
Defines functions get_gonames get_genego construct_pbulk_subsets get_cluster_markers get_scdata_type load_scseq_datasets get_path_df safe.fun construct_path_df dl_pert_signature load_pert_signature

Documented in construct_path_df construct_pbulk_subsets dl_pert_signature get_cluster_markers get_genego get_gonames get_path_df load_pert_signature load_scseq_datasets

.datatable.aware = TRUE

#' Get perturbation signature
#' @param pert Name of perturbation signature.
#' @param pert_type One of \code{'cmap'}, \code{'l1000_genes'}, or \code{'l1000_drugs'}.
#' @param pvals If \code{TRUE} returns adjusted pvalues for signature. If \code{FALSE} (default) returns signature.
#' @keywords internal
load_pert_signature <- function(pert, pert_type, pert_signature_dir, pvals = FALSE) {
  sig <- NULL
  type_dir <- file.path(pert_signature_dir, pert_type)
  if (!file_exists(type_dir)) dir.create(type_dir)

  fname <- paste0(pert, '.rds')
  sig_path <- file.path(type_dir, fs::path_sanitize(fname))
  if (!file_exists(sig_path)) dl_pert_signature(sig_path, pert_type)
  if (file_exists(sig_path)) sig <- readRDS(sig_path)

#' Download CMAP02/L1000 pert signature from S3
#' @param sig_path Path to download file to.
#' @param pert_type One of \code{'cmap'}, \code{'l1000_drugs'}, or \code{'l1000_genes'}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return \code{NULL}. Called for side effects.
#' @examples
#' data_dir <- tempdir()
#' sig_path <- file.path(data_dir, '0317956-0000_PC3_1e-06M_6h.rds')
#' dseqr:::dl_pert_signature(sig_path, pert_type = 'cmap')
dl_pert_signature <- function(sig_path, pert_type) {
  # name of the file being requested
  dl_url <- paste0('https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/dseqr/drug_es_dir/', pert_type, '/', basename(sig_path))
  dl_url <- utils::URLencode(dl_url)
  dl_url <- gsub('+', '%2B', dl_url, fixed = TRUE)

  # don't error if pert_type updates but sig_path corresponds to previous pert_type
  try(utils::download.file(dl_url, sig_path))

#' Used by get_path_df to construct the return result
#' @param top_table Filtered result of \code{\link[limma]{toptable}}
#' to limit number of plotted genes.
#' @return \code{data.frame} used for plotting query genes in Drugs tab
#' @keywords internal
construct_path_df <- function(top_table) {
  Gene <- NULL

  tx2gene <- dseqr.data::load_tx2gene()
  dp <- top_table$dprime
  if (is.null(dp)) dp <- top_table$logFC

  df <- data.frame(Gene = row.names(top_table),
                   Dprime = signif(dp, digits = 3),
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # split up assignment because custom query signatures may not have all
  df$logfc <- safe.fun(signif, top_table$logFC, digits = 3)
  df$sd <- safe.fun(signif, safe.fun(sqrt, top_table$vardprime), digits = 3)
  df$pval <- safe.fun(format.pval, top_table$P.Value, eps = 0.005, digits = 2)
  df$fdr <- safe.fun(format.pval, top_table$adj.P.Val, eps = 0.005, digits = 2)
  df$description <- tx2gene$description[match(row.names(top_table), tx2gene$gene_name)]
  df$Link <- paste0("<a class='xaxis-tooltip' ",
                    row.names(top_table), "'>", row.names(top_table), "</a>")

  dplyr::mutate(df, Gene = factor(Gene, levels = Gene))

safe.fun <- function(fun, x, ...) {
  if (!length(x)) return(NULL)
  fun(x, ...)


#' Get data.frame for plotting gene expression values of a pathway
#' @param path_id String with KEGG pathway id.
#' @param nmax Maximum number of genes to keep from CMAP02/L1000 common and CMAP02 only genes for Drug and genetic query genes. Default is 200
#'  so that all drug and genetic query genes are shown.
#' @return \code{data.frame} with columns: \itemize{
#'  \item Gene gene names.
#'  \item Dprime standardized unbiased effect size values.
#'  \item sd standard deviations of \code{Dprime}.
#'  \item Link url to GeneCards page for gene.
#' }
#' @keywords internal
get_path_df <- function(top_table, path_id = NULL, pert_signature = NULL, nmax = 200) {

  path_df <- construct_path_df(top_table)
  path_df$color <- 'black'

  # for drug/genetic queries: keep up to nmax in cmap/l1000
  is.cmap2 <- path_id == 'CMAP02'
  is.l1000 <- path_id == 'L1000'

  if (is.l1000 | is.cmap2) {
    if (is.cmap2) keep <- utils::head(which(path_df$Gene %in% unlist(genes)), nmax)
    if (is.l1000) keep <- utils::head(which(path_df$Gene %in% genes$common), nmax)

    path_df <- path_df[row.names(path_df) %in% keep, ]

  # add pert signature data
  if (!is.null(pert_signature)) {
    pert_signature <- pert_signature[as.character(path_df$Gene)]

    # show pert as arrow going to sum of disease + pert
    path_df$dprime_sum <- path_df$Dprime + pert_signature

    # get arrow colors based on if drug pushes gene in right direction
    path_signs <- sign(path_df$Dprime)
    pert_signs  <- sign(pert_signature)
    path_df$arrow_color <- ifelse(pert_signs == path_signs, '#f64f5a', '#1863e6')


#' Generate data.frame of integrated single cell RNA-Seq datasets
#' Used together with \code{\link{load_bulk_datasets}} to create data.frame
#' for selectizeInput choices.
#' @param data_dir Directory to folder with single-cell analysis folders.
#' @return data.frame with columns: \itemize{
#'  \item dataset_name \code{NA} included for consistency with \code{load_bulk_anals}.
#'  \item dataset_dir Directory name in \code{data_dir} with single cell analysis.
#'  \item anal_name Name of single cell analysis. Same as \code{dataset_dir}.
#' }
#' @keywords internal
load_scseq_datasets <- function(data_dir) {
  sc_dir <- file.path(data_dir, 'single-cell')

  datasets <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 6, nrow = 0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(datasets) <- c("dataset_name", "dataset_dir", "label", "value", "type", "group")

  integrated <- get_integrated_datasets(sc_dir)
  has.scseq <- check_has_scseq(integrated, sc_dir)
  integrated <- integrated[has.scseq]

  group <- get_scdata_type(integrated, sc_dir, none = 'Integrated')

  sub <- duplicated(group) | duplicated(group, fromLast = TRUE)
  group[!sub] <- 'Integrated'
  opt <- integrated
  opt[sub] <- stringr::str_replace(opt[sub], paste0(group[sub], '_'), '')

  for(i in seq_along(integrated)) {
    ds <- integrated[i]
    row <- c(ds, file.path('single-cell', ds), opt[i], NA, group[i], 'Single Cell')
    datasets[nrow(datasets) + 1, ] <- row


get_scdata_type <- function(dataset_names, sc_dir, none) {
  types <- unlist(sapply(
    function(ds) {
        file.path(sc_dir, ds, 'founder.qs'),
        .nofile = none,
        .nullfile = none)

  # when no founder but subsetted
  fnames <- types[types %in% dataset_names]
  is.founder <- dataset_names %in% fnames
  types[is.founder] <- dataset_names[is.founder]

  ntype <- table(types)[types]
  types[ntype == 1] <- none

#' Loads markers for single cell cluster
#' @param selected_clusters Character vector of integers
#' @param dataset_dir Directory to folder with single-cell dataset

#' @return data.frame with markers
#' @keywords internal
get_cluster_markers <- function(selected_clusters, dataset_dir) {

  # get cluster markers
  clusters_name <- collapse_sorted(selected_clusters)
  fname <- paste0("markers_", clusters_name, '.qs')
  fpath <- file.path(dataset_dir, fname)

  if (file_exists(fpath)) {
    cluster_markers <- qs::qread(fpath)



#' Run pseudo bulk limma fit
#' @param summed Pseudobulk \code{SingleCellExperiment}
#' @param ... additional arguments to \link[edgeR]{filterByExpr}
#' @return Normalized \code{ExpressionSet}
#'@keywords internal
construct_pbulk_subsets <- function(summed, method = 'TMMwsp', ...) {

  y <- SingleCellExperiment::counts(summed)
  if (methods::is(y, 'dgCMatrix')) y <- as.matrix(y)

  # use groups from meta
  groups <- summed$orig.ident
  clusters <- summed$cluster
  idx <- seq_along(clusters)
  idx <- split(idx, clusters)

  subsets <- list()
  for (clust in levels(clusters)) {
    cat('working on', clust, '...\n')
    is.clust <- idx[[clust]]

    # skip if only one group
    groupi <- groups[is.clust]
    neach <- tabulate(groupi)
    if (sum(neach>0) < 2) next

    yi <- y[, is.clust]

    # remove genes with low counts
    keep <- edgeR::filterByExpr(yi, group = groupi, ...)
    yik <- yi[keep, ]

    # skip if less than 2 genes (required by voom)
    if (nrow(yik) < 2) next

    # normalize for composition
    lib.size <- colSums(yik)
    norm.factors <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(yik, lib.size, method)

    pdata <- list(
      group = groupi,
      lib.size = lib.size,
      norm.factors = norm.factors

    subsets[[clust]] <- list(
      pdata = pdata,
      yik = yik

  rm(y); gc()


#' Get gene to GO map for pathway analysis
#' @param species Species identifier
#' @param gs_dir Directory to save genego to
#' @return genego
#' @keywords internal
get_genego <- function(species = 'Hs', gs_dir = NULL) {
  PathwayID <- GeneID <- SYMBOL <- NULL

  persist <- !is.null(gs_dir)
  if (persist && !dir_exists(gs_dir)) dir.create(gs_dir)

  fname <- paste('genego', species, 'qs', sep = '.')
  genego_path <- file.path(gs_dir, fname)

  if (file_exists(genego_path)) {
    genego <- qs::qread(genego_path)

  } else {
    orgPkg <- paste0("org.",species,".eg.db")
    pkg.exists <- require(orgPkg, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)

    if (!pkg.exists) {
      BiocManager::install(orgPkg, update = FALSE)
      require(orgPkg, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)

    #	Get access to package of GO terms
    suppressPackageStartupMessages(OK <- requireNamespace("GO.db",quietly=TRUE))
    if(!OK) stop("GO.db package required but is not installed (or can't be loaded)")

    #	Get access to required annotation functions
    suppressPackageStartupMessages(OK <- requireNamespace("AnnotationDbi",quietly=TRUE))
    if(!OK) stop("AnnotationDbi package required but is not installed (or can't be loaded)")

    #	Load appropriate organism package
    suppressPackageStartupMessages(OK <- requireNamespace(orgPkg,quietly=TRUE))
    if(!OK) stop(orgPkg," package required but is not installed (or can't be loaded)")

    #	Get GO to Entrez Gene mappings
    obj <- paste0("org.",species,".egGO2ALLEGS")
    egGO2ALLEGS <- tryCatch(utils::getFromNamespace(obj,orgPkg), error=function(e) FALSE)
    if(is.logical(egGO2ALLEGS)) stop("Can't find gene ontology mappings in package ",orgPkg)

    genego <- AnnotationDbi::toTable(egGO2ALLEGS)[, c("gene_id", "go_id", "Ontology")]
    genego <- data.table::data.table(genego)
    genego <- genego[genego$Ontology == 'BP', ]
    genego <- genego[!duplicated(genego), ]

    if (persist) qs::qsave(genego, genego_path)


#' Get names of gene set
#' @param genego result of \code{\link{get_genego}}
#' @param gs_dir Directory to save results to
#' @return Description of \code{gslist} gene sets
#' @keywords internal
get_gonames <- function(genego, gs_dir = NULL) {
  persist <- !is.null(gs_dir)
  if (persist && !dir_exists(gs_dir)) dir.create(gs_dir)

  fname <- paste('genego.names', 'qs', sep = '.')
  gonames_path <- file.path(gs_dir, fname)

  if (file_exists(gonames_path)) {
    gonames <- qs::qread(gonames_path)

  } else {
    GOID <- unique(genego$go_id)
    gonames <- suppressMessages(AnnotationDbi::select(GO.db::GO.db, keys=GOID, columns="TERM"))
    gonames <- data.table::data.table(gonames, key = 'GOID')

  if (persist) qs::qsave(gonames, gonames_path)
hms-dbmi/drugseqr documentation built on June 24, 2024, 7:03 a.m.