
# modified from:
upVers <- function(path, update = "snapshot", date = TRUE, simplify = TRUE) {
  # This function updates the description file from package
  # in path (assumed work directory by default, as typical
  # with projects in RStudio using GitHub).
  # Usage:
  # path: path to contents of a package
  # update: What to update? "version", "major", "minor", "snapshot"
  # date: Update date as well?
  # simplfy: omit trailing zeros?
  # Assumes following numbering system:
  # version.major.minor-snapshot
  uplist <- c("version","major","minor","snapshot")
  if (missing(path)) path <- getwd()
  DESCfile <- paste0(path,"/DESCRIPTION")
  if (!file.exists(DESCfile)) stop("DESCRIPTION does not exist. Is this the folder of a package?")
  DESC <- readLines(DESCfile)
  ### Update date:
  if (date)
    DESC <- gsub("(?<=Date: )\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}",Sys.Date(),DESC,perl=TRUE)
  ### Update version:
  Vers <- regmatches(DESC,regexpr("(?<=Version: )\\d+\\.?\\d*\\.?\\d*\\.?\\d*",DESC,perl=TRUE))
  Vers <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(Vers,split="\\.|\\-")))
  Vers <- c(Vers,rep(0,length=4-length(Vers)))
  Vers[grep(update,uplist,] <- Vers[grep(update,uplist,] + 1
  Vers[1:4>grep(update,uplist,] <- 0
  # Combine and replace:
  Vers <- paste(Vers[1:4],collapse=".")
  if (simplify)
    Vers <- gsub("\\.?0?\\.?0?\\-?0?$","",Vers)
  DESC <- gsub("(?<=Version: )\\d+\\.?\\d*\\.?\\d*\\.?\\d*",Vers,DESC,perl=TRUE)
  # Write Description:
leffj/mctoolsr documentation built on Aug. 5, 2022, 1:27 a.m.