
Defines functions bwaIndexUcsc

Documented in bwaIndexUcsc

#' @title Generating bwa genome index for GATK variant call
#' @description This function executes the docker container bwa1 where BWA is installed. The index is created using GATK bundle data genome fasta file. User needs to dowload the file in the genome folder from ftp://gsapubftp-anonymous@ftp.broadinstitute.org/bundle
#' @param group, a character string. Two options: \code{"sudo"} or \code{"docker"}, depending to which group the user belongs
#' @param genome.folder, a character string indicating the folder where the indexed reference genome for bwa will be located
#' @param dbsnp.file, a character string indicating the name of dbSNP vcf located in the genome folder. The dbSNP vcf, dbsnp_138.b37.vcf.gz and dbsnp_138.hg19.vcf.idx.gz, can be downloaded from ftp://gsapubftp-anonymous@ftp.broadinstitute.org/bundle/b37
#' @param g1000.file, a character string indicating the name of 1000 genome vcf located in the genome folder. The 1000 genomes vcf, Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.b37.vcf.gz and Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg19.sites.vcf.idx.gz, can be downloaded from ftp://gsapubftp-anonymous@ftp.broadinstitute.org/bundle/b37/
#' @param uscs.urlgenome, a character string indicating the URL from uscs download web page for the unmasked genome sequence of interest
#' @param gatk, a boolean TRUE and FALSE that indicate if the index will be used for GATK analysis
#' @author Raffaele Calogero
#' @return The indexed bwa genome reference sequence
#' @examples
#'     #running bwa index
#'     bwaIndexUcsc(group="sudo",genome.folder="data/genomes/hg19_bwa", uscs.urlgenome=
#'     "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/bigZips/chromFa.tar.gz",
#'     dbsnp.file="dbsnp_138.hg19.vcf.gz", g1000.file="Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg19.sites.vcf.gz",
#'     gatk=TRUE)
#'     #running bwa index
#'     bwaIndexUcsc(group="sudo",genome.folder="/data/genomes/mm10bwa", uscs.urlgenome=
#'     "http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/mm10/bigZips/chromFa.tar.gz",
#'     gatk=FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
bwaIndexUcsc <- function(group=c("sudo","docker"),genome.folder=getwd(), uscs.urlgenome=NULL, dbsnp.file=NULL, g1000.file=NULL, gatk=FALSE){

  #########check genome folder exist###########
  if (!file.exists(genome.folder)){
    cat(paste("\n",genome.folder, "folder does not exist, It will be created \n"))
    if (!dir.create(genome.folder)){
      cat(paste("\nError ",genome.folder, "folder cannot be created\n"))
      system("echo 4 >& ExitStatusFile")

  home <- getwd()
  #initialize status
  system("echo 0 >& ExitStatusFile")

  #running time 1
  ptm <- proc.time()
  #running time 1
  test <- dockerTest()
    cat("\nERROR: Docker seems not to be installed in your system\n")
    #initialize status
    system("echo 10 >& ExitStatusFile")

	cat("\nsetting as working dir the genome folder and running bwa docker container\n")

    if(length(dir[grep(sub(".vcf.gz$", "", dbsnp.file),dir)])<2){
      cat("\ndbSNP vcf.gz and/or vcf.idx.gz missing\n")
      system("echo 2 >& ExitStatusFile")
      cat("\nPreparing dbsnp vcf\n")
      system(paste("gzip -d ", dbsnp.file, sep=""))
      system(paste("gzip -d ", sub(".vcf.gz$", ".vcf.idx.gz$",dbsnp.file), sep=""))
      system(paste("mv ", sub(".gz$", "",dbsnp.file), " dbsnp.vcf", sep=""))
    if(length(dir[grep(sub(".vcf.gz$", "", g1000.file),dir)])<2){
      cat("\1000 genomes vcf and/or vcf.idx.gz missing\n")
      system("echo 3 >& ExitStatusFile")
      cat("\nPreparing 1000 genomes vcf\n")
      system(paste("gzip -d ", g1000.file, sep=""))
      system(paste("gzip -d ", sub(".vcf.gz$", ".vcf.idx.gz$",g1000.file), sep=""))
      system(paste("mv ", sub(".gz$", "",g1000.file), " g1k.vcf", sep=""))

  resultRun <- 1
  params <- paste("--cidfile ",genome.folder,"/dockerID -v ",genome.folder,":/data/scratch"," -d docker.io/repbioinfo/bwa.2017.01 sh /bin/bwa.index.sh "," ",genome.folder, " ", gatk, " ", uscs.urlgenome, sep="")
  resultRun <- runDocker(group="docker", params=params)

    cat("\nBwa index generation is finished\n")

	#running time 2
	ptm <- proc.time() - ptm
	con <- file(paste(genome.folder,"run.info", sep="/"), "r")
	tmp.run <- readLines(con)

	tmp.run <- NULL
	tmp.run[length(tmp.run)+1] <- paste("user run time mins ",ptm[1]/60, sep="")
	tmp.run[length(tmp.run)+1] <- paste("system run time mins ",ptm[2]/60, sep="")
	tmp.run[length(tmp.run)+1] <- paste("elapsed run time mins ",ptm[3]/60, sep="")
	writeLines(tmp.run, paste(genome.folder,"run.info", sep="/"))
  #running time 2
	system(paste("rm ",genome.folder,"/out.info",sep=""))

	#saving log and removing docker container
	container.id <- readLines(paste(genome.folder,"/dockerID", sep=""), warn = FALSE)
	system(paste("docker logs ", container.id, " >& ", substr(container.id,1,12),".log", sep=""))
	system(paste("docker rm ", container.id, sep=""))

	system(paste("cp ",paste(path.package(package="docker4seq"),"containers/containers.txt",sep="/")," ",genome.folder, sep=""))
kendomaniac/docker4seq documentation built on July 15, 2024, 12:02 a.m.