
Defines functions res_iForest epi_iForest

Documented in epi_iForest res_iForest

#' @title Identifies epimutations using Isolation Forest
#' @description  This function identifies regions with CpGs being outliers
#' using \link[isotree]{isolation.forest} approach. 
#' @param mixture beta values matrix. Samples in columns and
#' CpGs in rows.
#' @param case_id a character string specifying the name of the case sample.
#' @param ntrees number of binary trees to build for the model. 
#' Default is \code{100}. 
#' @return The function returns the outlier score for the given case sample.
#' @importFrom isotree isolation.forest
#' @importFrom stats predict
epi_iForest <- function(mixture, case_id, ntrees) 
    mixture <- t(mixture)
    #Generate train and test(sample with suspected disease) data frame
    train <- mixture[row.names(mixture) != case_id,]
    test <- mixture[case_id, , drop = FALSE]
    #Run the isolation forest methods
    iso <- isotree::isolation.forest(train, ntrees = ntrees)
    score <- stats::predict(iso, test)

#' @title  Creates a data frame containing the results 
#' obtained from Isolation Forest
#' @description Creates a data frame containing the
#' genomic regions, statistics and direction for the DMRs.
#' @param bump a DMR obtained from \link[bumphunter]{bumphunter}
#' (i.e. a row from \link[bumphunter]{bumphunter} method result).
#' @param sts the outlier score from
#'  \link[epimutacions]{epi_iForest} function results. 
#' @param outlier_score_cutoff numeric specifying 
#' the outlier score cut off
#' @returns The function returns a data frame 
#' containing the following information for each DMR: 
#' * genomic ranges
#' * DMR base pairs
#' * number and name of CpGs in DMR
#' * statistics: 
#'     * Outlier score
#'     * Outlier significance
#'     * Outlier direction
#'  * Sample name
#' For more information about the output see 
#' \link[epimutacions]{epimutations}.

res_iForest <- function(bump, sts, outlier_score_cutoff)

    if (sts > outlier_score_cutoff) {
        bump$outlier_score <- sts
        bump$pvalue <- NA
        bump$adj_pvalue <- NA
        bump$outlier_direction <-
            ifelse(bump$value < 0, "hypomethylation",
        bump[, c( "chromosome", "start", "end", "sz", "cpg_n", "cpg_ids",
            "outlier_score", "outlier_direction", "pvalue",
            "adj_pvalue", "delta_beta", "sample" )]
    } else {
        data.frame( chromosome = character(), start = numeric(),
            end = numeric(), sz = numeric(), cpg_n = numeric(),
            cpg_ids = character(), outlier_score = numeric(),
            outlier_direction = character(), pvalue = numeric(),
            adj_pvalue = numeric(), delta_beta = numeric(),
            sample = character() )
isglobal-brge/EpiMutations documentation built on April 20, 2024, 9:05 a.m.