
Defines functions parse_params_curve_render_dr get_rendering_hint_options api_get_curve_curator_url get_curve_curator_url modify_or_remove_zero_dose_points is.NULLorNA plotCurve applyParsedParametersToFitData filterFlaggedPoints getCurveIDAnalsysiGroupResults getPoints getCurveData

Documented in getCurveData plotCurve

#' Extract the parameters of a given set of curveids (of the same type of rendering hint)
#' Given a list of curveids, this function queries the acas databse specified in the variable \code{\link{applicationSettings}} and
#' returns a list of length=2 with the points and parameters
#' @param curveids a list of curveids of the same rendering hint E.G. "4 parameter D-R"
#' @param ... expressions fed to underlying function E.G. globalConnect (see \code{\link{query}} documentation )
#' @return A list of length 2 containing the points and parameters of the curveids
#' @keywords curveids, parameters, curveData
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getCurveData(c("126933_AG-00000615", "126933_AG-00000123"))
#' getCurveData(c("126933_AG-00000615", "126933_AG-00000123"), globalConnect=TRUE)

getCurveData <- function(curveids, ...) {
  parameters <- getCurveIDAnalsysiGroupResults(curveids, ...)
  renderingHint <- parameters[stringvalue %in% curveids]$lskind
  renderingHintParameters <- parameters[ lskind == "batch code", c("codevalue", "curveid", "valueid"), with = FALSE]
  #There are cases where getParametersByRenderingHint return curveids (See PK), in this case we call getParametersByRenderingHint again with those curveids 3_AG-00000040
  points <- as.data.table(getPoints(curveids, renderingHint = renderingHint, ...))
  points[ , oldcurveid := curveId ]
  points[ , curveId := paste0(curveId,"_s_id_",s_id)]
  ptMerge <- unique(points[, c("name","curveId","oldcurveid"), with = FALSE])
  setkey(ptMerge, oldcurveid)
  setkey(renderingHintParameters, curveid)
  renderingHintParameters <- renderingHintParameters[ptMerge]
  renderingHintParameters[ , curveId := curveId]
  renderingHintParameters[ , curveid := NULL]
  #Remove when sam fixes container saving
  #   renderingHintParameters[ , name := curveId]
  return (list(
    points = points,
    parameters = renderingHintParameters
getPoints <- function(curveids, renderingHint = as.character(NA), flagsAsLogical = TRUE, ...) {
  ivPO <- function(type)  {
    paste0("SELECT *
           (SELECT s.id    AS S_ID,
           el.label_text AS experiment_name,
           'Animal-' || cl.label_text AS name,
           agv.string_value AS curveid,
           MAX(CASE WHEN sv.ls_kind = 'time' THEN sv.numeric_value ELSE NULL END)   AS dose,
           'Time' AS dosetype,
           MAX(CASE WHEN sv.ls_kind = 'time' THEN sv.unit_kind ELSE NULL END) AS doseunits,
           MAX(CASE WHEN sv.ls_kind = '",type," - PK_Concentration' THEN sv.numeric_value ELSE NULL END) AS response,
           'Conc' AS responsetype,
           MAX(CASE WHEN sv.ls_kind = '",type," - PK_Concentration' THEN sv.unit_kind ELSE NULL END) AS responseunits,
           MAX(CASE sv.ls_kind WHEN 'flag' then sv.id else null end) as flag_sv_id,
           MAX(CASE sv.ls_kind WHEN 'flag' THEN sv.string_value ELSE NULL END) AS preprocessFlagStatus,
           MAX(CASE sv.ls_kind WHEN '",type," - PK_Concentration' THEN sv.subject_state_id ELSE NULL END) AS response_ss_id,
           MAX(CASE sv.ls_kind WHEN '",type," - PK_Concentration' THEN sv.id ELSE NULL END) AS response_sv_id,
           MAX(CASE sv.ls_kind WHEN '",type," - PK_Concentration' THEN ss.version ELSE NULL END) AS response_ss_version,
           MAX(CASE sv.ls_kind WHEN '",type," - PK_Concentration' THEN tg.id ELSE NULL END) AS tg_id,
           MAX(ag.id) AS ag_id
           FROM analysis_group ag
           JOIN analysis_GROUP_state ags ON ags.analysis_GROUP_id = ag.id
           JOIN analysis_GROUP_value agv ON agv.analysis_state_id = ags.id
           JOIN analysisgroup_treatmentgroup agtg on ag.id = agtg.analysis_group_id
           JOIN treatment_GROUP tg ON tg.id=agtg.treatment_GROUP_id
           JOIN experiment_analysisgroup eag on eag.analysis_group_id=ag.id
           JOIN experiment e ON eag.experiment_id=e.id
           JOIN experiment_label el ON e.id=el.experiment_id
           JOIN treatmentgroup_subject tgs on tgs.treatment_group_id=tg.id
           JOIN subject s ON s.id=tgs.subject_id
           JOIN subject_state ss ON ss.subject_id = s.id
           JOIN subject_value sv ON sv.subject_state_id = ss.id
           LEFT JOIN itx_subject_container itxsc ON s.id = itxsc.subject_id
           LEFT JOIN container c ON c.id=itxsc.container_id
           LEFT JOIN container_label cl ON cl.container_id    =c.id
           WHERE agv.ls_kind     = '",type," pk curve id'
           AND sv.ls_kind       IN ('time', '",type," - PK_Concentration')
           AND agv.string_value IN (  ",sqliz(curveids)," )
           GROUP BY s.id, ss.id, agv.string_value, cl.label_text, el.label_text
           ) foo
           WHERE response IS NOT NULL
           ORDER BY tg_id ASC ")
  poIVQU <- paste("SELECT a.*, a.Route || '-' || b.Dose as name
                  FROM (
                  select max(CASE WHEN tv.ls_kind in ('PO - PK_Concentration', 'IV - PK_Concentration' ) then tg.id else null end) as s_id,
                  agv.string_value as curveid,
                  cl.label_text as animal,
                  el.label_text as experiment_name,
                  max(CASE WHEN tv.ls_kind in ('time') then tv.numeric_value else null end) as dose,
                  'Time' as dosetype,
                  max(CASE WHEN tv.ls_kind in ('time') then tv.unit_kind else null end) as doseunits,
                  max(CASE WHEN tv.ls_kind in ('PO - PK_Concentration', 'IV - PK_Concentration') then tv.numeric_value else null end) as response,
                  'Conc' as responsetype,
                  max(CASE WHEN tv.ls_kind in ('PO - PK_Concentration', 'IV - PK_Concentration') then tv.unit_kind else null end) as responseunits,
                  max(CASE tv.ls_kind WHEN 'flag' then tv.string_value else null end) as preprocessflagstatus,
                  max(CASE WHEN tv.ls_kind in ('PO - PK_Concentration', 'IV - PK_Concentration') then tv.treatment_state_id else null end) as response_ss_id,
                  max(CASE WHEN tv.ls_kind in ('PO - PK_Concentration', 'IV - PK_Concentration' ) then tg.id else null end) as tg_id,
                  max(ag.id) AS ag_id,
                  max(CASE WHEN tv.ls_kind in ('PO - PK_Concentration', 'IV - PK_Concentration') then tv.uncertainty else null end) as standardDeviation,
                  max(CASE WHEN tv.ls_kind in ('PO - PK_Concentration') then 'PO' WHEN tv.ls_kind in ('IV - PK_Concentration') then 'IV' else null end) as Route
                  FROM analysis_group ag
                  JOIN analysis_GROUP_state ags ON ags.analysis_GROUP_id = ag.id
                  JOIN analysis_GROUP_value agv ON agv.analysis_state_id = ags.id
                  JOIN analysisgroup_treatmentgroup agtg on ag.id = agtg.analysis_group_id
                  JOIN treatment_GROUP tg ON tg.id=agtg.treatment_GROUP_id
                  JOIN experiment_analysisgroup eag on eag.analysis_group_id=ag.id
                  JOIN experiment e ON eag.experiment_id=e.id
                  JOIN experiment_label el ON e.id=el.experiment_id
                  JOIN treatment_group_state ts ON ts.treatment_group_id = tg.id
                  JOIN treatment_group_value tv ON tv.treatment_state_id = ts.id
                  JOIN treatmentgroup_subject tgs on tgs.treatment_group_id=tg.id
                  JOIN subject s ON s.id=tgs.subject_id
                  JOIN subject_state ss ON ss.subject_id = s.id
                  JOIN subject_value sv ON sv.subject_state_id = ss.id
                  LEFT JOIN itx_subject_container itxsc on s.id = itxsc.subject_id
                  LEFT JOIN container c on c.id=itxsc.container_id
                  LEFT JOIN container_label cl on cl.container_id=c.id
                  WHERE agv.ls_kind like 'PO IV pk curve id'
                  AND tv.ls_kind in ('time', 'PO - PK_Concentration', 'IV - PK_Concentration')
                  AND agv.string_value in (",sqliz(curveids),")
                  GROUP by tg.id, ts.id, agv.string_value, cl.label_text, el.label_text
                  ) a
                  LEFT OUTER JOIN (
                  SELECT tv.concentration || tv.conc_unit as Dose,
                  tg.id AS s_id
                  FROM analysis_group ag
                  JOIN analysis_GROUP_state ags ON ags.analysis_GROUP_id = ag.id
                  JOIN analysis_GROUP_value agv ON agv.analysis_state_id = ags.id
                  JOIN analysisgroup_treatmentgroup agtg on ag.id = agtg.analysis_group_id
                  JOIN treatment_GROUP tg ON tg.id=agtg.treatment_GROUP_id
                  JOIN treatment_group_state ts
                  ON ts.treatment_group_id = tg.id
                  JOIN treatment_group_value tv
                  ON tv.treatment_state_id = ts.id
                  WHERE agv.ls_kind LIKE 'PO IV pk curve id'
                  AND tv.ls_kind             IN ('batch code')
                  AND agv.string_value IN (",sqliz(curveids),")
                  ) b
                  ON a.s_id = b.s_id
                  order by tg_id asc"
  qu <- switch(renderingHint,
               "PO IV pk curve id" = poIVQU,
               "PO pk curve id" = ivPO("PO"),
               "IV pk curve id" = ivPO("IV")
  points <- query(qu, ...)
  names(points) <- tolower(names(points))
  if(nrow(points)==0) {
    stop("Got 0 rows of points")
  points <- switch(renderingHint,
                   "PO IV pk curve id" = {
                     data.frame(  curveId = as.character(points$curveid),
                                  name = gsub(paste0(unique(as.character(points$experiment_name)),"_"),"",as.character(points$name)),
                                  dose = as.numeric(points$dose), 
                                  doseKind = as.character(points$dosetype), 
                                  doseUnits = as.character(points$doseunits), 
                                  response = as.numeric(points$response),
                                  responseKind = as.character(points$responsetype),
                                  responseUnits = as.character(points$responseunits),
                                  standardDeviation = as.numeric(points$standarddeviation),
                                  preprocessFlagStatus = as.character(points$preprocessflagstatus),
                                  response_ss_id = as.integer(points$response_ss_id),
                                  s_id = as.integer(points$s_id),
                                  tg_id = as.integer(points$tg_id),
                                  ag_id = as.integer(points$ag_id)
                   "IV pk curve id" = {
                     data.frame(  curveId = as.character(points$curveid),
                                  name = gsub(paste0(unique(as.character(points$experiment_name)),"_"),"",as.character(points$name)),
                                  dose = as.numeric(points$dose), 
                                  doseKind = as.character(points$dosetype), 
                                  doseUnits = as.character(points$doseunits), 
                                  response = as.numeric(points$response),
                                  responseKind = as.character(points$responsetype),
                                  responseUnits = as.character(points$responseunits),
                                  preprocessFlagStatus = as.character(points$preprocessflagstatus),
                                  response_ss_id = as.integer(points$response_ss_id),
                                  response_sv_id = as.integer(points$response_sv_id),
                                  response_ss_version = as.integer(points$response_ss_version),
                                  flag_sv_id = as.integer(points$flag_sv_id),
                                  s_id = as.integer(points$s_id),
                                  tg_id = as.integer(points$tg_id),
                                  ag_id = as.integer(points$ag_id)
                   "PO pk curve id" = {
                     data.frame(  curveId = as.character(points$curveid),
                                  name = gsub(paste0(unique(as.character(points$experiment_name)),"_"),"",as.character(points$name)),
                                  dose = as.numeric(points$dose), 
                                  doseKind = as.character(points$dosetype), 
                                  doseUnits = as.character(points$doseunits), 
                                  response = as.numeric(points$response),
                                  responseKind = as.character(points$responsetype),
                                  responseUnits = as.character(points$responseunits),
                                  preprocessFlagStatus = as.character(points$preprocessflagstatus),
                                  response_ss_id = as.integer(points$response_ss_id),
                                  response_ss_version = as.integer(points$response_ss_version),
                                  response_sv_id = as.integer(points$response_sv_id),
                                  flag_sv_id = as.integer(points$flag_sv_id),
                                  s_id = as.integer(points$s_id),
                                  tg_id = as.integer(points$tg_id),
                                  ag_id = as.integer(points$ag_id)
  points$preprocessFlagStatus <- as.character(points$preprocessFlagStatus)
  points[is.na(points$preprocessFlagStatus),]$preprocessFlagStatus <- ""
  points$userFlagStatus <- ""
  points$algorithmFlagStatus <- ""
  points$tempFlagStatus <- ""

getCurveIDAnalsysiGroupResults <- function(curveids, ...) {
  parameters <- rbindlist(query_replace_string_with_values("SELECT lsvalues0_.analysis_state_id AS stateId,
                                                           lsvalues0_.id                     AS valueId,
                                                           lsvalues0_.code_kind              AS codeKind,
                                                           lsvalues0_.code_origin            AS codeOrigin,
                                                           lsvalues0_.code_type              AS codeType,
                                                           lsvalues0_.code_value             AS codeValue,
                                                           lsvalues0_.comments               AS comments,
                                                           lsvalues0_.conc_unit              AS concUnit,
                                                           lsvalues0_.concentration          AS concentration,
                                                           lsvalues0_.ls_kind                AS lsKind,
                                                           lsvalues0_.ls_transaction         AS lsTransaction,
                                                           lsvalues0_.ls_type                AS lsType,
                                                           lsvalues0_.numeric_value          AS numericValue,
                                                           lsvalues0_.operator_kind          AS operatorKind,
                                                           lsvalues0_.operator_type          AS operatorType,
                                                           lsvalues0_.public_data            AS publicData,
                                                           lsvalues0_.recorded_by            AS recordedBy,
                                                           lsvalues0_.recorded_date          AS recordedDate,
                                                           lsvalues0_.string_value           AS stringValue,
                                                           lsvalues0_.uncertainty            AS uncertainty,
                                                           lsvalues0_.uncertainty_type       AS uncertaintyType,
                                                           lsvalues0_.unit_kind              AS unitKind,
                                                           lsvalues0_.unit_type              AS unitType,
                                                           lsvalues0_.url_value              AS urlValue,
                                                           lsvalues0_.version                AS version,
                                                           analysisgr0_.string_value         AS curveId
                                                           FROM analysis_group_value analysisgr0_
                                                           INNER JOIN analysis_group_state analysisgr1_
                                                           ON analysisgr0_.analysis_state_id=analysisgr1_.id
                                                           INNER JOIN analysis_group analysisgr2_
                                                           ON analysisgr1_.analysis_group_id=analysisgr2_.id
                                                           INNER JOIN experiment_analysisgroup expt_ag_group
                                                           ON analysisgr2_.id=expt_ag_group.analysis_group_id
                                                           INNER JOIN analysis_group_value lsvalues0_
                                                           ON analysisgr1_.id         =lsvalues0_.analysis_state_id
                                                           WHERE analysisgr0_.ls_type ='stringValue'
                                                           AND analysisgr0_.ls_kind in ('PO IV pk curve id','IV pk curve id','PO pk curve id')
                                                           AND analysisgr0_.ignored = '0'
                                                           AND analysisgr1_.ignored = '0'
                                                           AND analysisgr2_.ignored = '0'
                                                           AND analysisgr1_.ls_type ='data'
                                                           AND analysisgr0_.string_value in (REPLACEME)", string = "REPLACEME", values = curveids, ...))
  setnames(parameters, tolower(names(parameters)))

#' Curve plotting function
#' This function takes in a set of data points, curve parameters, and an equation and plots the data
#' @param curveData a data frame with the points with column names curveId, dose, response, flag
#' @param params the set of parameters used to enumerate the curve
#' @param outFile file to plot image to, if not specified then the function plots to graphic device
#' @param ymin specify the ymin axes location
#' @param ymax specify the ymax axes location
#' @param xmin specify the xmin axes location
#' @param xmax specify the xmax axes location
#' @param logDose specify if x axis is in log space
#' @param logResponse specify if y axis is in log space
#' @param height height of the plot in pixels
#' @param width width of the plot in pixels
#' @param showGrid adds a grid to the plot
#' @param showLegend shows a legend with curve ids on the right hand side of the plot
#' @param showAxes turns axes on or off
#' @param plotMeans will plot the mean Y given a given X
#' @param drawStdDevs will plot the Standard Deviations for each dose response combination
#' @param connectPoints will draw a line between the means of each mean X - Y
#' @param drawCurve turn the curve drawing on and off
#' @param drawCurve turn the curve drawing on and off
#' @return If  outFile is specified, then the function prints an image to the out file, if outFile is not specified, then then an image is plotted to a graphics device
#' @keywords plot, render, curve
#' @export
#' @examples
#' LL4 <- 'min + (max - min)/((1 + exp(-hill * (log(x/ec50))))^1)'
#' data(curveData)
#' params <- curveData$parameters
#' curveData <- curveData$points
#' plotCurve(curveData, params, paramNames = c("ec50", "min", "max", "hill"), LL4, outFile = NA, ymin = NA, logDose = TRUE, ymax = NA, xmin = NA, xmax = NA, height = 300, width = 300, showGrid = FALSE, showLegend = FALSE, showAxes = TRUE)
#' plotCurve(curveData, params, paramNames = c("ec50", "min", "max", "hill"), LL4, outFile = NA, ymin = NA, logDose = TRUE, ymax = NA, xmin = NA, xmax = NA, height = 300, width = 300, showGrid = FALSE, showLegend = FALSE, showAxes = TRUE, plotMeans = TRUE)
#' plotCurve(curveData, params, paramNames = c("ec50", "min", "max", "hill"), LL4, outFile = NA, ymin = NA, logDose = TRUE, ymax = NA, xmin = NA, xmax = NA, height = 300, width = 300, showGrid = FALSE, showLegend = FALSE, showAxes = TRUE, plotMeans = TRUE, connectPoints = TRUE, drawCurve = FALSE)
#' plotCurve(curveData, params, paramNames = c("ec50", "min", "max", "hill"), LL4, outFile = NA, ymin = NA, logDose = TRUE, ymax = NA, xmin = NA, xmax = NA, height = 300, width = 300, showGrid = FALSE, showLegend = FALSE, showAxes = TRUE, plotMeans = TRUE, connectPoints = TRUE, drawCurve = FALSE, drawStdDevs = TRUE)
#' #Ki Data (using raw data)
#' data(kiData)
#' params <- kiData$parameters
#' points <- kiData$points
#' paramNames <- c("Top", "Bottom", "HotNM", "HotKDNM", "Log10Ki")
#' KiFCT <- 'Bottom + (Top-Bottom)/(1+10^(x-log10((10^Log10Ki)*(1+HotNM/HotKDNM))))'
#' plotCurve(points, params, KiFCT, paramNames, drawIntercept= "Log10Ki", outFile = NA, ymin = NA, ymax = NA, xmin = NA, xmax = NA, height = 300, width = 300, showGrid = FALSE, showLegend = FALSE, showAxes = TRUE)
#' #PK Curves
#' #PO
#' data(poPKCurveData)
#' params <- poPKCurveData$parameters
#' curveData <- poPKCurveData$points
#' plotCurve(curveData, params, paramNames = NA, outFile = NA, ymin = NA, logDose = FALSE, logResponse=TRUE, ymax = NA, xmin = NA, xmax = NA, height = 300, width = 300, showGrid = FALSE, showLegend = FALSE, showAxes = TRUE, plotMeans = FALSE, connectPoints = TRUE, drawCurve = FALSE, drawStdDevs = FALSE)
#' plotCurve(curveData, params, paramNames = NA, outFile = NA, ymin = NA, logDose = FALSE, logResponse=TRUE, ymax = NA, xmin = NA, xmax = NA, height = 300, width = 300, showGrid = FALSE, showLegend = FALSE, showAxes = TRUE, plotMeans = FALSE, connectPoints = TRUE, drawCurve = FALSE, drawStdDevs = FALSE, addShapes = TRUE)
#' #IV
#' data(ivPKCurveData)
#' params <- ivPKCurveData$parameters
#' curveData <- ivPKCurveData$points
#' plotCurve(curveData, params, paramNames = NA, outFile = NA, ymin = NA, logDose = FALSE, logResponse=TRUE, ymax = NA, xmin = NA, xmax = NA, height = 300, width = 300, showGrid = FALSE, showLegend = FALSE, showAxes = TRUE, plotMeans = FALSE, connectPoints = TRUE, drawCurve = FALSE, drawStdDevs = FALSE)
#' plotCurve(curveData, params, paramNames = NA, outFile = NA, ymin = NA, logDose = FALSE, logResponse=TRUE, ymax = NA, xmin = NA, xmax = NA, height = 300, width = 300, showGrid = FALSE, showLegend = FALSE, showAxes = TRUE, plotMeans = FALSE, connectPoints = TRUE, drawCurve = FALSE, drawStdDevs = FALSE, addShapes = TRUE)
#' #IV Overlay
#' data(overlayIVPKCurveData)
#' params <- overlayIVPKCurveData$parameters
#' curveData <- overlayIVPKCurveData$points
#' plotCurve(curveData, params, paramNames = NA, outFile = NA, ymin = NA, logDose = FALSE, logResponse=TRUE, ymax = NA, xmin = NA, xmax = NA, height = 300, width = 300, showGrid = FALSE, showLegend = FALSE, showAxes = TRUE, plotMeans = FALSE, connectPoints = TRUE, drawCurve = FALSE, drawStdDevs = FALSE)
#' #PO IV
#' data(poIVPKCurveData)
#' params <- poIVPKCurveData$parameters
#' curveData <- poIVPKCurveData$points
#' plotCurve(curveData, params, paramNames = NA, outFile = NA, ymin = NA, logDose = FALSE, logResponse=TRUE, ymax = NA, xmin = NA, xmax = NA, height = 300, width = 300, showGrid = FALSE, showLegend = FALSE, showAxes = TRUE, plotMeans = FALSE, connectPoints = TRUE, drawCurve = FALSE, addShapes = TRUE, drawStdDevs = TRUE)
filterFlaggedPoints <- function(points, returnGood = TRUE) {
  if(returnGood) {
    return(subset(points, userFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & preprocessFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & algorithmFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & tempFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG))
  } else {
    return(subset(points, userFlagStatus==KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG | preprocessFlagStatus==KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG | algorithmFlagStatus==KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG | tempFlagStatus==KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG))

#' Apply rendering options to fit data and parsed parameters list in order to match format of input parameters to \code{\link{plotCurve}}
#' This function takes a data table with fit parameters and points and applies curve color options, protocol min/max options, hill slope overrides, max/min fit overrides by category
#' @param fitData a data table with points and fit parameters
#' @param params a list of options returned by (see \code{\link{parse_params_curve_render_dr}} documentation )
#' @param protocolDisplayValues a list  of with names ymin and ymax with numeric values for the protocol

#' @return A list with a modified fitData data table with applied colors and fit values, and a modified parsed parameters with applied log dose and plot window values
#' @export
applyParsedParametersToFitData <- function(fitData, parsedParams, protocolDisplayValues) {

    ## Plot colors
    # If the configuration is set, split on comma and get plot colors from the config 
    if(!is.null(racas::applicationSettings$server.curveRender.plotColors)) {
        plotColors <- trimws(strsplit(racas::applicationSettings$server.curveRender.plotColors,",")[[1]])
    } else {
       # If config is not set, then use default coloring scheme
        plotColors <- c("black", "#0C5BB0FF", "#EE0011FF", "#15983DFF", "#EC579AFF", "#FA6B09FF", 
                        "#149BEDFF", "#A1C720FF", "#FEC10BFF", "#16A08CFF", "#9A703EFF")

    ## If color by is set in parsed params, then set the colors per the "colorBy" options passed in
    if(!is.na(parsedParams$colorBy)) {
        key <- switch(parsedParams$colorBy,
                    "protocol" = "protocol_label",
                    "experiment" = "experiment_label",
                    "batch" = "batch_code"
        # For each row in the data table set the color by the matching key and repeat colors as long as the list of colors provides
        uniqueKeys <- setkeyv(unique(fitData[ , key, with = FALSE]), key)
        colorCategories <- uniqueKeys[, color:=rep(plotColors, length.out = .N)][ , name:=get(key)]
        fitData <- merge(fitData, colorCategories, by = key)

    ## Flat curve drawing for inactive or potent curves
    # inactive and potent curves should be drawn with a flat line so it's obvious the curve is flat
    # If category is set
    if("category" %in% names(fitData)) {
      # Take the average of the response values for all points which are not flagged and set the min and max values to this
      # TODO: find a better way of knowing what values to set here as "fittedMin" and "fittedMax" are hardcoded names
      fitData <- fitData[exists("category") & (!is.null(category) & category %in% c("inactive","potent")), c("fittedMax", "fittedMin") := {
        responseMean <- mean(points[[1]][userFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & preprocessFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & algorithmFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & tempFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG,]$response)
        list("fittedMax" = responseMean, "fittedMin" = responseMean)
      }, by = curveId]

    # Split the points and parameters into seperate data tables to match the required parameters for the plotCurve function
    data <- list(parameters = as.data.frame(fitData), points = as.data.frame(rbindlist(fitData$points)))

    #To be backwards compatable with hill slope example files flip the hill slope
    hillSlopes <- which(!is_null_or_na(data$parameters$hillslope))
    if(length(hillSlopes) > 0  ) {
      data$parameters$slope <- -data$parameters$hillslope[hillSlopes]
    fittedHillSlopes <- which(!is_null_or_na(data$parameters$fitted_hillslope))
    if(length(fittedHillSlopes) > 0 ) {
      data$parameters$fitted_slope <- -data$parameters$fitted_hillslope[fittedHillSlopes]

    # TODO: This should be a configuration per rendering hint to plot on log scale
    # Determine log dose by rendering hint unless not overrident by parsedParameters
    if(is.na(parsedParams$logDose)) {
        parsedParams$logDose <- TRUE
        if(fitData[1]$renderingHint %in% c("Michaelis-Menten", "Substrate Inhibition", "Scatter", "Scatter Log-y")) parsedParams$logDose <- FALSE
    # Determine log response by rendering hint unless not overrident by parsedParameters
    if(is.na(parsedParams$logResponse)) {
        parsedParams$logResponse <- FALSE
        if(fitData[1]$renderingHint %in% c("Scatter Log-y","Scatter Log-x,y")) parsedParams$logResponse <- TRUE

    # Apply protocol ymin/max
    # Use protocol min max (if provided) unless not overrident by parsedParameters
    if(any(is.na(parsedParams$yMin),is.na(parsedParams$yMax))) {
      plotWindowPoints <- rbindlist(fitData[ , points])[userFlagStatus != KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & preprocessFlagStatus != KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & algorithmFlagStatus != KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG,]
      if(nrow(plotWindowPoints) == 0) {
        plotWindow <- racas::get_plot_window(fitData[1]$points[[1]], logDose = parsedParams$logDose, logResponse = parsedParams$logResponse)      
      } else {
        plotWindow <- racas::get_plot_window(plotWindowPoints, logDose = parsedParams$logDose, logResponse = parsedParams$logResponse)
      recommendedDisplayWindow <- list(ymax = max(protocolDisplayValues$ymax,plotWindow[2], na.rm = TRUE), ymin = min(protocolDisplayValues$ymin,plotWindow[4], na.rm = TRUE))
      if(is.na(parsedParams$yMin)) parsedParams$yMin <- recommendedDisplayWindow$ymin
      if(is.na(parsedParams$yMax)) parsedParams$yMax <- recommendedDisplayWindow$ymax

    return(list(data = data, parsedParams = parsedParams))
plotCurve <- function(curveData, params, outFile = NA, ymin = NA, logDose = FALSE, logResponse = FALSE, ymax = NA, xmin = NA, xmax = NA, height = 300, width = 300, showGrid = FALSE, showLegend = FALSE, showAxes = TRUE, drawCurve = TRUE, drawFlagged = FALSE, plotMeans = FALSE, drawStdDevs = FALSE, addShapes = FALSE, labelAxes = FALSE, curveXrn = c(NA, NA), mostRecentCurveColor = NA, axes = c("x","y"), modZero = TRUE, drawPointsForRejectedCurve = racas::applicationSettings$server.curveRender.drawPointsForRejectedCurve, plotColors = c("black"),curveLwd = 1, plotPoints = TRUE, xlabel = NA, ylabel = NA, bg = "white") {
  if(is.null(curveLwd) || is.na(curveLwd)) {
    curveLwd <- 1
    if(!is.null(racas::applicationSettings$server.curveRender.curveLwd) && racas::applicationSettings$server.curveRender.curveLwd != "") {
      curveLwd <- racas::applicationSettings$server.curveRender.curveLwd
  curveLwd <- as.numeric(curveLwd)

  # Set the x and y labels from the first row of data if they aren't already set
  if(is.na(xlabel)) {
    doseKind <- ifelse(is.null(curveData$doseKind[1]) || is.na(curveData$doseKind[1]),'Dose',as.character(curveData$doseKind[1]))
    doseUnits <- ifelse(is.null(curveData$doseUnits[1]) || is.na(curveData$doseUnits[1]),'',paste0(" (",as.character(curveData$doseUnits[1]),")"))
    xlabel <- paste0(doseKind, doseUnits)
  if(is.na(ylabel)) {
    respKind <- ifelse(is.null(curveData$responseKind[1]) || is.na(curveData$responseKind[1]),'Response',as.character(curveData$responseKind[1]))
    respUnits <- ifelse(is.null(curveData$responseUnits[1]) || is.na(curveData$responseUnits[1]),'',paste0(" (",as.character(curveData$responseUnits[1]),")"))
    # Hack to work around the fact we replace "Response" -> "efficacy" when saving dose response data
    if(respKind == "efficacy") {
      respKind <- "Response"
    ylabel <- paste0(respKind, respUnits)
  # Determine if overlay
  overlay <- FALSE
  if(nrow(params) > 1) {
    overlay <- TRUE
  drawPoints <- TRUE
  if(!is.null(plotPoints) && !is.na(plotPoints) ) {
    drawPoints <- plotPoints
  } else {
    drawPoints <- !overlay || racas::applicationSettings$server.curveRender.plotPointsOnOverlay

  #Yay Pythagoras
  defaultDiagonal <- sqrt(formals(plotCurve)$height^2+formals(plotCurve)$width^2)
  scaleFactor <- sqrt(height^2+width^2)/defaultDiagonal
  scaleFactor <- max(scaleFactor, 0.7)
  #Assign Colors
  add.alpha <- function(col, alpha=1){
      stop("Please provide a vector of colours.")
    apply(sapply(col, col2rgb)/255, 2, 
            rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], alpha=alpha))  
  if(is.null(plotColors) | length(plotColors) == 0) {
    plotColors <- "black"
    if(!is.null(racas::applicationSettings$server.curveRender.plotColors) && racas::applicationSettings$server.curveRender.usePlotColorsByDefault) {
      plotColors <- trimws(strsplit(racas::applicationSettings$server.curveRender.plotColors,",")[[1]])

  if(is.na(mostRecentCurveColor)) {
    if(!is.null(racas::applicationSettings$server.curveRender.mostRecentCurveColor) && racas::applicationSettings$server.curveRender.mostRecentCurveColor != "") {
      mostRecentCurveColor <- trimws(racas::applicationSettings$server.curveRender.mostRecentCurveColor)
  if("recordedDate" %in% names(params)) {
    params <- params[order(params$recordedDate, decreasing = TRUE),]
  if(!"color" %in% names(params)) {
    if(nrow(params) > 1 && !is.na(mostRecentCurveColor)) {
      params$color <- mostRecentCurveColor
      params[2:nrow(params), ]$color <- rep_len(plotColors,nrow(params)-1)
    } else {
      params$color <- rep_len(plotColors,nrow(params))
  #     params$color <- grDevices::cm.colors(nrow(params), alpha = 1)
  plotColorsAlpha <- add.alpha(params$color, alpha=0.3)
  curveData$color <- params$color[match(curveData$curveId,params$curveId)] 
  curveData$coloralpha <- plotColorsAlpha[match(curveData$curveId,params$curveId)] 
  #Add shapes
  if(addShapes) {
    pchs <- 1:24
    pchs <- rep(pchs[-c(4)],100, replace = TRUE)
    params$pch <- pchs[1:nrow(params)]
    curveData$pch <- params$pch[match(curveData$curveId,params$curveId)]
  # If we are plotting in log space then we need to make sure that log dose are not 0
  # If modZero is passed in as TRUE then we will make sure all 0 doses are scaled back
  # one log back from the lowest non-zero dose
  if(modZero && drawPoints) {
    curveData <- modify_or_remove_zero_dose_points(curveData, logDose)
  if(!drawPointsForRejectedCurve && drawPoints) {
    rejectedCurveIds <-  params$curveId[params$userFlagStatus == "rejected" && params$algorithmFlagStatus != "no fit"]
    curveData <- subset(curveData, !curveId %in% rejectedCurveIds)
  ##Seperate Flagged and good points for plotting different point shapes..etc.
  if(drawPoints) {
    flaggedPoints <- filterFlaggedPoints(curveData,  returnGood = FALSE)
    goodPoints <- filterFlaggedPoints(curveData, returnGood = TRUE)

  ##Calculate Means and SDs
  if(drawPoints && nrow(goodPoints) > 0) {
    sds <- aggregate(goodPoints$response,list(dose=goodPoints$dose,curveId=goodPoints$curveId, color = goodPoints$color), sd)
    names(sds)[ncol(sds)] <- "sd"
    means <- aggregate(goodPoints$response,list(dose=goodPoints$dose,curveId=goodPoints$curveId, color = goodPoints$color), mean)
    names(means)[ncol(means)] <- "mean"
  ###Begin Drawing the Plot
  if(!is.na(outFile)) {
    png(file = outFile, height = height, width = width)
  originalMargins <- par("mar")
  originalBg <- par("bg")
  plotError <- function(error) {
    if(!is.na(outFile)) {
      png(file = outFile)
    par(mar = originalMargins, bg = originalBg)
    plot(-1:1, -1:1, type = "n", xlab = NA, ylab = NA, axes = FALSE)
    #Axes and Labels require extra margins
    #TODO: make this a bit nicer, right now there is probably too much padding in the margins when label is on
    #par(mar=c(2.1,3,0.1,0.1)) #Set margin to east to fit legend
    margins <- defaultMargins
    if(labelAxes) {
      margins[c(1,2)] <- defaultMargins[c(1,2)] + 4
    } else {
      if(showAxes) {
        marginAdd <- c()
        if("x" %in% axes) {
          marginAdd <- 1
        if("y" %in% axes) {
          marginAdd <- c(marginAdd,2)
        margins[marginAdd] <- defaultMargins[marginAdd] + 2
    par(mar = margins, bg = bg)
    #Determine which axes will require log scale plotting
    plotLog <- paste0(ifelse(logDose, "x", ""),ifelse(logResponse, "y", ""))
    getDrawValues <- function(params) {
      paramNames <- params$renderingOptions[[1]]$paramNames
      reportedValueColumns <- match(paramNames, names(params))
      reportedValueColumns <- reportedValueColumns[!is.na(reportedValueColumns)]
      reportedValues <- sapply(params[,reportedValueColumns], as.numeric)
      if(length(reportedValues) > 0) reportedValues <- reportedValues[sapply(reportedValues, function(x) !any(is.na(x)))] 
      if(length(paramNames) == 1) {
        reportedValues <- data.frame(reportedValues)
        names(reportedValues) <- paramNames
      tmp <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=1, ncol=length(paramNames))) 
      names(tmp) <- paramNames
      tmp[1,match(names(reportedValues), paramNames)] <- reportedValues
      fittedColumnNames <- tolower(gsub(" ", "", paste0("fitted",paramNames)))
      fittedValueColumns <- match(fittedColumnNames,gsub(" ", "", tolower(names(params))))
      fittedValueColumns <- fittedValueColumns[!is.na(fittedValueColumns)]
      if(length(fittedValueColumns) > 0) {
        fittedValues <-  params[,fittedValueColumns]
        fittedValues <- fittedValues[sapply(fittedValues, function(x) !any(is.na(x)))] 
        tmp[1,match(tolower(names(fittedValues)),fittedColumnNames)] <- fittedValues
      tmp$renderingOptions <- params$renderingOptions
    #Determine axes ranges
    plot_limits <- get_plot_window(curveData, logDose = logDose, logResponse = logResponse, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax)
    xrn <- plot_limits[c(1,3)]
    yrn <- plot_limits[c(4,2)]
    if(is.na(curveXrn[1])) {
      curveXrn[1] <- xrn[1]
    if(length(curveXrn) == 1 | is.na(curveXrn[2])) {
      curveXrn[2] <- xrn[2]
    #Curve Drawing Function
    extractCurveData <- function(cid) {
      flagged <- !is.na(params[cid,]$userFlagStatus) && params[cid,]$userFlagStatus == "rejected" && params[cid,]$algorithmFlagStatus != "no fit"
      curveID <- params$curveId[cid]
      curveParams <- subset(params, params$curveId == curveID)
      color <- curveParams$color
      curveData <- NULL
      if(drawFlagged == FALSE && is.na(flagged) || !flagged) {
        drawValues <- getDrawValues(params = params[cid,])
        for(i in 1:ncol(drawValues)) {
          assign(names(drawValues)[i], drawValues[,i])
        fct <- eval(parse(text=paste0('function(x) ', renderingOptions[[1]]$fct)))
        curveData <- getCurveRangeData(fct, from = curveXrn[1], to = curveXrn[2], log = plotLog)
      return(list(curveID=curveID, curveData=curveData, color=color))
    # getCurveData 
    curveData <- lapply(1:length(params$curveId), extractCurveData)
    curveDataDT <- rbindlist(Map(function(x) x$curveData, curveData))
    #Determine axes ranges
    if(!drawPoints && nrow(curveDataDT) > 0) {
      curveDataDT <- setnames(curveDataDT, c('dose','response'))
      plot_limits <- get_plot_window(as.data.frame(curveDataDT), logDose = logDose, logResponse = logResponse, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax)
    xrn <- plot_limits[c(1,3)]
    yrn <- plot_limits[c(4,2)]

    #First Plot Good Points so we that can see the flagged points if they are overlayed
    plotPoints <- function(yrn, pts, ...) {
      if(!plotMeans) {
        #TODO: what if plotMeans but also plotPoints? deal with that later
        plot(pts$dose, pts$response, log = plotLog, col = pts$color, pch = pts$pch, xlim = xrn, ylim = yrn, xaxt = "n", family = "sans", axes = FALSE, ylab = "", xlab = "", cex = 1*scaleFactor, ...)
      } else {
        plot(means$dose, means$mean, log = plotLog, col = means$color, xlim = xrn, ylim = yrn, xaxt = "n", family = "sans", axes = FALSE, ylab = "", xlab = "", cex = 1*scaleFactor, ...)
      if(drawStdDevs) {
        plotCI(x=pts$dose,y=pts$response, uiw=pts$standardDeviation, col = pts$color, add=TRUE,err="y",pch=NA)

    #Draw Legend if specified
    if(drawPoints && nrow(goodPoints) > 0) {
      plotPoints(yrn = yrn, goodPoints)
    } else {
      plot.window(xrn,yrn, log = plotLog)

    if(showLegend) {
      #par(xpd=TRUE) # allows legends to be printed outside plot area
      #legendYPosition <- 10 ^ par("usr")[2]
      #legendXPosition <- par("usr")[4]
      legendDF <- data.frame(color = params$color, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      if(is.null(params$name)) {
        legendDF$text <- params$curveId
      } else {
        legendDF$text <- params$name
      legendDF <- unique(legendDF)
      legendPCH <- params$pch
      legendLineWidth <- 1
      leg <- legend("topright",legend = legendDF$text, col = legendDF$color, lty = legendLineWidth, pch = legendPCH, cex=0.7*scaleFactor, box.lwd = 0)
      if(drawPoints) {
        if(nrow(goodPoints) > 0) {
          plotPoints(yrn = c(yrn[1], yrn[2] + leg$rect$h), goodPoints)
        } else {
          plotPoints(yrn = c(yrn[1], yrn[2] + leg$rect$h), flaggedPoints)
      leg <- legend("topright",legend = legendDF$text, col = legendDF$color, lty = legendLineWidth, pch = legendPCH, cex=0.7*scaleFactor, box.lwd = 0)
    #If grid, then add grid
    if(showGrid) {
      grid(lwd = 1.7*scaleFactor)
    if(drawPoints && exists("means")) {
      cids <- unique(means$curveId)
      for(c in 1:length(cids)) {
        connectPoints <- params[c,]$renderingOptions[[1]]$connectPoints
        if(!is.na(connectPoints) && connectPoints) {
          cid <- cids[c]
          lineData <- subset(means, means$curveId == cid)
          lines(x = lineData$dose, y = lineData$mean, col = lineData$color, pch = 4, lty = 'dotted', lwd = 1.2*scaleFactor)
    #Now Plot Flagged Points
    if(drawPoints && nrow(flaggedPoints) > 0) {
      points(x = flaggedPoints$dose, y = flaggedPoints$response, col = flaggedPoints$coloralpha, pch = 4)
    #Draw Error Bars and Means

    #Actually Draw Curves
    if(drawCurve) {
      null <- lapply(curveData,function(x) lines(x = x$curveData$x, y = x$curveData$y, type = "l", col = x$color, lwd = curveLwd*scaleFactor))
    ##DO axes and Grid
    if(showAxes) {
      if("x" %in% axes) {
        if(logDose) {
          xTickRange <- par("xaxp")[1:2]
          log10Range <- log10(abs(xTickRange[2]/xTickRange[1]))+1
          major.ticks <- unlist(lapply(1:log10Range,ten <- function(x) {xTickRange[1]*10^(x-1)}))
          intervals <- c(major.ticks/10,major.ticks[-1],major.ticks*10)
          minor.ticks <- 1:9 * rep(intervals / 10, each = 9)
          axis(1, at= minor.ticks, tcl = -0.5, labels = FALSE, tcl=par("tcl")*0.7) 
        } else {
      if("y" %in% axes) {
        if(logResponse) {
          yTickRange <- par("yaxp")[1:2]
          log10Range <- log10(abs(yTickRange[2]/yTickRange[1]))+1
          major.ticks <- unlist(lapply(1:log10Range,ten <- function(x) {yTickRange[1]*10^(x-1)}))
          intervals <- c(major.ticks/10,major.ticks[-1],major.ticks*10)
          minor.ticks <- 1:9 * rep(intervals / 10, each = 9)
          axis(2, at= minor.ticks, tcl = -0.5, labels = FALSE, tcl=par("tcl")*0.7) 
        } else {
    ##If only one curve then draw ac50 lines
    #Get coordinates to draw lines through curve at AC50
    if(nrow(params) == 1) {
      drawValues <- getDrawValues(params = params[1,])
      for(i in 1:ncol(drawValues)) {
        assign(names(drawValues)[i], drawValues[,i])
      drawIntercept <- renderingOptions[[1]]$drawIntercept

      # Check to see if we have a valid intercept value and if so then draw the line
      if(!is.na(drawIntercept) && drawIntercept %in% names(params) && !is.na(as.numeric(params[,drawIntercept]))) {
        drawValues <- getDrawValues(params = params[1,])
        for(i in 1:ncol(drawValues)) {
          assign(names(drawValues)[i], drawValues[,i])
        fitFunction <- renderingOptions[[1]]$fct
        fct <- eval(parse(text=paste0('function(x) ', fitFunction)))
        curveIntercept <- fct(as.numeric(params[,drawIntercept]))
        ylin <- c()
        ylin$x <- c(params[,drawIntercept], params[,drawIntercept])
        ylin$y <- c(par("usr")[3],curveIntercept)
        xlin <- c()
        if(logDose) {
          xlin$x <- c(0.0000000000000001,params[,drawIntercept])
        } else {
          xlin$x <- c(par("usr")[1],params[,drawIntercept])
        xlin$y <- c(curveIntercept,curveIntercept)
        #Draw AC50 Lines
        if(!is.NULLorNA(params$operator)) {
          col <- '#ff0000'
        } else {
          col <- '#808080'
        lines(ylin,lty = 2, lwd = 2.0*scaleFactor,col= col)
        lines(xlin, lty = 2, lwd = 2.0*scaleFactor,col= col)
    if(labelAxes) {
      title(xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
  }, error = plotError)

is.NULLorNA <- function(value) {
  if(is.null(value)) return(TRUE)

modify_or_remove_zero_dose_points <- function(points, logDose) {
  # Users upload datapoints with dose = 0.0.
  # This function removes those points and replaces them with the
  # lowest non-zero concentration minus the difference between the lowest non-zero concentration and the next highest concentration)
  points <- as.data.table(points)
  setkey(points, dose)
  # Only applies to 0 dose points
  points[dose==0, dose := rep(
      # For the entire dataset
      # Unique the doses and pick the 2 lowest non zero does and calculate their difference
      # Then subtract that difference from the lowest non zero dose and return it
      # Sets all 0 doses to this value
      points[ , {
        doses <- unique(dose)
        if(length(doses) > 2) {
          values <- unique(doses)[2:3]
          # If we are doing log dose, then we need to take the log of the values to determine their difference in log space
          if(logDose) {
            answer <- 10^(log10(values[1]) - (log10(values[2])-log10(values[1])))
          } else {
            answer <- values[1] - (values[2] - values[1])
        } else {
          # If we have only 1 dose (not including 0) then just return 0
          # because we can't calculate the difference
          answer <- 0
    , .N)]

get_curve_curator_url <- function(curveid, ...) {
  experimentCode <- query(paste0("SELECT e.code_name
                                 FROM experiment e
                                 JOIN experiment_analysisgroup eag ON e.id = eag.experiment_id
                                 JOIN analysis_group ag ON ag.id = eag.analysis_group_id
                                 JOIN analysis_group_state ags on ags.analysis_group_id=ag.id
                                 JOIN analysis_group_value agv on agv.analysis_state_id=ags.id
                                 WHERE agv.string_value = ",sqliz(curveid),"
                                 AND agv.ls_kind        = 'curve id'"),...)
  url <- paste(getSSLString(), applicationSettings$client.host, ":",
               sep = "") 
api_get_curve_curator_url <- function(curveid, inTable, ...) {
  if(is.null(inTable) || as.logical(inTable) == TRUE || length(curveid) != 1) {
    return(list(shouldRedirect = FALSE, url = ""))
  } else {
    url <- get_curve_curator_url(curveid, ...)
    return(list(shouldRedirect = TRUE, url = url))
get_rendering_hint_options <- function(renderingHint = NA) {
  renderingOptions <- switch(renderingHint,
                             "4 parameter D-R" = list(fct = LL4, paramNames = c("ec50", "min", "max", "slope"), drawIntercept = "ec50"),
                             "4 parameter D-R IC50" = list(fct = LL4IC50, paramNames = c("ic50", "min", "max", "slope"), drawIntercept = "ic50"),
                             "4 parameter D-R IC50/DMax" = list(fct = LL4IC50, paramNames = c("ic50", "min", "max", "slope"), drawIntercept = "ic50"),
                             "Ki Fit" = list(fct = OneSiteKi, paramNames = c("ki", "min", "max", "kd", "ligandConc"),drawIntercept = "ki" ),
                             "Michaelis-Menten" = list(fct = MM2, paramNames = c("km", "vmax"),drawIntercept =  NA),
                             "Substrate Inhibition" = list(fct = substrateInhibitionEq, paramNames = c("vmax", "km", "ki"),drawIntercept =  NA),
                               modelFitClasses <- rbindlist(fromJSON(applicationSettings$client.curvefit.modelfitparameter.classes), fill = TRUE)
                               source(file.path(applicationSettings$appHome,modelFitClasses[code==renderingHint]$RSource), local = TRUE)
                               if(exists('renderingOptions')) {
                               } else {
                                 list(fct = NA, paramNames = NA, drawIntercept = NA)
  modelFitClasses <- fromJSON(applicationSettings$client.curvefit.modelfitparameter.classes)
  modelClass <- Filter(f = function(x) x$code == renderingHint, x=modelFitClasses)[[1]]
  if("renderOptions" %in% names(modelClass)) {
    renderingHintConfigs <- as.list(modelClass$renderOptions)
    renderingOptions <- combine.lists(renderingOptions, renderingHintConfigs)
  if(!"connectPoints" %in% names(renderingOptions) || is.na(renderingOptions$connectPoints)) {
    renderingOptions$connectPoints <- FALSE
  if("goodnessOfFit" %in% names(modelClass)) {
    renderingOptions$goodnessOfFit <- as.list(modelClass$goodnessOfFit)

parse_params_curve_render_dr <- function(getParams = GET, postParams = NA) {

  # If postParams are passed in then override the get params with the post params
  # POST is used when there are too many curves to be rendered in a URL (url gets too long)
  if(!is.na(postParams)) getParams <- combine.lists(getParams, postParams)
  # Get data
  if(is.null(getParams$ymin)) {
    yMin <- NA
  } else {
    yMin <- as.numeric(getParams$ymin)
  if(!is.null(getParams$yNormMin)) {
    yMin <- as.numeric(getParams$yNormMin)
  if(is.null(getParams$ymax)) {
    yMax <- NA
  } else {
    yMax <- as.numeric(getParams$ymax)
  if(!is.null(getParams$yNormMax)) {
    yMax <- as.numeric(getParams$yNormMax)
  if(is.null(getParams$xmin)) {
    xMin <- NA
  } else {
    xMin <- as.numeric(getParams$xmin)
  if(!is.null(getParams$xNormMin)) {
    xMin <- as.numeric(getParams$xNormMin)
  if(is.null(getParams$xmax)) {
    xMax <- NA
  } else {
    xMax <- as.numeric(getParams$xmax)
  if(!is.null(getParams$xNormMax)) {
    xMax <- as.numeric(getParams$xNormMax)
  if(is.null(getParams$height)) {
    height <- 500
  } else {
    height <- as.numeric(getParams$height)
  if(!is.null(getParams$cellHeight)) {
    height <- as.numeric(getParams$cellHeight)
  if(is.null(getParams$width)) {
    width <- 700
  } else {
    width <- as.numeric(getParams$width)
  if(!is.null(getParams$cellWidth)) {
    width <- as.numeric(getParams$cellWidth)
  if(is.null(getParams$inTable)) {
    inTable <- FALSE
  } else {
    inTable <- as.logical(getParams$inTable)
  if(is.null(getParams$showAxes)) {
    showAxes <- TRUE
  } else {
    showAxes <- as.logical(getParams$showAxes)
  if(is.null(getParams$axes)) {
    axes <- c("x","y")
  } else {
    axes <- if(length(getParams$axes) == 1) strsplit(getParams$axes, ",")[[1]]
  if(is.null(getParams$showGrid)) {
    showGrid <- !inTable
  } else {
    showGrid <- as.logical(getParams$showGrid)
  if(is.null(getParams$labelAxes)) {
    labelAxes <- !inTable
  } else {
    labelAxes <- as.logical(getParams$labelAxes)
  if(is.null(getParams$legend)) {
    legend <- !inTable
  } else {
    legend <- as.logical(getParams$legend)
  if(is.null(getParams$plotPoints)) {
    plotPoints <- !inTable
  } else {
    plotPoints <- as.logical(getParams$plotPoints)
  if(is.null(getParams$curveIds)) {
    stop("curveIds not provided, provide curveIds")
  } else {
    curveIds <- getParams$curveIds
    if(length(curveIds) == 1) {
      curveIdsStrings <- strsplit(curveIds,",")[[1]]
      curveIds <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(curveIds))
      if(is.na(curveIds)) {
        curveIds <- curveIdsStrings
  if(is.null(getParams$plotColors)) {
    plotColors <-  c()
  } else {
    plotColors <- getParams$plotColors
    if(length(plotColors) == 1) plotColors <- strsplit(plotColors,",")[[1]]
  if(is.null(getParams$mostRecentCurveColor)) {
    mostRecentCurveColor <- NA
  } else {
    mostRecentCurveColor <- getParams$mostRecentCurveColor
  if(is.null(getParams$curveLwd)) {
    curveLwd <- NA
  } else {
    curveLwd <- getParams$curveLwd
  if(is.null(getParams$colorBy)) {
    colorBy <- NA
  } else {
    colorBy <- getParams$colorBy
  if(is.null(getParams$logDose)) {
    logDose <- NA
  } else {
    logDose <- as.logical(getParams$logDose)
  if(is.null(getParams$logResponse)) {
    logResponse <- NA
  } else {
    logResponse <- as.logical(getParams$logResponse)
  if(is.null(getParams$logResponse)) {
    logResponse <- NA
  } else {
    logResponse <- as.logical(getParams$logResponse)
  if(is.null(getParams$xLab)) {
    xLab <- NA
  } else {
    xLab <- getParams$xLab
  if(is.null(getParams$yLab)) {
    yLab <- NA
  } else {
    yLab <- getParams$yLab
  return(list(yMin = yMin, yMax = yMax, xMin = xMin, xMax = xMax, height = height, width = width, inTable = inTable, showAxes = showAxes, labelAxes = labelAxes, showGrid = showGrid, plotPoints = plotPoints, legend = legend, curveIds = curveIds, axes = axes, mostRecentCurveColor = mostRecentCurveColor, plotColors = plotColors, curveLwd=curveLwd, colorBy = colorBy, logDose = logDose, logResponse = logResponse, xLab = xLab, yLab = yLab))

getCurveRangeData <- function (expr, from = NULL, to = NULL, n = 101, type = "l", xname = "x", log = NULL, xlim = NULL) {
  sexpr <- substitute(expr)
  if (is.name(sexpr)) {
    expr <- call(as.character(sexpr), as.name(xname))
  else {
    if (!((is.call(sexpr) || is.expression(sexpr)) && xname %in% 
      stop(gettextf("'expr' must be a function, or a call or an expression containing '%s'", 
                    xname), domain = NA)
    expr <- sexpr

  if (is.null(from) || is.null(to)) {
    xl <- if (!is.null(xlim)) 
    else if (!addF) {
      pu <- par("usr")[1L:2L]
      if (par("xaxs") == "r") 
        pu <- extendrange(pu, f = -1/27)
      if (par("xlog")) 
      else pu
    else c(0, 1)
    if (is.null(from)) 
      from <- xl[1L]
    if (is.null(to)) 
      to <- xl[2L]
  lg <- if (length(log)) 
  else if (!addF && par("xlog")) 
  else ""
  if (length(lg) == 0) 
    lg <- ""
  if (grepl("x", lg, fixed = TRUE)) {
    if (from <= 0 || to <= 0) 
      stop("'from' and 'to' must be > 0 with log=\"x\"")
    x <- exp(seq.int(log(from), log(to), length.out = n))
  else x <- seq.int(from, to, length.out = n)
  ll <- list(x = x)
  names(ll) <- xname
  y <- eval(expr, envir = ll, enclos = parent.frame())
  if (length(y) != length(x)) 
    stop("'expr' did not evaluate to an object of length 'n'")
  invisible(list(x = x, y = y))
mcneilco/racas documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 9:27 p.m.