li)}

setMethod("print", signature(x = "mutFrameworkParams"),
          function(x) {
            show(object = x)

setMethod("getFwkParam", signature(x = "mutFrameworkParams", label = "character"),
          function(x, label) {
            out <- x@params

setMethod("setFwkParam", signature(x="mutFrameworkParams"),
          function(x, label, value) {
            if (length(label) != 1 | length(value) != 1)
              stop("Bad input")
              stop("Bad input")
            x@params[[ label ]] <- value

setMethod("coerceObj", signature(x = "mutFrameworkParams", to = "character"),
          function(x, to) {
            if (to[1] == "list") {
            } else if (to[1] == class(x)[1]){
            } else {
              stop("Object could not be coerced to the desired data type")

setMethod("as.list", signature(x = "mutFrameworkParams"),
          function(x) {
            coerceObj(x, to = "list")

## mutationCounts class ------------------------------------------------------
         slots = list(counts = "data.frame",
                      mutTypes = "data.frame",
                      sampleId = "data.frame"))

# Define an initializer
setMethod("initialize", "mutationCounts",
          function(.Object, x, muts, samples) {
            .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object)
            # Check args
            if(!is.data.frame(x) |
               !is.data.frame(muts) |
              stop("Bad input")
            if(sum(duplicated(muts[,1])) > 0)
              stop("Mutation Types cannot be duplicated")
            if(sum(duplicated(samples[,1])) > 0)
              stop("Sample Identifiers cannot be duplicated")
            if (ncol(x) != nrow(samples) |
                nrow(x) != nrow(muts))
              stop("Data Dimension Issues")
            .Object@counts <- x
            rownames(.Object@counts) <- NULL
            colnames(.Object@counts) <- NULL
            .Object@mutTypes <- muts
            rownames(.Object@mutTypes) <- NULL
            colnames(.Object@mutTypes)[1] <- "mutTypes"
            .Object@sampleId <- samples
            rownames(.Object@sampleId) <- NULL
            colnames(.Object@sampleId)[1] <- "ID"

setMethod("show", "mutationCounts",
          function(object) {
            out <- object@counts
            rownames(out) <- object@mutTypes[,1]
            colnames(out) <- object@sampleId[,1]
            cat(" Mutation Counts object - mutSignatures")
            cat(paste(" Total num of MutTypes:", length(object@mutTypes[,1])))
            cat(paste(" MutTypes:", paste(head(object@mutTypes[,1], 5), collapse = ", "),
                      ifelse(length(object@mutTypes[,1]) > 5, "...", "")))
            cat(paste(" Total num of Samples:", length(object@sampleId[,1])))
            cat(paste(" Sample Names:", paste(head(object@sampleId[,1], 5), collapse = ", "),
                      ifelse(length(object@sampleId[,1]) > 5, "...", "")))

setMethod("print", signature(x="mutationCounts"),
          function(x) {

setMethod("getMutationTypes", "mutationCounts",

setMethod("getSampleIdentifiers", "mutationCounts",
          function(x = "mutationCounts"){

setMethod("getCounts", signature(x="mutationCounts"),
          function(x) {
            out <- x@counts
            rownames(out) <- x@mutTypes[,1]
            colnames(out) <- x@sampleId[,1]

setMethod("coerceObj", signature(x = "mutationCounts", to = "character"),
          function(x, to, keepNames = TRUE) {
            if (to[1] == "data.frame") {
            } else if (to[1] == "matrix") {
              out <- getCounts(x)
              out <- base::as.matrix(out)
              if (is.logical(keepNames[1])) {
                if (!keepNames[1]) {
                  dimnames(out) <- NULL
            } else if (to[1] == class(x)[1]){
            } else {
              stop("Object could not be coerced to the desired data type")

setMethod("as.data.frame" , signature(x="mutationCounts"),
          function(x) {
            coerceObj(x, to = "data.frame")

setMethod("as.matrix", signature(x = "mutationCounts"),
          function(x) {
            coerceObj(x, to = "matrix", keepNames = FALSE)

setMethod("as.mutation.counts", signature(x="data.frame"),
          function(x, rownames = NULL, colnames = NULL) {
            # Checks
            if (is.null(rownames) & (is.null(rownames(x))))
              stop("Incomplete Mutation Type info")
            if (is.null(colnames) & is.null(colnames(x)))
              stop("Incomplete Mutation Type info")
            if (!is.null(rownames)){
              if (!is.character(rownames) |
                  length(rownames) != nrow(x) |
                  sum(duplicated(rownames) > 0))
                stop("Unsuitable Mutation Types")
            if (!is.null(colnames)){
              if (!is.character(colnames) |
                  length(colnames) != ncol(x) |
                  sum(duplicated(colnames) > 0))
                stop("Unsuitable Sample Identifiers")
            if (is.null(rownames))
              rownames <- rownames(x)
            if (is.null(colnames))
              colnames <- colnames(x)
            fOUT <- new(Class = "mutationCounts", 
                        x = x, 
                        muts = data.frame(mutTypes = rownames, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), 
                        samples = data.frame(ID = colnames, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))            

setMethod("[", signature(x="mutationCounts", i="numeric"),
          function(x, i, ...) {
            if(nargs() > 2)
              stop("object of type 'S4' is not subsettable")

            new(Class = "mutationCounts", 
                muts = x@mutTypes,
                                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                                         row.names = NULL))

## mutationSignatures class ------------------------------------------------------
         slots = list(mutationFreq = "data.frame",
                      mutTypes = "data.frame",
                      signatureId = "data.frame"))

# Define an initializer
setMethod("initialize", "mutationSignatures",
          function(.Object, x, muts, signNames) {
            .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object)
            # Check args
            if(!is.data.frame(x) |
               !is.data.frame(muts) |
              stop("Bad input")
            if(sum(duplicated(muts[,1])) > 0)
              stop("Mutation Types cannot be duplicated")
            if(sum(duplicated(signNames[,1])) > 0)
              stop("Sample Identifiers cannot be duplicated")
            if (ncol(x) != nrow(signNames) |
                nrow(x) != nrow(muts))
              stop("Data Dimension Issues")
            all.Nums <- base::as.numeric(format(apply(x, 2, sum), digits = 2, nsmall = 2))
            if (sum(all.Nums != 1) > 0) 
              stop ("Mutation frequency must always sum up to unity")
            .Object@mutationFreq <- x
            rownames(.Object@mutationFreq) <- NULL
            colnames(.Object@mutationFreq) <- NULL
            .Object@mutTypes <- muts
            rownames(.Object@mutTypes) <- NULL
            colnames(.Object@mutTypes)[1] <- "mutTypes"
            .Object@signatureId <- signNames
            rownames(.Object@signatureId) <- NULL
            colnames(.Object@signatureId)[1] <- "ID"

setMethod("show", "mutationSignatures",
          function(object) {
            out <- object@mutationFreq
            rownames(out) <- object@mutTypes[,1]
            colnames(out) <- object@signatureId[,1]
            cat(" Mutation Signatures object - mutSignatures")
            clMax <- ncol(out)
            cat(paste(" Total num of Signatures:", clMax))
            rowMax <- nrow(out)
            cat(paste(" Total num of MutTypes:", rowMax))
            nuClMax <- ifelse(clMax > 5, 5, clMax)
            colRange <- 1 : nuClMax
            nuRwMax <- ifelse(rowMax > 10, 10, rowMax)
            rowRange <- 1 : nuRwMax
            # Headings
            cat(paste("    ", paste("Sign.", colRange, sep = "", collapse = "   "), sep = ""))
            cat(paste("    ", paste(rep("------", length(colRange)), sep = "", collapse = "   "), sep = ""))
            for(jj in rowRange){
              cat(paste("  + ", paste(format(round(out[jj,colRange], digits = 4), nsmall = 4, scientific = FALSE), sep = "", collapse = "   "), sep = ""))
              cat("  +  ")
            if(rowMax > 10){
              cat(paste("    ", paste(rep("......", length(colRange)), sep = "", collapse = "   "), sep = ""))

setMethod("print", signature(x="mutationSignatures"),
          function(x, ...) {

setMethod("getMutationTypes", "mutationSignatures",

setMethod("getSignatureIdentifiers", "mutationSignatures",

setMethod("as.data.frame", signature(x ="mutationSignatures"),
            coerceObj(x, to = "data.frame")

setMethod("as.mutation.signatures", signature(x ="data.frame"),
            data <- x
            rw1 <- data.frame(type = rownames(x), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            cl1 <- data.frame(ID = colnames(x), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            out <- new(Class = "mutationSignatures", 
                       x= data, 

setMethod("[", signature(x="mutationSignatures", i="numeric"),
          function(x, i, ...) {
            if(nargs() > 2)
              stop("object of type 'S4' is not subsettable")
            new(Class = "mutationSignatures", 
                muts = x@mutTypes,
                                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                                     row.names = NULL))

setMethod("as.list", "mutationSignatures", 
          function(x) {
            coerceObj(x, to = "list")

setMethod("coerceObj", signature(x = "mutationSignatures", to = "character"),
          function(x, to) {
            if (to[1] == "data.frame") {
              out <- x@mutationFreq
              rownames(out) <- x@mutTypes[,1]
              colnames(out) <- x@signatureId[,1]
            } else if (to[1] == "matrix") {
              out <- x@mutationFreq
              rownames(out) <- x@mutTypes[,1]
              colnames(out) <- x@signatureId[,1]
            } else if (to[1] == "list") {
            } else if (to[1] == class(x)[1]){
            } else {
              stop("Object could not be coerced to the desired data type")

setMethod("cbind2", signature(x="mutationSignatures", y="mutationSignatures"), 
          function(x, y, ...) {
            xMut <- getMutationTypes(x)
            yMut <- getMutationTypes(y)
            if (length(xMut) == length(yMut) &
                sum(!xMut %in% yMut) == 0) {
              orderY <- sapply(xMut, function(ix) which(yMut == ix))
              #sortedYmut <- yMut[orderY]
              sortedYexp <- y@mutationFreq[orderY, ]
              new(Class = "mutationSignatures", 
                  x=base::as.data.frame(cbind(x@mutationFreq, sortedYexp)), 
                  muts = x@mutTypes,
                  signNames=data.frame(c(x@signatureId[,1], y@signatureId[,1]) , 
                                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
            } else {
              stop("Incompatible Objects")

## mutSignExposures class ------------------------------------------------------
         slots = list(exposures = "data.frame",
                      sampleId = "data.frame",
                      signatureId = "data.frame"))

# Define an initializer
setMethod("initialize", "mutSignExposures",
          function(.Object, x, samples, signNames) {
            .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object)
            # Check args
            if(!is.data.frame(x) |
               !is.data.frame(samples) |
              stop("Bad input")
            if(sum(duplicated(samples[,1])) > 0)
              stop("Mutation Types cannot be duplicated")
            if(sum(duplicated(signNames[,1])) > 0)
              stop("Sample Identifiers cannot be duplicated")
            if (ncol(x) != nrow(samples) |
                nrow(x) != nrow(signNames))
              stop("Data Dimension Issues")
            .Object@exposures <- x
            rownames(.Object@exposures) <- NULL
            colnames(.Object@exposures) <- NULL
            .Object@sampleId <- samples
            rownames(.Object@sampleId) <- NULL
            colnames(.Object@sampleId)[1] <- "ID"
            .Object@signatureId <- signNames
            rownames(.Object@signatureId) <- NULL
            colnames(.Object@signatureId)[1] <- "ID"

setMethod("show", "mutSignExposures",
          function(object) {
            out <- t(object@exposures)
            rownames(out) <- object@sampleId[,1]
            colnames(out) <- object@signatureId[,1]
            zero.approach <- ifelse (sum(apply(out, 1, sum) > 2) == 0, TRUE, FALSE)
            cat(" MutSignature Exposures object - mutSignatures")
            rwMax <- nrow(out)
            cat(paste(" Total num of Samples:", rwMax))
            clMax <- ncol(out)
            nuClMax <- ifelse(clMax > 5, 5, clMax)
            colRange <- 1 : nuClMax
            nuRwMax <- ifelse(rwMax > 10, 10, rwMax)
            rowRange <- 1 : nuRwMax
            cat(paste(" Total num of Signatures:", clMax, " { first", nuClMax,  "signatures are displayed }"))
            cat(paste(" Signature names:  ", 
                      paste(colnames(out)[1:nuClMax], collapse = ", "), 
                      ifelse(clMax > 5, " ...", ""), 
                      sep = "", collapse = " ") )
            # Headings
            cat(paste("    ", paste("Sign.", colRange, sep = "", collapse = "   "), sep = ""))
            cat(paste("    ", paste(rep("------", length(colRange)), sep = "", collapse = "   "), sep = ""))
            for(jj in rowRange){
              if (zero.approach) {
                prep.nums <- paste(paste(" ", format(round(out[jj,colRange],digits = 2), nsmall = 2), sep = ""), " ", sep = "")
              } else {
                prep.nums <- leadZeros(out[jj,colRange], m = 999999, char = " ", na.value = "999999")
              prep.nums[base::as.numeric(prep.nums) > 999] <- "  >999"
              cat(paste("  + ", paste(prep.nums,
                                      sep = "", collapse = "   "), sep = ""))
              cat("  +  ")
            if(rwMax > 10){
              cat(paste("    ", paste(rep("......", length(colRange)), sep = "", collapse = "   "), sep = ""))

setMethod("print", signature(x="mutSignExposures"),
          function(x, ...) {

setMethod("getSampleIdentifiers", "mutSignExposures",

setMethod("getSignatureIdentifiers", "mutSignExposures",

setMethod("[", signature(x="mutSignExposures", i="numeric"),
          function(x, i, ...) {
            if(nargs() > 2)
              stop ("object of type 'S4' is not subsettable")

            new(Class = "mutSignExposures", 
                x = base::as.data.frame(x@exposures[,i]), 
                signNames = x@signatureId,
                                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                                         row.names = NULL))

setMethod("coerceObj", signature(x = "mutSignExposures", to = "character"),
          function(x, to, transpose = TRUE) {
            if (to[1] == "data.frame" & is.logical(transpose) & transpose[1]) {
              out <- base::data.frame(t(x@exposures))
              rownames(out) <- x@sampleId[,1]
              colnames(out) <- x@signatureId[,1]
            } else if (to[1] == "matrix" & is.logical(transpose) & transpose[1]) {
              out <- t(x@exposures)
              rownames(out) <- x@sampleId[,1]
              colnames(out) <- x@signatureId[,1]
            } else if (to[1] == "data.frame" & is.logical(transpose) & !transpose[1]) {
              out <- x@exposures
              rownames(out) <- x@signatureId[,1]
              colnames(out) <- x@sampleId[,1]
            } else if (to[1] == "matrix" & is.logical(transpose) & !transpose[1]) {
              out <- x@exposures
              rownames(out) <- x@signatureId[,1]
              colnames(out) <- x@sampleId[,1]
            } else if (to[1] == class(x)[1]){
            } else {
              stop("Object could not be coerced to the desired data type")

setMethod("as.data.frame", signature(x ="mutSignExposures"),
            coerceObj(x, to = "data.frame")

setMethod("as.data.frame", signature(x ="mutSignExposures"),
          function(x, transpose=TRUE){
            if (is.logical(transpose)) {
              coerceObj(x, to = "data.frame", transpose = transpose[1])  
            } else {
              coerceObj(x, to = "data.frame")

setMethod("as.mutsign.exposures", signature(x ="data.frame"),
          function(x, samplesAsCols = TRUE){
            if (is.null(rownames(x)) | is.null(colnames(x))) 
              stop("Bad input")
            data <- x
            rw1 <- data.frame(type = rownames(x), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            cl1 <- data.frame(ID = colnames(x), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            if(samplesAsCols) {
              out <- new(Class = "mutSignExposures", 
                         x = data, 
            } else {
              out <- new(Class = "mutSignExposures", 
                         x = base::as.data.frame(t(data)), 
                         samples = rw1, 
                         signNames = cl1)

setMethod("plot", signature(x = "mutationSignatures"), 
          function(x, signature, main = NULL, ...) {
            mutCounts <- x
            objOut <- NULL
            if (is.numeric(signature)) {
              if(length(signature) == 1 & signature[1] <= length(getSignatureIdentifiers(mutCounts))) {
                objOut <- coerceObj(x = mutCounts, to = "data.frame")[,signature]
                label <-  getSignatureIdentifiers(mutCounts)[signature]
            } else if (is.character(signature)) {
              if (length(signature) == 1 & signature[1] %in% getSignatureIdentifiers(mutCounts)) {
                objOut <- coerceObj(x = mutCounts, to = "data.frame")[,signature]
                label <- signature
              final.label <- ifelse(!is.null(main), main, label)
              plotMutTypeProfile(mutCounts = objOut, 
                                 mutLabs = getMutationTypes(mutCounts),
                                 main = final.label, ...)
            } else {
              stop("Signature not found")

setMethod("plot",signature(x = "mutationCounts"), 
          function(x, sample, main = NULL, ...) {
            mutCounts <- x
            objOut <- NULL
            if (is.numeric(sample)) {
              if(length(sample) == 1 & sample[1] <= length(getSampleIdentifiers(mutCounts))) {
                objOut <- coerceObj(x = mutCounts, to = "data.frame")[,sample]
                label <-  getSampleIdentifiers(mutCounts)[sample]
            } else if (is.character(sample)) {
              if (length(sample) == 1 & sample[1] %in% getSampleIdentifiers(mutCounts)) {
                objOut <- coerceObj(x = mutCounts, to = "data.frame")[,sample]
                label <- sample
              final.label <- ifelse(!is.null(main), main, label)
              plotMutTypeProfile(mutCounts = objOut, 
                                 mutLabs = getMutationTypes(mutCounts),
                                 main = final.label,
            } else {
              stop("Sample not found")

setMethod("plot", signature(x = "mutSignExposures"), 
          function(x, top = 100) {
            mutCount <- coerceObj(x = x, to = "data.frame")
            plotMutCount(mutCount, top = top)

setMethod("coerceObj", signature(x = "data.frame", to = "character"),
          function(x, to, ...) {
            if (to[1] == "mutationCounts" & nargs() %in% 2:4) {
              as.mutation.counts(x, ...)
            } else if (to[1] == "mutationSignatures" & nargs() == 2){
            } else if (to[1] == "mutSignExposures" & nargs() %in% 2:3) {
              as.mutsign.exposures(x, ...)
            } else if (to[1] == class(x)[1]){
            } else {
              stop("Object could not be coerced to the desired data type")

##### Custom Functions - core package

addWeak <- function (mutationTypesToAddSet, 
  if (length(mutationTypesToAddSet) > 0 & mutationTypesToAddSet[1] > 0) {
    totalMutTypes <- nrow(Wall_I) + length(mutationTypesToAddSet)
    processes <- matrix(0, nrow = totalMutTypes, ncol = ncol(processes_I))
    processesStd <- matrix(0, nrow = totalMutTypes, ncol = ncol(processesStd_I))
    Wall <- matrix(0, nrow = totalMutTypes, ncol = ncol(Wall_I))
    genomeErrors <- lapply(1:length(genomeErrors_I), (function(i) {
      matrix(0, nrow = totalMutTypes, ncol = ncol(genomeErrors_I[[1]]))
    genomesReconstructed <- lapply(1:length(genomesReconstructed_I), 
                                   (function(i) {
                                            nrow = totalMutTypes, 
                                            ncol = ncol(genomesReconstructed_I[[1]]))
    origArrayIndex <- 1
    for (i in 1:totalMutTypes) {
      if (!(i %in% mutationTypesToAddSet)) {
        processes[i, ] <- processes_I[origArrayIndex, ]
        processesStd[i, ] <- processesStd_I[origArrayIndex,]
        Wall[i, ] <- Wall_I[origArrayIndex, ]
        for (j in 1:length(genomeErrors_I)) {
          genomeErrors[[j]][i, ] <- genomeErrors_I[[j]][origArrayIndex,  ]
        for (j in 1:length(genomesReconstructed_I)) {
          genomesReconstructed[[j]][i, ] <- genomesReconstructed_I[[j]][origArrayIndex,   ]
        origArrayIndex <- origArrayIndex + 1
  else {
    processes <- processes_I
    processesStd <- processesStd_I
    Wall <- Wall_I
    genomeErrors <- genomeErrors_I
    genomesReconstructed <- genomesReconstructed_I
  weakAdded.list <- list()
  weakAdded.list$processes <- processes
  weakAdded.list$processesStd <- processesStd
  weakAdded.list$Wall <- Wall
  weakAdded.list$mutCountErrors <- genomeErrors
  weakAdded.list$mutCountReconstructed <- genomesReconstructed

bootstrapCancerGenomes <- function (genomes) 
  genome.col.sums <- apply(genomes, 2, sum)
  norm.genomes <- genomes/matrix(genome.col.sums, 
                                 ncol = ncol(genomes), 
                                 nrow = nrow(genomes), 
                                 byrow = TRUE)
  bootstrapGenomes <- sapply(1:length(genome.col.sums), (function(i) {
    stats::rmultinom(1, size = genome.col.sums[i], prob = norm.genomes[,i])

evaluateStability <- function (wall, 
  BIG_NUMBER <- 100
  num_processesToExtract <- params$num_processesToExtract
  num_totReplicates <- params$num_totReplicates
  distanceFunction <- params$distanceFunction
  minClusterDist <- BIG_NUMBER
  totalIter <- ncol(wall)/num_processesToExtract
  idx = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(hall), ncol = 1)
  clusterCompactness <- matrix(0, 
                               nrow = num_processesToExtract, 
                               ncol = totalIter)
  iStartDataSet = seq(1, ncol(wall), by = num_processesToExtract)
  iStartingDataSet = iStartDataSet[sample(1:totalIter)]
  for (iInitData in 1:min(c(TOTAL_INIT_CONDITIONS, totalIter))) {
    iStartingData <- iStartingDataSet[iInitData]
    iEnd <- iStartingData + num_processesToExtract - 1
    centroids <- cbind(wall[, iStartingData:iEnd])
    centroidsTest <- sapply(1:ncol(centroids), (function(kk) {
    countIRep <- 0
    for (iRep in 1:num_totReplicates) {
      tmp.tab <- t(cbind(centroids, wall))
      tmp.pdist <- base::as.vector(proxy::dist(tmp.tab, distanceFunction))
      if (num_processesToExtract > 1)
        tmp.pdist[tmp.pdist == 1 | tmp.pdist == 0] <- NA
      allDist <- pracma::squareform(tmp.pdist)
      cd.colRange <- (ncol(centroids) + 1):ncol(allDist)
      centroidDist = t(allDist[1:ncol(centroids), cd.colRange])
      jRange <- sort(1:num_processesToExtract)
      for (jIndex in 1:num_processesToExtract) {
        j <- jRange[jIndex]
        for (i in seq(1, ncol(wall), by = num_processesToExtract)) {
          iRange = i:(i + num_processesToExtract - 1)
          tmp.min <- min(centroidDist[iRange, j], na.rm = TRUE)
          Ind <- which(centroidDist[iRange, j] == tmp.min)[1]
          centroidDist[iRange[Ind], ] <- BIG_NUMBER
          idx[iRange[Ind], 1] <- j
      maxDistToNewCentroids <- 0
      for (i in 1:ncol(centroids)) {
        tmp.dset <- wall[, base::as.vector(idx == i)]
        centroids[, i] <- apply(tmp.dset, 1, mean)
        tmp.dset <- t(cbind(centroids[, i], 
        tmp.pdist <- base::as.vector(proxy::dist(tmp.dset, distanceFunction))
        tmp.pdist[tmp.pdist == 1 | tmp.pdist == 0] <- NA
        maxDistToNewCentroids <- max(maxDistToNewCentroids, 
                                     na.rm = TRUE)
      if (maxDistToNewCentroids < CONVERG_CUTOFF) {
        countIRep <- countIRep + 1
      else {
        countIRep <- 0
        centroidsTest <- centroids
      if (countIRep == CONVERG_ITER) {
    for (i in 1:ncol(centroids)) {
      tmp.tab <- t(cbind(centroids[, i], 
                         wall[, base::as.vector(idx == i)]))
      tmp.pdist <- base::as.vector(proxy::dist(tmp.tab, distanceFunction))
      tmp.pdist[tmp.pdist == 1 | tmp.pdist == 0] <- NA
      clusterDist <- pracma::squareform(tmp.pdist)
      clusterCompactness[i, ] = clusterDist[1, 2:ncol(clusterDist)]
    dist.test <- apply(clusterCompactness, 2, (function(clm) {
      mean(clm, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (sum(minClusterDist > dist.test) == length(dist.test)) {
      centroidsFinal <- centroids
      idxFinal <- idx
      clusterCompactnessFinal <- clusterCompactness
  centroids <- t(centroidsFinal)
  idx <- idxFinal
  clusterCompactness <- clusterCompactnessFinal
  centDist <- apply(clusterCompactness, 1, (function(tmprw) {
    mean(tmprw, na.rm = TRUE)
  centDistInd <- order(centDist, decreasing = FALSE)
  clusterCompactness <- clusterCompactness[centDistInd, ]
  centroids <- centroids[centDistInd, ]
  idxNew <- idx
  for (i in 1:num_processesToExtract) {
    idxNew[base::as.vector(idx == centDistInd[i]), 1] <- i
  idx <- idxNew
  if (num_processesToExtract > 1) {
    processStab <- silhouetteMLB(data = t(wall), fac = idx, 
    processStabAvg <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = num_processesToExtract)
    for (i in 1:num_processesToExtract) {
      processStabAvg[1, i] = mean(processStab[idx == i])
  } else {
    # Adjusted params for a 1-class silhouette!
    tmp.tab <- t(cbind(centroids, wall))
    tmp.pdist <- base::as.vector(proxy::dist(tmp.tab, distanceFunction))
    tmp.pdist[tmp.pdist == 1 | tmp.pdist == 0] <- NA
    allDist <- pracma::squareform(tmp.pdist)
    processStab <- 1 - t(allDist[1, 2:ncol(allDist)])
    # Silhouette plot
    xrange <- c(min(processStab), max(processStab))
    xrange[1] <- ifelse(xrange[1] > 0, 0, (-1.15) * abs(xrange[1]))
    xrange[2] <- 1.15
    graphics::barplot(sort(base::as.numeric(processStab), decreasing = TRUE), 
                      col = "gray20",
                      xlim = xrange,
                      horiz = TRUE, xlab = "Silhouette Value", 
                      ylab = "", 
                      main = "Silhouette Plot", 
                      border = "gray20")
    graphics::title(ylab="Iter. Results (by Group)", line=1, cex.lab=1, font = 2)
    processStabAvg <- apply(processStab, 2, (function(clmn) {
      base::mean(clmn, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (num_processesToExtract > 1) {
    centroidStd <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(centroids), ncol = ncol(centroids))
  } else {
    centroidStd <- matrix(0, ncol = length(centroids), nrow = 1)
  for (i in 1:num_processesToExtract) {
    centroidStd[i, ] <- apply(wall[, idx == i], 1, (function(rw) {
      stats::sd(rw, na.rm = TRUE)
  centroids <- t(cbind(centroids))
  centroidStd <- t(centroidStd)
  idxS <- matrix(0, nrow = length(idx), ncol = 1)
  for (i in seq(1, ncol(wall), by = num_processesToExtract)) {
    iEnd <- i + num_processesToExtract - 1
    idxG <- idx[i:iEnd]
    for (j in 1:num_processesToExtract) {
      idxS[(i + j - 1), ] = which(idxG == j)
  exposure <- matrix(0, nrow = max(idxS), ncol(hall))
  exposureStd <- matrix(0, nrow = max(idxS), ncol(hall))
  for (i in 1:max(idxS)) {
    exposure[i, ] <- apply(hall[idx == i, ], 2, (function(cl) {
      mean(cl, na.rm = TRUE)
    exposureStd[i, ] <- apply(hall[idx == i, ], 2, (function(cl) {
      sd(cl, na.rm = TRUE)
  # Fix to sign.to.extract.num = 1
  if (num_processesToExtract < 2){
    centroids <- t(centroids)
  result.list <- list()
  result.list$centroids <- centroids
  result.list$centroidStd <- centroidStd
  result.list$exposure <- exposure
  result.list$exposureStd <- exposureStd
  result.list$idx <- idx
  result.list$idxS <- idxS
  result.list$processStab <- processStab
  result.list$processStabAvg <- processStabAvg
  result.list$clusterCompactness <- clusterCompactness

filterOutIterations <- function (wall, 
  num_processesToExtract <- params$num_processesToExtract
  thresh_removeLastPercent <- params$thresh_removeLastPercent
  num_totIterations <- ncol(wall)/num_processesToExtract
  tot.rm.iterations <- round(thresh_removeLastPercent * num_totIterations)
  if (tot.rm.iterations > 0) {
    closeness.mutCounts <- matrix(0, 
                                  nrow = num_totIterations, 
                                  ncol = 1)
    for (i in 1:num_totIterations) {
      closeness.mutCounts[i, ] <- base::norm(cnt_errors[[i]], "F")
    indexClosenessGenomes <- order(closeness.mutCounts, 
                                   decreasing = TRUE)
    removeIterations <- indexClosenessGenomes[1:tot.rm.iterations]
    removeIterationSets <- matrix(0, 
                                  nrow = (num_processesToExtract * tot.rm.iterations), 
                                  ncol = 1)
    for (i in 1:tot.rm.iterations) {
      iStart <- num_processesToExtract * (removeIterations[i] - 1) + 1
      iEnd <- num_processesToExtract * removeIterations[i]
      tmpRowRange <- (num_processesToExtract * (i - 1) + 1):(num_processesToExtract * i)
      removeIterationSets[tmpRowRange, ] <- iStart:iEnd
    wall <- wall[, -removeIterationSets]
    hall <- hall[-removeIterationSets, ]
    cnt_errors <- cnt_errors[-removeIterations]
    cnt_reconstructed <- cnt_reconstructed[-removeIterations]
  res.list <- list()
  res.list$Wall <- wall
  res.list$Hall <- hall
  res.list$mutCounts.errors <- cnt_errors
  res.list$mutCounts.reconstructed <- cnt_reconstructed

getTestRunArgs <- function (testN = 1) 
  out <- list()
  if (testN == 3) {
    out$v <- cbind(c(142, 133, 1, 24, 53, 55, 4, 4, 100), 
                   c(132, 113, 0, 34, 50, 52, 3, 3, 17), 
                   c(155, 139,10, 14, 53, 45, 2, 5, 13), 
                   c(124, 156, 22, 21,52, 45, 2, 7, 100))
    out$r <- 2
    out$params <- setMutClusterParams(num_processesToExtract = 2)
    out$params$num_parallelCores <- 1
    out$params$stopconv <- 800
    out$params$niter <- 8000
  else if (testN == 4) {
    out$data <- cbind(c(runif(4, 10, 25), 
                        runif(6, 20, 50), 
                        runif(3, 0, 5)), 
                      c(runif(4, 50, 60),
                        runif(6, 45, 55), 
                        runif(3, 30, 40)), 
                      c(runif(4, 12, 15), 
                        runif(6,10, 15), 
                        runif(3, 10, 12)), 
                      c(runif(4, 5, 20), 
                        runif(6, 16, 26), 
                        runif(3, 24, 29)))
    out$fac <- c(rep(1, 4), rep(2, 6), rep(3, 3))
  else if (testN == 5) {
    out$W <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:20, (function(i) {
      cbind(c(runif(4, 0.05, 0.15), 
              c(1e-15 * runif(1,1, 9)), 
              runif(3, 0.003, 0.007), 
              runif(9, 0.04, 0.09)), 
            c(runif(3, 0.08, 0.18), 
              c(1e-15 * runif(1, 1, 9)), 
              runif(1, 0.03, 0.07), 
              runif(3, 0.004, 0.009), 
              runif(9, 0.04, 0.09)))
    out$H <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:40, (function(i) {
      c(runif(1, 0.005, 0.099), 
        runif(2, 50, 800), 
        runif(2, 0.005, 0.099), 
        runif(1, 50, 750), 
        runif(2, 0.005, 0.099), 
        runif(1, 20, 800))
    out$params$analyticApproach <- "denovo"
  else if (testN == 6) {
    tmut <- runif(10, 150, 1350)
    eff1 <- runif(10, 0.45, 0.89)
    eff2 <- 1 - eff1
    out$exposures <- sapply(1:10, (function(i) {
      c(eff1[i], eff2[i]) * tmut[i]
  else {
    my.mat <- sapply(1:10, (function(i) {
      c(base::as.integer(runif(3, 80, 150)), 
        base::as.integer(runif(7, 0, 10)), 
        base::as.integer(runif(9, 40, 80)), 
        base::as.integer(runif(1, 0, 3)), 
        base::as.integer(runif(10, 60, 120)))
    rownames(my.mat) <- c("A[C>A]A", "A[C>A]C", "A[C>A]G", 
                          "A[C>A]T", "A[C>G]A", "A[C>G]C", "A[C>G]G", "A[C>G]T", 
                          "A[C>T]A", "A[C>T]C", "A[C>T]G", "A[C>T]T", "A[T>A]A", 
                          "A[T>A]C", "A[T>A]G", "A[T>A]T", "A[T>C]A", "A[T>C]C", 
                          "A[T>C]G", "A[T>C]T", "A[T>G]A", "A[T>G]C", "A[T>G]G", 
                          "A[T>G]T", "C[C>A]A", "C[C>A]C", "C[C>A]G", "C[C>A]T", 
                          "C[C>G]A", "C[C>G]C")
    #out$mutCount.obj <- setMutCountObject(mutCountMatrix = my.mat)
    #out$params <- setMutClusterParams(num_processesToExtract = 2)
    out$params$num_totIterations <- 1
    out$params$num_parallelCores <- 1
    out$params$stopconv <- 800
    out$params$niter <- 8000
    if (testN == 2) {
      out$params$stopconv <- 2000
      out$params$niter <- 15000
      out$params$num_totIterations <- 3

leadZeros <- function (n, m, char = "0", na.value = NA) 
  max.zeros <- nchar(base::as.character(round(m)))
  tmp.digits <- nchar(base::as.character(round(n)))
  zeros.toAdd <- max.zeros - tmp.digits
  returnVect <- sapply(1:length(n), function(i){
    if (zeros.toAdd[i] >= 0) {
      paste(c(rep(char, zeros.toAdd[i]), base::as.character(round(n[i]))), sep = "", collapse = "")    
    } else {

removeWeak <- function (input_mutCounts, 
  thresh_removeWeakMutTypes <- params$thresh_removeWeakMutTypes
  sum.counts <- apply(input_mutCounts, 1, sum)
  sum.counts.idx <- order(sum.counts, decreasing = FALSE)
  sorted.sum.counts <- sum.counts[sum.counts.idx]
  tot.mut.counts <- sum(input_mutCounts)
  tot.muttypes.toremove <- sum((sapply(1:length(sorted.sum.counts), 
                                       (function(i) {
                                       }))/tot.mut.counts) < thresh_removeWeakMutTypes)
  return.list <- list()
  if (tot.muttypes.toremove > 0) {
    removed.mutset <- sum.counts.idx[c(1:tot.muttypes.toremove)]
    input_mutCounts <- input_mutCounts[-removed.mutset, ]
    return.list$removed.mutset <- removed.mutset
  else {
    return.list$removed.mutset <- (-1)
  return.list$output.mutCounts <- input_mutCounts

silhouetteMLB <- function (data, 
                           method = "cosine", 
                           plot = TRUE) 
  if (nrow(data) != length(fac)) 
    stop("Bad input!")
  dist.matrix <- base::as.matrix(proxy::dist(x = data, method = method))
  sil.check <- cluster::silhouette(x = base::as.numeric(base::as.factor(fac)), 
                                   dist = dist.matrix)
  if (plot == TRUE) {
    tmp <- lapply(unique(sil.check[, 1]), (function(clid) {
      part.out <- sil.check[sil.check[, 1] == clid, ]
      part.out[order(part.out[, 3], decreasing = TRUE), 
    tmp <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
    xrange <- c(min(tmp[,3]), max(tmp[,3]))
    xrange[1] <- ifelse(xrange[1] > 0, 0, (-1.15) * abs(xrange[1]))
    xrange[2] <- 1.15
    graphics::barplot(tmp[nrow(tmp):1, 3], 
                      col = base::as.factor(tmp[nrow(tmp):1,1]),
                      xlim = xrange,
                      horiz = TRUE, xlab = "Silhouette Value", 
                      ylab = "", 
                      main = "Silhouette Plot", 
                      border = base::as.factor(tmp[nrow(tmp):1,1]))
    graphics::title(ylab="Iter. Results (by Group)", line=1, cex.lab=1, font = 2)
  return(base::as.vector(sil.check[, 3]))

alexaNMF <- function(v, r, params)
  # Brunet algorithm, from Alexandrov NMF WTSI code
  # define params (hard-set)
  debug <- params$debug
  chk.step <- 50
  dot.eachSteps <- 2000
  # retireve user-defined params
  eps <- params$eps
  num.processes <- r
  stopconv <- params$stopconv
  niter <- params$niter
  err.threshold <- 1e-10
  stopRule <- ifelse(params$stopRule == "LA", "LA", "DF")
  # set.seed(231082)
  v <- base::as.matrix(v)
  rownames(v) <- NULL
  colnames(v) <- NULL
  # Double check input matrix
  if (min(v) < 0)
    stop("Matrix entries cannot be negative")
  if (min(apply(v, 1, sum)) == 0)
    stop("Entries cannot all be equal to 0")
  # Initialize W0 and H0
  W.k <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:num.processes, (function(i){
    out.o <- runif(n = nrow(v), min = eps, max = 100)
  H.k <- matrix((1/num.processes), nrow = num.processes, ncol = ncol(v))
  # Initialize looping vars
  itr <- 1
  chk.j <- 1
  stationary.chk <- 0
  force.out <- 1
  # Debugging plot
  if (debug)
    graphics::plot(-10, xlim = c(1000, niter),
                   ylim = c( ifelse(stopRule == "DF", (0.1*err.threshold), 0.001) ,
                             ifelse(stopRule == "DF", 10, ncol(H.k))), log = "xy",
                   xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Variation", main = "Convergence")
  # Initialize the objects for comparing dissimilarity
  # DF approach
  cons.old <- base::as.vector(W.k)
  # Alexandrov approach
  consold <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(H.k), ncol = ncol(H.k))
  while (itr < niter){
    if (itr %% dot.eachSteps == 0) {
      if (stationary.chk > chk.step) {
        message(":", appendLF = FALSE)
      } else {
        message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
    delta.01 <- apply(W.k, 2, sum)
    H.k <- H.k * (t(W.k) %*% (v/(W.k %*% H.k))) / delta.01
    H.k[H.k < eps] <- eps
    W.tmp <- W.k * ((v/(W.k %*% H.k)) %*% t(H.k))
    W.k <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:ncol(W.tmp), (function(ci){
      W.tmp[,ci] / sum(H.k[ci,])
    W.k[W.k<eps] <- eps
    # check convergence every 'chk.step' iterations
    if (itr > stopconv & itr %% chk.step == 0 & stopRule == "DF") {
      chk.j <- chk.j + 1
      H.k[H.k < eps] <- eps
      W.k[W.k < eps] <- eps
      cons <- base::as.vector(W.k)
      # compare to consold and reorder
      dist.measure <- proxy::dist(rbind(cons, cons.old), method = "cosine") [1]
      cons.old <- cons
      if (debug)
        points(itr, (dist.measure + (err.threshold*0.1)), pch = 19, col = "red2")
      # evaluate distance
      if (dist.measure < err.threshold) {
        stationary.chk <- stationary.chk + 1
      } else {
        stationary.chk <- 0
      if (stationary.chk > (stopconv / chk.step)) {
        force.out <- 0
        message("$", appendLF = FALSE)
    } else if (itr > stopconv & itr %% chk.step == 0 & stopRule == "LA") {
      chk.j <- chk.j + 1
      H.k[H.k < eps] <- eps
      W.k[W.k < eps] <- eps
      y <- apply(H.k, 2, max)
      index <- apply(H.k, 2, (function(dt) {
      mat1 = t(sapply(1:ncol(H.k), (function(ii) {
      mat2 = sapply(1:ncol(H.k), (function(ii) {
      cons <- mat1 == mat2
      if (sum(cons != consold) == 0) {
        stationary.chk <- stationary.chk + 1
      } else {
        stationary.chk <- 0
      consold <- cons
      if (debug)
        points(itr, (sum(cons != consold) / 100), pch = 19, col = "red2")
      if (stationary.chk > (stopconv/chk.step)) {
        force.out <- 0
        message("$", appendLF = FALSE)
    itr <- itr + 1
  if (force.out == 1) {
    message("!", appendLF = FALSE)
  output <- list()
  output$w <- W.k
  output$h <- H.k

attachMutType <- function(mutData,
                          ref_colName = "reference_allele",
                          var_colName = "variant_allele",
                          var2_colName = NULL,
                          context_colName = "context",
                          format = 1,
                          mutType_dict = "alexa",
                          mutType_colName = "mutType")
  # Validate input data and fields in mutData
  if(!((is.data.frame(mutData) | is.matrix(mutData) ) &
       sum(c(ref_colName, var_colName, context_colName) %in% colnames(mutData)) == 3 ))
    stop ("Issue with the input dataset. Make sure to feed in a data.frame or
          a matrix and double check the name of the fields pointing to chromosome
          name, start and end positions")
  if (!(format %in% c(1,2)))
    stop ("Please, specify a valid format number (example: 1)")
  if (! (is.null(var2_colName))) {
    if (!(var2_colName %in% colnames(mutData)))
      stop ("Invalid var2 column")
  if (!is.character(mutType_colName) |
      length(mutType_colName) > 1)
    stop("Bad mutType_colName")
  if(mutType_colName %in% colnames(mutData))
    stop ("mutType_colName already exists as column name in the current dataset")
  # convert factors to chars
  mutData <- data.frame(mutData, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)
  my.key.cols <- c(ref_colName, var_colName, var2_colName, context_colName)
  my.key.cols <- my.key.cols[!is.na(my.key.cols)]
  for (clmn in my.key.cols) {
    mutData[,clmn] <- base::as.character(base::as.vector(mutData[,clmn])) 
  message("Assigning mutation types ", appendLF = FALSE)
  mutData[,mutType_colName] <- sapply(1:nrow(mutData), (function(i){
    if (nrow(mutData) > 1000 & i %in% base::as.integer(seq(1, nrow(mutData),length.out = 20)))
      message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
    # first, extract elems and check for middle base to match the reference
    ctx.len <- nchar(mutData[i,context_colName])
    half.ln <- (ctx.len - 1) / 2
    mid.seq <- substr(mutData[i,context_colName], (half.ln + 1), (half.ln + 1))
    pre.seq <- substr(mutData[i,context_colName], 1, half.ln)
    post.seq <- substr(mutData[i,context_colName], (half.ln + 2), ctx.len)
    if(mid.seq !=  mutData[i,ref_colName] | 
       (is.null(var2_colName) & mid.seq == mutData[i,var_colName]) |
       (tryCatch({(mid.seq == mutData[i,var_colName] & mid.seq == mutData[i,var2_colName])},
                 error = function(e) {FALSE}))){
      # no match means --> NA
      mut.base <- NA
    } else {
      #mut.variant to use in case var2 is specified
      if (mutData[i,ref_colName] != mutData[i,var_colName]) {
        mut.base <- mutData[i,var_colName]
      } else if (!is.null(var2_colName) ){
        if ( mutData[i,ref_colName] != mutData[i,var2_colName]) {
          mut.base <- mutData[i,var2_colName]
        } else {
          mut.base <- NA  
      } else {
        mut.base <- NA  
      # match, format and return according to a standard format (for now)
      if (is.na(mut.base)) {
      } else {
        paste(mid.seq, ".", mut.base, "[", pre.seq, mid.seq, post.seq, "][", pre.seq, mut.base, post.seq, "]", sep = "", collapse = "")
  message(". Done!", appendLF = TRUE)
  if (sum(is.na(mutData[,mutType_colName])) > 0) {
    message(paste("Removing",sum(is.na(mutData[,mutType_colName])), "positions."))
    mutData <- mutData[!is.na(mutData[,mutType_colName]),]
  # Now, apply revCompl transformation
  message("Now applying RevCompl transformation", appendLF = FALSE)
  if (mutType_dict == "alexa") {
    idx <- grep("^((G|A)\\.)", mutData[,mutType_colName])
    mutData[idx,mutType_colName] <- sapply(mutData[idx,mutType_colName], (function(seq){
      base.wt  <- revCompl(gsub("\\..+$", "", seq))
      base.mut <- revCompl(gsub("^.+\\.", "", gsub("\\[.+$", "", seq)))
      seq.wt   <- revCompl(gsub("^.+\\[", "", gsub("\\]\\[.+$", "", seq)))
      seq.mut  <- revCompl(gsub("^.+\\]\\[", "", gsub("\\]$", "", seq)))
      paste(base.wt,".",base.mut, "[", seq.wt, "][", seq.mut, "]", sep = "", collapse = "")
  } else if (mutType_dict == "custom") {
    idx <- grep("^((G|T)\\.)", mutData[,mutType_colName])
    mutData[idx,mutType_colName] <- sapply(mutData[idx,mutType_colName], (function(seq){
      base.wt  <- revCompl(gsub("\\..+$", "", seq))
      base.mut <- revCompl(gsub("^.+\\.", "", gsub("\\[.+$", "", seq)))
      seq.wt   <- revCompl(gsub("^.+\\[", "", gsub("\\]\\[.+$", "", seq)))
      seq.mut  <- revCompl(gsub("^.+\\]\\[", "", gsub("\\]$", "", seq)))
      paste(base.wt,".",base.mut, "[", seq.wt, "][", seq.mut, "]", sep = "", collapse = "")
  message(". Done!", appendLF = TRUE)
  message("Final formatting", appendLF = FALSE)
  #Attach the format of interest
  mutData[,mutType_colName] <- sapply(mutData[,mutType_colName], (function(seq){
    base.wt  <- gsub("\\..+$", "", seq)
    base.mut <- gsub("^.+\\.", "", gsub("\\[.+$", "", seq))
    seq.wt   <- gsub("^.+\\[", "", gsub("\\]\\[.+$", "", seq))
    seq.mut  <- gsub("^.+\\]\\[", "", gsub("\\]$", "", seq))
    half.len <- (nchar(seq.wt) - 1 ) / 2
    pre.seq <- substr(seq.wt, 1, half.len)
    post.seq <-substr(seq.wt, half.len + 2, nchar(seq))
    if (format == 1) {
      # --> N[N>M]N
      paste(pre.seq, "[", base.wt, ">", base.mut, "]", post.seq, sep = "", collapse = "")
    } else if (format == 2) {
      # --> NN.N>M
      paste(pre.seq, post.seq, ".", base.wt, ">", base.mut, sep = "", collapse = "")
    }  else {
      # --> N.M[NNN][NMN]
      paste(base.wt,".",base.mut, "[", seq.wt, "][", seq.mut, "]", sep = "", collapse = "")
  message(". Done!", appendLF = TRUE)

chihJenNMF <- function(v, r, params) {
  # http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4359171/
  # alternative approach for NMF
  # define params (hard-set)
  debug <- params$debug
  chk.step <- 50
  dot.eachSteps <- 2000
  # retireve user-defined params
  eps <- params$eps
  num.processes <- r
  stopconv <- params$stopconv
  niter <- params$niter
  err.threshold <- 1e-10
  # set.seed(231082)
  v <- base::as.matrix(v)
  rownames(v) <- NULL
  colnames(v) <- NULL
  # Double check input matrix
  if (min(v) < 0)
    stop("Matrix entries cannot be negative")
  if (min(apply(v, 1, sum)) == 0)
    stop("Entries cannot all be equal to 0")
  # Debugging plot
  if (debug)
    graphics::plot(-10, xlim = c(1000, niter), ylim = c( (0.1*err.threshold), 10), log = "xy", 
                   xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Variation", main = "Convergence")
  # Initialize W0 and H0
  W.k <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:num.processes, (function(i){
    out.o <- runif(n = nrow(v), min = eps, max = 100)
  H.k <- matrix((1/num.processes), nrow = num.processes, ncol = ncol(v))
  # Initialize looping vars
  itr <- 1
  chk.j <- 1
  cons.old <- base::as.vector(W.k)
  stationary.chk <- 0
  force.out <- 1
  while (itr < niter){
    if (itr %% dot.eachSteps == 0) {
      if (stationary.chk > chk.step) {
        message(":", appendLF = FALSE)
      } else {
        message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
    WtW <- t(W.k) %*% W.k
    gradH <- ((WtW %*% H.k) - (t(W.k) %*% v))
    H.b <- H.k; H.b[H.b<eps] <- eps;
    H.k <- H.k - (H.b / ((WtW %*% H.b) + eps)) * gradH
    HHt <- H.k %*% t(H.k)
    gradW <- (W.k %*% HHt) - (v %*% t(H.k))
    W.b <- W.k; W.b[W.b < eps] <- eps
    W.k <- W.k - (W.b / ((W.b %*% HHt) + eps)) * gradW
    S <- apply(W.k, 2, sum)
    W.k <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:ncol(W.k), (function(ci){
      W.k[,ci] / S[ci]
    H.k <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(H.k), (function(ri){
      H.k[ri,] * S[ri]
    # optional ? Keep as is for now
    H.k <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:ncol(H.k), (function(ci){
      H.k[,ci] / sum(H.k[,ci])
    # Final non-negative check
    H.k[H.k < eps] <- eps
    W.k[W.k < eps] <- eps
    # check convergence every 'chk.step' iterations
    if (itr > stopconv & itr %% chk.step == 0) {
      chk.j <- chk.j + 1
      W.k[W.k < eps] <- eps
      cons <- base::as.vector(W.k)
      # compare to consold and reorder
      dist.measure <- proxy::dist(rbind(cons, cons.old), method = "cosine") [1]
      cons.old <- cons
      if (debug)
        points(itr, (dist.measure + (err.threshold*0.1)), pch = 19, col = "red2")
      # evaluate distance
      if (dist.measure < err.threshold) {
        stationary.chk <- stationary.chk + 1
      } else {
        stationary.chk <- 0
      if (stationary.chk > (stopconv / chk.step)) {
        force.out <- 0
        message("$", appendLF = FALSE)
    itr <- itr + 1
  if (force.out == 1) {
    message("!", appendLF = FALSE)
  output <- list()
  output$w <- W.k
  output$h <- H.k

countMutTypes <- function(mutTable, 
                          mutType_colName = "mutType", #mutTypeLab 
                          sample_colName = NULL)  #sampleLab
  if (!(is.data.frame(mutTable) | is.matrix(mutTable)))
    stop ("Bad input")
  if (! mutType_colName %in% colnames(mutTable))
    stop ("mutType field not found")
  if (!is.null(sample_colName)){
    if (! sample_colName %in% colnames(mutTable))
      stop ("sample_colName field not found")
  mutType.labels <- c("A[C>A]A", "A[C>A]C", "A[C>A]G", "A[C>A]T", "A[C>G]A", "A[C>G]C",
                      "A[C>G]G", "A[C>G]T", "A[C>T]A", "A[C>T]C", "A[C>T]G", "A[C>T]T",
                      "A[T>A]A", "A[T>A]C", "A[T>A]G", "A[T>A]T", "A[T>C]A", "A[T>C]C",
                      "A[T>C]G", "A[T>C]T", "A[T>G]A", "A[T>G]C", "A[T>G]G", "A[T>G]T",
                      "C[C>A]A", "C[C>A]C", "C[C>A]G", "C[C>A]T", "C[C>G]A", "C[C>G]C",
                      "C[C>G]G", "C[C>G]T", "C[C>T]A", "C[C>T]C", "C[C>T]G", "C[C>T]T",
                      "C[T>A]A", "C[T>A]C", "C[T>A]G", "C[T>A]T", "C[T>C]A", "C[T>C]C",
                      "C[T>C]G", "C[T>C]T", "C[T>G]A", "C[T>G]C", "C[T>G]G", "C[T>G]T",
                      "G[C>A]A", "G[C>A]C", "G[C>A]G", "G[C>A]T", "G[C>G]A", "G[C>G]C",
                      "G[C>G]G", "G[C>G]T", "G[C>T]A", "G[C>T]C", "G[C>T]G", "G[C>T]T",
                      "G[T>A]A", "G[T>A]C", "G[T>A]G", "G[T>A]T", "G[T>C]A", "G[T>C]C",
                      "G[T>C]G", "G[T>C]T", "G[T>G]A", "G[T>G]C", "G[T>G]G", "G[T>G]T",
                      "T[C>A]A", "T[C>A]C", "T[C>A]G", "T[C>A]T", "T[C>G]A", "T[C>G]C",
                      "T[C>G]G", "T[C>G]T", "T[C>T]A", "T[C>T]C", "T[C>T]G", "T[C>T]T",
                      "T[T>A]A", "T[T>A]C", "T[T>A]G", "T[T>A]T", "T[T>C]A", "T[T>C]C",
                      "T[T>C]G", "T[T>C]T", "T[T>G]A", "T[T>G]C", "T[T>G]G", "T[T>G]T")
  custPatt01 <- "^(A|C|G|T)\\[(A|C|G|T)>(A|C|G|T)\\](A|C|G|T)$"
  if (sum(regexpr(custPatt01, mutTable[,mutType_colName]) > 0) != length(mutTable[,mutType_colName]))
    stop ("Problem with the mutation type format... Please use the following format: A[C>G]T")
  # Force Alexandrov-style mut types
  idx.to.fix <- which(!mutTable[,mutType_colName] %in% mutType.labels)
  if (length(idx.to.fix) > 0) {
    tmp <- mutTable[,mutType_colName][idx.to.fix]
    corrected.mutTypes <- sapply(1:length(tmp), (function(i){
      out <- c(revCompl(substr(tmp[i], 7,7)), "[",
               revCompl(substr(tmp[i], 3,3)), ">",
               revCompl(substr(tmp[i], 5,5)), "]",
               revCompl(substr(tmp[i], 1,1)))
      paste(out, collapse = "", sep = "")
    mutTable[,mutType_colName][idx.to.fix] <- corrected.mutTypes
  if (sum(!mutTable[,mutType_colName] %in% mutType.labels) > 0)
    stop("Problem with the mutType... Please check the input")
  if(is.null(sample_colName)) {
    my.mutTypes <- mutTable[,mutType_colName]
    out.1 <- sapply(mutType.labels, (function(mtt){
      sum(my.mutTypes == mtt)
    out.1 <- data.frame(cbind(sample=out.1))
  } else {
    unique.cases <- unique(mutTable[,sample_colName])
    out.1 <- lapply(unique.cases, (function(csid){
      tmp.df <- mutTable[mutTable[,sample_colName] == csid,]
      out.3 <- sapply(mutType.labels, (function(mtt){
        sum(tmp.df[,mutType_colName] == mtt)
      out.3 <- data.frame(cbind(out.3))
      colnames(out.3) <- csid
    out.1 <- data.frame(do.call(cbind, out.1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    tryCatch({colnames(out.1) <- unique.cases}, error = function(e) NULL)
  # Prepare mutationCounts object
  fOUT <- new(Class = "mutationCounts", 
              x = out.1, 
              muts = data.frame(mutTypes = rownames(out.1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), 
              samples = data.frame(ID = colnames(out.1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

decipherMutationalProcesses <- function (input, 
  if (class(params) == "mutFrameworkParams" & class(input) == "mutationCounts") {
    paramsList <- coerceObj(params, to = "list")
    inputMAT <- coerceObj(input, to = "matrix", keepNames = FALSE) 
  } else {
    stop("Malformed Input")
  if (paramsList$approach != "counts") {
    freq.input <- frequencize(inputMAT)
    inputMAT <- freq.input$freqs
    inputColsums <- freq.input$colSums
  currentWarnings <- options()$warn
  options(warn = -1)
  #requiredElements <- c("cancerType", "mutCounts", "sampleNames", "mutTypes")
  #if (!("input" %in% ls()) | !(is.list(input)) | sum(requiredElements %in%
  #                                                   names(input)) != length(requiredElements))
  #  stop("Malformed Input / Input does not include all the required fields!")
  if (is.numeric(paramsList$num_processesToExtract)) {
    paramsList$analyticApproach <- "denovo"
  } else {
    stop("An error occurred!")
  if (paramsList$analyticApproach == "denovo") {
    deconvData <- deconvoluteMutCounts(input_mutCounts = inputMAT,
                                       params = paramsList)
  } else {
    stop("An error occurred!")
  # Package results and send out
  mutProcesses <- list()
  # Results first
  final.proc <- data.frame(deconvData$processes, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(final.proc) <- paste("Sign.",
                                sapply(1:ncol(final.proc), (function(n){
                                  leadZeros(n, (10*ncol(final.proc)))
                                })),  sep = "")
  rownames(final.proc) <- getMutationTypes(input)
  # New signatures
  signResult <- mutSignatures::as.mutation.signatures(final.proc)
  final.expo <- data.frame(deconvData$exposure, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (getFwkParam(params, "approach") != "counts"){
    final.expo <- data.frame(sapply(1:ncol(final.expo), function(cjj){
      inputColsums[cjj] * final.expo[,cjj] / sum(final.expo[,cjj])
    }), row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)  
  tryCatch({colnames(final.expo) <- getSampleIdentifiers(input)}, error = function(e) {NULL})
  rownames(final.expo) <- colnames(final.proc)
  # New exposures
  expoResult <- mutSignatures::as.mutsign.exposures(x = final.expo) 
  mutProcesses$Results <- list()
  mutProcesses$Results$signatures <- signResult
  mutProcesses$Results$exposures <- expoResult
  # Attach input and analysis data
  mutProcesses$RunSpecs <- list()
  mutProcesses$RunSpecs$input <- input
  mutProcesses$RunSpecs$params <- params
  # Attach Supplementary and Extra Controls stuff
  if (getFwkParam(params, "logIterations") != "lite") {
    mutProcesses$Supplementary <- list()
    mutProcesses$Supplementary$allProcesses <- deconvData$Wall
    mutProcesses$Supplementary$allExposures <- deconvData$Hall
    mutProcesses$Supplementary$idx <- deconvData$idx
    mutProcesses$Supplementary$mutCountErrors <- deconvData$mutCountErrors
    mutProcesses$Supplementary$mutCountReconstructed <- deconvData$mutCountReconstructed
    mutProcesses$Supplementary$processStab <- deconvData$processStab
    mutProcesses$Supplementary$processStabAvg <- deconvData$processStabAvg
  options(warn = currentWarnings)

deconvoluteMutCounts <- function (input_mutCounts, 
  # avoid NOTEs
  j <- NULL
  num_totIterations <- params$num_totIterations
  #perCore.iterations <- params$perCore.iterations
  num_processesToExtract <- params$num_processesToExtract
  distanceFunction <- params$distanceFunction
  thresh_removeWeakMutTypes <- params$thresh_removeWeakMutTypes
  num_parallelCores <- params$num_parallelCores
  guided <- params$guided
  debugStatus <- params$debug
  num_totReplicates <- params$num_totReplicates
  thresh_removeLastPercent <- params$thresh_removeLastPercent
  colnames(input_mutCounts) <- NULL
  rownames(input_mutCounts) <- NULL
  input_mutCounts <- base::as.matrix(input_mutCounts)
  bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts <- removeWeak(input_mutCounts, params)
  bckgrnd.removed.mutset <- bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts$removed.mutset
  bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts <- bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts$output.mutCounts
  total.mutationTypes <- nrow(bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts)
  total.samples <- ncol(bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts)
  # Start with a sample NMF iteration to guide the rest
  if (guided) {
    if (!debugStatus) {
      guide.W <- suppressMessages(extractSignatures(mutCountMatrix = bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts,
                                   params = params,
                                   bootStrap = FALSE))
    } else {
      guide.W <- extractSignatures(mutCountMatrix = bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts,
                                   params = params,
                                   bootStrap = FALSE)
    guide.W <- guide.W$Wk
  } else {
    # dummy variable
    guide.W <- 0
  if (num_parallelCores < 2) {
    muCounts.checkDF <- tryCatch(lapply(1:num_totIterations, (function(j){
      if (debugStatus) {
        if (j %in% base::as.integer(seq(1, num_totIterations, length.out = 100))) {
          message(paste("(",j,")", sep = ""), appendLF = FALSE)
      if (!debugStatus) {
        tmp.out <- suppressMessages(extractSignatures(mutCountMatrix = bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts,
                                                      bootStrap = TRUE,
                                                      params = params))
      } else {
        tmp.out <- extractSignatures(mutCountMatrix = bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts,
                                     bootStrap = TRUE,
                                     params = params)
        re.ORD <- rep(0, num_processesToExtract)
        for (ki in 1:num_processesToExtract) {
          my.i <- order(apply(abs(tmp.out$Wk - guide.W[,ki]), 2, sum))
          if (ki > 1) {
            my.i[re.ORD[1:(ki-1)]] <- max(my.i) + 1
          re.ORD[ki] <- which.min(my.i)
      } else {
        re.ORD <- 1:num_processesToExtract
      # compare to ref and sort!
      if(num_processesToExtract > 1) {
        tmp.out$Wk <- tmp.out$Wk[,re.ORD]
        tmp.out$Hk <- tmp.out$Hk[re.ORD,]
      } else {
        tmp.out$Wk <- tmp.out$Wk
        tmp.out$Hk <- rbind(tmp.out$Hk)
    })), error = (function(e) {
    if (debugStatus) {
    message("Done!", appendLF = TRUE)
  } else {
    # Initialize cores
    max.cores <- parallel::detectCores()
    max.cores <- max.cores - 1
    max.cores <- ifelse(max.cores < 1, 1, max.cores)
    use.cores <- ifelse(1 <= num_parallelCores & num_parallelCores <= max.cores,
                        num_parallelCores, max.cores)
    if (debugStatus) {
      cl <- suppressMessages(parallel::makeCluster(use.cores, outfile = ""))
    } else {
      cl <- suppressMessages(parallel::makeCluster(use.cores))
    print(paste("Extracting", num_processesToExtract, "mutational signatures X",
                num_totIterations, "iterations using", use.cores, "cores"))
    stuffToExp <- c("alexaNMF", "leadZeros", "extractSignatures", "frequencize",
    suppressMessages(parallel::clusterExport(cl, stuffToExp))

    # Also, use guide.W to sort results
    muCounts.checkDF <- tryCatch(foreach::foreach(j = (1:num_totIterations),
                                                  .verbose = TRUE, .packages = "stats") %dopar%
                                                    if (j %in% base::as.integer(seq(1, num_totIterations, length.out = 100))) {
                                                      message(paste("(",j,")", sep = ""), appendLF = FALSE)
                                                    tmp.out <- extractSignatures(mutCountMatrix = bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts,
                                                                                 params = params)
                                                      re.ORD <- rep(0, num_processesToExtract)
                                                      for (ki in 1:num_processesToExtract) {
                                                        my.i <- order(apply(abs(tmp.out$Wk - guide.W[,ki]), 2, sum))
                                                        if (ki > 1) {
                                                          my.i[re.ORD[1:(ki-1)]] <- max(my.i) + 1
                                                        re.ORD[ki] <- which.min(my.i)
                                                    } else {
                                                      re.ORD <- 1:num_processesToExtract
                                                    # compare to ref and sort!
                                                    if(num_processesToExtract > 1) {
                                                      tmp.out$Wk <- tmp.out$Wk[,re.ORD]
                                                      tmp.out$Hk <- tmp.out$Hk[re.ORD,]
                                                    } else {
                                                      tmp.out$Wk <- tmp.out$Wk
                                                      tmp.out$Hk <- rbind(tmp.out$Hk)
                                                  }, error = (function(e) {
                                                  }), finally = (function(f) {
    message("Done!", appendLF = TRUE)
  # Run analysis in parallel
  W.all <- do.call(cbind, lapply(muCounts.checkDF, (function(tmp){
  H.all <- do.call(rbind, lapply(muCounts.checkDF, (function(tmp){
  errors.all <- lapply(muCounts.checkDF, (function(tmp){
  reconstruct.all <- lapply(muCounts.checkDF, (function(tmp){
  # get rid of pre-processed data 
  # muCounts.checkDF <- NULL
  fltr.mutCounts.data <- filterOutIterations(wall = W.all,
                                             hall = H.all,
                                             cnt_errors = errors.all,
                                             cnt_reconstructed = reconstruct.all,
  stability.check <- evaluateStability(wall = fltr.mutCounts.data$Wall,
                                       hall = fltr.mutCounts.data$Hall, params)
  final.mutCounts.data <- addWeak(mutationTypesToAddSet = bckgrnd.removed.mutset,
                                  processes_I = stability.check$centroids, 
                                  processesStd_I = stability.check$centroidStd,
                                  Wall_I = fltr.mutCounts.data$Wall, 
                                  genomeErrors_I = fltr.mutCounts.data$mutCounts.errors,
                                  genomesReconstructed_I = fltr.mutCounts.data$mutCounts.reconstructed)
  # in case of 'freq' approach, adjust 
  deconvoluted.results <- list()
  deconvoluted.results$Wall <- final.mutCounts.data$Wall
  deconvoluted.results$Hall <- fltr.mutCounts.data$Hall
  deconvoluted.results$mutCountErrors <- final.mutCounts.data$mutCountErrors
  deconvoluted.results$mutCountReconstructed <- final.mutCounts.data$mutCountReconstructed
  deconvoluted.results$idx <- stability.check$idx
  deconvoluted.results$idxS <- stability.check$idxS
  deconvoluted.results$processes <- final.mutCounts.data$processes
  deconvoluted.results$processesStd <- final.mutCounts.data$processesStd
  deconvoluted.results$exposure <- stability.check$exposure
  deconvoluted.results$exposureStd <- stability.check$exposureStd
  deconvoluted.results$processStab <- stability.check$processStab
  deconvoluted.results$processStabAvg <- stability.check$processStabAvg
  deconvoluted.results$clusterCompactness <- stability.check$clusterCompactness

extractXvarlinkData <- function(xvarLink_data) {
  tmpVars <- sub("^.*&var=[[:alnum:]]+(,.*)&.*$", "\\1", xvarLink_data)
  tmpVars[!grepl("^,.+", tmpVars)] <- NA
  tmpVars <- strsplit(tmpVars, ",")
  tmpVars <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(tmpVars), function(i){
    if (tmpVars[[i]][1] == "" & length(tmpVars[[i]]) == 5) {
    } else {
      c(NA, NA, NA, NA)
  out <- data.frame(chrXvar = base::as.character(tmpVars[,1]),
                    posXvar = base::as.numeric(tmpVars[,2]),
                    refXvar = base::as.character(tmpVars[,3]),
                    mutXvar = base::as.character(tmpVars[,4]),
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

extractSignatures <- function (mutCountMatrix, 
                               bootStrap = TRUE)
  num_processesToExtract <- params$num_processesToExtract
  approach <- params$approach
  algorithm <- params$algorithm
  eps <- params$eps
  if (bootStrap) {
    bstrpd.result <- bootstrapCancerGenomes(mutCountMatrix) 
  } else {
    bstrpd.result <- mutCountMatrix
  #if (approach != "counts") {
  #  frq.bstrpd <- frequencize(bstrpd.result)
  #  bstrpd.result <-  frq.bstrpd$freqs
  bstrpd.result[bstrpd.result < eps] <- eps
  if (algorithm %in% c("brunet", "alexa")) {
    nmf.results <- alexaNMF(v = bstrpd.result,
                            r = num_processesToExtract,
                            params = params)
  } else {
    nmf.results <- chihJenNMF(v =  bstrpd.result,
                              r = num_processesToExtract,
                              params = params)
  # nmf.results
  tmp.w <- nmf.results$w
  tmp.h <- nmf.results$h
  # This step seems useless for the new approach, as it divides or multiplies by 1
  # Keep for consistency and cause we let the user select what approach to use
  for (jj in 1:num_processesToExtract) {
    tmp.tot <- sum(tmp.w[, jj])
    tmp.w[, jj] <- tmp.w[, jj]/tmp.tot
    tmp.h[jj, ] <- tmp.h[jj, ] * tmp.tot
  # modify for frequentized approach 
  #if (approach != "counts"){
  #  if (length(frq.bstrpd$colSums) == ncol(tmp.h)) {
  #    tmp.h <- sapply(1:length(frq.bstrpd$colSums), function(ai) {
  #      frq.bstrpd$colSums[ai] * tmp.h[,ai] / sum(tmp.h[,ai], na.rm = TRUE)
  #    })
  #  }  
  mutCountMatrix.reconstructed <- tmp.w %*% tmp.h
  result.list <- list()
  result.list$Wk <- tmp.w
  result.list$Hk <- tmp.h
  result.list$mutCounts.reconstructed <- mutCountMatrix.reconstructed
  result.list$mutCounts.errors <- bstrpd.result - mutCountMatrix.reconstructed
  if (params$logIterations != "lite") {
    result.list$inputMatrix <- bstrpd.result
    result.list$cosDist <- proxy::dist(rbind(base::as.vector(bstrpd.result),
                                       method = "cosine")[1]

filterSNV <- function(dataSet, 
  if (!(is.data.frame(dataSet) | is.matrix(dataSet) ) |
      sum(!seq_colNames %in% colnames(dataSet)) > 0 |
      length(seq_colNames) < 2) {
    stop("Bad input or seq_colNames not found")
  check.tab <- sapply(1:length(seq_colNames), (function(i){
    tmp <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", dataSet[,seq_colNames[i]])
    toupper(tmp) %in% c("A","C","G","T")
  toKeep <- apply(check.tab, 1, (function(rw){
    sum(rw) == length(rw)
  out <- dataSet[toKeep,]
  rownames(out) <- NULL

frequencize <- function(countMatrix, 
                        permille = TRUE)
  out <- list()
  cf <- ifelse(permille, 1000, 1)
  out[["colSums"]] <- apply(countMatrix, 2, sum)
  out[["freqs"]] <- cf * apply(countMatrix, 2, (function(clmn){clmn/sum(clmn)}))

getCosmicSignatures <- function(forceUseMirror = FALSE, asMutSign = TRUE)
  mutType.labels <- c("A[C>A]A", "A[C>A]C", "A[C>A]G", "A[C>A]T", "A[C>G]A", "A[C>G]C",
                      "A[C>G]G", "A[C>G]T", "A[C>T]A", "A[C>T]C", "A[C>T]G", "A[C>T]T",
                      "A[T>A]A", "A[T>A]C", "A[T>A]G", "A[T>A]T", "A[T>C]A", "A[T>C]C",
                      "A[T>C]G", "A[T>C]T", "A[T>G]A", "A[T>G]C", "A[T>G]G", "A[T>G]T",
                      "C[C>A]A", "C[C>A]C", "C[C>A]G", "C[C>A]T", "C[C>G]A", "C[C>G]C",
                      "C[C>G]G", "C[C>G]T", "C[C>T]A", "C[C>T]C", "C[C>T]G", "C[C>T]T",
                      "C[T>A]A", "C[T>A]C", "C[T>A]G", "C[T>A]T", "C[T>C]A", "C[T>C]C",
                      "C[T>C]G", "C[T>C]T", "C[T>G]A", "C[T>G]C", "C[T>G]G", "C[T>G]T",
                      "G[C>A]A", "G[C>A]C", "G[C>A]G", "G[C>A]T", "G[C>G]A", "G[C>G]C",
                      "G[C>G]G", "G[C>G]T", "G[C>T]A", "G[C>T]C", "G[C>T]G", "G[C>T]T",
                      "G[T>A]A", "G[T>A]C", "G[T>A]G", "G[T>A]T", "G[T>C]A", "G[T>C]C",
                      "G[T>C]G", "G[T>C]T", "G[T>G]A", "G[T>G]C", "G[T>G]G", "G[T>G]T",
                      "T[C>A]A", "T[C>A]C", "T[C>A]G", "T[C>A]T", "T[C>G]A", "T[C>G]C",
                      "T[C>G]G", "T[C>G]T", "T[C>T]A", "T[C>T]C", "T[C>T]G", "T[C>T]T",
                      "T[T>A]A", "T[T>A]C", "T[T>A]G", "T[T>A]T", "T[T>C]A", "T[T>C]C",
                      "T[T>C]G", "T[T>C]T", "T[T>G]A", "T[T>G]C", "T[T>G]G", "T[T>G]T")
  cosmic.url <- "http://cancer.sanger.ac.uk/cancergenome/assets/signatures_probabilities.txt"
  #initialize variable
  my_fullW <- NULL
  if (!forceUseMirror) {
    my_fullW <- tryCatch({TMP <- suppressWarnings(read.delim(cosmic.url, header = TRUE));
    rownames(TMP) <- TMP$Somatic.Mutation.Type;
    TMP <- TMP[,grep("Signature", colnames(TMP))];
    error = function(e) NULL)
  # private mirror
  if (is.null(my_fullW)) {
    private.mirror.url <- "http://www.labwizards.com/rlib/mutSignatures/cosmic.signatures.csv"
    my_fullW <- tryCatch({suppressWarnings(read.csv(private.mirror.url, 
                                                    header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE, row.names = 1))},
                         error = function(e2) { NULL })
  if (is.null(my_fullW)) {
    message("An error occurred!")
  } else {
    if (sum(mutType.labels %in% rownames(my_fullW)) == length(mutType.labels)) {
      obj2rt <- my_fullW[mutType.labels,]
        obj2rt <- mutSignatures::as.mutation.signatures(obj2rt)
    } else {
      message("An error occurred!")

importVCFfiles <- function(vcfFiles, sampleNames = NULL){
  my.colnames <- c("CHROM", "POS", "ID", "REF", "ALT", "QUAL", 
                   "FILTER", "INFO", "FORMAT", "XTR1", "XTR2", "XTR3")
  if (is.null(sampleNames) | length(sampleNames) != length(vcfFiles)){
    bypassNames <- paste("sample", 1:length(vcfFiles), sep = ".")
    sampleNames <- vcfFiles
    sampleNames <- sub("\\.vcf$", "", sub("^.*(\\\\|/)", "", tolower(sampleNames)))
    sampleNames[sampleNames == ""] <- bypassNames[sampleNames == ""]
  out <- sapply(1:length(vcfFiles), (function(j){
    x <- vcfFiles[j]
    if (!file.exists(x)) {
    } else {
      tmpVCF <- read.delim(x, comment.char = '#', header = F, stringsAsFactors = F)
      for (i in 1:ncol(tmpVCF)) {
        colnames(tmpVCF)[i] <- my.colnames[i]      
      tmpVCF$SAMPLEID <- sampleNames[j]
  }), simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
  out <- do.call(rbind, out)
  #names(out) <- sub("\\.vcf$", "", names(out))

plotMutCount <- function(mutCount, top = 50) {
  # avoid NOTEs
  count <- NULL
  feature <- NULL
  sampleLabs <- rownames(mutCount)
  rownames(mutCount) <- NULL
  nuSmplOrder <- order(apply(mutCount, 1, sum), decreasing = TRUE)
  mutCount <- mutCount[nuSmplOrder,]
  if (!is.null(sampleLabs))
    sampleLabs <- sampleLabs[nuSmplOrder]
  rownames(mutCount) <- NULL
  if (is.null(top)) {
    mutDF <- table2df(dataMatrix = mutCount)
  } else if(is.na(base::as.numeric(top[1]))){
    mutDF <- table2df(dataMatrix = mutCount)
  } else if (top[1] > nrow(mutCount) | top[1] < 2) {
    mutDF <- table2df(dataMatrix = mutCount)
  } else {
    mutDF <- table2df(dataMatrix = mutCount[1:top,])
    if (!is.null(sampleLabs))
      sampleLabs <- sampleLabs[1:top]
  mutDF$sample <- 100000 + base::as.numeric(base::as.character(mutDF$sample))
  mutDF$sample <- base::as.character(mutDF$sample)
  tryCatch({mutDF$inputLabel <- do.call(c, lapply(sampleLabs, 
                                                  rep, times = ncol(mutCount)))}, 
           error = function(e) {
  mutDF$feature <- factor(mutDF$feature, levels = rev(colnames(mutCount)))
  bp <- ggplot(data=mutDF, aes(x=sample, y=count, fill=feature)) +
  bp <- bp + theme_minimal() + 
    theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), 
          axis.text.x = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
    theme(axis.line.y = element_line(colour = "black", size = 0.75),
          axis.line.x = element_line(colour = "black", size = 0.75),
          axis.ticks.y = element_line(colour = "black", size = 1),
          axis.ticks.length = unit(x = 6, "points"),
          plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
                       limits = c(0, 1.2 * max(apply(mutCount, 1, function(rx) sum(rx, na.rm = TRUE)))))


plotMutTypeProfile <- function(mutCounts,
                               freq = TRUE,
                               ylim = "auto",
                               ylab = "Fraction of Variants",
                               xlab = "Sequence Motifs",
                               xaxis_cex = 0.475,
                               cols = c("#4eb3d3", "#040404", "#b30000", "#bdbdbd", "#41ab5d", "#dd3497"),
                               main = "MutType Profile", 
  mutLabs <- toupper(mutLabs)
  if (!sum(regexpr("^(A|C|G|T)(\\[)(A|C|G|T)(>)(A|C|G|T)(\\])(A|C|G|T)$", toupper(mutLabs)) > 0) == length(mutLabs)) {
    message("mutTypes are in a non-standard format (ie, not Sanger 'A[G>A]T' style)")
    altPlot <- 1
  } else {
    altPlot <- 0

  if (length(mutCounts) != length(mutLabs))
    stop("Mutation Type Labels and Mutation Counts do not match!") 
  mutCounts[is.na(mutCounts)] <- 0
  if (freq == TRUE) {
    if (ylim[1] == "auto")
      ylim <- c(0,0.2)
    freqs <- mutCounts/sum(mutCounts, na.rm = TRUE)
  } else {
    if (ylim[1] == "auto")
      ylim = c(0,(1.05*max(mutCounts)))
    freqs <- mutCounts
  tinyMut <- gsub("\\](.*)$", "",
                  gsub("^(.*)\\[", "", toupper(mutLabs)))
  # Order the frequencies
  first.out <- lapply(sort(unique(tinyMut)), (function(mt){
    idxKeep <- which(tinyMut == mt)
    tmp.order <- order(mutLabs[idxKeep])
    out <- freqs[idxKeep][tmp.order]
    names(out) <- mutLabs[idxKeep][tmp.order]
  names.first.out <- sort(unique(tinyMut))
  # Add a spacer
  second.out <- lapply(first.out, (function(vct){
    c(vct, 0)
  # Wrap together
  third.out <- do.call(c, second.out)
  third.out <- third.out[-length(third.out)]
  # Define color scheme
  col.out <- lapply(1:length(first.out), (function(ii){
    rep(cols[ii], (length(first.out[[ii]]) + 1))
  col.out <- do.call(c, col.out)
  col.out <- col.out[-length(col.out)]
  third.out[third.out>max(ylim)] <- max(ylim)
  third.shortLab <- gsub("\\[([[:alpha:]]>[[:alpha:]])\\]","-", names(third.out))
  xpos <- barplot(third.out,
                  col = col.out,
                  ylim = ylim,
                  axes = FALSE,
                  names.arg = FALSE,
                  ylab = ylab,
                  border = NA,
                  main = main)
  xpos.out <- lapply(1:length(first.out), (function(ii){
    c(rep(ii, length(first.out[[ii]])),0)
  xpos.out <- do.call(c, xpos.out)
  xpos.out <- xpos.out[-length(xpos.out)]
  axis(side = 1, tick = FALSE, hadj = 1, cex.axis = xaxis_cex, pos = (max(ylim) * 0.035), family = "mono",
       at = xpos,
       labels = third.shortLab,
       las = 2)
  my.y <- seq(min(ylim), max(ylim), length.out = 4)
  if (max(ylim) > 1.75) {
    my.y.labs <- format(round(my.y, digits = 0))
  } else {
    my.y.labs <- format(round(my.y, digits = 2))
  axis(side = 2, tick = -0.005, at = my.y, labels = my.y.labs, las = 1, cex.axis = 0.75)
  zz <- unique(xpos.out)
  zz <- zz[zz>0]
  lab.xx <- sapply(zz, (function(i){
    mean(xpos[,1][xpos.out == i]) 
  mtext(names.first.out, side = 1, line = 1.5, at = lab.xx, cex = 0.8, col = cols)
  mtext(xlab, side = 1, line = 3.0, at = mean(xpos[,1]), cex = 1)
  # done! No return, just a plot!

prelimProcessAssess <- function(input,
                                maxProcess = 6,
                                approach = "counts",
                                plot = TRUE,
                                verbose = TRUE) 
  tmpParams <- setMutClusterParams(num_processesToExtract = 1, 
                                   approach = approach,
                                   stopconv = 10000,
                                   niter = 100000,
                                   thresh_removeWeakMutTypes = 0.01,
                                   thresh_removeLastPercent =0.025,
                                   num_totIterations = 10,
                                   num_parallelCores = 1,
                                   debug = FALSE,
                                   logIterations = "full")
  tmpParams <- coerceObj(x = tmpParams, to = "list")
  input_mutCounts <- coerceObj(x = input, to = "matrix")
  if (tmpParams$approach != "counts") {
    tmpFRQ.input <- frequencize(input_mutCounts)
    tmpParams$approach <- "counts"
    input_mutCounts <- tmpFRQ.input$freqs
  bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts <- removeWeak(input_mutCounts,
  bckgrnd.removed.mutset <- bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts$removed.mutset
  bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts <- bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts$output.mutCounts
  total.mutationTypes <- nrow(bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts)
  total.samples <- ncol(bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts)
  tmpParams$num_totIterations <- 1
  # Calc initial (max) error
  medianMaxErr <- sum(t(sapply(1:nrow(bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts), (function(i){
    ((median(bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts[i,]) - bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts[i,]))^2
  # Message
    message("Preliminary Mutational Process Assessment: ", appendLF = FALSE)
  outRes <- lapply(1:maxProcess, (function(i){
    tmpParams$num_processesToExtract <- i
    tmpRes <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(
      extractSignatures(mutCountMatrix = bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts,
                        params = tmpParams,
                        bootStrap = FALSE)))
    #apply(tmpRes$mutCounts.reconstructed, 2, sum)
    #tmpErr <- sum((tmpRes$mutCounts.errors)^2)
    tmpErr <- sum((bckgrnd.removed.mutCounts - tmpRes$mutCounts.reconstructed) ^ 2)
      message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
    message("", appendLF = TRUE)
  err.points <- c(medianMaxErr, do.call(c, outRes))
  err.points <- (-1) * (err.points - max(err.points))
  err.points <- err.points / max(err.points, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (plot) {
    plot(err.points ~ c(0:(length(err.points) - 1)), type = "n", las = 1, axes = FALSE,
         ylab = "", xlab = "", main = "Preliminary Mutational Process Assessment")
    axis(side = 1, at = NULL, cex = 0.65, font = 3)
    axis(side = 2, at = seq(0, 1, by = 0.2), cex = 0.65, font = 3, 
         labels = format(seq(1, 0, by = -0.2), digits = 2, nsmall = 2), las = 1)
    lines(c(0:(length(err.points) - 1)), err.points, lwd = 1.5, col = "red2")
    points(c(0:(length(err.points) - 1)), err.points, pch = 19, col = "gray30")
    title(xlab="Num of Signatures", line=2.2, cex.lab=1.2, font = 2)
    title(ylab="Error (% vs. Median)", line=3.1, cex.lab=1.2, font = 2)
  return(data.frame(numProcess = c(0:(length(err.points) - 1)),
                    percentErr = (1 - err.points),
                    stringsAsFactors = TRUE))

processVCFdata <- function(vcfData, 
                           chr_colName = "CHROM",
                           pos_colName = "POS",
                           ref_colName = "REF",
                           alt_colName = "ALT",
                           sample_colName = NULL,
                           nucl_contextN = 3,
                           verbose = TRUE)
  # make sure
  if (verbose)
    message("Processing VCF data: ", appendLF = FALSE)
  reprepInput <- NULL
  # Fill reprepInput
  if (!is.null(sample_colName)){
    if (length(sample_colName) == 1 & sample_colName[1] %in% colnames(vcfData)){
      # compute how many unique samples
      unique.SID <- unique(vcfData[,sample_colName])
      reprepInput <- lapply(unique.SID, function(iID) {
        TMP <- vcfData[vcfData[,sample_colName] == iID, ]
    } else {
      stop("Bad input")
  } else {
    #initialize input as list
    reprepInput <- list(vcfData)
  # Triple check
    stop("Bad input")
  # Now loop
  bigOUT <- lapply(1:length(reprepInput), (function(jj){
    finalOut <- tryCatch({
        message(paste("[", jj, "/", length(reprepInput), "]", sep = ""), appendLF = F)
      tmpVCF <- suppressMessages({filterSNV(dataSet = reprepInput[[jj]],
                                            seq_colNames = c(ref_colName, alt_colName))})
      if (verbose)
        message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
      tmpVCF <- suppressMessages({attachContext(mutData = tmpVCF,
                                                chr_colName = chr_colName,
                                                start_colName = pos_colName,
                                                end_colName = pos_colName,
                                                nucl_contextN = 3,
                                                BSGenomeDb = BSGenomeDb)})
      if (verbose)
        message(".", appendLF = F)
      tmpVCF <- suppressMessages({removeMismatchMut(mutData = tmpVCF,
                                                    refMut_colName = ref_colName,
                                                    context_colName = "context",
                                                    refMut_format = "N")})
      if (verbose)
        message(".", appendLF = F)
      tmpVCF <- suppressMessages({attachMutType(mutData = tmpVCF,
                                                ref_colName = ref_colName,
                                                var_colName = alt_colName,
                                                var2_colName = alt_colName, 
                                                context_colName = "context")})
      if (verbose)
        message(".", appendLF = F)
    }, error = function(e) NA)
  bigOUT <- do.call(rbind, bigOUT)
  if(verbose) {
    message("", appendLF = T)
    message("Done!", appendLF = T)

removeMismatchMut <- function(mutData,
                              refMut_colName = "mutation",
                              context_colName = "context",
                              refMut_format = "N>N")
  # Validate input data and fields in mutData
  if(!((is.data.frame(mutData) | is.matrix(mutData) ) &
       sum(c(refMut_colName, context_colName) %in% colnames(mutData)) == 2))
    stop ("Issue with the input dataset. Make sure to feed in a data.frame or
          a matrix and double check the name of the fields pointing to chromosome
          name, start and end positions")
  if (! refMut_format %in% c("N>N", "N"))
    stop("Unrecognized refMut_format")
  output <- data.frame(mutData, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)
  colnames(output) <- colnames(mutData)
  if (refMut_format == "N>N") {
    output$mutSite.dnaSeq.Ref <- substr(mutData[,refMut_colName], 1, 1)
    output$mutSite.dnaSeq.Mut <- substr(mutData[,refMut_colName], 3, 3)
    refMut_colName <- "mutSite.dnaSeq.Ref"
  pos.to.extr <- (0.5 * (nchar(output[,context_colName]) - 1)) + 1
  keep.id <- output[,refMut_colName] == substr(output[,context_colName], pos.to.extr, pos.to.extr)
  if (sum( keep.id == FALSE) > 0)
    message(paste("Removing", sum( keep.id == FALSE), "rows because of mismatch"))
  output <- output[keep.id, ]
  rownames(output) <- NULL

resolveMutSignatures <- function(mutCountData, 
                                 byFreq = TRUE )
  # process expected objects
  if (class(mutCountData) == "mutationCounts")
    mutCountData <- coerceObj(x = mutCountData, to = "data.frame")
  if (class(signFreqData) == "mutationSignatures")
    signFreqData <- coerceObj(x = signFreqData, to = "data.frame")
  if (!(sum(!rownames(mutCountData) %in% rownames(signFreqData)) == 0 &
        sum(! rownames(signFreqData) %in% rownames(mutCountData)) == 0)) {
    stop (paste("There is an issue with the mutTypes.",
                "MutTypes in the mutType Count Matrix",
                "have to match those in the signature",
                "Matrix... check rownames()"))
  mutCountData <- mutCountData[rownames(signFreqData),]
  if (byFreq) {
    full.Y <- apply(mutCountData, 2, (function(clmn){
      1000 * clmn / sum(clmn)
  } else {
    full.Y <- base::as.matrix(mutCountData)    
  # record sum counts
  mutSums <- apply(mutCountData, 2, sum)
  # make sure we have frequencies
  my.signatures <- apply(signFreqData, 2, (function(clmn){
    clmn / sum(clmn)
  X <- base::as.matrix(my.signatures)
  # initialize results collector
  out <- list()
  res <- NMF::fcnnls(x = X, y = full.Y)
  beta.hat <- data.frame(t(res$x / ifelse (byFreq, 1000, 1)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(beta.hat) <- colnames(signFreqData)
  rownames(beta.hat) <- colnames(mutCountData)
  out$results <- list()
  out$coeffs <- list()
  out$coeffs$beta.hat <- beta.hat
  out$coeffs$unexplained.mutNum <- round((1 - apply(beta.hat, 1, sum)) * mutSums, digits = 0)
  out$coeffs$unexplained.mutFrac <- out$coeffs$unexplained.mutNum  / mutSums
  if (byFreq) {
    for (i in 1:nrow(beta.hat)) {
      beta.hat[i,] <- beta.hat[i,] * mutSums[i]
  out$results$count.result <- mutSignatures::as.mutsign.exposures(beta.hat, samplesAsCols = FALSE)
  out$results$freq.result <- mutSignatures::as.mutsign.exposures(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(beta.hat), (function(jjj){
    beta.hat[jjj,] / sum(beta.hat[jjj,] )
  }))), samplesAsCols = FALSE)
  out$results$fitted <- res$fitted
  out$results$residuals <- res$residuals

revCompl <- function (DNAseq, 
                      rev = TRUE, 
                      compl = TRUE)
  if (is.character(DNAseq)) {
    resultVect <- sapply(DNAseq, (function(seqString) {
      mySeq <- toupper(seqString)
      if (rev == TRUE) {
        mySeq <- paste(sapply(1:nchar(mySeq), (function(i) {
          pos <- nchar(mySeq) + 1 - i
          substr(mySeq, pos, pos)
        })), collapse = "")
      if (compl == TRUE) {
        mySeq <- paste(sapply(1:nchar(mySeq), (function(i) {
          aBase <- substr(mySeq, i, i)
          complBase <- c("A", "T", "C", "G", "N", "A")
          names(complBase) <- c("T", "A", "G", "C", "N",
          returnBase <- complBase[aBase]
          if (is.na(returnBase)) {
            stop("Bad input")
        })), collapse = "")
    names(resultVect) <- NULL
  else {
    warning("Bad input")

setMutClusterParams <- function(num_processesToExtract = 2, # number of de-novo signatures to extract
                                num_totIterations = 10,
                                num_parallelCores = 1,
                                thresh_removeWeakMutTypes = 0.01,
                                thresh_removeLastPercent = 0.07,
                                distanceFunction = "cosine",
                                num_totReplicates = 100,
                                eps = 2.2204e-16,
                                stopconv = 20000,
                                niter = 1000000,
                                guided = TRUE,
                                debug = FALSE,
                                approach = "freq",
                                stopRule = "DF",
                                algorithm = "brunet",
                                logIterations = "lite")
  # Step-by-step Parameter Validation and preparation
  paramList <- list()
  if (!((is.numeric(num_processesToExtract[1]) & num_processesToExtract[1] > 0) ))
    stop("Provide a reasonable number of signatures/processes to extract")
  paramList$num_processesToExtract <- round(num_processesToExtract[1])
  if (!(is.numeric(num_totIterations[1]) & num_totIterations[1] > 0))
    stop("Provide a reasonable number of iterations to run (Bootstrapping)")
  paramList$num_totIterations <- round(num_totIterations[1])
  if (!(is.numeric(num_parallelCores[1]) & num_parallelCores[1] > 0))
    stop("Provide a reasonable number of CPU cores to use for the analysis")
  paramList$num_parallelCores <- round(num_parallelCores[1])
  #paramList$perCore.iterations <- as.integer(paramList$num_totIterations / paramList$num_parallelCores)
  #paramList$perCore.iterations <- ifelse(paramList$perCore.iterations < 1, 1, paramList$perCore.iterations)
  if (!(is.numeric(thresh_removeWeakMutTypes[1]) & thresh_removeWeakMutTypes[1] >= 0 & thresh_removeWeakMutTypes[1] < 1))
    stop("Provide a reasonable (0.00-0.99) number of low-occurring mutation types to remove from the input before starting the analysis")
  paramList$thresh_removeWeakMutTypes <- thresh_removeWeakMutTypes[1]
  if (!(is.numeric(thresh_removeLastPercent[1]) & thresh_removeLastPercent[1] >= 0 & thresh_removeLastPercent[1] < 1))
    stop("Provide a reasonable (0.00-0.99) number for filtering out poor iterations")
  paramList$thresh_removeLastPercent <- thresh_removeLastPercent[1]
  allowed.dist.methods <- c("Braun-Blanquet", "Chi-squared", "correlation", "cosine", "Cramer", "Dice",
                            "eDice", "eJaccard", "Fager", "Faith", "Gower", "Hamman", "Jaccard",
                            "Kulczynski1", "Kulczynski2", "Michael", "Mountford", "Mozley", "Ochiai",
                            "Pearson", "Phi", "Phi-squared", "Russel", "simple matching", "Simpson",
                            "Stiles", "Tanimoto", "Tschuprow", "Yule", "Yule2", "Bhjattacharyya",
                            "Bray", "Canberra", "Chord", "divergence", "Euclidean", "fJaccard",
                            "Geodesic", "Hellinger", "Kullback", "Levenshtein", "Mahalanobis",
                            "Manhattan", "Minkowski", "Podani", "Soergel","supremum", "Wave", "Whittaker")
  if (!(is.character(distanceFunction[1]) & distanceFunction[1] %in% allowed.dist.methods))
    stop("Unknown method for calculating distances. For options, run: <<summary(proxy::pr_DB)>>")
  paramList$distanceFunction <- distanceFunction[1]
  if (!(is.numeric(num_totReplicates[1]) & num_totReplicates[1] > 99))
    stop("Provide a reasonable number of replicates for stability evaluation of the results")
  paramList$num_totReplicates <- round(num_totReplicates[1])
  if (!(is.numeric(eps[1]) & eps[1] > 0 & eps[1] < 0.0001))
    stop("Provide a reasonably small number (0 < n < 0.0001) for data overflow prevention")
  paramList$eps <- eps[1]
  if (!(is.numeric(stopconv[1]) & stopconv[1] >= 500))
    stop("Provide a reasonable large number: number of 'conn-matrix-stable' iterations before stopping NMF")
  paramList$stopconv <- round(stopconv[1])
  if (!(is.numeric(niter[1]) & niter[1] >= 20000))
    stop("Provide a reasonable large number: total NMF iterations")
  paramList$niter <- round(niter[1])
  paramList$guided <- ifelse(guided, TRUE, FALSE)
  paramList$debug <- ifelse(debug, TRUE, FALSE)
  paramList$approach <- ifelse (approach == "counts", "counts", "freq")
  paramList$stopRule <- ifelse (stopRule == "LA", "LA", "DF")
  paramList$algorithm <- ifelse (tolower(algorithm) %in% c("brunet", "alexa"), "brunet", "chihjen")
  paramList$logIterations <- ifelse(tolower(logIterations) %in% c("lite", "light", "li"), "lite", "full")
  return(new(Class = "mutFrameworkParams", params = paramList))

table2df <- function(dataMatrix, 
                     rowLab = "sample", 
                     colLab = "feature", 
                     valueLab = "count") 
  if(!is.null(colnames(dataMatrix))) {
    names.X <- colnames(dataMatrix)
  } else {
    names.X <- 1:ncol(dataMatrix)
  if(!is.null(rownames(dataMatrix))) {
    names.Y <- rownames(dataMatrix)
  } else {
    names.Y <- 1:nrow(dataMatrix)
  tmp <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(dataMatrix), (function(i){
    t(sapply(1:ncol(dataMatrix), (function(j){
      c(names.Y[i], names.X[j], dataMatrix[i,j])
  tmp <- data.frame(tmp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (is.numeric(dataMatrix[1,1]))
    tmp[,3] <- base::as.numeric(base::as.character(tmp[,3]))
  rownames(tmp) <- NULL
  colnames(tmp) <- c(rowLab, colLab, valueLab)

attachContext <- function(mutData,
                          chr_colName = "chr",
                          start_colName = "start_position",
                          end_colName = "end_position",
                          nucl_contextN = 3,
                          context_colName = "context")
  # Make sure about the right dependencies, or kill the process smoothly (no error)
  if (sum(grepl("^GenomicRanges", rownames(installed.packages()))) == 0 &
      sum(grepl("^BSgenome", rownames(installed.packages()))) == 0 ) {
    message("The `attachContext` function depends on the following bioconductor repositories:")
    message(" >  GenomicRanges")
    message(" >  a BSgenome data package, such as BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19")
    message("Please install these packages via bioconductor and try again!")
  # Validate input data and fields in mutData
  if(!((is.data.frame(mutData) | is.matrix(mutData) ) &
       sum(c(chr_colName, start_colName, end_colName) %in% colnames(mutData)) == 3 ))
    stop ("Issue with the input dataset. Make sure to feed in a data.frame or
          a matrix and double check the name of the fields pointing to chromosome
          name, start and end positions")
  if (!(is.numeric(nucl_contextN[1]) &
        nucl_contextN[1] > 2 & ((nucl_contextN[1] - 1) %% 2 == 0)))
    stop ("Please, specify a odd number > 2 as nucl_contextN")
  if (class(BSGenomeDb) != "BSgenome" | 
      sum(c("pkgname", "organism") %in% slotNames(BSGenomeDb)) != 2)
    stop ("Please, provide a valid 'BSgenome'-class object")
  # retrieve data, check quality, prepare
  output.data <- data.frame(mutData, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)
  rws.toExcl <- which(is.na(output.data[,chr_colName]) | 
                        is.na(output.data[,start_colName]) | 
  if (length(rws.toExcl) != 0) {
    output.data <- output.data[-rws.toExcl,]
  chrPatt <- "(^chr([[:digit:]]{1,2})$)|(^chr(X|Y|M)$)|(^(X|Y|M)$)|(^[[:digit:]]{1,2}$)"
  rws.toKeep <- grep(chrPatt, output.data[,chr_colName])
  output.data <- output.data[rws.toKeep,]
  rws.toKeep <- grep("(^[[:digit:]]+$)", output.data[,start_colName])
  output.data <- output.data[rws.toKeep,]
  rws.toKeep <- grep("(^[[:digit:]]+$)", output.data[,end_colName])
  output.data <- output.data[rws.toKeep,]
  message(paste( (nrow(mutData) - nrow(output.data)), "rows were excluded from analysis"))
  tmp.ranges <- data.frame(cbind(base::as.character(gsub("^(C|c)hr", "", base::as.character(base::as.vector(output.data[,chr_colName])))),
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(tmp.ranges) <- c("chr", "start", "end")
  tmp.ranges$chr <- paste("chr", tmp.ranges$chr, sep = "")
  tmp.ranges$start <- base::as.numeric(tmp.ranges$start)
  tmp.ranges$end <- base::as.numeric(tmp.ranges$end)
  # Now let's check which are not point mutations
  non.point <- which(abs(tmp.ranges$end - tmp.ranges$start) > 1)
  if (length(non.point) > 0 ) {
    message(paste(length(non.point), "rows removed cause those are not point mutations"))
    tmp.ranges <- tmp.ranges[-non.point,]
    output.data <- output.data[-non.point,]
  # Adding this line to fix an issue with human chromosomes X and Y, sometimes referred to as
  # chromosome 23 and 24
  if (BSGenomeDb@organism == "Homo sapiens"){
    tmp.ranges$chr[tmp.ranges$chr == "chr23"] <- "chrX"
    tmp.ranges$chr[tmp.ranges$chr == "chr24"] <- "chrY"
  } else if (BSGenomeDb@organism == "Mus musculus"){
    tmp.ranges$chr[tmp.ranges$chr == "chr20"] <- "chrX"
    tmp.ranges$chr[tmp.ranges$chr == "chr21"] <- "chrY"
  # define a GRanges object
  half.context <- round((nucl_contextN[1] - 1) / 2, digits = 0)
  half.context <- ifelse(half.context <1, 1, half.context)
  tmp.granges <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(tmp.ranges$chr,
                                        IRanges::IRanges(start = (tmp.ranges$start - half.context),
                                                         end =  (tmp.ranges$start + half.context)),
                                        strand = "*")

  # make sure to remove seqs out-of-bounds
  message("Removing out-of-bounds positions...  ", appendLF = FALSE)
  tmp.seqNm <- BSgenome::seqnames(BSGenomeDb)
  tmp.seqNm <- tmp.seqNm[tmp.seqNm %in% unique(base::as.vector(BSgenome::seqnames(tmp.granges)))]
  chr.lens <- sapply(tmp.seqNm, (function(sqnm){
  keepId <- sapply(1:nrow(tmp.ranges), (function(jj){
    if (! tmp.ranges[jj, "chr"] %in% tmp.seqNm) {
    } else if ((tmp.ranges[jj, "end"] + half.context) > chr.lens[tmp.ranges[jj, "chr"]] |
               (tmp.ranges[jj, "start"] - 1) < 1) {
    } else {
  message(sum(!keepId), " records were removed.", appendLF = TRUE)
  tmp.ranges <- tmp.ranges[keepId,]
  tmp.granges <- tmp.granges[keepId]
  output.data <- output.data[keepId,]
  all.contexts <- BSgenome::getSeq(BSGenomeDb, tmp.granges)
  all.contexts.seq <- sapply(1:length(all.contexts), (function(i){toString(all.contexts[[i]])}))
  # Attach sequences and wrap-up
  output.data[,context_colName] <- all.contexts.seq
  rownames(output.data) <- NULL

countMutTypes <- function (mutTable, mutType_colName = "mutType", sample_colName = NULL) 
  if (!(is.data.frame(mutTable) | is.matrix(mutTable))) 
    stop("Bad input")
  if (!mutType_colName %in% colnames(mutTable)) 
    stop("mutType field not found")
  if (!is.null(sample_colName)) {
    if (!sample_colName %in% colnames(mutTable)) 
      stop("sample_colName field not found")
  mutType.labels <- c("A[C>A]A", "A[C>A]C", "A[C>A]G", "A[C>A]T", 
                      "A[C>G]A", "A[C>G]C", "A[C>G]G", "A[C>G]T", "A[C>T]A", 
                      "A[C>T]C", "A[C>T]G", "A[C>T]T", "A[T>A]A", "A[T>A]C", 
                      "A[T>A]G", "A[T>A]T", "A[T>C]A", "A[T>C]C", "A[T>C]G", 
                      "A[T>C]T", "A[T>G]A", "A[T>G]C", "A[T>G]G", "A[T>G]T", 
                      "C[C>A]A", "C[C>A]C", "C[C>A]G", "C[C>A]T", "C[C>G]A", 
                      "C[C>G]C", "C[C>G]G", "C[C>G]T", "C[C>T]A", "C[C>T]C", 
                      "C[C>T]G", "C[C>T]T", "C[T>A]A", "C[T>A]C", "C[T>A]G", 
                      "C[T>A]T", "C[T>C]A", "C[T>C]C", "C[T>C]G", "C[T>C]T", 
                      "C[T>G]A", "C[T>G]C", "C[T>G]G", "C[T>G]T", "G[C>A]A", 
                      "G[C>A]C", "G[C>A]G", "G[C>A]T", "G[C>G]A", "G[C>G]C", 
                      "G[C>G]G", "G[C>G]T", "G[C>T]A", "G[C>T]C", "G[C>T]G", 
                      "G[C>T]T", "G[T>A]A", "G[T>A]C", "G[T>A]G", "G[T>A]T", 
                      "G[T>C]A", "G[T>C]C", "G[T>C]G", "G[T>C]T", "G[T>G]A", 
                      "G[T>G]C", "G[T>G]G", "G[T>G]T", "T[C>A]A", "T[C>A]C", 
                      "T[C>A]G", "T[C>A]T", "T[C>G]A", "T[C>G]C", "T[C>G]G", 
                      "T[C>G]T", "T[C>T]A", "T[C>T]C", "T[C>T]G", "T[C>T]T", 
                      "T[T>A]A", "T[T>A]C", "T[T>A]G", "T[T>A]T", "T[T>C]A", 
                      "T[T>C]C", "T[T>C]G", "T[T>C]T", "T[T>G]A", "T[T>G]C", 
                      "T[T>G]G", "T[T>G]T")
  custPatt01 <- "^(A|C|G|T)\\[(A|C|G|T)>(A|C|G|T)\\](A|C|G|T)$"
  if (sum(regexpr(custPatt01, mutTable[, mutType_colName]) > 
          0) != length(mutTable[, mutType_colName])){
    message("Non-standard format... MutTypes will be inferred.")
    mutType.labels <- sort(unique(mutTable[, mutType_colName]))
  } else {
    # fix reverse-complement if needed
    # only works for the standard three-nucletide system
    idx.to.fix <- which(!mutTable[, mutType_colName] %in% mutType.labels)
    if (length(idx.to.fix) > 0) {
      tmp <- mutTable[, mutType_colName][idx.to.fix]
      corrected.mutTypes <- sapply(1:length(tmp), (function(i) {
        out <- c(revCompl(substr(tmp[i], 7, 7)), "[", revCompl(substr(tmp[i], 
                                                                      3, 3)), ">", revCompl(substr(tmp[i], 5, 5)), 
                 "]", revCompl(substr(tmp[i], 1, 1)))
        paste(out, collapse = "", sep = "")
      mutTable[, mutType_colName][idx.to.fix] <- corrected.mutTypes
  if (sum(!mutTable[, mutType_colName] %in% mutType.labels) > 0) 
    stop("Problem with the mutType... Please check the input")
  if (is.null(sample_colName)) {
    my.mutTypes <- mutTable[, mutType_colName]
    out.1 <- sapply(mutType.labels, (function(mtt) {
      sum(my.mutTypes == mtt)
    out.1 <- data.frame(cbind(sample = out.1))
  } else {
    unique.cases <- unique(mutTable[, sample_colName])
    out.1 <- lapply(unique.cases, (function(csid) {
      tmp.df <- mutTable[mutTable[, sample_colName] == 
                           csid, ]
      out.3 <- sapply(mutType.labels, (function(mtt) {
        sum(tmp.df[, mutType_colName] == mtt)
      out.3 <- data.frame(cbind(out.3))
      colnames(out.3) <- csid
    out.1 <- data.frame(do.call(cbind, out.1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      colnames(out.1) <- unique.cases
    }, error = function(e) NULL)
  fOUT <- new(Class = "mutationCounts", 
              x = out.1, 
              muts = data.frame(mutTypes = rownames(out.1),
                                stringsAsFactors = FALSE), 
              samples = data.frame(ID = colnames(out.1),
                                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

sortByMutations <- function(x) {
  if (class(x) == "mutationSignatures") {
    outClass <- "mutationSignatures"
    x1 <- coerceObj(x = x, to = "data.frame")
  } else if (class(x) == "mutationCounts") {
    outClass <- "mutationCounts"
    x1 <- coerceObj(x = x, to = "data.frame")
  } else if (class(x) %in% c("matrix","data.frame")){
    outClass <- "data.frame"
    x1 <- x
  } else {
    stop ("Bad input")
  # Get rownames == mutation names
  if (is.null(rownames(x1)))
    stop("Bad input")
  aRN <- rownames(x1)
  aRN <- sapply(sort(unique(sub("^.*\\[(.*)\\].*$", "\\1", aRN))), 
                function(mt) {
                  sort(aRN[grepl(mt, aRN)])
                }, USE.NAMES = FALSE, simplify = FALSE) 
  aRN <- do.call(c, aRN)
  ox <- x1[aRN,]
  # Format and return
  if (outClass == "data.frame") {
  } else if (outClass == "mutationSignatures") {
  } else if (outClass == "mutationCounts") {

simplifySignatures <- function(x, asMutationSignatures = TRUE) {
  if(class(x) != "mutationSignatures")
    stop("Bad input")
  curMT <- getMutationTypes(x)
  if(sum(!grepl("[ACGT]\\[[ACGT]>[ACGT]\\][ACGT]", curMT)) > 0)
    stop("Mutation Types are not compatible with simplifySignatures")
  # Start by defined tri-nucleotides
  mutType.labels <- c("A[C>A]A", "A[C>A]C", "A[C>A]G", "A[C>A]T", "A[C>G]A", "A[C>G]C",
                      "A[C>G]G", "A[C>G]T", "A[C>T]A", "A[C>T]C", "A[C>T]G", "A[C>T]T",
                      "A[T>A]A", "A[T>A]C", "A[T>A]G", "A[T>A]T", "A[T>C]A", "A[T>C]C",
                      "A[T>C]G", "A[T>C]T", "A[T>G]A", "A[T>G]C", "A[T>G]G", "A[T>G]T",
                      "C[C>A]A", "C[C>A]C", "C[C>A]G", "C[C>A]T", "C[C>G]A", "C[C>G]C",
                      "C[C>G]G", "C[C>G]T", "C[C>T]A", "C[C>T]C", "C[C>T]G", "C[C>T]T",
                      "C[T>A]A", "C[T>A]C", "C[T>A]G", "C[T>A]T", "C[T>C]A", "C[T>C]C",
                      "C[T>C]G", "C[T>C]T", "C[T>G]A", "C[T>G]C", "C[T>G]G", "C[T>G]T",
                      "G[C>A]A", "G[C>A]C", "G[C>A]G", "G[C>A]T", "G[C>G]A", "G[C>G]C",
                      "G[C>G]G", "G[C>G]T", "G[C>T]A", "G[C>T]C", "G[C>T]G", "G[C>T]T",
                      "G[T>A]A", "G[T>A]C", "G[T>A]G", "G[T>A]T", "G[T>C]A", "G[T>C]C",
                      "G[T>C]G", "G[T>C]T", "G[T>G]A", "G[T>G]C", "G[T>G]G", "G[T>G]T",
                      "T[C>A]A", "T[C>A]C", "T[C>A]G", "T[C>A]T", "T[C>G]A", "T[C>G]C",
                      "T[C>G]G", "T[C>G]T", "T[C>T]A", "T[C>T]C", "T[C>T]G", "T[C>T]T",
                      "T[T>A]A", "T[T>A]C", "T[T>A]G", "T[T>A]T", "T[T>C]A", "T[T>C]C",
                      "T[T>C]G", "T[T>C]T", "T[T>G]A", "T[T>G]C", "T[T>G]G", "T[T>G]T")
  # Needs sorting
  input <- coerceObj(x = x, to = "data.frame")
  sigNames <- getSignatureIdentifiers(x)
  EXPLD <- sapply(mutType.labels, (function(pat){
    tpat <- sub("\\[", "\\\\[", 
                sub("\\]", "\\\\]", pat))
    input[grepl(tpat, rownames(input)),]
  }), simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
  OUT <- base::as.data.frame(t(sapply(EXPLD, function(xi) {
    base::as.numeric(apply(xi, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE))
  })), row.names = mutType.labels)
  colnames(OUT) <- sigNames
  if (asMutationSignatures){
  altOut <- lapply(1:ncol(OUT), (function(j){
    curSGN <- base::as.numeric(OUT[,j])
    iSig <- data.frame(curSGN, row.names = mutType.labels)
    colnames(iSig) <- sigNames[j]
    AttDF <- do.call(rbind, sapply(mutType.labels, function(mmd) {
      zi <- EXPLD[[mmd]]
      nuNames <- gsub("[ACGT]\\[[ACGT]>[ACGT]\\][ACGT]", "...", rownames(zi))
      nuNums <- base::as.data.frame(rbind(zi[,j]))
      names(nuNums) <- nuNames
    }, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE))
    # out
    cbind(iSig, AttDF)
  names(altOut) <- sigNames

matchSignatures <- function(mutSign, 
                            reference = NULL, 
                            method = 'cosine',
                            threshold = 0.5,
                            plot = "TRUE")
  # avoid NOTEs
  newSign <- NULL
  refSign <- NULL
    my.ref <- getCosmicSignatures()
  } else if (class(reference) == "mutationSignatures") {
    my.ref <- reference
  } else {
    stop("reference: wrong data type. Provide NULL or a 'mutationSignatures'-class object")
  if(class(mutSign) != "mutationSignatures") {
    stop("mutSign: wrong data type. Provide a 'mutationSignatures'-class object")
  if (sum(!getMutationTypes(mutSign) %in% getMutationTypes(my.ref)) != 0 |
      sum(!getMutationTypes(my.ref) %in% getMutationTypes(mutSign)) != 0)
    stop("non-compatible mutation types")
  # Coerce to tabular objects
  my.ref2 <- my.ref@mutationFreq
  dimnames(my.ref2) <- list(my.ref@mutTypes[,1], 

  mutSign2 <- mutSign@mutationFreq
  dimnames(mutSign2) <- list(mutSign@mutTypes[,1], 
  my.ref <- my.ref2
  mutSign <- mutSign2[rownames(my.ref), ]
  #message("Debug - proceeded! :-)")
  distMat <- sapply(1:ncol(mutSign), function(i){
    TMP <- cbind(tmpSig=mutSign[,i], my.ref)
    TMPdist <- proxy::dist(TMP, method = method, by_rows = FALSE)
  dimnames(distMat) <- list(colnames(my.ref), colnames(mutSign))
  p <- NULL
  nuDF <- NULL
  if(plot) {
    nuDF <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(distMat), function(i){
      do.call(rbind, lapply(1:ncol(distMat), function(j){
        data.frame(newSign = colnames(distMat)[j],
                   refSign = rownames(distMat)[i],
                   dist = distMat[i,j],
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    fillLims <- c(round(min(nuDF$dist)), round(max(nuDF$dist)))
    nuDF$dist[nuDF$dist >= fillLims[2]] <- fillLims[2]
    nuDF$dist[nuDF$dist <= fillLims[1]] <- fillLims[1]
    p <- ggplot(nuDF, aes(y=newSign, x=refSign))
    p <- p + geom_tile(aes(fill=dist), width=.875, height=.875)
    p <- p + scale_y_discrete(limits=rev(colnames(distMat)))
    p <- p + scale_x_discrete(limits=rownames(distMat))
    p <- p + theme_minimal(base_size = 11) + labs(x = "", y = "")
    p <- p + labs(title = "Signature Comparison")
    #p <- p + scale_fill_gradient2(low = "#f40000", mid = "#ffe9e9", high = "white",
    #                              midpoint = as.numeric(quantile(distMat, probs = 0.1, na.rm = TRUE)),
    #                              guide = "colourbar", 
    #                              name = paste(method, "\ndistance", sep = ""))
    #p <- p + scale_fill_gradient(low = "red2", high = "white",
    #                             guide = "colourbar", 
    #                             name = paste(method, "\ndistance", sep = ""))
    nuMid <- base::as.numeric(quantile(distMat, probs = 0.2, na.rm = TRUE))
    if (!is.null(threshold)) {
      if (!is.na(base::as.numeric(threshold[1]))){
        nuMid <- base::as.numeric(threshold[1])
    p <- p + scale_fill_gradient2(low = "#f40000", mid = "#ffe9e9", high = "white",
                                  midpoint = nuMid,
                                  guide = "colourbar", 
                                  name = paste(method, "\ndistance", sep = ""), 
                                  limits = fillLims)
    p <- p + theme(legend.position = c('right'), # position the legend in the upper left
                   legend.justification = 0, # anchor point for legend.position.
                   legend.text = element_text(size = 9, color = 'gray10'),
                   legend.title = element_text(size = 11),
                   plot.title = element_text(size = 13, face = 'bold', color = 'gray10', hjust = 0.5),
                   axis.text = element_text(face = 'bold'),
                   panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
                   panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
                   axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1 , vjust = 0.5,
                   axis.text.y=element_text(hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5,
                                            margin = margin(0,3,0,0)))
  out <- list()
  out[["distanceMatrix"]] <- distMat
  out[["distanceDataFrame"]] <- nuDF
  out[["plot"]] <- p

#package.skeleton(name = "mutSignatures", code_files = "core_mutSignatures_scr_5.R")
dami82/mutSignatures_dev documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:02 p.m.