# This file is released under the GNU General Public License, Version 3, GPL-3 #
# Copyright (C) 2020 Yohann Demont #
# #
# It is part of IFC package, please cite: #
# -IFC: An R Package for Imaging Flow Cytometry #
# -YEAR: 2020 #
# -COPYRIGHT HOLDERS: Yohann Demont, Gautier Stoll, Guido Kroemer, #
# Jean-Pierre Marolleau, Loïc Garçon, #
# INSERM, UPD, CHU Amiens #
# #
# -You are using this package on your own risk! #
# -We do not guarantee privacy nor confidentiality. #
# -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In no event shall the copyright holders or #
# contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, #
# exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, #
# procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; #
# or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, #
# whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or #
# otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if #
# advised of the possibility of such damage. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with IFC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
#' @title Scale Constructor for IFC Graphs Plotting
#' @description Helper to rescale and label axes
#' @keywords internal
myScales=function(x=list(), y=list()) {
if(length(x$alternating)==0) x$alternating=1
if(length(x$tck)==0) x$tck=c(TRUE,FALSE)
if(length(x$hyper)==0) x$hyper="P"
if(length(x$rot)==0) x$rot=45
if(length(x$tick.number)==0) x$tick.number=10
if(length(y$alternating)==0) y$alternating=1
if(length(y$tck)==0) y$tck=c(TRUE,FALSE)
if(length(y$hyper)==0) y$hyper="P"
if(length(y$rot)==0) y$rot=0
if(length(y$tick.number)==0) y$tick.number=10
if(length(x$lim)!=0) x_scale=c(x_scale, base_axis_constr(x$lim, x$hyper, x$tick.number))
if(length(y$lim)!=0) y_scale=c(y_scale, base_axis_constr(y$lim, y$hyper, y$tick.number))
#' @title 2D Binned Kernel Density Estimation
#' @name calcDensity
#' @description Helper to compute density plot
#' @keywords internal
calcDensity=getFromNamespace(x = ".smoothScatterCalcDensity", ns = "grDevices")
#' @title Colors for Smooth Density Plots
#' @description Helper to map density to colors
#' @source derived from \pkg{grDevices} R Core Team, Florian Hahne at FHCRC, originally
#' @keywords internal
densCols=function (x, y = NULL,
xlim = range(x, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE),
ylim = range(y, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE),
nbin = 128, colramp = colorRampPalette(c("blue","green","red")), transformation = "asinh") {
xy <- xy.coords(x, y)
select <- is.finite(xy$x) & is.finite(xy$y) &
xy$x >= xlim[1] & xy$x <= xlim[2] &
xy$y >= ylim[1] & xy$y <= ylim[2]
tr <- try(parseTrans(transformation), silent = TRUE)
if(!inherits(tr, what = "try-error")) {
x <- cbind(xy$x, xy$y)[select, , drop = FALSE]
map <- calcDensity(x, nbin)
mkBreaks <- function(u) u - diff(cpp_fast_range(u))/(length(u) - 1)/2
xbin <- cut(x[, 1], mkBreaks(map$x1), labels = FALSE)
ybin <- cut(x[, 2], mkBreaks(map$x2), labels = FALSE)
dens <- applyTrans(x = map$fhat[cbind(xbin, ybin)], trans = tr)
} else {
x_features = attr(x, "features")[select]
ran <- cpp_fast_range(x_features)
dens <- ((x_features - ran[1])/diff(ran))
map = NULL
dens[is.na(dens)] <- 0
colpal <- cut(dens, length(dens), labels = FALSE)
cols <- rep(NA_character_, length(select))
cols[select] <- colramp(length(dens))[colpal]
attr(cols, "matrix") <- map
attr(cols, "density") <- dens
#' @title Integer to Hexadecimal Color Conversion
#' @description Helper to convert color to hex
#' @keywords internal
return(sapply(col, FUN=function(x) {
foo = paste0("#",substr(x,3,8), substr(x,1,2), collapse="")
#' @title Hexadecimal to Integer Color Conversion
#' @description Helper to convert color from hex
#' @keywords internal
x = col2rgb(col,alpha = TRUE)
paste0(apply(x, 2, FUN = function(i) { sum(i * c(2^16,2^8,2^1,0)) - 2^24 - i[3] }),"|",collapse="")
#' @title Histogram Constructor
#' @name hist_constr
#' @description Helper to construct histogram
#' @keywords internal
hist_constr=getFromNamespace(x = "hist.constructor", ns = "lattice")
#' @title Histogram Type Constructor
#' @description Helper to construct histogram
#' @source derived from \pkg{lattice} from Deepayan Sarkar
#' @keywords internal
type_constr=function(x, br, type, include.lowest=TRUE, right=TRUE, plot = FALSE) {
h=hist_constr(x=x, breaks=br, include.lowest=include.lowest, right=right, plot=plot)
val_constr(x, h, type)
#' @title Histogram Val Constructor
#' @description Helper to construct histogram
#' @source derived from \pkg{lattice} from Deepayan Sarkar
#' @keywords internal
val_constr=function(x, h, type) {
switch(type, "count"=h$counts, "percent"=100*h$counts/length(x), "density"=h$density, "mids"=h$mid, "breaks"=h$breaks)
#' @title Histogram Smooth Constructor
#' @description Helper to smooth histogram
#' @source derived from \pkg{lattice} from Deepayan Sarkar
#' @keywords internal
pan_smooth=function(x, type, br, normalize, fill, lwd, lty, col, alpha, ylim, bin, border, include.lowest=TRUE, right=TRUE, factor=0) {
h=hist_constr(x, br, include.lowest=include.lowest, right=right, plot = FALSE)
xx=val_constr(x, h, "mids")
yy=try(density(x, n=bin, na.rm=TRUE, from=min(br), to=max(br))$y, silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(yy, "try-error")) {
warning(attr(yy, "condition")$message)
yy = 0
yy[xx<min(x, na.rm=TRUE)]=0
yy[xx>max(x, na.rm=TRUE)]=0
# if(normalize) {yy=yy/max(yy)*max(ylim)} else {yy=yy/max(yy)*max(val_constr(x, h, type))}
if(normalize) {yy=yy/max(yy)} else {yy=yy/max(yy)*max(val_constr(x, h, type))}
if(fill) {
panel.polygon(x=c(xx[c(x1,x1:x2,x2)]), y= c(0, yy[x1:x2], 0), col=col, lwd=lwd, lty=lty, alpha=alpha)
} else {
panel.xyplot(x=br, y=c(yy,0), col=col, type="l", lwd=lwd, lty=lty, alpha=alpha)
#' @title Lattice Histogram Panel Contructor
#' @description Helper to create histogram panel
#' @source derived from \pkg{lattice} from Deepayan Sarkar
#' @keywords internal
pan_hist=function(x, type, br, normalize, fill, lwd, lty, col, alpha, ylim, bin, border, include.lowest=TRUE, right=TRUE){
h=hist_constr(x, br, include.lowest=include.lowest, right=right, plot=FALSE)
yy=val_constr(x, h, type)
# if(normalize) { yy=yy/max(yy)*max(ylim) }
if(normalize) { yy=yy/max(yy) }
if(fill) {
panel.rect(x=br[-length(br)], ybottom=0, ytop=yy, width=diff(br), col=col, lwd=lwd, lty=lty, alpha=alpha, border=border)
} else {
panel.xyplot(x=br, y=c(yy,0), col=col, type="s", lwd=lwd, lty=lty, alpha=alpha)
#' @title Histogram y-Axis Limits Constructor
#' @description Helper to extract ylim
#' @source derived from \pkg{lattice} from Deepayan Sarkar
#' @keywords internal
get_ylim=function(x, type, br, include.lowest=TRUE, right=TRUE) {
h=hist_constr(x, br, include.lowest=include.lowest, right=right, plot=FALSE)
yy=val_constr(x, h, type)
#' @title Lattice Key Panel Contructor
#' @description Helper to add key to panel
#' @source derived from \pkg{lattice} from Deepayan Sarkar
#' @keywords internal
pan_key=function (key, corner = c(0, 0.98), x = corner[1], y = corner[2]) {
key.gf <- draw.key(key, draw = FALSE)
vp <- viewport(x = unit(x, "npc") + unit(0.5 - corner[1], "grobwidth", list(key.gf)), y = unit(y, "npc") + unit(0.5 - corner[2], "grobheight", list(key.gf)))
#' @title Ellipsoid Polygon Constructor
#' @description Helper to transform gate boundaries to ellipsoid polygon.
#' @param gate list containing x and y ellipse boundaries coordinates.
#' @param theta rotation angle of the ellipse. Default is 2*pi. It should not be modified since ellipse gate are axis-aligned.
#' @param npoints number of polygon vertices desired.
#' @keywords internal
toEllipse=function(gate, theta=2*pi, npoints=100) {
ell = cpp_ell_coord(gate$x, gate$y)
xcoord <- seq(-ell[1],ell[1],length=npoints)
ycoord_neg <- sqrt(ell[2]^2*(1-(xcoord)^2/ell[1]^2))
ycoord_pos <- -sqrt(ell[2]^2*(1-(xcoord)^2/ell[1]^2))
xx <- c(xcoord,xcoord[npoints:1])
yy <- c(ycoord_neg,ycoord_pos)
#' @title Axis Constructor
#' @name base_axis_constr
#' @description Helper to rescale and label axes when linlog / asinh transformation is used.
#' @param lim vector of length 2 of axis extents.
#' @param trans transformation applied. Defaut is "P".
#' @param nint positive integer value indicating (approximately) the desired number of intervals. Default is 10.
#' @keywords internal
base_axis_constr=function(lim, trans = "P", nint = 10) {
nint = na.omit(as.integer(nint)); assert(nint, len = 1, typ = "integer")
assert(trans, len = 1)
trans_ = parseTrans(trans)
if(trans_$what %in% c("smoothLinLog","smoothAsinh")) {
hyper = formals(trans_$what)$hyper
if(length(trans_$args$hyper)!=0) hyper = trans_$args$hyper
base = formals(trans_$what)$base
if(length(base) == 0) base = 10
if(length(trans_$args$base)!=0) base = trans_$args$base
n_ticks = 0
p_ticks = 0
neg_log_ticks = 0
pos_log_ticks = 0
# compute range without expansion in original scale
if(diff(lim) == 0) lim = c(-1,1)
ran = diff(lim) / 1.14 * c(0.07, -0.07) + lim
ran = applyTrans(ran, trans_, inverse = TRUE)
n_ticks = max(ran[1], -hyper)
p_ticks = min(ran[2], hyper)
# identify pos and neg base pow within displayed range
ran_ = ran + c(hyper, -hyper)
ran_ = sign(ran_) * log(abs(ran_) / hyper, base)
if(ran_[1] < 0) neg_log_ticks = floor(ran_[1])
if(ran_[2] > 0) pos_log_ticks = ceiling(ran_[2])
tot = pos_log_ticks - neg_log_ticks +
ifelse((neg_log_ticks <= 0) && (n_ticks >= -hyper), 0.5, 0) +
ifelse((pos_log_ticks >= 0) && (p_ticks <= hyper), 0.5, 0)
if(tot <= 0) tot = 1
# create ticks and labels
ticks_at = c()
ticks_lab = c()
if(neg_log_ticks != 0) {
at = round(sort(unique(c(outer(1:base, (max(abs(neg_log_ticks),abs(pos_log_ticks))-1):0 + log(hyper, base),
FUN=function(m,p) {-m*base^p}))), decreasing = FALSE),10)
at_scaled = applyTrans(at, trans_)
at_lab = rep("", length(at_scaled))
neg_nint = as.integer(-neg_log_ticks / tot * nint)
if(neg_nint > 0) {
if(length(at) < (1 * nint)) {
at_lab = formatC(x = at, format = "g", width = -1, digits = 1, drop0trailing = TRUE)
} else {
if(base == 10) {
pretty_lab = round(-axisTicks(log10(-range(at)), log = TRUE, nint = neg_nint),10)
} else {
pretty_lab = round(-base^axisTicks(log(-range(at), base), log = FALSE, nint = neg_nint),10)
# log = log10(-at[at %in% pretty_lab])
# tmp = (log - floor(log)) == 0
# log[!tmp] <- floor(log[!tmp])
# mul = at[at %in% pretty_lab] / 10^log
# at_lab[at %in% pretty_lab] <- parse(text=sprintf("%i%%.%%10^~~%i", mul, log))
at_lab[at %in% pretty_lab] = formatC(x = at[at %in% pretty_lab] , format = "g", width = -1, digits = 2, drop0trailing = TRUE)
ticks_at = c(ticks_at, at_scaled)
ticks_lab = c(ticks_lab, at_lab)
if(n_ticks >= -hyper) {
at = axisTicks(c(n_ticks,0), log = FALSE, nint = ceiling(3*nint*applyTrans(abs(n_ticks), trans_)/diff(lim)/tot))
at = at[at > n_ticks]
if(length(at) > 0) {
at_scaled = applyTrans(at, trans_)
at_lab = formatC(x = at, format = "g", width = -1, digits = 4, drop0trailing = TRUE)
ticks_at = c(ticks_at, at_scaled)
ticks_lab = c(ticks_lab, at_lab)
if(p_ticks <= hyper) {
at = axisTicks(c(0,p_ticks), log = FALSE, nint = ceiling(3*nint*applyTrans(abs(p_ticks), trans_)/diff(lim)/tot))
at = at[at < p_ticks]
if(length(at) > 0) {
at_scaled = applyTrans(at, trans_)
at_lab = formatC(x = at, format = "g", width = -1, digits = 4, drop0trailing = TRUE)
ticks_at = c(ticks_at, at_scaled)
ticks_lab = c(ticks_lab, at_lab)
if(pos_log_ticks != 0) {
at = round(sort(unique(c(outer(1:base, 0:(max(abs(neg_log_ticks),abs(pos_log_ticks))-1) + log(hyper, base),
FUN=function(m,p) {m*base^p}))), decreasing = FALSE),10)
at_scaled = applyTrans(at, trans_)
at_lab = rep("", length(at_scaled))
pos_nint = as.integer(pos_log_ticks / tot * nint)
if(pos_nint > 0) {
if(length(at) < (1 * nint)) {
at_lab = formatC(x = at, format = "g", width = -1, digits = 1, drop0trailing = TRUE)
} else {
if(base == 10) {
pretty_lab = round(axisTicks(log10(range(at)), log = TRUE, nint = pos_nint),10)
} else {
pretty_lab = round(base^axisTicks(log(range(at), base), log = FALSE, nint = pos_nint),10)
at_lab[at %in% pretty_lab] = formatC(x = at[at %in% pretty_lab] , format = "g", width = -1, digits = 2, drop0trailing = TRUE)
ticks_at = c(ticks_at, at_scaled)
ticks_lab = c(ticks_lab, at_lab)
keep = (ticks_at >= lim[1]) & (ticks_at <= lim[2])
dup = duplicated(ticks_at)
ticks_at = ticks_at[!dup & keep]
ticks_lab = ticks_lab[!dup & keep]
if(length(ticks_at) < 2) {
at = signif(seq(from = lim[1], to = lim[2], length.out = nint), 3)
ticks_at = applyTrans(at, trans_)
ticks_lab = at
ticks_lab = ticks_lab[is.finite(ticks_at)]
ticks_at = ticks_at[is.finite(ticks_at)]
# trick to fix
# grid.Call(C_textBounds, as.graphicsAnnot(x$label), x$x, x$y, :
# polygon edge not found (zero-width or zero-height?)
# Calls: <Anonymous> -> heightDetails -> heightDetails.text -> grid.Call
ticks_lab[ticks_lab == ""] <- " "
ord = order(ticks_at)
return(list("at" = ticks_at[ord], "labels" = ticks_lab[ord]))
} else {
at = axisTicks(lim, log = FALSE, nint = nint)
at = at[is.finite(at)]
return(list("at" = at, "labels" = formatC(x = at, format = "g", width = -1, digits = 4, drop0trailing = TRUE)))
#' @title Histogram Constructor for 'base' Plot
#' @name base_hist_constr
#' @description Helper to create histogram.
#' @param x a vector of values for which the histogram is desired.
#' @param type histogram type. Default is missing. Allowed are "count" and "percent".
#' @param br breakpoints given an interval and the number of pieces to break it into.
#' @param normalize whether to normalize. Default is missing.
#' @param fill whether to fill. Default is missing.
#' @param smooth whether to smooth. Default is missing.
#' @param lwd,lty,col,alpha,border graphical parameters. See par() from package 'graphics'.
#' @param include.lowest logical; if TRUE, an x[i] equal to the breaks value will be included in the first (or last, for right = FALSE) bar. This will be ignored (with a warning) unless breaks is a vector.
#' @param right logical; if TRUE, the histogram cells are right-closed (left open) intervals.
#' @keywords internal
base_hist_constr=function(x, type, br, normalize, fill, smooth, lwd, lty, col, alpha, border, include.lowest=TRUE, right=TRUE){
assert(type, len = 1, alw = c("count", "percent"))
normalize = as.logical(normalize); assert(normalize, len = 1, alw = c(TRUE, FALSE))
fill = as.logical(fill); assert(fill, len = 1, alw = c(TRUE, FALSE))
smooth = as.logical(smooth); assert(smooth, len = 1, alw = c(TRUE, FALSE))
include.lowest = as.logical(include.lowest); assert(include.lowest, len = 1, alw = c(TRUE, FALSE))
right = as.logical(right); assert(right, len = 1, alw = c(TRUE, FALSE))
h = hist_constr(x, br, include.lowest=include.lowest, right=right, plot=FALSE)
k = col2rgb(col, alpha = TRUE)
k["alpha",] <- alpha * k["alpha",]
b = col2rgb(border, alpha = TRUE)
b["alpha",] <- alpha * b["alpha",]
if(smooth) {
xx=val_constr(x, h, "mids")
yy=try(density(x, n=length(br)-1, na.rm=TRUE, from=min(br), to=max(br))$y, silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(yy, "try-error")) {
warning(attr(yy, "condition")$message)
yy = 0
yy[xx<min(x, na.rm=TRUE)]=0
yy[xx>max(x, na.rm=TRUE)]=0
if(normalize) {yy=yy/max(yy)} else {yy=yy/max(yy)*max(val_constr(x, h, type))}
if(fill) {
polygon(x=c(xx[c(x1,x1:x2,x2)]), y= c(0, yy[x1:x2], 0), col=col, lwd=lwd, lty=lty)
} else {
lines(x=br, y=c(yy,0), col=col, type="l", lwd=lwd, lty=lty)
} else {
yy = val_constr(x, h, type)
if(normalize) { yy=yy/max(yy) }
if(fill) {
rect(xleft = br[-length(br)], ybottom=0, ytop=yy, xright = br[-1], col=k, lwd=lwd, lty=lty, border=border)
} else {
lines(x=br, y=c(yy,0), col=col, type="s", lwd=lwd, lty=lty)
#' @title Device Raw Coordinates
#' @name get_coordmap_raw
#' @description Helper to extract current device plotting region
#' @source computes drawing region in a similar way as shiny:::getPrevPlotCoordmap()
#' @keywords internal
get_coordmap_raw=function() {
usr <- graphics::par("usr")
list(domain = list(left = usr[1],
right = usr[2],
bottom = usr[3],
top = usr[4]),
range = list(left = graphics::grconvertX(usr[1], "user", "ndc"),
right = graphics::grconvertX(usr[2], "user", "ndc"),
bottom = graphics::grconvertY(usr[3], "user", "ndc"),
top = graphics::grconvertY(usr[4], "user", "ndc")))
#' @title Device Adjusted Coordinates
#' @name get_coordmap_adjusted
#' @description Helper to extract current device plotting region adjusted to device size
#' @param coordmap current device plotting region. Default is missing.
#' @param width current device height in pixel. Default is grDevices::dev.size("px")[1].
#' @param height current device width in pixel. Default is grDevices::dev.size("px")[2].
#' @param ratio current device ratio. Default is graphics::par('din') / graphics::par('pin').
#' @source computes drawing region in a similar way as shiny:::getPrevPlotCoordmap()
#' @keywords internal
width = grDevices::dev.size("px")[1],
height = grDevices::dev.size("px")[2],
ratio = graphics::par('din') / graphics::par('pin')) {
if(missing(coordmap)) coordmap = get_coordmap_raw()
range = list(left = coordmap$range$left * width * ratio[1],
right = coordmap$range$right * width * ratio[1],
bottom = (1 - coordmap$range$bottom) * height * ratio[2],
top = (1 - coordmap$range$top) * height * ratio[2])
return(list(domain=coordmap$domain, range=range, width = width, height = height, ratio=list(x=ratio[1],y=ratio[2])))
#' @title User's Coordinates to Pixels Conversion
#' @name coord_to_px
#' @description Helper map user's coordinates to pixels
#' @param coord coordinates in user system. A matrix where rows are points and with at least 2 columns named "x" and "y" for x and y coordinates, respectively.
#' @param coordmap current device adjusted coordinates. Default is missing.
#' @param pntsonedge whether points outside of plotting region should be bounded on the edge. Default is FALSE to clip points.
#' @return a 2-columns matrix with "x" and "y" coordinates.
#' @keywords internal
coord_to_px=function (coord, coordmap, pntsonedge = FALSE) {
if(missing(coordmap)) coordmap = get_coordmap_adjusted()
ran_x = range(coordmap$domain$left, coordmap$domain$right)
dx = coordmap$domain$right - coordmap$domain$left
ran_y = range(coordmap$domain$bottom, coordmap$domain$top)
dy = coordmap$domain$top - coordmap$domain$bottom
ran_img_width = range(coordmap$range$right, coordmap$range$left)
width = diff(ran_img_width)
ran_img_height = range(coordmap$range$bottom, coordmap$range$top)
height = diff(ran_img_height)
cpp_coord_to_px(x = coord$x, y = coord$y,
param = c(xmin = ran_x[1], xmax = ran_x[2],
ymin = ran_y[1], ymax = ran_y[2],
width / dx, height / dy,
domain_l = coordmap$domain$left,
domain_b = coordmap$domain$bottom,
img_w_1 = ran_img_width[1],
img_h_2 = ran_img_height[2],
ratio_x = coordmap$ratio$x,
ratio_y = coordmap$ratio$y,
edge = pntsonedge))
#' @title Graphical Devices Shutdown
#' @name dev_close
#' @description Closes all open devices
#' @param dv a graphical device list. Default is dev.list()
#' @return invisible(NULL)
#' @keywords internal
dev_close=function(dv = dev.list()) {
ndv = dev.list()
while((length(ndv) != 0) && (!identical(dv, ndv))) {
dev.off(which = tail(ndv, 1))
ndv = dev.list()
#' @title Graphical Text Wrap
#' @name wrap_label
#' @description
#' Wraps text grob label into multiple lines
#' @param label a character string.
#' @param split see \code{split} \code{\link[base]{strsplit}} called with fixed = FALSE.
#' @param max_width maximum width in npc to occupy, leave \code{NULL} to auto-compute.
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed to \code{\link[grid]{textGrob}}.
#' @return a line wrapped label
#' @keywords internal
wrap_label=function(label, split = "\\s", max_width = NULL, ...) {
if(length(label) == 0) return(character(0))
dots = list(...)
conv = function(u) convertWidth(x = u, unitTo = "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)
getwidth = function(txt) conv(grobWidth(do.call(what = textGrob, args = c(list(label = txt), dots))))
labs = unlist(strsplit(label, "\\s", fixed = FALSE), use.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
lab_wrap = labs[1]
line_w = getwidth(lab_wrap)
sep_w = getwidth(" ")
full_w = ifelse(missing(max_width) && ("vp" %in% names(dots)), 0.8 * conv(dots$vp$width), conv(unit(ifelse(length(max_width) == 0, 1, max_width), "npc")))
if(length(labs) > 1) for(i in 2:length(labs)) {
next_w = getwidth(labs[i])
if((line_w + sep_w + next_w) < full_w) {
sep = " "
line_w = line_w + sep_w + next_w
} else {
sep = "\n"
line_w = next_w
lab_wrap = paste(lab_wrap, labs[i], sep = sep)
#' @title `IFC_plot` Default Arguments Computation
#' @name plot_default_args
#' @description Helper to extract default plot arguments from `IFC_plot`
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return a list of default arguments for plotting.
#' @keywords internal
plot_default_args=function(obj = list()) {
# check obj is `IFC_plot`
assert(obj, cla = "IFC_plot")
if(inherits(obj, c("error","empty"))) {
g = as.list(attr(obj, "graph"))
} else {
g = as.list(obj)
if((length(color_mode)!=1) || !all(color_mode%in%c("white","black"))) color_mode="white"
trunc_labels = suppressWarnings(na.omit(as.numeric(trunc_labels))); if(length(trunc_labels) != 1) trunc_labels=38
# main, sub, x- and y- labels
if((length(main) == 0) || any(main %in% "")) main = paste0(unlist(lapply(base, FUN = function(x) x$name)), collapse = ", ")
if((length(sub) == 0) || any(sub %in% "")) sub = NULL
if((length(xlab) == 0) || any(xlab %in% "")) xlab = f1
if((length(ylab) == 0) || any(ylab %in% "")) ylab = ifelse(any(c("histogram","percent","count") %in% type),
ifelse(TRUE %in% as.logical(freq), "Normalized Frequency", "Frequency"),
ifelse(length(f2)==1, f2, ""))
main = trunc_string(main, trunc_labels)
if(main == "") main = " "
xlab = trunc_string(xlab, trunc_labels)
if((length(xlab) == 0) || any(xlab %in% "")) xlab = " "
ylab = trunc_string(ylab, trunc_labels)
if((length(ylab) == 0) || any(ylab %in% "")) ylab = " "
if(inherits(x = try(parseTrans(sub), silent = TRUE), what="try-error")) {
sub = trunc_string(sub, trunc_labels)
if((length(sub) == 0) || any(sub %in% "")) sub = " "
} else {
if((length(sub) == 0) || any(sub %in% "") || any(sub %in% "asinh")) sub = " "
# limits
Xlim = try(suppressWarnings(range(range(xlim, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE))), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(Xlim, "try-error)") || length(unique(Xlim)) != 2 || any(is.infinite(Xlim))) Xlim = c(-0.07,0.07)
Ylim = try(suppressWarnings(range(range(ylim, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE))), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(Ylim, "try-error)") || length(unique(Ylim)) != 2 || any(is.infinite(Ylim))) Ylim = c(-0.07,0.07)
# transforms
trans_x = try(parseTrans(hyper_x), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(trans_x, "try-error")) { Xtrans = "P" } else { Xtrans = hyper_x }
trans_y = try(parseTrans(hyper_y), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(trans_y, "try-error")) { Ytrans = "P" } else { Ytrans = hyper_y }
# mid point
xmid = applyTrans(Xlim, parseTrans(Xtrans)); xmid = applyTrans(xmid[1] + diff(xmid) / 2, parseTrans(Xtrans), inverse = T)
ymid = applyTrans(Ylim, parseTrans(Ytrans)); ymid = applyTrans(ymid[1] + diff(ymid) / 2, parseTrans(Ytrans), inverse = T)
return(list(main = main,
sub = sub,
Xlim = Xlim,
Ylim = Ylim,
xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab,
xmid = xmid,
ymid = ymid,
scales = myScales(x=list(lim = Xlim, "hyper"=Xtrans), y=list(lim = Ylim, "hyper"=Ytrans)),
Xtrans = Xtrans, Ytrans = Ytrans,
color_mode = color_mode,
trunc_labels = trunc_labels))
#' @title `IFC_plot` Lattice Theme Creation
#' @name lattice_theme
#' @description Helper to create lattice theme from `IFC_plot`
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @param color_mode whether to extract colors from 'obj' in white or black mode. Default is "white".
#' @param lt an existing lattice theme to modify according to \code{'color_mode'}.
#' @return a list of graphical parameters for 'lattice' backend.
#' @keywords internal
lattice_theme=function(obj = list(), color_mode = c("white", "black")[1], lt = NULL) {
g = as.list(attr(obj, "graph"))
if(!("axislabelsfontsize" %in% names(g))) g$axislabelsfontsize=10
if(!("axistickmarklabelsfontsize" %in% names(g))) g$axistickmarklabelsfontsize=10
if(!("graphtitlefontsize" %in% names(g))) g$graphtitlefontsize=12
if(!("regionlabelsfontsize" %in% names(g))) g$regionlabelsfontsize=10
color_mode=switch(color_mode, "black" = 1, "white" = 2, 2)
if(!all(c("layout.heights","layout.widths") %in% names(lt))) {
lt <- lattice::standard.theme()
if(dev.cur() == 1) {
lt$grid.pars <- get.gpar()
} else {
lt$grid.pars <- get.gpar()
lt$grid.pars$fontfamily <- "sans"
lt$fontsize$text <- lt$grid.pars$fontsize
lt$fontsize$points <- 4
lt[["add.text"]]$fontfamily <- lt$grid.pars$fontfamily
lt[["add.text"]]$cex = g$regionlabelsfontsize/lt$grid.pars$fontsize
lt[["axis.text"]]$fontfamily <- lt$grid.pars$fontfamily
lt[["axis.text"]]$cex = g$axistickmarklabelsfontsize/lt$grid.pars$fontsize
lt[["par.main.text"]]$fontfamily <- lt$grid.pars$fontfamily
lt[["par.main.text"]]$font <- 2
lt[["par.main.text"]]$cex = g$graphtitlefontsize/lt$grid.pars$fontsize
lt[["par.sub.text"]]$fontfamily <- lt$grid.pars$fontfamily
lt[["par.sub.text"]]$font <- 3
lt[["par.sub.text"]]$cex = 0.75*g$graphtitlefontsize/lt$grid.pars$fontsize
for(i in c("xlab","ylab","zlab")) {
lt[[paste0("par.",i,".text")]]$fontfamily <- lt$grid.pars$fontfamily
lt[[paste0("par.",i,".text")]]$cex = g$axislabelsfontsize/lt$grid.pars$fontsize
# update color
if(color_mode > 0) {
theme_bg_col = c("black","white")[color_mode]
theme_fg_col = c("white","black")[color_mode]
lt[["background"]]$col = theme_bg_col
lt[["plot.polygon"]]$border = theme_fg_col
lt[["box.dot"]]$col = theme_fg_col
lt[["strip.border"]]$col = theme_fg_col
lt[["superpose.polygon"]]$border = theme_fg_col
lt[["box.3d"]]$col = theme_fg_col
for(i in c("xlab","ylab","zlab","main","sub")) lt[[paste0("par.",i,".text")]]$col = theme_fg_col
lt[["axis.text"]]$col <- theme_fg_col
lt[["axis.line"]]$col <- theme_fg_col
lt[["add.text"]]$col <- theme_fg_col
lt[["add.line"]]$col <- theme_fg_col
#' @title `IFC_plot` Base Theme Creation
#' @name base_theme
#' @description Helper to create base theme from `IFC_plot`
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @param color_mode whether to extract colors from 'obj' in white or black mode. Default is "white".
#' @param lt an existing lattice theme to modify according to \code{'color_mode'}.
#' @return a list of graphical parameters for 'base' and 'raster' backend.
#' @keywords internal
base_theme=function(obj = list(), color_mode = c("white", "black")[1], lt = NULL) {
if(length(lt) == 0) lt = lattice_theme(obj = obj, color_mode = color_mode)
cols_n = c("bg","fg","col","col.axis","col.lab","col.main","col.sub")
bg = ifelse(all("black" %in% color_mode), "white", "black")
cols = rep(bg, length(cols_n))
cols[1] = color_mode
names(cols) = cols_n
return(c(list(xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
family = lt$add.text$fontfamily,
cex = 1,
cex.main = lt$par.main.text$cex,
font.main = lt$par.main.text$font,
cex.lab = 1.25 * lt$par.xlab.text$cex,
font.lab = lt$par.xlab.text$font,
cex.sub = lt$par.sub.text$cex,
font.sub = lt$par.sub.text$font,
cex.axis = lt$axis.text$cex,
font.axis = lt$axis.text$font,
mar = c(5,5,2 * (lt$par.main.text$cex + lt$par.sub.text$cex) * par("lheight"), 2) + 0.1,
mgp = c(3,1,0),
#' @title `IFC_plot` Base Title Annotation
#' @name base_title
#' @description Helper to add title (and subtitle) when drawing `IFC_plot`
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return nothing, annotate plot with 'base' and 'raster' backend.
#' @keywords internal
g = plot_default_args(obj)
mtext(text=g$main, cex=par("cex.main"), side=3, line=0.2 + par("mar")[3] - 2*par("cex.main")*par("lheight"), font=par("font.main"), col=par("col.main"))
mtext(text=g$sub, cex=par("cex.sub"), side=3, line=0.2, font=par("font.sub"), col=par("col.sub"))
#' @title `IFC_plot` Base x Axis Annotation
#' @name base_xaxis
#' @description Helper to add x axis when drawing `IFC_plot`
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return nothing, annotate plot with 'base' and 'raster' backend.
#' @keywords internal
x_axis=axis(side=1, at=g$scales$x$at, labels=FALSE)
text(x=x_axis, y=g$Ylim[1], labels=g$scales$x$labels, xpd=TRUE, adj=c(1, 1.5), srt=45, cex=par("cex.axis"))
#' @title `IFC_plot` Base y Axis Annotation
#' @name base_yaxis
#' @description Helper to add y axis when drawing `IFC_plot`
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return nothing, annotate plot with 'base' and 'raster' backend.
#' @keywords internal
y_axis=axis(side=2, at=g$scales$y$at, labels=FALSE)
text(y=y_axis, x=g$Xlim[1], labels=g$scales$y$labels, xpd=TRUE, pos=2, offset=0.5, las=1, cex=par("cex.axis"))
#' @title `IFC_plot` Base Axes Annotation
#' @name base_axes
#' @description Helper to add axes when drawing `IFC_plot`
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return nothing, annotate plot with 'base' and 'raster' backend.
#' @keywords internal
#' @title `IFC_plot` Base Regions Annotation
#' @name base_regions
#' @description Helper to add regions when drawing `IFC_plot`
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return nothing, annotate plot with 'base' and 'raster' backend.
#' @keywords internal
lt = obj$input$par.settings
for(reg in obj$input$regions) {
k = reg[c("color","lightcolor")][[obj$input$mode]]
coords = reg[c("x","y")]
trans_x = parseTrans(obj$input$trans_x)
coords$x = applyTrans(coords$x, trans_x)
reg$cx = applyTrans(reg$cx, trans_x)
lab = trunc_string(reg$label, obj$input$trunc_labels)
if(reg$type=="line") {
Ylim = obj$input$ylim
if(reg$cy == 0) reg$cy = diff(Ylim)*0.6 # allow to show label when it is on the axe
if(coords$y[1] == 0) coords$y = rep(diff(Ylim)*.5, length.out=2) # allow to show line when on the axe
text(x=reg$cx, y=reg$cy*diff(Ylim), col=k, labels=lab, pos=4, cex=lt$add.text$cex)
polygon(x=coords$x, y=coords$y*diff(Ylim), col = k, border = k)
} else {
trans_y = parseTrans(obj$input$trans_y)
coords$y = applyTrans(coords$y, trans_y)
reg$cy = applyTrans(reg$cy, trans_y)
if(reg$type=="rect") {
if(reg$type=="oval") {
coords = toEllipse(coords)
text(x=reg$cx, y=reg$cy, col=k, labels=lab, pos=4, cex=lt$add.text$cex)
polygon(x=coords$x, y=coords$y, border=k, col="transparent", lwd=1, lty=1)
#' @title `IFC_plot` Base Legend Annotation
#' @name base_key
#' @description Helper to add legend when drawing `IFC_plot`
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return nothing, annotate plot with 'base' and 'raster' backend.
#' @keywords internal
basepop = obj$input$base
displayed = obj$input$displayed
sub_lab = obj$input$trans
color_mode = obj$input$mode
if(!obj$input$type %in% c("percent", "count")) displayed = rev(displayed)
if(any(obj$input$add_key %in% c("panel","global","both"))) {
args_key = list(x="center",col=sapply(displayed, FUN=function(p) p[c("color","lightModeColor")][[color_mode]]),cex=par("cex")*0.5,
if(obj$input$type %in% c("percent", "count")) {
args_key=c(args_key, list(lty = c(1,2,3,4,6)[match(sapply(basepop[obj$input$order[names(displayed)]], FUN = function(p) p$linestyle),c("Solid","Dash","Dot","DashDot","DashDotDot"))]))
} else {
args_key=c(args_key, list(pch=sapply(displayed, FUN=function(p) p$style)))
temp_key = do.call(args= c(list(plot = FALSE), args_key), what=legend)
if(obj$input$add_key %in% c("panel","both")) {
args_key$x = graphics::grconvertX(par("plt")[1] + grid::convertX(unit(1, "picas"), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE), "nfc", "user")
args_key$y = graphics::grconvertY(par("plt")[4] - grid::convertY(unit(1, "picas"), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE), "nfc", "user")
do.call(args= args_key, what=legend)
if(obj$input$add_key %in% c("global","both")) {
args_key$x = temp_key$rect$left
args_key$y = graphics::grconvertY(graphics::grconvertY(2 * par("lheight") * par("cex.sub"), "lines", "nfc") + par("plt")[4] + (1 - par("plt")[4] - graphics::grconvertY(2 * par("lheight") * (par("cex.main") + par("cex.sub")), "lines", "nfc"))/ 2, "nfc", "user") + temp_key$rect$h / 2
do.call(args= args_key, what=legend)
#' @title `IFC_plot` Base Empty Plot Creation
#' @name plot_base_empty
#' @description Helper to create an empty `IFC_plot`
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return nothing, plot `IFC_plot` with 'base' backend.
#' @keywords internal
plot_base_empty=function(obj) {
obj = as.list(obj)
g = plot_default_args(obj)
old_par <- par(base_theme(obj, g$color_mode, lt = NULL))
on.exit(par(old_par), add = TRUE)
do.call(args = list(x = g$Xlim, y = g$Ylim, col = NA,
xlim = g$Xlim, ylim = g$Ylim,
main = " ", xlab = " ", ylab = " ",
axes = FALSE),
what = plot)
#' @title `IFC_plot` Raster Empty Plot Creation
#' @name plot_raster_empty
#' @description Helper to create an empty `IFC_plot`
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return nothing, plot `IFC_plot` with 'raster' backend.
#' @keywords internal
#' @title `IFC_plot` Lattice Empty Plot Creation
#' @name plot_lattice_empty
#' @description Helper to create an empty `IFC_plot`
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return an empty lattice trellis from `IFC_plot`.
#' @keywords internal
plot_lattice_empty=function(obj) {
g = plot_default_args(obj)
obj = as.list(obj)
cur_trellis = lattice_theme(obj, g$color_mode, obj$input$par.settings)
cur_trellis$axis.line$col = g$color_mode
cur_trellis$axis.line$alpha = 0
cur_trellis$axis.text$col = g$color_mode
cur_trellis$axis.text$alpha = 0
do.call(args = list(x = y ~ x, data = data.frame(x = g$xmid, y = g$ymid),
col = g$color_mode,
alpha = 0,
xlim = g$Xlim, ylim = g$Ylim,
main = " ", xlab = " ", ylab = " ",
scales = g$scales,
par.settings = cur_trellis),
what = xyplot)
#' @title `IFC_plot` Conversion to 'base' Plot
#' @name plot_base
#' @description Helper to convert `IFC_plot` to 'base' plot.
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return nothing, plot `IFC_plot` with 'base' backend.
#' @keywords internal
plot_base=function(obj) {
# check obj is `IFC_plot`
assert(obj, cla = "IFC_plot")
# apply theme
color_mode = na.omit(as.integer(obj$input$mode))
old_par <- par(base_theme(obj, c("black","white")[color_mode], obj$input$par.settings))
on.exit(par(old_par), add = TRUE)
# short names
D = obj$input$data
displayed = obj$input$displayed
basepop = obj$input$base
disp_n = names(displayed)
Xlim = obj$input$xlim
Ylim = obj$input$ylim
# add margin for key
if(any(obj$input$add_key %in% c("global", "both"))) {
old_mar <- par("mar")
par("mar" = c(old_mar[1:2],
old_mar[3] + (1 + length(displayed)) * par("lheight") * par("cex") * 0.5,
on.exit(par("mar" = old_mar), add = TRUE)
# common plot args
args_plot = list(xlim = obj$input$xlim, ylim = obj$input$ylim,
main = " ",
xlab = " ",
ylab = " ",
axes = FALSE)
# draw plot
if(obj$input$type %in% c("percent", "count")) {
# 1D
br = do.breaks(Xlim, obj$input$bin)
do.call(args = c(list(x = quote(Xlim),
border = "transparent",
freq = obj$input$type == "count",
breaks = br,
col = "transparent"),
what = hist)
if(length(displayed) > 0) {
for(disp in disp_n) {
base_hist_constr(x = D[D[,disp], "x2"],
br = br,
type = obj$input$type,
normalize = obj$input$normalize,
smooth = obj$input$histogramsmoothingfactor,
fill = basepop[[obj$input$order[disp]]]$fill=="true",
alpha = 0.8, lwd=2,
col = displayed[[disp]][c("color","lightModeColor")][[color_mode]],
border = displayed[[disp]][c("color","lightModeColor")][[color_mode]],
lty = c(1,2,3,4,6)[match(basepop[[obj$input$order[disp]]]$linestyle,c("Solid","Dash","Dot","DashDot","DashDotDot"))])
} else {
# 2D
if((nrow(obj$input$data) > 0) && any(obj$input$subset) && (nrow(obj$input$data[obj$input$subset,]) > 0)) hasdata <- TRUE
if(obj$input$type == "density") {
args_level = basepop[[1]][["densitylevel"]]
if((length(args_level) != 0) && !any(args_level == "") && hasdata) {
col = densCols(x = structure(obj$input$data$x2[obj$input$subset], features=attr(obj$input$data,"features")),
y = obj$input$data$y2[obj$input$subset],
xlim = Xlim,
ylim = Ylim,
args_level = strsplit(args_level,split="|",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
fill = args_level[1] == "true"
dolines = args_level[2] == "true"
nlevels = as.integer(args_level[3])
lowest = as.numeric(args_level[4])
z = attr(col, "matrix")
dd = attr(col, "density")
zz = as.vector(z$fhat)
at_probs = seq(from=lowest, to=1, length.out=1+nlevels+(lowest!=0))
at = quantile(dd, at_probs, na.rm = TRUE, names = FALSE)
do.call(args = c(list(x = quote(Xlim),
y = quote(Ylim),
pch = pch,
col = c("black","white")[color_mode]),
what = plot)
if(lowest != 0) {
low = at[1]; at = at[-1]
points(x=obj$input$data$x2[obj$input$subset][dd<low], y=obj$input$data$y2[obj$input$subset][dd<low], pch=".", col=c("white","black")[color_mode]) #col[dd<low])
if(fill) {
.filled.contour(x=z$x1, y=z$x2, z$fhat, levels=c(low, at), col=c(NA,colramp(length(at)-1)))
if(dolines) {
if(fill) {
contour_cols = c("white","black")[color_mode]
} else {
contour_cols = colramp(length(at))
contour(x=z$x1, y=z$x2, z$fhat, levels=at, col=contour_cols, drawlabels = FALSE, add = TRUE)
} else {
if(hasdata) col = densCols(x = structure(obj$input$data$x2[obj$input$subset], features=attr(obj$input$data,"features")),
y = obj$input$data$y2[obj$input$subset],
xlim = Xlim,
ylim = Ylim,
colramp = colramp,
nbin = obj$input$bin,
transformation = obj$input$trans)
do.call(args = c(list(x = quote(obj$input$data$x2[obj$input$subset]),
y = quote(obj$input$data$y2[obj$input$subset]),
pch = pch,
col = col),
what = plot)
} else {
if(obj$input$precision == "full") {
disp = disp_n[length(displayed)]
do.call(args = c(list(x = quote(obj$input$data[obj$input$data[,disp], "x2"][obj$input$subset]),
y = quote(obj$input$data[obj$input$data[,disp], "y2"][obj$input$subset]),
pch = displayed[[disp]]$style,
col = displayed[[disp]][c("color","lightModeColor")][[color_mode]]),
what = plot)
if(length(displayed) > 1) {
for(disp in rev(disp_n)[-1]) {
points(x = obj$input$data[obj$input$data[,disp], "x2"][obj$input$subset],
y = obj$input$data[obj$input$data[,disp], "y2"][obj$input$subset],
pch = displayed[[disp]]$style,
col = displayed[[disp]][c("color","lightModeColor")][[color_mode]])
} else {
if(hasdata) {
if(length(disp_n) > 1) {
groups = apply(as.data.frame(D[obj$input$subset,disp_n]), 1, FUN=function(x) {
tmp = which(x)[1]
if(is.na(tmp)) return(NA)
} else {
groups = disp_n
pch = sapply(groups, FUN = function(disp) displayed[[disp]]$style)
col = sapply(groups, FUN = function(disp) displayed[[disp]][c("color","lightModeColor")][[color_mode]])
} else {
col = NA
do.call(args = c(list(x = quote(obj$input$data$x2[obj$input$subset]),
y = quote(obj$input$data$y2[obj$input$subset]),
pch = pch,
col = col),
what = plot)
# regions
# key
# axis
# title / subtitle
#' @title `IFC_plot` Conversion to 'raster' Plot
#' @name plot_raster
#' @description Helper to convert `IFC_plot` to 'raster' plot.
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @param pntsonedge whether points outside of plotting region should be bounded on the edge. Default is FALSE to clip points.
#' NA can be used to produce hybrid display, with plot being drawn with `pntsonedge` = FALSE on top of plot with `pntsonedge` = TRUE.
#' @return plot `IFC_plot` with 'raster' backend and invisibly returns the computed raster.
#' @keywords internal
plot_raster=function(obj, pntsonedge = FALSE) {
# check obj is `IFC_plot`
assert(obj, cla = "IFC_plot")
if(obj$input$type %in% c("count", "percent")) return(plot_base(obj))
if(obj$input$type == "density") {
basepop = obj$input$base
args_level = basepop[[1]][["densitylevel"]]
if((length(args_level) != 0) && !any(args_level == "")) return(plot_base(obj))
# apply theme
color_mode = na.omit(as.integer(obj$input$mode))
old_par <- par(base_theme(obj, c("black","white")[color_mode], lt = obj$input$par.settings))
on.exit(par(old_par), add = TRUE)
# determines population order
basepop = obj$input$base
displayed = obj$input$displayed
disp_n = names(displayed)
# add margin for key
if(any(obj$input$add_key %in% c("global", "both"))) {
old_mar <- par("mar")
par("mar" = c(old_mar[1:2],
old_mar[3] + (1 + length(displayed)) * par("lheight") * par("cex") * 0.5,
on.exit(par("mar" = old_mar), add = TRUE)
# create empty plot
# create data specific list for raster plot
if((obj$input$precision == "light") && (length(disp_n) > 1)) {
set = disp_n[apply(obj$input$data[,disp_n, drop = FALSE], 1, FUN = function(x) {
foo = which(x)[1]
coords = obj$input$data[, c("x2","y2")]
colnames(coords) = c("x","y")
is_hybrid = all(is.na(pntsonedge))
# determines current device plotting region
coordmap = get_coordmap_adjusted()
draw_fn <- function(pntsonedge = pntsonedge, bg = NULL) {
usr = unlist(recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE, coordmap$domain)
lims = round(c(coord_to_px(coord = data.frame(x = usr[1:2], y = usr[3:4]),
coordmap = coordmap,
pntsonedge = F)) + c(1,1,0,0))
bsize = round(max(abs(lims[2] - lims[1]), abs(lims[3] - lims[4])) / 17)
if(!(bsize %% 2)) bsize = bsize + 1
bsize = min(bsize, 95)
data = sapply(rev(disp_n), simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE, FUN = function(p) {
if((obj$input$precision == "light") && (length(disp_n) > 1)) {
sub_ = obj$input$data[, p] & obj$input$subset & (set == p)
} else {
sub_ = obj$input$data[, p] & obj$input$subset
if(sum(sub_) == 0) return(NULL)
if(obj$input$type == "scatter") {
size = 7
col = map_color(obj$input$displayed[[p]][c("color","lightModeColor")][[color_mode]])
} else {
colramp = colorRampPalette(colConv(obj$input$base[[1]][c("densitycolorsdarkmode", "densitycolorslightmode")][[color_mode]]))
size = 9
if(identical(obj$input$trans, "asinh")) {
col = colramp(255)
} else {
col = densCols(x = structure(obj$input$data$x2[obj$input$subset], features=attr(obj$input$data,"features")),
y = obj$input$data$y2[obj$input$subset],
xlim = obj$input$xlim,
ylim = obj$input$ylim,
if(!identical(pntsonedge, TRUE)) col <- col[!is.na(col)]
list(size = size,
pch = obj$input$displayed[[p]]$style,
col = rbind(col2rgb(col, alpha = FALSE), 255),
lwd = 1,
coords = coord_to_px(coord=coords[sub_,,drop=FALSE], coordmap=coordmap, pntsonedge=pntsonedge),
blur_size = bsize,
blur_sd = bsize / 6)
data = data[sapply(data, length) != 0]
if(length(data) != 0) {
# call c part to produce image raster
img = cpp_raster(width = coordmap$width, height = coordmap$height, obj = data, bg_ = bg)
# overlay everything but not edges
if(is_hybrid && (FALSE %in% pntsonedge)) {
brd = seq(0,4)
for(i in brd) { k = lims[1] + i; if(k >= 1 && k <= coordmap$width) img[ ,k , ] <- bg[ ,k , ] }
for(i in brd) { k = lims[2] - i; if(k >= 1 && k <= coordmap$width) img[ ,k , ] <- bg[ ,k , ] }
for(i in brd) { k = lims[3] - i; if(k >= 1 && k <= coordmap$height) img[k , , ] <- bg[k , , ] }
for(i in brd) { k = lims[4] + i; if(k >= 1 && k <= coordmap$height) img[k , , ] <- bg[k , , ] }
# add image to plot, rasterImage is faster than grid.raster and allows to fit bg when it is resized
if(!identical(get_coordmap_adjusted(), coordmap)) {
text(x = graphics::grconvertX(0.5, "npc", "user"),
y = graphics::grconvertY(0.5, "npc", "user"),
labels = "you should not modify graphic device while drawing raster",
col = "red")
img = NULL
} else {
rasterImage(cpp_as_nativeRaster(img[lims[3]:lims[4], lims[1]:lims[2],]),
xleft = usr[1], xright = usr[2], ybottom = usr[4], ytop = usr[3], interpolate = TRUE)
# return img
if(is_hybrid) {
img = draw_fn(TRUE, bg = NULL)
img = draw_fn(FALSE, bg = img)
} else {
img = draw_fn(pntsonedge)
# regions
# key
# axes
# subtitle / title
#' @title `IFC_plot` Conversion to 'lattice' Plot
#' @name plot_lattice
#' @description Helper to convert `IFC_plot` to 'lattice' plot.
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return a lattice trellis from `IFC_plot`.
#' @keywords internal
plot_lattice=function(obj) {
old_ask = par("ask" = FALSE)
on.exit(par(old_ask), add = TRUE)
# check obj is `IFC_plot`
assert(obj, cla = "IFC_plot")
# short names
xy_subset = obj$input$subset
P = obj$input$displayed
R = obj$input$regions
D = obj$input$data[xy_subset,,drop=FALSE]
nbin = obj$input$bin
basepop = obj$input$base
reg_n = names(R)
displayed = P
displayed_n = names(P)
displayed_o = obj$input$order
type = obj$input$type
normalize = obj$input$normalize
trans = obj$input$trans
precision = obj$input$precision
add_key = obj$input$add_key
color_mode = na.omit(as.integer(obj$input$mode))
if(length(color_mode) != 1L) color_mode = 2L
if(color_mode != 1L) color_mode = 2L
lt <- lattice_theme(obj, c("black","white")[color_mode], obj$input$par.settings)
histogramsmoothingfactor = obj$input$histogramsmoothingfactor
Xlim = obj$input$xlim
Ylim = obj$input$ylim
Xtrans = obj$input$trans_x
Ytrans = obj$input$trans_y
trans_x = parseTrans(Xtrans)
trans_y = parseTrans(Ytrans)
trunc_labels = obj$input$trunc_labels
labels = plot_default_args(obj)
main = labels$main
xlab = labels$xlab
ylab = labels$ylab
if(type %in% c("percent", "count")) {
# define legend
KEY = list("cex"=lt$add.text$cex * 0.5,
"lines"=list(col = sapply(displayed_n, FUN=function(p) P[[p]][c("color","lightModeColor")][[color_mode]]),
lty = sapply(displayed_n, FUN=function(r) c(1,2,3,4,6)[match(basepop[[displayed_o[r]]]$linestyle,c("Solid","Dash","Dot","DashDot","DashDotDot"))])),
# make histogram
if(nrow(D) > 0) {
br = do.breaks(Xlim, nbin)
foo = histogram(~ D[,"x2"], auto.key=FALSE,
xlim = Xlim, ylim = Ylim, main = main, xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab,
scales = myScales(x=list(lim = Xlim, "hyper"=Xtrans), y=list(lim = Ylim, "hyper"=Ytrans)),
border = "transparent", nint = nbin, type = type, breaks = br, normalize = normalize,
panel = function(x, ...) { })
for(l in length(displayed_n):1) {
disp = displayed_n[l]
if(any(D[,disp])) { # adds layer only if there is at least one point
tmp = histogram(~ D[,"x2"], auto.key=FALSE, subset = D[,disp], alpha = 0.8,
col = P[[disp]][c("color","lightModeColor")][[color_mode]], border="transparent",
fill = as.logical(basepop[[displayed_o[disp]]]$fill=="true"),
lty = c(1,2,3,4,6)[match(basepop[[displayed_o[disp]]]$linestyle,c("Solid","Dash","Dot","DashDot","DashDotDot"))],
nint = nbin, type = type, breaks = br, normalize = normalize, Ylim = Ylim,
panel = function(x, type, breaks, normalize, fill, nint, border, col, alpha, lty, Ylim = Ylim, ...) {
if(histogramsmoothingfactor > 0) {
pan_smooth(x=x, type=type, br=breaks, normalize=normalize, fill=fill, lwd=2, lty=lty, col=col, alpha=alpha, ylim=Ylim, bin=nint, border=border, factor=histogramsmoothingfactor)
} else {
pan_hist(x=x, type=type, br=breaks, normalize=normalize, fill=fill, lwd=2, lty=1, col=col, alpha=alpha, ylim=Ylim, bin=nint, border=border)
if(l == 1) {
if(any(c("panel","both")%in%add_key)) pan_key(key=c(KEY,"background"="lightgrey","alpha.background"=0.8), x = 0.02)
lapply(reg_n, FUN=function(r) {
reg = R[[r]]
col = reg[c("color","lightcolor")][[color_mode]]
coords = reg[c("x","y")]
coords$x = applyTrans(coords$x, trans_x)
reg$cx = applyTrans(reg$cx, trans_x)
lab = trunc_string(reg$label, trunc_labels)
if(reg$cy == 0) reg$cy = diff(Ylim)*0.6 # allow to show label when it is on the axe
if(coords$y[1] == 0) coords$y = rep(diff(Ylim)*.5, length.out=2) # allow to show line when on the axe
panel.text(x=reg$cx, y=reg$cy*diff(Ylim), col=col, labels=lab, pos=4)
panel.lines(x=coords$x, y=coords$y*diff(Ylim),col=col)
foo = foo + latticeExtra::as.layer(tmp, opposite = FALSE, axes = NULL)
} else {
foo = histogram(Ylim ~ Xlim, auto.key=FALSE,
xlim = Xlim, ylim = Ylim, main = main, xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab,
scales = myScales(x=list(lim = Xlim, "hyper"=Xtrans), y=list(lim = Ylim, "hyper"=Ytrans)), border = "transparent",
nint = nbin, type = type, normalize = normalize, Ylim = Ylim,
panel = function(x, Ylim = Ylim, ...) {
if(any(c("panel","both")%in%add_key)) pan_key(key=c(KEY,"background"="lightgrey","alpha.background"=0.8), x = 0.02)
lapply(reg_n, FUN=function(r) {
reg = R[[r]]
col = reg[c("color","lightcolor")][[color_mode]]
coords = reg[c("x","y")]
coords$x = applyTrans(coords$x, trans_x)
reg$cx = applyTrans(reg$cx, trans_x)
lab = trunc_string(reg$label, trunc_labels)
if(reg$cy == 0) reg$cy = diff(Ylim)*0.6 # allow to show label when it is on the axe
if(coords$y[1] == 0) coords$y = rep(diff(Ylim)*.5, length.out=2) # allow to show line when on the axe
panel.text(x=reg$cx, y=reg$cy*diff(Ylim), col=col, labels=lab, pos=4)
panel.lines(x=coords$x, y=coords$y*diff(Ylim), col=col)
} else {
# define legend
KEY = list("cex"=lt$add.text$cex * 0.5,
"points"=list(cex = 1,
col = sapply(P[rev(displayed_n)], FUN=function(p) p[c("color","lightModeColor")][[color_mode]]),
pch = sapply(P[rev(displayed_n)], FUN=function(p) p$style)),
# identify groups
groups = NULL
if(nrow(D) > 0) if(type == "scatter") if(precision=="light") {
if(length(displayed_n) > 1) {
groups=apply(as.data.frame(D[,displayed_n]), 1, FUN=function(x) {
tmp = which(x)[1]
if(is.na(tmp)) return(NA)
} else {
groups = rep(displayed_n, nrow(D))
# make xyplot
xtop = NULL
if(type == "density") {
args_level = basepop[[1]][["densitylevel"]]
if((length(args_level) == 0) || any(args_level == ""))
if(inherits(x = try(parseTrans(trans), silent = TRUE), what="try-error")) xtop = trans
foo = xyplot(D[,"y2"] ~ D[,"x2"], auto.key=FALSE,
xlim = Xlim, ylim = Ylim,
main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xlab.top = xtop,
xlab.top.font = lt$par.sub.text$font,
scales = myScales(x=list(lim = Xlim, "hyper"=Xtrans), y=list(lim = Ylim, "hyper"=Ytrans)),
panel = function(x, y, groups=NULL, subscripts, ...) {
if(any(c("panel","both")%in%add_key)) if(type=="scatter") pan_key(key=c(KEY,"background"="lightgrey","alpha.background"=0.8), x = 0.02)
if(type == "density") {
args_level = basepop[[1]][["densitylevel"]]
if((length(args_level) != 0) && !any(args_level == "")) {
col = densCols(x=structure(x, features=attr(obj$input$data,"features")),
xlim = Xlim,
ylim = Ylim,
fill = args_level[1] == "true"
dolines = args_level[2] == "true"
nlevels = as.integer(args_level[3])
lowest = as.numeric(args_level[4])
z = attr(col, "matrix")
zz = as.vector(z$fhat)
dd = attr(col, "density")
at_probs = seq(from=lowest, to=1, length.out=1+nlevels+(lowest!=0))
at = quantile(dd, probs = at_probs, na.rm = TRUE, names = FALSE)
if(lowest != 0) {
low = at[1]; at = at[-1]
panel.xyplot(x=x[dd<low], y=y[dd<low], pch=".", col=c("white","black")[color_mode]) #col[dd<low])
contour_cols = colramp(length(at))
if(fill) {
# FIXME when filled the graph is pixelated
panel.levelplot(x=rep(z$x1, times=nbin), y=rep(z$x2, each=nbin), z=zz,
at=c(low, at), col.regions=c(NA,colramp(length(at)-1)),
border = "transparent", border.lty = 1, border.lwd = 0,
region=TRUE, contour=FALSE)
if(dolines) {
lines = contourLines(x=z$x1, y=z$x2, z=z$fhat, nlevels=length(at), levels=at)
if(fill) contour_cols = rep(c("white","black")[color_mode], length(lines))
lapply(1:length(lines), FUN = function(i_l) do.call(panel.lines, args = c(lines[i_l], list(col=contour_cols[lines[[i_l]]$level == at]))))
} else {
col = densCols(x=structure(x, features=attr(obj$input$data,"features")),
xlim = Xlim,
ylim = Ylim,
panel.xyplot(x=x,y=y,pch=".", col=col)
if(type == "scatter") {
if(is.null(groups[subscripts])) {
panel.xyplot(x=x[1], y=y[1], pch="", alpha=0)
} else {
by(data.frame("x"=x,"y"=y,"g"=groups[subscripts], stringsAsFactors=FALSE), groups[subscripts], FUN=function(d) {
disp = d$g[1]
panel.xyplot(x=d$x, y=d$y, pch=P[[disp]]$style, col = P[[disp]][c("color","lightModeColor")][[color_mode]])
lapply(reg_n, FUN=function(r) {
reg = R[[r]]
k = reg[c("color","lightcolor")][[color_mode]]
coords = reg[c("x","y")]
coords$x = applyTrans(coords$x, trans_x)
reg$cx = applyTrans(reg$cx, trans_x)
coords$y = applyTrans(coords$y, trans_y)
reg$cy = applyTrans(reg$cy, trans_y)
if(reg$type=="rect") {
if(reg$type=="oval") {
coords = toEllipse(coords)
lab = trunc_string(reg$label, trunc_labels)
panel.text(x=reg$cx, y=reg$cy, col=k, labels=lab, pos=4)
panel.polygon(x=coords$x, y=coords$y, border=k, col="transparent", lwd=1, lty=1)
if(nrow(D) > 0) if(precision=="full") if(type == "scatter") for(l in length(displayed_n):1) {
disp = displayed_n[l]
if(any(D[,disp])) { # adds layer only if there is at least one point
tmp = xyplot(D[,"y2"] ~ D[,"x2"], pch = P[[disp]]$style, col = P[[disp]][c("color","lightModeColor")][[color_mode]], subset = D[,disp])
foo = foo + latticeExtra::as.layer(tmp)
if(any(c("global","both")%in%add_key)) foo = update(foo, key=KEY)
foo = update(foo, par.settings = lt)
#' @title Erroneous `IFC_plot` Conversion to 'base' Plot
#' @name plot_base_error
#' @description Helper to produce 'base' plot with error message from `IFC_plot`.
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return nothing, plot `IFC_plot` with 'base' backend.
#' @keywords internal
plot_base_error=function(obj) {
obj = as.list(obj)
g = plot_default_args(obj)
old_par <- par(base_theme(obj, g$color_mode, lt = NULL))
on.exit(par(old_par), add = TRUE)
text(x = g$xmid, y = g$ymid, labels=wrap_label(obj$message), col = "red")
#' @title Erroneous `IFC_plot` Conversion to 'raster' Plot
#' @name plot_raster_error
#' @description Helper to produce 'raster' plot with error message from `IFC_plot`.
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return nothing, plot `IFC_plot` with 'raster' backend.
#' @keywords internal
#' @title Erroneous `IFC_plot` Conversion to 'lattice' Plot
#' @name plot_lattice_error
#' @description Helper to produce 'lattice' plot with error message from `IFC_plot`.
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return a lattice trellis from `IFC_plot`.
#' @keywords internal
plot_lattice_error=function(obj) {
g = plot_default_args(obj)
obj = as.list(obj)
do.call(args = list(x = y ~ x, data = data.frame(x = g$xmid, y = g$ymid),
xlim = g$Xlim, ylim = g$Ylim,
main = g$main, xlab = g$xlab, ylab = g$ylab,
scales = g$scales,
par.settings = lattice_theme(obj, g$color_mode, obj$input$par.settings),
col = "transparent",
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
panel.text(x = g$xmid, y = g$ymid, labels=wrap_label(obj$message), col = "red")
what = xyplot)
#' @title `IFC_plot` Plotting
#' @name plot_backend
#' @description Helper to plot `IFC_plot`
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @param backend the backend used for drawing `IFC_plot` see \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return nothing.
#' @keywords internal
plot_backend=function(obj, backend = "lattice"){
assert(backend, len=1, alw=c("lattice","base","raster","raster-edge","raster-hybrid"))
fun = paste0("plot_", sub("^raster.*$", "raster", backend), collapse = "")
args = list(obj = obj)
if(inherits(obj, c("error", "empty"))) {
if(inherits(obj, "error")) {
fun = paste0(fun, "_error")
} else {
if(inherits(obj, "empty")) fun = paste0(fun, "_empty")
} else {
if(backend == "raster") args = c(args, list(pntsonedge = FALSE))
if(backend == "raster-edge") args = c(args, list(pntsonedge = TRUE))
if(backend == "raster-hybrid") args = c(args, list(pntsonedge = NA))
if(backend == "lattice") {
plot(do.call(what = fun, args = args))
} else {
do.call(what = fun, args = args)
#' @title `IFC_plot` Statistics Extraction
#' @name plot_stats
#' @description Helper to extract `IFC_plot` statistics.
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_plot` as created by \code{\link{plotGraph}}.
#' @return a table of statistics.
#' @keywords internal
plot_stats=function(obj) {
# check obj is `IFC_plot`
assert(obj, cla = "IFC_plot")
if(inherits(obj, c("error","empty"))) {
g = as.list(unlist(attr(obj, "graph"),recursive=FALSE,use.names=TRUE))
stats = c("Min.","1st Qu.","Median","Mean","3rd Qu.","Max.")
if(identical(g$type,"scatter") || identical(g$type,"density") ) {
stats = c(paste0("x-",stats), paste0("y-", stats))
} else {
stats = paste0("x-",stats)
stats = c("count","perc",stats)
return(as.table(matrix(NaN, nrow = 1, ncol = length(stats), dimnames = list(setdiff(class(obj), "IFC_plot"), stats))))
xy_subset = obj$input$subset
R = obj$input$regions
D = obj$input$data[xy_subset,,drop=FALSE]
basepop = obj$input$base
Xlim = obj$input$xlim
Ylim = obj$input$ylim
Xtrans = obj$input$trans_x
Ytrans = obj$input$trans_y
trans_x = parseTrans(Xtrans)
trans_y = parseTrans(Ytrans)
reg_n = names(R)
displayed = obj$input$displayed
displayed_n = names(displayed)
displayed_o = obj$input$order
type = obj$input$type
base_n = unlist(lapply(basepop, FUN=function(x) x$name))
base_o = sapply(base_n, FUN=function(x) which(displayed_n%in%x))
base_n = base_n[order(base_o)]
graph_n = obj$input$graphical
shown_n = setdiff(rev(displayed_n), c(base_n, graph_n))
finite_only_x = is.finite(D[,"x2"])
finite_only_y = finite_only_x
if("y2" %in% colnames(D)) finite_only_y = is.finite(D[,"y2"])
stats = NULL
if(type %in% c("count","percent")) {
coln_stats = c("count","perc","Min.","1st Qu.","Median","Mean","3rd Qu.","Max.")
stats = structure(matrix(numeric(), ncol = length(coln_stats), nrow = 0), dimnames = list(character(), coln_stats))
base_s = lapply(base_n, FUN=function(d) {
np = sum(D[,d], na.rm = TRUE)
vv = summary(D[finite_only_x & D[,d],"x1"])
vv[!is.finite(vv)] <- NaN
c("count"=np, "perc"=100, vv[1:6])
# no kids_s in 1D graph
kids_r = lapply(reg_n, FUN=function(r) {
do.call(what = rbind, args = lapply(base_n, FUN=function(d) {
reg = R[[r]]
coords = reg["x"]
coords$x = applyTrans(coords$x, trans_x)
v = which(na.omit(finite_only_x & D[,d]))
if(length(v) == 0) {
foo = structure(rep(NaN, length(coln_stats)), names = coln_stats)
foo["count"] <- 0
foo["perc"] <- 0
np = sum(D[,d], na.rm = TRUE)
isin = (D[v,"x2"] >= min(coords$x)) & (D[v,"x2"] <= max(coords$x))
n = sum(isin, na.rm = TRUE)
vv = summary(D[v,"x1"][isin])
vv[!is.finite(vv)] <- NaN
c("count"=n, "perc"=n/np*100, vv[1:6])
stats = do.call(what=rbind, args=c(base_s, kids_r))
rnames = base_n
if(length(reg_n) > 0) rnames = unique(c(rnames, unlist(t(sapply(base_n, FUN = function(b) {
if(length(graph_n) == length(reg_n)) {
if(b == "All") {graph_n} else {paste(reg_n, b, sep = " & ")}
} else {
if(b == "All") {reg_n} else {paste(reg_n, b, sep = " & ")}
rownames(stats) = rnames
colnames(stats) = c(coln_stats[1:2], paste0("x-",coln_stats[3:8]))
} else {
coln_stats = c("count","perc","Min.","1st Qu.","Median","Mean","3rd Qu.","Max.","Min.","1st Qu.","Median","Mean","3rd Qu.","Max.")
stats = structure(matrix(numeric(), ncol = length(coln_stats), nrow = 0), dimnames = list(character(), coln_stats))
base_s = lapply(base_n, FUN=function(d) {
np = sum(D[,d], na.rm = TRUE)
vv = summary(D[finite_only_x & D[,d],"x1"])
vv[!is.finite(vv)] <- NaN
ww = summary(D[finite_only_y & D[,d],"y1"])
ww[!is.finite(ww)] <- NaN
c("count"=np, "perc"=100, vv[1:6], ww[1:6])
kids_s = lapply(shown_n, FUN=function(s) {
do.call(what = rbind, args = lapply(base_n, FUN=function(d) {
np = sum(D[,d], na.rm = TRUE)
n = sum(D[,d] & D[,s], na.rm = TRUE)
vv = summary(D[finite_only_x & D[,d] & D[,s],"x1"])
vv[!is.finite(vv)] <- NaN
ww = summary(D[finite_only_y & D[,d] & D[,s],"y1"])
ww[!is.finite(ww)] <- NaN
c("count"=n, "perc"=n/np*100, vv[1:6], ww[1:6])
kids_r = lapply(reg_n, FUN=function(r) {
alg = 1
reg = R[[r]]
coords = reg[c("x","y")]
coords$x = applyTrans(coords$x, trans_x)
coords$y = applyTrans(coords$y, trans_y)
if(reg$type=="oval") alg = 3
if(reg$type=="rect") alg = 2
do.call(what = rbind, args = lapply(base_n, FUN=function(d) {
v = na.omit(which(finite_only_x & finite_only_y & D[, d]))
if(length(v) == 0) {
foo = structure(rep(NaN, length(coln_stats)), names = coln_stats)
foo["count"] <- 0
foo["perc"] <- 0
np = sum(D[,d], na.rm = TRUE)
isin = cpp_pnt_in_gate(pnts = cbind(D[v,"x2"],D[v,"y2"]), gate = cbind(coords$x,coords$y), algorithm = alg)
n = sum(isin, na.rm = TRUE)
vv = summary(D[v,"x1"][isin])
vv[!is.finite(vv)] <- NaN
ww = summary(D[v,"y1"][isin])
ww[!is.finite(ww)] <- NaN
c("count"=n, "perc"=n/np*100, vv[1:6], ww[1:6])
stats = do.call(what=rbind, args=c(base_s, kids_r, kids_s))
rnames = base_n
if(length(reg_n) > 0) rnames = c(rnames, unlist(t(sapply(base_n, FUN = function(b) {
if(length(graph_n) == length(reg_n)) {
if(b == "All") {graph_n} else {paste(reg_n, b, sep = " & ")}
} else {
if(b == "All") {reg_n} else {paste(reg_n, b, sep = " & ")}
if(length(shown_n) > 0) rnames = c(rnames, unlist(sapply(shown_n, FUN = function(s) paste(base_n, s, sep = " & "))))
rownames(stats) = rnames
colnames(stats) = c(coln_stats[1:2], paste0("x-",coln_stats[3:8]), paste0("y-",coln_stats[9:14]))
#' @title IFC Graph Adjustment
#' @name adjustGraph
#' @description Helper to readjust `IFC_data` graphs in case of missing feature, region, population.
#' @param obj an object of class `IFC_data` extracted by ExtractFromDAF(extract_features = TRUE) or ExtractFromXIF(extract_features = TRUE).
#' @param graph a graph from 'obj' or a list that can be coerced by \code{\link{buildGraph}}.
#' @param adjust_graph whether to try to adjust graph(s) when possible. Default is TRUE.\cr
#' -TRUE, graph(s) will be kept if possible using only regions, pops it depends that can be found in 'obj',\cr
#' -FALSE, graph(s) will be kept only if all features, regions, pops it refers to are found in 'obj',\cr
#' -NA, graph(s) will be removed no matter if features, regions, pops it refers to are found in 'obj'.
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed.
#' @return the adjusted graph.
#' @keywords internal
adjustGraph=function(obj, graph, adjust_graph=TRUE, ...) {
dots = list(...)
assert(obj, cla = "IFC_data")
adjust_graph = as.logical(adjust_graph);
assert(adjust_graph, len = 1, alw = c(as.logical(NA),TRUE,FALSE))
if(is.na(adjust_graph)) return(list())
f_name = names(obj$features)
r_name = names(obj$regions)
p_name = names(obj$pops)
g = graph
# check if x axis is present in obj
if(!(g$f1 %in% f_name)) return(list())
# check if y axis is present in obj
if(g$type != "histogram") if(!(g$f2 %in% f_name)) return(list())
# remove BasePop not present in obj, check that at least one base pop will be plot
tmp = sapply(g$BasePop, FUN = function(p) p$name %in% p_name)
if(!adjust_graph) if(!all(tmp)) return(list())
if(!any(tmp)) return(list())
g$BasePop = g$BasePop[tmp]
# remove GraphRegion not found in obj
if(length(g$GraphRegion) !=0 && length(g$GraphRegion[[1]]) != 0) {
g$GraphRegion = lapply(g$GraphRegion, FUN = function(r) {
foo = sapply(obj$pops,
FUN = function(p) {
bar = all(p$type %in% "G") &&
all(p$region %in% r$name) &&
all(p$base %in% unique(unlist(lapply(g$BasePop, FUN = function(b) b$name)))) &&
all(g$f1 %in% p$fx) &&
all(g$xlogrange %in% obj$regions[[r$name]]$xlogrange)
if(!("line" %in% obj$regions[[r$name]]$type) ||
!("histogram" %in% g$type)) {
bar = all(p$fy %in% g$f2) &&
all(g$ylogrange %in% obj$regions[[r$name]]$ylogrange) &&
!("histogram" %in% g$type) &&
!("line" %in% obj$regions[[r$name]]$type) && bar
if(length(foo) == 0) return(NULL)
foo = names(which(foo))
if(length(foo) != length(g$BasePop)) return(NULL)
return(list(name = r$name , def = foo))
g$GraphRegion = g$GraphRegion[sapply(g$GraphRegion, length) != 0]
tmp = length(g$GraphRegion) == length(graph$GraphRegion)
if(!adjust_graph) if(!all(tmp)) return(list())
# remove ShownPop not found in obj
if(length(g$ShownPop) != 0 && length(g$ShownPop[[1]]) != 0) {
tmp = sapply(g$ShownPop, FUN = function(p) p$name %in% p_name)
if(!adjust_graph) if(!all(tmp)) return(list())
g$ShownPop = g$ShownPop[tmp]
# remove title if BasePop has changed
if(length(g$BasePop) != length(graph$BasePop)) g = g[!grepl("title", x = names(g), fixed = TRUE)]
# rebuild Graph, mainly to recompute order
g = try(do.call(what = buildGraph, args = g[!grepl("order", x = names(g))]), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(x = g, what = "try-error")) return(list())
# try to draw the graph
drawable = plotGraph(obj = obj, graph = g, draw = FALSE, stats_print = FALSE)
if(inherits(x = drawable, what = c("error","empty"))) return(list())
}, error = function(e) return(list()))
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