
This is a complete package to analyze single cell in-situ RCA data analysis.

Package outline

Data structure

Raw data

The raw data obtained from image analysis pipeline. The generic data structure for RCA in-situ is as follows in xlsx or csv formated file

ex_data <- readRCA(file = system.file("extdata", "Hypocampus_left.csv", package="MolDia"),
                  cellid = "CellId", centX = "centroid_x", centY = "centroid_y")
CellId<- rownames(mm)
rownames(mm)<- NULL
dd<- cbind(CellId,mm)

Reading data and vizualization

Read RCA data

The raw RCA data can be read by function readRCA. To get help on the function write help(readRCA). The data read by function readRCA will be in class RCA_class. For more help on this class, write help(RCA_class).

ex_data <- readRCA(file = system.file("extdata", "Hypocampus_left.csv", package="MolDia"),
                  cellid = "CellId", centX = "centroid_x", centY = "centroid_y")

Vizualization and summary of RCA data

Plot RCA data

RCA data can be ploted by plot function. To plot all cell on the tissue, one has to use what = "cell" parameter. If interactive graphics is expected then live = TRUE. For details help help(plot.RCA_class)

RCA_map(data =ex_data, what = "cell", main = "Left Hippocampus")
ex_data_summary   <- readsSummary(data = ex_data, readlimit = 10, text.size = 6, 
                                  intervel.dep = c(5,20,40,60))
![Venn-pie plot](images\summary_2.png)

Gene co expression analysis


Venn-pieagram single cell vizualization

The venn-pie plot is a visual representation of RCA data, based on genes of interest. As example, we want to know proportional dependency of SST-interneuronal genes enriched cells. For details about the function see help(RCA_pieplot)

sst <- marker_gene[[5]]
sst <- marker_gene[[5]]
res <- RCA_pieplot (data = ex_data, gene = sst)
ex_data_1    <- RCA_filter(data = ex_data)

In the above output data, cell with reads 2 to 31 will only remain in the resulting data set. But sometime, 1 reads per cell is biologically important. In this case we can define our own expected reads/cell with data_mean parameter.

ex_data_2    <- RCA_filter(data = ex_data, data_mean = 7)

In the above figure, the red curve is the actual distribution, and the black curve is the theoritical distrubution with our supplied mean. And finally we got 4775 cell with minium 1 and maximum 27 reads per cell.

Filter cells by gene criteria

Define gene group

Based on different criteria or condition, on can filter data with the function RCA_barplot For detail about the function write help(RCA_barplot). This function will have output in class RCA_class.

## Load data
RCA_data    <- ex_data

The loaded data is from mouse brain left hippocampus. Genes present in that data is

marker_gene_1 <- RCA_data@gene

According to our pre knowledge, we can classify those genes in broad categories as follows

## This data set has provided with the package as sample information. 

Now we can re-classify marker genes in broad category "General", "Neuronal" and "Non-neuronal" for our further analysis requirement

## Re-calssify  per-dfine marker gene group in "General", "Neoronal" and "Non-neuronal"
marker_gene <- list(general = marker_gene$genr, neuron = c(marker_gene$genr_neuro,
                    nonneuron = marker_gene$genr_nonneuro)

Apply criteria based filtering

Now RCA_barplot function will be applied on the data based on required selection criteria.

Without any selection criteria

## Without any selection criteria
neuron_group <- RCA_barplot(data = RCA_data,gene = marker_gene)

As an example , our cell selection criteria is

  1. Select cells with at least 1 neuronal genes
  2. For neuronal genes, minimum 1 reads/cell
  3. For rest of the genes, minimum 2 reads/cell
  4. Subset data : Only consider Neuronal genes
## Parameter explanation
# = 2           - Select 2nd list from marker_gene, which is a list of neuronal gene
# target.min.count.cell = 2 - For Neuronal genes, minimum 2 reads/cell
# rest.min.count.cell = 2   - For rest of the genes, minimum 2 reads/cell
# at.least.gene = 1         - Cell will have at least 1 neuronal genes
# = 2             - Only consider Neuronal genes to subset data

neuron_group <- RCA_barplot(data = RCA_data, gene = marker_gene, = 2,
                            target.min.count.cell = 2, rest.min.count.cell = 2,
                            at.least.gene = 1, = 2, main = " Neuron gene group")

Pre-processing of RCA data

Before further analysis of RCA data, the data needs pre-processing like data scaling, centering , normlization.

Data normalization, scaling and centering

Normalization, scaling and centering will apply on RCA data by the function RCA_preprocess. Data normalization is nessary for data analysis, specially for compute PCA to reduce dimentionality. Scaled and centered data is necessary to vizualize data. [Need more focus]

neuron_group <- RCA_preprocess(data = neuron_group, normalization.method = "LogNormalize", 
                               do.scale = TRUE, = TRUE)

Setting to TRUE will center the expression for each gene by subtracting the average expression for that gene. Setting do.scale to TRUE will scale the expression level for each gene by dividing the centered gene expression levels by their standard deviations if is TRUE and by their root mean square otherwise. [Need more focus and need to test on the reference] [@vandenBerg2006]

Data clustering and analysis

Data cluster and re-cluster

Data clustering

Data clustering by SEURAT

In the previous section we have select cells based on different selection criteria on gene of interest. The dataset is as follows


Now we can cluster cells by different pipeline of interest by using the function RCA_cluster. Available pipeline is SEURAT, BACKSPIN, MONOCLE. For details see help(RCA_cluster). Output result of function RCA_cluster is in class RCA_class

neuron_group_cluster  <- RCA_cluster (data = neuron_group, method = "seurat", 
                                      pc = 0.9, resolution = 0.2)
neuron_group_cluster  <- RCA_cluster (data = neuron_group, method = "seurat", 
                                      pc = 0.9, resolution = 0.2)

Now we can plot cells and cluster information on actual tissue to observe those results. To plot cells the following command can be used

RCA_map(neuron_group_cluster, what = "cell" , main = "Plot cells on tissue")
RCA_map(neuron_group_cluster, what = "cluster" , main = "Plot cell clusters on tissue")

Data clustering : Dimention reduction by tSNE

To apply tSNE, we can use following command

neuron_group_cluster <- RCA_tsne(data = neuron_group_cluster, do.label = TRUE, 
                                 pc= 0.9, perplexity= 100)
neuron_group_cluster <- RCA_tsne(data = neuron_group_cluster, do.label = TRUE, 
                                 pc= 0.9, perplexity= 100)

To plot tSNE with SEURAT cluster, the following command can be used

RCA_map(neuron_group_cluster, what = "tsne" , main = "tSNE plot with cluster by SEURAT")

Define cluster marker

Now to find the genes those are marker or differentially expressed in individual cluster, can be identified. RCA_marker function can be used for this purpose.

neuron_group_cluster_marker <- RCA_marker(data=neuron_group_cluster, topgene = 5 , 
                                          test.use="bimod", only.pos = TRUE, 
                                          main = "Neuronal gene group")
neuron_group_cluster_marker <- RCA_marker(data=neuron_group_cluster, topgene = 5 , 
                                          test.use="bimod", only.pos = TRUE, 
                                          main = "Neuronal gene group")

Now to vizualize cluster marker

neuron_group_cluster_marker <- RCA_marker(data=neuron_group_cluster, topgene = 5 , 
                                          test.use="bimod", only.pos = TRUE, 
                                          main = "Neuronal gene group")

Labeling cells with cluster marker

In the previous we have identified the marker for the specific cluster. Now we can label correspondong cluster with marker gene according to their significance order.

Labeling cells on tissue by marker genes

Marker genes by cluster
RCA_map(neuron_group_cluster_marker, what = "cluster" , 
        main = "Plot cell clusters on tissue", label.topgene = 3)
Top marker genes by cluster by considering expression

To plot only gene "Enpp2" to see their cluster distribution baed on expression level

RCA_map(neuron_group_cluster_marker, what = "cluster" , 
        main = "Enpp2 expressed cell only", gene = c("Enpp2"), label.topgene = 3)

Labeling cells on tSNE cluster by marker genes

Marker genes by cluster
RCA_map(neuron_group_cluster_marker, what = "tsne" , 
        main = "Plot cell clusters on tSNE", label.topgene = 3)
Top marker genes by cluster by considering expression

To plot only gene "Enpp2" to see their cluster distribution baed on expression level

RCA_map(neuron_group_cluster_marker, what = "tsne" , 
        main = "Enpp2 expressed cell only", gene = c("Enpp2"), label.topgene = 3)

Re-cluster a cluster

With the resolution parameter one can control the sige of the cluster. Its diserable to make bigger cluster first and then re-cluster any selected cluster. In the previous clustred data, cluster 0 has 505 cells.


Now we can select cluster 0 to recluster it again.

neuron_group_cluster_0  <- RCA_cluster (data = neuron_group_cluster, method = "seurat",cluster_id = 0, 
                                      pc = 0.9, resolution = 0.1)
neuron_group_cluster_0  <- RCA_cluster (data = neuron_group_cluster, method = "seurat",cluster_id = 0, 
                                      pc = 0.9, resolution = 0.1)

Now to plot cells

RCA_map(neuron_group_cluster_0, what = "cell" , main = "Re-cluster cluster 0 and map cells")

To plot cluster

RCA_map(neuron_group_cluster_0, what = "cluster" , main = "Re-cluster cluster 0 and map cluster")

To define cluster marker

neuron_group_cluster_0_marker <- RCA_marker(data=neuron_group_cluster_0, topgene = 5, 
                                          test.use="bimod", only.pos = TRUE, 
                                          main = "Neuronal gene group: Cluster 0")

To label cell cluster with marker gene

RCA_map(neuron_group_cluster_0_marker, what = "cluster" , 
        main = "Plot cell clusters on tissue", label.topgene = 2)

To label tSNE cluster with marker gene

RCA_map(neuron_group_cluster_0_marker, what = "tsne" , 
        main = "Plot cell clusters on tSNE", label.topgene = 2)

Cluster compare and validation : An example

## Read data: Left and right HC
hc_left  <- readRCA(file = system.file("extdata", "Hypocampus_left.csv", package="MolDia"),
                   cellid = "CellId",centX = "centroid_x", centY = "centroid_y")
hc_right <- readRCA(file = system.file("extdata", "Hypocampus_right.csv", package="MolDia"),
                   cellid = "CellId",centX = "centroid_x", centY = "centroid_y")
## Read data: Left and right HC
hc_left  <- readRCA(file = system.file("extdata", "Hypocampus_left.csv", package="MolDia"),
                   cellid = "CellId",centX = "centroid_x", centY = "centroid_y")
hc_right <- readRCA(file = system.file("extdata", "Hypocampus_right.csv", package="MolDia"),
                   cellid = "CellId",centX = "centroid_x", centY = "centroid_y")
## Arrange marker gene
marker_gene <- marker_gene
mark_gene <- list(genr = marker_gene$genr, neuron = c(marker_gene$genr_neuro,
                                             nonneuron = marker_gene$genr_nonneuro)
## Arrange marker gene
marker_gene <- marker_gene
mark_gene <- list(genr = marker_gene$genr, neuron = c(marker_gene$genr_neuro,
                                             nonneuron = marker_gene$genr_nonneuro)
## Select cell : Barplot of Neuronal marker gene and extract those cells only
hc_left  <- RCA_barplot(data = hc_left, gene = mark_gene, = 2,
                             at.least.gene = 2, = 2)
hc_right <- RCA_barplot(data = hc_right, gene = mark_gene, = 2,
                             at.least.gene = 2, = 2)
## Select cell : Barplot of Neuronal marker gene and extract those cells only
hc_left  <- RCA_barplot(data = hc_left, gene = mark_gene, = 2,
                             at.least.gene = 2, = 2)
hc_right <- RCA_barplot(data = hc_right, gene = mark_gene, = 2,
                             at.least.gene = 2, = 2)
## Data preprocessing
hc_left  <- RCA_preprocess(data = hc_left, normalization.method = "LogNormalize",
                                do.scale = TRUE, = TRUE)
hc_right <- RCA_preprocess(data = hc_right, normalization.method = "LogNormalize",
                                do.scale = TRUE, = TRUE)
## Data preprocessing
hc_left  <- RCA_preprocess(data = hc_left, normalization.method = "LogNormalize",
                                do.scale = TRUE, = TRUE)
hc_right <- RCA_preprocess(data = hc_right, normalization.method = "LogNormalize",
                                do.scale = TRUE, = TRUE)
## Cluster data based on SEURAT pipeline
hc_left   <- RCA_cluster(data =  hc_left, pc = 0.9, resolution = 0.3, method = "seurat")
hc_right  <- RCA_cluster(data = hc_right, pc = 0.9, resolution = 0.3, method = "seurat")
## Cluster data based on SEURAT pipeline
hc_left   <- RCA_cluster(data =  hc_left, pc = 0.9, resolution = 0.3, method = "seurat")
hc_right  <- RCA_cluster(data = hc_right, pc = 0.9, resolution = 0.4, method = "seurat")
## Dimention reduction by tSNE on clustered data
hc_left   <- RCA_tsne(data = hc_left, do.label = TRUE, pc= 0.9, perplexity= 100)
hc_right  <- RCA_tsne(data = hc_right, do.label = TRUE, pc= 0.9, perplexity= 100)
## Dimention reduction by tSNE on clustered data
hc_left   <- RCA_tsne(data = hc_left, do.label = TRUE, pc= 0.9, perplexity= 100)
hc_right  <- RCA_tsne(data = hc_right, do.label = TRUE, pc= 0.9, perplexity= 100)
## Get cluster marker
hc_left  <- RCA_marker(data = hc_left, topgene =5, test.use="bimod",
                       main = "hc_left")
hc_right <- RCA_marker(data = hc_right, topgene =5, test.use="bimod",
                       main = "hc_right")
RCA_map (data = hc_left, what = "tsne",  label.topgene =2, main = "hc_left")
RCA_map (data = hc_right, what = "tsne", label.topgene =2, main = "hc_right")
## Cluster compare
my_comapre_1 <- RCA_clustcompare(preditorData = hc_left, prediction = hc_right)
my_comapre_2 <- RCA_clustcompare(preditorData = hc_right, prediction = hc_left)


citation(package = "MolDia")


mashranga/MolDia documentation built on May 26, 2019, 9:36 a.m.