## motif.r: Try running some motif finding/analysis tools.
#' run the rGADEM suite
#' This should provide a set of rGADEM results given an input file of sequences
#' and a genome.
#' @param inputfile Fasta or bed file containing sequences to search.
#' @param genome BSgenome to read.
#' @param p pvalue cutoff
#' @param e evalue cutoff
#' @param ... Parameters for plotting the gadem result.
#' @return A list containing slots for plots, the stdout output from gadem, the
#' gadem result, set of occurences of motif, and the returned set of motifs.
#' @seealso [IRanges] [Biostrings] [rGADEM]
#' @export
simple_gadem <- function(inputfile, genome = "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hs19",
p = 0.1, e = 0.0, ...) {
arglist <- list(...)
ext <- tools::file_ext(inputfile)
sequences <- NULL
if (ext == "bed") {
bed <- read.table(inputfile, header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
bed <- data.frame("chr" = as.factor(bed[, 1]),
"start" = as.numeric(bed[, 2]),
"end" = as.numeric(bed[, 3]))
## RangedData has been deprecated in favor of GRanges
## The following is unlikely to work, but since I never use this
## I am not certain how much I care at the moment.
rg_bed <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(start = bed[, 2], end = bed[, 3])
sequences <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(rg_bed, space = bed[, 1])
## Here are the previous invocations:
## rg_bed <- IRanges::IRanges(start = bed[, 2], end = bed[, 3])
## sequences <- IRanges::RangedData(rg_bed, space = bed[, 1])
} else if (ext == "fasta") {
sequences <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(inputfile, "fasta")
} else {
stop("Unable to interpret files of type: ", ext)
gadem_out <- rGADEM::GADEM(sequences, verbose = 1,
pValue = p, eValue = e, genome = genome)
gadem_occurences <- rGADEM::nOccurrences(gadem_out)
gadem_consensus <- rGADEM::consensus(gadem_out)
gadem_motifs <- rGADEM::getPWM(gadem_out)
plots <- list()
pvals <- list()
motif_names <- names(gadem_motifs)
for (m in seq_along(gadem_motifs)) {
name <- motif_names[m]
motif_matrix <- gadem_motifs[[name]]
pwm <- seqLogo::makePWM(as.matrix(motif_matrix))
plotted <- try(seqLogo::seqLogo(pwm))
if (class(plotted)[1] != "try-error") {
plot <- recordPlot()
} else {
plot <- NULL
plots[[name]] <- plot
pvals[[name]] <- gadem_out[[m]]@alignList[[1]]@pval
retlist <- list(
"plots" = plots,
"result" = gadem_out,
"occurences" = gadem_occurences,
"consensus" = gadem_consensus,
"motifs" = gadem_motifs,
"pvals" = pvals)
#' Run motifRG on a fasta file.
#' @param input_fasta Input file.
#' @param control_fasta control file.
#' @param maximum 3
#' @param title Output image title.
#' @param prefix Prefix for the output files.
#' @param genome Package containing the full genome.
#' @seealso [motifRG]
simple_motifRG <- function(input_fasta, control_fasta, maximum = 3,
title = "Motifs of XXX", prefix = "motif",
genome = "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19") {
motifs <- motifRG::findMotifFasta(input_fasta, control_fasta,
both.strand = TRUE,
enriched = TRUE, mask = FALSE, start.width = 4,
min.cutoff = 10, min.frac = 0.001, max.motif = 10,
max.width = 30, discretize = FALSE)
table <- motifRG::motifLatexTable(main = title, motifs, prefix = prefix)
#' Extract sequence flanking a set of annotations (generally coding sequences)
#' Given a set of annotations and genome, one might want to get the set of
#' adjacent sequences.
#' @param bsgenome Genome sequence
#' @param annotation Set of annotations
#' @param distance How far from each annotation is desired?
#' @param type What type of annotation is desired?
#' @param prefix Provide a prefix to the names to distinguish them from the
#' existing annotations.
#' @return List of sequences before and after each sequence.
#' @seealso [load_gff_annotations()] [GenomicRanges] [IRanges]
flanking_sequence <- function(bsgenome, annotation, distance = 200,
type = "gene", prefix = "") {
if (class(annotation) == "character") {
## Assume it is a filename to a gff file
annotations <- load_gff_annotations(annotation, type = type)
name_key <- "gene_id"
} else if (class(annotation) == "data.frame") {
annotations <- annotation
name_key <- "tx_name"
} else {
## Then assume it is a GenomicRanges from a TxDb or somesuch
annotations <- as.data.frame(annotation)
name_key <- "tx_name"
seqinfo <- as.data.frame(bsgenome@seqinfo)
annotations <- merge(annotations, seqinfo, by.x = "seqnames", by.y = "row.names", all.x = TRUE)
before <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = S4Vectors::Rle(annotations[, "seqnames"]),
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(ifelse(annotations[, "start"] <= distance,
annotations[, "start"] - distance),
end=(annotations[, "start"] + 2)),
strand = S4Vectors::Rle(annotations[, "strand"]),
name = S4Vectors::Rle(annotations[, name_key]))
after <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = S4Vectors::Rle(annotations[, "seqnames"]),
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
annotations[, "end"],
end = ifelse(annotations[, "seqlengths"] <=
(annotations[, "end"] + distance),
annotations[, "seqlengths"],
annotations[, "end"] + distance)),
strand = S4Vectors::Rle(annotations[, "strand"]),
name = S4Vectors::Rle(annotations[, name_key]))
before_seq <- Biostrings::getSeq(bsgenome, before)
after_seq <- Biostrings::getSeq(bsgenome, after)
retlist <- list("before" = before_seq,
"after" = after_seq)
## EOF
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