information-package: Find miRNA targets combining both biological and theoretical...

Description Details Author(s) References See Also


Set of functions and databases useful for computing the miRNA targets from miRNA and mRNA expression data. It is based on the principle that miRNA targets need to be correlated and also be predicted on a database to be true target.


Package: information
Type: Package
Version: 0.8.8
Date: 2017-04-18
License: GPL-3


Maria Vila-Casadesús, Juanjo Lozano

Mantainer: Maria Vila-Casadesús:

Contributor: Pau Erola (C++ code)


The package has been published in PLoS ONE:

Files can be downloaded here: and via GitHub using the following command: devtools::install_github("mariavica/miRComb").

The use of the package has been reported in the following publications:

  1. Coll M, Taghdouini AE, Perea L, Mannaerts I, Vila-Casadesús M, Blaya D, Rodrigo-Torres D, Affò S, Morales-Ibanez O, Graupera I, Lozano JJ, Najimi M, Sokal E, Lambrecht J, Ginès P, van Grusnven LA, Sancho-Bru P. Integrative miRNA and gene expression profiling analysis of human quiescent hepatic stellate cells. Scientific Reports. Advanced online publication June 22, 2015, doi: 10.1038/srep11549.

  2. Bofill-De Ros X, Santos M, Vila-Casadesús M, Villanueva E, Andreu N, Dierssen M, Fillat C. Genome-wide miR-155 and miR-802 target gene identification in the hippocampus of Ts65Dn Down syndrome mouse model by miRNA sponges. BMC Genomics 2015, 16:907 (advanced online publcation November 6, 2015, doi: 10.1186/s12864-015-2160-6).

  3. Blaya D, Coll M, Rodrigo-Torres D, Vila-Casadesús M, Altamirano J, Llopis M, Graupera I, Perea L, Aguilar B, Díaz A, Banales JM, Claria J, Lozano JJ, Bataller R, Caballería J, Ginès P, Sancho-Bru P. Integrative MicroRNA Profiling in Alcoholic Hepatitis Reveals a Role for microRNA-182 in Liver Injury and Inflammation. Gut (advanced online publication 10 May 2016; doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2015-311314).

The main page of miRComb package is (it includes some additional tools).

See Also

miRData, methods, gplots, gtools, network, pheatmap, WriteXLS, Hmisc, mvoutlier, pROC, verification, glmnet, survival, mclust, RankProd, GOstats, limma, scatterplot3d, RamiGO, circlize, VennDiagram, xtable, ReactomePA, fgsea, DESeq, GO.db, KEGG.db

mariavica/mircomb documentation built on Feb. 3, 2020, 2:28 a.m.