
Defines functions gs_ovlp order_heatmap p2z pick_probes stouffer_z replace_missings randomize_eset lapply_pair write_matrix read_matrix find_var_genes collapse_multi extract_features

Documented in collapse_multi extract_features find_var_genes gs_ovlp lapply_pair order_heatmap p2z pick_probes randomize_eset read_matrix replace_missings stouffer_z write_matrix

#' Extract rows or columns from a matrix in order of interest
#' @param expmat matrix with row and column names
#' @param reflist character vector of row or column names to be extracted
#' @param margin where to look for the reflist, by default rows
#' @return new matrix with rows or columns in order of the reference list
#' @export
extract_features <- function(expmat, reflist, margin = 1) {

    mat <- as.matrix(expmat)

    if (margin == 1) {
        tmp <- which(reflist %in% rownames(mat))
        available_names <- reflist[tmp]
    } else {
        tmp <- which(reflist %in% colnames(mat))
        available_names <- reflist[tmp]

    if (length(available_names) == 0) {
        stop("No items found. Check whether names in reflist
             are in agreement with feature names")

    message(length(available_names)," out of ",length(reflist)," names could be found!")

    if (margin == 1) return(mat[available_names, ])
    else return(mat[ ,available_names])


#' Collapsing many-to-one relationships for gene expression matrices on per sample basis
#' @param expmat matrix whose rows can partly be summarized using a factor
#' @param fac factor used for summarizing rows
#' @param method method of summary, defaults to mean
#' @param verbose whether to inform user regarding progress
#' @return new matrix with rows or columns in order of the reference list
#' @export

collapse_multi <- function(expmat, fac, method = c("mean", "median", "max", "sum"), verbose = TRUE) {

    method <- match.arg(method)
    # ensure appropriate data types
    mat <- as.matrix(expmat)
    fac <- as.factor(fac)

    outmat <- matrix(nrow = length(levels(fac)), ncol = ncol(mat),
                     dimnames = list(levels(fac), colnames(mat)))

    # message methods of collapsing, number of samples and date
    if (verbose) {
        message("\nCollapsing mutiple probes/IDs using their ", method, " for ", ncol(mat), " samples.")
        message("\nProcess started at ", date())
        pb <- txtProgressBar(max = ncol(mat), style = 3)

    # message methods of collapsing, number of samples and date
    for (i in 1:ncol(mat)) {
               mean={outmat[,i] <- tapply(mat[,i], fac, mean, na.rm = TRUE)},
               median={outmat[,i] <- tapply(mat[,i], fac, median, na.rm = TRUE)},
               max={outmat[,i] <- tapply(mat[,i], fac, max, na.rm = TRUE)},
               sum={outmat[,i] <- tapply(mat[,i], fac, sum, na.rm = TRUE)})
        if (is(pb, "txtProgressBar")) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

    if (verbose) message("\nProcess ended at ", date(), "\n")

#' Finding the most variable features of a matrix
#' @param expmat numerical matrix, typically a gene expression matrix
#' @param n number of most variable features to be returned, default 2000
#' @param method method to determine 'variable', defaults to robust measure (mad)
#' @param center whether to median center the resulting matrix, defaults to FALSE
#' @return new matrix with most variable genes
#' @export

find_var_genes <- function(expmat, n = 2000, method = c("mad","sd"), center = FALSE) {

    mat <- as.matrix(expmat)
    method <- match.arg(method)
           mad={spread <- apply(mat, 1, mad)},
           sd={spread <- apply(mat, 1, sd)}

    vmat <- mat[order(spread, decreasing = TRUE)[1:n], ]
    if (isTRUE(center)) {
        vmat <- sweep(vmat, 1, apply(vmat, 1, median, na.rm = TRUE))

#' Tidyverse way to read in gene expression matrices
#' @param df path to a tab-separated dataframe whose first column includes gene identifiers
#' @return Data matrix ready to play
#' @export
read_matrix <- function(df) {
        tmp <- readr::read_tsv(df)
        emat <- data.matrix(tmp[-1])
        rownames(emat) <- as.character(tmp[[1]])

#' Convenience function for writing gene expression to file
#' @param eset Numeric gene expression matrix with gene identifiers as row names
#' @param path character string indicating path and name of file
#' @export
write_matrix <- function(eset, path) {

    tmp <- tibble::rownames_to_column(data.frame(eset), var = 'Gene')

    readr::write_tsv(tmp, path = path)

#' lapply function to apply functions in a pair-wise manner between all distinct elements of a list
#' @param x list
#' @param f the function to be applied between each pair of elements of the list. Function needs to take two arguments: i and j.
#' @param skip_self logical indicating on whether function should be applied to the same element of the list, may be set to FALSE for symmetry reasons
#' @return list object with the results
#' @export

lapply_pair <- function(x, skip_self = TRUE, f, ...) {

    if (is.null(names(x))) nom <- paste('Element', 1:length(x), sep = '_') else nom <- names(x)
    out <- vector("list", length(x))
    names(out) <- nom

    for (i in seq_along(x)) {

        for(j in seq_along(x)) {
                if (i == j) next
            id <- nom[j]
            out[[i]][[id]] <- f(x[[i]], x[[j]], ...)


#' randomize_eset
#' randomize columns or rows, respectively of a matrix
#' @param eset Numeric matrix with row and column names
#' @param seed integer, defaults to 1
#' @param margin where to randomize, defaults to columns
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to apply
#' @return new matrix with randomized columns or rows, respectively
#' @export

randomize_eset <- function(eset, seed = 1, margin = 2, ...) {


        if (margin == 2) {

            if (!is.null(rownames(eset))) nom <- rownames(eset)
            tmp <- apply(eset, margin, function(i, ...) sample(i, size = length(i), ...), ...)
            if (!is.null(rownames(eset))) rownames(tmp) <- nom

        } else {

            if (!is.null(colnames(eset))) nom <- colnames(eset)
            tmp <- t(apply(eset, margin, function(i, ...) sample(i, size = length(i), ...), ...))
            if (!is.null(colnames(eset))) colnames(tmp) <- nom

#' Replace missing values (typically in a vector or matrix)
#' @param x Vector (or matrix) with NA values somewhere
#' @param replacement Defaults to zero for numeric data, but can be anything really
#' @return new matrix with randomized columns or rows, respectively
#' @export

replace_missings <- function(x, replacement = 0) {

    if(!identical(class(x), class(replacement))) {
        warning('Classes of input and replacement do not match!')
    is_miss <- is.na(x)
    x[is_miss] <- replacement
    message(sum(is_miss), ' missing value(s) replaced by the value ', replacement)


#' Stouffer integration of Z scores
#' This function integrates Z-scores (i.e. NES) by the Stouffer method
#' @param x a vector of Z scores
#' @return Z an integrated Z score
#' @examples
#' zs <-c(1,3,5,2,3)
#' stouffer(zs)
#' @export
stouffer_z <- function(x, weights = NULL) {

    if(is.null(weights)) {
        Z <- sum(x)/sqrt(length(x))
    } else {
        if(length(weights) != length(x)) stop('Will need the same number of weights as Z-scores, my friend !')
        Z <- sum(weights * x)/sqrt(sum(weights^2))

#' Find best probe if there are multiple per gene
#' It will return the probe with the highest summary measure (IQR, mean, etc.)
#' @param expmat matrix whose rows can partly be summarized using a factor
#' @param fac factor used for summarizing rows
#' @param method method of summary, defaults to IQR
#' @param returnProbes logical (default = FALSE), whether to return the actual probe IDs
#' rather than a subset matrix, useful for some cases
#' @param ... arguments passed to summary functions (typically na.rm)
#' @return new matrix where rownames correspond to factor level names (e.g. gene symbols)
#' @export
pick_probes <- function(expmat,
                        method = c('IQR', 'mad', 'mean', 'median'),
                        returnProbes = FALSE,
                        ...) {

    method <- match.arg(method)

    # ensure appropriate data types
    mat <- as.matrix(expmat)
    fac <- as.factor(fac)

    if(nrow(mat) != length(fac)) stop('factor length must match row number!')

           IQR={smr <- apply(mat, 1, IQR, ...)},
           mad={smr <- apply(mat, 1, mad, ...)},
           mean={smr <- rowMeans(mat, ...)},
           median={smr <- apply(mat, 1, median, ...)})
    # find max of summary measure
    keep <- vapply(split(smr, fac), function(i) names(i)[which.max(i)], FUN.VALUE = character(1))
    # return subset matrix or probes
    } else{
        tmp <- mat[keep, ]
        rownames(tmp) <- levels(fac)

#' Convert p-values from a two tailed test to quantiles of the normal distribution
#' @param pvals numeric vector of raw p-values
#' @param stats numeric vector of test statistics, e.g. t-statistics (for the sign)
#' @return numeric vector of Z-scores
#' @export
p2z <- function(pvals, stats) {

    qnorm(pvals/2, lower.tail = FALSE) * sign(stats)


#' Order the columns of a heatmap within the constraints of a factor
#' Generally, a left to right gradient will be achieved where column means will
#' increase from left to right.
#' @param expmat expression matrix
#' @param factorCol factor with metadata information for each column in the expression matrix
#' @param factorRow factor with metadata information for each row in the expression matrix
#' @return ordered expression matrix ready for heatmaps (do not cluster columns or rows, respectively)
#' @export

order_heatmap <- function(expmat, factorCol, factorRow = NULL, rev = FALSE) {

    # Some safety nets
    factorCol <- as.factor(factorCol)
    stopifnot(ncol(expmat) == length(factorCol))
    if(!is.null(factorRow)) stopifnot(nrow(expmat) == length(factorRow))

    # number of groups/levels
    lvls <- levels(factorCol)

    # split the expression matrix
    submats <- lapply(lvls, function(i){
        expmat[, factorCol == i]

    # now it'll depend on the number of levels for a factors
    # for the ones in the middle (if there is one), order will be randomized
    if(length(lvls) == 2) {
        submats[[1]] <- submats[[1]][,order(colMeans(submats[[1]]), decreasing = TRUE)]
        submats[[2]] <- submats[[2]][,order(colMeans(submats[[2]]))]
    } else if (length(lvls) == 3){
        submats[[1]] <- submats[[1]][,order(colMeans(submats[[1]]), decreasing = TRUE)]
        submats[[2]] <- submats[[2]][,sample(seq(ncol(submats[[2]])))]
        submats[[3]] <- submats[[3]][,order(colMeans(submats[[3]]))]
    } else {
        submats[[1]] <- submats[[1]][,order(colMeans(submats[[1]]), decreasing = TRUE)]
        submats[2:(length(lvls)-1)] <- lapply(submats[2:(length(lvls)-1)], function(i) i[,sample(seq(ncol(i)))])
        submats[[length(lvls)]] <- submats[[length(lvls)]][,order(colMeans(submats[[length(lvls)]]))]

    res <- do.call(c, lapply(submats, function(i) colnames(i)))

    # if(!is.null()) TO BE CONTINUED
    return(expmat[, res])


#' Score character vectors of genes and their overlap with certain gene sets
#' @param genelist character vector of gene identifiers
#' @param genesets named list of character vectors
#' @return a tibble of genes and gene sets they appear in
#' @export

gs_ovlp <- function(genelist, genesets){

    # safety net making sure that at least one of the genes is in the gene sets
    # AND that the geneset list is named
    stopifnot(any(genelist %in% unlist(genesets, use.names = FALSE)))

    # loop through gene list and gene sets
    tmp <- vapply(genelist, function(i){

        vapply(seq(length(genesets)), function(j){
            i %in% genesets[[j]]

        }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))

    }, FUN.VALUE = logical(length(genesets)))

    # create list of gene set names and label those with zero occurences
    tmp2 <- apply(tmp, 2, function(i){

    idx <- which(purrr::map_int(tmp2, length) == 0)
    tmp2[idx] <- NA_character_

    # create a tibble and return it
    tibble::tibble(gene = rep(names(tmp2), purrr::map_int(tmp2, length)),
                   pw = unlist(purrr::map(tmp2, ~ return(.)), use.names = FALSE)) %>%


#' For two matched matrices, compute correlation (Spearman) between two related genes with the first
#' coming from matrix A and the second coming from matrix B.
#' @param mat1 numeric matrix
#' @param mat2 numeric matrix
#' @param lrlist named list containing one or multiple strings
#' @return a tibble with genes from mat1 matched to those from mat2 and their spearman correlation
#' @export

lrcor <- function(mat1, mat2, lrlist){

    # determine activity correlations between ligands in mat1 and receptors in mat2
    tmp <- purrr::map(names(lrlist), function(i){

        if(i %in% rownames(mat1)) {

            purrr::map_dbl(lrlist[[i]], function(j){
                if(j %in% rownames(mat2)) {
                    stats::cor(mat1[i, ], mat2[j, ], method = 'spearman')
                } else NA_real_

    # clean up
    names(tmp) <- names(lrlist)
    tmp <- tmp[map_int(tmp, length) > 0]
    tmp1 <- purrr::map(names(tmp), ~ {

        sub <- tmp[[.]]
        names(sub) <- lrlist[[.]]
    names(tmp1) <- names(tmp)
    tmp1 <- tmp1[purrr::map_int(tmp1, length) > 0]


l2df <- function(list) {
    tibble(ligand = rep(names(list), map_int(list, length)),
           receptor = unlist(map(list, ~ names(.)), use.names = FALSE),
           rho = unlist(list, use.names = FALSE))

#' For a signature matrix containing conditions/comparisons in its columns and typically gene names
#' in its rows, this function will find the most specific N genes for a given condition. It will do so by
#' computing for each gene the difference between the individual value for in a given condition and the
#' maximum value among the other conditions.
#' @param mat numeric matrix
#' @param nn integer indicating how many genes to isolate for each condition/comparison (default = 50)
#' @param verbose logical indicating whether to message information on the process
#' @return a data frame with gene names for from the rownames of the input matrix
#' @export

specific_n <- function(mat, nn = 50, verbose = TRUE){


    # compute a new matrix of differences between
    # the comparisons
    tmp <- vapply(seq(ncol(mat)), function(i){

        vapply(seq(nrow(mat)), function(j){
            mat[j, i] - max(mat[j, -i])
        }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))

    }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(nrow(mat)))

    # names are lost
    colnames(tmp) <- colnames(mat)
    rownames(tmp) <- rownames(mat)

    tmp <- apply(tmp, 2, function(i){
        idx <- order(i, decreasing = TRUE)[1:nn]

    if (verbose){
        message('Found ', nrow(tmp), ' specific genes for each of ', ncol(tmp), ' comparisons/signatures!')

    return(data.frame(tmp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))


#' For a numeric matrix containing samples or conditions in its columns and typically genes
#' in its rows, this function will find the top N genes for a given condition. You can choose to retrieve
#' both genes with highest and lowest values, respectively or either one of them.
#' @param mat numeric matrix
#' @param direction character, which tail should be returned, defaults to both up and down
#' @param nn integer indicating how many genes to isolate for each tail (default = 25)
#' @return a data frame with gene names for from the rownames of the input matrix
#' @export

topN_mat <- function(mat,
                  direction = c('both', 'up', 'down'),
                  nn = 25,
                  verbose = TRUE){


    dir <- match.arg(direction)

           both = {idx <- c(1:nn, (nrow(mat)-(nn-1)):nrow(mat))},
           up = {idx <- 1:nn},
           down = {idx <- (nrow(mat)-(nn-1)):nrow(mat)}
    # order each sample/condition from high to low
    tmp <- apply(mat, 2, function(i){
        rownames(mat[order(i, decreasing = TRUE), ,drop = FALSE])[idx]

        return(data.frame(tmp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))


#' Center heatmap color gradient at zero
#' Little helper function to center a color palette around 0 for heatmaps depicting relative signatures such
#' as log2 fold changes or Z-scores. Mostly tailored towards the pheatmap R package.
#' @param emat numeric matrix
#' @param color_palette vector representing colors, no specific type needed, only used for length
#' @return a numeric vector specifying breaks for a heatmap (pheatmap package)
#' @export

brks_heatmap <- function(emat, color_palette){

    rng <- range(emat, na.rm = TRUE)
    lpal <- length(color_palette)

    c(seq(rng[1], 0, length.out=ceiling(lpal/2) + 1),
    seq(rng[2]/length(hcols), rng[2], length.out=floor(lpal/2)))

fossbert/binilib documentation built on April 23, 2021, 10:31 p.m.