
Defines functions plotProfile drawIsopycnals plotTS parseLatLon read.ctd plotScan write.ctd ctdTrim ctdFindProfilesRBR ctdFindProfiles ctdDecimate as.ctd ctdRepair

Documented in as.ctd ctdDecimate ctdFindProfiles ctdFindProfilesRBR ctdRepair ctdTrim drawIsopycnals parseLatLon plotProfile plotScan plotTS read.ctd write.ctd

# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4

#' Class to Store CTD (or general hydrographic) Data
#' This class stores hydrographic data such as measured with a CTD (conductivity,
#' temperature, depth) instrument, or with other systems that produce
#' similar data.  Data repositories may store conductivity, temperature
#' and depth, as in the instrument name, but it is also common to store
#' salinity, temperature and pressure instead (or in addition). For this
#' reason, `ctd` objects are required to hold `salinity`,
#' `temperature` and `pressure` in their `data` slot,
#' with other data being optional. Formulae are available for converting
#' between variants of these data triplets, e.g. [swSCTp()]
#' can calculate `salinity` given `conductivity`, `temperature`
#' and `pressure`, and these are used by the main functions that
#' create `ctd` objects. For example, if [read.ctd.sbe()]
#' is used to read a Seabird file that contains only conductivity, temperature
#' and pressure, then that function will automatically append a data
#' item to hold salinity.  Since [as.ctd()] does the same with
#' salinity, the result this is that all `ctd` objects hold `salinity`,
#' `temperature` and `pressure`, which are henceforth called
#' the three basic quantities.
#' Different units and scales are permitted for the three basic quantities, and
#' most `oce` functions check those units and scales before
#' doing calculations (e.g. of seawater density), because those calculations
#' demand certain units and scales. The way this is handled is that the
#' accessor function \code{\link{[[,ctd-method}}] returns values in standardized
#' form. For example, a `ctd` object might hold temperature defined on the
#' IPTS-68 scale, but e.g. `ctd[["temperature"]]` returns a value on the ITS-90
#' scale. (The conversion is done with [T90fromT68()].)  Similarly,
#' pressure may be stored in either dbars or PSI, but e.g. `ctd[["pressure"]]`
#' returns a value in dbars, after dividing by 0.689476 if the value is
#' stored in PSI. Luckily, there is (as of early 2016) only one salinity scale in
#' common use in data files, namely PSS-78.
#' @templateVar class ctd
# nolint start (long lines)
#' @templateVar dataExample The key items stored in this slot are: `salinity`, `temperature`, and `pressure`, although in many instances there are quite a few additional items.
#' @templateVar metadataExample An example of the former might be the location at which a `ctd` measurement was made, stored in `longitude` and `latitude`, and of the latter might be `filename`, the name of the data source.
# nolint end (long lines)
#' @template slot_summary
#' @template slot_put
#' @template slot_get
#' @section Reading/creating `ctd` objects:
#' A file containing CTD profile data may be read with
#' [read.ctd()], and a CTD object can also be created with
#' [as.ctd()].  See [read.ctd()] for references on data
#' formats used in CTD files. Data can also be assembled into
#' `ctd` objects with [as.ctd()].
#' Statistical summaries are provided by [summary,ctd-method()], while
#' [show()] displays an overview.
#' CTD objects may be plotted with [plot,ctd-method()], which does much of its
#' work by calling [plotProfile()] or [plotTS()], both of
#' which can also be called by the user, to get fine control over the plots.
#' A CTD profile can be isolated from a larger record with [ctdTrim()],
#' a task made easier when [plotScan()] is used to examine the results.
#' Towyow data can be split up into sets of profiles (ascending or descending)
#' with [ctdFindProfiles()].  CTD data may be smoothed and/or cast onto
#' specified pressure levels with [ctdDecimate()].
#' As with all oce objects, low-level manipulation may be done with
#' [oceSetData()] and [oceSetMetadata()]. Additionally,
#' many of the contents of CTD objects may be altered with the
#' \code{\link{[[<-,ctd-method}} scheme,
#' and sufficiently skilled users may even manipulate the contents directly.
#' @section Data sources:
#' Archived CTD (and other) data may be found on servers such as
#' 1. `https://cchdo.ucsd.edu/`
#' @examples
#' # 1. Create a ctd object with fake data.
#' a <- as.ctd(salinity = 35 + 1:3 / 10, temperature = 10 - 1:3 / 10, pressure = 1:3)
#' summary(a)
#' # 2. Fix a typo in a station latitude (fake! it's actually okay)
#' data(ctd)
#' ctd <- oceSetMetadata(
#'     ctd, "latitude", ctd[["latitude"]] - 0.001,
#'     "fix latitude typo in log book"
#' )
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to ctd data
#' @family classes provided by oce
setClass("ctd", contains = "oce")

setAs("list", "ctd", function(from) {
    as.ctd(from) # salinity=from$salinity, temperature=from$temperature, pressure=from$pressure)

#' Repair a Malformed ctd Object
#' Make a [ctd-class] object adhere more closely with the expected form, e.g. by
#' moving certain things from the `data` slot to the `metadata` slot, where
#' other oce functions may assume they will be located.
#' This can be handy for objects that were set up
#' incorrectly, perhaps by inappropriate user insertions.
#' The possible changes fall into the following categories.
#' 1. If unit-length values for `latitude`, `longitude`, `time`, or `station`
#' exist in the `data` slot, move them to the `metadata` slot.  However,
#' leave them in `data`  if their length exceeds 1, because this can
#' arise with towyo data.
#' 2. If the `metadata` or `data` slot contains items named
#' `time`, `recoveryTime`, `startTime`, or `systemUploadTime`,
#' and if these are not in POSIXt format, then use [as.POSIXct()] with
#' `tz="UTC"` to convert them to POSIXt format. If that conversion fails,
#' owing to an unrecognizable format, then the original value
#' is retained, unaltered.
#' @param x a [ctd-class] object.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return A [ctd-class] object that is based on `x`, but possibly
#' with some elements changed as described in the \dQuote{Details}
#' section.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(ctd)
#' # Insert location information into 'data' slot, although it belongs in 'metadata'.
#' ctd@data$latitude <- ctd@metadata$latitude # Done by experts only!
#' ctd@data$longitude <- ctd@metadata$longitude # Done by experts only!
#' repaired <- ctdRepair(ctd)
#' @family things related to ctd data
#' @author Dan Kelley
ctdRepair <- function(x, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    oceDebug(debug, "ctdRepair(x) START\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    dnames <- names(x@data)
    # 1: move things from data to metadata
    for (item in c("longitude", "latitude", "time", "station")) {
        if (item %in% dnames) {
            if (length(x@data[[item]]) == 1L) {
                warning("moving unit-length data$", item, " to metadata$", item, "\n", sep = "")
                x@metadata[[item]] <- x@data[[item]]
                x@data[[item]] <- NULL
    # 2: make as POSIXct: time recoveryTime startTime systemUploadTime
    for (item in c("recoveryTime", "startTime", "systemUploadTime", "time")) {
        if (item %in% names(x@metadata) && !inherits(x@metadata[[item]], "POSIXt")) {
            trial <- try(as.POSIXct(x@metadata[[item]], tz = "UTC"), silent = TRUE)
            if (!inherits(trial, "try-error")) {
                x@metadata[[item]] <- trial
                warning(paste0("changed metadata$", item, " to a POSIXct value\n"))
            } else {
                warning(paste0("cannot change metadata$", item, " to a POSIXct value due to faulty format\n"))
        if (item %in% names(x@data) && !inherits(x@data[[item]], "POSIXt")) {
            trial <- try(as.POSIXct(x@data[[item]], tz = "UTC"), silent = TRUE)
            if (!inherits(trial, "try-error")) {
                x@data[[item]] <- trial
                warning(paste0("changed data$", item, " to a POSIXct value\n"))
            } else {
                warning(paste0("cannot change data$", item, " to a POSIXct value due to faulty format\n"))
    x@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(x@processingLog, paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = ""))
    oceDebug(debug, "END ctdRepair()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
} # ctdRepair()

#' Sample ctd Data
#' This is a CTD profile measured in Halifax Harbour in 2003, based
#' on [ctdRaw()], but trimmed to just the downcast with
#' [ctdTrim()], using indices inferred by inspection of the
#' results from [plotScan()].
#' This station was sampled by students enrolled in the Dan Kelley's Physical
#' Oceanography class at Dalhousie University.  The data were acquired near the
#' centre of the Bedford Basin of the Halifax Harbour, during an October 2003
#' field trip of Dalhousie University's Oceanography 4120/5120 class.  Note
#' that the `startTime` in the `metadata` slot was altered from 1903 to 2003,
#' using [oceEdit()]. The change was done because the original time was clearly
#' incorrect, perhaps owing to the use of software that was designed to work in
#' the twentieth century only.
#' @name ctd
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(ctd)
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' library(oce)
#' data(ctd)
#' plot(ctd)
#' }
#' @seealso The full profile (not trimmed to the downcast) is available as
#' `data(ctdRaw)`.
#' @family datasets provided with oce
#' @family things related to ctd data

#' Sample ctd Data, Not Trimmed of Extraneous Data
#' This is sample CTD profile provided for testing.  It includes not just the
#' (useful) portion of the dataset during which the instrument was being lowered,
#' but also data from the upcast and from time spent near the surface.  Spikes are
#' also clearly evident in the pressure record.  With such real-world wrinkles,
#' this dataset provides a good example of data that need trimming with
#' [ctdTrim()].
#' This station was sampled by students enrolled in the Dan Kelley's Physical
#' Oceanography class at Dalhousie University.  The data were acquired near the
#' centre of the Bedford Basin of the Halifax Harbour, during an October 2003
#' field trip of Dalhousie University's Oceanography 4120/5120 class. (Note that
#' the `startTime` in the `metadata` slot was altered from 1903 to 2003, using
#' [oceEdit()]. The change was done because the original time was clearly
#' incorrect, perhaps owing to the use of software that was designed to work in
#' the twentieth only.)
#' @name ctdRaw
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(ctdRaw)
#' @seealso A similar dataset (trimmed to the downcast) is available as
#' `data(ctd)`.
#' @family things related to ctd data
#' @family datasets provided with oce

# DEVELOPERS: please pattern functions and documentation on this, for uniformity.
# DEVELOPERS: You will need to change the docs, and the 3 spots in the code
# DEVELOPERS: marked '# DEVELOPER 1:', etc.
#' @title Handle Flags in ctd Objects
#' @param object a [ctd-class] object.
#' @template handleFlagsTemplate
#' @references
#' The following link used to work, but failed as of December 2020.
#' 1. `https://www.nodc.noaa.gov/woce/woce_v3/wocedata_1/whp/exchange/exchange_format_desc.htm`
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(section)
#' stn <- section[["station", 100]]
#' # 1. Default: anything not flagged as 2 is set to NA, to focus
#' # solely on 'good', in the World Hydrographic Program scheme.
#' STN1 <- handleFlags(stn, flags = list(c(1, 3:9)))
#' data.frame(old = stn[["salinity"]], new = STN1[["salinity"]], salinityFlag = stn[["salinityFlag"]])
#' # 2. Use bottle salinity, if it is good and ctd is bad
#' replace <- 2 == stn[["salinityBottleFlag"]] & 2 != stn[["salinityFlag"]]
#' S <- ifelse(replace, stn[["salinityBottle"]], stn[["salinity"]])
#' STN2 <- oceSetData(stn, "salinity", S)
#' # 3. Use smoothed TS relationship to nudge questionable data.
#' f <- function(x) {
#'     S <- x[["salinity"]]
#'     T <- x[["temperature"]]
#'     df <- 0.5 * length(S) # smooths a bit
#'     sp <- smooth.spline(T, S, df = df)
#'     0.5 * (S + predict(sp, T)$y)
#' }
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' STN3 <- handleFlags(stn, flags = list(salinity = c(1, 3:9)), action = list(salinity = f))
#' plotProfile(stn, "salinity", mar = c(3, 3, 3, 1))
#' p <- stn[["pressure"]]
#' par(mar = c(3, 3, 3, 1))
#' plot(STN3[["salinity"]] - stn[["salinity"]], p, ylim = rev(range(p)))
#' # 4. Single-variable flags (vector specification)
#' data(section)
#' # Multiple-flag scheme: one per data item
#' A <- section[["station", 100]]
#' deep <- A[["pressure"]] > 1500
#' flag <- ifelse(deep, 7, 2)
#' for (flagName in names(A[["flags"]])) {
#'     A[[paste(flagName, "Flag", sep = "")]] <- flag
#' }
#' Af <- handleFlags(A)
#' stopifnot(all.equal(is.na(Af[["salinity"]]), deep))
#' # 5. Single-variable flags (list specification)
#' B <- section[["station", 100]]
#' B[["flags"]] <- list(flag)
#' Bf <- handleFlags(B)
#' stopifnot(all.equal(is.na(Bf[["salinity"]]), deep))
#' @family things related to ctd data
    signature = c(object = "ctd", flags = "ANY", actions = "ANY", where = "ANY", debug = "ANY"),
    definition = function(object, flags = NULL, actions = NULL, where = NULL, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
        # DEVELOPER 1: alter the next comment to explain your setup
        if (is.null(flags)) {
            flags <- defaultFlags(object)
            if (is.null(flags)) {
                stop("must supply 'flags', or use initializeFlagScheme() on the ctd object first")
        if (is.null(actions)) {
            actions <- list("NA") # DEVELOPER 2: alter this line to suit a new data class
            names(actions) <- names(flags)
        if (any(names(actions) != names(flags))) {
            stop("names of flags and actions must match")
        handleFlagsInternal(object = object, flags = flags, actions = actions, where = where, debug = debug)

#' @templateVar class ctd
# nolint start (long lines)
#' @templateVar note Since all the entries in the `data` slot of ctd objects are vectors, `i` must be a vector (either logical as in Example 1 or integer as in Example 2), or a function taking a `ctd` object and returning such a vector (see \dQuote{Indexing rules}).
# nolint end (long lines)
#' @template setFlagsTemplate
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # Example 1: Range-check salinity
#' data(ctdRaw)
#' # Salinity and temperature range checks
#' qc <- ctdRaw
#' # Initialize flags to 2, meaning good data in the default
#' # scheme for handleFlags(ctd).
#' qc <- initializeFlags(qc, "salinity", 2)
#' qc <- initializeFlags(qc, "temperature", 2)
#' # Flag bad salinities as 4
#' oddS <- with(qc[["data"]], salinity < 25 | 40 < salinity)
#' qc <- setFlags(qc, name = "salinity", i = oddS, value = 4)
#' # Flag bad temperatures as 4
#' oddT <- with(qc[["data"]], temperature < -2 | 40 < temperature)
#' qc <- setFlags(qc, name = "temperature", i = oddT, value = 4)
#' # Compare results in TS space
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
#' plotTS(ctdRaw)
#' plotTS(handleFlags(qc, flags = c(1, 3:9)))
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' # Example 2: Interactive flag assignment based on TS plot, using
#' # WHP scheme to define 'acceptable' and 'bad' codes
#' options(eos="gsw")
#' data(ctd)
#' qc <- ctd
#' qc <- initializeFlagScheme(qc, "WHP CTD")
#' qc <- initializeFlags(qc, "salinity", 2)
#' Sspan <- diff(range(qc[["SA"]]))
#' Tspan <- diff(range(qc[["CT"]]))
#' n <- length(qc[["SA"]])
#' par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
#' plotTS(qc, type="o")
#' message("Click on bad points; quit by clicking to right of plot")
#' for (i in seq_len(n)) {
#'     xy <- locator(1)
#'     if (xy$x > par("usr")[2])
#'         break
#'     i <- which.min(abs(qc[["SA"]] - xy$x)/Sspan + abs(qc[["CT"]] - xy$y)/Tspan)
#'     qc <- setFlags(qc, "salinity", i=i, value=4)
#'     qc <- handleFlags(qc, flags=list(salinity=4))
#'     plotTS(qc, type="o")
#' }
#' }
#' @family things related to ctd data
#' @author Dan Kelley
    c(object = "ctd", name = "ANY", i = "ANY", value = "ANY", debug = "ANY"),
    function(object, name = NULL, i = NULL, value = NULL, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
        oceDebug(debug, "setFlags,ctd-method name=", name, ", i, value=", value, "\n")
        if (is.null(i)) {
            stop("must supply i")
        if (!is.vector(i) && !is.function(i)) {
            stop("'i' must be a vector or a function returning a vector")
        res <- setFlagsInternal(object, name, i, value, debug - 1)

#' @templateVar class ctd
#' @templateVar details {NA}
#' @template initializeFlagSchemeTemplate
    signature = c(object = "ctd", name = "ANY", mapping = "ANY", default = "ANY", update = "ANY", debug = "ANY"),
    definition = function(object, name = NULL, mapping = NULL, default = NULL, update = NULL, debug = 0) {
        if (is.null(name)) {
            stop("must supply 'name'")

#' Initialize Storage for a ctd Object
#' This function creates [ctd-class] objects. It is mainly
#' used by `oce` functions such as [read.ctd()] and [as.ctd()],
#' and it is not intended for novice users, so it may change at any time, without
#' following the usual rules for transitioning to deprecated and defunct status
#' (see [oce-deprecated]).
#' @details
#' To save storage, this function has arguments only for quantities that are often present in data
#' files all cases. For example, not
#' all data files will have oxygen, so that's not present here.
#' Extra data may be added after the object is created, using
#' [oceSetData()].
#' Similarly, [oceSetMetadata()] may be used to add metadata (station ID, etc),
#' while bearing in mind that other functions look for such information
#' in very particular places (e.g. the station ID is a string named `station`
#' within the `metadata` slot). See [ctd-class] for more information
#' on elements stored in `ctd` objects.
#' @param .Object the string `"ctd"`
#' @param pressure optional numerical vector of pressures.
#' @param salinity optional numerical vector of salinities.
#' @param temperature optional numerical vector of temperatures.
#' @param conductivity optional numerical vector of conductivities.
#' @param units optional list indicating units for the quantities specified
#' in the previous arguments. If this
#' is not supplied, a default is set up, based on which of the
#' `pressure` to `conductivity` arguments were specified.
#' If all of those 4 arguments were specified, then `units` is set
#' up as if the call included the following:
#' \code{units=list(temperature=list(unit=expression(degree*C), scale="ITS-90"),
#'      salinity=list(unit=expression(), scale="PSS-78"),
#'      conductivity=list(unit=expression(), scale=""),
#'      pressure=list(unit=expression(dbar), scale=""),
#'      depth=list(unit=expression(m), scale=""))}. This list is trimmed
#' of any of the 4 items that were not specified in the previous
#' arguments. Note that if `units` is specified, then it is just
#' copied into the `metadata` slot of the returned object, so the user
#' must be careful to set up values that will make sense to other `oce`
#' functions.
#' @param pressureType optional character string indicating the type of pressure;
#' if not supplied, this defaults to `"sea"`, which indicates the excess of
#' pressure over the atmospheric value, in dbar.
#' @param deploymentType optional character string indicating the type of deployment, which may
#' be `"unknown"`, `"profile"`, `"towyo"`, or `"thermosalinograph"`.
#' If this is not set, the value defaults to `"unknown"`.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @family things related to ctd data
#' @examples
#' # 1. empty
#' new("ctd")
#' # 2. fake data with no location information, so can only
#' #    plot with the UNESCO equation of state.
#' #    NOTE: always name arguments, in case the default order gets changed
#' ctd <- new("ctd", salinity = 35 + 1:3 / 10, temperature = 10 - 1:3 / 10, pressure = 1:3)
#' summary(ctd)
#' plot(ctd, eos = "unesco")
#' # 3. as 2, but insert location and plot with GSW equation of state.
#' ctd <- oceSetMetadata(ctd, "latitude", 44)
#' ctd <- oceSetMetadata(ctd, "longitude", -63)
#' plot(ctd, eos = "gsw")
#' @aliases initialize,ctd-method
#' @aliases initialize.ctd
    f = "initialize",
    signature = "ctd",
    definition = function(.Object, pressure, salinity, temperature, conductivity, units, pressureType, deploymentType, ...) {
        .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
        # Assign to some columns so they exist if needed later (even if they are NULL)
        .Object@data$pressure <- if (missing(pressure)) NULL else pressure
        .Object@data$temperature <- if (missing(temperature)) NULL else temperature
        .Object@data$salinity <- if (missing(salinity)) NULL else salinity
        .Object@data$conductivity <- if (missing(conductivity)) NULL else conductivity
        names <- names(.Object@data)
        # .Object@metadata$names <- names
        # .Object@metadata$labels <- titleCase(names) # paste(toupper(substring(names, 1, 1)), substring(names, 2), sep="")
        # .Object@metadata$filename <- filename
        if (missing(units)) {
            .Object@metadata$units <- list()
            if (!missing(pressure)) {
                .Object@metadata$units$pressure <- list(unit = expression(dbar), scale = "")
            if (!missing(salinity)) {
                .Object@metadata$units$salinity <- list(unit = expression(), scale = "PSS-78")
            if (!missing(temperature)) {
                .Object@metadata$units$temperature <- list(unit = expression(degree * C), scale = "ITS-90")
            if (!missing(conductivity)) {
                .Object@metadata$units$conductivity <- list(unit = expression(), scale = "")
        } else {
            .Object@metadata$units <- units # CAUTION: we are being quite trusting here
        .Object@metadata$pressureType <- if (!missing(pressureType)) pressureType else "sea" # guess on the unit
        .Object@metadata$deploymentType <- if (!missing(deploymentType)) {
        } else {
        } # "profile" "mooring" "towyo" "thermosalinograph"
        .Object@metadata$waterDepth <- NA
        # .Object@metadata$latitude <- NA
        # .Object@metadata$longitude <- NA
        # .Object@metadata$waterDepth <- NA
        .Object@processingLog$time <- presentTime()
        .Object@processingLog$value <- "create 'ctd' object"

#' Summarize a ctd Object
#' Summarizes some of the data in a `ctd` object, presenting such information
#' as the station name, sampling location, data ranges, etc. If the object was read
#' from a `.cnv` file or a `.rsk` file, then the `OriginalName`
#' column for the data summary will contain the original names of data within
#' the source file.
#' @param object a [ctd-class] object.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(ctd)
#' summary(ctd)
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to ctd data
#' @aliases summary.ctd
    f = "summary",
    signature = "ctd",
    definition = function(object, ...) {
        cat("CTD Summary\n-----------\n\n")
        type <- object@metadata$type
        model <- object@metadata$model
        mnames <- names(object@metadata)
        if (!is.null(type) && nchar(type)) {
            if (is.null(model)) {
                cat("* Instrument:          ", type, "\n", sep = "")
            } else {
                cat("* Instrument:          ", type, " ", model, "\n", sep = "")
        # showMetadataItem(object, "type",                      "Instrument:          ")
        # showMetadataItem(object, "model",                     "Instrument model:    ")
        # showMetadataItem(object, "serialNumber",              "Instr. serial no.:   ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "serialNumberTemperature", "Temp. serial no.:    ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "serialNumberConductivity", "Cond. serial no.:    ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "filename", "File:                ", quote = TRUE)
        showMetadataItem(object, "hexfilename", "Original file:       ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "institute", "Institute:           ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "scientist", "Chief scientist:     ")
        # showMetadataItem(object, "date",                      "Date:                ", isdate=TRUE)
        showMetadataItem(object, "startTime", "Start time:          ", isdate = TRUE)
        # showMetadataItem(object, "systemUploadTime",          "System upload time:  ", isdate=TRUE)
        if ("sampleInterval" %in% mnames && "sampleIntervalUnits" %in% mnames) {
            cat("* Sample interval:     ",
                object@metadata$sampleInterval, " ", object@metadata$sampleIntervalUnits, "\n",
                sep = ""
        showMetadataItem(object, "cruise", "Cruise:              ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "ship", "Vessel:              ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "station", "Station:             ")
        deploymentType <- object@metadata$deploymentType
        if (!is.null(deploymentType) && deploymentType != "unknown") {
            showMetadataItem(object, "deploymentType", "Deployment type:     ")
        if ("longitude" %in% names(object@data)) {
            cat("* Mean Location:       ",
                    mean(object@data$latitude, na.rm = TRUE),
                    mean(object@data$longitude, na.rm = TRUE),
                    digits = 5
                sep = ""
        } else if ("longitude" %in% names(object@metadata)) {
            cat("* Mean Location:       ",
                    mean(object@metadata$latitude, na.rm = TRUE),
                    mean(object@metadata$longitude, na.rm = TRUE),
                    digits = 5
                sep = ""
        showMetadataItem(object, "waterDepth", "Water depth:         ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "levels", "Number of levels: ")
        # names <- names(object@data)
        invisible(callNextMethod()) # summary

#' @title Extract Something From a ctd Object
#' @param x a [ctd-class] object.
#' @examples
#' data(ctd)
#' head(ctd[["temperature"]])
#' @section Details of the Specialized Method:
#' Some uses of \code{\link{[[,ctd-method}} involve direct retrieval of
#' items within the `data` slot of the `ctd` object,
#' while other uses involve calculations based on items in that
#' `data` slot. For example, all `ctd` objects
#' should hold an item named `temperature` in the `data`
#' slot, so for example `x[["temperature"]]` will retrieve that
#' item. By contrast, `x[["sigmaTheta"]]` is taken to be a
#' request to compute \eqn{\sigma_\theta}{sigma[theta]}, and so
#' it yields a call to [swTheta]`(x)` even if
#' the `data` slot of `x` might happen to contain an item
#' named `theta`. This can be confusing at first, but it tends
#' to lead to fewer surprises in everyday work, for otherwise the
#' user would be forced to check the contents of any `ctd`
#' object under analysis, to determine whether that item will be looked
#' up or computed. Nothing is lost in this scheme, since the data
#' within the object are always accessible with [oceGetData()].
#' It should be noted that the accessor is set up to retrieve quantities
#' in conventional units. For example, [read.ctd.sbe()] is
#' used on a `.cnv` file that stores pressure in psi, it will
#' be stored in the same unit within the `ctd` object, but
#' `x[["pressure"]]` will return a value that has been converted
#' to decibars.  (To get pressure in PSI, use `x[["pressurePSI"]]`.)
#' Similarly, temperature is
#' returned in the ITS-90 scale, with a conversion having been performed with
#' [T90fromT68()], if the object holds temperature in
#' IPTS-68.  Again, temperature on the IPTS-68
#' scale is returned with `x@@data$temperature`.
#' This preference for computed over stored quantities is accomplished
#' by first checking for computed quantities, and then falling
#' back to the general `[[` method if no match is found.
#' Some quantities are optionally computed. For example, some data files
#' (e.g. the one upon which the [section()] dataset is based)
#' store `nitrite` along with the sum of nitrite and nitrate, the
#' latter with name ``NO2+NO3``. In this case, e.g. `x[["nitrate"]]`
#' will detect the setup, and subtract nitrite from the sum to yield
#' nitrate.
#' The list given below provides notes on some quantities that are
#' available using e.g. `ctd[[i]]`.
#' * If `i` is `"?"`, then the return value is a list
#' containing four items, each of which is a character vector
#' holding the names of things that can be accessed with `[[`.
#' The `data` and `metadata` items hold the names of
#' entries in the object's data and metadata
#' slots, respectively. The `dataDerived`
#' and `metadataDerived` items hold the names of things
#' that can be inferred from the object's contents, e.g.
#' `"SA"` is named in `dataDerived`, indicating that
#' `argo[["SA"]]` is permitted (to compute Absolute Salinity).
#' * If `i` is `"conductivity"` without a second argument (e.g. `a[["conductivity"]]`)
#' then the return value is the seawater electrical conductivity (if available
#' or computable). However, if a second argument is given,
#' and it is string specifying a unit, then conversion is made to that unit. The
#' permitted units are: either `""` or `"ratio"` (for ratio),
#' `"uS/cm"`, `"mS/cm"` and `"S/m"`. The calculations are based on
#' the definition of conductivity ratio as the ratio between measured conductivity
#' and the standard value 4.2914 S/m.
#' * If `i` is `"CT"` or `"Conservative Temperature"` then Conservative
#' Temperature, computed with [gsw::gsw_CT_from_t()], is returned.
#' * If `i` is `"density"` then seawater density, computed with [swRho]`(x)`,
#' is returned. (Note that it may be better to call that function directly, to gain
#' control of the choice of equation of state, etc.)
#' * If `i` is `"depth"` then the depth in metres below the surface, computed
#' with [swDepth]`(x)`, is returned.
#' * If `i` is `"N2"` then the square of Brunt-Vaisala frequency, computed  with
#' [swN2]`(x)`, is returned.
#' * If `i` is `"potential temperature"` or `"theta"`, then potential temperature in the
#' UNESCO formulation, computed with [swTheta]`(x)`, is returned.
#' * If `i` is `"Rrho"` then density ratio, computed with [swRrho]`(x)`, is
#' returned.
#' * If `i` is `"SA"` or `"Absolute Salinity"` then Absolute Salinity,
#' computed with [gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP()], is returned.
#' The calculation involves location as well as measured water properties.
#' If the object `x` does not containing information on the location,
#' then 30N and 60W is used for the calculation, and a warning is generated.
#' * If `i` is `"sigmaTheta"` then a form of potential density anomaly, computed with
#' [swSigmaTheta]`(x)`, is returned.
#' * If `i` is `"sigma0"` then potential density anomaly
#' referenced to a sea pressure of 0dbar (the surface), computed with [swSigma0]`(x)`,
#' is returned.
#' * If `i` is `"sigma2"` then potential density anomaly
#' referenced to a sea pressure of 1000dbar, computed with [swSigma1]`(x)`,
#' is returned.
#' * If `i` is `"sigma2"` then potential density anomaly
#' referenced to a sea pressure of 2000dbar, computed with [swSigma2]`(x)`,
#' is returned.
#' * If `i` is `"sigma3"` then potential density anomaly
#' referenced to a sea pressure of 3000dbar, computed with [swSigma3]`(x)`,
#' is returned.
#' * If `i` is `"sigma4"` then potential density anomaly
#' referenced to a sea pressure of 4000dbar, computed with [swSigma4]`(x)`,
#' is returned.
#' * If `i` is `"SP"` then salinity on the Practical Salinity Scale, which is
#' `salinity` in the `data` slot, is returned.
#' * If `i` is `"spice"` then [swSpice()] is called to compute a quantity that
#' is in some sense orthogonal to density on a T-S diagram. This is done by
#' calling [swSpice()] with the `eos` argument set to `"unesco"`. In an earlier
#' version of oce, `[[` could be provided with a second argument to yield a
#' return value for "spiciness", a variable that is described in the next item.
#' On 2024-02-14, this possibility was removed because it could lead to user
#' confusion and non-reproducible code. To get spiciness, use
#' `[["spiciness0"]]`.
#' * If `i` is `"spiciness0"`, `"spiciness1"` or `"spiciness2"`, then the return
#' value comes from the Gibbs SeaWater formulation of a variable that is in some
#' sense orthogonal to density on a T-S diagram. The numbers refer to the
#' reference pressure, in units of 1000 dbar. These results are computed with
#' [gsw::gsw_spiciness0()], etc.
#' * If `i` is `"SR"` then Reference Salinity, computed with
#' [gsw::gsw_SR_from_SP()], is returned.
#' * If `i` is `"Sstar"` then Preformed Salinity, computed with
#' [gsw::gsw_SR_from_SP()], is returned.
#' See `SA` for a note on longitude and latitude.
#' * If `i` is `"time"` then either vector of times or a single
#' time, is returned, if available. A vector is returned if `time`
#' is present in the `data` slot, or if a time can be
#' inferred from other entries in the `data` slot (some of which,
#' such as the common `timeS`, also employ
#' `startTime` within the `metadata` slot). A single
#' value is returned if the dataset only has information on the start
#' time (which is stored as `startTime` within the `metadata`
#' slot. If it is impossible to determine the sampling time, then
#' `NULL` is returned. These time variants occur, in the
#' present version of oce, only for data read by [read.ctd.sbe()],
#' the documentation of which explains how times are computed.
#' * If `i` is `"z"` then vertical coordinate in metres
#' above the surface, computed with [swZ]`(x)`, is returned.
#' @template sub_subTemplate
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to ctd data
    f = "[[",
    signature(x = "ctd", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"),
    definition = function(x, i, j, ...) {
        dots <- list(...)
        debug <- if ("debug" %in% names(dots)) dots$debug else 0
        oceDebug(debug, "[[,ctd-method(\"", i, "\") START\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
        # message("i=\"", i, "\"")
        data <- x@data
        metadata <- x@metadata
        dataNames <- names(data)
        metadataNames <- names(metadata)
        # For 1891: ctd[["?"]] lists known items, stored or computed
        # https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1891
        # Use paste() for two-word items so a text editor won't break strings
        metadataDerived <- c("time", "*Flag", "*Unit")
        if (i == "?") {
                metadata = sort(names(x@metadata)),
                metadataDerived = sort(metadataDerived),
                data = sort(names(x@data)),
                dataDerived = computableWaterProperties(x)
        if (i == "time") {
            # After checking for 'time' literally in the metadata
            # and data slots, we turn to the 10 time variants
            # listed in the SBE Seasoft data processing manual,
            # revision 7.26.8, Appendix VI.
            if ("time" %in% dataNames) {
            } else if ("timeS" %in% dataNames) {
                if (!("startTime" %in% metadataNames)) {
                    warning("have timeS in data slot, but no startTime in metadata slot, so cannot compute [[\"time\"]]\n")
                } else {
                    metadata$startTime + data$timeS
            } else if ("timeM" %in% dataNames) {
                if (!("startTime" %in% metadataNames)) {
                    warning("have timeM in data slot, but no startTime in metadata slot, so cannot compute [[\"time\"]]\n")
                } else {
                    metadata$startTime + 60 * data$timeM
            } else if ("timeH" %in% dataNames) {
                if (!("startTime" %in% metadataNames)) {
                    warning("have timeH in data slot, but no startTime in metadata slot, so cannot compute [[\"time\"]]\n")
                } else {
                    metadata$startTime + 3600 * data$timeH
            } else if ("timeJ" %in% dataNames) {
                if (!("startTime" %in% metadataNames)) {
                    warning("have timeJ in data slot, but no startTime in metadata slot, so cannot compute [[\"time\"]]\n")
                } else {
                    t0 <- ISOdatetime(1900 + as.POSIXlt(metadata$startTime)$year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tz = "UTC")
                    timeJ <- data$timeJ
                    # Handle wraparound (FIXME: this code is tricky and not well-tested, esp wrt leap year)
                    # wraps <- sum(diff(timeJ) < 0)
                    n <- length(timeJ)
                    for (w in rev(which(diff(timeJ) < 0))) {
                        timeJ[seq(w + 1, n)] <- round(timeJ[w]) + timeJ[seq(w + 1, n)]
                    t0 + 86400 * (timeJ - 1)
            } else if ("timeN" %in% dataNames) {
                as.POSIXct(data$timeN, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "UTC")
            } else if ("timeQ" %in% dataNames) {
                as.POSIXct(data$timeQ, origin = "2000-01-01", tz = "UTC")
            } else if ("timeK" %in% dataNames) {
                as.POSIXct(data$timeK, origin = "2000-01-01", tz = "UTC")
            } else if ("timeJV2" %in% dataNames) {
                if (!("startTime" %in% metadataNames)) {
                    warning("have timeJV2 in data slot, but no startTime in metadata slot, so cannot compute [[\"time\"]]\n")
                } else {
                    t0 <- ISOdatetime(1900 + as.POSIXlt(metadata$startTime)$year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tz = "UTC")
                    timeJV2 <- data$timeJV2
                    # Handle wraparound (FIXME: this code is tricky and not well-tested, esp wrt leap year)
                    # wraps <- sum(diff(timeJV2) < 0)
                    n <- length(timeJV2)
                    for (w in rev(which(diff(timeJV2) < 0))) {
                        timeJV2[seq(w + 1, n)] <- round(timeJV2[w]) + timeJV2[seq(w + 1, n)]
                    t0 + 86400 * (timeJV2 - 1)
            } else if ("timeSCP" %in% dataNames) {
                if (!("startTime" %in% metadataNames)) {
                    warning("have timeSCP in data slot, but no startTime in metadata slot, so cannot compute [[\"time\"]]\n")
                } else {
                    t0 <- ISOdatetime(1900 + as.POSIXlt(metadata$startTime)$year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tz = "UTC")
                    timeSCP <- data$timeSCP
                    # Handle wraparound (FIXME: this code is tricky and not well-tested, esp wrt leap year)
                    # wraps <- sum(diff(timeSCP) < 0)
                    n <- length(timeSCP)
                    for (w in rev(which(diff(timeSCP) < 0))) {
                        timeSCP[seq(w + 1, n)] <- round(timeSCP[w]) + timeSCP[seq(w + 1, n)]
                    t0 + 86400 * (timeSCP - 1)
            } else if ("timeY" %in% dataNames) {
                as.POSIXct(data$timeY, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "UTC")
            } else if ("time" %in% metadataNames) {
            } else if ("startTime" %in% metadataNames) {
            } else {
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "calling lowest-level oce '[[' method (in AllClass.R)\n")
            callNextMethod() # [[ defined in R/AllClass.R

#' @title Replace Parts of a ctd Object
#' @param x a [ctd-class] object.
#' @template sub_subsetTemplate
#' @examples
#' data(ctd)
#' summary(ctd)
#' # Move the CTD profile a nautical mile north.
#' ctd[["latitude"]] <- 1 / 60 + ctd[["latitude"]] # acts in metadata
#' # Increase the salinity by 0.01.
#' ctd[["salinity"]] <- 0.01 + ctd[["salinity"]] # acts in data
#' summary(ctd)
#' @family things related to ctd data
    f = "[[<-",
    signature(x = "ctd", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"),
    definition = function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
        callNextMethod(x = x, i = i, j = j, ..., value = value) # [[<-

#' Coerce Data Into a ctd Object
#' Assemble data into a [ctd-class] object.  This function is complicated
#' (spanning approximately 600 lines of code) because it tries to handle many
#' special cases, and tries to make sensible defaults for unspecified
#' parameters.  If odd results are found, users might find it helpful to call
#' this function with the first parameter being a simple vector of Practical
#' Salinity values, in which case the processing of the other arguments is
#' relatively straightforward.
#' The following sections provide an some notes on how `as.ctd()` handles
#' certain object types given as the first parameter.
#' **Converting argo objects**
#' If the `salinity` argument is an object of [argo-class], then that
#' object is dismantled and reassembled as a [ctd-class] object in ways that
#' are mostly straightforward, although the handling of time depends
#' on the information in the original NetCDF data file that was used
#' by [read.argo()] to create the [argo-class] object.
#' All Argo data files contain an item called `juld` from which the profile
#' time can be computed, and some also contain an additional item named `MTIME`,
#' from which the times of individual measurements can also be computed.  Both
#' cases are handled by `as.ctd()`, using a scheme outlined in
#' Note 4 of the Details section of the [read.argo()] documentation.
#' **Converting rsk objects**
#' If the `salinity` argument is an object of [rsk-class],
#' then `as.ctd` passes it,
#' `pressureAtmospheric`,
#' `longitude`,
#' and `latitude`
#' to [rsk2ctd()], which builds the ctd object that is
#' returned by `as.ctd`. The other arguments to `as.ctd`
#' are ignored in this instance, because `rsk` objects already
#' contain their information. If required, any data or metadata
#' element can be added to the value returned by `as.ctd`
#' using [oceSetData()] or [oceSetMetadata()],
#' respectively.
#' The returned [rsk-class] object contains pressure in a form that
#' may need to be adjusted, because `rsk` objects may contain
#' either absolute pressure or sea pressure. This adjustment is handled
#' automatically by `as.ctd`, by examination of the metadata item
#' named `pressureType` (described in the documentation for
#' [read.rsk()]).  Once the sea pressure is determined,
#' adjustments may be made with the `pressureAtmospheric` argument,
#' although in that case it is better considered a pressure adjustment
#' than the atmospheric pressure.
#' [rsk-class] objects may store sea pressure or absolute pressure (the
#' sum of sea pressure and atmospheric pressure), depending on how the object was
#' created with [as.rsk()] or [read.rsk()].  However,
#' [ctd-class] objects store sea pressure, which is needed for
#' plotting, calculating density, etc. This poses no difficulties, however,
#' because `as.ctd` automatically converts absolute pressure to sea pressure,
#' if the metadata in the [rsk-class] object indicates that this is
#' appropriate. Further alteration of the pressure can be accomplished with the
#' `pressureAtmospheric` argument, as noted above.
#' @param salinity may be (1) a numeric vector holding Practical Salinity,
#' (2) a list or data frame holding `salinity` and other
#' hydrographic variables or (3) an `oce-class` object that holds
#' hydrographic information. If `salinity` is not provided,
#' then `conductivity` must be provided, so that [swSCTp()]
#' can be used to compute salinity.
#' @param temperature a numeric vector containing *in-situ* temperature in
#' \eqn{^\circ}{deg}C on the ITS-90 scale; see \dQuote{Temperature units} in the
#' documentation for [swRho()].
#' @param pressure a numeric vector containing sea pressure values, in decibars.
#' Typically, this vector has the same length as `salinity` and `temperature`,
#' but it also possible to supply just one value, which will be repeated
#' to get the right length. Note that `as.ctd()` stores the
#' sum of `pressure` and `pressureAtmospheric` in the returned object,
#' although the default value for `pressureAtmospheric` is zero, so
#' in the default case, `pressure` is stored directly.
#' @param conductivity an optional numeric vector containing electrical
#' conductivity ratio through the water column. To convert from raw conductivity
#' in milliSeimens per centimeter divide by 42.914 to get conductivity ratio
#' (see Culkin and Smith, 1980).
#' @param scan optional numeric vector holding scan number.  If not provided,
#' this is set to [seq_along]`(salinity)`.
#' @param time optional vector of times of observation.
#' @param units an optional list containing units.  If not supplied,
#' defaults are set for `pressure`, `temperature`, `salinity`,
#' and `conductivity`. Since these are simply guesses, users
#' are advised strongly to supply `units`. See \dQuote{Examples}.
#' @param flags if supplied, this is a [list] containing data-quality
#' flags. The elements of this list must have names that match the data
#' provided to the object.
#' @param missingValue optional missing value, indicating data that should be
#' taken as `NA`. Set to `NULL` to turn off this feature.
#' @param type optional type of CTD, e.g. "SBE"
#' @param serialNumber optional serial number of instrument
#' @param ship optional string containing the ship from which the observations were made.
#' @param cruise optional string containing a cruise identifier.
#' @param station optional string containing a station identifier.
#' @param startTime optional indication of the start time for the profile,
#' which is used in some several plotting functions.  This is best given as a
#' [POSIXt] time, but it may also be a character string
#' that can be converted to a time with [as.POSIXct()],
#' using `UTC` as the timezone.
#' @param longitude optional numerical value containing longitude in decimal
#' degrees, positive in the eastern hemisphere. If this is a single number,
#' then it is stored in the `metadata` slot of the returned value; if it
#' is a vector of numbers, then they are stored in the `data` slot. If
#' `longitude' is not provided (i.e. if it is NULL, the default), then
#' `as.ctd()' tries to find it from the first parameter, if it is a list,
#' or an [oce-class] object.
#' @param latitude similar to `longitude`.  Positive in the northern
#' hemisphere.
#' @param deploymentType character string indicating the type of deployment. Use
#' `"unknown"` if this is not known, `"profile"` for a profile (in
#' which the data were acquired during a downcast, while the device was lowered
#' into the water column, perhaps also including an upcast; `"moored"` if
#' the device is installed on a fixed mooring, `"thermosalinograph"` (or
#' `"tsg"`) if the device is mounted on a moving vessel, to record
#' near-surface properties, or `"towyo"` if the device is repeatedly
#' lowered and raised.
#' @param pressureAtmospheric A numerical value (a constant or a vector),
#' that is subtracted from pressure before storing it in the return value.
#' (This altered pressure is also used in calculating `salinity`, if
#' that is to be computed from `conductivity`, etc., using
#' [swSCTp()]; see `salinity` above.)
#' @param sampleInterval optional numerical value indicating the time between
#' samples in the profile.
#' @param profile optional positive integer specifying the number of the profile
#' to extract from an object that has data in matrices, such as for some
#' `argo` objects. Currently the `profile` argument is only utilized for
#' [argo-class] objects.
# 1108 @param src optional string indicating data source.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return A [ctd-class] object.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # 1. fake data, with default units
#' pressure <- 1:50
#' temperature <- 10 - tanh((pressure - 20) / 5) + 0.02 * rnorm(50)
#' salinity <- 34 + 0.5 * tanh((pressure - 20) / 5) + 0.01 * rnorm(50)
#' ctd <- as.ctd(salinity, temperature, pressure)
#' # Add a new column
#' fluo <- 5 * exp(-pressure / 20)
#' ctd <- oceSetData(ctd,
#'     name = "fluorescence", value = fluo,
#'     unit = list(unit = expression(mg / m^3), scale = "")
#' )
#' summary(ctd)
#' # 2. fake data, with supplied units (which are the defaults, actually)
#' ctd <- as.ctd(salinity, temperature, pressure,
#'     units = list(
#'         salinity = list(unit = expression(), scale = "PSS-78"),
#'         temperature = list(unit = expression(degree * C), scale = "ITS-90"),
#'         pressure = list(unit = expression(dbar), scale = "")
#'     )
#' )
#' @references
#' 1. Culkin, F., and Norman D. Smith, 1980. Determination of the
#' concentration of potassium chloride solution having the same electrical
#' conductivity, at 15 C and infinite frequency, as standard seawater of salinity
#' 35.0000 ppt (Chlorinity 19.37394 ppt). *IEEE Journal of Oceanic
#' Engineering*, volume **5**, pages 22-23.
#' @author Dan Kelley, with help from Clark Richards
#' @family things related to ctd data
as.ctd <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL, conductivity = NULL,
    scan = NULL, time = NULL, units = NULL, flags = NULL, missingValue = NULL,
    type = "", serialNumber = NULL, ship = NULL, cruise = NULL, station = NULL,
    startTime = NULL, longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, deploymentType = "unknown",
    pressureAtmospheric = 0, sampleInterval = NULL, profile = NULL,
    debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    oceDebug(debug, "as.ctd(...) START\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    unitsGiven <- !is.null(units)
    salinityGiven <- !missing(salinity)

    # Already a ctd-class object.
    if (salinityGiven && inherits(salinity, "ctd")) {
        oceDebug(debug, "first parameter is 'ctd-class', so returning as-is\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "END as.ctd()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    # An rsk-class object.
    if (salinityGiven && inherits(salinity, "rsk")) {
        oceDebug(debug, "first parameter is 'rsk-class', so converting with rsk2ctd()\n")
        res <- rsk2ctd(salinity,
            pressureAtmospheric = pressureAtmospheric,
            longitude = longitude,
            latitude = latitude,
            ship = ship,
            station = station,
            cruise = cruise,
            deploymentType = deploymentType,
            debug = debug - 1
        oceDebug(debug, "END as.ctd() with rsk object as first parameter\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    } # end of rsk case
    # Not an rsk object.
    res <- new("ctd")
    if (!is.null(startTime) && is.character(startTime)) {
        startTime <- as.POSIXct(startTime, tz = "UTC")
    if (!salinityGiven) {
        if (!missing(conductivity) && !missing(temperature) && !missing(pressure)) {
            salinity <- swSCTp(conductivity = conductivity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure)
            oceDebug(debug, "computed salinity using swSCTp() with stated conductivity, temperature and pressure\n")
        } else {
            stop("if salinity is not provided, conductivity, temperature and pressure must all be provided")
    filename <- ""
    waterDepth <- NA
    ounits <- NULL # replace with metadata$units if first parameter is an oce object
    # First parameter is an oce object
    if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
        oceDebug(debug, "first parameter is an oce object, so ignoring some other arguments\n")
        # dataNamesOriginal <- list()
        o <- salinity
        d <- o@data
        m <- o@metadata
        if ("longitude" %in% names(d) && is.null(longitude)) {
            longitude <- d$longitude
            oceDebug(debug, "inferred longitude from data slot of first parameter\n")
        } else if ("longitude" %in% names(m) && is.null(longitude)) {
            longitude <- m$longitude
            oceDebug(debug, "inferred longitude from metadata slot of first parameter\n")
        if ("latitude" %in% names(d) && is.null(latitude)) {
            latitude <- d$latitude
            oceDebug(debug, "inferred latitude from data slot of first parameter\n")
        } else if ("latitude" %in% names(m) && is.null(latitude)) {
            latitude <- m$latitude
            oceDebug(debug, "inferred latitude from metadata slot of first parameter\n")
        res@metadata$dataNamesOriginal <- m$dataNamesOriginal
        res@metadata$flagScheme <- m$flagScheme
        ounits <- o@metadata$units
        dnames <- names(d)
        mnames <- names(m)
        filename <- if ("filename" %in% mnames) m$filename else ""
        # Check whether various things have been specified in this call to
        # as.ctd().  If not, try looking for values in the metadata or data of
        # the first parameter.
        if (is.null(ship) && "ship" %in% mnames) {
            ship <- m$ship
        if (is.null(cruise) && "cruise" %in% mnames) {
            cruise <- m$cruise
        if (is.null(station) && "station" %in% mnames) {
            station <- m$station
        if (is.null(startTime)) {
            if ("startTime" %in% mnames) {
                startTime <- as.POSIXct(m$startTime, tz = "UTC")
            } else if ("time" %in% mnames) {
                startTime <- as.POSIXct(m$time, tz = "UTC")
        # If longitude and latitude are not given as parameters, try to infer
        # them from the first parameter.  (Note that case is ignored.)
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            if ("longitude" %in% dnames) {
                longitude <- d$longitude
                d$longitude <- NULL
                oceDebug(debug, "inferred longitude from first parameter's data slot\n")
            } else if ("LONGITUDE" %in% dnames) {
                longitude <- d$LONGITUDE
                d$LONGITUDE <- NULL
                oceDebug(debug, "inferred longitude from first parameter's data slot\n")
            } else if ("longitude" %in% mnames) {
                longitude <- m$longitude
                m$longitude <- NULL
                oceDebug(debug, "inferred longitude from first parameter's metadata slot\n")
            } else if ("LONGITUDE" %in% mnames) {
                longitude <- m$LONGITUDE
                m$LONGITUDE <- NULL
                oceDebug(debug, "inferred longitude from first parameter's metadata slot\n")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            if ("latitude" %in% dnames) {
                latitude <- d$latitude
                d$latitude <- NULL
                oceDebug(debug, "inferred latitude from first parameter's data slot\n")
            } else if ("LATITUDE" %in% dnames) {
                latitude <- d$LATITUDE
                d$LATITUDE <- NULL
                oceDebug(debug, "inferred latitude from first parameter's data slot\n")
            } else if ("latitude" %in% mnames) {
                latitude <- m$latitude
                m$latitude <- NULL
                oceDebug(debug, "inferred latitude from first parameter's metadata slot\n")
            } else if ("LATITUDE" %in% mnames) {
                latitude <- m$LATITUDE
                m$LATITUDE <- NULL
                oceDebug(debug, "inferred latitude from first parameter's metadata slot\n")
        if (is.null(serialNumber) && "serialNumber" %in% mnames) {
            serialNumber <- m$serialNumber
        if (is.null(sampleInterval) && "sampleInterval" %in% mnames) {
            sampleInterval <- m$sampleInterval
        if (is.na(waterDepth) && "waterDepth" %in% mnames) {
            waterDepth <- m$waterDepth
        # Rename nicknames as oce names, updating dataNamesOriginal as required.
        if ("PSAL" %in% dnames && !("salinity" %in% dnames)) {
            names(d) <- gsub("PSAL", "salinity", names(d))
            res@metadata$dataNamesOriginal[["salinity"]] <- "PSAL"
        if ("TEMP" %in% dnames && !("temperature" %in% dnames)) {
            names(d) <- gsub("TEMP", "temperature", names(d))
            res@metadata$dataNamesOriginal[["temperature"]] <- "TEMP"
        if ("PRES" %in% dnames && !("pressure" %in% dnames)) {
            names(d) <- gsub("PRES", "pressure", names(d))
            res@metadata$dataNamesOriginal[["pressure"]] <- "PRES"
        if (pressureAtmospheric != 0.0) {
            len <- length(pressureAtmospheric)
            if (1 != len && len != length(pressure)) {
                stop("length(pressureAtmospheric) must be 1 or length(pressure)")
            d$pressure <- d$pressure - pressureAtmospheric
        salinity <- d$salinity
        res@metadata$units <- o@metadata$units
        if (!is.null(flags)) {
            res@metadata$flags <- flags
        if (!is.null(o@metadata$flags)) {
            res@metadata$flags <- o@metadata$flags
        # Store QC items (as read.netcdf() can store) as flags.
        QCitems <- grep("QC$", names(d))
        # print(names(d))
        # print(names(d[QCitems]))
        for (QCitem in QCitems) {
            QCName <- names(d)[QCitem]
            # message(vectorShow(QCName))
            flagName <- gsub("[_]{0,1}QC", "", QCName)
            # message(vectorShow(flagName))
            res@metadata$flags[[flagName]] <- d[[QCName]]
            oceDebug(debug, "data$", QCName, " moved to metadata$flags$", flagName, "\n", sep = "")
        d[QCitems] <- NULL
        # Handle other special variables
        # 1108 res@metadata$pressureType <- pressureType
        # copy relevant metadata.
        # 1108 if ("date" %in% mnames) res@metadata$date <- o@metadata$date
        # if any changes here, update oce.R @ ODF_CTD_LINK {
        res@metadata$startTime <- startTime
        if ("eventNumber" %in% mnames) {
            res@metadata$eventNumber <- o@metadata$eventNumber
        if ("eventQualifier" %in% mnames) {
            res@metadata$eventQualifier <- o@metadata$eventQualifier
        # } ODF_CTD_LINK
        if ("deploymentType" %in% mnames) {
            res@metadata$deploymentType <- o@metadata$deploymentType
        if ("filename" %in% mnames) {
            res@metadata$filename <- o@metadata$filename
        if ("serialNumber" %in% mnames) {
            res@metadata$serialNumber <- o@metadata$serialNumber
        if ("ship" %in% mnames) {
            res@metadata$ship <- o@metadata$ship
        if ("cruise" %in% mnames) {
            res@metadata$cruise <- o@metadata$cruise
        if ("station" %in% mnames) {
            res@metadata$station <- o@metadata$station
        if ("scientist" %in% mnames) {
            res@metadata$scientist <- o@metadata$scientist
        if ("units" %in% mnames) {
            # the usual case
            # res@metadata$units$conductivity <- o@metadata$units$conductivity
            # res@metadata$units$temperature <- o@metadata$units$temperature
            res@metadata$units <- o@metadata$units
        } else {
            # permit a case that existed for a few months in 2015
            if ("conductivityUnit" %in% mnames) {
                res@metadata$units$conductivity <- o@metadata$conductivityUnit
            if ("temperatureUnit" %in% mnames) {
                res@metadata$units$temperature <- o@metadata$temperatureUnit
        if ("pressureType" %in% mnames) {
            res@metadata$pressureType <- o@metadata$pressureType
        # if ("scan" %in% dnames) res@data$scan <- d$scan
        # FIXME: time goes into metadata or data ... does that make sense?
        if ("time" %in% dnames) {
            if (length(d$time) > 1) {
                res@data$time <- d$time
            } else {
                res@metadata$time <- d$time
        # if ("quality" %in% dnames) res@data$quality <- d$quality
        # if ("oxygen" %in% dnames) res@data$oxygen <- d$oxygen
        # if ("nitrate" %in% dnames) res@data$nitrate <- d$nitrate
        # if ("nitrite" %in% dnames) res@data$nitrite <- d$nitrite
        # if ("phosphate" %in% dnames) res@data$phosphate <- d$phosphate
        # if ("silicate" %in% dnames) res@data$silicate <- d$silicate
        if (inherits(o, "argo")) {
            oceDebug(debug, "first parameter is an argo-class object\n")
            if (is.null(profile)) {
                profile <- 1
                if (dim(o[["pressure"]])[2] != 1) {
                    warning("using just column 1 of matrix data; use the \"profile\" argument to select a specific profile")
            if (!is.numeric(profile) || length(profile) != 1 || profile < 1) {
                stop("profile must be a positive integer")
            # Pull out the startTime
            if (length(res@metadata$startTime) > 1) {
                res@metadata$startTime <- res@metadata$startTime[profile]
            ## Have to handle lon and lat before going into @data because it was
            ## already pulled out above:
            if (length(longitude) > 1) {
                longitude <- longitude[profile]
            if (length(latitude) > 1) {
                latitude <- latitude[profile]
            # Convert data items from array to vector
            for (field in names(d)) {
                dataInField <- d[[field]]
                oceDebug(debug, "  handling data$", field, "\n", sep = "")
                # in argo objects there are both matrix (temperature,
                # salinity, etc) and vector (time, latitude, etc)
                # data fields. For the former we want to extract the
                # single column. For the longitude and latitude we extract a
                # single value.  We do that also for time, storing the single
                # value in the `metadata` slot, *unless* MTIME is
                # defined, in which case we can construct a full time vector and
                # place it in the 'data` slot.
                #<old>if (field == "time") { # apparently POSIXct class things aren't vectors
                #<old>    message("TIME")
                #<old>    if ("MTIME" %in% names(d)) {
                #<old>        # FIXME: is profile correct in the next line?
                #<old>        res@data$time <- d[["time"]][profile] + d[["MTIME"]][profile] * 86400.0
                #<old>    } else {
                #<old>        res@metadata$time <- d[[field]][profile]
                #<old>    }
                if (field == "mtime") {
                    if (is.matrix(dataInField)) {
                        ncol <- ncol(d[[field]])
                        if (profile > ncol) {
                            stop("profile cannot exceed ", ncol, " for a data matrix with ", ncol, " columns")
                        res@data[[field]] <- as.vector(d[[field]][, profile])
                    } else {
                        res@data[[field]] <- as.vector(d[[field]])
                    res@data$time <- res@metadata$startTime + 86400 * res@data$mtime
                } else if (is.vector(dataInField)) {
                    ncol <- length(d[[field]])
                    if (profile > ncol) {
                        stop("profile cannot exceed ", ncol, " for a data matrix with ", ncol, " columns")
                    ## I'm not sure the below for lon/lat will ever be
                    ## triggered, as lon and lat are pulled out separately above
                    ## and should be in the `d` variable at this point
                    if (field %in% c("longitude", "latitude")) {
                        res@metadata[[field]] <- d[[field]][profile]
                    } else {
                        res@data[[field]] <- d[[field]][profile]
                } else if (is.matrix(dataInField)) {
                    ncol <- ncol(d[[field]])
                    if (profile > ncol) {
                        stop("profile cannot exceed ", ncol, " for a data matrix with ", ncol, " columns")
                    res@data[[field]] <- d[[field]][, profile]
                } else if (is.array(dataInField)) { # argo can sometimes come out this (odd) way
                    warning("argo data \"", field, "\" converted from 1-D array to 1-col matrix")
                    if (1 == length(dim(d[[field]]))) {
                        d[[field]] <- as.vector(d[[field]])
                    res@data[[field]] <- d[[field]]
                } else {
                    if (1 == length(dim(d[[field]]))) {
                        d[[field]] <- as.vector(d[[field]])
                    res@data[[field]] <- d[[field]]
            # Convert flags from array to vector
            if ("flags" %in% names(res@metadata)) {
                for (iflag in seq_along(res@metadata$flags)) {
                    if (is.matrix(res@metadata$flags[[iflag]])) {
                        res@metadata$flags[[iflag]] <- res@metadata$flags[[iflag]][, profile]
            # end of argo case
        } else { # oce object, not argo
            oceDebug(debug, "x is a general oce object (not ctd, and not argo)\n")
            for (field in names(d)) {
                if (field != "time") {
                    res@data[[field]] <- d[[field]]
            #<20240825> # whilst looking at issue 2237, I realized that we
            #<20240824> # already inferred longitude and latitude above, before looking
            #<20240824> # at special cases.
            #<20240825> if ("longitude" %in% dnames && "latitude" %in% dnames) {
            #<20240825>     oceDebug(debug, "longitude and latitude are in x@data\n")
            #<20240825>     longitude <- d$longitude
            #<20240825>     latitude <- d$latitude
            #<20240825>     if (length(longitude) != length(latitude)) {
            #<20240825>         stop("lengths of longitude and latitude must match")
            #<20240825>     }
            #<20240825>     if (length(longitude) == length(temperature)) {
            #<20240825>         res@data$longitude <- longitude
            #<20240825>         res@data$latitude <- latitude
            #<20240825>     } else {
            #<20240825>         res@metadata$longitude <- longitude[1]
            #<20240825>         res@metadata$latitude <- latitude[1]
            #<20240825>     }
            #<20240825> } else if ("longitude" %in% mnames && "latitude" %in% mnames) {
            #<20240825>     res@metadata$longitude <- m$longitude
            #<20240825>     res@metadata$latitude <- m$latitude
            #<20240825> }
        res@metadata$deploymentType <- deploymentType
        # res@metadata$dataNamesOriginal <- m$dataNamesOriginal
        # move e.g. salinityFlag from data slot to metadata$flags
        dataNames <- names(res@data)
        flagNameIndices <- grep(".*Flag$", dataNames)
        if (length(flagNameIndices)) {
            for (iflag in flagNameIndices) {
                fname <- gsub("Flag$", "", dataNames[iflag])
                res@metadata$flags[[fname]] <- res@data[[dataNames[iflag]]]
                res@data[[dataNames[iflag]]] <- NULL
        #message("FIXME DAN L1552: longitude=", longitude)
    } else if (is.list(salinity) || is.data.frame(salinity)) {
        # 2. coerce a data-frame or list
        if (length(salinity) == 0) {
            stop("first parameter cannot be a zero-length list or data frame")
        oceDebug(debug, "case 1: first parameter is a list or data frame\n")
        x <- salinity
        if (is.list(x) && inherits(x[[1]], "oce")) {
            oceDebug(debug, "case 1A: list holds oce objects\n")
            # Copy data over
            dataNames <- names(x[[1]]@data)
            oceDebug(debug, "copying data entries: \"", paste(dataNames, collapse = "\", \""), "\"\n", sep = "")
            for (name in dataNames) {
                res@data[[name]] <- unlist(lapply(x, function(xx) xx[[name]]))
            # If longitude and latitude are not in data, the next will copy from metadata (if present there)
            if (!("longitude" %in% dataNames)) {
                res@data$longitude <- unlist(lapply(x, function(xx) rep(xx[["longitude"]], length.out = length(xx[["salinity"]]))))
            if (!("latitude" %in% dataNames)) {
                res@data$latitude <- unlist(lapply(x, function(xx) rep(xx[["latitude"]], length.out = length(xx[["salinity"]]))))
            # Flags
            if ("flags" %in% names(x[[1]]@metadata)) {
                flagNames <- names(x[[1]]@metadata$flags)
                oceDebug(debug, "copying flag entries: '", paste(flagNames, collapse = "', '"), "'\n", sep = "")
                for (name in flagNames) {
                    res@metadata$flags[[name]] <- unlist(lapply(x, function(xx) xx@metadata$flags[[name]]))
                res@metadata$flagScheme <- x[[1]]@metadata$flagScheme
            # Units
            res@metadata$units <- x[[1]]@metadata$units
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "case 1B: list made up of non-oce objects\n")
            names <- names(x)
            oceDebug(debug, "names: \"", paste(names, collapse = "\" \""), "\"\n", sep = "")
            # Permit oce-style names or WOCE-style names for the three key variables (FIXME: handle more)
            if (3 == sum(c("salinity", "temperature", "pressure") %in% names)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "found 'salinity', 'temperature' and 'pressure' in names\n")
                res@data$pressure <- x$pressure
                res@data$salinity <- x$salinity
                res@data$temperature <- x$temperature
                res@metadata$units <- units
                # 1108 res@metadata$pressureType <- pressureType
                res@metadata$pressureType <- "sea"
            } else if (3 == sum(c("PSAL", "TEMP", "PRES") %in% names)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "found 'PSAL', 'TEMP' and 'PRES' in names\n")
                res@data$pressure <- x$PRES
                res@data$salinity <- x$PSAL
                res@data$temperature <- x$TEMP
                res@metadata$units <- units
                # 1108 res@metadata$pressureType <- pressureType
                res@metadata$pressureType <- "sea"
            } else {
                stop("the first parameter must contain salinity, temperature, and pressure")
            if (is.null(longitude)) {
                if ("longitude" %in% names) {
                    longitude <- x$longitude
                    oceDebug(debug, "retrieved longitude from first parameter\n")
            if (is.null(latitude)) {
                if ("latitude" %in% names) {
                    latitude <- x$latitude
                    oceDebug(debug, "retrieved latitude from first parameter\n")
            # if ("conductivity" %in% names) res@data$conductivity <- x$conductivity
            if ("COND" %in% names) {
                res@data$conductivity <- x$COND # FIXME accept other WOCE names
            # if ("quality" %in% names) res@data$quality <- x$quality
            # if ("oxygen" %in% names) res@data$oxygen <- x$oxygen
            # if ("nitrate" %in% names) res@data$nitrate <- x$nitrate
            # if ("nitrite" %in% names) res@data$nitrite <- x$nitrite
            # if ("phosphate" %in% names) res@data$phosphate <- x$phosphate
            # if ("silicate" %in% names) res@data$silicate <- x$silicate
            if ("time" %in% names) {
                res@data$time <- x$time
            haveAlready <- names(res@data)
            # add any remaining items
            for (field in names) {
                if (field != "time" && !(field %in% haveAlready)) {
                    res@data[[field]] <- x[[field]]
    } else {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 2: salinity, temperature, pressure (etc) supplied\n")
        # 3. explicit mode
        # 1108 if (missing(temperature) && missing(CT)) stop("must give temperature or CT")
        if (missing(temperature)) {
            stop("must give temperature")
        if (missing(pressure)) {
            stop("must give pressure")
        if (!missing(units)) {
            res@metadata$units <- units
        # 1108 res@metadata$pressureType <- pressureType
        res@metadata$pressureType <- "sea"
        salinity <- as.vector(salinity)
        temperature <- as.vector(temperature)
        pressure <- as.vector(pressure)
        if (!missing(pressureAtmospheric)) {
            pressure <- pressure - pressureAtmospheric
        # 1108 haveSA <- !missing(SA)
        # 1108 haveCT <- !missing(CT)
        # 1108 if (haveSA != haveCT)
        # 1108     stop("SA and CT must both be supplied, if either is")
        # 1108 if (!missing(SA)) {
        # 1108     n <- length(SA)
        # 1108     if (length(CT) != n)
        # 1108         stop("lengths of SA and CT must match")
        # 1108     if (missing(longitude)) {
        # 1108         longitude <- rep(300, n)
        # 1108         latitude <- rep(0, n)
        # 1108         warning("longitude and latitude set to default values, since none given")
        # 1108     }
        # 1108     salinity <- gsw::gsw_SP_from_SA(SA, pressure, longitude, latitude)
        # 1108     temperature <- gsw::gsw_t_from_CT(SA, CT, pressure)
        # 1108 }
        # depths <- max(length(salinity), length(temperature), length(pressure))
        # 2015-01-24: now insist that lengths make sense; only pressure can be mismatched
        salinity <- as.vector(salinity)
        temperature <- as.vector(temperature)
        pressure <- as.vector(pressure)
        nS <- length(salinity)
        nT <- length(temperature)
        np <- length(pressure)
        if (nS != nT) {
            stop("lengths of salinity and temperature must match, but they are ", nS, " and ", nT)
        if (np == 1) {
            pressure <- rep(pressure, nS)
        np <- length(pressure)
        if (nS != np) {
            stop("lengths of salinity and pressure must match, but they are ", nS, " and ", np)
        if (missing(scan)) {
            scan <- seq_along(salinity)
        data <- list(
            scan = scan,
            salinity = salinity,
            temperature = temperature,
            pressure = pressure
        if (!missing(conductivity)) {
            data$conductivity <- as.vector(conductivity)
        # 1108 if (!missing(quality)) data$quality <- quality
        # 1108 if (!missing(oxygen)) data$oxygen <- oxygen
        # 1108 if (!missing(nitrate)) data$nitrate <- nitrate
        # 1108 if (!missing(nitrite)) data$nitrite <- nitrite
        # 1108 if (!missing(phosphate)) data$phosphate <- phosphate
        # 1108 if (!missing(silicate)) data$silicate <- silicate
        if (!missing(time)) {
            data$time <- time
        # Handle missing value code (changes on July 24, 2016 fix issue 1028)
        if (!is.null(missingValue)) {
            for (dname in names(data)) {
                bad <- data[[dname]] == missingValue
                data[[dname]][bad] <- NA
        names <- names(data)
        # labels <- titleCase(names) # paste(toupper(substring(names, 1, 1)), substring(names, 2), sep="")
        if (length(longitude) != length(latitude)) {
                "lengths of longitude and latitude must match, but they are ",
                length(longitude), " and ", length(latitude), ", respectively"
        if (1 < length(longitude) && length(longitude) != length(salinity)) {
                "lengths of salinity and longitude must match but they are ",
                length(longitude), " and ", length(salinity), ", respectively"
        res@metadata$filename <- filename
        res@metadata$ship <- ship
        res@metadata$cruise <- cruise
        res@metadata$station <- station
        res@metadata$startTime <- startTime
        res@metadata$type <- type
        res@metadata$serialNumber <- serialNumber
        res@metadata$deploymentType <- deploymentType
        # If lon and lat are vectors, place in data, with averages in metadata.
        if (length(latitude) == 1) {
            res@metadata$latitude <- latitude
        } else if (length(latitude) > 1) {
            if (length(latitude) != length(temperature)) {
                stop("lengths of latitude and temperature must match")
            data$latitude <- latitude
        if (length(longitude) == 1) {
            res@metadata$longitude <- longitude
        } else if (length(longitude) > 1) {
            if (length(longitude) != length(temperature)) {
                stop("lengths of longitude and temperature must match")
            data$longitude <- longitude
        res@data <- data
    #message("FIXME DAN L1767: longitude=", longitude)
    if (!is.null(ounits)) {
        oceDebug(debug, "copying units from first parameter\n")
        res@metadata$units <- ounits
    } else if (!unitsGiven) {
        oceDebug(debug, "assuming modern units, since none provided\n")
        # guess on units
        names <- names(res@data)
        if ("salinity" %in% names) {
            res@metadata$units$salinity <- list(unit = expression(), scale = "PSS-78")
        if ("temperature" %in% names) {
            res@metadata$units$temperature <- list(unit = expression(degree * C), scale = "ITS-90")
        if ("pressure" %in% names) {
            res@metadata$units$pressure <- list(unit = expression(dbar), scale = "")
    # the 'units' argument takes precedence over guesses
    dataNames <- names(res@data)
    unitsNames <- names(units)
    if (!is.null(flags)) {
        res@metadata$flags <- flags
    # Default some units (FIXME: this may be a bad idea)
    if (is.null(res@metadata$units)) {
        if ("salinity" %in% dataNames && !("salinity" %in% unitsNames)) {
            res@metadata$units$salinity <- list(unit = expression(), scale = "PSS-78")
        if ("temperature" %in% dataNames && !("temperature" %in% unitsNames)) {
            res@metadata$units$temperature <- list(unit = expression(degree * C), scale = "ITS-90")
        if ("pressure" %in% dataNames && !("pressure" %in% unitsNames)) {
            res@metadata$units$pressure <- list(unit = expression(dbar), scale = "")
    # FIXME: setting waterDepth can have tricky results ... we've had issues with this
    if (is.na(res@metadata$waterDepth) && !is.na(waterDepth)) {
        res@metadata$waterDepth <- waterDepth
    #message("FIXME DAN L1807: longitude=", longitude)
    # Remove lon and lat form metadata, if they are in data. This is so plot()
    # will show multiple stations, as can be the case in converting from
    # multi-station data.
    if (!"longitude" %in% names(res@metadata)) {
        res@metadata$longitude <- longitude
    if (!"latitude" %in% names(res@metadata)) {
        res@metadata$latitude <- latitude
    if ("longitude" %in% names(res@metadata) && "longitude" %in% names(res@data) &&
        "latitude" %in% names(res@metadata) && "latitude" %in% names(res@data)) {
        oceDebug(debug, "retaining longitude and latitude in data slot but not metadata slot\n")
        res@metadata$longitude <- NULL
        res@metadata$latitude <- NULL
    res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = ""))
    oceDebug(debug, "END as.ctd()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

#' Decimate a ctd Profile
#' Interpolate a CTD profile to specified pressure values.  This is used
#' by [sectionGrid()], but is also useful for dealing with individual
#' CTD/bottle profiles.
#' The `"approx"` and `"approxML"` methods may be best for bottle data,
#' in which the usual task is
#' to interpolate from a coarse sampling grid to a finer one. The distinction
#' is that `"approxML"` assumes a mixed-layer above the top sample value. For CTD data, the
#' `"boxcar"` method may be the preferred choice, because the task is normally
#' to sub-sample, and some degree of smoothing is usually desired.  (The
#' `"lm"` method can be quite slow, and its results may be quite similar to those of the
#' boxcar method.)
#' For widely-spaced data, a sort of numerical cabeling effect can result when
#' density is computed based on interpolated salinity and temperature.
#' See reference 2 for a discussion of this issue and possible solutions.
#' @template flagDeletionTemplate
#' @param x a [ctd-class] object.
#' @param p pressure increment, or vector of pressures.  In the first case,
#' pressures from 0dbar to the rounded maximum pressure are used, incrementing by
#' `p` dbars.  If a vector of pressures is given, interpolation is done to
#' these pressures.
#' @param method the method to be used for calculating decimated values.  This may
#' be a string specifying the method, or a function. In the string case, the
#' possibilities are as follows.
#' * `"boxcar"` (based on a local average)
#' * `"approx"` (based on linear
#' interpolation between neighboring points, using [approx()]
#' with the `rule` argument specified here)
#' * `"approxML"` as `"approx"`,
#' except that a mixed layer is assumed to apply above the top data value; this
#' is done by setting the `yleft` argument to [approx()], and
#' by calling that function with `rule=c(2, 1))`
#' * `"lm"` (based on local
#' regression, with `e` setting the size of the local region);
#' * `"rr"` for the Reiniger and Ross method, carried out with [oce.approx()];
#' * `"unesco"` (for the UNESCO method, carried out with [oce.approx()].
#' On the other hand, if `method` is a function, then it must take
#' two arguments, named `data` and `parameters`. The first is set to `x@data` by
#' `ctdTrim()`. The second is passed directly to the user's function (see
#' Example 2). The return value from the function must be a logical vector of
#' the same length as the `pressure` data, with TRUE values meaning to keep the
#' corresponding entries of the `data` slot.
#' @param rule an integer that is passed to [approx()], in the
#' case where `method` is `"approx"`. Note that the default value
#' for `rule` is 1, which will inhibit extrapolation beyond the observed
#' pressure range. This is a change from the behaviour previous to May 8, 2017,
#' when a `rule` of 2 was used (without stating so as an argument).
#' @param e is an expansion coefficient used to calculate the local neighbourhoods
#' for the `"boxcar"` and `"lm"` methods.  If `e=1`, then the
#' neighbourhood for the i-th pressure extends from the (`i-1`)-th pressure to
#' the (`i+1`)-th pressure.  At the endpoints it is assumed that the outside
#' bin is of the same pressure range as the first inside bin.  For other values of
#' `e`, the neighbourhood is expanded linearly in each direction.  If the
#' `"lm"` method produces warnings about "prediction from a rank-deficient
#' fit", a larger value of `"e"` should be used.
#' @param na.rm logical value indicating whether to remove NA values
#' before decimating.  This value is ignored unless `method` is
#' `boxcar` in which case it is passed to [binMean1D()] which does the
#' averaging. This parameter was added in February 2024, and the
#' behaviour of [ctdDecimate()] prior that date was equivalent
#' to `na.rm=FALSE`, so that is the default value, even though
#' it is expected that many uses will find using TRUE is more
#' convenient. See `https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/2192`
#' for more discussion.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return A [ctd-class] object, with pressures that are as set by
#' the `"p"` parameter and all other properties modified appropriately.
#' @seealso The documentation for [ctd-class] explains the structure of
#' CTD objects, and also outlines the other functions dealing with them.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(ctd)
#' plotProfile(ctd, "salinity", ylim = c(10, 0))
#' p <- seq(0, 45, 1)
#' ctd2 <- ctdDecimate(ctd, p = p)
#' lines(ctd2[["salinity"]], ctd2[["pressure"]], col = "blue")
#' p <- seq(0, 45, 1)
#' ctd3 <- ctdDecimate(ctd, p = p, method = function(x, y, xout) {
#'     predict(smooth.spline(x, y, df = 30), xout)$y
#' })
#' lines(ctd3[["salinity"]], ctd3[["pressure"]], col = "red")
#' @references
#' 1. R.F. Reiniger and C.K. Ross, 1968.  A method of interpolation with
#' application to oceanographic data.  *Deep Sea Research*, **15**,
#' 185-193.
#' 2. Oguma, Sachiko, Toru Suzuki, Yutaka Nagata, Hidetoshi Watanabe, Hatsuyo Yamaguchi,
#' and Kimio Hanawa. \dQuote{Interpolation Scheme for Standard Depth Data Applicable for Areas
#' with a Complex Hydrographical Structure.} Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
#' 21, no. 4 (April 1, 2004): 704-15.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to ctd data
ctdDecimate <- function(x, p = 1, method = "boxcar", rule = 1, e = 1.5, na.rm = FALSE, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    methodFunction <- is.function(method)
    if (!methodFunction) {
        methods <- c("boxcar", "approx", "approxML", "lm", "rr", "unesco")
        imethod <- pmatch(method, methods, nomatch = 0)
        if (imethod > 0) {
            method <- methods[imethod]
        } else {
            stop("unknown method '", method, "'; valid methods are: '", paste(methods, collapse = "', '"), "'")
    warningMessages <- NULL
    oceDebug(debug, "ctdDecimate(x, p, method=",
        if (methodFunction) {
            "(a function)"
        } else {
            paste("\"", method, "\"", sep = "")
        ", rule=c(", paste(rule, collapse = ","), ")",
        ", e=", e,
        ", ...) START\n",
        sep = "", unindent = 1
    # if (!inherits(x, "ctd"))
    #     stop("method is only for objects of class '", "ctd", "'")
    res <- x
    res[["flags"]] <- NULL
    warningMessages <- c(
        "Removed flags from decimated ctd object"
    n <- length(x[["pressure"]])
    if (n < 2) {
        warning("too few data to ctdDecimate()")
    # Figure out pressure targets, pt
    if (length(p) == 1) {
        pt <- seq(0, p * floor(max(x[["pressure"]], na.rm = TRUE) / p), p)
    } else {
        pt <- p
    npt <- length(pt)
    dataNames <- names(x@data) # Step through each variable.
    dataNew <- vector("list", length(dataNames)) # as.data.frame(array(NA, dim=c(npt, length(dataNames))))
    names(dataNew) <- dataNames
    oceDebug(debug, "methodFunction=", methodFunction, "\n")
    # Find which columns hold time (if any), to address github issue
    # https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/2014
    isTime <- sapply(names(x@data), function(name) inherits(x@data[[name]], "POSIXt"))
    if (methodFunction) {
        # message("function must have take three args: x, y and xout; x will be pressure.")
        pressure <- x[["pressure"]]
        tooDeep <- pt > max(pressure, na.rm = TRUE)
        for (datumName in names(x@data)) {
            if (!length(x[[datumName]])) {
                dataNew[[datumName]] <- NULL
            } else {
                if ("pressure" == datumName) {
                oceDebug(debug, 'about to apply method() to "', datumName, '"\n', sep = "")
                if (all(is.na(x@data[[datumName]]))) {
                    dataNew[[datumName]] <- rep(NA, npt)
                } else {
                    dataNew[[datumName]] <- method(pressure, x@data[[datumName]], pt)
        dataNew[["pressure"]] <- pt
    } else {
        if (method == "approxML") {
            oceDebug(debug, "handling approxML method\n")
            numGoodPressures <- sum(!is.na(x[["pressure"]]))
            if (numGoodPressures > 0) {
                tooDeep <- pt > max(x@data[["pressure"]], na.rm = TRUE)
            for (datumName in dataNames) {
                # oceDebug(debug, "decimating \"", datumName, "\"\n", sep="")
                if (numGoodPressures < 2 || !length(x[[datumName]])) {
                    dataNew[[datumName]] <- rep(NA, npt)
                } else {
                    if (datumName != "pressure") {
                        wgood <- which(is.finite(x@data[[datumName]]))
                        good <- length(wgood)
                        if (good > 2) {
                            dataNew[[datumName]] <- approx(x@data[["pressure"]],
                                x@data[[datumName]], pt,
                                rule = c(2, 1),
                                yleft = x@data[[datumName]][wgood[1]]
                            dataNew[[datumName]][tooDeep] <- NA
                        } else {
                            dataNew[[datumName]] <- rep(NA, npt)
        } else if (method == "approx") {
            oceDebug(debug, "handling approx method\n")
            numGoodPressures <- sum(!is.na(x[["pressure"]]))
            if (numGoodPressures > 0) {
                tooDeep <- pt > max(x@data[["pressure"]], na.rm = TRUE)
            for (datumName in dataNames) {
                oceDebug(debug, "decimating \"", datumName, "\"\n", sep = "")
                if (numGoodPressures < 2 || length(x[[datumName]]) < 1L || !is.numeric(x[[datumName]])) {
                    oceDebug(debug, "  setting to NA because too few pressures, no data, or non-numeric data\n")
                    dataNew[[datumName]] <- rep(NA, npt)
                } else {
                    # Do not interpolate pressure (of course).  Also, skip any
                    # datum that has only a single number.  This is because I
                    # have seen longitude and latitude stored as single numbers
                    # in the data slot (in user-built objects), even though they
                    # *should* be in the metadata slot.
                    if (datumName != "pressure" && length(x@data[[datumName]]) > 1L && is.numeric(x@data[[datumName]])) {
                        good <- sum(!is.na(x@data[[datumName]]))
                        if (good > 2) {
                            dataNew[[datumName]] <- approx(x@data[["pressure"]], x@data[[datumName]], pt, rule = rule)$y
                            dataNew[[datumName]][tooDeep] <- NA
                        } else {
                            dataNew[[datumName]] <- rep(NA, npt)
        } else if ("rr" == method || "unesco" == method) {
            oceDebug(debug, "handling Reiniger-Ross or unesco method\n")
            xvar <- x@data[["pressure"]]
            for (datumName in dataNames) {
                oceDebug(debug, "decimating \"", datumName, "\"\n", sep = "")
                if (!length(x[[datumName]])) {
                    dataNew[[datumName]] <- NULL
                } else {
                    if (datumName != "pressure") {
                        yvar <- x@data[[datumName]]
                        if (all(is.na(yvar))) {
                            dataNew[[datumName]] <- rep(NA, npt)
                        } else {
                            pred <- oce.approx(xvar, yvar, pt, method = method)
                            dataNew[[datumName]] <- pred
        } else if ("boxcar" == method) {
            oceDebug(debug, "handling boxcar method\n")
            dp <- diff(pt[1:2])
            pbreaks <- -dp / 2 + c(pt, tail(pt, 1) + dp)
            p <- x@data[["pressure"]]
            for (datumName in dataNames) {
                oceDebug(debug, "decimating", datumName)
                if (!length(x[[datumName]])) {
                    dataNew[[datumName]] <- NULL
                } else {
                    if (datumName != "pressure" && datumName != "flag") {
                        if (all(is.na(x@data[[datumName]]))) {
                            dataNew[[datumName]] <- rep(NA, npt)
                        } else {
                            dataNew[[datumName]] <- binMean1D(p, x@data[[datumName]],
                                xbreaks = pbreaks, na.rm = na.rm
        } else if ("lm" == method) {
            # Previously, this was in an unnamed else block.
            for (i in 1:npt) {
                if (i == 1) {
                    focus <- (x[["pressure"]] >= (pt[i] - e * (pt[i + 1] - pt[i]))) &
                        (x[["pressure"]] <= (pt[i] + e * (pt[i + 1] - pt[i])))
                } else if (i == npt) {
                    focus <- (x[["pressure"]] >= (pt[i] - e * (pt[i] - pt[i - 1]))) &
                        (x[["pressure"]] <= (pt[i] + e * (pt[i] - pt[i - 1])))
                } else {
                    focus <- (x[["pressure"]] >= (pt[i] - e * (pt[i] - pt[i - 1]))) &
                        (x[["pressure"]] <= (pt[i] + e * (pt[i + 1] - pt[i])))
                if (sum(focus, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) { # focus region hold data
                    oceDebug(debug, "using lm method\n")
                    xvar <- x@data[["pressure"]][focus]
                    for (datumName in dataNames) {
                        if (!length(x[[datumName]])) {
                            dataNew[[datumName]] <- NULL
                        } else {
                            if (datumName != "pressure") {
                                yvar <- x@data[[datumName]][focus]
                                m <- try(lm(yvar ~ xvar), silent = TRUE)
                                if (!inherits(m, "try-error")) {
                                    dataNew[[datumName]][i] <- predict(m, newdata = list(xvar = pt[i]))
                                } else {
                                    dataNew[[datumName]][i] <- NA
                } else { # focus region is empty
                    for (datumName in dataNames) {
                        if (!length(x[[datumName]])) {
                            dataNew[[datumName]] <- NULL
                        } else {
                            if (datumName != "pressure") {
                                dataNew[[datumName]][i] <- NA
        } else {
            stop("programmer error: should not get here. Please report on https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues")
    if ("flag" %in% names(dataNew)) {
        dataNew[["flag"]] <- NULL
        warningMessages <- c(warningMessages, "Removed flag field from decimated ctd object")
    dataNew[["pressure"]] <- pt
    # convert any NaN to NA
    for (i in seq_along(dataNew)) {
        dataNew[[i]][is.nan(dataNew[[i]])] <- NA
    # Convert any time columns back from numbers (which were created by the
    # above) to POSIXct times.
    for (name in names(dataNew)) {
        if (isTime[name]) {
            dataNew[[name]] <- numberAsPOSIXct(dataNew[[name]])
    res@data <- dataNew
    res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = ""))
    for (w in warningMessages) {
        res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, w)
    oceDebug(debug, "END ctdDecimate()\n", unindent = 1)

#' Find Profiles Within a Tow-Yow ctd Record
#' Examine the pressure record looking for extended periods of either ascent or descent, and return
#' either indices to these events or a vector of CTD records containing the events.
#' The method works by examining the pressure record.  First, this is smoothed using
#' `smoother()` (see \dQuote{Arguments}), and then the result is first-differenced
#' using [diff()].  Median values of the positive and
#' negative first-difference values are then multiplied by `cutoff`.  This establishes criteria
#' for any given point to be in an ascending profile, a descending profile, or a non-profile.
#' Contiguous regions are then found, and those that have fewer than `minLength` points are
#' discarded.  Then, those that have pressure ranges less than `minHeight` are discarded.
#' Caution: this method is not well-suited to all datasets. For example, the default
#' value of `smoother` is [smooth.spline()], and this works well for just a few
#' profiles, but poorly for a tow-yo with a long sequence of profiles; in the latter case,
#' it can be preferable to use simpler smoothers (see \dQuote{Examples}). Also, depending
#' on the sampling protocol, it is often necessary to pass the resultant profiles through
#' [ctdTrim()], to remove artifacts such as an equilibration phase, etc.
#' Generally, one is well-advised to use the present function for a quick look at the data,
#' relying on e.g. [plotScan()] to identify profiles visually, for a final product.
#' @param x a [ctd-class] object.
#' @param cutoff criterion on pressure difference; see \dQuote{Details}. If not
#' provided, this defaults to 0.5.
#' @param minLength lower limit on number of points in candidate profiles. If
#' not
#' provided, this defaults to 10.
#' @param minHeight lower limit on height of candidate profiles. If not
#' provided, this defaults to 0.1 times the pressure span.
#' @param smoother The smoothing function to use for identifying down/up
#' casts. The default is `smooth.spline`, which performs well for
#' a small number of cycles; see \dQuote{Examples} for a method that is
#' better for a long tow-yo. The return value from `smoother` must
#' be either a list containing an element named `y` or something
#' that can be coerced to a vector with [as.vector()]. To
#' turn smoothing off, so that cycles in pressure are determined by
#' simple first difference, set `smoother` to `NULL`.
#' @param direction String indicating the travel direction to be selected.
#' @param breaks optional integer vector indicating the indices of last
#' datum in each profile stored within `x`. Thus, the first profile
#' in the return value will contain the `x` data from indices 1
#' to `breaks[1]`.  If `breaks` is given, then all
#' other arguments except `x` are ignored. Using `breaks`
#' is handy in cases where other schemes fail, or when the author
#' has independent knowledge of how the profiles are strung together
#' in `x`.
#' @param arr.ind logical value indicating whether the array indices should be
#' returned; the alternative is to return a vector of ctd objects.
#' @param distinct An optional string indicating how to identify profiles
#' by unique values. Use `"location"`
#' to find profiles by a change in longitude and latitude, or use the name of any
#' of item in the `data` slot in `x`. In these cases, all the
#' other arguments except `x` are ignored. However, if `distinct`
#' is not supplied, the other arguments are handled as described above.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @param ... Optional extra arguments that are passed to the smoothing function, `smoother`.
#' @return If `arr.ind=TRUE`, a data frame with columns `start` and `end`, the indices
#' of the downcasts.  Otherwise, a vector of `ctd` objects. In this second case,
#' the station names are set to a form like `"10/3"`, for the third profile within an
#' original ctd object with station name `"10"`, or to `"3"`, if the original
#' ctd object had no station name defined.
#' @seealso The documentation for [ctd-class] explains the structure
#' of CTD objects, and also outlines the other functions dealing with them.
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' library(oce)
#' # These examples cannot be tested, because they are based on
#' # data objects that are not provided with oce.
#' # Example 1. Find profiles within a towyo file, as can result
#' # if the CTD is cycled within the water column as the ship
#' # moves.
#' profiles <- ctdFindProfiles(towyo)
#' # Example 2. Use a moving average to smooth pressure, instead of the
#' # default smooth.spline() method. This might avoid a tendency of
#' # the default scheme to miss some profiles in a long towyo.
#' movingAverage <- function(x, n = 11, ...)
#' {
#'     f <- rep(1/n, n)
#'     stats::filter(x, f, ...)
#' }
#' casts <- ctdFindProfiles(towyo, smoother=movingAverage)
#' # Example 3: glider data read into a ctd object. Chop
#' # into profiles by looking for pressure jumps exceeding
#' # 10 dbar.
#' breaks <- which(diff(gliderAsCtd[["pressure"]]) > 10)
#' profiles <- ctdFindProfiles(gliderAsCtd, breaks=breaks)
#' }
#' @family things related to ctd data
#' @author Dan Kelley and Clark Richards
ctdFindProfiles <- function(
    x, cutoff = 0.5, minLength = 10, minHeight,
    smoother = smooth.spline, direction = c("descending", "ascending"),
    breaks, arr.ind = FALSE, distinct, debug = getOption("oceDebug"), ...) {
    if (!inherits(x, "oce")) {
        stop("x must be an \"oce\" object")
    if (!inherits(x, "ctd")) {
        stop("x must be of class \"ctd\"")
    if (!"pressure" %in% names(x@data)) {
        stop("x must contain pressure in its data slot")
    minHeight <- 0.1 * diff(range(x[["pressure"]], na.rm = TRUE))
    oceDebug(debug, "ctdFindProfiles(x, cutoff=", cutoff,
        ", minLength=", minLength,
        ", minHeight=", minHeight,
        ", direction=\"", direction, "\"",
        ", breaks=", if (missing(breaks)) "unspecified" else "specified",
        ", arr.ind=", arr.ind, ", debug=", debug, ") START\n",
        sep = "", unindent = 1
    if (!missing(distinct)) {
        if (distinct == "location") {
            lon <- x[["longitude"]]
            lat <- x[["latitude"]]
            dist <- geodDist(lon, lat, alongPath = TRUE)
            i <- seq_along(x[["salinity"]])
            stnIndices <- split(i, factor(dist))
            nstn <- length(stnIndices)
            oceDebug(debug, "number of profiles found: ", nstn, "\n")
            if (!nstn) {
            casts <- vector("list", nstn)
            for (i in 1:nstn) {
                casts[[i]] <- ctdTrim(x, "index", parameters = range(stnIndices[i]))
            oceDebug(debug, "END ctdFindProfiles()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
        } else if (distinct %in% names(x@data)) {
            u <- unique(x[[distinct]])
            nstn <- length(u)
            oceDebug(debug, "number of profiles found:", nstn, "\n")
            if (!nstn) {
            casts <- vector("list", nstn)
            for (i in 1:nstn) {
                casts[[i]] <- ctdTrim(x, method = "index", parameters = x[[distinct]] == u[i])
            oceDebug(debug, "END ctdFindProfiles()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
        } else {
            stop("'distinct' not understood; it should be \"distance\" or something in names(x[[\"data\"]]")
    } # else rest of code

    if (missing(breaks)) {
        # handle case where 'breaks' was not given
        direction <- match.arg(direction)
        pressure <- fillGap(x[["pressure"]], rule = 2)
        ps <- if (is.null(smoother)) pressure else smoother(pressure, ...)
        if (is.list(ps) && "y" %in% names(ps)) {
            ps <- ps$y
        ps <- as.numeric(ps) # discard return class of e.g. smooth()
        nps <- length(ps)
        dp <- diff(ps)
        dp <- c(dp[1], dp)
        dp <- fillGap(dp, rule = 2)
        if (direction == "descending") {
            look <- dp > cutoff * median(dp[dp > 0], na.rm = TRUE)
        } else if (direction == "ascending") {
            look <- dp < cutoff * median(dp[dp < 0], na.rm = TRUE)
        } else {
            stop("direction must be either \"ascending\" or \"descending\"") # cannot reach here
        start <- which(diff(look) == 1)
        # the first data are often a downcast, after all!
        if (look[1] && length(start) > 0 && start[1] != 1) {
            start <- c(1, start)
        if (0 == length(start)) {
            start <- 1
        end <- which(diff(look) == -1)
        if (look[nps] && length(end) > 0 && end[length(end)] != 1) {
            end <- c(end, nps)
        if (0 == length(end)) {
            end <- length(pressure)
        if (start[1] > end[1]) {
            start <- start[-1]
        oceDebug(debug, "start:", head(start), "... (before trimming)\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "end:", head(end), "... (before trimming)\n")
        start <- subset(start, start < max(end))
        end <- subset(end, end > min(start))
        oceDebug(debug, "start:", head(start), "... (after trimming)\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "end:", head(end), "... (after trimming)\n")
        if (length(end) > length(start)) {
            end <- end[seq_along(start)]
        keep <- abs(end - start) >= minLength
        oceDebug(debug, "start:", head(start[keep]), "... (using minLength)\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "end:", head(end[keep]), "... (using minLength)\n")
        psfilled <- fillGap(ps, rule = 2)
        keep <- keep & (abs(psfilled[end] - psfilled[start]) >= minHeight)
        oceDebug(debug, "heights:", head(psfilled[end] - psfilled[start]), "...; compare with minHeight=", head(minHeight), "...\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "start:", head(start[keep]), "... (using minHeight)\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "end:", head(end[keep]), "... (using minHeight)\n")
        indices <- data.frame(start = start[keep], end = end[keep])
    } else {
        # Obey user-defined breaks but note what we do by adding and subtracting
        # 1 just after ... this is because of what we do with "e", ~13 lines below.
        indices <- data.frame(start = c(1, breaks + 1), end = c(breaks, length(x[["pressure"]])))
        indices$start <- indices$start + 1
        indices$end <- indices$end - 1
    if (is.logical(arr.ind) && arr.ind) {
        oceDebug(debug, "END ctdFindProfiles()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    } else {
        ncasts <- length(indices$start)
        casts <- vector("list", ncasts)
        npts <- length(x@data$pressure)
        for (i in seq_len(ncasts)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "profile ", i, " of ", ncasts, "\n")
            # Extend indices to catch turnaround spots (see ~13 lines above)
            e <- 1
            iStart <- max(1L, indices$start[i] - e)
            iEnd <- min(npts, indices$end[i] + e)
            cast <- ctdTrim(x, "index", parameters = c(iStart, iEnd))
            if (!is.null(x@metadata$station) && "" != x@metadata$station) {
                cast@metadata$station <- paste(x@metadata$station, i, paste = "/")
            } else {
                cast@metadata$station <- i
            cast@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(
                    paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = ""),
                    " # profile ", i, " of ", ncasts
            casts[[i]] <- cast
        oceDebug(debug, "END ctdFindProfiles()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

#' Find Profiles Within a ctd Object Read From a RBR File
#' This uses information about profiles that is contained within the `metadata`
#' slot of the first parameter, `x`, having been inserted there by [read.rsk()].
#' If `x` was created by reading an `.rsk` file with [read.rsk()],
#' and if that file contained geographical information (that is, if it had a
#' data table named `geodata`) then the *first* longitude and latitude from each
#' profile is stored in the `metadata` slot of the returned value.
#' @param x either an [rsk-class] or a [ctd-class] object; in the former case,
#' it is converted to a [ctd-class] object with [as.ctd()].
#' @param direction character value, either `"descending"` or `"ascending"`,
#' indicating the sampling direction to be selected.  The default, `"descending"`,
#' is the commonly preferred choice.
#' @param arr.ind logical value indicating whether the array indices should be
#' returned; the alternative is to return a vector of ctd objects.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to ctd data
#' @family things related to rsk data
ctdFindProfilesRBR <- function(x, direction = "descending", arr.ind = FALSE, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if (!inherits(x, "oce")) {
        stop("x must be an \"oce\" object")
    if (inherits(x, "rsk")) {
        x <- as.ctd(x)
    } else if (!inherits(x, "ctd")) {
        stop("x must be of class \"rsk\" or \"ctd\"")
    oceDebug(debug, "ctdFindProfilesRBR(x, direction=", direction, ", arr.ind=", arr.ind, ", debug=", debug, ") START\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    if (identical(direction, "ascending")) {
        dir <- "UP"
    } else if (identical(direction, "descending")) {
        dir <- "DOWN"
    } else {
        stop("direction must be \"descending\" or \"ascending\".")
    # This requires certain contents of both data and metadata
    time <- x@data$time
    if (is.null(time)) {
        stop("the data slot must contain \"time\"")
    regionCast <- x@metadata$regionCast # regionID, regionProfileID, type
    if (is.null(regionCast)) {
        stop("the metadata slot must contain \"regionCast\"")
    region <- x@metadata$region # datasetID,regionID, type, tstamp1, tstamp2, label, description, collapsed
    if (is.null(region)) {
        stop("the metadata slot must contain \"region\"")
    rID <- subset(regionCast, regionCast$type == dir)$regionID
    r <- subset(region, region$regionID %in% rID)
    startTime <- numberAsPOSIXct(r$tstamp1 / 1e3, type = "unix")
    endTime <- numberAsPOSIXct(r$tstamp2 / 1e3, type = "unix")
    oceDebug(debug, "originally, ", vectorShow(startTime))
    oceDebug(debug, "originally, ", vectorShow(endTime))
    ntime <- length(time)
    # Ignore any start/end times that are outside data$time window (which might
    # happen if the data were subsetted).
    keep <- endTime <= time[ntime] & time[1] <= startTime
    oceDebug(debug, "keeping ", sum(keep), " of ", length(keep), " start/end pairs\n")
    startTime <- startTime[keep]
    endTime <- endTime[keep]
    oceDebug(debug, "after trimming, ", vectorShow(startTime))
    oceDebug(debug, "after trimming, ", vectorShow(endTime))
    timeNumeric <- as.numeric(time)
    startTimeNumeric <- as.numeric(startTime)
    endTimeNumeric <- as.numeric(endTime)
    start <- sapply(
        function(t) {
            which.min(abs(timeNumeric - t))
    end <- sapply(
        function(t) {
            which.min(abs(timeNumeric - t))
    if (debug) {
        print(data.frame(start = start, end = end))
    if (identical(arr.ind, TRUE)) {
        oceDebug(debug, "END ctdFindProfilesRBR()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
        return(data.frame(start = start, end = end))
    } else {
        ncasts <- length(start)
        casts <- vector("list", ncasts)
        # npts <- length(x@data$pressure)
        for (i in seq_len(ncasts)) {
            cast <- ctdTrim(x, "index", parameters = c(start[i], end[i]))
            if (!is.null(x@metadata$station) && "" != x@metadata$station) {
                cast@metadata$station <- paste(x@metadata$station, i, paste = "/")
            } else {
                cast@metadata$station <- i
            if (all(c("longitude", "latitude") %in% names(cast@metadata))) {
                cast@metadata$longitude <- cast@metadata$longitude[1]
                cast@metadata$latitude <- cast@metadata$latitude[1]
            cast@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(
                    paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = ""),
                    " # profile ", i, " of ", ncasts
            casts[[i]] <- cast
        oceDebug(debug, "END ctdFindProfilesRBR()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

#' Trim Beginning and Ending of a CTD cast
#' Often in CTD profiling, the goal is to isolate only the downcast, discarding measurements made in
#' the air, in an equilibration phase in which the device is held below the water surface, and then the
#' upcast phase that follows the downcast.  This is handled reasonably well by `ctdTrim` with
#' `method="downcast"`, although it is almost always best to use [plotScan()] to
#' investigate the data, and then use the `method="index"` or `method="scan"` method based on
#' visual inspection of the data.
#' `ctdTrim` begins by examining the pressure differences between subsequent samples. If
#' these are all of the same value, then the input `ctd` object is returned, unaltered.
#' This handles the case of pressure-binned data. However, if the pressure difference
#' varies, a variety of approaches are taken to trimming the dataset.
#' * If `method[1]` is `"downcast"` then an attempt is made to keep only data for
#' which the CTD is descending.  This is done in stages, with variants based on `method[2]`, if
#' supplied.
#'   1. The pressure data are despiked with a smooth() filter with method "3R".
#'      This removes wild spikes that arise from poor instrument connections, etc.
#'   2. *Step 2.* If no `parameters` are given, then any data with negative pressures
#'      are deleted.  If there is a parameter named `pmin`, then that pressure (in decibars)
#'      is used instead as the lower limit. This is a commonly-used setup, e.g.
#'      `ctdTrim(ctd, parameters=list(pmin=1))` removes the top decibar (roughly 1m) from
#'      the data.  Specifying `pmin` is a simple way to remove near-surface
#'      data, such as a shallow equilibration phase, and if specified will cause `ctdTrim`
#'      to skip step 4 below.
#'   3. The maximum pressure is determined, and data acquired subsequent to
#'      that point are deleted.  This removes the upcast and any subsequent data.
#'   4. If the `pmin` parameter is not specified, an attempt is made to remove an initial
#'      equilibrium phase by a regression of pressure on scan number.  There are three
#'      variants to this, depending on the value of the second `method` element.
#'      If `method` is `"A"` (or not given), the procedure is to
#'      call [nls()] to fit a piecewise linear model of pressure as a function of scan,
#'      in which pressure is constant for scan less than a critical value, and then
#'      linearly varying for with scan. This is  meant to handle the common situation
#'      in which the CTD is held at roughly constant depth (typically
#'      a metre or so) to equilibrate, before it is lowered through the water column.
#'      If `method` is `"B"`, the procedure is similar, except that the pressure
#'      in the surface region is taken to be zero (this does not make
#'      much sense, but it might help in some cases). Note that, prior to early 2016,
#'      method `"B"` was called method `"C"`; the old `"B"` method was judged useless
#'      and so it was removed.
#' * If `method="upcast"`, a sort of reverse of `"downcast"` is used. This
#'   was added in late April 2017 and has not been well tested yet.
#' * If `method="sbe"`, a method similar to that described
#'   in the SBE Data Processing manual is used to remove the "soak"
#'   period at the beginning of a cast (see Section 6 under subsection
#'   "Loop Edit"). The method is based on the soak procedure whereby
#'   the instrument sits at a fixed depth for a period of time, after
#'   which it is raised toward the surface before beginning the actual
#'   downcast. This enables equilibration of the sensors while still
#'   permitting reasonably good near-surface data. Parameters for the
#'   method can be passed using the `parameters` argument, which
#'   include `minSoak` (the minimum depth for the soak) and
#'   `maxSoak` the maximum depth of the soak. The method finds
#'   the minimum pressure prior to the `maxSoak` value being
#'   passed, each of which occurring after the scan in which the
#'   `minSoak` value was reached. For the method to work, the
#'   pre-cast pressure minimum must be less than the `minSoak`
#'   value. The default values of `minSoak` and `maxSoak`
#'   are 1 and 20 dbar, respectively.
#' * If `method="index"` or `"scan"`, then each column of data is subsetted according to the
#'   value of `parameters`. If the latter is a logical vector of length matching data column
#'   length, then it is used directly for subsetting. If `parameters` is a numerical vector with
#'   two elements, then the index or scan values that lie between `parameters[1]`
#'   and `parameters[2]` (inclusive) are used for subsetting.  The
#'   two-element method is probably the most useful, with the values being determined by visual
#'   inspection of the results of [plotScan()]. While this may take a minute or two, the
#'   analyst should bear in mind that a deep-water CTD profile might take 6 hours, corresponding to
#'   ship-time costs exceeding a week of salary.
#' * If `method="range"` then data are selected based on the value of the column named
#'   `parameters$item`.  This may be by range or by critical value.  By range: select values
#'   between `parameters$from` (the lower limit) and `parameters$to` (the upper limit) By
#'   critical value: select if the named column exceeds the value.  For example, \code{ctd2 <-
#'     ctdTrim(ctd, "range", parameters=list(item="scan", from=5))} starts at scan number 5 and
#'   continues to the end, while
#'   `ctdTrim(ctd,"range", parameters=list(item="scan", from=5, to=100))` also starts at scan 5,
#'   but extends only to scan 100.
#' * If `method` is a function, then it must return a vector of [logical()]
#'   values, computed based on two arguments: `data` (a
#'   [list()]), and `parameters` as supplied to `ctdTrim`.  Both
#'   `inferWaterDepth` and `removeInversions` are ignored in the function case. See
#'   \dQuote{Examples}.
#' @param x a [ctd-class] object.
#' @param method A string (or a vector of two strings) specifying the trimming method, or a function to
#' be used to determine data indices to keep.  If `method` is not provided, `"downcast"` is
#' assumed. See \dQuote{Details}.
#' @param removeDepthInversions Logical value indicating whether to remove any levels at which depth is
#' less than, or equal to, a depth above.  (This is needed if the object is to be assembled into a
#' section, unless [ctdDecimate()] will be used, which will remove the inversions.
#' @param parameters A list whose elements depend on the method; see \dQuote{Details}.
#' @param indices Logical value indicating what to return. If `indices=FALSE` (the default),
#' then the return value is a subsetted [ctd-class] object. If `indices=TRUE`,
#' then the return value is a logical vector that could be used to subset the data
#' with [subset,ctd-method()] or to set data-quality flags.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return Either a [ctd-class] object or a logical vector of length matching
#' the data. In the first case, which is the default, the elements of the `data`
#' slot will have been trimmed, along with some elements of the `metadata` slot
#' (e.g. `metadata4flags` and, if present and of length matching
#' `data$pressure`, both `metadata$longitude` and `metadata$latitude`).  The
#' second case, achieved by setting `indices=FALSE`, may be helpful for advanced
#' users who wish to do things like construct data flags to be inserted into the
#' object.
#' @section Historical Note:
#' The subsetting of `longitude` and `latitude` in the `metadata` slot was
#' introduced on 2022-12-13, for use with [ctd-class] objects created using
#' [as.ctd()] on [rsk-class] objects created by using [read.rsk()] on Ruskin
#' files that hold data from RBR CTD instruments linked with phone/tablet
#' devices equipped with GPS sensors.
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' library(oce)
#' data(ctdRaw)
#' # Example 1: focus on downcast
#' plot(ctdTrim(ctdRaw))
#' # Example 2: user-supplied function.
#' trimByIndex<-function(data, parameters) {
#'     parameters[1] < data$scan & data$scan < parameters[2]
#' }
#' trimmed <- ctdTrim(ctdRaw, trimByIndex, parameters=c(130, 380))
#' plot(trimmed)
#' }
#' @references
#' The Seabird CTD instrument is described at
#' `http://www.seabird.com/products/spec_sheets/19plusdata.htm`.
#' Seasoft V2: SBE Data Processing, SeaBird Scientific, 05/26/2016
#' @author Dan Kelley and Clark Richards
#' @family things related to ctd data
ctdTrim <- function(
    x, method, removeDepthInversions = FALSE,
    parameters = NULL, indices = FALSE, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    oceDebug(debug, "ctdTrim() START\n", unindent = 1)
    methodIsFunction <- !missing(method) && is.function(method)
    if (!inherits(x, "ctd")) {
        stop("method is only for objects of class '", "ctd", "'")
    pressure <- fillGap(x[["pressure"]], rule = 2)
    if (1 == length(unique(diff(pressure)))) {
        oceDebug(debug, "diff(p) is constant, so return input unaltered\n", unindent = 1)
        oceDebug(debug, "END ctdTrim()\n", unindent = 1)
    if (!("scan" %in% names(x@data))) {
        x@data$scan <- seq_along(pressure)
    res <- x
    if (!methodIsFunction) {
        n <- length(pressure)
        if (n < 2) {
            warning("too few data to ctdTrim()")
        if (missing(method)) {
            method <- "downcast"
            submethod <- "A"
        } else {
            if (length(method) == 1) {
                method <- method[1]
                submethod <- "A"
            } else if (length(method) == 2) {
                submethod <- method[2]
                method <- method[1]
            } else {
                stop("if provided, 'method' must be of length 1 or 2")
        method <- match.arg(method, c("downcast", "upcast", "index", "scan", "range", "sbe"))
        oceDebug(debug, paste("ctdTrim() using method \"", method, "\"\n", sep = ""))
        keep <- rep(TRUE, n)
        if (method == "index") {
            if (is.logical(parameters)) {
                if (length(parameters) != n) {
                    stop("for method=\"index\", need length(parameters) to match number of pressure values")
                keep <- parameters
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, paste("trimming from index \"", parameters[1], " to ", parameters[2], "\"\n", sep = ""))
                if (length(parameters) == 2) {
                    parameters[1] <- max(1, as.integer(parameters[1]))
                    parameters[2] <- min(n, as.integer(parameters[2]))
                    keep <- rep(FALSE, n)
                    keep[seq.int(parameters[1], parameters[2])] <- TRUE
                } else {
                    stop("length of parameters must be 2, or must match the ctd column length")
        } else if (method == "scan") {
            if (!"scan" %in% names(x@data)) {
                stop("no \"scan\" in this ctd dataset")
            scan <- x[["scan"]]
            if (is.logical(parameters)) {
                if (length(parameters) != n) {
                    stop("for method=\"scan\", need length(parameters) to match number of pressure values")
                keep <- parameters
            } else {
                if (length(parameters) == 2) {
                    keep <- parameters[1] <= scan & scan <= parameters[2]
                } else {
                    stop("length of parameters must be 2, or must match the ctd column length")
        } else if (method == "downcast") {
            pmin <- -5
            pminGiven <- FALSE
            if (!missing(parameters)) {
                if ("pmin" %in% names(parameters)) {
                    pmin <- parameters$pmin
                    pminGiven <- TRUE
                } else {
                    stop("parameter not understood for this method")
            oceDebug(debug, "pmin=", pmin, "\n")
            keep <- (pressure > pmin) # 2. in water (or below start depth)
            max.location <- which.max(smooth(pressure, kind = "3R"))
            max.pressure <- smooth(pressure, kind = "3R")[max.location]
            keep[max.location:n] <- FALSE
            oceDebug(debug, "removed data at indices from ", max.location,
                " (where pressure is ", pressure[max.location], ") to the end of the data\n",
                sep = ""
            if (!pminGiven) {
                # new method, after Feb 2008
                submethodChoices <- c("A", "B")
                sm <- pmatch(submethod, submethodChoices)
                if (is.na(sm)) {
                    stop("unknown submethod '", submethod, "'")
                submethod <- submethodChoices[sm]
                pp <- pressure[keep]
                pp <- despike(pp) # some, e.g. data(ctdRaw), have crazy points in air
                ss <- x[["scan"]][keep]
                end <- which(smooth(pp) > 1 / 2 * max.pressure)[1]
                if (!is.na(end)) {
                    pp <- pp[1:end]
                    ss <- ss[1:end]
                s0 <- ss[0.25 * length(ss)]
                # nolint start object_usage_linter
                p0 <- pp[1]
                # nolint end object_usage_linter
                if (length(ss) > 2) {
                    dpds0 <- diff(range(pp, na.rm = TRUE)) / diff(range(ss, na.rm = TRUE))
                } else {
                    dpds0 <- 0
                # Handle submethods.
                if (submethod == "A") {
                    oceDebug(debug, "method[2]=\"A\"\n")
                    m <- try(nls(
                        pp ~ function(ss, s0, p0, dpds) {
                                debug - 1, "bilinearA s0=", s0, "p0=",
                                p0, "dpds=", dpds, "\n"
                            ifelse(s < s0, p0, p0 + dpds * (s - s0))
                        start = list(s0 = s0, p0 = 0, dpds = dpds0)
                    ), silent = TRUE)
                    scanStart <- if (inherits(m, "try-error")) 1 else max(1, floor(0.5 + coef(m)["s0"]))
                } else if (submethod == "B") {
                    oceDebug(debug, "method[3]=\"B\" so using two-segment model with zero near-surface pressure\n")
                    m <- try(nls(
                        pp ~ function(ss, s0, dpds) {
                            oceDebug(debug - 1, "bilinearB s0=", s0, "dpds=", dpds, "\n")
                            ifelse(s < s0, 0, dpds * (s - s0))
                        start = list(s0 = s0, dpds = dpds0)
                    ), silent = TRUE)
                    scanStart <- if (inherits(m, "try-error")) 1 else max(1, floor(0.5 + coef(m)["s0"]))
                } else {
                    stop("unknown submethod '", submethod, "'")
                oceDebug(debug - 1, "scanStart:", scanStart, "\n")
                keep <- keep & (x[["scan"]] > scanStart)
        } else if (method == "upcast") {
            pmin <- -5
            pminGiven <- FALSE
            if (!missing(parameters)) {
                if ("pmin" %in% names(parameters)) {
                    pmin <- parameters$pmin
                    pminGiven <- TRUE
                } else {
                    stop("parameter not understood for this method")
            oceDebug(debug, "pmin=", pmin, "\n")
            keep <- (pressure > pmin) # 2. in water (or below start depth)
            pressureSmoothed <- smooth(pressure, kind = "3R")
            max.location <- which.max(pressureSmoothed)
            max.pressure <- pressureSmoothed[max.location]
            keep[1:max.location] <- FALSE
            oceDebug(debug, "removed data at indices from 1 to ", max.location,
                " (where pressure is ", pressure[max.location], "\n",
                sep = ""
            if (!pminGiven) {
                # new method, after Feb 2008
                submethodChoices <- c("A", "B")
                sm <- pmatch(submethod, submethodChoices)
                if (is.na(submethod)) {
                    stop("unknown submethod '", submethod, "'")
                submethod <- submethodChoices[sm]
                pp <- pressure[keep]
                pp <- despike(pp) # some, e.g. data(ctdRaw), have crazy points in air
                ss <- x[["scan"]][keep]
                end <- which(smooth(pp) > 1 / 2 * max.pressure)[1]
                if (!is.na(end)) {
                    pp <- pp[1:end]
                    ss <- ss[1:end]
                s0 <- ss[0.25 * length(ss)]
                p0 <- pp[1]
                if (length(ss) > 2) {
                    dpds0 <- diff(range(pp, na.rm = TRUE)) / diff(range(ss, na.rm = TRUE))
                } else {
                    dpds0 <- 0
                # Handle submethods.
                if (submethod == "A") {
                    oceDebug(debug, "method[2]=\"A\"\n")
                    m <- try(nls(
                        pp ~ function(ss, s0, p0, dpds) {
                                debug - 1, "bilinearA s0=", s0, "p0=",
                                p0, "dpds=", dpds, "\n"
                            ifelse(s < s0, p0, p0 + dpds * (s - s0))
                        start = list(s0 = s0, p0 = 0, dpds = dpds0)
                    ), silent = TRUE)
                    scanStart <- if (inherits(m, "try-error")) 1 else max(1, floor(0.5 + coef(m)["s0"]))
                } else if (submethod == "B") {
                    oceDebug(debug, "method[3]=\"B\" so using two-segment model with zero near-surface pressure\n")
                    m <- try(nls(
                        pp ~ function(ss, s0, dpds) {
                            oceDebug(debug - 1, "bilinearB s0=", s0, "dpds=", dpds, "\n")
                            ifelse(s < s0, 0, dpds * (s - s0))
                        start = list(s0 = s0, dpds = dpds0)
                    ), silent = TRUE)
                    scanStart <- if (inherits(m, "try-error")) 1 else max(1, floor(0.5 + coef(m)["s0"]))
                } else {
                    stop("unknown submethod '", submethod, "'")
                oceDebug(debug - 1, "scanStart:", scanStart, "\n")
                keep <- keep & (x[["scan"]] > scanStart)
        } else if (method == "range") {
            if (!("item" %in% names(parameters))) {
                stop("\"parameters\" must be a list containing \"item\"")
            oceDebug(debug, "method=\"range\"; parameters are as follows:\n")
            if (debug > 0) {
            item <- parameters$item
            if (!(item %in% names(x@data))) {
                stop("x@data has no item named '", item, "'")
            keep <- rep(TRUE, n)
            if ("from" %in% names(parameters)) {
                keep <- keep & (x@data[[item]] >= parameters$from)
            if ("to" %in% names(parameters)) {
                keep <- keep & (x@data[[item]] <= parameters$to)
        } else if (method == "sbe") {
            oceDebug(debug, "Using method \"sbe\" for removing soak\n")
            minSoak <- 1
            maxSoak <- 20
            if (!missing(parameters)) {
                if ("minSoak" %in% names(parameters)) {
                    minSoak <- parameters$minSoak
                if ("maxSoak" %in% names(parameters)) {
                    maxSoak <- parameters$maxSoak
            oceDebug(debug, "Using minSoak of ", minSoak, "\n")
            oceDebug(debug, "Using maxSoak of ", maxSoak, "\n")
            pressureSmoothed <- smooth(pressure, kind = "3R")
            max.location <- which.max(pressureSmoothed)
            max.pressure <- pressureSmoothed[max.location]
            keep[max.location:n] <- FALSE
            oceDebug(debug, "removed data at indices from index ", max.location,
                " (at ", pressure[max.location], " dbar) to end of data, at index", n, "\n",
                sep = ""
            pp <- pressure[keep]
            pp <- despike(pp) # some, e.g. data(ctdRaw), have crazy points in air
            ss <- x[["scan"]][keep]
            n <- length(pp)
            imin <- which(pp > minSoak & pp < maxSoak)[1]
            imax <- which(pp > maxSoak)[1]
            if (any(is.na(c(imin, imax)))) {
                stop("Trim parameters for \"sbe\" method not appropriate. Try different parameters or a different method")
            } else {
                # The [1] below is to handle cases where digitization of the
                # pressure channel gives more than one match.
                istart <- which(pp == min(pp[imin:imax]))[1]
                keep <- keep & (seq_along(x[["scan"]]) > istart)
                oceDebug(debug, "istart =", istart, "\n")
        } else {
            stop("'method' not recognized; must be 'index', 'downcast', 'scan', 'range', or 'sbe'")
    } else {
        keep <- method(data = x@data, parameters = parameters)
    # Handle depth inversions (may be a problem with noise)
    if (removeDepthInversions) {
        keep <- keep & c(TRUE, diff(pressure) >= 0)
    if (indices) {
        res <- keep
    } else {
        # Data
        if (is.data.frame(res@data)) {
            res@data <- res@data[keep, ]
        } else {
            for (i in seq_along(res@data)) {
                res@data[[i]] <- res@data[[i]][keep]
        # Metadata
        for (i in seq_len(length(res@metadata$flags))) {
            res@metadata$flags[[i]] <- res@metadata$flags[[i]][keep]
        # Trim longitude and latitude, if their lengths match the pressure
        # length (as for perhaps an rsk object from a CTD interfaced to an phone
        # or a tablet that had a GPS on it).
        if (2 == sum(c("longitude", "latitude") %in% names(x@metadata))) {
            n <- length(x@metadata$longitude)
            if (length(x@metadata$latitude == n) && n == length(x@data$pressure)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "trimming longitude and latitude\n")
                res@metadata$longitude <- res@metadata$longitude[keep]
                res@metadata$latitude <- res@metadata$latitude[keep]
        res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = ""))
    oceDebug(debug, "END ctdTrim()\n", unindent = 1)

#' Save a ctd Object in a CSV File
#' Writes a comma-separated file containing the data frame stored in
#' the `data` slot of the first parameter.  The file is suitable
#' for reading with a spreadsheet, or
#' with [read.csv()].  This output file will contain
#' some of the metadata in `x`, if `metadata` is `TRUE`.
#' @param object a [ctd-class] object.
#' @param file Either a character string (the file name) or a connection. If not
#' provided, `file` defaults to [stdout()].
#' @param metadata a logical value indicating whether to put some selected
#' metadata elements at the start of the output file.
#' @param flags a logical value indicating whether to show data-quality flags
#' as well as data.
#' @param format string indicating the format to use. This may be `"csv"`
#' for a simple CSV format, or `"whp"` for the World Hydrographic
#' Program format, described in reference 1 and exemplified in reference 2.
#' @seealso The documentation for [ctd-class] explains the structure
#' of CTD objects.
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' library(oce)
#' data(ctd)
#' write.ctd(ctd, "ctd.csv")
#' d <- read.csv("ctd.csv")
#' plot(as.ctd(d$salinity, d$temperature, d$pressure))
#' }
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references
#' The following links used to work, but failed as of December 2020.
#' 1. `https://www.nodc.noaa.gov/woce/woce_v3/wocedata_1/whp/exchange/exchange_format_desc.htm`
#' 2. `https://www.nodc.noaa.gov/woce/woce_v3/wocedata_1/whp/exchange/example_ct1.csv`
#' @family things related to ctd data
write.ctd <- function(object, file, metadata = TRUE, flags = TRUE, format = "csv") {
    if (!inherits(object, "ctd")) {
        stop("method is only for objects of class '", "ctd", "'")
    if (missing(file)) {
        file <- stdout()
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (file == "") {
            stop("'file' must be a non-empty string")
        con <- file(file, "w")
    } else if (inherits(file, "connection")) {
        con <- file
    fc <- c("csv", "whp")
    fm <- pmatch(format, fc)
    if (is.na(fm)) {
        stop("unknown format '", format, "'; valid choices are \"csv\" and \"whp\"")
    format <- fc[fm]
    if (metadata) {
        if (format == "csv") {
            cat(paste("R/oce file exported at time ", format(presentTime(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"), "\n", sep = ""), file = con)
            cat(paste("Source file = \"", object[["filename"]], "\"\n", sep = ""), file = con)
            cat(paste("Ship = ", object[["ship"]], "\n", sep = ""), file = con)
            cat(paste("Cruise = ", object[["cruise"]], "\n", sep = ""), file = con)
            cat(paste("Station = ", object[["station"]], "\n", sep = ""), file = con)
            cat(paste("Longitude = ", object[["longitude"]][1], "\n", sep = ""), file = con)
            cat(paste("Latitude = ", object[["latitude"]][1], "\n", sep = ""), file = con)
            cat(paste("Depth = ", object[["waterDepth"]], "\n", sep = ""), file = con)
            cat(paste("Start time = ", format(object[["startTime"]], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"), "\n", sep = ""), file = con)
            cat("\n", file = con)
        } else if (format == "whp") {
            cat(paste("CTD,", format(object[["startTime"]], "%Y%m%d"), "divINSwho\n", sep = ""), file = con)
            cat("NUMBER_HEADERS = 10\n", file = con)
            cat("EXPOCODE = UNKNOWN\n", file = con)
            cat("SECT = UNKNOWN\n", file = con)
            cat("STNNBR =", gsub(" ", "", object[["station"]]), "\n", file = con)
            cat("CASTNO = 1\n", file = con)
            cat("DATE = ", format(object[["startTime"]], "%Y%m%d"), "\n", file = con)
            cat("TIME = ", format(object[["startTime"]], "%H%M"), "\n", file = con)
            cat("LATITUDE = ", sprintf("%8.4f", object[["latitude"]]), "\n", sep = "", file = con)
            cat("LONGITUDE = ", sprintf("%9.4f", object[["longitude"]]), "\n", sep = "", file = con)
            cat("DEPTH = ", sprintf("%5.0f", object[["waterDepth"]]), "\n", sep = "", file = con)
        } else {
            stop("unknown format \"", format, "\"; should be \"csv\" or \"whp\"")
    df <- as.data.frame(object@data)
    # Optionally paste flags into the data frame, for display
    if (flags && length(object@metadata$flags)) {
        fdf <- as.data.frame(object@metadata$flags)
        names(fdf) <- paste(names(fdf), "Flag", sep = "")
        df <- data.frame(df, fdf)
    if (format == "csv") {
        write.table(df, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = ",", file = con)
    } else if (format == "whp") {
        names <- names(df)
        names(df) <- oceNames2whpNames(names)
        cat(paste(names(df), collapse = ","), "\n", file = con)
        u <- unlist(lapply(object[["units"]], function(u) as.character(u$unit)))
        s <- unlist(lapply(object[["units"]], function(u) u$scale))
        cat(paste(oceUnits2whpUnits(u[names], s[names]), collapse = ","), "\n", file = con)
        write.table(df, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, sep = ",", file = con)
        cat("END_DATA\n", file = con)
    } else {
        stop("unknown format \"", format, "\"; should be \"csv\" or \"whp\"")
    if (con != stdout()) {

#' Plot a ctd Object
#' Plot CTD data in any of many different ways. In many cases,
#' the best choice is to use default values for all parameters
#' other than the first.  This yields a 4-panel plot that
#' displays a basic overview of the data, with a combined
#' profile of salinity and temperature at the top
#' left, a combined plot of density and the square of buoyancy
#' frequency at top right, a TS diagram at bottom left, and
#' a map at bottom right.
#' @details
#' The
#' default values of `which` and other arguments are chosen to be useful
#' for quick overviews of data. However, for detailed work it is common
#' to call the present function with just a single value of `which`, e.g.
#' with four calls to get four panels. The advantage of this is that it provides
#' much more control over the display, and also it permits the addition of extra
#' display elements (lines, points, margin notes, etc.) to the individual panels.
#' Note that panels that draw more than one curve (e.g. `which="salinity+temperature"`
#' draws temperature and salinity profiles in one graph), the value of [par]`("usr")`
#' is established by the second profile to have been drawn. Some experimentation will
#' reveal what this profile is, for each permitted `which` case, although
#' it seems unlikely that this will help much ... the simple fact is that drawing two
#' profiles in one graph is useful for a quick overview, but not useful for e.g. interactive
#' analysis with [locator()] to flag bad data, etc.
#' @param x a [ctd-class] object.
#' @param which a numeric or character vector specifying desired plot types. If
#' `which` is not supplied, a default will be used. This default depends on
#' `deploymentType` in the `metadata` slot of `x`.  If `deploymentType` is
#' `"profile"` or missing, then `which` defaults to `c(1, 2, 3, 5)`.  If
#' `deploymentType` is `"moored"` or `"thermosalinograph"` then `which` defaults
#' to `c(30, 3, 31, 5)`. Finally, if `deploymentType` is `towyo` then `which`
#' defaults to `c(30, 31, 32, 3)`.
#' The details of individual `which` values are as follows. Some of the entries
#' refer to the EOS (equation of state for seawater), which may either `"gsw"`
#' for the modern Gibbs Seawater system, or `"unesco"` for the older UNESCO
#' system. The EOS may be set with the `eos` argument to `plot,ctd-method()` or
#' by using [options()], with `options(oceEOS="unesco")` or
#' `options(oceEOS="unesco")`. The default EOS is `"gsw"`.
#' * `which=1` or `which="salinity+temperature"` gives a combined profile of
#' temperature and salinity.  If the EOS is `"gsw"` then Conservative
#' Temperature and Absolute Salinity are shown; otherwise in-situ temperature
#' and practical salinity are shown.
#' * `which=2` or `which="density+N2"` gives a combined profile of density
#' anomaly, computed with [swSigma0()], along with the square of the buoyancy
#' frequency, computed with [swN2()]. The `eos` parameter is passed
#' to each of these functions, so the desired EOS is used.
#' * `which=3` or `which="TS"` gives a TS plot. If the EOS is `"gsw"`, T is
#' Conservative Temperature and S is Absolute Salinity; otherwise, they are
#' in-situ temperature and practical salinity, respectively.
#' * `which=4` or `which="text"` gives a textual  summary of
#' some aspects of the data.
#' * `which=5` or `which="map"` gives a map plotted with
#' [plot,coastline-method()], with a dot for the station location.  Notes near
#' the top boundary of the map give the station number, the sampling date, and
#' the name of the chief scientist, if these are known. Note that the longitude
#' will be converted to a value between -180 and 180 before plotting.  (See also
#' notes about `span`.)
#' * `which=5.1` as for `which=5`, except that the file name
#' is drawn above the map.
#' * `which=6` or `which="density+dpdt"` gives a profile of density and
#' \eqn{dP/dt}{dP/dt}, which is useful for evaluating whether the instrument is
#' dropping properly through the water column.  If the EOS is `"gsw"` then
#' \eqn{\sigma_0}{sigma[0]} is shown; otherwise,
#' \eqn{\sigma_\theta}{sigma[theta]} is shown.
#' * `which=7` or `which="density+time"` gives a profile of density and time.
#' * `which=8` or `which="index"` gives a profile of index number, which can
#' provide useful information for trimming with [ctdTrim()].
#' * `which=9` or `which="salinity"` gives a profile of Absolute
#' Salinity if the EOS is `"gsw"`, or practical salinity otherwise.
#' * `which=10` or `which="temperature"` gives a profile
#' of Conservative Temperature if the EOS is `"gsw"`, or
#' in-situ temperature otherwise.
#' * `which=11` or `which="density"` gives a profile
#' of density as computed with [swRho()], to which the `eos`
#' parameter is passed.
#' * `which=12` or `which="N2"` gives an \eqn{N^2}{N^2} profile.
#' * `which=13` or `which="spice"` gives a profile of the UNESCO-defined
#' spice variable.
#' * `which=14` or `which="tritium"` gives a tritium profile.
#' * `which=15` or `which="Rrho"` gives a diffusive-case density
#' ratio profile.
#' * `which=16` or `which="RrhoSF"` gives a salt-finger case
#' density ratio profile.
#' * `which=17` or `which="conductivity"` gives a conductivity profile.
#' * `which=20` or `which="CT"` gives a profile of Conservative Temperature.
#' * `which=21` or `which="SA"` gives a profile of Absolute Salinity.
#' * `which=30` or `which="Sts"` gives a time series of Salinity Absolute
#' Salinity if the EOS is `"gsw"` or practical salinity otherwise.
#' * `which=31` or `which="Tts"` gives a time series of Conservative Temperature
#' if the EOS is `"gsw"` or in-situ temperature otherwise.
#' * `which=32` or `which="pts"` gives a time series of pressure
#' * `which=33` or `which="rhots"` gives a time series of density anomaly,
#' \eqn{\sigma_0}{sigma[0]} if the EOS is `"gsw"`
#' or \eqn{\sigma_\theta}{sigma[theta]} otherwise.
#' * otherwise, `which` is interpreted as a character value to be checked
#' against the `data` and `dataDerived` fields returned by `x[["?"]`. If a match
#' is found then a profile of the corresponding quantity is plotted.  If there
#' is no match, an error is reported.
#' @param col color of lines or symbols.
#' @param fill a legacy parameter that will be permitted only temporarily; see
#' \dQuote{History}.
#' @param borderCoastline color of coastlines and international borders, passed
#' to [plot,coastline-method()] if a map is included in `which`.
#' @param colCoastline fill color of coastlines and international borders, passed
#' to [plot,coastline-method()] if a map is included in `which`. Set to
#' `NULL` to avoid filling.
#' @param eos character value indicating the equation of state to be used, either
#' `"unesco"` or `"gsw"`.  The default is to use a value stored with
#' [options()] as e.g. `options(oceEOS="unesco")`.
#' @param ref.lat latitude of reference point for distance calculation.
#' The permitted range is -90 to 90.
#' @param ref.lon longitude of reference point for distance calculation.
#' The permitted range is -180 to 180.
#' @param grid logical value indicating whether to draw a grid on the plot.
#' @param coastline a specification of the coastline to be used for
#' `which="map"`.  This may be a coastline object, whether built-in or
#' supplied by the user, or a character string.  If the later, it may be the
#' name of a built-in coastline (`"coastlineWorld"`,
#' `"coastlineWorldFine"`, or
#' `"coastlineWorldCoarse"`), or `"best"`, to choose
#' a suitable coastline for the locale, or `"none"` to prevent
#' the drawing of a coastline.  There is a speed penalty for providing
#' `coastline` as a character string, because it forces
#' [plot,coastline-method()] to load it on every call.  So, if
#' [plot,coastline-method()] is to be called several times for a given
#' coastline, it makes sense to load it in before the first call, and to
#' supply the object as an argument, as opposed to the name of the object.
#' @param Slim,Clim,Tlim,plim,densitylim,sigmalim,N2lim,Rrholim,dpdtlim,timelim optional
#' numeric vectors of length 2, that give axis limits for salinity (or Absolute
#' Salinity, if `eos` is `"gsw"`), conductivity, in-situ or potential
#' temperature (or Conservative Temperature, if `eos` is `"gsw"'), pressure,
#' density, density anomaly (either sigma-theta or sigma0),
#' square of buoyancy frequency, density ratio, dp/dt, and time, respectively.
#' @param drawIsobaths logical value indicating whether to draw depth contours on
#' maps, in addition to the coastline. The argument has no effect except
#' for panels in which the value of `which` equals `"map"` or
#' the equivalent numerical code, `5`. If `drawIsobaths` is
#' `FALSE`, then no contours are drawn. If `drawIsobaths`
#' is `TRUE`, then contours are selected automatically,
#' using [pretty]`(c(0, 300))` if the station depth is
#' under 100m or [pretty]`(c(0, 5500))` otherwise.
#' If `drawIsobaths` is a numerical vector,
#' then the indicated depths are drawn. For plots drawn with `projection`
#' set to `NULL`, the contours are added with [contour()]
#' and otherwise [mapContour()] is used. To customize
#' the resultant contours, e.g. setting particular line types or colors,
#' users should call these functions directly (see e.g. Example 2).
#' @param clongitude,clatitude,span controls for the map area view,
#' used only if `which="map"`.
#' `clongitude` and `clatitude` specify the centre of the view, and
#' `span` specifies the approximate extend of the view, in
#' kilometres.  (If `span` is not given, it is be determined as a small
#' multiple of the distance to the nearest point of land, in an attempt to show
#' the station in familiar geographical context.)
#' @param showHemi,lonlabels,latlabels controls for axis labelling, used only if `which="map"`.
#' `showHemi` is logical value indicating whether to show hemisphere in axis tick
#' labels. `lonlabels` and `latlabels` are numeric and character values that control the
#' axis labelling.
#' @param latlon.pch,latlon.cex,latlon.col controls for station location,
#' used only if `which="map"`.  `latlon.pch` sets the symbol code,
#' `latlon.cex` sets the character expansion
#' factor, and `latlon.col` sets the colour.
#' @param projection controls the map projection (if any), and ignored unless
#' `which="map"`. The possibilities are as follows.  (1) If `projection=NULL`
#' (the default) then no projection will be used; the map will simply show
#' longitude and latitude in a Cartesian frame, scaled to retain shapes at the
#' centre.  (2) If `projection=`"automatic"` then either a Mercator or
#' Stereographic projection will be used, depending on whether the CTD station
#' is within 70 degrees of the equator or at higher latitudes. (3) If
#' `projection` is a string in the format used by [mapPlot()], then it is is
#' passed to that function.
#' @param cex size to be used for plot symbols (see [par()]).
#' @param cex.axis size factor for axis labels (see [par()]).
#' @param pch code for plotting symbol (see [par()]).
#' @param useSmoothScatter logical value indicating whether to
#' use [smoothScatter()] instead of [plot()] to draw the plot.
#' @param df optional numeric argument that is ignored except for plotting buoyancy
#' frequency; in that case, it is passed to [swN2()].
#' @param keepNA logical value indicating whether `NA` values
#' will yield breaks in lines drawn if `type` is `b`, `l`, or `o`.
#' The default value is `FALSE`.  Setting `keepNA` to `TRUE`
#' can be helpful when working with multiple profiles
#' strung together into one [ctd-class] object, which otherwise
#' would have extraneous lines joining the deepest point in one
#' profile to the shallowest in the next profile.
#' @param type the type of plot to draw, using the same scheme as
#' [plot()]. If supplied, this is increased to be the
#' same length as `which`, if necessary, and then supplied to
#' each of the individual plot calls. If it is not supplied,
#' then those plot calls use defaults (e.g. using a line for
#' [plotProfile()], using dots for [plotTS()],
#' etc).
#' @param mgp three-element numerical vector specifying axis-label geometry,
#' passed to [par()].
#' The default establishes tighter margins than in the usual R setup.
#' @param mar four-element numerical vector specifying margin geometry,
#' passed to [par()].
#' The default establishes tighter margins than in the usual R setup.
#' Note that the value of `mar` is ignored for the map panel
#' of multi-panel maps; instead, the present value of
#' [par]`("mar")` is used, which in the default call will
#' make the map plot region equal that of the previously-drawn
#' profiles and TS plot.
#' @param inset logical value indicating whether this
#' function is being used as an inset.  The
#' effect is to prevent the present function from adjusting margins, which is
#' necessary because margin adjustment is the basis for the method used by
#' [plotInset()].
#' @param add logical value indicating whether to add to an existing plot.  This
#' only works if `length(which)=1`, and it will yield odd results if the
#' value of `which` does not match that in the previous plots.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to plotting functions.
#' @seealso
#' The documentation for [ctd-class] explains the structure of CTD
#' objects, and also outlines the other functions dealing with them.
#' @section History of Changes:
#' * January 2022:
#'     - Add ability to profile anything stored in the `data` slot, and anything
#'     that can be computed from information in that slot. The list of
#'     possibilities is found by examining the `data` and `dataDerived` elements
#'     of `x[["?"]]`.
#'     - Drop the `lonlim` and `latlim` parameters, marked for removal in 2014;
#'     use `clongitude`, `clatitude` and `span` instead (see
#'     [plot,coastline-method()]).
#' * February 2016:
#'     - Drop the `fill` parameter for land colour; use `colCoastline` instead.
#'     - Add the `borderCoastline` argument, to control the colour of coastlines
#'     and international boundaries.
#' @examples
#' # 1. simple plot
#' library(oce)
#' data(ctd)
#' plot(ctd)
#' # 2. how to customize depth contours
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' data(section)
#' stn <- section[["station", 105]]
#' plot(stn, which = "map", drawIsobaths = TRUE)
#' plot(stn, which = "map")
#' data(topoWorld)
#' tlon <- topoWorld[["longitude"]]
#' tlat <- topoWorld[["latitude"]]
#' tdep <- -topoWorld[["z"]]
#' contour(tlon, tlat, tdep,
#'     drawlabels = FALSE,
#'     levels = seq(1000, 6000, 1000), col = "lightblue", add = TRUE
#' )
#' contour(tlon, tlat, tdep,
#'     vfont = c("sans serif", "bold"),
#'     levels = stn[["waterDepth"]], col = "red", lwd = 2, add = TRUE
#' )
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family functions that plot oce data
#' @family things related to ctd data
#' @aliases plot.ctd
    f = "plot",
    signature = signature("ctd"),
    definition = function(x, which,
                          col = par("fg"),
                          fill, # to catch old method
                          borderCoastline = NA, colCoastline = "lightgray",
                          eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw"),
                          ref.lat = NaN, ref.lon = NaN,
                          grid = TRUE, coastline = "best",
                          Slim, Clim, Tlim, plim, densitylim, sigmalim, N2lim, Rrholim, dpdtlim, timelim,
                          drawIsobaths = FALSE, clongitude, clatitude, span, showHemi = TRUE,
                          lonlabels = TRUE, latlabels = TRUE,
                          latlon.pch = 20, latlon.cex = 1.5, latlon.col = "red",
                          projection = NULL,
                          cex = 1, cex.axis = par("cex.axis"),
                          pch = 1,
                          useSmoothScatter = FALSE,
                          keepNA = FALSE,
                          mgp = getOption("oceMgp"),
                          mar = c(mgp[1] + 1.5, mgp[1] + 1.5, mgp[1] + 1.5, mgp[1] + 1),
                          inset = FALSE,
                          add = FALSE,
                          debug = getOption("oceDebug"),
                          ...) {
        if (!inherits(x, "ctd")) {
            stop("method is only for objects of class 'ctd'")
        eos <- match.arg(eos, c("unesco", "gsw"))
        if (!missing(fill)) {
            # permit call as documented before 2016-02-03
            # Note: the code permitted fill=TRUE but this was never documented
            if (is.character(fill)) {
                colCoastline <- fill
            } else {
                if (is.logical(fill) && !fill) {
                    colCoastline <- NULL
            warning("In plot,ctd-method() : 'fill' is outdated; use 'colCoastline' instead", call. = FALSE)
        if (missing(which)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "plot,ctd-method(..., eos=\"", eos, "\", inset=", inset, ", ...) START\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
            dt <- x@metadata$deploymentType
            if (is.null(dt)) {
                which <- c(1, 2, 3, 5)
                if (missing(type)) {
                    type <- c("l", "l", "p", "p")
            } else {
                types <- c("profile", "moored", "thermosalinograph", "tsg", "towyo")
                itype <- pmatch(dt, types, nomatch = 0)
                if (itype == 0) {
                    dt <- "profile"
                } else {
                    dt <- types[itype]
                if ("profile" == dt) {
                    which <- c(1, 2, 3, 5) # salinity+temperature density+N2 TS map
                    if (missing(type)) {
                        type <- c("l", "l", "p", "p")
                } else if ("moored" == dt) {
                    which <- c(30, 31, 32, 5) # Sts Tts pts map
                    if (missing(type)) {
                        type <- c("l", "l", "l", "p")
                } else if ("thermosalinograph" == dt) {
                    which <- c(30, 3, 31, 5) # Sts TS Tts
                    if (missing(type)) {
                        type <- c("l", "p", "l", "l")
                } else if ("tsg" == dt) {
                    # @richardsc -- do you think we still need this?
                    which <- c(30, 3, 31, 5) # Sts TS Tts map
                    if (missing(type)) {
                        type <- c("l", "p", "l", "p")
                } else if ("towyo" == dt) {
                    which <- c(30, 3, 33, 5) # Sts TS pts map
                    if (missing(type)) {
                        type <- c("l", "l", "l", "p")
                } else {
                    which <- c(1, 2, 3, 5) # salinity+temperature density+N2 TS map
                    if (missing(type)) {
                        type <- c("l", "l", "p", "p")
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "plot,ctd-method(..., which=c(", paste(which, collapse = ",", sep = ""),
                "), eos=\"", eos, "\", inset=", inset, ", ...) START\n",
                sep = "", unindent = 1
        lw <- length(which)
        dots <- list(...)
        dotsNames <- names(dots)
        # FIXME: In the below, we could be more clever for single-panel plots
        # but it may be better to get users out of the habit of supplying xlim
        # etc (which will yield errors in plot.lm(), for example).
        if ("xlim" %in% dotsNames) {
            stop("in plot,ctd-method() : 'xlim' not allowed; use Slim, Tlim, etc", call. = FALSE)
        if ("ylim" %in% dotsNames) {
            stop("in plot,ctd-method() : 'ylim' not allowed; use plim, Tlim, etc", call. = FALSE)
        opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
        if (add && lw > 1) {
            warning("ignoring add=TRUE because length(which) > 1")
            add <- FALSE
        if (lw > 1) {
        if (missing(type)) {
            type <- rep("p", lw)
        if (length(col) < lw) {
            col <- rep(col, lw)
        } # FIXME: recycle more sensibly
        if (length(type) < lw) {
            type <- rep(type, lw)
        if (length(pch) < lw) {
            pch <- rep(pch, lw)
        } # FIXME: recycle more sensibly
        if (length(cex) < lw) {
            cex <- rep(cex, lw)
        } # FIXME: recycle more sensibly
        if (length(col) < lw) {
            col <- rep(col, lw)
        } # FIXME: recycle more sensibly
        if (!inset) {
            par(mar = mar)
        par(mgp = mgp)
        if (lw == 2) {
            par(mfcol = c(2, 1))
        } else if (lw == 3) {
            par(mfcol = c(3, 1))
        } else if (lw == 4) {
            par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
        } else if (lw != 1) {
            nnn <- floor(sqrt(lw))
            par(mfcol = c(nnn, ceiling(lw / nnn)))
        # Ignore any bottom region consisting of NA for temperature and salinity, e.g.
        # as created by as.section() or read.section().
        if (0 == length(x[["salinity"]])) {
            warning("no data to plot in this object")
        last.good <- tail(which(!is.na(x[["salinity"]])), 1)
        if (length(last.good) > 0 && last.good < length("salinity")) {
            last.good <- length(x[["temperature"]]) - last.good + 1
            for (nc in seq_along(x@data)) {
                if (length(x@data[[nc]]) > 1L) { # the 1L prevents extending scalars
                    cat("last.good action on ", names(x@data)[nc], "\n")
                    x@data[[nc]] <- x@data[[nc]][1:last.good]
        if (any(c("latlim", "lonlim") %in% names(list(...)))) {
            warning("In plot,ctd-method() : latlim and lonlim are no longer handled; use clongitude, clatitude and span instead", call. = FALSE)
        # Convert 'which' from numbers to strings, e.g. 12 becomes "N2".  We
        # retain the original values in 'whichOrig'.
        whichOrig <- which
        which <- as.character(which)
        for (i in seq_along(which)) {
            wi <- which[i]
            if (wi == "1") {
                which[i] <- "salinity+temperature"
            } else if (wi == "2") {
                which[i] <- "density+N2"
            } else if (wi == "3") {
                which[i] <- "TS"
            } else if (wi == "4") {
                which[i] <- "text"
            } else if (wi == "5") {
                which[i] <- "map"
            } else if (wi == "5.1") {
                which[i] <- "map_with_filename"
            } else if (wi == "6") {
                which[i] <- "density+dpdt"
            } else if (wi == "7") {
                which[i] <- "density+time"
            } else if (wi == "8") {
                which[i] <- "index"
            } else if (wi == "9") {
                which[i] <- "salinity"
            } else if (wi == "10") {
                which[i] <- "temperature"
            } else if (wi == "11") {
                which[i] <- "density"
            } else if (wi == "12") {
                which[i] <- "N2"
            } else if (wi == "13") {
                which[i] <- "spice"
            } else if (wi == "14") {
                which[i] <- "tritium"
            } else if (wi == "15") {
                which[i] <- "Rrho"
            } else if (wi == "16") {
                which[i] <- "RrhoSF"
            } else if (wi == "17") {
                which[i] <- "conductivity"
            } else if (wi == "20") {
                which[i] <- "CT"
            } else if (wi == "21") {
                which[i] <- "SA"
            } else if (wi == "30") {
                which[i] <- "Sts"
            } else if (wi == "31") {
                which[i] <- "Tts"
            } else if (wi == "32") {
                which[i] <- "pts"
            } else if (wi == "33") {
                which[i] <- "rhots"
        # Permit plotting anything contained in the data slot, along with
        # some things that can be computed from those contents.
        q <- x[["?"]]
        available <- c(q$data, q$dataDerived)
        #> message("available: c(\"", paste(available, collapse="\", \""), "\")")
        for (w in seq_along(which)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "which[", w, "] = \"", which[w], "\"\n", sep = "")
            # Case 1: non-single-profile plots.
            if (which[w] == "salinity+temperature") {
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                    xtype = "salinity+temperature",
                    plim = plim, Slim = Slim, Tlim = Tlim,
                    eos = eos,
                    useSmoothScatter = useSmoothScatter,
                    grid = grid, col.grid = "lightgray", lty.grid = "dotted",
                    cex = cex[w], pch = pch[w],
                    type = if (!missing(type)) type[w],
                    keepNA = keepNA, inset = inset, add = add,
                    debug = debug - 1,
            } else if (which[w] == "density+N2") {
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                    xtype = "density+N2",
                    plim = plim, N2lim = N2lim, densitylim = densitylim,
                    eos = eos,
                    useSmoothScatter = useSmoothScatter,
                    df = df,
                    grid = grid, col.grid = "lightgray", lty.grid = "dotted",
                    cex = cex[w], pch = pch[w],
                    type = if (!missing(type)) type[w],
                    keepNA = keepNA, inset = inset, add = add,
                    debug = debug - 1,
            } else if (which[w] == "density+dpdt") {
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                    xtype = "density+dpdt",
                    plim = plim, densitylim = densitylim, dpdtlim = dpdtlim,
                    col = col,
                    eos = eos,
                    useSmoothScatter = useSmoothScatter,
                    grid = grid, col.grid = "lightgray", lty.grid = "dotted",
                    cex = cex[w], pch = pch[w],
                    type = if (!missing(type)) type[w],
                    keepNA = keepNA, inset = inset, add = add,
                    debug = debug - 1,
            } else if (which[w] == "density+time") {
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                    xtype = "density+time",
                    plim = plim, densitylim = densitylim, timelim = timelim,
                    useSmoothScatter = useSmoothScatter,
                    grid = grid, col.grid = "lightgray", lty.grid = "dotted",
                    cex = cex[w], pch = pch[w],
                    # type=type[w],
                    keepNA = keepNA, inset = inset, add = add,
                    debug = debug - 1,
            } else if (which[w] %in% c(
                "SA", paste("absolute", "salinity"),
                paste("Absolute", "Salinity"),
            )) { # a special case because can use Slim and plim
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                    xtype = x[[which[w]]], xlab = resizableLabel(which[w], debug = debug - 1),
                    xlim = Slim, ylim = plim,
                    useSmoothScatter = useSmoothScatter,
                    grid = grid, col.grid = "lightgray", lty.grid = "dotted",
                    cex = cex[w], pch = pch[w], col = col[w],
                    type = if (!missing(type)) type[w],
                    keepNA = keepNA, inset = inset, add = add,
                    debug = debug - 1,
            } else if (which[w] %in% c(
                paste("potential", "temperature"),
                paste("conservative", "temperature"),
                paste("Conservative", "Temperature"),
            )) { # a special case because can use Tlim and plim
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                    xtype = x[[which[w]]], xlab = resizableLabel(which[w], debug = debug - 1),
                    xlim = Tlim, ylim = plim,
                    useSmoothScatter = useSmoothScatter,
                    grid = grid, col.grid = "lightgray", lty.grid = "dotted",
                    cex = cex[w], pch = pch[w], col = col[w],
                    type = if (!missing(type)) type[w],
                    keepNA = keepNA, inset = inset, add = add,
                    debug = debug - 1,
            } else if (which[w] == "density") { # a special case because can use densitylim and plim
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                    xtype = "density",
                    plim = plim,
                    densitylim = densitylim,
                    grid = grid,
                    eos = eos,
                    useSmoothScatter = useSmoothScatter,
                    col.grid = "lightgray", lty.grid = "dotted",
                    cex = cex[w], pch = pch[w], col = col[w],
                    type = if (!missing(type)) type[w],
                    keepNA = keepNA, inset = inset, add = add,
                    debug = debug - 1,
            } else if (which[w] == "TS") { # a special case because can use Slim and Tlim
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                # par(mar=c(3.5, 3, 2, 2))
                lwd.rho <- if ("lwd.rho" %in% names(dots)) dots$lwd.rho else par("lwd")
                lty.rho <- if ("lty.rho" %in% names(dots)) dots$lty.rho else par("lty")
                    Slim = Slim, Tlim = Tlim,
                    grid = grid, col.grid = "lightgray", lty.grid = "dotted",
                    eos = eos,
                    lwd.rho = lwd.rho, lty.rho = lty.rho,
                    useSmoothScatter = useSmoothScatter,
                    col = col, pch = pch, cex = cex,
                    type = if (!missing(type)) type[w],
                    inset = inset,
                    add = add,
                    debug = debug - 1, ...
                ) # FIXME use inset here
            } else if (which[w] == "N2") { # a special case because can use N2lim and plim
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                    xtype = "N2",
                    plim = plim,
                    N2lim = N2lim,
                    grid = grid,
                    eos = eos,
                    df = df,
                    useSmoothScatter = useSmoothScatter,
                    col.grid = "lightgray", lty.grid = "dotted",
                    cex = cex[w], pch = pch[w], col = col[w],
                    type = if (!missing(type)) type[w],
                    keepNA = keepNA, inset = inset, add = add,
                    debug = debug - 1,
            } else if (which[w] == "conductivity") { # a special case because can use Clim and plim
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                    xtype = "conductivity", Clim = Clim, plim = plim,
                    eos = eos,
                    useSmoothScatter = useSmoothScatter,
                    grid = grid, col.grid = "lightgray", lty.grid = "dotted",
                    cex = cex[w], pch = pch[w], col = col[w],
                    type = if (!missing(type)) type[w],
                    keepNA = keepNA, inset = inset, add = add,
                    debug = debug - 1,
            } else if (which[w] == "map" || which[w] == "map_with_filename") {
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                omar <- mar
                if (length(which) > 1) {
                    mar <- par("mar")
                if (!is.null(x[["latitude"]]) && !is.null(x[["longitude"]]) &&
                    any(is.finite(x[["latitude"]])) && any(is.finite(x[["longitude"]]))) {
                    oceDebug(debug, "plot(ctd, ...) of type map START\n")
                    # Calculate span, if not given
                    if (missing(span)) {
                        oceDebug(debug, "'span' not given\n")
                        if (requireNamespace("ocedata", quietly = TRUE)) {
                            data("coastlineWorldMedium", package = "ocedata", envir = environment())
                            mcoastline <- get("coastlineWorldMedium")
                            d <- geodDist(
                                mean(x[["longitude"]], na.rm = TRUE),
                                mean(x[["latitude"]], na.rm = TRUE)
                        } else {
                            data("coastlineWorld", package = "oce", envir = environment())
                            mcoastline <- get("coastlineWorld")
                            d <- geodDist(
                                mean(x[["longitude"]], na.rm = TRUE),
                                mean(x[["latitude"]], na.rm = TRUE)
                        # Previously, used nearest 20 points, but that requires
                        # sorting a possibly very long vector. Note the check on
                        # the result of bound125(), which is a new function
                        nearest <- min(d, na.rm = TRUE)
                        span <- bound125(5 * nearest)
                        if (span < 5 * nearest) {
                            span <- 5 * nearest
                        } # safety check
                            debug, "span not given; nearest land ", round(nearest, 0),
                            "km, so set span=", round(span, 0), "\n"
                    # the "non-projection" case is terrible up north (FIXME: prob should not do this)
                    if (!missing(projection) && !is.na(pmatch(projection, "automatic"))) {
                        meanlon <- mean(x[["longitude"]], na.rm = TRUE)
                        meanlat <- mean(x[["latitude"]], na.rm = TRUE)
                        projection <- if (meanlat > 70) {
                            paste("+proj=stere +lon_0=", meanlon, sep = "")
                        } else {
                        oceDebug(debug, "using", projection, "projection (chosen automatically)\n")
                    } else {
                        oceDebug(debug, "using", projection, "projection (specified)\n")
                    oceDebug(debug, "projection=", if (is.null(projection)) "NULL" else projection, ", span=", span, "km\n")
                    if (is.character(coastline)) {
                        oceDebug(debug, "coastline is a string: \"", coastline, "\"\n", sep = "")
                        if (requireNamespace("ocedata", quietly = TRUE)) {
                            # library(ocedata) # FIXME: is this needed?
                            if (coastline == "best") {
                                bestcoastline <- coastlineBest(span = span)
                                oceDebug(debug, "'best' coastline is: \"", bestcoastline, '\"\n', sep = "")
                                if (bestcoastline == "coastlineWorld") {
                                    data(list = bestcoastline, package = "oce", envir = environment())
                                } else {
                                    data(list = bestcoastline, package = "ocedata", envir = environment())
                                coastline <- get(bestcoastline)
                            } else if (coastline == "coastlineWorld") {
                                oceDebug(debug, "using 'coastlineWorld'\n")
                                data("coastlineWorld", package = "oce", envir = environment())
                                coastline <- get("coastlineWorld")
                            } else if (coastline == "coastlineWorldFine") {
                                oceDebug(debug, "using 'coastlineWorldFine'\n")
                                data("coastlineWorldFine", package = "ocedata", envir = environment())
                                coastline <- get("coastlineWorldFine")
                            } else if (coastline == "coastlineWorldMedium") {
                                oceDebug(debug, "using 'coastlineWorldMedium'\n")
                                data("coastlineWorldMedium", package = "ocedata", envir = environment())
                                coastline <- get("coastlineWorldMedium")
                            } else {
                                stop("there is no built-in coastline file of name \"", coastline, "\"")
                        } else {
                            # remove the warning because if a test platform does
                            # not have ocedata installed, this warning appears,
                            # and in tests/testthat/test_ctd.R we check that the
                            # plot works silently.
                            # warning("CTD plots will have better coastlines after doing install.packages(\"ocedata\")", call.=FALSE)
                            data("coastlineWorld", package = "oce", envir = environment())
                            coastline <- get("coastlineWorld")
                    # impose the right class, to overcome a bug in ocedata_0.1.6
                    if (!inherits(coastline, "coastline")) {
                        class(coastline) <- structure("coastline", package = "ocedata")
                    # ensure that the object holds (or seems to hold) coastline data
                    if (2 != sum((c("longitude", "latitude") %in% names(coastline@data)))) {
                        stop("'coastline' must be a coastline object, or a string naming one")
                    if (!missing(clongitude) && !missing(clatitude) && !missing(span)) {
                            clongitude = clongitude, clatitude = clatitude, span = span,
                            projection = projection,
                            border = borderCoastline, col = colCoastline,
                            mgp = mgp, mar = mar, inset = inset, cex.axis = cex.axis,
                            lonlabels = lonlabels, latlabels = latlabels,
                            debug = debug - 1
                    } else {
                        oceDebug(debug, "about to plot coastline with no clongitude,clatitude,span given\n")
                        clongitude <- mean(x[["longitude"]], na.rm = TRUE)
                        clatitude <- mean(x[["latitude"]], na.rm = TRUE)
                        oceDebug(debug, "using projection=", if (is.null(projection)) "NULL" else projection, "\n")
                            clongitude = clongitude, clatitude = clatitude, span = span,
                            projection = projection,
                            border = borderCoastline, col = colCoastline,
                            mgp = mgp, mar = mar, inset = inset, cex.axis = cex.axis,
                            lonlabels = lonlabels, latlabels = latlabels,
                            debug = debug - 1
                    # draw isobaths
                    xlon <- x[["longitude"]]
                    xlat <- x[["latitude"]]
                    ok <- is.finite(xlon) & is.finite(xlat)
                    xlon <- xlon[ok]
                    xlat <- xlat[ok]
                    stationLon <- standardizeLongitude(xlon)
                    stationLat <- xlat
                    if (is.numeric(drawIsobaths) || (is.logical(drawIsobaths) && drawIsobaths)) {
                        data("topoWorld", package = "oce", envir = environment())
                        topoWorld <- get("topoWorld")
                        topoLon <- topoWorld[["longitude"]]
                        topoLat <- topoWorld[["latitude"]]
                        topoDep <- -topoWorld[["z"]]
                        topoDep[topoDep < -1] <- -1 # don't want land contours
                        itopoLon <- which.min(abs(topoLon - stationLon))
                        itopoLat <- which.min(abs(topoLat - stationLat))
                        oceDebug(debug, "itopoLon=", itopoLon, ", lon=", topoLon[itopoLon], "\n")
                        oceDebug(debug, "itopoLat=", itopoLat, ", lon=", topoLat[itopoLat], "\n")
                        stationDep <- topoDep[itopoLon, itopoLat]
                        oceDebug(debug, "stationDep=", stationDep, "\n")
                        # Auto-select depths differently for stations on the
                        # shelf or in the deep sea. Notice that the first level,
                        # which will be 0m, is trimmed, to avoid messing up the
                        # coastline with a contour from coarse topography.
                        levels <- if (is.logical(drawIsobaths)) {
                            if (stationDep < 100) {
                                pretty(c(0, 500))[-1]
                            } else {
                                pretty(c(0, 5500))[-1]
                        } else {
                        if (is.null(projection)) {
                            contour(topoLon, topoLat, topoDep,
                                col = "gray", vfont = c("sans serif", "bold"),
                                levels = levels, add = TRUE
                        } else {
                            mapContour(topoLon, topoLat, topoDep, col = "gray", levels = levels)
                    # draw station location
                    if (is.null(projection)) {
                        points(stationLon, stationLat, cex = latlon.cex, col = latlon.col, pch = latlon.pch)
                    } else {
                        # FIXME: used to be non-standardized lon below.
                        mapPoints(stationLon, stationLat, cex = latlon.cex, col = latlon.col, pch = latlon.pch)
                    # draw some text in top margin
                    if (!is.null(x@metadata$station) && !is.na(x@metadata$station)) {
                            side = 3, adj = 0, cex = par("cex"), line = 0.5
                    if (!is.null(x@metadata$startTime) && !is.na(x@metadata$startTime) && 4 < nchar(x@metadata$startTime, "bytes")) {
                        mtext(format(x@metadata$startTime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
                            side = 3, adj = 1, cex = par("cex"), line = 0.5
                    } else if (!is.null(x@data$time)) {
                        goodTimes <- which(!is.na(x@data$time))
                        if (length(goodTimes)) {
                            mtext(format(x@data$time[goodTimes[1]], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                                side = 3, adj = 1, cex = par("cex"), line = 0.5
                if (which[w] == "map_with_filename" && !is.null(x@metadata$filename)) {
                        side = 3, adj = 0, cex = par("cex"), line = 1.5
                mar <- omar # recover mar, which was altered for multi-panel plots
                oceDebug(debug, "END plot(ctd, ...) of type \"map\"\n", unindent = 1)
            } else if (which[w] == "index") {
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                    xtype = "index",
                    plim = plim,
                    col = col,
                    eos = eos,
                    useSmoothScatter = useSmoothScatter,
                    grid = grid, col.grid = "lightgray", lty.grid = "dotted",
                    cex = cex[w], pch = pch[w],
                    type = if (!missing(type)) type[w],
                    keepNA = keepNA, inset = inset, add = add,
                    debug = debug - 1,
            } else if (which[w] == "text") {
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                textItem <- function(xloc, yloc, item, label, cex = 0.8, d.yloc = 0.8) {
                    if (!is.null(item) && !is.na(item)) {
                        text(xloc, yloc, paste(label, item), adj = c(0, 0), cex = cex)
                    yloc - d.yloc
                par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
                plot.window(c(0, 10), c(0, 10))
                xloc <- 0
                yloc <- 8
                cex <- 3 / 4
                xm <- x@metadata
                yloc <- textItem(xloc, yloc, xm$station, " Station:  ", cex = cex)
                if (!is.null(xm$filename) && nchar(xm$filename, "bytes") > 0) {
                    yloc <- textItem(xloc, yloc, xm$filename, " File:     ", cex = cex)
                if (!is.null(xm$scientist)) {
                    yloc <- textItem(xloc, yloc, xm$scientist, " Scientist:", cex = cex)
                if (!is.null(xm$institute)) {
                    yloc <- textItem(xloc, yloc, xm$institute, " Institute:", cex = cex)
                if (!is.null(xm$date)) {
                    yloc <- textItem(xloc, yloc, xm$date, " Date:     ", cex = cex)
                if (!is.null(xm$ship)) {
                    yloc <- textItem(xloc, yloc, xm$ship, " Ship:     ", cex = cex)
                if (!is.null(xm$cruise)) {
                    yloc <- textItem(xloc, yloc, xm$cruise, " Cruise:   ", cex = cex)
                if (!is.null(xm$station)) {
                    yloc <- textItem(xloc, yloc, xm$station, " Station:  ", cex = cex)
                if (!is.null(xm$waterDepth)) {
                    yloc <- textItem(xloc, yloc, xm$waterDepth, " Depth:    ", cex = cex)
                if (!is.na(xm$longitude) && !is.na(xm$latitude)) {
                    yloc <- textItem(xloc, yloc, latlonFormat(xm$latitude, xm$longitude), " Location: ", cex = cex)
            } else if (which[w] == "Sts") { # S timeseries
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                if (eos == "unesco") {
                    oce.plot.ts(x[["time"]], x[["salinity"]], ylab = resizableLabel("S", "y", debug = debug - 1))
                } else {
                    oce.plot.ts(x[["time"]], x[["SA"]], ylab = resizableLabel("SA", "y", debug = debug - 1))
            } else if (which[w] == "Tts") { # T timeseries
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                if (eos == "unesco") {
                    oce.plot.ts(x[["time"]], x[["temperature"]],
                        ylab = resizableLabel("T", "y", debug = debug - 1)
                } else {
                    oce.plot.ts(x[["time"]], x[["CT"]],
                        ylab = resizableLabel("CT", "y", debug = debug - 1)
            } else if (which[w] == "pts") { # p timeseries
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                oce.plot.ts(x[["time"]], x[["pressure"]], ylab = resizableLabel("p", "y", debug = debug - 1))
            } else if (which[w] == "rhots") { # sigmaTheta timeseries
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w], "\" as a special case\n", sep = "")
                if (eos == "unesco") {
                    oce.plot.ts(x[["time"]], x[["sigmaTheta"]],
                        ylab = resizableLabel("sigmaTheta", "y", debug = debug - 1)
                } else {
                    oce.plot.ts(x[["time"]], x[["sigma0"]],
                        ylab = resizableLabel("sigmaTheta", "y", debug = debug - 1)
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "handling which[", w, "]=\"",
                    which[w], "\" (from whichOrig[", w, "]=\"", whichOrig[w],
                    "\") as a general case\n",
                    sep = ""
                if (which[w] %in% available) {
                    oceDebug(debug, "this 'which' value is computable using [[\n")
                    xlab <- resizableLabel(
                        item = which[w], axis = "x",
                        unit = x@metadata$units[[which[w]]]
                        xtype = x[[which[w]]],
                        xlab = xlab,
                        Slim = Slim, Tlim = Tlim, plim = plim,
                        eos = eos,
                        useSmoothScatter = useSmoothScatter,
                        grid = grid, col.grid = "lightgray", lty.grid = "dotted",
                        col = col[w], cex = cex[w], pch = pch[w],
                        type = if (!missing(type)) type[w],
                        keepNA = keepNA, inset = inset, add = add,
                        debug = debug - 1L,
                } else {
                    stop("In plot,ctd-method() : which=\"", which, "\" cannot be handled", call. = FALSE)
        oceDebug(debug, "END plot,ctd-method()\n", unindent = 1)

#' Subset a ctd Object
#' Return a subset of a [ctd-class] object.
#' This function is used to subset data within
#' a [ctd-class] object. There are two ways of working. If
#' `subset` is supplied, then it is a logical expression
#' that is evaluated within the environment of the `data`
#' slot of the object (see Example 1). Alternatively, if the
#' `...` list contains an expression defining `indices`,
#' then that expression is used to subset each item within the
#' `data` slot (see Example 2).
#' @param x a [ctd-class] object.
#' @param subset An expression indicating how to subset `x`.
#' @param ... optional arguments, of which only the first is examined. The only
#' possibility is that this argument be named `indices`. See \dQuote{Details}.
#' @return A [ctd-class] object.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(ctd)
#' plot(ctd)
#' # Example 1
#' plot(subset(ctd, pressure < 10))
#' # Example 2
#' plot(subset(ctd, indices = 1:10))
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to ctd data
#' @family functions that subset oce objects
    f = "subset",
    signature = "ctd",
    definition = function(x, subset, ...) {
        subsetString <- paste(deparse(substitute(expr = subset, env = environment())), collapse = " ")
        dots <- list(...)
        dotsNames <- names(dots)
        indicesGiven <- length(dots) && ("indices" %in% dotsNames)
        if (indicesGiven) {
            if (!missing(subset)) {
                stop("cannot specify both 'subset' and 'indices'")
            res <- x
            indices <- dots[["indices"]]
            nindices <- length(indices)
            for (i in seq_along(x@data)) {
                if (length(x@data[[i]]) == nindices) {
                    res@data[[i]] <- x@data[[i]][indices]
            for (i in seq_along(x@metadata$flags)) {
                if (length(x@metadata$flags[[i]]) == nindices) {
                    res@metadata$flags[[i]] <- x@metadata$flags[[i]][indices]
            subsetString <- paste(deparse(substitute(expr = subset, env = environment())), collapse = " ")
            res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(
                paste("subset.ctd(x, subset=", subsetString, ")", sep = "")
        res <- x
        #res@metadata <- x@metadata
        #res@processingLog <- x@processingLog
        # FIXME: next 2 lines used to be in the loop but I don't see why, so moved out
        r <- eval(substitute(expr = subset, env = environment()), x@data, parent.frame(2))
        r <- r & !is.na(r)
        nr <- length(r)
        for (i in seq_along(res@data)) {
            if (length(res@data[[i]]) == nr) {
                res@data[[i]] <- res@data[[i]][r]
        for (i in seq_along(res@metadata$flags)) {
            if (length(res@metadata$flags[[i]]) == nr) {
                res@metadata$flags[[i]] <- res@metadata$flags[[i]][r]
        #names(res@data) <- names(x@data)
        subsetString <- paste(deparse(substitute(expr = subset, env = environment())), collapse = " ")
        res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(
            paste("subset.ctd(x, subset=", subsetString, ")", sep = "")

#' Plot a ctd Object  in a Low-Level Fashion
#' Plot CTD data as time-series against scan number, to help with trimming
#' extraneous data from a CTD cast.
#' @param x a [ctd-class] object.
#' @param which integer specifying the plot to be drawn: 1
#' for pressure vs 'x', 2 for `diff(pressure)` vs 'x', 3 for temperature vs
#' 'x', and 4 for salinity vs 'x'  Here, the value of 'x' is determined by
#' `xtype`.
#' @param xtype Character string indicating variable for the x axis. The
#' permitted values are `"scan"` (the default), `"time"` and `"index"`.
#' The last of these is created by using [seq_along()] on the pressure
#' column (which is assumed to be present in any [ctd-class] object).
#' Only `xtype="index"` is guaranteed to work for all objects, and indeed
#' that value is used, if either `"scan"` or `"time"` is requested, but
#' unavailable.
#' @param flipy Logical value, ignored unless `which` is 1. If `flipy`
#' is `TRUE`, then a pressure plot will have high pressures at the bottom
#' of the axis.
#' @param type Character indicating the line type, as for [plot.default()]. The default
#' is `"l"`, meaning to connect data with line segments. Another good choice is
#' `"o"`, to add points at the data.
#' @param xlim Limits on the x value. The default, `NULL`, is to select this
#' from the data.
#' @param ylim Limits on the y value. The default, `NULL`, is to select this
#' from the data.
#' @param mgp Three-element numerical vector to use for [par]`(mgp)`, and also
#' for [par]`(mar)`, computed from this.  The default is tighter than the R
#' default, in order to use more space for the data and less for the axes.
#' @param mar Four-element vector be used with [par]`("mar")`.  If set
#' to `NULL`, then [par]`("mar")` is used.  A good choice for a TS diagram
#' with a palette to the right is `mar=par("mar")+c(0, 0, 0, 1))`.
#' @param ... Optional arguments passed to plotting functions.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @section Historical Note:
#' On 2022-12-07, `xtype` was expanded to include `"index"`, and
#' an undocumented multi-panel feature was removed.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(ctdRaw)
#' plotScan(ctdRaw)
#' abline(v = c(130, 350), col = "red") # useful for ctdTrim()
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family functions that plot oce data
#' @family things related to ctd data
plotScan <- function(
    x, which = 1, xtype = "scan", flipy = FALSE, type = "l", mgp = getOption("oceMgp"),
    xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, mar = c(mgp[1] + 1.5, mgp[1] + 1.5, mgp[1], mgp[1]), ..., debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if (!inherits(x, "ctd")) {
        stop("method is only for objects of class '", "ctd", "'")
    if (length(which) > 1) {
        stop("'which' must be of length 1 (as of December 2022)")
    par(mar = mar, mgp = mgp)
    pressure <- x[["pressure"]] # should always be present
    if (is.null(pressure)) {
        stop("object has no pressure column")
    index <- seq_along(pressure)
    if (xtype == "index") {
        xvar <- index
        xlab <- "Index"
    } else if (xtype == "scan") {
        if ("scan" %in% names(x@data)) {
            xvar <- x@data$scan
            xlab <- "Scan"
        } else {
            warning("no 'scan' in data slot; using index instead")
            xvar <- index
            xlab <- "Index"
    } else if (xtype == "time") {
        if ("time" %in% names(x@data)) {
            xvar <- x@data$scan
            xlab <- "Time"
        } else {
            warning("no 'time' in data slot; using index instead")
            xvar <- index
            xlab <- "Index"
    } else {
        stop("xtype must be \"scan\", \"time\", or \"index\"")
    if (missing(xlim)) {
        xlim <- range(xvar, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (which == 1) {
        y <- x[["pressure"]]
        if (missing(ylim)) {
            ylim <- range(y, na.rm = TRUE)
            if (flipy) {
                ylim <- rev(ylim)
        plot(xvar, x[["pressure"]],
            xlab = xlab, ylab = resizableLabel("p", "y", debug = debug - 1),
            type = type, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...
    } else if (which == 2) {
        y <- diff(x[["pressure"]])
        if (is.null(ylim)) {
            ylim <- range(y, na.rm = TRUE)
        plot(xvar[-1], diff(x[["pressure"]]),
            xlab = xlab, ylab = "diff(pressure)",
            type = type, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...
    } else if (which == 3) {
        y <- x[["temperature"]]
        if (missing(ylim)) {
            ylim <- range(y, na.rm = TRUE)
        plot(xvar, x[["temperature"]],
            xlab = xlab, ylab = resizableLabel("T", "y", debug = debug - 1),
            type = type, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...
    } else if (which == 4) {
        y <- x[["salinity"]]
        if (missing(ylim)) {
            ylim <- range(y, na.rm = TRUE)
        plot(xvar, x[["salinity"]],
            xlab = xlab, ylab = resizableLabel("S", "y", debug = debug - 1),
            type = type, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...
    } else {
        stop("which=", which, " not permitted; please use 1, 2, 3, or 4")

#' Read a ctd File in General Format
#' @template readCtdTemplate
#' @template encodingTemplate
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @param type If `NULL`, then the first line is studied, in order to
#' determine the file type, and control is dispatched to a specialized
#' function to handle that type.  Otherwise, `type` must be a string.
#' If `type="SBE19"` then a Seabird file format is assumed,
#' and control is dispatched to [read.ctd.sbe()].
#' If `type="WOCE"` then a WOCE-exchange file is assumed,
#' and control is dispatched to [read.ctd.woce()].
#' If `type="ITP"` then an ice-tethered profiler file is assumed,
#' and control is dispatched to [read.ctd.itp()].
#' If `type="ODF"` then an ODF file (used by the Canadian Department of
#' Fisheries and Ocean) is assumed,
#' and control is dispatched to [read.ctd.odf()].
#' Finally, if `type="ODV"` then an ODV file (used by Ocean Data View software) is assumed,
#' and control is dispatched to [read.ctd.odv()].
#' @family functions that read ctd data
read.ctd <- function(
    file, type = NULL, columns = NULL, station = NULL, missingValue, deploymentType = "unknown",
    monitor = FALSE, encoding = "latin1", debug = getOption("oceDebug"), processingLog, ...) {
    if (missing(file)) {
        stop("must supply 'file'")
    filename <- "" # we will learn it in a moment, if 'file' is a character value.
    if (is.character(file)) {
        filename <- file
        if (!file.exists(file)) {
            stop("cannot find file \"", file, "\"")
        if (0L == file.info(file)$size) {
            stop("empty file \"", file, "\"")
    if (is.na(file)) {
        stop("cannot read a NA file")
    oceDebug(debug, "read.ctd(..., type=", if (is.null(type)) "NULL" else "\"", type, "\") START\n", sep = "")
    # Special case: ruskin files are handled by read.rsk()
    if (is.character(file) && length(grep(".rsk$", file))) {
        return(read.rsk(file = file, debug = debug))
    if (missing(processingLog)) {
        processingLog <- paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = "")
    if (is.null(type)) {
        if (is.character(file)) {
            if (length(grep(".rsk$", file))) {
                return(read.rsk(file = file, debug = debug))
            file <- file(file, "r", encoding = encoding)
        if (!inherits(file, "connection")) {
            stop("argument `file' must be a character string or connection")
        if (!isOpen(file)) {
            open(file, "r", encoding = encoding)
        line <- scan(file, what = "char", sep = "\n", n = 1, quiet = TRUE) # slow, but just one line
        pushBack(line, file)
        # .line <- readLines(file, n=1)
        # FIXME: detect ODV type in first or second line; see oce.magic().
        if ("CTD" == substr(line, 1, 3)) {
            type <- "WOCE"
        } else if ("* Sea-Bird" == substr(line, 1, 10)) {
            type <- "SBE19"
        } else if (grepl("^[ ]*ODF_HEADER,[ ]*$", line)) {
            type <- "ODF"
        } else if (grepl("^SSDA Sea & Sun Technology", line)) {
            type <- "SSDA"
        } else {
            stop("Cannot discover type in line '", line, "' bird\n")
    } else {
        if (!is.na(pmatch(type, "SBE19"))) {
            type <- "SBE19"
        } else if (!is.na(pmatch(type, "WOCE"))) {
            type <- "WOCE"
    } # FIXME: should just use oce.magic() here
    res <- switch(type,
        SSDA = read.ctd.ssda(file, encoding = encoding, debug = debug),
        SBE19 = read.ctd.sbe(file,
            encoding = encoding, columns = columns, station = station,
            missingValue = missingValue, deploymentType = deploymentType,
            monitor = monitor, debug = debug, processingLog = processingLog, ...
        WOCE = read.ctd.woce(file,
            encoding = encoding, columns = columns, station = station,
            missingValue = missingValue, deploymentType = deploymentType,
            monitor = monitor, debug = debug, processingLog = processingLog, ...
        ODF = read.ctd.odf(file,
            encoding = encoding, columns = columns, station = station,
            missingValue = missingValue, deploymentType = deploymentType,
            monitor = monitor, debug = debug, processingLog = processingLog, ...
        ITP = read.ctd.itp(file,
            encoding = encoding, columns = columns, station = station,
            missingValue = missingValue, deploymentType = deploymentType,
            monitor = monitor, debug = debug, processingLog = processingLog, ...
        ODV = read.ctd.odv(file,
            encoding = encoding, columns = columns, station = station,
            missingValue = missingValue, deploymentType = deploymentType,
            monitor = monitor, debug = debug, processingLog = processingLog, ...
    # We add the filename rather than figure out how to learn it from 'file',
    # which is a connection.
    if (is.null(res@metadata$filename) || 0 == nchar(res@metadata$filename)) {
        res@metadata$filename <- filename

#' Parse a Latitude or Longitude String
#' Parse a latitude or longitude string, e.g. as in the header of a CTD file
#' The following formats are understood (for, e.g. latitude):
#' ```
#' ** NMEA Latitude = 47 54.760 N
#' ** Latitude: 47 53.27 N
#' ```
#' Note that [iconv()] is called to convert the string to ASCII before
#' decoding, to change any degree (or other non-ASCII) symbols to blanks.
#' @param line a character string containing an indication of latitude or
#' longitude.
#' @param debug a flag that turns on debugging.  Set to 1 to get a moderate
#' amount of debugging information, or to 2 to get more.
#' @return A numerical value of latitude or longitude.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso Used by [read.ctd()].
parseLatLon <- function(line, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    # The following formats are understood (for, e.g. latitude)
    # * NMEA Latitude = 47 54.760 N
    # ** Latitude:      47 53.27 N
    x <- line
    # degree signs will be '?' by prior conversion; make them blank
    x <- gsub("\\?", " ", x)
    # positive <- TRUE
    oceDebug(debug, "parseLatLon(\"", line, "\") START\n", sep = "")
    oceDebug(debug, "  step 1. \"", x, "\" (as provided)\n", sep = "")
    x <- sub("^[ =a-z*:]*", "", x, ignore.case = TRUE)
    oceDebug(debug, "  step 2. \"", x, "\" (now should have no header text or symbols)\n", sep = "")
    sign <- if (grepl("[sSwW]", line)) -1 else 1
    x <- sub("[ =a-z:*]*$", "", x, ignore.case = TRUE) # trim anything not a number
    oceDebug(debug, "  step 3. \"", x, "\" (now should have no trailing text or symbols)\n", sep = "")
    # One last pass to get rid of non-digits, so that e.d. "30d 10s'" will work
    x <- gsub("[a-zA-Z']", "", x)
    oceDebug(debug, "  step 4. \"", x, "\" (now should have no non-digit characters)\n", sep = "")
    # if single number, it's decimal degrees; if two numbers, degrees and then decimal minutes
    xx <- strsplit(x, "[ \\t]+")[[1]]
    if (1 == length(xx)) {
        res <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(xx))
        oceDebug(debug, "  step 5. \"", res, "\" (inferred from single #, decimal degrees)\n", sep = "")
    } else if (2 == length(xx)) {
        res <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(xx[1]) + as.numeric(xx[2]) / 60)
        oceDebug(debug, "  step 5. \"", res, "\" (inferred from two #, degrees and decimal minutes)\n", sep = "")
    } else if (3 == length(xx)) {
        res <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(xx[1]) + as.numeric(xx[2]) / 60 + as.numeric(xx[3]) / 3600)
        oceDebug(debug, "  step 5. \"", res, "\" (inferred from three #, degrees, minutes, and seconds)\n", sep = "")
    } else {
        res <- NA
    res <- res * sign
    if (is.na(res)) {
        warning("cannot decode longitude or latitude from '", line, "'")
    oceDebug(debug, "END parseLatLon()\n", unindent = 1)

time.formats <- c("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%s", "%Y%m%d")

#' Plot Temperature-Salinity Diagram
#' Creates a temperature-salinity plot for a CTD cast, with labeled isopycnals.
#' The isopycnal curves (along which density is constant) are
#' drawn with [drawIsopycnals()], which also places
#' labels in the margins showing density minus 1000 \eqn{kg/m^3}{kg/m^3}.
#' If `trimIsopycnals` is `TRUE` (which is the default), these curves
#' are trimmed to the region within which the results of density calculation
#' in the chosen equation of state (`eos`) are considered to be reliable.
#' With `eos="unesco"` this region includes
#' Practical Salinity from 0 to 42 and Potential Temperature
#' from -2C to 40C, in accordance with Fofonoff and Millard
#' (1983, page 23).
#' With `eos="gsw"` the lower
#' limit of Absolute Salinity validity is taken as 0 g/kg,
#' in accordance with both McDougall et al. (2003 section 3)
#' and the TEOS-10/gsw Matlab code for the so-called "funnel" of validity.
#' However, an appropriate upper limit on Absolute Salinity is not as clear.
#' Here, the value 42 g/kg is chosen to match the "funnel" Matlab code
#' as of July 2020, but two other choices might have been
#' made. One is 50 g/kg, since [gsw::gsw_SA_from_rho()] returns `NA` values
#' for Absolute Salinities exceeding that value, and another is
#' 40 g/kg, as in McDougall et al. (2003 section 3).
#' The Conservative Temperature range is set to run from -2C
#' to 33C, as in McDougall et al. (2003 section 3), even though the
#' "funnel" imposes no upper limit on this variable.
#' @param x a [ctd-class], [argo-class] or [section-class] object, or a list
#' containing solely [ctd-class] objects or [argo-class] objects.
#' @param inSitu A boolean indicating whether to use in-situ temperature or
#' (the default) potential temperature, calculated with reference pressure
#' given by `referencePressure`.  This is ignored if `eos="gsw"`,
#' because those cases the y axis is necessarily the conservative formulation
#' of temperature.
#' @param type representation of data, `"p"` for points, `"l"` for
#' connecting lines, `"b"` for spaced connecting lines, or `"n"`
#' for no indication.
#' @param referencePressure reference pressure, to be used in calculating
#' potential temperature, if `inSitu` is `FALSE`.
#' @param nlevels Number of automatically-selected isopycnal levels (ignored if
#' `levels` is supplied).
#' @param levels Optional vector of desired isopycnal levels.
#' @param grid a flag that can be set to `TRUE` to get a grid.
#' @param col.grid color for grid.
#' @param lty.grid line type for grid.
#' @param rho1000 if TRUE, label isopycnals as e.g. 1024; if FALSE, label as
#' e.g. 24
#' @param eos equation of state to be used, either `"unesco"` or
#' `"gsw"`.
#' @param cex character-expansion factor for symbols, as in [par]`("cex")`.
#' @param pch symbol type, as in [par]`("pch")`.
#' @param bg optional color to be painted under plotting area, before
#' plotting.  (This is useful for cases in which `inset=TRUE`.)
#' @param pt.bg inside color for symbols with `pch` in 21:25
#' @param col color for symbols.
#' @param col.rho color for isopycnal lines and their labels.
#' @param cex.rho size of the isopycnal labels.
#' @param rotate if TRUE, labels in right-hand margin are written vertically
#' @param useSmoothScatter if TRUE, use [smoothScatter()] to plot the
#' points.
#' @param xlab optional label for the x axis, with default "Salinity \[PSU\]".
#' @param ylab optional label for the y axis, with default "Temperature \[C\]".
#' @param Slim optional limits for salinity axis, otherwise inferred from visible data
#' (i.e. the data that have finite values for both salinity and temperature).
#' @param Tlim as `Slim`, but for temperature.
#' @param drawFreezing logical indication of whether to draw a freezing-point
#' line. This is based on zero pressure. If `eos="unesco"` then
#' [swTFreeze()] is used to compute the curve, whereas if
#' `eos="gsw"` then [gsw::gsw_CT_freezing()] is used;
#' in each case, zero pressure is used.
#' @param trimIsopycnals logical value (`TRUE` by default) that
#' indicates whether to trim isopycnal curves
#' to the region of temperature-salinity space for which density
#' computations are considered to be valid in the context of the
#' chosen `eos`; see \dQuote{Details}.
#' @param gridIsopycnals a parameter that controls how the isopycnals
#' are computed.  This may be NULL, or an integer vector of length 2.
#' *Case 1:* the isopycnals are drawn by tracing density
#' isopleths in salinity-temperature space. This method was
#' used as the default prior to version 1.7-11, but it was
#' found to yield staircase-like isopycnal curves for highly
#' zoomed-in plots (e.g. with millidegree temperature ranges).
#' *Case 2:* a grid of density is constructed, with `gridIsopycnals[1]`
#' salinity levels and `gridIsopycnals[2]` temperature levels, and
#' then [contourLines()] is used to trace the isopycnals.
#' @param mgp 3-element numerical vector to use for `[par](mgp)`, and also
#' for [par]`(mar)`, computed from this.  The default is tighter than the R
#' default, in order to use more space for the data and less for the axes.
#' @param mar value to be used with [par]`("mar")`.  If set to
#' `NULL`, then [par]`("mar")` is used.  A good choice for a TS diagram
#' with a palette to the right is `mar=par("mar")+c(0, 0, 0, 1))`.
#' @param lwd line width of lines or symbols.
#' @param lty line type of lines or symbols.
#' @param lwd.rho line width for density curves.
#' @param lty.rho line type for density curves.
#' @param add a flag that controls whether to add to an existing plot.  (It
#' makes sense to use `add=TRUE` in the `panel` argument of a
#' [coplot()], for example.)
#' @param inset set to `TRUE` for use within [plotInset()].  The
#' effect is to prevent the present function from adjusting margins, which is
#' necessary because margin adjustment is the basis for the method used by
#' [plotInset()].
#' @param debug a flag that turns on debugging.  Set to 1 to get a moderate
#' amount of debugging information, or to 2 to get more.
#' @param \dots optional arguments passed to plotting functions.
#' @return A list is silently returned, containing `xat` and `yat`,
#' values that can be used by [oce.grid()] to add a grid to the plot.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso [summary,ctd-method()] summarizes the information, while
#' [read.ctd()] scans it from a file.
#' @examples
#' # 1. ctd object
#' library(oce)
#' data(ctd)
#' plotTS(ctd)
#' # 2. section object (note the outlier!)
#' data(section)
#' plotTS(section)
#' # 3. argo object
#' data(argo)
#' plotTS(handleFlags(argo))
#' # 4. oxygen-based colormap
#' marOrig <- par("mar") # so later plots with palettes have same margins
#' cm <- colormap(section[["oxygen"]])
#' drawPalette(colormap = cm, zlab = "Oxygen")
#' plotTS(section, pch = 19, col = cm$zcol, mar = par("mar")) # the mar adjusts for the palette
#' # 5. waters near Gulf Stream, colour-coded for longitude.
#' sec <- subset(section, abs(longitude + 71.6) < 1)
#' cm <- colormap(sec[["longitude", "byStation"]], col = oceColors9B)
#' par(mar = c(3.3, 3.3, 1, 1.5))
#' drawPalette(colormap = cm, zlab = "Longitude")
#' plotTS(sec, type = "n", xaxs = "r", mar = par("mar"))
#' jnk <- mapply(
#'     function(s, col) {
#'         plotTS(s, type = "o", col = "gray", pt.bg = col, pch = 21, add = TRUE)
#'     },
#'     sec[["station"]],
#'     col = cm$zcol
#' )
#' # 6. with added spiciness contours
#' data(ctd)
#' plotTS(ctd, eos = "gsw") # MANDATORY so x=SA and y=CT
#' usr <- par("usr")
#' n <- 100
#' SAgrid <- seq(usr[1], usr[2], length.out = n)
#' CTgrid <- seq(usr[3], usr[4], length.out = n)
#' g <- expand.grid(SA = SAgrid, CT = CTgrid)
#' spiciness <- matrix(gsw::gsw_spiciness0(g$SA, g$CT), nrow = n)
#' contour(SAgrid, CTgrid, spiciness, col = 2, labcex = 1, add = TRUE)
#' @references
#' * Fofonoff, N. P., and R. C. Millard.
#' "Algorithms for Computation of Fundamental Properties of Seawater."
#' UNESCO Technical Papers in Marine Research. SCOR working group on Evaluation of CTD data;
#' UNESCO/ICES/SCOR/IAPSO Joint Panel on Oceanographic Tables and Standards, 1983.
#' `https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000059832`.
#' * McDougall, Trevor J., David R. Jackett, Daniel G. Wright, and Rainer Feistel.
#' "Accurate and Computationally Efficient Algorithms for Potential Temperature and Density of Seawater."
#' Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 20, no. 5 (May 1, 2003): 730-41.
#' \code{https://journals.ametsoc.org/jtech/article/20/5/730/2543/Accurate-and-Computationally-Efficient-Algorithms}.
#' @family functions that plot oce data
#' @family things related to ctd data
plotTS <- function(
    inSitu = FALSE,
    type = "p",
    referencePressure = 0,
    nlevels = 6, levels,
    grid = TRUE,
    col.grid = "lightgray",
    lty.grid = "dotted",
    rho1000 = FALSE,
    eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw"),
    cex = par("cex"), col = par("col"), pch = par("pch"),
    bg = "white", pt.bg = "transparent",
    col.rho = gray(0.5),
    cex.rho = 3 / 4 * par("cex"),
    rotate = TRUE,
    useSmoothScatter = FALSE,
    xlab, ylab,
    Slim, Tlim,
    drawFreezing = TRUE,
    trimIsopycnals = TRUE,
    gridIsopycnals = c(30, 50),
    mgp = getOption("oceMgp"),
    mar = c(mgp[1] + 1.5, mgp[1] + 1.5, mgp[1], mgp[1]),
    lwd = par("lwd"), lty = par("lty"),
    lwd.rho = par("lwd"), lty.rho = par("lty"),
    add = FALSE, inset = FALSE,
    debug = getOption("oceDebug"),
    ...) {
    oceDebug(debug, "plotTS(..., lwd.rho=", lwd.rho, ", lty.rho=", lty.rho, ",",
        "Slim=", if (!missing(Slim)) paste("c(", Slim[1], ",", Slim[2], ")") else "(missing)", ", ",
        "Tlim=", if (!missing(Tlim)) paste("c(", Tlim[1], ",", Tlim[2], ")") else "(missing)", ", ",
        "eos=\"", eos, "\", ",
        "rho1000=", rho1000, ", ",
        "type=\"", type, "\", ",
        "mgp=c(", paste(mgp, collapse = ","), "), ",
        "mar=c(", paste(mar, collapse = ","), "), ",
        "debug=", debug, ", ...) START\n",
        sep = "", unindent = 1
    eos <- match.arg(eos, c("unesco", "gsw"))
    xat <- NULL
    yat <- NULL
    if (!inherits(x, "ctd")) {
        if (inherits(x, "section")) {
            oceDebug(debug, "x is a section object\n")
            if (eos == "gsw") {
                x <- as.ctd(x[["salinity"]], x[["temperature"]], x[["pressure"]],
                    longitude = x[["longitude"]], latitude = x[["latitude"]]
            } else {
                x <- as.ctd(x[["salinity"]], x[["temperature"]], x[["pressure"]])
        } else if (inherits(x, "argo")) {
            oceDebug(debug, "x is an argo object\n")
            # Copy fields into a CTD object.
            SP <- x[["salinity"]]
            dim <- dim(SP)
            SP <- as.vector(SP)
            t <- as.vector(x[["temperature"]])
            p <- as.vector(x[["pressure"]])
            longitude <- x[["longitude"]]
            latitude <- x[["latitude"]]
            if (length(longitude) < length(SP)) {
                # Copy across depths. This is inside a conditional because
                # possibly argo[["longitude"]] should mimic section[["longitude"]],
                # in doing the lengthing by itself unless the second argument is
                # "byStation" (issue 1273 ... under consideration 2017jul12)
                longitude <- rep(x[["longitude"]], each = dim[1])
                latitude <- rep(x[["latitude"]], each = dim[1])
            x <- as.ctd(SP, t, p, longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude)
        } else if (inherits(x, "lobo")) {
            oceDebug(debug, "x is a lobo object\n")
            salinity <- x[["salinity"]]
            temperature <- x[["temperature"]]
            pressure <- x[["pressure"]]
            if (is.null(pressure) || !any(is.finite(pressure))) {
                warning("no good pressures, so setting all to 0.0 dbar")
                pressure <- rep(0.0, length(salinity))
            longitude <- x[["longitude"]]
            latitude <- x[["latitude"]]
            if (eos == "gsw") {
                if (is.null(longitude) || is.null(latitude)) {
                    warning("no longitude and latitude, so changing eos to unesco")
                    x <- as.ctd(salinity, temperature, pressure)
                    eos <- "unesco"
                } else {
                    x <- as.ctd(salinity, temperature, pressure, longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude)
            } else {
                x <- as.ctd(salinity, temperature, pressure)
        } else if (is.list(x)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "x is a list\n")
            if (inherits(x[[1]], "ctd")) {
                oceDebug(debug, "x is a list of ctd objects\n")
                x <- if (eos == "gsw") {
                        salinity = unlist(lapply(x, function(xi) xi[["salinity"]])),
                        temperature = unlist(lapply(x, function(xi) xi[["temperature"]])),
                        pressure = unlist(lapply(x, function(xi) xi[["pressure"]])),
                        longitude = unlist(lapply(x, function(xi) xi[["longitude"]])),
                        latitude = unlist(lapply(x, function(xi) xi[["latitude"]]))
                } else {
                        unlist(lapply(x, function(xi) xi[["salinity"]])),
                        unlist(lapply(x, function(xi) xi[["temperature"]])),
                        unlist(lapply(x, function(xi) xi[["pressure"]]))
            } else if (inherits(x[[1]], "argo")) {
                oceDebug(debug, "x is a list of argo objects\n")
                # message("FIXME: this ought to be done with as.ctd() so other methods can do simiarly")
                # message("FIXME: determine if 1-col or multi-col (affects latitude lookup)")
                x <- if (eos == "gsw") {
                    stop("FIXME: for argo (gsw)")
                } else {
                    stop("FIXME: for argo (unesco)")
            } else {
                stop("If x is a list, it must hold 'ctd' or 'argo' objects")
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "x is a not a ctd object, nor a list\n")
            names <- names(x)
            if ("temperature" %in% names && "salinity" %in% names) {
                if (eos == "gsw") {
                    if (!("longitude" %in% names)) {
                        stop("need to know longitude and latitude if eos=\"gsw\"")
                    x <- as.ctd(x$salinity, x$temperature, x$pressure, longitude = x$longitude, latitude = x$latitude)
                } else {
                    x <- as.ctd(x$salinity, x$temperature, x$pressure)
            } else {
                if (eos == "gsw") {
                    x <- as.ctd(x[["salinity"]], x[["temperature"]], x[["pressure"]],
                        longitude = x[["longitude"]],
                        latitude = x[["latitude"]]
                } else {
                    x <- as.ctd(x[["salinity"]], x[["temperature"]], x[["pressure"]])
    } else {
        oceDebug(debug, "x is a ctd object\n")
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        salinity <- x[["SA"]]
        y <- x[["CT"]]
        oceDebug(debug, "Absolute Salinity ranges ", paste(range(salinity, na.rm = TRUE), collapse = " to "), "\n")
    } else {
        salinity <- x[["salinity"]]
        y <- if (inSitu) x[["temperature"]] else swTheta(x, referencePressure = referencePressure, eos = eos)
        oceDebug(debug, "Practical Salinity ranges ", paste(range(salinity, na.rm = TRUE), collapse = " to "), "\n")
    # Can only plot if both S and T are finite, so we trim S and T, at
    # this point called salinity and y, and also bg, col, cex, and pch.
    # See https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1730
    canPlot <- is.finite(salinity) & is.finite(y)
    if (length(col) == length(y)) {
        col <- col[canPlot]
    if (length(pt.bg) == length(y)) {
        pt.bg <- pt.bg[canPlot]
    if (length(bg) == length(y)) {
        bg <- bg[canPlot]
    if (length(cex) == length(y)) {
        cex <- cex[canPlot]
    if (length(pch) == length(y)) {
        pch <- pch[canPlot]
    salinity <- salinity[canPlot]
    y <- y[canPlot]
    if (!any(is.finite(salinity))) {
        warning("no valid salinity data")
        return(invisible(list(xat = NULL, yat = NULL)))
    if (!any(is.finite(y))) {
        warning("no valid temperature data")
        return(invisible(list(xat = NULL, yat = NULL)))
    if (missing(Slim)) {
        Slim <- range(salinity, na.rm = TRUE)
        oceDebug(debug, "Slim was not given, so inferred Slim=c(", paste(Slim, collapse = ","), ") from the data\n", sep = "")
    if (missing(Tlim)) {
        Tlim <- range(y, na.rm = TRUE)
        oceDebug(debug, "Tlim was not given, so inferred Tlim=c(", paste(Tlim, collapse = ","), ") from the data\n", sep = "")
    if (!add) {
        if (!inset) {
            # on.exit(par(mar=omar, mgp=omgp))
            if (3 == length(mgp)) {
                par(mgp = mgp)
            if (!is.null(mar)) {
                if (4 == length(mar)) par(mar = mar)
    if (missing(xlab)) {
        if (eos == "gsw") {
            xlab <- resizableLabel("absolute salinity", "x", debug = debug - 1)
        } else {
            xlab <- resizableLabel("S", "x", debug = debug - 1)
    if (missing(ylab)) {
        if (eos == "gsw") {
            ylab <- resizableLabel("conservative temperature", "y", debug = debug - 1)
        } else {
            ylab <- if (inSitu) resizableLabel("T", "y", debug = debug - 1) else resizableLabel("theta", "y", debug = debug - 1)
    if (useSmoothScatter) {
        smoothScatter(salinity, y,
            xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
            xaxs = if (min(salinity, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) "i" else "r", # avoid plotting S<0
            pch = pch, cex = cex, col = col,
            xlim = Slim, ylim = Tlim,
    } else {
        if (add) {
            oceDebug(debug, "add=TRUE, so adding to an existing plot\n")
            if (type == "l") {
                lines(salinity, y, col = col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, ...)
            } else if (type %in% c("b", "p", "o")) {
                points(salinity, y, bg = pt.bg, cex = cex, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, pch = pch, type = type, ...)
            } else if (type != "n") {
                stop("type is \"", type, "\" but only \"b\", \"l\", \"o\" and \"p\" are allowed")
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "add=FALSE, so making new plot panel based on Slim and Tlim\n")
            plot(Slim, Tlim,
                xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
                xaxs = if (min(salinity, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) "i" else "r", # avoid plotting S<0
                cex = cex, pch = pch, col = col,
                type = "n",
            if (!missing(bg)) {
                usr <- par("usr")
                rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col = bg)
            if (type == "l") {
                lines(salinity, y, col = col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, ...)
            } else if (type == "b" || type == "p" || type == "o") {
                points(salinity, y, bg = pt.bg, cex = cex, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, pch = pch, type = type, ...)
            } else if (type != "n") {
                stop("type is \"", type, "\" but only \"b\", \"l\", \"o\" and \"p\" are allowed")
    # grid, isopycnals, then freezing-point line
    if (grid) {
        grid(col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
        nlevels = nlevels, levels = levels, rotate = rotate, rho1000 = rho1000, digits = 2,
        eos = eos, longitude = x[["longitude"]], latitude = x[["latitude"]],
        trimIsopycnals = trimIsopycnals,
        gridIsopycnals = gridIsopycnals,
        cex = cex.rho, col = col.rho, lwd = lwd.rho, lty = lty.rho,
        debug = debug - 1
    usr <- par("usr")
    Sr <- seq(max(0, usr[1]), usr[2], length.out = 100)
    if (drawFreezing) {
        if (eos == "unesco") {
            lines(Sr, swTFreeze(salinity = Sr, pressure = 0, eos = eos)) # old: darkblue that looked black
        } else if (eos == "gsw") {
            lines(Sr, gsw::gsw_CT_freezing(SA = Sr, p = 0, saturation_fraction = 1)) # Sr==SA since eos=="gsw"
        } else {
            stop("unknown eos; must be \"unesco\" or \"gsw\"")
    box() # redraw box (otherwise overdrawn with isopycnals)
    # infer from par()
    xaxp <- par("xaxp")
    xat <- seq(xaxp[1], xaxp[2], length.out = 1 + xaxp[3])
    yaxp <- par("yaxp")
    yat <- seq(yaxp[1], yaxp[2], length.out = 1 + yaxp[3])
    oceDebug(debug, "END plotTS(...)\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    invisible(list(xat = xat, yat = yat))

#' Add Isopycnal Curves to a TS Plot
#' Adds isopycnal lines to an existing temperature-salinity plot.  This is
#' called by [plotTS()], and may be called by the user also, e.g. if
#' an image plot is used to show TS data density.
#' The default method of drawing isopycnals was changed in February of 2023,
#' so that even plots that are zoomed in to have millidegree temperature ranges
#' will have smooth curves.  See the discussion of `gridIsopycnals` for
#' details.
#' @param nlevels suggested number of density levels (i.e. isopycnal curves);
#' ignored if `levels` is supplied.  If this is set to 0, no isopycnal
#' are drawn (see also `levels`, next).
#' @param levels optional density levels to draw.  If this is `NULL`, then
#' no isopycnals are drawn.
#' @param rotate boolean, set to `TRUE` to write all density labels
#' horizontally.
#' @param rho1000 boolean, set to `TRUE` to write isopycnal labels as e.g.
#' 1024 instead of 24.
#' @param digits minimum number of decimal digits to use in label (supplied to
#' [round()]). If the density range is very small, [drawIsopycnals()]
#' will increase value of `digits`, to try to make labels be distinct.
#' @param eos equation of state to be used, either `"unesco"` or
#' `"gsw"`.  If it is `"gsw"` then `latitude` and `longitude` must
#' be supplied, since these are needed to computer density in that
#' formulation.
#' @param longitude,latitude numerical values giving the location
#' to be used in density calculations, if `eos` is `"gsw"`.
#' @param trimIsopycnals logical value (`TRUE` by default) that
#' indicates whether to trim isopycnal curves (if drawn)
#' to the region of temperature-salinity space for which density
#' computations are considered to be valid in the context of the
#' chosen `eos`; see the \dQuote{Details} of the documentation
#' for [plotTS()].
#' @param gridIsopycnals a parameter that controls how the isopycnals
#' are computed.  This may be NULL, or an integer vector of length 2.
#' *Case 1:* if `gridIsopycnals` is NULL, then
#' the isopycnals are drawn by tracing density
#' isopleths in salinity-temperature space. This method was
#' used as the default prior to version 1.7-11, but it was
#' found to yield staircase-like isopycnal curves for highly
#' zoomed-in plots (e.g. with millidegree temperature ranges).
#' *Case 2 (the new default):* If `gridIsopycnals` is a two-element integer
#' vector, then a grid of density is constructed, with `gridIsopycnals[1]`
#' salinity levels and `gridIsopycnals[2]` temperature levels, and
#' then [contourLines()] is used to trace the isopycnals. The default
#' value of `gridIsopycnals` yields a grid of millimeter-scale spacing
#' for a typical plot.
#' @param cex size for labels.
#' @param col color for lines and labels.
#' @param lwd line width for isopycnal curves
#' @param lty line type for isopycnal curves
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return None.
#' @seealso [plotTS()], which calls this.
#' @references
#' * Fofonoff, N. P., and R. C. Millard.
#' "Algorithms for Computation of Fundamental Properties of Seawater."
#' UNESCO Technical Papers in Marine Research. SCOR working group on Evaluation of CTD data;
#' UNESCO/ICES/SCOR/IAPSO Joint Panel on Oceanographic Tables and Standards, 1983.
#' `https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000059832`.
#' * McDougall, Trevor J., David R. Jackett, Daniel G. Wright, and Rainer Feistel.
#' "Accurate and Computationally Efficient Algorithms for Potential Temperature and Density of Seawater."
#' Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 20, no. 5 (May 1, 2003): 730-41.
#' \code{https://journals.ametsoc.org/jtech/article/20/5/730/2543/Accurate-and-Computationally-Efficient-Algorithms}.
#' @author Dan Kelley
drawIsopycnals <- function(
    nlevels = 6, levels, rotate = TRUE, rho1000 = FALSE, digits = 2,
    eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw"),
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL,
    trimIsopycnals = TRUE, gridIsopycnals = c(50, 50),
    cex = 0.75 * par("cex"), col = "darkgray", lwd = par("lwd"), lty = par("lty"),
    debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    oceDebug(debug, "drawIsopycnals(nlevels=", nlevels,
        "..., gridIsopycnals=", paste(gridIsopycnals, collapse = " "),
        ", rho1000=", rho1000, ", ...) START\n",
        sep = "", unindent = 1
    trimIsopycnalLine <- function(contourline, longitude, latitude, eos = "unesco") {
        # See sandbox/issues/20xx/2046/2046_0[1:3].R, noting that here
        # x is S and y is T. The method centres on finding the
        # intersection, if any, between y=y(x) and the freezing point
        # line, FPL.
        if (!("x" %in% names(contourline))) {
        x <- contourline$x
        y <- contourline$y
        ok <- x >= 0.0
        x <- x[ok]
        y <- y[ok]
        FPL <- if (eos == "unesco") {
            function(x) swTFreeze(x, 0, eos = eos)
        } else {
            # Fix problem with NA values in longitude and latitude; see
            # ttps://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/2249
            lontmp <- if (any(is.na(longitude))) mean(longitude, na.rm = TRUE) else longitude
            lattmp <- if (any(is.na(latitude))) mean(latitude, na.rm = TRUE) else latitude
            function(x) swTFreeze(x, 0, longitude = lontmp, latitude = lattmp, eos = eos)
        frozen <- y < FPL(x)
        if (any(frozen)) {
            if (all(frozen)) {
                contourline$x <- NULL
                contourline$y <- NULL
            # Preliminary estimate (will be over-ridden if we can find the
            # intersection of the isopycnal and the FPL).
            xkeep <- x[!frozen]
            ykeep <- y[!frozen]
            # Bracket the crossing points, form a function for the line joining
            # them, and then find the intersection of that line with the FPL.
            after <- which(!frozen)[1]
            if (is.na(after) || after < 2L) {
                # Although I think this is impossible, we don't want an error,
                # so give up on the trimming attempt.
            before <- after - 1L
            # In an earlier attempt, m() approximated the whole curve.  But that
            # made for a failure in the root-finder if the salinity was so low that
            # the isopycnal crossed an isohaline line at two points.  (This happened
            # in the test of lobo plotting, since that machine was in very fresh
            # water.)
            m <- approxfun(x[c(before, after)], y[c(before, after)], rule = 2)
            u <- try(uniroot(function(x) {
                m(x) - FPL(x)
            }, range(x[c(before, after)], na.rm = TRUE)), silent = TRUE)
            if (!inherits(u, "try-error")) {
                xkeep <- x[!frozen]
                ykeep <- y[!frozen]
                contourline$x <- c(u$root, xkeep)
                contourline$y <- c(FPL(u$root), ykeep)

    eos <- match.arg(eos, c("unesco", "gsw"))
    if (eos == "gsw" && (is.null(longitude) || is.null(latitude))) {
        stop("longitude and latitude must be supplied, since eos=\"gsw\"")
    usr <- par("usr")
    SAxisMin <- max(0.1, usr[1]) # avoid NaN, which UNESCO density gives for freshwater
    SAxisMax <- usr[2]
    TAxisMin <- usr[3]
    TAxisMax <- usr[4]
    Scorners <- c(SAxisMin, SAxisMax, SAxisMin, SAxisMax)
    Tcorners <- c(TAxisMin, TAxisMin, TAxisMax, TAxisMax)
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        rhoCorners <- gsw::gsw_rho(Scorners, Tcorners, rep(0, 4)) - 1000
    } else if (eos == "unesco") {
        rhoCorners <- swSigma(Scorners, Tcorners, rep(0, 4), eos = eos)
    } else {
        stop("unknown eos, \"", eos, "\"; please use \"unesco\" or \"gsw\"")
    rhoMin <- min(rhoCorners, na.rm = TRUE)
    rhoMax <- max(rhoCorners, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (nlevels < 1L) {
        levels <- NULL
    if (missing(levels)) {
        levels <- pretty(c(rhoMin, rhoMax), n = nlevels)
        # Trim first and last values, since not in box
        levels <- levels[-1]
        levels <- levels[-length(levels)]
    if (any(levels > 1000)) {
        levels <- levels - 1000
    Tn <- 200
    Tline <- seq(TAxisMin, TAxisMax, length.out = Tn)
    cex.par <- par("cex") # need to scale text() differently than mtext()
    # Increase digits if density span is small
    digitsTrial <- 1 - floor(log10(diff(range(levels))))
    if (digitsTrial > digits) {
        digits <- digitsTrial
    # cat(file=stderr(), vectorShow(Tline))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(gridIsopycnals))
    if (is.null(gridIsopycnals)) { # old method: trace lines
        oceDebug(debug, "handling gridIsopycnals=NULL case\n")
        for (rho in levels) {
            # cat(file=stderr(), vectorShow(rho))
            rhoLabel <- if (rho1000) 1000 + rho else rho
            rhoLabel <- round(rhoLabel, digits)
            # FIXME-gsw: will this handle gsw?
            # cat(file=stderr(), "about to call swSTrho()\n")
            Sline <- swSTrho(Tline, rep(rho, Tn), rep(0, Tn), eos = eos)
            # Eliminate NA (for crazy T)
            ok <- !is.na(Sline)
            # Prevent drawing in the invalid temperature-salinity region (see Details)
            if (eos == "unesco") {
                ok <- ok & swTFreeze(Sline, 0, eos = "unesco") < Tline
            if (trimIsopycnals) {
                validTS <- if (eos == "unesco") {
                    # The use of 'ok &' below prevents NAs from creeping back in.
                    ok & -2 <= Tline & Tline <= 40 & 0 <= Sline & Sline <= 42
                } else {
                    ok & -2 <= Tline & Tline <= 33 & 0 <= Sline & Sline <= 40
                ok <- ok & validTS
            if (sum(ok) > 2) {
                Sok <- Sline[ok]
                Tok <- Tline[ok]
                lines(Sok, Tok, col = col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
                if (cex > 0) {
                    if (Sok[length(Sok)] > SAxisMax) {
                        # label to right of box
                        i <- match(TRUE, Sok > SAxisMax)
                        if (rotate) {
                            mtext(rhoLabel, side = 4, at = Tok[i], line = 0.1, cex = cex, col = col)
                        } else {
                            text(usr[2], Tok[i], rhoLabel, pos = 4, cex = cex / cex.par, col = col, xpd = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        # label above box ... if the line got there
                        if (max(Tok) > (TAxisMax - 0.05 * (TAxisMax - TAxisMin))) {
                            mtext(rhoLabel, side = 3, at = Sline[Tn], line = 0.1, cex = cex, col = col)
    } else if (is.numeric(gridIsopycnals) && length(gridIsopycnals) == 2L) {
        oceDebug(debug, "handling gridIsopycnals=c(integer,integer) case\n")
        NS <- gridIsopycnals[1]
        NT <- gridIsopycnals[2]
        usr <- par("usr")
        SS <- seq(usr[1], usr[2], length.out = NS)
        TT <- seq(usr[3], usr[4], length.out = NT)
        # cat(vectorShow(SS))
        # cat(vectorShow(TT))
        grid <- expand.grid(SS = SS, TT = TT, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE)
        # cat(vectorShow(grid))
        if (eos == "unesco") {
            sigma <- swSigma(
                salinity = grid$SS,
                temperature = grid$TT,
                pressure = rep(0.0, prod(gridIsopycnals)),
                eos = "unesco"
        } else {
            sigma <- gsw::gsw_sigma0(grid$SS, grid$TT)
        # cat(vectorShow(sigma))
        sigma <- matrix(sigma, byrow = FALSE, nrow = NS, ncol = NT)
        contourlines <- contourLines(SS, TT, sigma, levels = levels)
        for (contourline in contourlines) {
            if (trimIsopycnals) {
                contourline <- trimIsopycnalLine(contourline, longitude, latitude, eos = eos)
            lines(contourline$x, contourline$y, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd)
            hitTop <- abs(tail(contourline$y, 1) - usr[4]) < (usr[4] - usr[3]) / (2 * NT)
            if (length(hitTop) > 0L) {
                label <- if (rho1000) contourline$level + 1000 else contourline$level
                if (hitTop) {
                    mtext(label, side = 3, at = tail(contourline$x, 1), cex = cex, col = col)
                } else {
                    mtext(label, side = 4, at = tail(contourline$y, 1), cex = cex, col = col)
    } else {
        stop(vectorShow(gridIsopycnals, msg = "gridIsopycnals must be either NULL or a two-element integer vector, but it is"))
    oceDebug(debug, "END drawIsopycnals(...)\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

#' Plot a ctd Profile
#' Plot a profile, showing variation of some quantity (or quantities) with
#' pressure, using the oceanographic convention of putting lower pressures
#' nearer the top of the plot. This works for any `oce` object that has a
#' pressure column in its `data` slot.
#' The colors (`col.salinity`, etc.) are only used if two profiles appear
#' on a plot.
#' @param x a [ctd-class] object.
#' @param xtype item(s) to be plotted on the x axis, either a character
#' value taken from the following list, or a numeric vector of length
#' matching the `pressure` field stored in `x`. (In the second case,
#' as of version 1.7-11, a label is auto-constructed, unless the user
#' supplied a character value for `xlab`.)
#' * `"salinity"` Profile of salinity.
#' * `"conductivity"` Profile of conductivity.
#' * `"temperature"` Profile of *in-situ* temperature.
#' * `"theta"` Profile of potential temperature.
#' * `"density"` Profile of density (expressed as \eqn{\sigma_\theta}{sigma_theta}).
#' * `"index"` Index of sample (useful for working with [ctdTrim()]).
#' * `"salinity+temperature"` Profile of salinity and temperature within a single axis frame.
#' * `"N2"` Profile of square of buoyancy frequency \eqn{N^2}{N^2},
#' calculated with [swN2()] with
#' an optional argument setting of `df=length(x[["pressure"]])/4` to do
#' some smoothing.
#' * `"density+N2"` Profile of sigma0 and
#' the square of buoyancy frequency within a single axis frame.
#' * `"density+dpdt"` Profile of sigma0 and dP/dt for the
#' sensor.  The latter is useful in indicating problems with the deployment.
#' It is calculated by first differencing pressure and then using a smoothing
#' spline on the result (to avoid grid-point wiggles that result because the
#' SBE software only writes 3 decimal places in pressure).  Note that dP/dt may
#' be off by a scale factor; this should not be a problem if there is a
#' `time` column in the `data` slot, or a `sample.rate` in the
#' `metadata` slot.
#' * `"sigma0"`, `"sigma1"`, `"sigma2"`, `"sigma3"`
#' and `"sigma4"` Profile of potential density referenced
#' to 0dbar (i.e. the surface), 1000dbar, 2000dbar, 3000dbar, and 4000dbar.
#' * `"spice"`, `"spiciness0"` `"spiciness1"` or `"spiciness2"`
#' Profile of named quantity.  For `spice`, [swSpice()] is
#' called with the `eos` argument set to `"unesco"`. Otherwise,
#' [gsw::gsw_spiciness0()]', [gsw::gsw_spiciness1()]' or
#' [gsw::gsw_spiciness2()]' is called.
#' * `"Rrho"` Profile of Rrho, defined in the diffusive sense.
#' * `"RrhoSF"` Profile of Rrho, defined in the salt-finger sense.
#' @param ytype variable to use on y axis. The valid choices are:
#' `"pressure"` (the default), `"z"`,
#' `"depth"`, `"sigmaTheta"` and `"sigma0"`.
#' @param eos equation of state to be used, either `"unesco"` or
#' `"gsw"`.
#' @param xlab optional label for x axis (at top of plot). If not
#' provided, a label is inferred from the value of `xtype`. For
#' the user-supplied case, bear in mind that the easy way to get
#' units is to use an expression, e.g.
#' `xlab=expression("Acceleration ["*m/s^2*"]")`.
#' @param ylab optional label for y axis.  See `xlab` for a note on
#' units.  Setting `ylab=""` prevents labelling the axis.
#' @param lty line type for the profile.
#' @param col color for a general profile.
#' @param col.salinity color for salinity profile (see \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param col.temperature color for temperature (see \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param col.rho color for density (see \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param col.N2 color for square of buoyancy frequency (see
#' \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param col.dpdt color for dP/dt.
#' @param col.time color for delta-time.
#' @param pt.bg inside color for symbols with `pch` in 21:25
#' @param grid logical, set to `TRUE` to get a grid.
#' @param col.grid color for grid.
#' @param lty.grid line type for grid.
#' @param Slim optional limit for the salinity axis, which can either
#' represent Practical Salinity or Absolute Salinity.
#' @param Clim optional limit for the conductivity axis.
#' @param Tlim optional limit for the temperature axis, which
#' can represent in-situ temperature, potential temperature, or
#' Conservative Temperature.
#' @param densitylim optional limit for density axis.
#' @param sigmalim optional limit for the density-anomaly
#' axis, which can represent `sigmaTheta`, `sigma0`, `sigma1`,
#' `sigma2`, `sigma3` or `sigma4`.
#' @param N2lim optional limit for the N2 axis.
#' @param Rrholim optional limit for the density ratio axis.
#' @param dpdtlim optional limit for the dp/dt axis.
#' @param timelim optional limit for the delta-time axis.
#' @param plim optional limit for the pressure axis, ignored unless
#' `ytype=="pressure"`, in which case it takes precedence over
#' `ylim`.
#' @param xlim optional limit for x axis, which can apply to any plot type.
#' This is ignored if the plotted x variable is something for which a limit
#' may be specified with an argument, e.g. `xlim` is ignored for a
#' salinity profile, because `Slim` ought to be given in such a case.
#' @param ylim optional limit for y axis, which can apply to any plot type,
#' although is overridden by `plim` if `ytype` is `"pressure"`
#' or by `densitylim` if `ytype` is `"sigmaTheta"`.
#' @param lwd line width value for data line
#' @param xaxs value of [par()] `xaxs` to use
#' @param yaxs value of [par()] `yaxs` to use
#' @param cex size to be used for plot symbols (see [par()])
#' @param pch code for plotting symbol (see [par()]).
#' @param useSmoothScatter boolean, set to `TRUE` to use
#' [smoothScatter()] instead of [plot()] to draw the plot.
#' @param df optional argument, passed to [swN2()] if provided, and
#' if a plot using \eqn{N^2}{N^2} is requested.
#' @param keepNA FALSE
#' @param type type of plot to draw, using the same scheme as
#' [plot()].
#' @param mgp 3-element numerical vector to use for [par]`(mgp)`, and also
#' for [par]`(mar)`, computed from this.  The default is tighter than the R
#' default, in order to use more space for the data and less for the axes.
#' @param mar Four-element numerical value to be used to set the plot
#' margins, with a call to [par]`(mar)` prior to the plot.
#' If this is not supplied, a reasonable default will be set up.
#' @param add A logical value that controls whether to add to an existing plot.  (It
#' makes sense to use `add=TRUE` in the `panel` argument of a
#' [coplot()], for example.)
#' @param inset A logical value indicating whether to draw an inset plot.
#' Setting this to `TRUE` will prevent the present function from adjusting
#' the margins, which is
#' necessary because margin adjustment is the basis for the method used by
#' [plotInset()].
#' @param debug a flag that turns on debugging.  Set to 1 to get a moderate
#' amount of debugging information, or to 2 to get more.
#' @param \dots optional arguments passed to other functions.  A common example
#' is to set `df`, for use in [swN2()] calculations.
#' @return None.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso [read.ctd()] scans ctd information from a file,
#' [plot,ctd-method()] is a general plotting function for `ctd`
#' objects, and [plotTS()] plots a temperature-salinity diagrams.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(ctd)
#' plotProfile(ctd, xtype = "temperature")
#' @family functions that plot oce data
#' @family things related to ctd data
plotProfile <- function(
    xtype = "salinity+temperature", ytype = "pressure",
    eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw"),
    lty = 1,
    xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
    col = "black",
    col.salinity = "darkgreen",
    col.temperature = "red",
    col.rho = "blue",
    col.N2 = "brown",
    col.dpdt = "darkgreen",
    col.time = "darkgreen",
    pt.bg = "transparent",
    grid = TRUE,
    col.grid = "lightgray",
    lty.grid = "dotted",
    Slim, Clim, Tlim, densitylim, sigmalim, N2lim, Rrholim, dpdtlim, timelim, plim,
    xlim, ylim,
    lwd = par("lwd"),
    xaxs = "r",
    yaxs = "r",
    cex = 1, pch = 1,
    useSmoothScatter = FALSE,
    keepNA = FALSE,
    type = "l",
    mgp = getOption("oceMgp"),
    add = FALSE,
    inset = FALSE,
    debug = getOption("oceDebug", 0),
    ...) {
    debug <- max(0, min(debug, 3))
    oceDebug(debug, "plotProfile(x, xtype=",
        ifelse(is.character(xtype), paste0("\"", xtype, "\""), "NUMERIC"), ", ",
        " Slim=", if (missing(Slim)) "MISSING" else paste("c(", paste(Slim, collapse = ","), ")", sep = ""),
        ", plim=", if (missing(plim)) "MISSING" else paste("c(", paste(plim, collapse = ","), ")", sep = ""),
        ", xlim=", if (missing(xlim)) "MISSING" else paste("c(", paste(xlim, collapse = ","), ")", sep = ""),
        ", ylim=", if (missing(ylim)) "MISSING" else paste("c(", paste(ylim, collapse = ","), ")", sep = ""),
        ", col=", col,
        ", cex=", cex,
        ", pch=", pch,
        ", ...) START\n",
        sep = "", unindent = 1
    eos <- match.arg(eos, c("unesco", "gsw"))
    if (missing(mar)) {
        # default behaviour changed 20161020 for issue #1103
        mar <- c(1 + if (length(grep("\\+", xtype))) mgp[1] else 0, mgp[1] + 1.5, mgp[1] + 1.5, mgp[1])
        if (length(xtype) == 1 && xtype %in% names(x@data)) {
            mar[1] <- 1
        } # the bottom margin is wrong for e.g. NO2+NO3
    plimGiven <- !missing(plim)
    # issue 2047: if xtype is a numeric vector, and if user did not supply xlab,
    # then set xlab by parsing the call.
    if (is.null(xlab) && length(xtype) == length(x[["pressure"]])) {
        xlab <- deparse1(substitute(xtype))
        oceDebug(debug, "auto-set xlab to ", xlab, "\n", sep = "")
    plotJustProfile <- function(x, y, col = "black", type = "l", lty = lty,
                                xlab = NULL,
                                lwd = par("lwd"),
                                cex = 1, pch = 1, pt.bg = "transparent",
                                df = df, keepNA = FALSE, debug = getOption("oceDebug", 0)) {
        oceDebug(debug, "plotJustProfile(...,",
            argShow(col), ", debug=", debug, ") START\n",
            sep = "", unindent = 1
        if (is.null(xlab)) {
            xlab <- ""
        x <- as.vector(x) # because e.g. argo may be a 1-col matrix
        y <- as.vector(y)
        if (!keepNA) {
            keep <- !is.na(x) & !is.na(y)
            x <- x[keep]
            y <- y[keep]
            if (length(x) < 1 || length(y) < 1) {
                warning("no good data to plot")
        if (type == "l") {
            lines(x, y, col = col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, ...)
        } else if (type %in% c("b", "p", "o")) {
            points(x, y, bg = pt.bg, cex = cex, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, pch = pch, type = type, ...)
        } else if (type != "n") {
            stop("type is \"", type, "\" but only \"b\", \"l\", \"o\" and \"p\" are allowed")
        oceDebug(debug, "END plotJustProfile\n", unindent = 1)
    } # plotJustProfile
    # if (!inherits(x, "ctd"))
    #    stop("method is only for objects of class '", "ctd", "'")
    xlimGiven <- !missing(xlim)
    ylimGiven <- !missing(ylim)
    densitylimGiven <- !missing(densitylim)
    sigmalimGiven <- !missing(sigmalim)
    dots <- list(...)
    ytypeChoices <- c("pressure", "z", "depth", "sigmaTheta", "sigma0")
    ytypeIndex <- pmatch(ytype, ytypeChoices)
    if (is.na(ytypeIndex)) {
        stop("ytype must be one of: 'pressure', 'z', 'depth', 'sigmaTheta' or 'sigma0', but it is '", ytype, "'")
    ytype <- ytypeChoices[ytypeIndex]
    if (!is.null(ylab)) {
        yname <- ylab
    } else {
        yname <- switch(ytype,
            pressure = resizableLabel("p", "y", debug = debug - 1),
            z = resizableLabel("z", "y", debug = debug - 1),
            depth = resizableLabel("depth", "y", debug = debug - 1),
            sigmaTheta = resizableLabel("sigmaTheta", "y", debug = debug - 1),
            sigma0 = resizableLabel("sigma0", "y", debug = debug - 1)
    # If plim given on a pressure plot, then it takes precedence over ylim; same
    # for densitylim.
    if (ytype == "pressure" && plimGiven) {
        ylim <- plim
    if ((ytype == "sigmaTheta" || ytype == "sigma0") && densitylimGiven) {
        ylim <- densitylim
    if (missing(ylim)) {
        ylim <- switch(ytype,
            pressure = rev(range(x[["pressure"]], na.rm = TRUE)),
            z = range(x[["z"]], na.rm = TRUE), # changed to [[ for https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/2214
            depth = rev(range(x[["depth"]], na.rm = TRUE)),
            sigmaTheta = rev(range(x[["sigmaTheta"]], na.rm = TRUE)),
            sigma0 = rev(range(x[["sigma0"]], na.rm = TRUE))
        oceDebug(debug, "auto-set ylim=c(", ylim[1], ", ", ylim[2], ")\n", sep = "")
    # issue 1137 Dec 27, 2016
    # Below, we used to trim the data to ylim, but this made it
    # look as though there were no data at top and bottom of the plot.
    # The new scheme is to retain 5% of data outside the limit, which
    # should be OK for the usual R convention of a 4% gap at axis ends.
    if (ytype %in% c("pressure", "z", "depth", "sigmaTheta", "sigma0")) {
        yy <- x[[ytype]]
        extra <- 0.05 * diff(range(yy, na.rm = TRUE)) # exceed usual R value of 0.04, just in case
        examineIndices <- if (is.na(extra)) {
        } else {
            (min(ylim) - extra) <= yy & yy <= (max(ylim) + extra)
    } else {
        warning("unknown \"ytype\"; must be one of \"pressure\", \"z\", \"depth\", \"sigmaTheta\" or \"sigma0\"")
        examineIndices <- seq_along(x[["pressure"]])
    examineIndicesLength <- length(examineIndices)
    if (0 == sum(examineIndices) && ytype == "z" && ylim[1] >= 0 && ylim[2] >= 0) {
        warning("nothing is being plotted, because z is always negative and ylim specified a positive interval")
    if (!is.list(x@data)) {
        x@data <- as.list(x@data)
    dataNames <- names(x@data)
    # The is.numeric() test is for issue https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/2214
    #<> if (length(xtype) == length(x[["pressure"]])) {
    if (is.numeric(xtype) && length(xtype) == length(x[["pressure"]])) {
        xtype <- xtype[examineIndices]
    if (is.data.frame(x@data)) {
        x@data <- x@data[examineIndices, ]
    } else {
        for (dataName in dataNames) {
            # Only do this for items with the same length as pressure; this
            # is to avoid problems if @data holds scalar longitude
            # and latitude values, which otherwise get replaced by those
            # values, and then NAs to fill out the vector.
            if (length(x@data[[dataName]]) == examineIndicesLength) {
                x@data[[dataName]] <- x@data[[dataName]][examineIndices]
    axisNameLoc <- mgp[1]
    knowTimeUnit <- FALSE
    if ("time" %in% names(x@data)) {
        knowTimeUnit <- TRUE
        time <- x[["time"]]
    } else {
        time <- 0:(length(x[["pressure"]]) - 1)
        if (!is.null(x@metadata$sampleInterval) && !is.na(x@metadata$sampleInterval)) {
            knowTimeUnit <- TRUE
            time <- time * x@metadata$sampleInterval
    # y <- if (ytype == "pressure") x[["pressure"]] else if (ytype == "z") x[["z"]]
    #     else if (ytype == "depth") x[["depth"]] else if (ytype == "sigmaTheta") x[["sigmaTheta"]]
    if (ytype == "pressure") {
        y <- x[["pressure"]]
        if (plimGiven && !ylimGiven) {
            ylim <- plim
            ylimGiven <- TRUE
    } else if (ytype == "z") {
        y <- x[["z"]]
    } else if (ytype == "depth") {
        y <- x[["depth"]]
    } else if (ytype == "sigmaTheta") {
        y <- x[["sigmaTheta"]]
    } else if (ytype == "sigma0") {
        y <- x[["sigma0"]]
    y <- as.vector(y)
    if (!add) {
        par(mar = mar, mgp = mgp)
    oceDebug(debug, "xtype = ", paste(xtype, collapse = ", "), "\n")
    # cat(vectorShow(y))
    if (is.numeric(xtype) && length(xtype) == length(y) && length(y) > 1) {
        oceDebug(debug, "xtype is a numeric vector\n")
        # Actually, I don't see why I am allowing for no axes here. Maybe it's
        # to add things to an existing plot?  To see why I am looking at this
        # again (Feb 2023), see https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/2047
        if ("axes" %in% names(list(...))) {
            oceDebug(debug, "  numeric vector, with 'axes' in ... arg\n")
            plot(xtype, y,
                xlab = "", ylab = "", type = type,
                axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
                xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
                col = col, lty = lty, cex = cex, pch = pch, ...
            if (list(...)$axes) {
                mtext(xlab, side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"))
                mtext(yname, side = 2, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"))
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "  numeric vector, with no 'axes' in ... arg\n")
            plot(xtype, y,
                xlab = "", ylab = "", type = type,
                axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
                xlim = if (!missing(xlim)) xlim, ylim = if (!missing(ylim)) ylim,
                col = col, lty = lty, cex = cex, pch = pch, ...
            mtext(xlab, side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"))
            mtext(yname, side = 2, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"))
        if (grid) {
            at <- par("yaxp")
            abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
            at <- par("xaxp")
            abline(v = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
    } else if (xtype == "index") {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 3: xtype is \"index\"\n")
        index <- seq_along(x[["pressure"]])
        plot(index, x[["pressure"]],
            ylim = ylim, col = col, lty = lty, xlab = "", ylab = "",
            axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
            type = type, cex = cex, pch = pch
        mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) "index" else xlab, side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")) # no unit is provided
        mtext(yname, side = 2, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"))
        if (grid) {
            at <- par("yaxp")
            abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
    } else if (xtype == "density+time") {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 4: xtype is \"density+time\"\n")
        if (add) {
            warning("argument 'add' is ignored for xtype=\"density+time\"")
        sig0 <- if (eos == "unesco") {
            swSigma0(x[["salinity"]], x[["temperature"]], x[["pressure"]])
        } else {
            swSigma0(x[["salinity"]], x[["temperature"]], x[["pressure"]],
                longitude = x[["longitude"]], latitude = x[["latitude"]], eos = eos
        if (missing(densitylim)) {
            densitylim <- range(sig0, na.rm = TRUE)
        look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(sig0) & !is.na(y)
        look <- as.vector(look)
        plot(sig0[look], y[look],
            xlim = densitylim, ylim = ylim, cex = cex, pch = pch,
            type = type, col = col.rho, lty = lty, xlab = "", ylab = "",
            axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs, ...
        axis(3, col = col.rho, col.axis = col.rho, col.lab = col.rho)
        mtext(resizableLabel(if (eos == "unesco") "sigmaTheta" else "sigma0"), side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, col = col.rho, cex = par("cex"))
        mtext(yname, side = 2, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"))
        par(new = TRUE) # FIXME: this probably won't work if add=TRUE
        if (missing(timelim)) {
            timelim <- range(time, na.rm = TRUE)
        plot(time, y,
            xlim = timelim, ylim = ylim, type = type, xlab = "", ylab = yname,
            axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
            lwd = lwd, col = col.time, lty = lty, cex = cex, pch = pch
        axis(1, col = col.time, col.axis = col.time, col.lab = col.time)
        # lines(time, y, lwd=lwd, col=col.time)
        if (knowTimeUnit) {
            if (getOption("oceUnitBracket") == "[") {
                mtext(expression(paste(Delta * t, " [s]")), side = 1, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"), col = col.time)
            } else {
                mtext(expression(paste(Delta * t, " (s)")), side = 1, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"), col = col.time)
        } else {
            if (getOption("oceUnitBracket") == "[") {
                mtext(expression(paste(Delta * t, " [unknown unit]")), side = 1, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"), col = col.time)
            } else {
                mtext(expression(paste(Delta * t, " (unknown unit)")), side = 1, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"), col = col.time)
        if (grid) {
            at <- par("yaxp")
            abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
    } else if (xtype == "density+dpdt") {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 5: xtype is \"density+dpdt\"\n")
        if (add) {
            warning("argument 'add' is ignored for xtype=\"density+dpdt\"")
        if (missing(densitylim)) {
            densitylim <- range(x[["sigmaTheta"]], na.rm = TRUE)
        st <- swSigmaTheta(x)
        look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(st) & !is.na(y)
        look <- as.vector(look)
        plot(st[look], y[look],
            xlim = densitylim, ylim = ylim, col = col.rho, lty = lty, cex = cex, pch = pch,
            type = type, xlab = "", ylab = "",
            axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs, ...
        axis(3, col = col.rho, col.axis = col.rho, col.lab = col.rho)
        if (getOption("oceUnitBracket") == "[") {
            mtext(expression(paste(sigma[theta], " [", kg / m^3, "] ")), side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, col = col.rho, cex = par("cex"))
        } else {
            mtext(expression(paste(sigma[theta], " (", kg / m^3, ") ")), side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, col = col.rho, cex = par("cex"))
        mtext(yname, side = 2, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"))
        # lines(st, y, col=col.rho, lwd=lwd)
        par(new = TRUE)
        dpdt <- diff(x[["pressure"]]) / diff(time)
        dpdt <- c(dpdt[1], dpdt) # fake first point
        df <- min(max(x[["pressure"]], na.rm = TRUE) / 5, length(x[["pressure"]]) / 10) # FIXME: adjust params
        dpdt.sm <- smooth.spline(x[["pressure"]], dpdt, df = df)
        if (missing(dpdtlim)) {
            dpdtlim <- range(dpdt.sm$y)
        plot(dpdt.sm$y, dpdt.sm$x,
            xlim = dpdtlim, ylim = ylim, type = type, xlab = "", ylab = yname,
            axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
            lwd = lwd, col = col.dpdt, cex = cex, pch = pch, lty = lty, ...
        axis(1, col = col.dpdt, col.axis = col.dpdt, col.lab = col.dpdt)
        # lines(dpdt.sm$y, dpdt.sm$x, lwd=lwd, col=col.dpdt)
        if (getOption("oceUnitBracket") == "[") {
            if (knowTimeUnit) {
                mtext(expression(dp / dt * " [dbar/s]"),
                    side = 1, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"), col = col.dpdt
            } else {
                mtext(expression(dp / dt * " [dbar/(time unit)]"),
                    side = 1, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"), col = col.dpdt
        } else {
            if (knowTimeUnit) {
                mtext(expression(dp / dt * " (dbar/s)"),
                    side = 1, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"), col = col.dpdt
            } else {
                mtext(expression(dp / dt * " (dbar/(time unit))"),
                    side = 1, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"), col = col.dpdt
        if (grid) {
            at <- par("yaxp")
            abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
            at <- par("xaxp")
            abline(v = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
    } else if (xtype %in% c("salinity", "S", "SA")) {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 6: xtype is \"S\", \"SA\", or \"salinity\"\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "recognized S, SA, or salinity\n")
        salinity <- if (xtype == "SA") swAbsoluteSalinity(x) else x[["salinity"]]
        if (!any(is.finite(salinity))) {
            warning("no valid salinity data")
        if (missing(Slim)) {
            Slim <- if ("xlim" %in% names(dots)) {
            } else {
                range(salinity, na.rm = TRUE)
        if (useSmoothScatter) {
            smoothScatter(salinity, y, xlim = Slim, ylim = ylim, xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE, ...)
            mtext(yname, side = 2, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"))
            if (xtype == "SA") {
                mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("absolute salinity", "x", unit = NULL, debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                    side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
            } else {
                mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("S", "x", unit = NULL, debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                    side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
        } else {
            look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(salinity) & !is.na(y)
            if (!add) {
                plot(salinity[look], y[look],
                    xlim = Slim, ylim = ylim, lty = lty, cex = cex, pch = pch,
                    type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "",
                    axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs, ...
                if (xtype == "SA") {
                    mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("absolute salinity", "x", unit = NULL, debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                        side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                } else {
                    mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("S", "x", unit = NULL, debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                        side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                mtext(yname, side = 2, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"))
                if (grid) {
                    at <- par("yaxp")
                    abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
                    at <- par("xaxp")
                    abline(v = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
            # 2014-02-07: use col here, since no second axis to worry about
            plotJustProfile(salinity, y,
                type = type, col = col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
                cex = cex, pch = pch, pt.bg = pt.bg,
                keepNA = keepNA, debug = debug - 1
    } else if (xtype %in% c("conductivity", "C")) {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 7: xtype is \"conductivity\" or \"C\"\n")
        if ("conductivity" %in% names(x@data)) {
            conductivity <- x[["conductivity"]]
        } else {
            conductivity <- swCSTp(x[["salinity"]], x[["temperature"]], x[["pressure"]], eos = eos)
        if (!any(is.finite(conductivity))) {
            warning("no valid conductivity data")
        if (missing(Clim)) {
            if ("xlim" %in% names(dots)) Clim <- dots$xlim else Clim <- range(conductivity, na.rm = TRUE)
        if (useSmoothScatter) {
            smoothScatter(conductivity, y,
                xlim = Clim, ylim = ylim, xlab = "", ylab = yname, axes = FALSE,
                cex = cex, pch = pch, col = col, ...
            if (is.null(xlab)) {
                # Look up conductivity unit (issue 731)
                unit <- x[["conductivityUnit"]]
                if (is.null(unit)) {
                    mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("C", "x", debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                        side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                } else {
                    unitChar <- as.character(unit$unit)
                    if (0 == length(unitChar)) {
                        mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("C", "x", debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                            side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                    } else if (unitChar == "ratio") {
                        mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("C", "x", debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                            side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                    } else if (unitChar == "mS/cm") {
                        mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("conductivity mS/cm", "x", debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                            side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                    } else if (unitChar == "S/m") {
                        mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("conductivity S/m", "x", debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                            side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                    } else {
                        stop("unknown conductivity unit ", unit, "; should be 'ratio', 'mS/cm' or 'S/m'")
            } else {
                mtext(xlab, side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"))
        } else {
            look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(conductivity) & !is.na(y)
            if (!add) {
                plot(conductivity[look], y[look],
                    xlim = Clim, ylim = ylim, lty = lty, cex = cex, pch = pch,
                    type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = yname,
                    axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs, ...
                # Look up conductivity unit (issue 731)
                unit <- x[["conductivityUnit"]]
                if (is.null(unit)) {
                    mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("C", "x", debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                        side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                } else {
                    unitChar <- as.character(unit$unit)
                    if (0 == length(unitChar)) {
                        mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("C", "x", debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                            side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                    } else if (unitChar == "ratio") {
                        mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("C", "x", debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                            side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                    } else if (unitChar == "mS/cm") {
                        mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("conductivity mS/cm", "x", debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                            side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                    } else if (unitChar == "S/m") {
                        mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("conductivity S/m", "x", debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                            side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                    } else {
                        stop("unknown conductivity unit ", unit[[1]], "; should be 'ratio', 'mS/cm' or 'S/m'")
                if (grid) {
                    at <- par("yaxp")
                    abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
                    at <- par("xaxp")
                    abline(v = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
            # 2014-02-07: use col here, since no second axis to worry about
            plotJustProfile(conductivity, y,
                type = type, lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
                cex = cex, pch = pch, col = col, pt.bg = pt.bg,
                keepNA = keepNA, debug = debug - 1
    } else if (xtype %in% c(
        "oxygen", "nitrate", "nitrite", "phosphate", "silicate", "tritium",
        "u", "v"
    )) {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 8: xtype is \"oxygen\", \"nitrate\", \"nitrite\", \"phosphate\", \"silicate\", \"tritium\", \"u\", or \"v\"\n")
        unit <- x@metadata$units[[xtype]][[1]]
        xvar <- x[[xtype]]
        if (is.null(xvar)) {
            stop("no '", xtype, "' in this ctd object")
        if (all(is.na(xvar))) {
            stop("all ", xtype, " values in this station are NA")
        if (useSmoothScatter) {
            oceDebug(debug, "scatter plot\n")
            smoothScatter(xvar, y,
                ylim = ylim, xlab = "", ylab = resizableLabel("pressure", "y", debug = debug - 1),
                axes = FALSE, ...
            unit <- x@metadata$units[[xtype]]
            mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel(xtype, "x", unit = unit, debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "line plot\n")
            look <- as.vector(if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(xvar) & !is.na(y))
            if (!add) {
                oceDebug(debug, "add is FALSE so new plot\n")
                if (ylimGiven) {
                    oceDebug(debug, "ylimGiven is TRUE\n")
                    ylimsorted <- sort(ylim)
                    look <- look & (ylimsorted[1] <= y) & (y <= ylimsorted[2])
                    if (!xlimGiven) {
                        xlim <- range(xvar[look], na.rm = TRUE)
                    plot(xvar[look], y[look],
                        xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
                        axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
                        lty = lty, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = yname, ...
                } else {
                    oceDebug(debug, "ylimGiven is FALSE\n")
                    if (!xlimGiven) {
                        xlim <- range(xvar[look], na.rm = TRUE)
                    plot(xvar[look], y[look],
                        xlab = if (is.null(xlab)) " " else xlab,
                        xlim = xlim, ylim = rev(range(y[look], na.rm = TRUE)),
                        axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
                        lty = lty, type = "n", ylab = yname, ...
                mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel(xtype, "x", unit = unit, debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                    side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                if (grid) {
                    at <- par("yaxp")
                    abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
                    at <- par("xaxp")
                    abline(v = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
            plotJustProfile(xvar[look], y[look],
                type = type, lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
                cex = cex, col = col, pch = pch, pt.bg = pt.bg,
                keepNA = keepNA, debug = debug - 1
    } else if (xtype == "Rrho" || xtype == "RrhoSF") {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 9: xtype is \"Rrho\" or \"RrhoSF\"\n")
        Rrho <- swRrho(x, sense = if (xtype == "Rrho") "diffusive" else "finger")
        look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(Rrho) & !is.na(y)
        if (!add) {
            if (ylimGiven) {
                plot(Rrho, y[look],
                    lty = lty,
                    xlim = if (!missing(Rrholim)) Rrholim,
                    ylim = ylim, cex = cex, pch = pch,
                    axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
                    type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = yname, ...
            } else {
                plot(Rrho, y[look],
                    lty = lty,
                    xlim = if (!missing(Rrholim)) Rrholim,
                    ylim = rev(range(y[look])), cex = cex, pch = pch,
                    axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
                    type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = yname, ...
            mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) expression(R[rho]) else xlab, side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"))
            if (grid) {
                at <- par("yaxp")
                abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
                at <- par("xaxp")
                abline(v = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
        plotJustProfile(Rrho, y[look],
            type = type, lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
            cex = cex, col = col, pch = pch, pt.bg = pt.bg,
            keepNA = keepNA, debug = debug - 1
    } else if (xtype %in% c("T", "CT", "temperature")) {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 10: xtype is \"temperature\", \"T\" or \"CT\"\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "recognized T, CT, or temperature\n")
        temperature <- if (xtype %in% c("T", "temperature")) {
        } else if (xtype == "CT") {
        unit <- x@metadata$units[["temperature"]]
        if (!any(is.finite(temperature))) {
            warning("no valid temperature data")
        if (missing(Tlim)) {
            if ("xlim" %in% names(dots)) Tlim <- dots$xlim else Tlim <- range(temperature, na.rm = TRUE)
        if (useSmoothScatter) {
            smoothScatter(temperature, y, xlim = Tlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = "", ylab = yname, axes = FALSE, ...)
            if (xtype == "CT") {
                mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("conservative temperature", "x", unit = unit, debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                    side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
            } else {
                mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("T", "x", unit = unit, debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                    side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
        } else {
            look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(x[["temperature"]]) & !is.na(y)
            if (!add) {
                plot(temperature[look], y[look],
                    xlim = Tlim, ylim = ylim,
                    axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
                    cex = cex, pch = pch, lty = lty,
                    type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", ...
                if (xtype == "CT") {
                        if (is.null(xlab)) {
                            resizableLabel(paste("conservative", "temperature"), "x", unit = unit, debug = debug - 1)
                        } else {
                        side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                } else {
                    mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("T", "x", unit = unit, debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                        side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                mtext(yname, side = 2, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"))
                if (grid) {
                    at <- par("yaxp")
                    abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
                    at <- par("xaxp")
                    abline(v = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
            plotJustProfile(temperature, y,
                type = type, col = col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
                cex = cex, pch = pch, pt.bg = pt.bg,
                keepNA = keepNA, debug = debug - 1
    } else if (xtype == "theta" || xtype == "potential temperature") {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 11: xtype is \"theta\", \"potential temperature\"\n")
        theta <- if ("theta" %in% names(x@data)) x@data$theta else swTheta(x)
        if (missing(Tlim)) {
            if ("xlim" %in% names(dots)) Tlim <- dots$xlim else Tlim <- range(theta, na.rm = TRUE)
        if (useSmoothScatter) {
            smoothScatter(theta, y, xlim = Tlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = "", ylab = yname, axes = FALSE, ...)
            if (eos == "gsw") {
                mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("conservative temperature", "x", debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                    side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
            } else {
                mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel(theta, "x", debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                    side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
        } else {
            look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(theta) & !is.na(y)
            if (!add) {
                plot(theta[look], y[look],
                    lty = lty,
                    xlim = Tlim, ylim = ylim, cex = cex, pch = pch,
                    type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs, ...
                if (eos == "gsw") {
                    mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("conservative temperature", "x", debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                        side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                } else {
                    mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("theta", "x", debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                        side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
                mtext(yname, side = 2, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"))
                if (grid) {
                    at <- par("yaxp")
                    abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
                    at <- par("xaxp")
                    abline(v = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
            plotJustProfile(theta, y,
                type = type, lwd = lwd, cex = cex, lty = lty,
                col = col, pch = pch, pt.bg = pt.bg,
                keepNA = keepNA, debug = debug - 1
    } else if (xtype %in% paste0("sigma", 0:4)) { # 2023-11-17 (preliminary; not checked beyond a single use)
        oceDebug(debug, "case 12A: xtype is \"", xtype, "\"\n", sep = "")
        sigma <- x[[xtype]]
        look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(sigma) & !is.na(y)
        look <- look & (min(ylim) <= y & y <= max(ylim))
        if (!add) {
            if (sigmalimGiven) {
                plot(sigma[look], y[look],
                    xlim = sigmalim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = yname,
                    axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
                    lty = lty, cex = cex, pch = pch, ...
            } else if (xlimGiven) {
                plot(sigma[look], y[look],
                    xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = yname,
                    axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
                    lty = lty, cex = cex, pch = pch, ...
            } else {
                plot(sigma[look], y[look],
                    xlim = range(sigma[look], na.rm = TRUE), ylim = ylim, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = yname,
                    axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
                    lty = lty, cex = cex, pch = pch, ...
            if (getOption("oceUnitBracket") == "[") {
                mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) expression(paste(sigma[0], " [", kg / m^3, "]")) else xlab,
                    side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
            } else {
                mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) expression(paste(sigma[0], " (", kg / m^3, ")")) else xlab,
                    side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
            if (grid) {
                at <- par("yaxp")
                abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
                at <- par("xaxp")
                abline(v = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
        plotJustProfile(sigma, y,
            col = col, type = type, lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
            cex = cex, pch = pch, pt.bg = pt.bg,
            keepNA = keepNA, debug = debug - 1
    } else if (xtype == "sigmaTheta") {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 12B: xtype is \"sigmaTheta\"\n")
        # FIXME: do as theta above
        st <- swSigmaTheta(x)
        look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(st) & !is.na(y)
        # FIXME: if this works, extend to other x types
        look <- look & (min(ylim) <= y & y <= max(ylim))
        if (!add) {
            if (densitylimGiven) {
                plot(st[look], y[look],
                    xlim = densitylim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = yname,
                    axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs, lty = lty, cex = cex, pch = pch, ...
            } else {
                plot(st[look], y[look],
                    xlim = range(st[look], na.rm = TRUE), ylim = ylim, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = yname,
                    axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
                    lty = lty, cex = cex, pch = pch, ...
            if (getOption("oceUnitBracket") == "[") {
                mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) expression(paste(sigma[theta], " [", kg / m^3, "]")) else xlab,
                    side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
            } else {
                mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) expression(paste(sigma[theta], " (", kg / m^3, ")")) else xlab,
                    side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
            if (grid) {
                at <- par("yaxp")
                abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
                at <- par("xaxp")
                abline(v = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
        plotJustProfile(st, y,
            col = col, type = type, lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
            cex = cex, pch = pch, pt.bg = pt.bg,
            keepNA = keepNA, debug = debug - 1
    } else if (xtype == "density") {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 13: xtype is \"density\"\n")
        rho <- swRho(x, eos = eos)
        look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(rho) & !is.na(y)
        # FIXME: if this works, extend to other x types
        look <- look & (min(ylim) <= y & y <= max(ylim))
        if (!add) {
            if (densitylimGiven) {
                plot(rho[look], y[look],
                    xlim = densitylim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = yname,
                    axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs, lty = lty, cex = cex, pch = pch, ...
            } else {
                plot(rho[look], y[look],
                    xlim = range(rho[look], na.rm = TRUE),
                    ylim = ylim,
                    type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = yname,
                    axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
                    lty = lty, cex = cex, pch = pch, ...
            if (getOption("oceUnitBracket") == "[") {
                mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) expression(paste(rho, " [", kg / m^3, "]")) else xlab,
                    side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
            } else {
                mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) expression(paste(rho, " (", kg / m^3, ")")) else xlab,
                    side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
            if (grid) {
                at <- par("yaxp")
                abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
                at <- par("xaxp")
                abline(v = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
        plotJustProfile(rho, y,
            col = col, type = type, lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
            cex = cex, pch = pch, pt.bg = pt.bg,
            keepNA = keepNA, debug = debug - 1
    } else if (xtype == "density+N2") {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 14: xtype is \"density+N2\"\n")
        if (add) {
            warning("argument 'add' is ignored for xtype=\"density+dpdt\"")
        sig0 <- swSigma0(x, eos = eos)
        if (!any(is.finite(sig0))) {
            warning("no valid sigma-0 data")
        look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(sig0) & !is.na(y)
        if (missing(densitylim)) {
            densitylim <- range(sig0, na.rm = TRUE)
        plot(sig0[look], y[look],
            lty = lty,
            xlim = densitylim, ylim = ylim, cex = cex, pch = pch,
            axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
            type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = yname, ...
        axis(3, col = col.rho, col.axis = col.rho, col.lab = col.rho)
        tmpsep <- getOption("oceUnitSep")
        sep <- if (!is.null(tmpsep)) tmpsep else ""
        if (getOption("oceUnitBracket") == "[") {
            label <- if (eos == "unesco") {
                bquote(sigma[theta] * " [" * .(sep) * kg / m^3 * .(sep) * "]")
            } else {
                bquote(sigma[0] * " [" * .(sep) * kg / m^3 * .(sep) * "]")
        } else {
            label <- if (eos == "unesco") {
                bquote(sigma[theta] * " (" * .(sep) * kg / m^3 * .(sep) * ")")
            } else {
                bquote(sigma[0] * " (" * .(sep) * kg / m^3 * .(sep) * ")")
        mtext(resizableLabel(if (eos == "unesco") "sigmaTheta" else "sigma0"),
            side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, col = col.rho, cex = par("cex")
        if (type == "l") {
            lines(sig0, y, col = col.rho, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
        } else if (type %in% c("b", "p", "o")) {
            points(sig0, y, bg = pt.bg, cex = cex, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, pch = pch, type = type, ...)
        } else if (type != "n") {
            stop("type is \"", type, "\" but only \"b\", \"l\", \"o\" and \"p\" are allowed")
        par(new = TRUE)
        N2 <- swN2(x, df = df, eos = eos)
        N2[!is.finite(N2)] <- NA
        if (missing(N2lim)) {
            N2lim <- range(N2, na.rm = TRUE)
        look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(N2) & !is.na(y)
        if (0 == sum(look)) {
            warning("no valid N2 data")
        plot(N2[look], y[look],
            lty = lty,
            xlim = N2lim, ylim = ylim, cex = cex, pch = pch,
            type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", lwd = lwd,
            axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs
        axis(1, col = col.N2, col.axis = col.N2, col.lab = col.N2)
        if (type == "l") {
            lines(N2, y, col = col.N2, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
        } else if (type %in% c("b", "p", "o")) {
            points(N2, y, bg = pt.bg, cex = cex, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, pch = pch, type = type, ...)
        } else if (type != "n") {
            stop("type is \"", type, "\" but only \"b\", \"l\", \"o\" and \"p\" are allowed")
        mtext(resizableLabel("N2"), side = 1, line = axisNameLoc, col = col.N2, cex = par("cex"))
        if (grid) {
            at <- par("yaxp")
            abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
    } else if (xtype == "N2") {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 15: xtype is \"N2\"\n")
        N2 <- swN2(x, df = df)
        if (missing(N2lim)) {
            N2lim <- range(N2, na.rm = TRUE)
        look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(N2) & !is.na(y)
        if (!add) {
            plot(N2[look], y[look],
                lty = lty,
                xlim = N2lim, ylim = ylim, cex = cex, pch = pch,
                type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = yname, axes = FALSE
            mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel("N2") else xlab,
                side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
            if (grid) {
                at <- par("yaxp")
                abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
                at <- par("xaxp")
                abline(v = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
        # 2014-02-07: use col (not col.rho) here, since no second axis to worry about
            x = N2, y = y, col = col, type = type, lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
            cex = cex, pch = pch, pt.bg = pt.bg,
            keepNA = keepNA, debug = debug - 1
    } else if (xtype %in% c("spice", "spiciness0", "spiciness1", "spiciness2")) {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 13: xtype is \"spice\", \"spiciness0\", etc\n")
        xvar <- x[[xtype]]
        if (length(xvar) < 1) {
            warning("no data to plot")
        look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(xvar) & !is.na(y)
        if (!add) {
            plot(xvar[look], y[look],
                lty = lty,
                ylim = ylim, cex = cex, pch = pch,
                type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = yname,
                axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs
            mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) resizableLabel(xtype, "x", debug = debug - 1) else xlab,
                side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
            if (grid) {
                at <- par("yaxp")
                abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
                at <- par("xaxp")
                abline(v = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
            x = xvar, y = y, type = type, lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
            cex = cex, col = col, pch = pch, pt.bg = pt.bg,
            keepNA = keepNA, debug = debug - 1
    } else if (xtype == "salinity+temperature") {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 17: xtype is \"salinity+temperature\"\n")
        if (add) {
            warning("argument 'add' is ignored for xtype=\"salinity+temperature\"")
        salinity <- if (eos == "gsw") swAbsoluteSalinity(x) else x[["salinity"]]
        temperature <- if (eos == "gsw") swConservativeTemperature(x) else x[["temperature"]]
        if (!any(is.finite(salinity))) {
            warning("no valid salinity data")
        if (!any(is.finite(temperature))) {
            warning("no valid temperature data")
        if (missing(Slim)) Slim <- range(salinity, na.rm = TRUE)
        if (missing(Tlim)) Tlim <- range(temperature, na.rm = TRUE)
        look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(temperature) & !is.na(y)
        plot(temperature[look], y[look],
            xlim = Tlim, ylim = ylim, col = col.temperature, lty = lty, cex = cex, pch = pch,
            type = type, xlab = "", ylab = yname,
            axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs
        axis(3, col = col.temperature, col.axis = col.temperature, col.lab = col.temperature)
        if (is.null(getOption("plotProfileNoXLab"))) {
            if (eos == "gsw") {
                mtext(resizableLabel("conservative temperature", "x", debug = debug - 1),
                    side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, col = col.temperature, cex = par("cex")
            } else {
                mtext(resizableLabel("T", "x", debug = debug - 1),
                    side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, col = col.temperature, cex = par("cex")
        # lines(temperature, y, col=col.temperature, lwd=lwd)
        par(new = TRUE)
        look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(x[["salinity"]]) & !is.na(y)
        plot(salinity[look], y[look],
            xlim = Slim, ylim = ylim, col = col.salinity, lty = lty, cex = cex, pch = pch,
            type = type, xlab = "", ylab = "",
            axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs
        axis(1, col = col.salinity, col.axis = col.salinity, col.lab = col.salinity)
        if (is.null(getOption("plotProfileNoXLab"))) {
            if (eos == "gsw") {
                mtext(resizableLabel("absolute salinity", "x", debug = debug - 1),
                    side = 1, line = axisNameLoc, col = col.salinity, cex = par("cex")
            } else {
                mtext(resizableLabel("S", "x", debug = debug - 1),
                    side = 1, line = axisNameLoc, col = col.salinity, cex = par("cex")
        if (grid) {
            at <- par("yaxp")
            abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
    } else {
        oceDebug(debug, "case 19: a general case\n")
        # Not a special case.
        oceDebug(debug, "plotting a general xtype, i.e. not a special case\n")
        w <- which(names(x@data) == xtype)
        if (length(w) < 1) {
            stop("unknown xtype value (\"", xtype, "\")")
        # Try to compute a top-axis label with units, unless 'xlab' was given.
        if (is.null(xlab)) {
            label <- if (xtype %in% names(x@metadata$units)) {
                label <- resizableLabel(as.character(xtype), "x", unit = x@metadata$units[[xtype]]$unit)
            } else {
        look <- if (keepNA) seq_along(y) else !is.na(x@data[[xtype]]) & !is.na(y)
        dots <- list(...)
        # message("names(dots)=", paste(names(dots), collapse=" "))
        if (!add) {
            par(mar = mar, mgp = mgp)
            xplot <- x@data[[xtype]][look]
            plot(xplot, y[look],
                xlim = if (xlimGiven) xlim else range(xplot, na.rm = TRUE),
                ylim = ylim, lty = lty, cex = cex, pch = pch,
                type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "",
                axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs
            # mtext(resizableLabel("pressure", "y"), side=2, line=axisNameLoc, cex=par("cex"))
            mtext(yname, side = 2, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex"))
            # label <- if (w <= length(x@metadata$labels)) x@metadata$labels[w] else
            #     as.character(xtype)
            if (is.character(label) && label == "sigmaTheta") {
                label <- resizableLabel("sigmaTheta", "x", debug = debug - 1)
            # issue1684/2020-04-20 label <- resizableLabel(label, "x", unit=x@metadata$units[[xtype]], debug=debug-1)
            # issue1684/2020-04-20 oceDebug(debug, "x name computed as \"", paste0(as.character(label)), "\"\n", sep="")
            mtext(if (is.null(xlab)) label else xlab,
                side = 3, line = axisNameLoc, cex = par("cex")
        if (type == "l") {
            lines(x@data[[w]], y, lwd = lwd, col = col, lty = lty)
        } else if (type %in% c("b", "p", "o")) {
            points(x@data[[w]], y, bg = pt.bg, cex = cex, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, pch = pch, type = type, ...)
        } else if (type != "n") {
            stop("type is \"", type, "\" but only \"b\", \"l\", \"o\" and \"p\" are allowed")
        if (grid) {
            at <- par("xaxp")
            abline(v = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
            at <- par("yaxp")
            abline(h = seq(at[1], at[2], length.out = at[3] + 1), col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
    oceDebug(debug, "END plotProfile()\n", unindent = 1)
dankelley/oce documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 3:04 p.m.