
Defines functions mean.sd.outlierR

Documented in mean.sd.outlierR

##' Computes the mean and standard deviation after removing outlier groups.
##' \code{outliers} package and Grubbs approach are used.
##' @title Mean and standard diviation after outlier removal
##' @param x a vector of numeric values.
##' @param pv.max.ol the maximum P-value for the Grubbs test. Any outlier
##' with a P-value lower will be considered as outlier.
##' @return a vector similar to 'x' but with NAs for outliers.
##' @author Jean Monlong
##' @keywords internal
mean.sd.outlierR <- function(x, pv.max.ol = 1e-06) {
    if(any(x<0, na.rm=TRUE)){
        stop("Bin counts cannot be negative; negative value inputed.")

    sd.mad <- function(x) {
        if (all(x == 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
            return(stats::sd(stats::rpois(length(x), 1)))
        sd.res = stats::mad(x, na.rm = TRUE)
        if (sd.res == 0) {
            return(stats::sd(stats::rpois(length(x), 1)))
        } else {
    trim.mean <- function(x, probs=c(.4,.6)){
        qq = stats::quantile(x,probs=probs, na.rm=TRUE)
        x.in = x
        x[x<qq[1] | x>qq[2]] = NA
            x = x.in
        m = mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
    ## fit2norm.msd <- function(z) {
    ##     mix.obj <- function(p, x) {
    ##         e <- p[1] * stats::dnorm((x-p[2])/p[4])/p[4] + (1 - p[1]) * stats::dnorm((x-p[3])/p[5])/ p[5]
    ##         if (any(e <= 0, na.rm = TRUE) | p[1] < 0 | p[1] > 1)
    ##             Inf else -sum(log(e))
    ##     }
    ##     lmix2a <- stats::deriv(~-log(p * stats::dnorm((x-m1)/s1)/s1 + (1 - p) * stats::dnorm((x-m2)/s2)/s2), c("p", "m1","m2", "s1", "s2"), function(x, p, m1, m2, s1, s2) NULL)
    ##     mix.gr <- function(pa, x) {
    ##         p <- pa[1]
    ##         m1 <- pa[2]
    ##         m2 <- pa[3]
    ##         s1 <- pa[4]
    ##         s2 <- pa[5]
    ##         colSums(attr(lmix2a(x, p, m1, m2, s1, s2), "gradient"))
    ##     }
    ##     p0 = c(p=.9, m1=stats::median(z), m2=mean(z), s1=stats::mad(z)/2, s2=stats::sd(z))
    ##     results = stats::optim(p0, mix.obj, mix.gr, x = z)
    ##     if (results$par[1] < 0.5) {
    ##         results$par[1] = 1 - results$par[1]
    ##         results$par[2:3] = results$par[3:2]
    ##         results$par[4:5] = results$par[5:4]
    ##     }
    ##     results
    ## }
    grubbs.sw <- function(x, type = 10, opposite = FALSE, two.sided = TRUE, max.pv = 0.01, max.step = 10) {
        grubbs.t <- function(x, type = 10, opposite = FALSE, two.sided = TRUE) {
            gt = outliers::grubbs.test(x, type, opposite, two.sided)
            gt$outlier = outliers::outlier(x)
            gt$outlier.i = which(outliers::outlier(x, logical = TRUE))[1]
        pv = outliers = NULL
        step = 1
        continue = TRUE
        while (continue & step <= max.step) {
                gt = grubbs.t(as.numeric(x), type, opposite, two.sided)
                if (gt$p.value > max.pv | all(is.na(gt$statistic))) {
                    continue = FALSE
                } else {
                    pv = c(pv, gt$p.value)
                    outliers = c(outliers, gt$outlier.i)
                    x[outliers[step]] = NA
            } else {
                continue = FALSE
            step = step + 1
        return(list(x = x, pv = pv, outliers = outliers, max.pv = max.pv))

        return(list(m=NA,sd=NA, nb.remove=NA))

    xs = sort(x)
    dd = diff(xs)
    gt = grubbs.sw(dd, max.pv = pv.max.ol)
    if (!is.null(gt$outliers)) {
        cut.pos = c(0, sort(gt$outliers), length(xs))
        gp.sizes = diff(cut.pos)
        cm = which.max(gp.sizes)
        x.rm = rep(NA, length(xs))
        x.rm[(cut.pos[cm] + 1):cut.pos[cm + 1]] = xs[(cut.pos[cm] + 1):cut.pos[cm + 1]]
    } else {
        x.rm = xs
    return(list(m = max(1,trim.mean(x.rm)), sd = max(1,sd.mad(x.rm)), nb.remove = length(x) - sum(!is.na(x.rm))))
    ## Mixture of Gaussian, more flexible/robust but 20 times slower...
    ##msd = fit2norm.msd(na.omit(x.rm))
    ##return(list(m = max(1,msd$par[2]), sd = max(1,msd$par[4]), nb.remove = length(x) - sum(!is.na(x.rm))))
jmonlong/PopSV documentation built on Sept. 15, 2019, 9:29 p.m.