
Defines functions load_GT_vcf load_cellSNP_vcf get_snp_matrices read_vcf

Documented in get_snp_matrices load_cellSNP_vcf load_GT_vcf read_vcf

#' Read a VCF file into R session
#' @param vcf_file character(1), path to VCF file to read into R session as a
#' \code{\link[VariantAnnotation]{CollapsedVCF}} object
#' @param genome character(1), string indicating the genome build used in the
#' VCF file(s) (default: "GRCh37")
#' @param seq_levels_style character(1), string passed to
#' \code{\link[GenomeInfoDb]{seqlevelsStyle}} the style to use for
#' chromosome/contig names (default: "Ensembl")
#' @param verbose logical(1), should messages be printed as function runs?
#' @return a vcf object
#' @examples
#' vcf <- read_vcf(system.file("extdata", "cells.donorid.vcf.gz",
#'                package = "cardelino"))
#' @importFrom VariantAnnotation readVcf isSNV geno ref alt
#'  genotypeToSnpMatrix
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevelsStyle seqlengths
#' @importFrom methods as is
#' @export
read_vcf <- function(vcf_file, genome = "GRCh37",
    seq_levels_style = "Ensembl", verbose = TRUE) {
    ## Read in VCF from this sample
    if (verbose) {
        message("Reading VCF.")
    vcf_sample <- VariantAnnotation::readVcf(vcf_file, genome)
    vcf_sample <- vcf_sample[VariantAnnotation::isSNV(vcf_sample)]
    if (length(vcf_sample) > 0) {
        GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(vcf_sample) <- seq_levels_style
        new_snp_names <- gsub(
            "chr", "",
                ":", "_",
                    "_[ATCG]/[ATCG]", "",
        names(vcf_sample) <- new_snp_names
    } else {
        stop("No SNVs present in VCF file.")
    if (verbose) {
            "Read ", dim(vcf_sample)[1], " variants for ",
            dim(vcf_sample)[2], " samples."

#' Get SNP data matrices from VCF object(s)
#' @param vcf_cell a \code{\link[VariantAnnotation]{CollapsedVCF}} object
#' containing variant data for cells
#' @param vcf_donor an optional \code{\link[VariantAnnotation]{CollapsedVCF}}
#' object containing genotype data for donors
#' @param verbose logical(1), should the function output verbose information as
#' it runs?
#' @param donors optional character vector providing a set of donors to use, by
#' subsetting the donors present in the \code{donor_vcf_file}; if \code{NULL}
#' (default) then all donors present in VCF will be used.
#' @return a list containing
#' \code{A}, a matrix of integers. Number of alteration reads in SNP i cell j.
#' \code{D}, a matrix of integers. Number of reads depth in SNP i cell j.
#' \code{R}, a matrix of integers. Number of reference reads in SNP i cell j.
#' \code{GT_cells}, a matrix of integers for genotypes. The cell-SNP
#' configuration.
#' \code{GT_donors}, a matrix of integers for genotypes. The donor-SNP
#' configuration.
#' @examples
#' vcf_cell <- read_vcf(system.file("extdata", "cells.donorid.vcf.gz",
#'                      package = "cardelino"))
#' vcf_donor <-  read_vcf(system.file("extdata", "donors.donorid.vcf.gz",
#'                        package = "cardelino"))
#' snp_data <- get_snp_matrices(vcf_cell, vcf_donor)
#' @import snpStats
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits subjectHits
#' @export
get_snp_matrices <- function(vcf_cell, vcf_donor = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
    donors = NULL) {
    if (!methods::is(vcf_cell, "CollapsedVCF")) {
            "vcf_cell must be a CollapsedVCF object from the ",
            "VariantAnnotation package."
    vcf_cell <- GenomeInfoDb::sortSeqlevels(vcf_cell, X.is.sexchrom = TRUE)
    slengths_sample <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(vcf_cell)
    if (!is.null(vcf_donor)) {
        if (!methods::is(vcf_donor, "CollapsedVCF")) {
                "vcf_donor must be a CollapsedVCF object from the ",
                "VariantAnnotation package."
        ## filter sample VCF to those variants found in donor VCF
        if (!is.null(donors)) {
            if (sum(colnames(vcf_donor) %in% donors) < 1) {
                    "No donors in vcf_donor are found in the donors",
                    "argument supplied."
            vcf_donor <- vcf_donor[, colnames(vcf_donor) %in% donors]
        vcf_donor <- GenomeInfoDb::sortSeqlevels(vcf_donor,
            X.is.sexchrom = TRUE
        GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(vcf_donor) <-
        ovlap <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(vcf_cell, vcf_donor)
        if (length(ovlap) < 1L) {
            stop("No variants overlapping in cell VCF and Donor VCF.")
        } else {
            if (verbose) {
                message("Filtering cell VCF.")
            vcf_cell <- vcf_cell[S4Vectors::queryHits(ovlap)]
            if (verbose) {
                message("Filtering donor VCF.")
            vcf_donor <- vcf_donor[S4Vectors::subjectHits(ovlap)]
            match_alleles <- unlist(
                VariantAnnotation::ref(vcf_cell) == 
                VariantAnnotation::ref(vcf_donor) &
                VariantAnnotation::alt(vcf_cell) == 
            if (sum(match_alleles) < 1L) {
                    "No variants with matching alleles in sample and ",
                    "donor VCFs"
            vcf_cell <- vcf_cell[match_alleles]
            vcf_donor <- vcf_donor[match_alleles]
            if (verbose) {
                message("Extracting donor SNP genotype matrix.")
            sm_donor <- VariantAnnotation::genotypeToSnpMatrix(
                VariantAnnotation::geno(vcf_donor, "GT"),
                ref = VariantAnnotation::ref(vcf_donor),
                alt = VariantAnnotation::alt(vcf_donor)
    } else {
        sm_donor <- NULL
    ## get snp matrices
    if (verbose) {
        message("Extracting cell SNP matrices.")
    sm_sample <- VariantAnnotation::genotypeToSnpMatrix(
        VariantAnnotation::geno(vcf_cell, "GT"),
        ref = VariantAnnotation::ref(vcf_cell),
        alt = VariantAnnotation::alt(vcf_cell)
    sm_sample_REF <- matrix(vapply(
        VariantAnnotation::geno(vcf_cell, "AD"),
        function(x) x[[1]],
    ), ncol = ncol(vcf_cell))
    sm_sample_ALT <- matrix(vapply(
        VariantAnnotation::geno(vcf_cell, "AD"),
        function(x) x[[2]], 
    ), ncol = ncol(vcf_cell))
    sm_sample_ALT[is.na(sm_sample_ALT) & !is.na(sm_sample_REF)] <- 0
    sm_sample_DEP <- sm_sample_REF + sm_sample_ALT
    sm_sample_DEP[sm_sample_DEP == 0] <- NA
    sm_sample_REF[is.na(sm_sample_DEP)] <- NA
    sm_sample_ALT[is.na(sm_sample_DEP)] <- NA
    rownames(sm_sample_REF) <- rownames(vcf_cell)
    rownames(sm_sample_ALT) <- rownames(vcf_cell)
    rownames(sm_sample_DEP) <- rownames(vcf_cell)
    colnames(sm_sample_REF) <- colnames(vcf_cell)
    colnames(sm_sample_ALT) <- colnames(vcf_cell)
    colnames(sm_sample_DEP) <- colnames(vcf_cell)
    na_sample <- is.na(sm_sample_DEP)
    if (sum(!na_sample) < 1L) {
        stop("No variants with non-missing genotypes cells VCF and Donor VCF\n")
    out <- list(
        A = sm_sample_ALT, D = sm_sample_DEP, R = sm_sample_REF,
        GT_cells = t(methods::as(sm_sample$genotypes, "numeric"))
    if (!is.null(vcf_donor)) {
        out[["GT_donors"]] <- t(methods::as(sm_donor$genotypes, "numeric"))
    } else {
        out[["GT_donors"]] <- NULL

#' Load sparse matrices A and D from cellSNP VCF file with filtering SNPs
#' @param vcf_file character(1), path to VCF file generated from cellSNP
#' @param max_other_allele maximum ratio of other alleles comparing to REF and
#' ALT alleles; for cellSNP vcf, we recommend 0.05
#' @param min_count minimum count across all cells, e.g., 20
#' @param min_MAF minimum minor allele fraction, e.g., 0.1
#' @param rowname_format the format of rowname: NULL is the default from vcfR,
#' short is CHROM_POS, and full is CHROM_POS_REF_ALT
#' @param keep_GL logical(1), if TRUE, check if GL (genotype probability) exists
#' it will be returned
#' @return A list with elements the matrices A and D and GL, the genotype 
#'   probability. If keep_GL is false the GL element will be an empty list.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' vcf_file <- system.file("extdata", "cellSNP.cells.vcf.gz",
#'     package = "cardelino"
#' )
#' input_data <- load_cellSNP_vcf(vcf_file)
load_cellSNP_vcf <- function(vcf_file, min_count = 0, min_MAF = 0,
    max_other_allele = NULL, rowname_format = "full",
    keep_GL = FALSE) {
    vcf_temp <- vcfR::read.vcfR(vcf_file)
    dp_full <- vcfR::extract.gt(vcf_temp, element = "DP", as.numeric = TRUE)
    ad_full <- vcfR::extract.gt(vcf_temp, element = "AD", as.numeric = TRUE)

    idx <- (rowSums(dp_full, na.rm = TRUE) >= min_count &
        ((rowSums(ad_full, na.rm = TRUE) /
            rowSums(dp_full, na.rm = TRUE)) >= min_MAF))

    idx <- idx & (!is.na(idx))

    if (!is.null(max_other_allele)) {
        dp_sum <- vcfR::extract.info(vcf_temp,
            element = "DP",
            as.numeric = TRUE
        oth_sum <- vcfR::extract.info(vcf_temp,
            element = "OTH",
            as.numeric = TRUE
        idx <- idx & (oth_sum / dp_sum < max_other_allele)

    print(paste(sum(idx), "out of", length(idx), "SNPs passed."))

    A <- ad_full[idx, ]
    D <- dp_full[idx, ]
    A[is.na(A)] <- 0
    D[is.na(D)] <- 0

    if (!is.null(rowname_format)) {
        fix_val <- vcfR::getFIX(vcf_temp)
        if (rowname_format == "short") {
            var_ids <- paste0(fix_val[, 1], "_", fix_val[, 2])
        } else {
            var_ids <- paste0(
                fix_val[, 1], "_", fix_val[, 2],
                "_", fix_val[, 4], "_", fix_val[, 5]
    row.names(A) <- row.names(D) <- var_ids[idx]

    GL_list <- list()
    if (keep_GL && sum(strsplit(vcf_temp@gt[1, 1], ":")$FORMAT == "GL") > 0) {
        GL_full <- vcfR::extract.gt(vcf_temp,
            element = "GL",
            as.numeric = FALSE
        for (ii in seq_len(length(strsplit(GL_full[1, 1], ",")[[1]]))) {
            GL_tmp <- vcfR::masplit(GL_full, delim = ",", record = ii, sort = 0)
            GL_tmp[is.na(GL_tmp)] <- 0
            row.names(GL_tmp) <- var_ids
            GL_list[[ii]] <- Matrix::Matrix(GL_tmp[idx, ], sparse = TRUE)

        "A" = Matrix::Matrix(A, sparse = TRUE),
        "D" = Matrix::Matrix(D, sparse = TRUE),
        "GL" = GL_list

#' Load genotype VCF into numeric values: 0, 1, or 2
#' Note, the genotype VCF can be very big for whole genome. It would be more
#' efficient to only keep the wanted variants and samples. bcftools does such
#' jobs nicely.
#' @param vcf_file character(1), path to VCF file for donor genotypes
#' @param rowname_format the format of rowname: NULL is the default from vcfR,
#' short is CHROM_POS, and full is CHROM_POS_REF_ALT
#' @param na.rm logical(1), if TRUE, remove the variants with NA values
#' @param keep_GP logical(1), if TRUE, check if GP (genotype probability) exists
#' it will be returned
#' @return A list representing the loaded genotype information with two
#'   components: GT, the usual numeric representation of genotype and GP the
#'   genotype probabilities. Note that if \code{keep_GP} is false the GP
#'   component will be NULL.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' vcf_file <- system.file("extdata", "cellSNP.cells.vcf.gz",
#'     package = "cardelino"
#' )
#' GT_dat <- load_GT_vcf(vcf_file, na.rm = FALSE)
load_GT_vcf <- function(vcf_file, rowname_format = "full", na.rm = TRUE,
    keep_GP = TRUE) {
    GT_vcf <- vcfR::read.vcfR(vcf_file)

    ## variant ids
    if (!is.null(rowname_format)) {
        fix_val <- vcfR::getFIX(GT_vcf)
        if (rowname_format == "short") {
            var_ids <- paste0(fix_val[, 1], "_", fix_val[, 2])
        } else {
            var_ids <- paste0(
                fix_val[, 1], "_", fix_val[, 2],
                "_", fix_val[, 4], "_", fix_val[, 5]

    ## GT values
    GT <- vcfR::extract.gt(GT_vcf, element = "GT")

    GT_num <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(GT), ncol = ncol(GT))
    colnames(GT_num) <- colnames(GT)
    rownames(GT_num) <- var_ids

    idx0 <- which(GT == "0/0" | GT == "0|0")
    idx2 <- which(GT == "1/1" | GT == "1|1")
    idx1 <- which(GT == "0/1" | GT == "1/0" |
        GT == "0|1" | GT == "1|0")

    GT_num[idx0] <- 0
    GT_num[idx1] <- 1
    GT_num[idx2] <- 2

    if (na.rm) {
        idx <- rowSums(is.na(GT_num)) == 0
    } else {
        idx <- seq_len(nrow(GT_num))
    GT_num <- GT_num[idx, ]

    ## Genotype probability
    if (keep_GP && sum(strsplit(GT_vcf@gt[1, 1], ":")$FORMAT == "GP") > 0) {
        GP_val <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(GT_num), ncol = 3)
        rownames(GP_val) <- paste0(
            rep(colnames(GT_num), each = ncol(GT_num)), ":",
            rep(rownames(GT_num), times = ncol(GT_num))
        colnames(GP_val) <- c("GT=0", "GT=1", "GT=2")
        GP <- vcfR::extract.gt(GT_vcf, element = "GP", as.numeric = FALSE)
        for (ii in seq_len(3)) {
            GP_val[, ii] <- vcfR::masplit(GP,
                delim = ",", record = ii,
                sort = 0
    } else {
        GP_val <- NULL

    list("GT" = GT_num, "GP" = GP_val)
davismcc/cardelino documentation built on Nov. 19, 2022, 2:44 a.m.