
Defines functions get_contig_coverage

Documented in get_contig_coverage

#' get_contig_coverage(opt = NULL, markduplicates = FALSE, align_as_unpaired_reads = TRUE)
#' JAMSalpha function
#' @export

get_contig_coverage <- function(opt = NULL, markduplicates = FALSE, align_as_unpaired_reads = TRUE){

    flog.info("Using kraken2 with JAMStaxtable")
    JAMStaxtablefile <- file.path(opt$workingkrakendb, "JAMStaxtable.rda")
    if (file.exists(JAMStaxtablefile)){
    } else {
        #Fall back on generic taxonomy table and warn user
        flog.info("JAMS taxonomy table not found. Falling back on generic JAMS taxtable.")
    JAMStaxtable[] <- lapply(JAMStaxtable, as.character)
    validtaxlvls <- colnames(JAMStaxtable)[(!(colnames(JAMStaxtable) %in% c("Taxid")))]

    #Only get coverage from reads if contigs were actually assembled from reads.
    if("readsdir" %in% names(opt)){

        #Check if reads are in tmpdir
        if(opt$workdir != opt$sampledir){
            readsworkdir <- file.path(opt$workdir, "reads")
        } else {
            readsworkdir <- opt$readsdir

        #Choose input reads, either NAHS or if not present, trimmed reads.
        if ((opt$host == "none") || (opt$analysis %in% c("isolate", "isolaternaseq"))){
            inputreads <- opt$trimreads
        } else {
            inputreads <- opt$nahsreads
        #Adjust input reads to absolute path
        inputreads <- file.path(readsworkdir, inputreads)

        #Check the files exist or die.
        if (!(all(file.exists(inputreads)))){
            flog.info("Could not find input reads which were used for assembly. Aborting now.")

        flog.info("Creating directory to calculate read coverage.")
        opt$covdir <- file.path(opt$workdir, paste(opt$prefix, "coverage", sep="_"))
        dir.create(opt$covdir, recursive = TRUE)

        #Write a copy of contigs to be analyzed to the system
        flog.info("Writing contigs for read alignment.")
        write.fasta(sequences = opt$NHcontigs_sequence, names = names(opt$NHcontigs_sequence), nbchar = 80, file.out = "contigscov.fa")
        #Copy annotation data
        file.copy(opt$bedfile, opt$covdir)

        #Set general options
        bowtiethreads <- (opt$threads - 2) #Two CPUs must be free on Biowulf

        #build index
        flog.info("Building index.")
        system2('bowtie2-build', args = c("-f", "contigscov.fa", "contigscov"), stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)

        #Build command from options present
        bowtiecommonargs <- c("-q", "--no-unal", "--threads", bowtiethreads, "-x", "contigscov")
        if (opt$seqtype == "illuminamp"){
            bowtiecommonargs <- c(bowtiecommonargs, "--rf", "--maxins", "10000")
        bowtiereadargs <- list("-U", c("-1", "-2"), c("-1", "-2", "-U"))

        if (align_as_unpaired_reads){
            flog.info("Aligning reads back to contigs as unpaired reads.")
            inputreads <- paste0(inputreads, collapse = ",")

        bowtiereadinput <- as.vector(rbind(bowtiereadargs[[length(inputreads)]], inputreads))

        bowtiereadoutput <- c("--un", (paste(opt$prefix, "NAss_SE.fastq", sep="_")), "--un-conc", (paste(opt$prefix, "NAss_PE.fastq", sep="_")))[1:(2 * min(length(inputreads), 2))]

        samfile <- paste(paste(opt$prefix, "contigs", sep = "_"), "sam", sep = ".")
        bowtiesam <- c("-S", samfile)
        bowtieargs <- c(bowtiecommonargs, bowtiereadinput, bowtiereadoutput, bowtiesam)

        flog.info("Aligning reads back to contigs.")
        opt$bowtie_cov_output <- system2('bowtie2', args = bowtieargs, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
        flog.info(paste("Alignment of reads to contigs is complete with", opt$bowtie_cov_output[length(opt$bowtie_cov_output)]))
        NAssfastqs <- list.files(pattern = "*fastq")

        if (opt$classifyunassembled == TRUE){
            flog.info("Classifying taxonomy of non assembled reads.")
            makefastacmd <- paste(file.path(opt$bindir, "fastq2fasta4kraken.sh"), paste(NAssfastqs, collapse = " "))

            flog.info(paste("Counting k-mers of unclassified reads with kraken2 and using confidence score", as.character(opt$krakenconfidencescore),". Please be patient..."))
            krakenargs <- c("--db", opt$workingkrakendb, "--threads", opt$threads, "--confidence", opt$krakenconfidencescore, "NAss.fasta")
            kraken2taxid <- system2("kraken2", args=krakenargs, stdout = TRUE, stderr = FALSE)
            #Split taxidlist into chunks for speedier de-duplication of repeated node taxids
            chunksize = 5000
            chunk2 <- function(x,n){ split(x, cut(seq_along(x), n, labels = FALSE)) }
            chunkcoords <- chunk2(1:length(kraken2taxid), (length(kraken2taxid) / chunksize))
            numchunks <- length(chunkcoords)
            flog.info(paste("Spliting reads taxonomic table into", numchunks, "chunks of", chunksize, "reads each for parallel processing. Depending on the number of reads this may take a while."))

            split_to_df <- function(kraken2taxid = NULL){
                kraken2taxid <- strsplit(kraken2taxid, split = "[\t]", fixed = FALSE)
                k2out <- plyr::ldply(kraken2taxid, rbind)
                colnames(k2out) <- c("ClassFlag", "Sequence", "Taxid", "Length", "kmers")
                k2out[] <- lapply(k2out, as.character)
                k2out$Length <- as.numeric(k2out$Length)

            #Cap the number of CPUs to 32 because of memory issues
            appropriatenumcores <-  min(max(1, (opt$threads - 2)), 32)

            k2outlist <- mclapply(1:numchunks, function (x) { split_to_df(kraken2taxid[chunkcoords[[x]]]) }, mc.cores = appropriatenumcores)
            k2out <- plyr::ldply(k2outlist, rbind)
            k2out <- as.data.frame(k2out)

            NAssdata <- k2out[,c("Sequence", "Length", "Taxid")]
            NAssdata <- suppressMessages(left_join(NAssdata, JAMStaxtable))
            #Temporarily, fill in taxids which are NOT in the database with unclassifieds
            unclassdf <- JAMStaxtable[which(JAMStaxtable$Taxid == 0), 2:ncol(JAMStaxtable)]
            NAssdata[which(is.na(NAssdata$Domain == TRUE)), colnames(unclassdf)] <- unname(unclassdf)
            oriNAsslength <- sum(NAssdata$Length)
            hostlength <- sum(subset(NAssdata, Kingdom == "k__Metazoa")[]$Length)
            #Filter out any vertebrate DNA if existant
            NAssdata <- subset(NAssdata, Kingdom != "k__Metazoa")

            #Report host reads were found, if applicable
            if (hostlength > 0){
                hostpct <- round((hostlength / oriNAsslength) * 100, 2)
                flog.info(paste("Of the non-assebmled reads", hostpct, "% were classified as k__Metazoa (host) DNA and were discarded."))

            #Eliminate redundancy and get the dose
            NAssdose <- NAssdata %>% dplyr::group_by(Taxid) %>% dplyr::summarise(NumBases = sum(Length))
            NAssdose <- left_join(NAssdose, JAMStaxtable)
            NAssdose[which(is.na(NAssdose$Domain == TRUE)), colnames(unclassdf)] <- unname(unclassdf)
            opt$NAssdose <- as.data.frame(NAssdose)

        } else {
            flog.info("Unassembled reads will not be classified and will be discarded.")
        }#End conditional for classifying unassembled reads

        flog.info("Indexing and sorting alignment.")
        system2('samtools', args = c("faidx", "contigscov.fa"), stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
        #convert to bam & sort
        bamfile <- paste(paste(opt$prefix, "contigs", sep="_"), "bam", sep=".")
        sortedbamfile <- paste(paste(opt$prefix, "contigs", sep="_"), "sorted", "bam", sep=".")
        sortedmarkdupbamfile <- paste(paste(opt$prefix, "contigs", sep="_"), "sorted", "markdup", "bam", sep=".")
        system2('samtools', args = c("view", "--threads", opt$threads, "-q", "10", "-F", "4", "-bt", "contigscov.fa.fai", samfile, ">", bamfile), stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
        system(paste("samtools", "sort", "--threads", opt$threads, bamfile, ">", sortedbamfile))
        system(paste("samtools", "index", sortedbamfile))

        #mark duplicates with picard
        if (markduplicates == TRUE){
            flog.info("Removing duplicate reads from alignment.")
            sortedmarkdupbamfile <- paste(paste(opt$prefix, "contigs", sep = "_"), "sorted", "markdup", "bam", sep = ".")
            sortedmarkdupsortedbamfile <- paste(paste(opt$prefix, "contigs", sep = "_"), "sorted", "markdup", "sorted", "bam", sep = ".")
            sortedmarkdupsortedflagstatfile <- paste(paste(opt$prefix, "contigs", sep = "_"), "sorted", "markdup", "sorted", "flagstat", sep = ".")
            sortedmarkdupsortedstatsfile <- paste(paste(opt$prefix, "contigs", sep = "_"), "sorted", "markdup", "sorted", "bam", "stats", sep = ".")

            picardcmd <- paste0("picard MarkDuplicates INPUT=", sortedbamfile, " OUTPUT=", sortedmarkdupbamfile, " METRICS_FILE=", paste(sortedmarkdupbamfile, "metrics", sep="."), " AS=TRUE VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT MAX_FILE_HANDLES_FOR_READ_ENDS_MAP=1000 REMOVE_DUPLICATES=TRUE READ_NAME_REGEX=null")
            system(paste("samtools", "sort", "--threads", opt$threads, sortedmarkdupbamfile, ">", sortedmarkdupsortedbamfile))
            system(paste("samtools", "index", sortedmarkdupsortedbamfile))
            system(paste("samtools", "flagstat", sortedmarkdupsortedbamfile, ">", sortedmarkdupsortedflagstatfile))
            system(paste("samtools", "stats", sortedmarkdupsortedbamfile, ">", sortedmarkdupsortedstatsfile))
            coveragebamfile <- sortedmarkdupsortedbamfile
        } else {
            coveragebamfile <- sortedbamfile

        covdflist <- list()

        #Calculating contig base coverage
        flog.info("Calculating base coverage depth in contigs.")
        coverageargs <- c("-ibam", coveragebamfile, "-d", ">", "perbasecoverage.map")
        system2('genomeCoverageBed', args = coverageargs, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
        covdflist$contigcoverage <- fread(file = "perbasecoverage.map", sep = "\t", header = FALSE, nThread = opt$threads)
        colnames(covdflist$contigcoverage) <- c("Feature", "Position", "Depth")
        covdflist$contigcoverage <- covdflist$contigcoverage[ , c("Feature", "Depth")]

        #Calculating feature coverage
        flog.info("Calculating coverage depth for features.")
        sortedbed <- paste0(opt$prefix, ".sorted.markdup.sorted.bed")
        bedcmd <- paste0("bamToBed -i ", coveragebamfile, " | sort --temporary-directory=", opt$workdir, " -k1,1 -k2,2n > ", sortedbed)
        bedfeatargs <- c("coverage", "-hist", "-sorted", "-b", sortedbed, "-a", opt$bedfile, ">", "featuredep.tsv")
        system2('bedtools', args = bedfeatargs, stdout = TRUE, stderr = FALSE)
        covdflist$featuredep <- fread(file = "featuredep.tsv", sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fill = TRUE, nThread = opt$threads)
        colnames(covdflist$featuredep) <- c("Contig", "Start", "End", "Feature", "MapQual", "Strand", "Annotby", "FeatType", "Spin", "Annot", "Depth", "PartNumBasesofFeature", "LengthofFeat", "PctofAatdep")
        covdflist$featuredep <- subset(covdflist$featuredep, FeatType %in% c("CDS", "tRNA",  "rRNA",  "tmRNA"))
        covdflist$featuredep$PartDepthofFeature <- (covdflist$featuredep$Depth * covdflist$featuredep$PartNumBasesofFeature)
        covdflist$featuredep <- covdflist$featuredep[ , c("Feature", "PartDepthofFeature")]
        colnames(covdflist$featuredep) <- c("Feature", "Depth")

        #Aggregate in parallel
        sum_up_bases <- function(df = NULL){
            aggregate_df <- df[ , list(NumBases = sum(Depth)), by = "Feature"]


        if (opt$threads > 3){
            aggregate_df_list <- mclapply(names(covdflist), function(x) { sum_up_bases(df = covdflist[[x]])}, mc.cores = 4)
        } else {
            aggregate_df_list <- lapply(names(covdflist), function(x) { sum_up_bases(df = covdflist[[x]])})

        names(aggregate_df_list) <- names(covdflist)
        colnames(aggregate_df_list$contigcoverage) <- c("Contig", "NumBases")
        opt$contigsdata <- left_join(opt$contigsdata, as.data.frame(aggregate_df_list$contigcoverage), by = "Contig")
        opt$featuredata <- left_join(opt$featuredata, as.data.frame(aggregate_df_list$featuredep), by = "Feature")
        opt$contigsdata$NumBases <- as.numeric(opt$contigsdata$NumBases)
        opt$featuredata$NumBases <- as.numeric(opt$featuredata$NumBases)

        #opt$contigperbasecoverage <- shrink_perbasecoverage(perbasecoverage = contigcoverage, percentage = 2)
        #Consolidate LKT dose
        if (opt$classifyunassembled == TRUE){
            #Eliminate redundancy and get the dose
            tmpcontigsdata <- opt$contigsdata[ , (!(colnames(opt$contigsdata) %in% c("Length", "GC")))]
            colnames(tmpcontigsdata)[which(colnames(tmpcontigsdata) == "Contig")] <- "Sequence"

            #Where is the dose coming from (contigs, reads or both)
            contigsandNAssLKTs <- unique(tmpcontigsdata$LKT)[unique(tmpcontigsdata$LKT) %in% unique(opt$NAssdose$LKT)]
            onlycontigsLKTs <- unique(tmpcontigsdata$LKT)[!(unique(tmpcontigsdata$LKT) %in% unique(opt$NAssdose$LKT))]
            onlyNAssLKTs <- unique(opt$NAssdose$LKT)[!(unique(opt$NAssdose$LKT) %in% unique(tmpcontigsdata$LKT))]
            fromCtgPct <- data.frame(LKT = unique(c(contigsandNAssLKTs, onlycontigsLKTs, onlyNAssLKTs)), PctFromCtg = rep(0, length(unique(c(contigsandNAssLKTs, onlycontigsLKTs, onlyNAssLKTs)))))
            fromCtgPct$PctFromCtg[which(fromCtgPct$LKT %in% onlycontigsLKTs)] <- 100
            for (t in 1:length(contigsandNAssLKTs)){
                fromCtg <- sum(tmpcontigsdata$NumBases[which(tmpcontigsdata$LKT == contigsandNAssLKTs[t])])
                fromNAss <- sum(opt$NAssdose$NumBases[which(opt$NAssdose$LKT == contigsandNAssLKTs[t])])
                fromCtgPct$PctFromCtg[which(fromCtgPct$LKT == contigsandNAssLKTs[t])] <- round((fromCtg / (fromCtg + fromNAss)) * 100, 2)

            tmpcontigsdata$Sequence <- NULL
            tmpalldata <- rbind(tmpcontigsdata, opt$NAssdose)

        } else {
            flog.info("Unassembled read taxonomic relative abundance will not be taken into account.")
            tmpalldata <- opt$contigsdata
            fromCtgPct <- data.frame(LKT = unique(tmpalldata$LKT), PctFromCtg = rep(100.00, length(unique(tmpalldata$LKT))))
        } #End conditional if unassembled reads relative abundance should be added to LKTdose

    } else {
        flog.info("Short reads were not used for contig assembly, so sequencing depth will be set at 1X for all contigs.")
        #if there are no reads, assume depth of 1, ie just repeat length of contig as NumBases.
        opt$contigsdata$NumBases <- opt$contigsdata$Length
        opt$featuredata$NumBases <- opt$featuredata$LengthDNA
        tmpalldata <- opt$contigsdata
        fromCtgPct <- data.frame(LKT = unique(tmpalldata$LKT), PctFromCtg = rep(100.00, length(unique(tmpalldata$LKT))))
    } #End conditional get doses from short read alignment

    #Compute dose of Last Known Taxa, but maintain kraken1 backwards conmpatibility
    flog.info("Computing dose of Last Known Taxa.")
    totaldose <- aggregate(NumBases ~ LKT, FUN = sum, data = tmpalldata)

    tmpalldata$NumBases <- NULL
    tmpalldata$Sequence <- NULL
    tmpalldata$Taxid <- NULL
    tmpalldata$Contig <- NULL
    tmpalldata$IS1 <- NULL #Cannot left join to something which is more discriminatory
    #de-duplicate up to LKT. Amazingly, there are some alternative taxonomy lineages for the same species... Crikey.
    tmpalldata <- tmpalldata[which(!(duplicated(tmpalldata$LKT))), ]
    totaldose <- left_join(totaldose, tmpalldata, by = "LKT")
    totaldose <- left_join(totaldose, fromCtgPct, by = "LKT")
    totaldose$PctFromCtg[which(is.na(totaldose$PctFromCtg))] <- 0 #Just being sure
    opt$LKTdose <- totaldose[ , c((validtaxlvls[!(validtaxlvls %in% "IS1")]), "NumBases", "PctFromCtg")]
    opt$LKTdose <- opt$LKTdose[order(-opt$LKTdose$NumBases), ]
    opt$LKTdose$CumSum <- cumsum(opt$LKTdose$NumBases)
    opt$LKTdose$PctCumSum <- round(opt$LKTdose$CumSum / sum(opt$LKTdose$NumBases) * 100, 2)
    #Data should be non-empty and non-redundant, but just make sure
    opt$LKTdose[is.na(opt$LKTdose)] <- 0

    #If there is assemblydata available, add that to LKTdose dataframe
    if ("assemblystats" %in% names(opt)){
        LKTassemblies <- subset(opt$assemblystats, TaxLevel == "LKT")
        LKTassemblies$TaxLevel <- NULL
        colnames(LKTassemblies)[which(colnames(LKTassemblies) == "Taxon")] <- "LKT"
        #join this information onto LKTdose
        opt$LKTdose <- left_join(opt$LKTdose, LKTassemblies, by = "LKT")
        opt$LKTdose[is.na(opt$LKTdose)] <- 0

    #Do MetaBAT if applicable
    if (opt$bin_contigs_with_metabat){
        flog.info("Binning contigs from assembly with metaBAT2")
        system(paste("jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths --outputDepth depth.txt", sortedbamfile))
        system("metabat2 -i contigscov.fa -a depth.txt -o bins_dir/MAGbin")
        flog.info("Integrating binning information into JAMS")
        MAGbin_files <- list.files("bins_dir", pattern = "fa$")

        get_contigs_in_bin <- function(bin_file = NULL){
            bin_contigs <- NULL
            if (file.exists(file.path("bins_dir", bin_file))){
                bin_contigs <- system2("grep", args = c("\'^>\'", file.path("bins_dir", bin_file)), stdout = TRUE, stderr = FALSE)
                bin_contigs <- gsub("^>", "", bin_contigs)
            if (length(bin_contigs) < 1){
                flog.warn(paste("MetaBAT2 bin file", bin_file, "not found, or empty."))


        bin_contigs_list <- lapply(MAGbin_files, function(x) { get_contigs_in_bin(bin_file = x) } )
        names(bin_contigs_list) <- MAGbin_files

        opt$contigsdata$MetaBATbin <- 0

        for (mbl in 1:length(bin_contigs_list)){
            bin_number <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(names(bin_contigs_list)[mbl], split = "\\."))[2])
            curr_contigs <- bin_contigs_list[[mbl]]
            opt$contigsdata[which(opt$contigsdata$Contig %in% curr_contigs), "MetaBATbin"] <- bin_number

        #Standardise number of charaters
        opt$contigsdata$MetaBATbin <- formatC(opt$contigsdata$MetaBATbin, width = nchar(max(opt$contigsdata$MetaBATbin)), flag = "0")
        opt$contigsdata$MetaBATbin[which(as.numeric(opt$contigsdata$MetaBATbin) == 0)] <- "none"
        opt$contigsdata$MetaBATbin[which(opt$contigsdata$MetaBATbin != "none")] <- paste(opt$prefix, "MAGbin", opt$contigsdata$MetaBATbin[which(opt$contigsdata$MetaBATbin != "none")], sep = "_")

        opt$MAGdose <- aggregate(NumBases ~ MetaBATbin, FUN = sum, data = opt$contigsdata)

        #Get assemblystats for MAGs
        if (length(unique(opt$contigsdata$MetaBATbin[which(opt$contigsdata$MetaBATbin != "none")])) > 0){
            opt <- evaluate_metaBAT_bin(opt = opt)


johnmcculloch/JAMS_BW documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 12:48 a.m.