
Defines functions stem_dynamics

Documented in stem_dynamics

#'Generate the objects governing the dynamics of a stochastic epidemic model.
#'@param rates list of rate lists, each generated by a call to the
#'  \code{rate} function.
#'@param parameters numeric vector with named elements, the model parameters.
#'  Note that this includes ALL model parameters, including those referred to in
#'  the measurement process. Importantly, if there is a time-varying parameter
#'  in the model it should not be included in the \code{parameters} argument,
#'  but rather specified separately in the \code{tparam} argument. However, if
#'  the time-varying parameter depends on hyperparameters that are updated via
#'  MCMC, the hyperparameters should be included in the vector of parameters.
#'@param state_initializer list of initializer lists, each generated by a call
#'  to \code{stem_initializer}. Used to initialize the system at the
#'  first observation time.
#'@param compartments character vector of compartment names if there is a single
#'  stratum, or if there are multiple strata a list of character vectors where
#'  the name of each character vector is the compartment name and the character
#'  vector lists the strata to in which the compartment exists. The reserved
#'  word "ALL" can be used instead of listing all strata.
#'@param tparam list of time-varying parameter lists, each generated by a call
#'  to the \code{tparam} function. Time-varying parameters are defined by
#'  mapping vectors of N(0,1) draws to parameter values and are updated jointly
#'  via elliptical slice sampling.
#'@param tcovar Matrix of time varying covariates, the first
#'  column of which contains the times at which covariates change. Note that if
#'  a covariate modifies the model compartment counts (e.g., vaccination), the
#'  flow between model compartments must also be declared using a list of
#'  forcing functions, supplied in the \code{forcings} argument (see the
#'  documentation for the \code{forcing} function).
#'@param forcings list of forcings, which declare that certain time varying
#'  covariates modify compartment counts, each generated by a call to the
#'  \code{forcing} function.
#'@param strata vector of stratum names, required if the "ALL" reserved word is
#'  used
#'  (e.g. compartments = list(S = "ALL", I = "ALL", R = "ALL", D = "old");
#'  strata = c("infants", "young", "old");
#'@inheritParams simulate_stem
#'@param constants optional. numeric vector with named elements that are
#'  constants referenced in the rate functions.
#'@param adjacency optional matrix specifying the adjacency structure of strata,
#'  with 0 entries indicating non-adjacency and 1 for adjacency. Rows and
#'  columns must be labeled.
#'  Important note: care should be taken to make sure that there are no partial
#'  string matches between the building blocks of a model. For example, if the
#'  population size is given by the string constant "N", then "N" should not
#'  appear in any of parameter names, compartment names, etc. In particular,
#'  suppose there is a parameter named "BETA_N". When the rate functions are
#'  parsed internally, the rate strings will be parsed incorrectly due to the
#'  partial match.
#'@param compile_rates should the rate functions for exact simulation and
#'  inference be compiled?
#'@param compile_lna should the LNA functions be compiled?
#'@param compile_ode should the ODE functions for the deterministic mean process
#'  be compiled?
#'@param step_size initial step size for ODE stepper. Adapted internally, but
#'  too large of an initial size can lead to failures in stiff systems.
#'@param stepper string specifying the stepper type (see odeintr package
#'  documentation)
#'@param rtol,atol stepper error tolerance (see odeintr package documentation)
#'@return list with evaluated rate functions and objects for managing the
#'  bookkeeping for epidemic paths. The objects in the list are as follows:
#'  \describe{ \item{rates}{list of parsed rate functions}
#'  \item{rate_ptrs}{vector of external function pointers to compiled rate
#'  functions.} \item{parameters}{named numeric vector of model parameters}
#'  \item{tcovar}{matrix of time-varying covariates, with column names}
#'  \item{constants}{named numeric vector of constants, with stratum sizes and
#'  population size included} \item{state_initializer}{list of model initializer
#'  lists} \item{initdist_params}{named numeric vector of parameters governing
#'  the initial distribution of compartment counts} \item{fixed_inits}{logical
#'  indicating whether the initial distribution parameters are fixed compartment
#'  counts (TRUE) or parameters of a dirichlet distribution (FALSE)}
#'  \item{flow_matrix}{matrix of flow between model compartments associated with
#'  each transition event} \item{lna_rates}{list with lna pointers and lna code}
#'  \item{strata_sizes}{named numeric vector of strata sizes}
#'  \item{popsize}{population size} \item{comp_codes}{named vector of (C++)
#'  compartment codes} \item{param_codes}{named vector of (C++) parameter codes}
#'  \item{tcovar_codes}{named vector of (C++) time-varying covariate codes}
#'  \item{const_codes}{named vector of (C++) constant codes}
#'  \item{strata_codes}{named vector of (C++) strata codes}
#'  \item{incidence_codes}{named vector of (C++) incidence compartment codes
#'  (colum location in the path matrix)} \item{incidence_sources}{named vector
#'  of (C++) codes for compartments corresponding to each incidence compartment}
#'  \item{lna_param_codes}{named vector of (C++) codes for the concatenated LNA
#'  parameters} \item{progressive}{logical indicating whether the model is
#'  progressive} \item{absorbing_states}{logical vector indicating which model
#'  compartments are absorbing states} \item{rate_adjmat}{adjacency matrix
#'  indicating which rates need to be updated when a transition event occurs}
#'  \item{timevarying}{logical indicating whether there are any time-varying
#'  covariates or parameters} \item{timecode}{index of column in the
#'  time-varying covariate matrix for time (as a variable, not an index)}
#'  \item{tcovar_adjmat}{adjacency matrix indicating which rates need to be
#'  updated when a time-varying covariate value changes}
#'  \item{tcovar_changemat}{indicator matrix indicating which time-varying
#'  covariates change at which time in the tcovar matrix}
#'  \item{t0}{initialization time for the system} \item{tmax}{time until which
#'  the system evolves} \item{n_strata}{number of strata}
#'  \item{n_compartments}{number of compartments} \item{n_params}{number of
#'  model parameters} \item{n_tcovar}{number of time-varying covariates,
#'  including time} \item{n_consts}{number of constants in the model}
#'  \item{dynamics_args}{original arguments supplied to \code{stem_dynamics}} }
stem_dynamics <-
             tparam = NULL,
             tcovar = NULL,
             forcings = NULL,
             strata = NULL,
             constants = NULL,
             timestep = NULL,
             adjacency = NULL,
             messages = FALSE,
             compile_rates = TRUE,
             compile_lna = TRUE,
             compile_ode = TRUE,
             step_size = 1e-6,
             stepper = "rk54_a",
             rtol = 1e-6,
             atol = 1e-6,
             ...) {

        # check consistency of specification and throw errors if inconsistent
        if(is.list(compartments) && ("ALL" %in% compartments) && is.null(strata)) {
            stop("In order to use 'ALL' to specify that some compartments are present for all strata, a character vector of stratum names must be supplied")

        # check for partial matches in parameter names
        param_match <- rep(FALSE, length(parameters)); param_names <- names(parameters)
        for(p in seq_along(parameters)) {
            param_match[p] <- any(grepl(pattern = paste0('\\<', param_names[p], '\\>'), param_names[-p]))

        # check that none of the strata are named "TIME", "ALL", "ADJ", or "SELF", and
        # that these strings do not appear in subscripts
        if(any(c("TIME", "ALL", "ADJ", "SELF") %in% strata)){
            stop("'TIME', 'ALL', 'ADJ', and 'SELF' are reserved words and cannot be used in stratum names")

        # check that "TIME" is not listed as one of the parameters
        if("TIME" %in% names(parameters)) {
            stop("'TIME' is a reserved word and should not be one of the parameter names.")

        # check that "TIME" is not listed as one of the constants
        if("TIME" %in% names(constants)) {
            stop("'TIME' is a reserved word and should not be one of the names of constants.")

        # check that the "_0" suffix is not used in any of the parameters or constants
        if(any(grepl("_0", c(names(parameters), names(constants))))) {
            stop("The suffix '_0' is reserved to indicate an initial condition. Please rename parameters and constants ending in '_0'")

        if(!all(sapply(state_initializer, is.list))) {
            stop("The state_initializer argument must be a list of lists.")

        if(any(sapply(rates, function(x) !is.null(x$strata)))) {
            if(!all(sapply(rates, function(x) !is.null(x$strata)))) {
                stop("Strata must be supplied for all rates if they are supplied for any rates.")

            if(is.null(strata)) {
                stop("If strata are supplied for some of the rates, they must be supplied as an argument.")

        if(!is.null(strata) && !(state_initializer[[1]]$strata == "ALL" || length(state_initializer) == length(strata))) {
            stop("The state initializer must be the same length as the number of strata.")

        # check that the strata names in the compartment list match the strata
        if(is.list(compartments) && !all(unlist(compartments[unlist(compartments)]) %in% strata)) {
            stop(sQuote(unlist(compartments)[which((!unlist(compartments) %in% strata) & (unlist(compartments) != "ALL"))]), "is not in the supplied vector of stratum names")

        # create a hidden list of user supplied arguments prior to processing
        dynamics_args <- list(rates              = rates,
                              parameters        = parameters,
                              state_initializer = state_initializer,
                              compartments      = compartments,
                              tparam            = tparam,
                              tcovar            = tcovar,
                              forcings          = forcings,
                              timestep          = timestep,
                              strata            = strata,
                              constants         = constants,
                              adjacency         = adjacency,
                              messages          = messages,
                              compile_rates     = compile_rates,
                              compile_lna       = compile_lna,
                              compile_ode       = compile_ode,
                              step_size         = step_size,
                              stepper           = stepper,
                              rtol              = rtol,
                              atol              = atol)

        if(!"t0" %in% c(names(parameters), names(constants))) {
            stop("t0 must be specified either as a parameter or a constant in the stochastic epidemic model.")

        # identify whether t0 is fixed or random, and isolate it
        if("t0" %in% names(parameters)) {
            t0_fixed   <- FALSE
            t0         <- parameters["t0"]

        } else {
            t0_fixed  <- TRUE
            t0        <- constants["t0"]

        # build the vector of full compartment names
        if(!is.list(compartments)) {

            comp_names <- compartments
            compartment_names <- compartments

        } else if(is.list(compartments)){

            comp_names <- names(compartments) # just the names of compartments without strata
            compartment_names <- vector("list", length(compartments)) # list with full compartment_strata names

            for(k in seq_along(compartment_names)) {
                if(!identical(compartments[[k]], "ALL")) {
                    compartment_names[[k]] <- do.call(paste, list(comp_names[k], compartments[[k]], sep = "_"))
                } else {
                    compartment_names[[k]] <- do.call(paste, list(comp_names[k], strata, sep = "_"))

            compartment_names <- unlist(compartment_names)

        # check that there are no partial matches among compartment names
        comp_match <- rep(FALSE, length(compartments))

        for(p in seq_along(compartments)) {
            comp_match[p] <- any(grepl(paste0('\\<', compartment_names[p], '\\>'), compartment_names[-p]))

        # get the number of strata, the number of compartments, number of parameters, and number of time-varying covariates (plus time)
        n_strata        <- max(1,length(strata));
        n_compartments  <- length(compartment_names)
        n_params        <- length(parameters)
        n_consts        <- length(constants)

        # ensure that time and time-varying covariates will be properly accounted for
        timevarying <- any(sapply(rates, function(x) grepl("TIME", x[["rate"]]))) ||
            !is.null(tcovar) || !is.null(tparam)

        no_TIME_ref <- !any(sapply(rates, function(x) grepl("TIME", x[["rate"]])))

        # make sure tcovar is a matrix, not a data frame
        if(!is.null(tcovar)) tcovar <- as.matrix(tcovar)

        # tcovar and tparam codes
        if(!timevarying) {

            tcovar_names <- tcovar_codes <- NULL
            tparam_names <- tparam_codes <- NULL
            n_tcovar     <- 0

        } else {

            if(is.null(tcovar)) {
                tcovar_names <- "TIME"
                n_tcovar <- 1
                tcovar_codes <- 0
                names(tcovar_codes) <- "TIME"
            } else {
                tcovar_names    <- c(colnames(tcovar)[2:ncol(tcovar)], "TIME")
                n_tcovar        <- length(tcovar_names)
                tcovar_codes    <- seq_len(n_tcovar)
                names(tcovar_codes) <- tcovar_names

            if(!is.null(tparam)) {
                tparam_names <- sapply(tparam, function(x) x$tparam_name)
                n_tparam     <- length(tparam)
                tparam_codes <- seq_len(n_tparam) + tcovar_codes[length(tcovar_codes)]
                names(tparam_codes) <- tparam_names

            } else {
                tparam_names <- NULL
                n_tparam     <- 0
                tparam_codes <- 0

            tcovar_codes <- c(tcovar_codes, tparam_codes)
            tcovar_names <- c(tcovar_names, tparam_names)

            # make sure TIME is at the end
            tcovar_names <- c(tcovar_names[tcovar_names != "TIME"], "TIME")
            tcovar_codes <- setNames(seq_along(tcovar_names), tcovar_names)

        # compute the time discretization interval if it is not supplied
        if(is.null(timestep)) {
            timestep <- tmax - t0

        # ensure that there are no partial matches amongst names of time-varying covariates
        if(timevarying) {
            tcovar_match <- rep(FALSE, length(tcovar_names))
            for(p in seq_along(tcovar_match)) {
                tcovar_match[p] <- any(grepl(paste0('\\<', tcovar_names[p], '\\>'), tcovar_names[-p]))

        # construct the mapping for the compartment_strata to the columns in the bookkeeping matrix
        compartment_codes        <- 0:(n_compartments - 1)
        names(compartment_codes) <- compartment_names

        param_codes <- 0:(n_params - 1)
        param_names <- names(parameters)
        names(param_codes) <- param_names

        if(n_strata) {
            strata_codes            <- 0:(n_strata - 1)
            names(strata_codes)     <- strata
        } else {
            strata_codes <- NULL

        # generate initializer list
        if(is.null(strata)) {

            initializer                 <- state_initializer
            initdist_params             <- initializer[[1]]$init_states
            initializer[[1]]$param_inds <- seq_along(initdist_params)
            initializer[[1]]$codes      <-
                match(names(initializer[[1]]$init_states), names(compartment_codes))

            if(is.null(initializer[[1]]$prior)) {
                if(is.character(compile_lna)||compile_lna) {
                    prior <- initializer[[1]]$init_states
                    prior <- pmax(prior, 1e-16)
                } else {
                    prior <- initializer[[1]]$init_states / sum(initializer[[1]]$init_states)
                initdist_priors <- prior
                initializer[[1]]$prior <- prior
            } else {
                initdist_priors <- initializer[[1]]$prior

            fixed_inits  <- initializer[[1]]$fixed
            strata_sizes <- NULL

        } else {
            # unpack the initialization lists
            initializer     <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(state_initializer))
            initdist_params <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(state_initializer))
            initdist_priors <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(state_initializer))
            param_inds <- 0

            for(k in seq_along(state_initializer)) {

                # get the relevant strata
                if (identical(state_initializer[[k]]$strata, "ALL") ||
                    all(strata %in% state_initializer[[k]]$strata)) {
                    rel_strata <- strata
                } else {
                    rel_strata <- state_initializer[[k]]$strata

                # ensure that there is one initializer function per relevant stratum
                initializer[[k]] <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(rel_strata))

                # handle initial parameters
                initdist_params[[k]] <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(rel_strata))
                initdist_priors[[k]] <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(rel_strata))

                for(j in seq_along(initializer[[k]])) {

                    initializer[[k]][[j]]$init_states <- state_initializer[[k]]$init_states
                    initializer[[k]][[j]]$fixed       <- state_initializer[[k]]$fixed
                    initializer[[k]][[j]]$strata      <- rel_strata[j]

                    initializer[[k]][[j]]$codes <-
                        if (all(names(initializer[[k]][[j]]$init_states) %in%
                                names(compartment_codes))) {
                        } else {
                                        sep = "_"),

                    initdist_params[[k]][[j]] <- state_initializer[[k]]$init_states
                    param_inds <- max(param_inds) + seq_along(state_initializer[[k]]$init_states)
                    initializer[[k]][[j]]$param_inds <- param_inds

                    if(is.null(state_initializer[[k]]$prior)) {

                        if(is.character(compile_lna) || compile_lna) {
                            prior_kj <- state_initializer[[k]]$init_states
                        } else {
                            prior_kj <-
                                state_initializer[[k]]$init_states /

                        initializer[[k]][[j]]$prior <- prior_kj
                        initdist_priors[[k]][[j]]   <- prior_kj

                    } else {
                        initializer[[k]][[j]]$prior <- state_initializer[[k]]$prior
                        initdist_priors[[k]][[j]]   <- state_initializer[[k]]$prior

                    initializer[[k]][[j]]$dist <- state_initializer[[k]]$dist

            initializer     <- unlist(initializer, recursive = FALSE)
            initdist_params <- unlist(initdist_params)
            initdist_priors <- unlist(initdist_priors)

            # determine if initial states are fixed
            fixed_inits <- all(sapply(initializer, "[[", "fixed") == TRUE)

        # make sure popsizes and stratum sizes in the contants are handled properly
        if(is.null(strata)) {

            # if not supplied, constants will at least contain the population size
            if(is.null(constants)) {
                constants <- c(popsize = sum(state_initializer[[1]]$init_states))

            if(!"popsize" %in% names(constants)) {
                popsize   <- sum(state_initializer[[1]]$init_states)
                constants <- c(constants, popsize = popsize)
            } else {
                # make sure popsize is at the end
                popsize <- constants["popsize"]
                constants <- c(constants[which(names(constants)!="popsize")], constants["popsize"])

            # generate const_codes
            const_names        <- names(constants)
            const_codes        <- seq_along(constants)-1
            names(const_codes) <- const_names
            n_consts           <- length(constants)

        } else {

            initializer_strata <- sapply(state_initializer, function(x) x[["strata"]])

            if(initializer_strata[1] == "ALL") {
                strata_sizes <- sapply(strata, function(x) sum(state_initializer[[1]]$init_states))
                names(strata_sizes) <- paste0("popsize_", strata)

            } else {
                strata_sizes <- numeric(length(strata))
                names(strata_sizes) <- paste0("popsize_", strata)
                for(s in seq_along(state_initializer)){
                    strata_sizes[paste0("popsize_",state_initializer[[s]]$strata)] <-

            # if not supplied, constants will at least contain the population and stratum sizes
                constants <- c(popsize = sum(strata_sizes), strata_sizes)

            # add the population and strata sizes to the vector of constants if not already there
            if(!"popsize" %in% names(constants)) {
                popsize <- sum(strata_sizes)
                constants <- c(constants, popsize = popsize)
            } else {
                popsize <- constants["popsize"]

            for(p in seq_along(strata_sizes)) {
                if(!names(strata_sizes)[p] %in% names(constants)) {
                    constants <- c(constants, strata_sizes[p])

            # generate const_codes
            const_names        <- names(constants)
            const_codes        <- seq_along(constants)-1
            names(const_codes) <- const_names
            n_consts           <- length(constants)

        # indices for the the initial distribution
        param_inds     <- unlist(lapply(initializer, function(x) x$param_inds))
        initdist_codes <- unlist(lapply(initializer, function(x) x$codes))

        # reorder the initial distribution parameters if using multinomial or dirmultinom
        if (initializer[[1]]$dist %in% c("multinomial", "dirmultinom")) {
            initdist_params <- as.numeric(initdist_params[order(initdist_codes)])
            initdist_prior <- as.numeric(initdist_priors[order(initdist_codes)])

        names(initdist_params) <- paste0(names(compartment_codes), "_0")

        # add the initial state parameters either to the parameters or to the constants
        if(fixed_inits) {
            constants          <- c(initdist_params, constants)
            const_codes        <- c(const_codes, seq_along(initdist_codes) + length(const_codes) - 1)
            names(const_codes) <- names(constants)
        } else {
            parameters         <- c(parameters, initdist_params)
            param_codes        <- c(param_codes, seq_along(initdist_codes) + length(param_codes) - 1)
            names(param_codes) <- names(parameters)

        if(!is.null(constants)) {
            # ensure that there are no partial matches amongst names of constants
            const_match <- rep(FALSE, length(const_names))
            for(p in seq_along(const_match)) {
                const_match[p] <- any(grepl(pattern = paste0('\\<',const_names[p], '\\>'), const_names[-p]))

        # if there are multiple strata, ensure that the rate functions are
        # specified for all compartments in their respective risk sets
        if(!is.null(strata)) {

            rate_fcns <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(rates))
            comp_all  <- paste(comp_names, "ALL", sep = "_")
            comp_adj  <- paste(comp_names, "ADJ", sep = "_")
            comp_rel  <- paste(comp_names, "REL", sep = "_")

            for(k in seq_along(rates)) {

                # get the relevant strata
                if(identical(rates[[k]]$strata, "ALL")) {
                    rel_strata <- strata
                } else {
                    rel_strata <- rates[[k]]$strata

                # ensure that there is one rate function per stratum
                rate_fcns[[k]] <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(rel_strata))

                # modify the rate function to reflect the stratum
                for(j in seq_along(rel_strata)) {

                    strat_self <- rel_strata[j] # get stratum name

                    rate_fcns[[k]][[j]] <- vector(mode = "list", length = 6)
                    names(rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]) <- c("unlumped", "lumped", "from", "to", "incidence", "unparsed")
                    rate_fcns[[k]][[j]][c(1,3,4,5)] <- rates[[k]][c("rate", "from", "to", "incidence")] # copy rate function. slot 2 is lumped rate.

                    # make substitutions in the rate string SELF substitution
                    if(grepl("SELF", rates[[k]][[1]])) {
                        rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$unlumped <- gsub("SELF", strat_self, rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$unlumped)

                    # ALL substitution
                    if(grepl("ALL", rates[[k]][[1]])) {
                        which_all <- sapply(comp_all, FUN = grepl, rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$unlumped)
                        which_sub <- comp_all[which_all]

                        for(l in seq_along(which_sub)) {
                            sub_comp <- comp_names[which(comp_all == which_sub[l])]
                            sub_all  <- compartment_names[compartment_names %in% paste(sub_comp, strata, sep = "_")]
                            rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$unlumped <- sub_comp_rate(rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$unlumped, comp = which_sub, subs = sub_all)

                    # ADJ substitution
                    if(grepl("ADJ", rates[[k]][[1]])) {
                        # vector of adjacent strata
                        strat_adj <- colnames(adjacency)[adjacency[strat_self,] == 1] # names of adjacent strata

                        which_adj <- sapply(comp_adj, FUN = grepl, rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$unlumped)
                        which_sub <- comp_adj[which_adj] # string to be replaced, *_ADJ

                        for(l in seq_along(which_sub)) {
                            sub_comp <- comp_names[which(comp_adj == which_sub[l])]
                            sub_adj  <- compartment_names[grepl(pattern = sub_comp, x = compartment_names)]

                            # names of compartments to be substituted for *_ADJ
                            sub_adj  <- compartment_names[which(compartment_names %in% paste(sub_comp, strat_adj, sep = "_"))]

                            # make the substitution
                            rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$unlumped <- sub_comp_rate(rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$unlumped, comp = which_sub, subs = sub_adj)

                    # REL substitution
                    if(grepl("REL", rates[[k]][[1]])) {

                        strat_rel <- rel_strata # names of relevant strata

                        which_rel <- sapply(comp_rel, FUN = grepl, rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$unlumped)
                        which_sub <- comp_rel[which_rel] # string to be replaced, *_ADJ

                        for(l in seq_along(which_sub)) {
                            sub_comp <- comp_names[which(comp_rel == which_sub[l])]
                            sub_rel  <- compartment_names[grepl(pattern = sub_comp, x = compartment_names)]

                            # names of compartments to be substituted for *_ADJ
                            sub_rel  <- compartment_names[which(compartment_names %in% paste(sub_comp, strat_rel, sep = "_"))]

                            # make the substitution
                            rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$unlumped <- sub_comp_rate(rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$unlumped, comp = which_sub, subs = sub_rel)

                    # make substitutions in the 'from' and 'to' arguments
                    if((!rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$from %in% compartment_names) && (rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$from %in% comp_names)) {
                        rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$from <- paste(rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$from, strat_self, sep = "_")

                    if((!rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$to %in% compartment_names) && (rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$to %in% comp_names)) {
                        rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$to <- paste(rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$to, strat_self, sep = "_")

                    # if the lumped rates were provided, save them in the lumped rate slot
                    if(rates[[k]]$lumped == TRUE) {
                        rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$lumped <- rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]$unlumped
                        rate_fcns[[k]][[j]]["unlumped"] <- list(NULL)

            rate_fcns <- unlist(rate_fcns, recursive = FALSE)

            # Instatiate the lumped rate functions, save the unconverted rates, then
            # make the substitutions for parameters, covariates, constants and states
            for(k in seq_along(rate_fcns)) {

                # instatiate lumped rate functions
                if(is.null(rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped)) {

                    # save the unparsed lumped rate
                    rate_fcns[[k]]$unparsed <- paste0("(", rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped, ") * ", rate_fcns[[k]]$from)

                    # make the substitutions for the parameter codes
                    for(s in seq_along(param_codes)) {
                        code_name <- param_names[s]
                        code      <- param_codes[s]
                        rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped <- gsub(paste0('\\<',code_name,'\\>'),
                                                        paste0("parameters[",code,"]"), rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped)

                    # make the substitutions for the constant codes
                    for(s in seq_along(tcovar_codes)) {
                        code_name <- names(tcovar_codes)[s]
                        code      <- tcovar_codes[s]
                        rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped <- gsub(paste0('\\<',code_name,'\\>'), paste0("tcovar[",code,"]"), rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped)

                    # make the substitutions for the constant codes
                    if(!is.null(const_codes)) {
                        for(s in seq_along(const_codes)) {
                            code_name <- names(const_codes)[s]
                            code      <- const_codes[s]
                            rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped <- gsub(paste0('\\<',code_name,'\\>'), paste0("constants[",code,"]"), rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped)

                    # instatiate lumped rate functions
                    rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped <- paste0("(", rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped, ") * ", rate_fcns[[k]]$from)

                } else {
                    # save the unparsed lumped rate
                    rate_fcns[[k]]$unparsed <- rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped

                    # make the substitutions for the parameter codes
                    for(s in seq_along(param_codes)) {
                        code_name <- param_names[s]
                        code      <- param_codes[s]
                        rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped <- gsub(paste0('\\<',code_name,'\\>'),
                                                      paste0("parameters[",code,"]"), rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped)

                    # make the substitutions for the constant codes
                    for(s in seq_along(tcovar_codes)) {
                        code_name <- names(tcovar_codes)[s]
                        code      <- tcovar_codes[s]
                        rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped <- gsub(paste0('\\<',code_name,'\\>'),
                                                      paste0("tcovar[",code,"]"), rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped)

                    # make the substitutions for the constant codes
                    if(!is.null(const_codes)) {
                        for(s in seq_along(const_codes)) {
                            code_name <- names(const_codes)[s]
                            code      <- const_codes[s]
                            rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped <- gsub(paste0('\\<',code_name,'\\>'), paste0("constants[",code,"]"),

                # make substitutions for compartment codes
                for(t in seq_along(compartment_codes)) {
                    code_name <- names(compartment_codes)[t]
                    code      <- compartment_codes[t]
                        rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped <- gsub(paste0('\\<',code_name,'\\>'), paste0("state[",code,"]"), rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped)
                        rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped <- gsub(paste0('\\<',code_name,'\\>'), paste0("state[",code,"]"), rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped)

        } else {

            rate_fcns <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(rates))

            for(k in seq_along(rates)) {

                rate_fcns[[k]] <- vector(mode = "list", length = 6)
                names(rate_fcns[[k]]) <- c("unlumped", "lumped", "from", "to", "incidence", "unparsed")
                rate_fcns[[k]][c(1,3,4,5)] <- rates[[k]][c("rate", "from", "to", "incidence")]

                # if the lumped rates were provided, save them in the lumped rate slot
                if(rates[[k]]$lumped) {

                    rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped <- rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped
                    rate_fcns[[k]]["unlumped"] <- list(NULL)

                    # save the unparsed rate
                    rate_fcns[[k]]$unparsed <- rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped

                    # make the substitutions for the parameter codes
                    for(s in seq_along(param_codes)) {
                        code_name <- names(param_codes)[s]
                        code      <- param_codes[s]
                        rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped <- gsub(paste0('\\<',code_name,'\\>'), paste0("parameters[",code,"]"), rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped)

                    # make the substitutions for the covariate codes
                    for(s in seq_along(tcovar_codes)) {
                        code_name <- names(tcovar_codes)[s]
                        code      <- tcovar_codes[s]
                        rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped <- gsub(paste0('\\<',code_name,'\\>'), paste0("tcovar[",code,"]"), rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped)

                    # make the substitutions for the constant codes
                    if(!is.null(const_codes)) {
                        for(s in seq_along(const_codes)) {
                            code_name <- names(const_codes)[s]
                            code      <- const_codes[s]
                            rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped <- gsub(paste0('\\<',code_name,'\\>'), paste0("constants[",code,"]"), rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped)

                    # make the substitutions for the compartment codes
                    for(s in seq_along(compartment_codes)) {
                        code_name <- names(compartment_codes)[s]
                        code      <- compartment_codes[s]
                        rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped <- gsub(paste0('\\<',code_name,'\\>'), paste0("state[",code,"]"), rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped)

                } else {

                    # construct and save the unparsed lumped rate
                    rate_fcns[[k]]$unparsed <- paste0("(", rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped, ") * ", rate_fcns[[k]]$from)

                    # make the substitutions for the parameter codes
                    for(s in seq_along(param_codes)) {
                        code_name <- names(param_codes)[s]
                        code      <- param_codes[s]
                        rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped <- gsub(paste0('\\<',code_name,'\\>'), paste0("parameters[",code,"]"), rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped)

                    # make the substitutions for the covariate codes
                    for(s in seq_along(tcovar_codes)) {
                        code_name <- names(tcovar_codes)[s]
                        code      <- tcovar_codes[s]
                        rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped <- gsub(paste0('\\<',code_name,'\\>'), paste0("tcovar[",code,"]"), rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped)

                    # make the substitutions for the constant codes
                    if(!is.null(const_codes)) {
                        for(s in seq_along(const_codes)) {
                            code_name <- names(const_codes)[s]
                            code      <- const_codes[s]
                            rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped <- gsub(paste0('\\<',code_name,'\\>'), paste0("constants[",code,"]"), rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped)

                    # make the substitutions for the compartment codes
                    for(s in seq_along(compartment_codes)) {
                        code_name <- names(compartment_codes)[s]
                        code      <- compartment_codes[s]
                        rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped <- gsub(paste0('\\<',code_name,'\\>'), paste0("state[",code,"]"), rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped)

                    # instatiate the lumped rate function
                    rate_fcns[[k]]$lumped <- paste0("(", rate_fcns[[k]]$unlumped, ") * state[", compartment_codes[rate_fcns[[k]]$from], "]")

        # check that forcings are not referenced in the rates
        if(!is.null(forcings)) {

            # first check that forcings are specified in a list of forcing lists
            if(!(is.list(forcings) & is.list(forcings[[1]]))) {
                stop("Forcings must be specified as a list of lists.")

            # check that forcings do not appear in rates
            for(l in seq_along(forcings)) {
                for(m in seq_along(rate_fcns)) {
                    if(grepl(forcings[[l]]$tcovar_name, rate_fcns[[m]]$unparsed)) {
                        stop("Time varying covariates declared in forcings should not be declared in the rate functions.")

        # construct the flow matrix
        flow_matrix <- build_flowmat(rate_fcns, compartment_names)

        # recreate the incidence compartment codes
        incidence_comps <- !is.na(match(colnames(flow_matrix), rownames(flow_matrix)))
        incidence_codes <- which(incidence_comps) - 1
        if(length(incidence_codes)) {
            names(incidence_codes) <- colnames(flow_matrix)[incidence_comps]
            incidence_sources      <-
                       function(x) compartment_codes[which(flow_matrix[x,] == -1)])
        } else {
            incidence_codes   <- NULL
            incidence_sources <- NULL

        # determine whether the model is progressive and whether there are absorbing states
        progressive      <- is_progressive(flow_matrix)
        absorbing_states <- which_absorbing(flow_matrix)

        # construct the rate adjacency matrix -- specifies which rates need to
        # be updates when a transition occurs
        rate_adjmat <- build_rate_adjmat(rates = rate_fcns, compartment_codes = compartment_codes)

        # build the time-varying covariate matrix so that it contains the census intervals
        tcovar <- build_tcovar_matrix(tcovar     = tcovar,
                                      tparam     = tparam,
                                      forcings   = forcings,
                                      timestep   = timestep,
                                      parameters = parameters,
                                      t0         = t0,
                                      tmax       = tmax,
                                      messages   = messages)

        tcovar_codes        <- seq_len(ncol(tcovar) - 1)
        names(tcovar_codes) <- colnames(tcovar)[2:ncol(tcovar)]
        n_tcovar            <- ncol(tcovar) - 1
        tcovar_changemat    <- build_tcovar_changemat(tcovar   = tcovar,
                                                      tparam   = tparam,
                                                      forcings = forcings,
                                                      no_TIME_ref = no_TIME_ref)
        tcovar_adjmat       <- build_tcovar_adjmat(rates        = rate_fcns,
                                                   tcovar_codes = tcovar_codes,
                                                   forcings     = forcings)
        timecode            <- which(names(tcovar_codes) == "TIME")

        # identify whether rates are 0th or 1st order rates or higher order rates
        for(s in seq_along(rate_fcns)) {
            rate_fcns[[s]]$higher_order <-
                sum((gregexpr("state\\[", rate_fcns[[s]]$lumped)[[1]] > 0)) > 1

        # compile the rate functions and get the pointers
        if(is.character(compile_rates) | compile_rates) {
            exact_rates <-
                parse_rates_exact(rates = rate_fcns,
                                  compile_rates = compile_rates,
                                  messages = messages)
            rate_ptrs  <- exact_rates$pointers
            exact_code <- exact_rates$code
        } else {
            rate_ptrs  <- NULL
            exact_code <- NULL

        # compile LNA and/or ODE
        do_ode <- is.character(compile_ode) || compile_ode
        do_lna <- is.character(compile_lna) || compile_lna

        if(do_ode | do_lna) {

            # remove the incidence codes from the flow matrix, we don't need them
            if(!is.null(incidence_codes)) {
                flow_matrix_lna           <- flow_matrix[,-c(incidence_codes+1)]
                rownames(flow_matrix_lna) <- paste0(sapply(rate_fcns, "[[", "from"),"2",
                                                    sapply(rate_fcns, "[[", "to"))
            } else {
                flow_matrix_lna           <- flow_matrix
                rownames(flow_matrix_lna) <- paste0(sapply(rate_fcns, "[[", "from"),"2",
                                                    sapply(rate_fcns, "[[", "to"))

            # remove t0 from the constants or parameters
            if(t0_fixed) {
                constants   <- constants[-which(names(constants) == "t0")]
                const_codes <- const_codes[-which(names(const_codes) == "t0")]
                const_names <- names(const_codes)
                const_codes <- seq_along(const_codes) - 1
                names(const_codes) <- const_names
            } else {
                parameters  <- parameters[-which(names(parameters) == "t0")]
                param_codes <- param_codes[-which(names(param_codes) == "t0")]
                param_names <- names(param_codes)
                param_codes <- seq_along(param_codes) - 1
                names(param_codes) <- param_names

            stoich_matrix_lna   <- t(flow_matrix_lna)

            if(do_lna) {

                # log counting process LNA rates and pointers
                # first translate the rates into rates on the counting processes
                lna_rates <- rate_fcns_4_lna(rate_fcns = rate_fcns,
                                             compartment_codes = compartment_codes,
                                             flow_matrix = flow_matrix_lna)

                lna_comp_codes  <- lna_rates$lna_comp_codes
                lna_rates       <- lna_rates$lna_rates

                lna_rates       <- parse_lna_rates(lna_rates      = lna_rates,
                                                   param_codes    = param_codes,
                                                   const_codes    = const_codes,
                                                   tcovar_codes   = tcovar_codes,
                                                   lna_comp_codes = lna_comp_codes)

                # compile the LNA functions
                lna_pointers    <- load_lna(lna_rates   = lna_rates,
                                            compile_lna = compile_lna,
                                            messages    = messages,
                                            atol        = atol,
                                            rtol        = rtol,
                                            stepper     = stepper)

                lna_code <- lna_pointers$LNA_code
                lna_pointers$LNA_code <- NULL

                # get the C++ indices for the initial distribution parameters in the lna_pars matrix
                lna_initdist_inds <- sapply(paste0(names(compartment_codes), "_0"),
                                            grep, names(lna_rates$lna_param_codes)) - 1

            if(do_ode) {

                # copy some common objects
                flow_matrix_ode   <- flow_matrix_lna
                stoich_matrix_ode <- stoich_matrix_lna

                # log counting process LNA rates and pointers
                # first translate the rates into rates on the counting processes
                ode_rates <- rate_fcns_4_ode(rate_fcns         = rate_fcns,
                                             compartment_codes = compartment_codes,
                                             flow_matrix       = flow_matrix_ode)

                ode_comp_codes  <- ode_rates$ode_comp_codes
                ode_rates       <- ode_rates$ode_rates

                ode_rates       <- parse_ode_rates(ode_rates      = ode_rates,
                                                   param_codes    = param_codes,
                                                   const_codes    = const_codes,
                                                   tcovar_codes   = tcovar_codes,
                                                   ode_comp_codes = ode_comp_codes)

                # compile the LNA functions
                ode_pointers    <- load_ode(ode_rates   = ode_rates,
                                            compile_ode = compile_ode,
                                            messages    = messages,
                                            atol        = atol,
                                            rtol        = rtol,
                                            stepper     = stepper)

                ode_code <- ode_pointers$ODE_code
                ode_pointers$ODE_code <- NULL

                # get the C++ indices for the initial distribution parameters in the lna_pars matrix
                ode_initdist_inds <- sapply(paste0(names(compartment_codes), "_0"),
                                            grep, names(ode_rates$ode_param_codes)) - 1
            } else {
                ode_pointers <- NULL

        if(!do_lna) {
            lna_rates         <- list(hazards = NULL, derivatives = NULL, lna_param_codes = NULL)
            flow_matrix_lna   <- NULL
            stoich_matrix_lna <- NULL
            lna_pointers      <- NULL
            lna_initdist_inds <- NULL
            lna_code          <- NULL

        if(!do_ode) {
            ode_rates         <- list(hazards = NULL, ode_param_codes = NULL)
            flow_matrix_ode   <- NULL
            stoich_matrix_ode <- NULL
            ode_pointers      <- NULL
            ode_initdist_inds <- NULL
            ode_code          <- NULL

        # create the list determining the stem dynamics
        dynamics <- list(rates               = rate_fcns,
                         rate_ptrs           = rate_ptrs,
                         parameters          = parameters,
                         tparam              = tparam,
                         tcovar              = tcovar,
                         forcings            = forcings,
                         constants           = constants,
                         initializer         = initializer,
                         initdist_params     = initdist_params,
                         initdist_priors     = initdist_priors,
                         fixed_inits         = fixed_inits,
                         flow_matrix         = flow_matrix,
                         flow_matrix_lna     = flow_matrix_lna,
                         stoich_matrix_lna   = stoich_matrix_lna,
                         lna_rates           = lna_rates,
                         lna_pointers        = lna_pointers,
                         lna_initdist_inds   = lna_initdist_inds,
                         flow_matrix_ode     = flow_matrix_ode,
                         stoich_matrix_ode   = stoich_matrix_ode,
                         ode_rates           = ode_rates,
                         ode_pointers        = ode_pointers,
                         ode_initdist_inds   = ode_initdist_inds,
                         strata_sizes        = strata_sizes,
                         popsize             = popsize,
                         comp_codes          = compartment_codes,
                         param_codes         = param_codes,
                         tcovar_codes        = tcovar_codes,
                         const_codes         = const_codes,
                         strata_codes        = strata_codes,
                         ode_param_codes     = ode_rates$ode_param_codes,
                         incidence_codes     = incidence_codes,
                         incidence_sources   = incidence_sources,
                         progressive         = progressive,
                         absorbing_states    = absorbing_states,
                         rate_adjmat         = rate_adjmat,
                         timevarying         = timevarying,
                         timecode            = timecode,
                         tcovar_adjmat       = tcovar_adjmat,
                         tcovar_changemat    = tcovar_changemat,
                         t0                  = t0,
                         t0_fixed            = t0_fixed,
                         timestep            = timestep,
                         tmax                = tmax,
                         n_strata            = n_strata,
                         n_compartments      = ncol(flow_matrix),
                         n_params            = n_params,
                         n_tcovar            = n_tcovar,
                         n_consts            = n_consts,
                         dynamics_args       = dynamics_args,
                         compiled_code       = list(exact_code = exact_code,
                                                    lna_code   = lna_code,
                                                    ode_code   = ode_code))

fintzij/stemr documentation built on March 25, 2022, 12:25 p.m.