
Defines functions processRandomWalksFromTips processRandomWalks simulateRandomWalksFromTips simulateRandomWalk pseudotimeWeightTransitionMatrix pseudotimeDetermineLogistic

Documented in processRandomWalks processRandomWalksFromTips pseudotimeDetermineLogistic pseudotimeWeightTransitionMatrix simulateRandomWalk simulateRandomWalksFromTips

#' Determine logistic parameters for biasing transition matrix
#' This determines the slope and inflection point of the logistic function used
#' to bias the transition probabilities, based on the pseudotimes of cells in the
#' data.
#' For determining the developmental trajectories, it is critical to ensure that when walks reach a
#' branchpoint in the data, they continue toward the root, rather than turning down the path toward
#' a different differentiated population. Thus, we convert the undirected graph defined by the 
#' transition probabilities into a directed graph where transitions are much more likely to 
#' earlier or equally pseudotimed cells than to later pseudotimed cells (which would 
#' correspond to a different, more differentiated branch). To do this, we biased the 
#' transition probabilities between each pair of cells by multiplying the original 
#' transition probabilities with a factor that ranges from 0 to 1. These factors are 
#' obtained by transforming the difference in pseudotime between the two cells with 
#' a logistic function. This function uses the average difference in pseudotime 
#' between cells that are \code{optimal.cells.forward} and \code{max.cells.back} 
#' apart (when all cells in the data are ranked according to pseudotime) to determine
#' \code{k} and \code{x0} for the logistic function.
#' @param object An URD object
#' @param pseudotime (Character) Name of pseudotime to use for biasing (i.e. a column name of \code{@@pseudotime})
#' @param optimal.cells.forward (Numeric) The number of cells in the direction specified by \code{pseudotime.direction} at which the logistic should reach 1-\code{asymptote}.
#' @param max.cells.back (Numeric) The number of cells in the direction opposite from that specified by \code{pseudotime.direction} at which the logistic should reach \code{asymptote}.
#' @param pseudotime.direction (Character: "<" or ">") Which direction to bias the transition probabilities (\code{"<"} is default, which biases them to move toward cells with younger pseudotime.)
#' @param do.plot (Logical) Should the logistic function be plotted?
#' @param print.values (Logical) Should the values determined for the logistic be printed?
#' @return A list: Logistic parameters to use in \code{\link{pseudotimeWeightTransitionMatrix}}.
#' @examples 
#' # Determine parameters of logistic function
#' diffusion.logistic <- pseudotimeDetermineLogistic(object, "pseudotime", optimal.cells.forward = 40, max.cells.back = 80, pseudotime.direction = "<", do.plot = T, print.values = T)
#' # Generate biased transition matrix
#' biased.tm <- pseudotimeWeightTransitionMatrix(object, pseudotime = "pseudotime", logistic.params = diffusion.logistic, pseudotime.direction = "<")
#' # Simulate random walks
#' these.walks <- simulateRandomWalk(start.cells = tip.10.cells, transition.matrix = biased.tm, end.cells = root.cells, n = 50000, end.visits = 1, verbose.freq = 2500, max.steps = 5000)
#' # Process walks into visitation frequency
#' object <- processRandomWalks(object, walks = these.walks, walks.name = "10", verbose = F)
#' @export

pseudotimeDetermineLogistic <- function(object, pseudotime, optimal.cells.forward, max.cells.back, pseudotime.direction="<", do.plot=T, print.values=T) {
  if (pseudotime.direction == ">") {
    sort.dec <- FALSE
  } else if (pseudotime.direction == "<") {
    sort.dec <- TRUE
  } else {
    stop("pseudotime.direction must be either \">\" or \"<\"")
  pseudotime.vec <- sort(object@pseudotime[,pseudotime], decreasing=sort.dec)
  mean.pseudotime.back <- mean(pseudotime.vec[1:(length(pseudotime.vec) - max.cells.back)] - pseudotime.vec[(max.cells.back+1):length(pseudotime.vec)])
  mean.pseudotime.forward <- mean(pseudotime.vec[(optimal.cells.forward+1):length(pseudotime.vec)] - pseudotime.vec[1:(length(pseudotime.vec)-optimal.cells.forward)])
  x0 <- mean(c(mean.pseudotime.back, mean.pseudotime.forward))  
  k <- log(asymptote) / (x0 - mean.pseudotime.forward)
  if (do.plot) {
    x <- seq(2*mean.pseudotime.back, 2*mean.pseudotime.forward, length.out = 100)
    plot(x=x, y=logistic(x, x0, k), pch=20, xlab="Delta pseudotime", ylab="Chance of accepted move")
    abline(v=0, col='red')
    abline(v=mean.pseudotime.back, col='blue', lty=2)
    abline(v=mean.pseudotime.forward, col='blue', lty=2)
  if (print.values) {
    print(paste0("Mean pseudotime back (~", max.cells.back, " cells) ", mean.pseudotime.back))
    print(paste0("Chance of accepted move to equal pseudotime is ", logistic(0, x0, k)))
    print(paste0("Mean pseudotime forward (~", optimal.cells.forward, " cells) ", mean.pseudotime.forward))
  return(list(x0=x0, k=k))

#' Weight transition matrix by pseudotime
#' This takes the matrix of transition probabilities and biases them according to
#' the difference in pseudotime between each pair of cells. The parameters of the
#' logistic function can be manually chosen or determined using \code{\link{pseudotimeDetermineLogistic}}.
#' The biased transition matrix is used as input to \code{\link{simulateRandomWalk}} or
#' \code{\link{simulateRandomWalksFromTips}}.
#' @param object An URD object
#' @param pseudotime (Character) Name of pseudotime to use for biasing (i.e. a column name of \code{@@pseudotime})
#' @param x0 (Numeric) Inflection point of the logistic function (in terms of pseudotime difference). Can be left \code{NULL} if \code{logistic.params} is specified.
#' @param k (Numeric) Slope of the logistic function. Can be left \code{NULL} if \code{logistic.params} is specified.
#' @param logistic.params (List) Output from \code{\link{pseudotimeDetermineLogistic}} that specifies both \code{x0} and \code{k}.
#' @param pseudotime.direction (Character: ">" or "<") Which direction to bias the transition probabilities (\code{"<"} is default, which biases them to move toward cells with younger pseudotime.)
#' @param max.records (Numeric) To prevent RAM / addressable space problems, maximum transitions to process at a time
#' @param verbose (Logical) Provide status updates?
#' @return Sparse Matrix (dgCMatrix) of transition probabilities, weighted by pseudotime
#' @examples 
#' # Determine parameters of logistic function
#' diffusion.logistic <- pseudotimeDetermineLogistic(object, "pseudotime", optimal.cells.forward = 40, max.cells.back = 80, pseudotime.direction = "<", do.plot = T, print.values = T)
#' # Generate biased transition matrix
#' biased.tm <- pseudotimeWeightTransitionMatrix(object, pseudotime = "pseudotime", logistic.params = diffusion.logistic, pseudotime.direction = "<")
#' # Simulate random walks
#' these.walks <- simulateRandomWalk(start.cells = tip.10.cells, transition.matrix = biased.tm, end.cells = root.cells, n = 50000, end.visits = 1, verbose.freq = 2500, max.steps = 5000)
#' # Process walks into visitation frequency
#' object <- processRandomWalks(object, walks = these.walks, walks.name = "10", verbose = F)
#' @export
pseudotimeWeightTransitionMatrix <- function(object, pseudotime, x0=NULL, k=NULL, logistic.params=NULL, pseudotime.direction="<", max.records=225e6, verbose=F) {
  # Check that pseudotime.direction is valid
  if (!(pseudotime.direction %in% c(">", "<"))) stop ("pseudotime.direction parameter must be either \">\" or \"<\"")
  # Unpack logistic.params
  if (!is.null(logistic.params)) {
    if (is.null(x0)) x0 <- logistic.params$x0
    if (is.null(k)) k <- logistic.params$k
  # Check that logistic parameters were specified
  if (is.null(x0) | is.null(k)) stop("Either specify x0 and k, or provide the results of determine.logistic.parameters to logistic.params.")
  # Get pseudotime vector
  cell.names <- rownames(object@dm@transitions)
  pseudotime.vec <- object@pseudotime[cell.names,pseudotime]
  # Figure out which cells have pseudotime and only use those.
  cells.w.pt <- which(!is.na(pseudotime.vec))
  cell.names <- cell.names[cells.w.pt]
  pseudotime.vec <- pseudotime.vec[cells.w.pt]
  if (verbose) message(paste0(Sys.time(), ": Starting with ", length(pseudotime.vec), " cells."))
  # Divide up into groups of cells
  cells.at.a.time <- floor(max.records / length(pseudotime.vec))
  x.start <- seq(1, length(pseudotime.vec), by = cells.at.a.time)
  x.end <- c(tail(x.start, -1)-1, length(pseudotime.vec))
  if (verbose) message(paste0(Sys.time(), ": Processing in ", length(x.start), " groups."))
  # Process by group
  time.transition.matrices <- lapply(1:length(x.start), function(i) {
    if (verbose) message(paste0(Sys.time(), ": Preparing to calculate delta-pt matrix ", i))
    time.transition.matrix <- t(sapply(pseudotime.vec, function(y) {
      logistic(x=(pseudotime.vec[x.start[i]:x.end[i]] - y), x0=x0, k=k) 
    these.cells.w.pt <- cells.w.pt[x.start[i]:x.end[i]]
    if (verbose) message(paste0(Sys.time(), ": Preparing to multiply by transitions ", i))
    time.transition.matrix <- time.transition.matrix * object@dm@transitions[cells.w.pt, these.cells.w.pt]
  if (verbose) message(paste0(Sys.time(), ": About to assemble matrices."))
  # Assemble groups
  if (length(x.start) > 1) {
    time.transition.matrix <- do.call("cbind", time.transition.matrices)
  } else {
    time.transition.matrix <- time.transition.matrices[[1]]
  if (verbose) message(paste0(Sys.time(), ": Succesfully assembled matrices."))
  if (verbose) message(paste0(Sys.time(), ": Class is ", class(time.transition.matrix)))
  rownames(time.transition.matrix) <- cell.names
  colnames(time.transition.matrix) <- cell.names

#' Simulate random walks
#' In order to find each developmental trajectory, biased random walks are used to
#' find the paths through the data that connect particular tips to the root. This function
#' simulates random walks from a given starting population (usually cells in a tip) to
#' a given ending population (usually the cells in the root), using connections in
#' the provided transition matrix (usually biased by \code{\link{pseudotimeWeightTransitionMatrix}}).
#' The output is then turned into visitation frequency by the function \code{\link{processRandomWalks}}.
#' This function can be accelerated about 10-fold by using a full matrix of transition
#' probabilities, rather than a sparse one, though at the cost of using large amounts
#' of RAM for data sets with many cells.
#' @param start.cells (Character vector) Cells to use as a starting pool. One cell is chosen at random each simulation.
#' @param transition.matrix (Matrix or Sparse Matrix) Transition matrix (generally biased by \code{\link{pseudotimeWeightTransitionMatrix}}.)
#' @param end.cells (Character vector) Stop the random walks when they visit these cells. (Usually the root cells.)
#' @param n (Numeric) Number of walks to simulate
#' @param end.visits (Numeric) Number of visits to end.cells to do before stopping
#' @param verbose.freq (Numeric) Print a progress update, every \code{verbose.freq} walks. If 0, no progress updates are reported.
#' @param max.steps (Numeric) Maximum number of steps to take before aborting the walk, making the assumption that the walk has somehow gotten stuck. Returns \code{NULL} for those walks.
#' @return (Character vector) Names of cells visited during the random walk.
#' @examples 
#' # Determine parameters of logistic function
#' diffusion.logistic <- pseudotimeDetermineLogistic(object, "pseudotime", optimal.cells.forward = 40, max.cells.back = 80, pseudotime.direction = "<", do.plot = T, print.values = T)
#' # Generate biased transition matrix
#' biased.tm <- pseudotimeWeightTransitionMatrix(object, pseudotime = "pseudotime", logistic.params = diffusion.logistic, pseudotime.direction = "<")
#' # Simulate random walks
#' these.walks <- simulateRandomWalk(start.cells = tip.10.cells, transition.matrix = biased.tm, end.cells = root.cells, n = 50000, end.visits = 1, verbose.freq = 2500, max.steps = 5000)
#' # Process walks into visitation frequency
#' object <- processRandomWalks(object, walks = these.walks, walks.name = "10", verbose = F)
#' @export
simulateRandomWalk <- function(start.cells, transition.matrix, end.cells, n=10000, end.visits=1, verbose.freq=0, max.steps=5000) {
  return(lapply(1:n, function(i) {
    # Initialize with a starting cell from start.cell.list
    current.cell <- sample(start.cells, 1)
    if (verbose.freq > 0 && i %% verbose.freq == 0) print(paste0("Starting walk ", i, " from cell ", current.cell))
    diffusion.path <- c(current.cell)
    stops.in.endzone <- 0
    n.steps <- 0
    # Continue moving to new cells until within root.threshold cells of youngest cell
    while(stops.in.endzone < end.visits) {
      # Grab a new cell based on the weights from the transition probability matrix
      current.cell <- sample(rownames(transition.matrix), size=1, prob=transition.matrix[current.cell,])
      # Update and store information about the new cell.
      diffusion.path <- c(diffusion.path, current.cell)
      # Count the number of cells in the root you've visited
      if (current.cell %in% end.cells) stops.in.endzone <- stops.in.endzone + 1
      # If walk is too long, then it's probably stuck, so abandon.
      n.steps <- n.steps + 1
      if (n.steps > max.steps) {
        warning("Walk ", i, " length greater than ", max.steps, " so returning NULL.\n")
    # Return the list of cells walked through

#' Simulate Random Walks From All Tips
#' This automates the process of performing random walks for many tips. See 
#' \code{\link{simulateRandomWalk}} for more information. The output of this
#' function can be passed to \code{\link{processRandomWalksFromTips}} directly
#' to convert these walk data into visitation frequencies.
#' @param object An URD object
#' @param tip.group.id (Character) The name of the clustering that defines tips
#' @param root.cells (Character vector) Names of cells that constitute the root
#' @param transition.matrix (Matrix or dgCMatrix) Biased transition matrix 
#' @param n.per.tip (Numeric) Number of walks to do per tip
#' @param root.visits (Numeric) Number of steps to take that visit a root.cell before stopping
#' @param max.visits (Numeric) Abandon walks that take more steps than this, as it likely means that it has gotten stuck. (Default is number of cells in the data. On large data, may want to lower this value.)
#' @param verbose (Logical) Whether to report on progress
#' @return List (of tips) of lists (of walk paths) of character vectors
#' @examples 
#' # Determine the parameters of the logistic used to bias the transition probabilities. The procedure
#' # is relatively robust to this parameter, but the cell numbers may need to be modified for larger
#' # or smaller data sets.
#' axial.ptlogistic <- pseudotimeDetermineLogistic(axial, "pseudotime", optimal.cells.forward=20, max.cells.back=40, do.plot = T)
#' # Bias the transition matrix acording to pseudotime
#' axial.biased.tm <- as.matrix(pseudotimeWeightTransitionMatrix(axial, "pseudotime", logistic.params=axial.ptlogistic))
#' # Simulate the biased random walks from each tip
#' axial.walks <- simulateRandomWalksFromTips(axial, tip.group.id="tip.clusters", root.cells=root.cells, transition.matrix = axial.biased.tm, n.per.tip = 25000, root.visits = 1, max.steps = 5000, verbose = F)
#' # Process the biased random walks into visitation frequencies
#' axial <- processRandomWalksFromTips(axial, axial.walks, verbose = F)
#' @export
simulateRandomWalksFromTips <- function(object, tip.group.id, root.cells, transition.matrix, n.per.tip=10000, root.visits=1, max.steps=ncol(object@logupx.data), verbose=T) {
  # Get all tips from that id
  all.tips <- sort(setdiff(as.character(unique(object@group.ids[,tip.group.id])), NA))
  n.tips <- length(all.tips)
  # Run through tips
  tip.walks <- lapply(all.tips, function(tip) {
    if (verbose) print(paste0(Sys.time(), " - Starting random walks from tip ", tip))
    # Get tip cells
    tip.cells <- rownames(object@group.ids)[which(as.character(object@group.ids[,tip.group.id]) == tip)]
    # Do random walks
    if (verbose) verbose.freq=round(n.per.tip/10) else verbose.freq=0
    walks <- simulateRandomWalk(start.cells=tip.cells, transition.matrix=transition.matrix, end.cells=root.cells, n=n.per.tip, end.visits=root.visits, verbose.freq=verbose.freq, max.steps=max.steps)
  names(tip.walks) <- all.tips

#' Process random walks into visitation frequency
#' The output of \code{\link{simulateRandomWalk}} is vectors of cells visited by 
#' each random walk. This converts that data into the visitation frequency of each
#' cell by the random walks, in addition to generating an independent pseudotime
#' for that particular trajectory, which can be useful for some analyses.
#' @importFrom reshape2 dcast melt
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @param object An URD object
#' @param walks (List) List of character vectors of cells visited during random walks (i.e. the output of \code{\link{simulateRandomWalk}})
#' @param walks.name (Character) Name to use for storing walks
#' @param aggregate.fun (Function) Function to aggregate pseudotime (default: mean)
#' @param n.subsample (Numeric) Number of subsamplings to perform for calculating 
#' @param verbose (Logical) Report on progress
#' @return An URD object with cell visitation frequency stored in \code{@@diff.data}, a calculated pseudotime stored in \code{@@pseudotime}, and
#' subsampled data in \code{@@pseudotime.stability}.
#' @export
processRandomWalks <- function(object, walks, walks.name, aggregate.fun=mean, n.subsample=10, verbose=T) {
  # Make sure that for tips this doesn't accidentally refer to a columns index.
  walks.name <- as.character(walks.name)
  # Remove any walks that are NULL (which means they were cut off because they had too many steps)
  walks <- walks[!unlist(lapply(walks, is.null))]
  # Calculate cells' relative position in the diffusion list
  # (e.g. instead of ordinal positioning, fractional position from 0 to 1)
  hops.melt <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(lapply(walks, function(i) {
    data.frame(hops=(1:length(i))/length(i), cell=i, stringsAsFactors=F)
  })), stringsAsFactors=F)
  # Divide the walks up into sections for stability calculations
  walks.in.division <- ceiling(1:n.subsample / n.subsample * length(walks))
  walk.lengths <- unlist(lapply(walks, length))
  # Initialize matrices to hold the results
  pseudotime.stability <- matrix(rep(NA, dim(object@diff.data)[1] * n.subsample), nrow = dim(object@diff.data)[1], ncol=n.subsample, dimnames = list(rownames(object@diff.data), walks.in.division))
  walks.per.cell <- matrix(rep(0, dim(object@diff.data)[1] * n.subsample), nrow = dim(object@diff.data)[1], ncol=n.subsample, dimnames = list(rownames(object@diff.data), walks.in.division))
  # Loop through each section
  for (section in 1:n.subsample) {
    if (verbose) print(paste("Calculating pseudotime with", walks.in.division[section], "walks."))
    # Get number of times each cell has been visited so far
    visit.freq <- table(unlist(walks[1:walks.in.division[section]]))
    walks.per.cell[,section] <- visit.freq[rownames(walks.per.cell)]
    # Calculate pseudotime per cell, given number of walks so far
    hops.melt.rows <- sum(walk.lengths[1:walks.in.division[section]])
    hops.relative <- reshape2::dcast(data=hops.melt[1:hops.melt.rows,], formula=cell~., fun.aggregate=aggregate.fun, value.var="hops")
    rownames(hops.relative) <- hops.relative$cell
    pseudotime.stability[,section] <- hops.relative[rownames(pseudotime.stability),"."]
  # Store the results: matrices for stability plots
  object@pseudotime.stability$pseudotime <- pseudotime.stability
  object@pseudotime.stability$walks.per.cell <- walks.per.cell
  # Store the results: after calculating with all walks, visit frequencies in diff.data
  final.visit.freq <- walks.per.cell[rownames(object@diff.data),dim(walks.per.cell)[2]]
  final.visit.freq[is.na(final.visit.freq)] <- 0
  object@diff.data[,paste0("visitfreq.raw.", walks.name)] <- final.visit.freq
  object@diff.data[,paste0("visitfreq.log.", walks.name)] <- log10(final.visit.freq + 1)
  # Store the results: pseudotime
  object@pseudotime[,walks.name] <- NA
  object@pseudotime[hops.relative[,"cell"], walks.name] <- hops.relative[,"."]
  # Return the object

#' Process random walks from all tips
#' This processes random walks from several tips automatically. See
#' \code{\link{processRandomWalks}} for more information. This function can be
#' run directly with the output of \code{\link{simulateRandomWalksFromTips}}.
#' @param object An URD object
#' @param walks.list (List of lists) List of character vectors of cells visited during random walks.
#' (This is the output format of \code{\link{simulateRandomWalksFromTips}})
#' @param aggregate.fun (Function) Function to aggregate pseudotime (default: mean)
#' @param n.subsample (Numeric) Number of subsamplings to perform for calculating stability
#' @param verbose (Logical) Report on progress?
#' @return An URD object with cell visitation frequencies stored in \code{@@diff.data}, calculated pseudotimes stored in \code{@@pseudotime}, and subsampled data in \code{@@pseudotime.stability}.
#' @examples 
#' # Determine the parameters of the logistic used to bias the transition probabilities. The procedure
#' # is relatively robust to this parameter, but the cell numbers may need to be modified for larger
#' # or smaller data sets.
#' axial.ptlogistic <- pseudotimeDetermineLogistic(axial, "pseudotime", optimal.cells.forward=20, max.cells.back=40, do.plot = T)
#' # Bias the transition matrix acording to pseudotime
#' axial.biased.tm <- as.matrix(pseudotimeWeightTransitionMatrix(axial, "pseudotime", logistic.params=axial.ptlogistic))
#' # Simulate the biased random walks from each tip
#' axial.walks <- simulateRandomWalksFromTips(axial, tip.group.id="tip.clusters", root.cells=root.cells, transition.matrix = axial.biased.tm, n.per.tip = 25000, root.visits = 1, max.steps = 5000, verbose = F)
#' # Process the biased random walks into visitation frequencies
#' axial <- processRandomWalksFromTips(axial, axial.walks, verbose = F)
#' @export
processRandomWalksFromTips <- function(object, walks.list, aggregate.fun=mean, n.subsample=10, verbose=T) {
  # Check that walks.list is a proper list
  if (class(walks.list) != "list" || class(walks.list[[1]]) != "list") stop("walks.list must be a list (tips) of lists (walks).")
  if (is.null(names(walks.list))) stop("walks.list must be named according to tips.")
  # Get names
  tip.names <- names(walks.list)
  # Loop through
  for (tip in tip.names) {
    if (verbose) print(paste0(Sys.time(), " - Processing walks from tip ", tip))
    # Process the walks
    object <- processRandomWalks(object, walks = walks.list[[tip]], walks.name = tip, aggregate.fun = aggregate.fun, n.subsample = n.subsample, verbose = verbose)
  # Return the object
farrellja/URD documentation built on June 17, 2020, 4:48 a.m.