
Defines functions normQC

Documented in normQC

##' Quality control statistics of bin counts. First, the counts are tested to follow a
##' normal (or Poisson) distribution across samples, in each bin. Then, the randomness
##' of sample ranks are tested. Finally, Z-scores are computed for a subset of the bins
##' and their normality is tested. The second and third test are the most important.
##' Indeed, consistent rankings supports sample-specific technical bias, hence reduced
##' power to detect 'true' abnormal read counts. Non-normal Z-scores will lead to
##' inappropriate fit for the null distribution.
##' Shapiro test is used to test normality of the bin counts across samples. The proportion
##' of bins with non-normal distribution is derived from the Pi0 estimate estimated by
##' package \code{qvalue}. Pi0 is the proportion of pvalues following the null distribution.
##' Goodness of fir from package \code{vcd} is used to test if bin counts follow a Poisson
##' distribution. Again Pi0 estimate from \code{qvalue} package is used to compute the proportion
##' of bin that don't follow Poisson distribution.
##' The randomness of the sample ranks in genomic windows is computed by comparing the position of each sample to the median. If the ranks are random this position should follow a Binomial distribution. For each window we report the number of samples that fail this assumption (Bonferroni corrected P-value<.05). The outputed estimate is the average across all analyzed windows, i.e. the average number of samples with non-random ranks.
##' Z-scores normality is computed by comparing their density distribution and a fitted
##' normal distribution. The estimate represents the proportion of the area under the curve
##' that is unique to the Z-score curve.
##' @title Normalized bin count QC metrics for normalization benchmark
##' @return a list with
##' \item{prop.non.normal.bin}{proportion of bins with non-normal distribution across samples.}
##' \item{prop.nonRand.rank}{proportion of bins with non-random ranks.}
##' \item{prop.non.norm.z.mean}{average (across samples) proportion of bins with non-random Z-scores.}
##' \item{prop.non.norm.z.max}{maximum (i.e for worst sample) proportion of bins with non-random Z-scores.}
##' \item{prop.non.norm.z}{proportion of bins with non-random Z-scores, for each sample.}
##' \item{z.worst.dens}{a data.frame with the density of the worst Z distribution.}
##' \item{n.subset}{number of bins used for the analysis.}
##' @param bc.df matrix with bin counts (bins x samples).
##' @param n.subset number of bins to use for the analysis. Default is 10 000. Bins are selected randomly.
##' @param win.size the size of a window for the window-based analysis. Default is 100 (consecutive bins).
##' @param nb.cores the number of cores to use. Default is 1.
##' @param plot Should some graphs be outputed ? Default is FALSE.
##' @author Jean Monlong
##' @export
##' @import magrittr
normQC <- function(bc.df, n.subset = 10000, win.size=100, nb.cores = 1, plot=FALSE) {
    ## Order by genomic location.
    bc.df = dplyr::arrange(bc.df, chr, start)
    samples = setdiff(colnames(bc.df), c("chr", "start", "end"))

    n.subset = min(nrow(bc.df), n.subset)

    chrs.t = table(sample(bc.df$chr, n.subset))

    test.chr.f <- function(df, win.size = 100) {
        sub.ii = sample.int(nrow(df) - win.size + 1, chrs.t[as.character(df$chr[1])])
        res.df = df[sub.ii, c("chr", "start", "end")]
        df = as.matrix(df[, samples])
        ## Bin count normality
        res.df$pv.normal = as.numeric(parallel::mclapply(sub.ii, function(bc.i) {
            bc.i = df[bc.i, ]
            if (length(unique(bc.i)) == 1) return(1)
        }, mc.cores = nb.cores))
        ## Ranks randomness
        res.df$nb.rank = as.numeric(parallel::mclapply(sub.ii, function(ii) {
            med.r = apply(df[ii:(ii + win.size - 1), ], 1, stats::median, na.rm = TRUE)
            med.bin = colSums(df[ii:(ii + win.size - 1), ] > med.r, na.rm=TRUE)
            pv.bin = stats::pbinom(ifelse(med.bin > 0.5 * length(med.r), length(med.r) -
                med.bin, med.bin), size = length(med.r), 0.5)
            return(sum(stats::p.adjust(pv.bin, method = "bonf") < 0.05))
        }, mc.cores = nb.cores))

    chr = . = NULL  ## Uglily appease R checks
    bc.df = bc.df[which(bc.df$chr %in% names(chrs.t)),]
    res.df = bc.df %>% dplyr::group_by(chr) %>% dplyr::do(test.chr.f(., win.size=win.size))

    sub.ii = sample(which(apply(bc.df, 1, function(ee) all(!is.na(ee)))), n.subset)
    bc.mat = as.matrix(bc.df[sub.ii, samples])
    ## Z-score distribution
    n.dens = 1000
    z = matrix(as.numeric(unlist(parallel::mclapply(1:nrow(bc.mat), function(bc.i) {
        bc.i = bc.mat[bc.i, ]
        if (any(is.na(bc.i))) {
            return(rep(NA, length(bc.i)))
        bc.i <- as.numeric(bc.i)
        (bc.i - mean(bc.i, na.rm = TRUE))/stats::sd(bc.i, na.rm = TRUE)
    }, mc.cores = nb.cores))), ncol(bc.mat))
    rownames(z) = colnames(bc.mat)
    non.norm.z = as.numeric(parallel::mclapply(1:nrow(z), function(z.samp) {
        z.samp = as.numeric(stats::na.omit(z[z.samp, ]))
        z.norm.est = MASS::fitdistr(z.samp, "normal")$estimate
        f = stats::density(z.samp, n = n.dens, from = min(z.samp), to = max(z.samp))
        fn = stats::dnorm(seq(min(z.samp), max(z.samp), length.out = n.dens), z.norm.est[1],
        dis.prop = sum(abs(f$y - fn))/(2 * sum(fn))
    }, mc.cores = nb.cores))

    ## PCA dispersion
    pca.o = stats::prcomp(t(bc.mat))
    pca.d = as.matrix(stats::dist(pca.o$x[, 1:2]))
    pca.dmm = stats::median(pca.d)/mean(pca.d)

      nb.rank = value = NULL  ## Uglily appease R checks
      ## Rank
      print(ggplot2::ggplot(res.df, ggplot2::aes(x=nb.rank)) + ggplot2::geom_histogram() + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::xlab("number of samples with rank bias") + ggplot2::ylab("number of regions"))
      ## Best Z-scores
      zlim = stats::quantile(abs(as.numeric(z)), probs=.99, na.rm=TRUE) + 3
      zt = t(z[samples[order(non.norm.z)[1:6]],])
      meltZ <- function(mat){
          df = data.frame(value=as.numeric(mat))
          df$sample = rep(colnames(mat), each=nrow(mat))
      print(ggplot2::ggplot(meltZ(zt), ggplot2::aes(x=value)) + ggplot2::geom_density() + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::xlim(-1*zlim,zlim) + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~sample, scales="free") + ggplot2::xlab("Z-score"))
      ## Worst Z-scores
      zt = t(z[samples[order(-non.norm.z)[1:6]],])
      print(ggplot2::ggplot(meltZ(zt), ggplot2::aes(x=value)) + ggplot2::geom_density() + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::xlim(-zlim,zlim) + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~sample, scales="free") + ggplot2::xlab("Z-score"))

    ## Worst sample Z distribution density
    z.worst.dens = stats::density(as.numeric(z[which.max(non.norm.z),]), na.rm=TRUE)
    z.worst.dens = data.frame(z=z.worst.dens$x,density=z.worst.dens$y)

    ##qv.normal = qvalue::qvalue(res.df$pv.normal)
    return(list(prop.nonNorm.bin = mean(res.df$pv.normal<.01),
                prop.nonRand.rank = mean(res.df$nb.rank)/length(samples),
                prop.nonNorm.z.mean = mean(non.norm.z),
                prop.nonNorm.z.max = max(non.norm.z),
                prop.nonNorm.z = non.norm.z,
                pca.dmm = 1-pca.dmm,
                z.worst.dens = z.worst.dens,
                n.subset = n.subset))
jmonlong/PopSV documentation built on Sept. 15, 2019, 9:29 p.m.