
Defines functions artificial_genome_mapping

Documented in artificial_genome_mapping

##' The control function of the pipeline of the artificial genome
##' mapping.
##' This function needs the fastq infiles as a named list and
##' additonal parameters set in the par_list by the function
##' \code{\link{set_par_list}}. 
##' @title Control function for the artificial mapping
##' @param in_file list of *.fastq.gz file(s) by
##'   \code{\link{get_sub_files}}
##' @param out_file file path of the outfile
##' @param par_list parameter list gnerated by
##'   \code{\link{set_par_list}}
##' @return NULL
##' @author Jochen Kruppa
##' @export
##' @examples
##' ## This function needs dendencies and file handling, see \url{https://github.com/jkruppa/virDisco} for a comprehensive tutorial.
artificial_genome_mapping <- function(in_file,
  talk("[DATA HANDLING] Write to ", dirname(out_file))
  ## some checks for file handling later on
  proc_start_tm <- proc.time()
  ## generate tmp dir if not exists
  if(!file.exists(par_list["tmp_dir"])) {
    talk("[DATA HANDLING] Temp dir ", par_list["tmp_dir"], " not found. Will be created...")
  } else {
    talk("[DATA HANDLING] Temp dir ", par_list["tmp_dir"], " found. Will be removed...")
    if(par_list["tmp_dir"] == file.path("/home/temp/"))
      stop("Temp dir is '/home/temp/'! Stop, this not a good idea...")
    unlink(par_list["tmp_dir"], recursive = TRUE)
    talk("[DATA HANDLING] Temp dir ", par_list["tmp_dir"], " will be created...")
  ## check if mapper and index a coherent  
  if(!str_detect(par_list["genome_index"], par_list["mapper"])){
    stop("par_list['genome_index'] does not fit to the selected mapper in par_list['mapper']!")
  ## check some flags
  if(nchar(file_ext(out_file)) != 0) {
    stop("out_file should have no extension like '.fq'")
  if(length(unlist(in_file)) == 2) {
    par_list["paired"] <- TRUE
  if(nchar(par_list["amino_index"]) == 0) {
    par_list["run_pep_mapping"] <- FALSE
  if(file.exists(str_c(out_file, "_map_pep_list.RDS"))) {
    par_list["run_pep_mapping"] <- FALSE     
  if(file.exists(str_c(out_file, "_map_dna_list.RDS"))) {
    par_list["run_dna_mapping"] <- FALSE     
  if(file.exists(str_c(out_file, "_consensus.RDS"))) {
    par_list["consensus"] <- FALSE     
  ## if a list of genebank Ids is given, the plot need the consensus
  if(nchar(par_list["plot_id"]) != 0){
    par_list["consensus"] <- TRUE         
  if(any(class(par_list@species_info) == "empty") | any(class(par_list@prot_info) == "empty")) {
    par_list["plot"] <- FALSE
  } else {
    if(tbl_sqlite_check(par_list)) talk("[DATA HANDLING] Gene and species information is correct")
  ## begin with trimming
  ## fastq quality control and trimming
  ## fastq quality control and trimming
  if(!par_list["qc"] & par_list["decoy"]){
    stop("If you want to use the decoy approach set qc = TRUE")
   ## start QC by trimming and read removing
    trim_out_file <- fastq_quality_control(inFile = in_file,
                                           illumninaclip = file.path(dirname(program_list["trimmomatic"]),
                                                                     "adapters", "TruSeq3-PE.fa"),
    par_list["map_dna_in"] <- trim_out_file
    par_list["map_pep_in"] <- trim_out_file
  } else {
    par_list["map_dna_in"] <- in_file
    par_list["map_pep_in"] <- in_file    
  ## start generating decoy reads
    talk("[DECOY] Generating decoy reads")
    ref_seq <- readDNAStringSet(par_list["ref_seq_file"])
    decoy_seq <- ref_seq[sample(str_which(names(ref_seq), "decoy"), 1)]
    read_info <- read.table(file.path(par_list["tmp_dir"],
                                      str_c(basename(out_file), "_trim.log")), header = TRUE)
    ## start generating the decoy reads depending on the mean read length
                         read_length = read_info$mean_read_length,
                         read_num = par_list["num_decoy_reads"])
    ## combine the decoy reads with the true reads
    decoy_read_files <- dir0(par_list["tmp_dir"], "decoy")
    decoy_R1_fq <- file.path(par_list["tmp_dir"], str_c(names(in_file), "_decoy_R1.fq.gz"))
    decoy_R2_fq <- file.path(par_list["tmp_dir"], str_c(names(in_file), "_decoy_R2.fq.gz"))
    runCMD(paste("cat", par_list["map_dna_in"][[1]]["R1"], str_subset(decoy_read_files, "_R1_"),
                 ">", decoy_R1_fq))
    runCMD(paste("cat", par_list["map_dna_in"][[1]]["R2"], str_subset(decoy_read_files, "_R2_"),
                 ">", decoy_R2_fq))
    ## set the decoy in files as the new in files for mapping
    par_list["map_dna_in"][[1]]["R1"] <- decoy_R1_fq
    par_list["map_dna_in"][[1]]["R2"] <- decoy_R2_fq
  ## start DNA mapping
    talk("[DNA MAPPING] Start DNA mapping")
    map_dna_list <- map_dna_ref(infile = par_list["map_dna_in"],
                                outfile = str_c(out_file, ".sam"),
    talk("[DNA MAPPING] Save DNA mapping results...")
    saveRDS(map_dna_list, str_c(out_file, "_map_dna_list.RDS"))
  } else {
    talk("[DNA MAPPING] Start DNA mapping -> Stopped due to prior results")
    map_dna_list <- readRDS(str_c(out_file, "_map_dna_list.RDS"))
  ## get the mapping stats
    par_list["map_dna_stats"] <- as.list(map_dna_list$stats)
  ## run PEP mapping
    talk("[AMINO MAPPING] Start AMINO mapping")
    map_pep_list <- map_pep_ref(infile = par_list["map_pep_in"],
                                outfile = str_c(out_file, ".blastx"),
    talk("[AMINO MAPPING] Save AMINO mapping results...")
    saveRDS(map_pep_list, str_c(out_file, "_map_pep_list.RDS"))
  } else {
    talk("[AMINO MAPPING] Start AMINO mapping -> Stopped due to prior results")
    map_pep_list <- readRDS(str_c(out_file, "_map_pep_list.RDS"))
  ## build results xlsx
  talk("[RESULTS] Save hits to xlsx")
  ord_df <- ord_findings(map_dna_list, map_pep_list)  
  ## remove some strange references by black_list
  ord_df <- ord_df[!ord_df$genebank_id %in% par_list["black_list"], ]
  ## we remove all viral strains with a low coverage
  good_coverage <- coverage_filter(ord_df$genebank_id,
                                   out_file) %>%
    filter(coverage >= par_list["min_coverage"]) %>%
  ## filter for the coverage
  ord_df <- ord_df[ord_df$genebank_id %in% good_coverage$genebank_id,]
  ## get the description  
  genbank_id_desc_df <- collect(select(filter(par_list["species_info"],
                                              genebank_id %in% ord_df$genebank_id),
                                       c(genebank_id, Description))) 
  genbank_id_desc_map <- hashmap(genbank_id_desc_df$genebank_id,
  xlsx_df <- tibble(genebank_id = ord_df$genebank_id,
                    dna_reads = ord_df$count_read,
                    dna_rank = ord_df$rank_dna,
                    amino_reads = as.numeric(ord_df$count_prot),
                    amino_rank = ord_df$rank_pep,
                    description = genbank_id_desc_map[[genebank_id]])
  openxlsx::write.xlsx(xlsx_df, file.path(str_c(out_file, ".xlsx")), row.names = FALSE)
  talk("[RESULTS] Generate pylogenetic tree")
  tax_ids <- collect(select(filter(par_list["species_info"],
                                   genebank_id %in% ord_df$genebank_id), tax_id))
  if(par_list["tax"] && nrow(tax_ids) != 0){
    ete2_plot(tax_ids, out_file = out_file,
              pdf_file = str_c(out_file, "_tree.pdf"),
              clean = FALSE)
  } else {
    runCMD(paste("touch", str_c(out_file, "_no_tax_ids_found_tree.pdf")))
  ## clean everything
  unlink(dir0(dirname(out_file), "tax")) ## clean tax files
  unlink(dir0(dirname(out_file), "bam")) ## clean DNA map files
  unlink(dir0(dirname(out_file), "blastx")) ## clean PEP map files
  ## start plotting the results
  if(nrow(ord_df) >= par_list["num_plot"]) {
    ord_df <- ord_df[1:par_list["num_plot"],]
  ## if no plot_ids are given run on findings
  if(nchar(par_list["plot_id"])[1] == 0) { 
    par_list["plot_id"] <- ord_df$genebank_id
    talk("[CONSENSUS] Generate consensus of reads to reference")
    consensus_list <- get_consensus_df(hits = par_list["plot_id"],
    ## write consensus_list information to file
    writeXLS(consensus_list[2:6], file.path(str_c(out_file, "_consensus_statistics.xlsx")))
    ## save consensus_list
    saveRDS(consensus_list, str_c(out_file, "_consensus.RDS"))    
  } else {
    talk("[CONSENSUS] Generate consensus of reads to reference -> Stopped due to prior results OR not wanted")
    if(file.exists(str_c(out_file, "_consensus.RDS"))) {
      consensus_list <- readRDS(str_c(out_file, "_consensus.RDS"))
      par_list["consensus"] <- TRUE     
    } else {
      consensus_df <- ""
  ## build the sample info file to get more information on the sample
  sample_info <- build_sample_info(sample_in = par_list["map_dna_in"],
                                   out_file, par_list, proc_start_tm)
  ## plot the thing  
    talk("[PLOT] Start generating the mapping pdf")
    mapping_dna_plot(genebank_id = par_list["plot_id"],
                     consensus_df = consensus_list$consensus_df,
                     dna_alignment_df = map_dna_list$alignment_df,
                     pep_alignment_df = map_pep_list$alignment_df,
                     aa_info_df = par_list["prot_info"],
                     viral_info_df = par_list["species_info"],
                     sample_info = sample_info,
                     pdf_file = ifelse(length(par_list["pdf_file"]) == 0,
                                       str_c(out_file, ".pdf"), par_list["pdf_file"]),
  } else {
    talk("[PLOT] Start generating the mapping pdf -> Stopped, not wanted")
  ## clean the temp folder
  unlink(dir0(dirname(out_file), "\\.png")) ## clean png_files
  if(par_list["clean"]) unlink(dir0(par_list["tmp_dir"]))
  talk("[FIN] Finished\n")
jkruppa/virDisco documentation built on May 3, 2019, 7:05 p.m.