
Defines functions ecdfpM histboxpM dhistboxp histboxp histSpikep histSpike datadensity.data.frame datadensity jitter2.data.frame jitter2.default jitter2 scat1d

Documented in datadensity datadensity.data.frame dhistboxp ecdfpM histboxp histboxpM histSpike jitter2 jitter2.data.frame jitter2.default scat1d

## Improvements due to Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>

scat1d <- function(x, side=3, frac=.02, jitfrac=.008, tfrac, 
                   lwd=0.1, col=par('col'), y=NULL, curve=NULL,
                   bottom.align=FALSE, preserve=FALSE, fill=1/3, limit=TRUE, 
                   nhistSpike=2000, nint=100, 
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(length(x) >= nhistSpike)
    return(histSpike(x, side=side, type=type,
                     frac=2.5 * frac, col=col, y=y, curve=curve,
                     bottom.align=if(type == 'density') TRUE else bottom.align, 
                     add=TRUE, nint=nint, grid=grid, ...))

  gfun <- ordGridFun(grid)
  if(side == 1 || side == 3 || length(y) || length(curve)) {
    l <- 1:2
    ax <- 1
  } else {
    l <- 3:4
    ax <- 2
  pr <- parGrid(grid)
  usr <- pr$usr; pin <- pr$pin; uin <- pr$uin
  u     <- usr[  l]
  u.opp <- usr[- l]
  w     <- u[2] - u[1]
  ## Start JOA 12.8.97 : handle xy missings parallel
  if (length(y) > 1) { ## length=1 special case needed for datadensity
    if (length(x) != length(y))
      stop("y must have same length as x (or length(y)=1)")

    selector <- ! (is.na(x) | is.na(y))
    x <- unclass(x[selector])
    y <- unclass(y[selector])
  } else x <- unclass(x[! is.na(x)])
  ## Stop JOA 12.8.97
    y <- approx(curve, xout=x, rule=2)$y

  n <- length(x)
    tfrac <- if(n < 125) 1 else max(.1, 125 / n)
  else if (tfrac < 0 || tfrac > 1)
    stop("must have  0 <= tfrac <= 1")

  ## Start JOA 19.8.97
  if(jitfrac > 0 && anyDuplicated( if(eps > 0) round(x / w / eps) else x ))
    if (preserve)
      x <- jitter2(x, fill=fill, limit=limit, eps=w * eps)
      ## Stop JOA 19.8.97
      x <- x + runif(n, -w * jitfrac, w * jitfrac)
  h <- min(pin) * frac / uin[- ax]
  h2 <- h / 2
  if(grid && length(y) && inherits(y, 'unit')) {
    h  <- unit(frac,   'npc')
    h2 <- unit(frac/2, 'npc')
  if(length(y)) {
    a <- y - h2
    b <- y + h2
  } else {
    a <- if(side < 3) u.opp[1]
    else u.opp[2] - h
    b <- if(side < 3) u.opp[1] + h
    else u.opp[2]
  if(tfrac < 1) {
    l <- tfrac * (b - a)
    a <- a + runif(n) * (b - l - a)   ##runif(n, a, b-l) if frac>0
    b <- a + l
  if(ax == 1 && bottom.align) {
    a <- a + h2
    b <- b + h2
  if(ax == 1)
    gfun$segments(x, a, x, b, lwd=lwd, xpd=frac < 0, col=col)
    gfun$segments(a, x, b, x, lwd=lwd, xpd=frac < 0, col=col)

jitter2 <- function(x,...) UseMethod("jitter2")

jitter2.default <- function(x, fill=1/3, limit=TRUE, eps=0,
                            presorted=FALSE, ...)
  x2 <- x[!is.na(x)]
  if (!presorted){
    o <- order(x2)
    x2 <- x2[o]

  r <- if (eps > 0) rle(round(x2 / eps) * eps) else rle(x2)

  if ( length(r$length) < 2 || max(r$length) < 2 )

  d <- abs(diff(r$values))
  d <- pmin( c(d[1], d), c(d, d[length(d)]) )
  who <- rep(r$lengths > 1, r$lengths)
  d <- d[r$lengths > 1] * fill / 2
  if (is.logical(limit) && limit) limit <- min(d)

  if (limit) d <- pmin(d,limit)

  r$values  <- r$values[r$lengths > 1] - d
  r$lengths <- r$lengths[r$lengths > 1]
  d <- d * 2 / (r$lengths - 1)
  k <- length(r$lengths)
  n <- sum(who)
  val <- rep(r$values, r$lengths)
  add <- (0 : (n - 1)) - rep(c(0, cumsum(r$lengths[-k])), r$lengths)
  add <- add[order(rep(1 : k, r$lengths), runif(n))]
  add <- add * rep(d, r$lengths)
  val <- val + add
  x2[who] <- val
  if (!presorted)

  x[!is.na(x)] <- x2

jitter2.data.frame <- function(x, ...)
                         if (is.numeric(z))
                         else z

datadensity <- function(object, ...)
    class(object) <- data.class(object)

datadensity.data.frame <-
  function(object, group,
           n.unique=10, show.na=TRUE, nint=1, naxes,
           q, bottom.align=nint > 1,
           cex.axis=sc(.5,.3), cex.var=sc(.8,.3),
           lmgp=NULL,   tck=sc(-.009,-.002),
           ranges=NULL, labels=NULL, ...)
  which <- match.arg(which)
  method.cat <- match.arg(method.cat)
  maxna <- 0
  mgroup <- missing(group)  # before R changes it

  z <-
           function(x, n.unique)
             xp <- x[!is.na(x)]
             nu <- if(length(xp)) length(unique(xp))
                   else 0

             if(nu < 2) c(0,0)
               c(type=if(is.factor(x) || is.character(x) || nu < n.unique)
                      else 2,

  types <- c('nil','cat','cont')[z[1,]+1]
  numna <- z[2,]
  fnumna <- format(numna)
  maxna <- max(numna)

  w <- switch(which,
              all        = types != 'nil',
              continuous = types == 'cont',
              categorical= types == 'cat')

  if(missing(naxes)) naxes <- sum(w)

  ## Function to scale values such that when naxes<=3 get hi, >=50 get
  ## lo, otherwise linearly interpolate between 3 and 50
  sc <- function(hi,lo,naxes)

  formals(sc) <- list(hi=NA,lo=NA,naxes=naxes)
  nams <- names(object)
  max.length.name <- max(nchar(nams))

    lmgp <- sc(0,0)

  oldpar <- oPar()  # in Hmisc Misc.s
  mgp  <- c(0,lmgp,0)

  mai  <- oldpar$mai
  ## enables strwidth

  mxlb <-  .1 + max(strwidth(nams, units='inches', cex=cex.var))
  mai[2] <- mxlb
  if(!show.na) maxna <- 0
  max.digits.na <- if(maxna == 0) 0
                   else trunc(log10(maxna)) + 1

  if(maxna > 0)
    mai[4] <- .1 + strwidth('Missing', units='inches', cex=cex.var)

  par(mgp=mgp, mai=mai,tck=tck)

    group <- as.factor(group)
      group <- factor(rep(1,length(object[[1]])))
      ngroup <- 0

  ngroup <- length(levels(group))
  col.group <- rep(col.group, length.out=ngroup)

  y <- 0
  for(i in (1:length(nams))[w])
      if(y < 1)
          usr <- par('usr')
          y <- naxes + 1
          if(maxna > 0)
          charheight <- strheight('X',units='user',cex=.6)  ## par('cxy')[2]
      y <- y - 1
      x <- object[[i]]
      if(types[i] == 'cont' )
        {  ## continuous variable
          x <- unclass(x)         ## handles dates
          isna <- is.na(x)
          nna  <- sum(isna)
          N <- length(x) - nna
          r <-
            if(length(ranges) && length(ranges[[nams[i]]]))
              range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
          p <- pretty(r,
                      if(nint == 1)5
                      else nint)
          if(nint < 2)
            p <- c(p[1],p[length(p)]) ##bug in pretty for nint=1

          xmin <- p[1]
          xmax <- p[length(p)]
          cex <- par(cex=cex.axis)  # Bug in R: cex= ignored in
                                        # axis( )

          axis(side=1, at=(p-xmin)/(xmax-xmin), labels=format(p),
               pos=y, cex=cex.axis)

            scat1d((x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin), y=y, bottom.align=bottom.align, 
                   minf=.075, frac=sc(.02,.005), ...)
          else for(g in 1:ngroup)
              j <- group == levels(group)[g]
              scat1d((x[j]-xmin)/(xmax-xmin), y=y, bottom.align=bottom.align,
                     col=col.group[g], tfrac=if(N<125) 1 else max(.1, 125/N), 
                     minf=.075, frac=sc(.02,.005), ...)
              quant <- quantile(x, probs=q, na.rm=nna>0)
                     pch=17, cex=.6)
        } else {  ## character or categorical or discrete numeric
          if(is.character(x)) x <- as.factor(x)
          isna <- is.na(x)
          nna <- sum(isna)
          if(length(group) != length(x)) {
              stop('length of group must equal length of variables in data frame')

            group <- rep(1, length(x))

          tab <- table(group,x)
          lev <- dimnames(tab)[[2]]
          nl  <- length(lev)
          xx <- as.numeric(lev)
          xx <- (xx - min(xx)) / (max(xx) - min(xx))
        } else {
          if(sum(nchar(lev)) > 200) 
            lev <- substring(lev, 1, max(1, round(200 / length(lev))))

          xx <- (0 : (nl - 1)) / (nl - 1)

          cex <- par(cex=cex.axis)
          axis(side=1, at=xx, labels=lev, pos=y, cex=cex.axis, tick=FALSE)
          lines(c(0,1), c(y,y))
          maxfreq <- max(tab)
          for(g in if(ngroup == 0) 1 else 1 : ngroup)
              tabg <- tab[g,]
              if(method.cat == 'bar')
                symbols(xx, y + .4 * tabg / maxfreq / 2, add=TRUE,
                        rectangles=cbind(.02, .4 * tabg / maxfreq),
              else text(xx, rep(y + .1, nl), format(tabg),
                        cex=cex.axis * sqrt(tab / maxfreq),
      else nams[i],
            2, 0, at = y, srt = 0, cex = cex.var, adj = 1, las=1)
    ## las=1 for R (also 3 lines down)

    if(show.na && nna > 0)
      outerText(fnumna[i], y, cex=cex.var)

histSpike <-
  function(x, side=1, nint=100, bins=NULL, frac=.05, minf=NULL, mult.width=1,
           ylim=c(0, max(f)), xlab=deparse(substitute(x)), 
           ylab=switch(type, proportion='Proportion',
             count     ='Frequency',
             density   ='Density'),
           y=NULL, curve=NULL, add=FALSE, minimal=FALSE,
           bottom.align=type == 'density', 
           col=par('col'), lwd=par('lwd'), grid=FALSE, ...)
  type <- match.arg(type)

  if(! minimal) {
    if(! add && side != 1)
      stop('side must be 1 if add=FALSE')

    if(add && type == 'count')
      warning('type="count" is ignored if add=TRUE')

  if(length(y) > 1) {
    if(length(y) != length(x))
      stop('lengths of x and y must match')
      warning('curve ignored when y specified')
    i <- ! is.na(x + y)
    curve <- list(x=x[i], y=y[i])
  if(length(curve) && !missing(bottom.align) && bottom.align)
    warning('bottom.align=T specified with curve or y; ignoring bottom.align')

  gfun <- ordGridFun(grid)
  x <- x[!is.na(x)]
  x <- x[x >= xlim[1] & x <= xlim[2]]
  if(type != 'density') {
    if(is.character(nint) || length(x) <= 10) {
      f <- table(x)
      x <- as.numeric(names(f))
    } else {
      ncut <- nint + 1
      if(! length(bins)) bins <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length = ncut)
      delta <- (bins[2] - bins[1]) / 2
      f <- table(cut(x, c(bins[1] - delta, bins)))
      x <- bins
      j <- f > 0
      x <- x[j]
      f <- f[j]
    if(type == 'proportion') f <- f / sum(f)
  } else {
    nbar <- logb(length(x), base = 2) + 1
    width <- diff(range(x)) / nbar * .75 * mult.width
    den <- density(x, width=width, n=200, from=xlim[1], to=xlim[2])
    x <- den$x
    f <- den$y
  if(! minimal && ! add) {
      stop('add=FALSE not implemented for lattice')
    plot(0, 0, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, type='n')

  if(side == 1 || side == 3) {
    l <- 1:2;
    ax <- 1
  } else {
    l <- 3:4;
    ax <- 2
  f <- f / max(f)
  if(length(minf)) f <- pmax(f, minf)

  if(minimal) {
    plot.new()    # sets (0,0) to (1,1)
    del <- diff(xlim)
    usr <- c(xlim[1] - 0.04 * del, xlim[2] + 0.04 * del, 0, 1)
    par(mar=c(3.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5), mgp=c(2, 0.5, 0), usr=usr)
    axis(1, line=0.25)
    segments(x, rep(0, length(x)), x, f, lwd=lwd, col=col)
  pr <- parGrid(grid)
  usr <- pr$usr;
  pin <- pr$pin;
  uin <- pr$uin
  u <- usr[l]
  u.opp <- usr[- l]
  h <- min(pin) * frac / uin[- ax] * f
  h2 <- h / 2
  if(length(y) && inherits(y, 'unit')) {
    h  <- unit(frac,     'npc')
    h2 <- unit(frac / 2, 'npc')
  if(length(curve) || length(y)) {
      y <- approx(curve, xout=x, rule=2)$y

    a <- y - h2; b <- y + h2
  } else {
    a <- if(side < 3) u.opp[1]
    else u.opp[2] - h
    b <- if(side < 3) u.opp[1] + h
    else u.opp[2]
  if(ax == 1 && bottom.align && type != 'density') {
    a <- a + h2
    b <- b + h2
  if(type == 'density') {
    lll <- gfun$lines
    ## Problem in S+ getting right value of lwd
    if(ax == 1)
                         if(side == 1)b
                         else a,
                         lwd=lwd,  col=col))
      do.call('lll',list(if(side == 2)b
      else a,
                         x, lwd=lwd, col=col))
  } else {
    lll <- gfun$segments
    if(ax == 1)
      do.call('lll',list(x, a, x, b, lwd=lwd, xpd=frac < 0, col=col))
      do.call('lll',list(a, x, b, x, lwd=lwd, xpd=frac < 0, col=col))

  histSpikep <- function(p, x, y, z, group=NULL, color=NULL, hovertext=NULL,
                       bottom.align=TRUE, tracename='Proportion', ...) {

  d <- data.frame(x=rep(x, each=3),
                  y=rep(y, each=3),
                  z=rep(z, each=3))
  origcolor <- color

  if(length(group))     d$group     <- rep(group,     each=3)
  if(length(hovertext)) d$hovertext <- rep(hovertext, each=3)
  if(length(color))     d$color     <- rep(color,     each=3)
  n <- nrow(d)
  j <- seq(1, n, by=3)
  if(length(hovertext)) d$hovertext[j] <- ''
  if(! bottom.align)    d$y[j] <- d$y[j] - d$z[j] / 2
  j <- seq(3, n, by=3)
  d$x[j] <- NA
  if(length(hovertext)) d$hovertext[j] <- ''
  j <- seq(2, n, by=3)
  d$y[j] <- d$y[j] + d$z[j] / ifelse(bottom.align, 1, 2)

  plotly::plot_ly(d, x=~ x, y=~ y, mode='lines', type='scatter',
                  line=list(color=d$color, width=1.4),  # ...
                  text=~ hovertext,
                  hoverinfo=if(length(hovertext)) 'text' else 'none')

histboxp <- function(p=plotly::plot_ly(height=height),
                     x, group=NULL, xlab=NULL,
                     gmd=TRUE, sd=FALSE, bins=100, wmax=190, mult=7,
                     connect=TRUE, showlegend=TRUE) {
  if (!requireNamespace("plotly"))
    stop("This function requires the 'plotly' package.")

  if(! length(xlab)) xlab <- label(x, html=TRUE, plot=TRUE,

  if(! length(group)) group <- rep(1, length(x))
  if(length(x) != length(group)) stop('x and group must be same length')

  distinct <- unique(x)
  distinct <- distinct[! is.na(distinct)]
  xmin     <- min(distinct)
  xr       <- x

  ## Still do slight rounding if < bins distinct values because
  ## values extremely close to each other won't show otherwise
  if((length(distinct) > bins) ||
     min(diff(sort(distinct))) < diff(range(distinct)) / (5 * bins)) {
    pret <- pretty(x, if(length(distinct) > bins) bins else 5 * bins)
    dist <- pret[2] - pret[1]
    r    <- range(pret)
    xr   <- r[1] + dist * round((x - r[1]) / dist)

  mu <- markupSpecs$html
  fmt <- function(x) htmlSN(x, digits=5)
  y <- 0
  dh <- dm <- dq1 <- dq2 <- dq3 <- dgmd <- dsd <- levs <- NULL

  group <- as.factor(group)
  mis   <- is.na(x)
  levs  <- levels(group)
  ng    <- length(levs)
  Qu    <- matrix(NA, nrow=ng, ncol=5)
  j     <- 0

  for(g in levels(group)) {
    i <- group == g
    j <- j + 1
    miss <- sum(mis[i])
    if(miss > 0) i <- i & ! mis
    if(! any(i)) next
    u     <- x[i]
    ur    <- xr[i]
    tab   <- as.data.frame(table(ur))
    z     <- as.numeric(as.character(tab$ur))
    prop  <- tab$Freq / length(ur)
    y <- y - 1
    dh <- rbind(dh, data.frame(x=z, prop=prop, freq=tab$Freq,
                      txt=paste0(fmt(z), '<br>', round(prop, 3),
                                 '<br>n=', tab$Freq),

    dm <- rbind(dm, data.frame(Mean=mean(u), n=length(u), miss=miss, y=y))

    if(gmd) {
      Gmd <- GiniMd(u)
      dgmd <- rbind(dgmd, data.frame(Gmd, x=xmin,
                                     txt=paste0('Gini mean difference:',

    if(sd) {
      Sd  <- sd(u)
      dsd <- rbind(dsd, data.frame(sd=Sd, x=xmin,
                                   txt=paste0('SD:', fmt(Sd)),

    probs <- c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95)
    qu  <- quantile(u, probs)
    Qu[j, ] <- qu
    nam <- paste0('Q', mu$sub(probs))
    txt <- paste0(nam, ':', fmt(qu))
    dq1 <- rbind(dq1, data.frame(Median=qu[3], txt=txt[3], y=y))
    dq2 <- rbind(dq2, data.frame(quartiles=qu[c(2,4)], txt=txt[c(2,4)], y=y))
    dq3 <- rbind(dq3, data.frame(outer=qu[c(1,5)], txt=txt[c(1,5)], y=y))

  height <- plotlyParm$heightDotchart(1.2 * ng) + 50 * (gmd & sd)
  if(length(.Options$plotlyauto) && .Options$plotlyauto) height <- NULL

  dh$prop <- 0.6 * dh$prop / max(dh$prop)
  p <- plotly::add_segments(p, data=dh,
                            x = ~ x,
                            y = ~ y,
                            xend = ~ x,
                            yend = ~ y + prop,
                            text = ~ txt,
                            hoverinfo = 'text',
                            color = I('black'),
                            name  = 'Histogram',
                            legendgroup = 'Histogram',

  dm$txt <- with(dm, paste0('Mean:', fmt(Mean), '<br>n=', n,
                            '<br>', miss, ' missing'))

  a <- 0.05
  b <- 0.4
  k <- (a + b) / 2
  w <- (b - a) / 2

  p <- plotly::add_markers(p, data=dm, mode='markers', color=I('black'),
                           x = ~ Mean, y = ~ y - k,
                           text = ~ txt,
                           hoverinfo = 'text', size=I(5),
                           name='Mean', legendgroup='Mean',

  segs <- function(p, x, y, yend, text, data, color, name, width=2) {
    plotly::add_segments(p, data=data,
                         x=x, y=y,
                         xend=x, yend=yend,
                         text=text, hoverinfo='text',
                         name=name, legendgroup=name,
                         color=color, line=list(width=width))

  p <- segs(p, x=~Median, y=~y-k-w, yend=~y-k+w, text=~txt,
            data=dq1, color=I('black'), name='Median', width=3)
  p <- segs(p, x=~quartiles, y=~y-k-w*.8, yend=~y-k+w*.8, text=~txt,
            data=dq2, color=I('blue'), name='Quartiles')
  onam <- '0.05, 0.95<br>Quantiles'
  p <- segs(p, x=~outer, y=~y-k-w*.64, yend=~y-k+w*.64, text=~txt,
            data=dq3, color=I('red'), name=onam)

  if(connect) {
    ys <- -(1 : ng) - k
    qs <- function(p, x, xend, color, lg)
      plotly::add_segments(p, x=x, xend=xend, y=~ys, yend=~ys,
                           hoverinfo='none', showlegend=FALSE,
                           alpha=0.3, color=color,
                           legendgroup=lg, name='ignored')
    p <- qs(p, x= ~ Qu[,1], xend=~ Qu[,2], color=I('red'),  lg=onam)
    p <- qs(p, x= ~ Qu[,2], xend=~ Qu[,4], color=I('blue'), lg='Quartiles')
    p <- qs(p, x= ~ Qu[,4], xend=~ Qu[,5], color=I('red'),  lg=onam)

  gnam <- paste0('Gini ', mu$overbar(paste0('|', htmlGreek('Delta'), '|')))
    p <- plotly::add_segments(p, data=dgmd,
                              x = ~ x,
                              y = ~ y - 0.19,
                              xend = ~ x + Gmd,
                              yend = ~ y - 0.19,
                              text = ~ txt,
                              hoverinfo = 'text',
                              color = I('light gray'),
                              name = gnam, legendgroup=gnam,
    p <- plotly::add_segments(p, data=dsd,
                              x = ~ x,
                              y = ~ y - 0.23,
                              xend = ~ x + sd,
                              yend = ~ y - 0.23,
                              text = ~ txt,
                              hoverinfo = 'text',
                              color = I('light blue'),
                              name = 'SD', legendgroup='SD',

  p <- plotly::layout(p,
                      margin = list(l=plotlyParm$lrmargin(levs,
                                                          wmax=wmax, mult=mult)),
                      xaxis = list(title=xlab, zeroline=FALSE),
                      yaxis = list(title='',
                                   tickvals= - (1 : ng),
                                   ticktext = levs))

dhistboxp <- function(x, group=NULL, strata=NULL, xlab=NULL,
                      gmd=FALSE, sd=FALSE, bins=100, nmin=5, ff1=1, ff2=1) {

  if(! length(group)) group <- rep(1, length(x))
  if(length(x) != length(group)) stop('x and group must be same length')
  if(! length(strata)) strata <- rep(1, length(x))
  if(length(x) != length(strata)) stop('x and strata must be same length')

  distinct <- unique(x)
  distinct <- distinct[! is.na(distinct)]
  xmin     <- min(distinct)
  xr       <- x
  ustrata  <- sort(unique(strata))

  ## Still do slight rounding if < bins distinct values because
  ## values extremely close to each other won't show otherwise
  if(length(distinct) > bins ||
     min(diff(sort(distinct))) < diff(range(distinct)) / (5 * bins)) {
    pret <- pretty(x, if(length(distinct) > bins) bins else 5 * bins)
    dist <- pret[2] - pret[1]
    r    <- range(pret)
    xr   <- r[1] + dist * round((x - r[1]) / dist)
  mu  <- markupSpecs$html
  fmt <- function(x) htmlSN(x, digits=5)
  quant <- function(x, probs=0.5) {
    x <- x[! is.na(x)]
    n <- length(x)
    if(! n)   return(rep(NA, length(probs)))
    if(n < 3) return(quantile(x, probs))
    hdquantile(x, probs, se=FALSE)
  group <- as.factor(group)
  mis   <- is.na(x)
  levs  <- levels(group)
  ng    <- length(levs)

  stdel <- diff(range(ustrata)) * 0.025 * ff1
  stmin <- min(strata, na.rm=TRUE)
  R     <- NULL

  ## Compute maximum proportion in any bin in any group/stratum
  prop <- numeric(0)
  nn   <- integer(0)
  j <- 0
  for(st in ustrata) {
    for(g in levels(group)) {
      i <- strata == st & group == g
      if(any(i)) {
        tab <- table(xr[i])
        den <- sum(tab)
        if(den > 0) {
          j <- j + 1
          prop <- c(prop, max(tab) / den)
          nn <- c(nn, den)
  maxp <- if(any(nn >= nmin)) max(prop[nn >= nmin]) else max(prop)
  maxp <- min(maxp, wtd.quantile(prop, probs=0.98, weights=nn))
  propfac <- stdel / maxp

  j <- 0
  for(st in ustrata) {
    stdir    <- 1
    ig <- 0
    for(g in levels(group)) {
      ig <- ig + 1
      stdir    <- - stdir
      stoffset <- stdir * (stdel * floor((ig + 1) / 2))
      i <- strata == st & group == g
      miss <- sum(mis[i])
      if(miss > 0) i <- i & ! mis
      if(! any(i)) next
      u     <- x[i]
      ur    <- xr[i]
      nn    <- length(ur)
      if(nn >= nmin) {
        tab   <- as.data.frame(table(ur))
        z     <- as.numeric(as.character(tab$ur))
        prop  <- tab$Freq / nn
        R <- rbind(R,
                              y  =st + 0.5 * stdir * stdel, xhi=NA,
                              yhi=st + 0.5 * stdir * stdel +
                                stoffset * prop * propfac * ff2,
                              group=g, strata=st,
                              txt=paste0(fmt(z), '<br>', round(prop, 3),
                                         '<br>n=', tab$Freq),
                              type='histogram', connect=NA))
      med <- quant(u)
      R <- rbind(R,
                 data.frame(x=med, y=st, xhi=NA, yhi=NA,
                            group=g, strata=st,
                            txt=paste0('Median:', fmt(med),
                                       '<br>n=', length(u),
                                       '<br>', miss, ' missing'),
                            type='median', connect=TRUE))
      if(gmd) {
        gnam <- paste0('Gini ', mu$overbar(paste0('|', htmlGreek('Delta'), '|')))
        Gmd  <- GiniMd(u)
        R <- rbind(R,
                   data.frame(x   = xmin,
                              xhi = xmin + Gmd,
                              y   = st - stdel * 2,
                              yhi = NA,
                              group=g, strata=st,
                              txt=paste0(gnam, ': ', fmt(Gmd)),
                              type=gnam, connect=NA))
      if(sd) {
        Sd  <- sd(u)
        R <- rbind(R,
                   data.frame(x   = xmin,
                              xhi = xmin + Sd,
                              y   = st - stdel * (if(gmd) 3 else 2),
                              yhi = NA,
                              group=g, strata=st,
                              txt = paste0('SD:', fmt(Sd)),
                              type = 'SD', connect=NA))

      if(nn >= nmin) {
        probs <- c(0.5, 0.25, 0.75, 0.05, 0.95)
        qu   <- quant(u, probs)
        nam  <- paste0('Q', mu$sub(probs))
        txt  <- paste0(nam, ':', fmt(qu))
        mult <- c(1.15, 1, 1, 0.64, 0.64)
        yinc    <- 0.3 * stdir * stdel * mult
        ycenter <- st + stdir * stdel + stoffset * maxp * propfac
        R <- rbind(R,
                   data.frame(x   = qu,
                              xhi = NA,
                              y   = ycenter - yinc,
                              yhi = ycenter + yinc,
                              group=g, strata=st,
                              txt = txt,
                              type='quantiles', connect=FALSE))
        R <- rbind(R,
                   data.frame(x   = min(qu),
                              xhi = max(qu),
                              y   = ycenter,
                              yhi = ycenter,
                              group=g, strata=st,
                              txt = '',
                              type='quantiles', connect=FALSE))
    }    ## end groups
  }    ## end strata

histboxpM <- function(p=plotly::plot_ly(height=height, width=width),
                      x, group=NULL,
                      gmd=TRUE, sd=FALSE, width=NULL, nrows=NULL, ncols=NULL, ...) {

  if (!requireNamespace("plotly"))
    stop("This function requires the 'plotly' package.")
  ## See stackoverflow.com/questions/26939121
  ##     stackoverflow.com/questions/39948151
  nx <- if(is.data.frame(x)) ncol(x) else 1
  ng <- if(length(group)) length(unique(group)) else 1
  height <- nx * (plotlyParm$heightDotchart(1.2 * ng) + 50 * (gmd & sd))
  height <- min(height, 1700)
  auto <- .Options$plotlyauto
  if(length(auto) && auto) height <- width <- NULL

  nam <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if(is.data.frame(x) && ncol(x) == 1) x <- x[[1]]
  if(! is.data.frame(x))
    return(histboxp(p=p, x=x, group=group,
                    xlab=labelPlotmath(label(x, default=nam), units(x),
                                       html=TRUE), gmd=gmd, sd=sd, ...))

  P <- list()
  for(i in 1 : nx) {
    y <- x[[i]]
    xlab <- labelPlotmath(label(y, default=names(x)[i]), units(y), html=TRUE)
    P[[i]] <- histboxp(p, x=y, group=group, xlab=xlab, showlegend=i==nx,
                       gmd=gmd, sd=sd, ...)

  if(length(ncols)) nrows <- ceil(ncol(x) / ncols)
  else if(! length(nrows)) nrows <- ncol(x)
  plotly::subplot(P, nrows=nrows, shareX=FALSE, shareY=FALSE,
                  titleX=TRUE, margin=c(.02, .02, .05, .04))

ecdfpM <- function(x, group=NULL, what=c('F','1-F','f','1-f'), q=NULL,
                   extra=c(0.025, 0.025), xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL,
                   height=NULL, width=NULL,
                   colors=NULL, nrows=NULL, ncols=NULL, ...) {

  if (!requireNamespace("plotly"))
    stop("This function requires the 'plotly' package.")

  auto <- .Options$plotlyauto
  if(length(auto) && auto) height <- width <- NULL
  what <- match.arg(what)
  nam <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if(! is.data.frame(x)) x <- data.frame(x)
  nx <- ncol(x)
  if(! length(group)) group <- rep('', nrow(x))
  group <- as.factor(group)

  fmt <- function(x) htmlSN(x, digits=5)
  trans <- switch(what,
                  'F'   = function(y) y,
                  '1-F' = function(y) 1 - y,
                  'f'   = function(y) n * y,
                  '1-f' = function(y) n * (1 - y))

  P  <- list()
  kq <- length(q)
  for(i in 1 : nx) {
    y <- x[[i]]
    rng  <- range(y, na.rm=TRUE)
    xl <- if(! length(xlab)) 
            labelPlotmath(label(y, default=names(x)[i]), units(y), html=TRUE)
            xlab[min(length(xlab), i)]
    D    <- Dq <- NULL
    p    <- plotly::plot_ly(height=height, width=width)
    for(gv in levels(group)) {
      j    <- group == gv & ! is.na(y)
      yg   <- sort(y[j])
      n    <- length(yg)
      vals <- unique(yg)   # see stats::ecdf
      a <- approx(vals, cumsum(tabulate(match(yg, vals))) / n,
                  method='constant', yleft=0, yright=1, f=0,
                  ties='ordered', xout=vals)
      delta <- diff(rng)
      a$x   <- c(min(a$x) - extra[1] * delta, a$x, max(a$x) + extra[2] * delta)
      a$y   <- c(0, a$y, 1)
      yg <- a$y
      d <- data.frame(x = a$x, y = trans(yg), g=gv)
      D <- rbind(D, d)
      if(kq) for(k in 1 : kq) {
        quant <- min(a$x[yg >= q[k]])
        tx <- paste0(q[k], ' quantile of ', names(x)[i], ':', fmt(quant))
        if(gv != '') tx <- paste0(tx, '<br>', gv)
        Dq <- rbind(Dq,
                    data.frame(x=rng[1], xe=quant,
                               y=trans(q[k]), ye=trans(q[k]), g=gv, txt=''),
                    data.frame(x=quant,  xe=quant,
                               y=trans(q[k]), ye=trans(0),    g=gv, txt=tx))

    linet <- if(what %in% c('F', 'f')) 'hv' else 'vh'
    p <- plotly::add_lines(p, data=D, x= ~ x, y= ~ y,
                           showlegend = i == nx,
                           color= ~ g,
      p <- plotly::add_segments(p, data=Dq,
                                x = ~ x, xend = ~ xe,
                                y = ~ y, yend = ~ ye,
                                color = ~ g,
                                colors = colors,
                                alpha = 0.4,
                                text = ~ txt, hoverinfo='text',
                                name = 'Quantiles',
                                legendgroup = "quantiles",
                                showlegend = i == nx)

    yt <- if(length(ylab)) ylab
            if(what %in% c('F', '1-F')) 'Cumulative Proportion'
            'Number of Observations'
    p <- plotly::layout(p,
                        xaxis = list(title=xl, zeroline=FALSE),
                        yaxis = list(title=yt))
    P[[i]] <- p

  if(nx == 1) return(p)
  if(length(ncols)) nrows <- ceil(nx / ncols)
  else if(! length(nrows)) nrows <- nx
  plotly::subplot(P, nrows=nrows, shareX=FALSE,
                  titleX=TRUE, margin=c(.02, .02, .05, .04))
harrelfe/Hmisc documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 2:26 p.m.