
# pBar.R
# Draw a progress bar in the console

pBar <- function(i, l, nCh = 50) {
  # i: the current iteration
  # l: the total number of iterations
  # nCh: width of the progress bar
  ticks <- round(seq(1, l-1, length.out = nCh))
  if (i < l) {
    if (any(i == ticks)) {
      p <- which(i == ticks)[1]  # use only first, in case there are ties
      p1 <- paste(rep("#", p), collapse = "")
      p2 <- paste(rep("-", nCh - p), collapse = "")
      cat(sprintf("\r|%s%s|", p1, p2))
  else { # done

# [END]
hyginn/BCB420.2019.ESA documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:23 p.m.