
Defines functions get_protocol_curve_display_min_and_max_by_protocol get_goodness_of_fit_stats_from_fixed_parameters get_goodness_of_fit_thresholds_from_rendering_options get_curve_data get_fit_data_experiment_code get_curve_id_rendering_hint get_curve_id_state_id get_fit_data_curve_id updateFitSettings.Ki updateFitSettings.substrateInhibition updateFitSettings.MM2 updateFitSettings.LL4IC50 updateFitSettings.LL4 apply_limits.ki apply_limits.substrateInhibition apply_limits.MM2 apply_limits.LL4IC50 apply_limits.LL4 get_reported_parameters.ki get_reported_parameters.substrateInhibition get_reported_parameters.MM2 get_reported_parameters.LL4IC50DMax get_reported_parameters.LL4IC50 get_reported_parameters.LL4 categorize.substrateInhibition categorize.MM2 categorize.ki categorize.LL4IC50 categorize.LL4 update_point_flags remove_point_flags add_clob_values_to_fit_data get_entity_by_id update_point_flags get_ls_state_from_entity doseResponse_update_user_flag save_fit_data update_experiment_model_fit_html update_experiment_model_fit_parameters update_experiment_model_fit_type update_experiment_model_fit_status get_experiment_metadata_value get_experiment_model_fit_transformation get_experiment_model_fit_type get_experiment_model_fit_status get_protocol_curve_display_min_and_max_by_curve_id update_or_replace_experiment_metadata_value create_ls_kind get_ls_type save_dose_response_data create_analysis_group_values_from_fitData limitValueSizeForDB load_dose_response_test_data fit_data_to_acas_experiment_response get_goodness_of_fit_parameters_drc_object get_fit_stats_drc_object get_parameters_drc_object substrateInhibitionssfct substrateInhibition.3 ki.ssf findbe1 ki_fct ki_fct.5 get_point_stats get_drc_model apply_inactive_rules apply_parameter_rules_goodness_of_fits apply_parameter_rules_limits dose_response_fit get_cached_fit_data_curve_id get_analysis_group_id_from_curve_id curve_fit_controller_rawData_response_to_data_table curve_fit_controller_fitData_dataTable_to_fitData curve_fit_controller_fitData_response_to_data_table get_subjectgroup_values get_treatmentgroup_values get_cached_raw_data get_cached_curve_fit_parameters curve_fit_controller_getFitDataByCurveId curve_fit_controller_getRawDataByCurveId curve_fit_controller_getRawDataByExperimentIdOrCodeName curve_fit_controller_getFitDataByExperimentIdOrCodeName get_analysisgroup_values get_dose_response_values tsv_url_to_data_table get_plot_window dose_response_session get_default_fit_settings simple_to_advanced_fit_settings biphasic_detection dose_response

Documented in dose_response dose_response_session fit_data_to_acas_experiment_response simple_to_advanced_fit_settings tsv_url_to_data_table

# Flag status set on all KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG points (datapoints which are not to be used in curve rendering or fitting)
KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG <- "knocked out"

#' Fit dose response data
#' Converts a fitData object to a fitted fitData object (adds model, reported parameters...etc.)
#' @param fitSettingsJSON a fit settings json object (see examples)
#' @param fitData a fitData object to fit/refit
#' @return A fitted fitData object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Fit all the curveids in the database:
#' #get fitData
#' data("example-ec50-fitData")
#' #fitSettingsJSON
#' file <- system.file("conf", "default-ec50-fitSettings.json", package = "racas")
#' fitSettingsJSON <- readChar(file, file.info(file)$size)
#' fitSettings <- fromJSON(fitSettingsJSON)
#' #fit the data
#' fitData <- dose_response(fitSettings, fitData)
dose_response <- function(fitSettings, fitData) {
  #Extract the fit variables from json
  myFixedParameters <- fitSettings$fixedParameters
  myParameterRules <- fitSettings$parameterRules
  myInactiveRule <- fitSettings$inactiveRule
  myInverseAgonistMode <- ifelse(is.null(fitSettings$inverseAgonistMode), TRUE, fitSettings$inverseAgonistMode)
  myTheoreticalMaxMode <- ifelse(is.null(fitSettings$theoreticalMaxMode), FALSE, fitSettings$theoreticalMaxMode)
  myTheoreticalMax <- ifelse(is.null(fitSettings$theoreticalMax), NA_real_, fitSettings$theoreticalMax)
  myBiphasicRule <- fitSettings$biphasicRule
  myUserFlag <- ifelse(is.null(fitSettings$user_flag), "NA", fitSettings$user_flag)
  fitData[ , fixedParameters := list(list(myFixedParameters))]
  fitData[ , parameterRules := list(list(myParameterRules))]
  fitData[ , inactiveRule := list(list(myInactiveRule))]
  fitData[ , inverseAgonistMode := myInverseAgonistMode]
  fitData[ , biphasicRule := list(list(myBiphasicRule))]
  fitData[ , theoreticalMaxMode := myTheoreticalMaxMode]
  fitData[ , theoreticalMax := myTheoreticalMax]
  #Update all of the flags to those that are in the fitSettings json
  updateFlags <- as.data.table(fitSettings$updateFlags)
  if(nrow(updateFlags) > 0) {   
    fitData[, points := list(list(update_point_flags(points[[1]], updateFlags))) , by = curveId]
  #need to remove algorithm flags before refitting
  fitData[ , points := list(list(remove_point_flags(points[[1]], flagKindsToRemove = c("algorithm")))), by = curveId]    
  #Fit the data
  fitData <- dose_response_fit(fitData)
  #Biphasic Detection
  fitData <- biphasic_detection(fitData)
  #Applying Limits
  fitData <- fitData[1]$modelFit[[1]]$apply_limits(fitData, iterations = 20)
  #Categorize the fit data
  fitData[ , category := modelFit[[1]]$categorization_function(results.parameterRules[[1]], fitSettings[[1]], inactive[[1]], fitConverged[[1]], insufficientRange[[1]], potent[[1]], pointStats[[1]], fittedParameters[[1]], inactiveRule[[1]]), by = curveId]
  #Extract the reported Parameters
  fitData[ , reportedParameters := {
    list(list(modelFit[[1]]$get_reported_parameters(results.parameterRules[[1]], inactive[[1]], fitConverged[[1]], insufficientRange[[1]], potent[[1]], fixedParameters[[1]], fittedParameters[[1]], pointStats[[1]], goodnessOfFit.parameters[[1]], goodnessOfFit.model[[1]], algorithmFlagStatus[[1]], userFlagStatus[[1]], theoreticalMaxMode, theoreticalMax, inactiveRule[[1]])))
    , by = curveId]

biphasic_detection <- function(fitData) {
  returnCols <- copy(names(fitData))
  test_for_biphasic <- function(biphasicRule, points, pointStats, model.synced, goodnessOfFit.model, fittedParameters, category, biphasicParameterPreviousValue, testConc, continueBiphasicDetection, firstRun, fixedParameters, inactiveRule) {    
    points <- copy(points)
    if(!continueBiphasicDetection) {
      testConc <- as.numeric(NA)
      biphasicParameterPreviousValue <- as.numeric(NA)
      return(list(points = list(points), model.synced = model.synced, biphasicParameterPreviousValue = biphasicParameterPreviousValue, testConc = testConc, continueBiphasicDetection = continueBiphasicDetection))
    if(firstRun) {
      #If detect biphasic is on and the following
      # there are doses above the empirical max dose with respnoses below empirical max respnose
      # the curve is not inactive, non-converged, insufficient range or potent 
      continueBiphasicDetection <- (length(biphasicRule) > 0 && !biphasicRule$parameter %in% names(fixedParameters)) & pointStats$count.doses.withDoseAbove.doseEmpiricalMax.andResponseBelow.responseEmpiricalMax.andCanKnockout > 0 & (category == "sigmoid")
      if(!continueBiphasicDetection) {
        testConc <- as.numeric(NA)
        biphasicParameterPreviousValue <- as.numeric(NA)
        return(list(points = list(points), model.synced = model.synced, biphasicParameterPreviousValue = biphasicParameterPreviousValue, testConc = testConc, continueBiphasicDetection = continueBiphasicDetection))
      } else {
        biphasicParameterPreviousValue <- switch(biphasicRule$type,
                                                 "goodnessOfFit.percentage" =  as.numeric(goodnessOfFit.model[biphasicRule$parameter][[1]]),
                                                 "parameter.percentage" =  as.numeric(fittedParameters[biphasicRule$parameter][[1]]),
                                                 stop(paste(biphasicRule$type, "not a valid biphasic rule type"))
        testConc <- max(sort(pointStats$doses.withDoseAbove.doseEmpiricalMax.andResponseBelow.responseEmpiricalMax.andCanKnockout, decreasing = TRUE))
        points[dose == testConc, tempFlagStatus := KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG]
        model.synced <- FALSE
        continueBiphasicDetection <- TRUE
    } else {      
      stillASigmoid <- category == "sigmoid"
      if(stillASigmoid) {
        canCompareAgainstLastFit <- switch(biphasicRule$type,
                                                 "goodnessOfFit.percentage" =  is.finite(as.numeric(goodnessOfFit.model[biphasicRule$parameter][[1]])),
                                                 "parameter.percentage" =  is.finite(as.numeric(fittedParameters[biphasicRule$parameter][[1]])),
                                                 stop(paste(biphasicRule$type, "not a valid biphasic rule type"))
      } else {
        canCompareAgainstLastFit <- FALSE
      if(canCompareAgainstLastFit) {
        better <- switch(biphasicRule$type,
                                           "goodnessOfFit.percentage" =  eval(parse(text = paste('(biphasicParameterPreviousValue - goodnessOfFit.model[biphasicRule$parameter][[1]])/biphasicParameterPreviousValue',biphasicRule$operator,'biphasicRule$value'))),
                                           "parameter.percentage" =  eval(parse(text = paste('min(abs(biphasicParameterPreviousValue),abs(fittedParameters[biphasicRule$parameter][[1]]))/max(abs(biphasicParameterPreviousValue),abs(fittedParameters[biphasicRule$parameter][[1]]))', biphasicRule$operator, 'biphasicRule$value'))),
                                           stop(paste(biphasicRule$type, "not a valid biphasic rule type"))
       } else {
        better <- FALSE
      if(better) {
        biphasicParameterPreviousValue <- switch(biphasicRule$type,
                                                 "goodnessOfFit.percentage" =  as.numeric(goodnessOfFit.model[biphasicRule$parameter][[1]]),
                                                 "parameter.percentage" =  as.numeric(fittedParameters[biphasicRule$parameter][[1]]),
                                                 stop(paste(biphasicRule$type, "not a valid biphasic rule type"))
        points[dose == testConc & flagchanged == FALSE, flagchanged := TRUE]
        points[dose == testConc, algorithmFlagStatus := KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG]
        points[dose == testConc, algorithmFlagObservation := "biphasic"]
        points[dose == testConc, algorithmFlagCause := "curvefit ko"]
        points[dose == testConc, algorithmFlagComment := "Biphasic"]
        points[dose == testConc, tempFlagStatus := ""]
        if(pointStats$count.doses.withDoseAbove.doseEmpiricalMax.andResponseBelow.responseEmpiricalMax.andCanKnockout > 0) {
          testConc <- max(sort(pointStats$doses.withDoseAbove.doseEmpiricalMax.andResponseBelow.responseEmpiricalMax.andCanKnockout, decreasing = TRUE))
          points[dose == testConc, tempFlagStatus := KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG]
          model.synced <- FALSE
          continueBiphasicDetection <- TRUE
        } else {
          model.synced <- FALSE
          continueBiphasicDetection <- FALSE
      } else {
        points[dose == testConc, tempFlagStatus := ""]
        model.synced <- FALSE
        testConc <- as.numeric(NA)
        biphasicParameterPreviousValue <- as.numeric(NA)
        continueBiphasicDetection <- FALSE
        return(list(points = list(points), model.synced = model.synced, biphasicParameterPreviousValue = biphasicParameterPreviousValue, testConc = testConc, continueBiphasicDetection = continueBiphasicDetection))
    return(list(points = list(points), model.synced = model.synced, biphasicParameterPreviousValue = biphasicParameterPreviousValue, testConc = testConc, continueBiphasicDetection = continueBiphasicDetection))
  fitData[ , continueBiphasicDetection := TRUE]
  fitData[ , firstRun := TRUE]
  fitData[ , biphasicParameterPreviousValue := as.numeric(NA)]
  fitData[ ,  tempCategory := modelFit[[1]]$categorization_function(results.parameterRules[[1]], fitSettings[[1]], inactive[[1]], fitConverged[[1]], insufficientRange[[1]], potent[[1]], pointStats[[1]], fittedParameters[[1]], inactiveRule[[1]]), by = curveId]
  fitData[ , c("points","model.synced","biphasicParameterPreviousValue", "testConc", "continueBiphasicDetection") := test_for_biphasic(biphasicRule[[1]], points[[1]], pointStats[[1]], model.synced, goodnessOfFit.model[[1]], fittedParameters[[1]], tempCategory, biphasicParameterPreviousValue = biphasicParameterPreviousValue, continueBiphasicDetection = continueBiphasicDetection, firstRun = firstRun, fixedParameters = fixedParameters[[1]], inactiveRule = inactiveRule[[1]]), by = curveId]
  fitData[ , firstRun := FALSE]
  while(any(!fitData$model.synced)) {
    fitData <- dose_response_fit(fitData)  
    fitData[ ,  tempCategory := modelFit[[1]]$categorization_function(results.parameterRules[[1]], fitSettings[[1]], inactive[[1]], fitConverged[[1]], insufficientRange[[1]], potent[[1]], pointStats[[1]], fittedParameters[[1]], inactiveRule[[1]]), by = curveId]
    fitData[ , c("points","model.synced","biphasicParameterPreviousValue", "testConc", "continueBiphasicDetection") := test_for_biphasic(biphasicRule[[1]], 
                                                                                                                                         firstRun), by = curveId]
  return(fitData[, returnCols, with = FALSE])

#' Convert a simple dose response request to an advanced dose response request
#' Reads the default fit settings for the given model hint and updates it based on the simple request
#' @param simpleSettings a list object of simple fit settings
#' @param renderingHint a character string to identify the dose response model to fit
#' @return an advanced fit settings list object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("docs", "example-simple-fitsettings-ll4.json", package = "racas")
#' simpleSettingsJSON <- readChar(file, file.info(file)$size)
#' simpleSettings <- fromJSON(simpleSettingsJSON)
#' simple_to_advanced_fit_settings(simpleSettings)
simple_to_advanced_fit_settings <- function(defaultFitSettings, simpleSettings, update_function, updateFlags = NULL) {
  modifiedSettings <- defaultFitSettings
  if(!is.null(simpleSettings$smartMode) && simpleSettings$smartMode) {
    if(!is.null(simpleSettings$inactiveThreshold) && simpleSettings$inactiveThresholdMode) {
      modifiedSettings$inactiveRule$value <- simpleSettings$inactiveThreshold    
      if(!is.null(simpleSettings$baseline)) {
        modifiedSettings$inactiveRule$baseline <- simpleSettings$baseline
    } else {
      modifiedSettings$inactiveRule <- list()    
    if(!is.null(simpleSettings$theoreticalMaxMode) && simpleSettings$theoreticalMaxMode) {
      modifiedSettings$theoreticalMaxMode <- TRUE
      modifiedSettings$theoreticalMax <- simpleSettings$theoreticalMax
    } else {
      modifiedSettings$theoreticalMaxMode <- FALSE   
      modifiedSettings$theoreticalMax <- NA   
    modifiedSettings$inverseAgonistMode <- simpleSettings$inverseAgonistMode
    if(!is.null(simpleSettings$biphasicRule)) {
      modifiedSettings$biphasicRule <- simpleSettings$biphasicRule
  } else {
    modifiedSettings$biphasicRule <- list()
    modifiedSettings$inactiveRule <- list()
    modifiedSettings$parameterRules$goodnessOfFits <- list()
    modifiedSettings$parameterRules$limits <- list()
  if(!is.null(simpleSettings$userFlagStatus)) {
    modifiedSettings$userFlagStatus <- simpleSettings$userFlagStatus
  modifiedSettings <- update_function(modifiedSettings,simpleSettings)
  if(!is.null(updateFlags)) {
    modifiedSettings$updateFlags <- as.data.table(updateFlags)

get_default_fit_settings <- function(renderingHint) {
  file <- system.file("conf", switch(renderingHint,
                                     "4 parameter D-R" = "default-ec50-fitSettings.json",
                                     "4 parameter D-R IC50" = "default-ic50-fitSettings.json",
                                     "Michaelis-Menten" = "default-km-fitSettings.json",
                                     "Substrate Inhibition" = "default-substrateInhibition-fitSettings.json",
                                     "Ki Fit" = "default-ki-fitSettings.json",
                                     stop("renderingHint \'", renderingHint,"\' does not have a default fit settings json object")), package = "racas")
  defaultRequest <- readChar(file, file.info(file)$size)
  defaultRequest <- fromJSON(defaultRequest)

#' Fit dose response data
#' Converts a character vector of curveids, character sessionsID or data.table fitData object to a fitted fitData object, 
#' saves the fitData object to either a new session or back to the session provided and then returns 
#' a json representation of the fitted fitData object with the savedSessionID
#' @param fitSettings a fit settings list object (see examples)
#' @param curveids a character list of curveids
#' @param sessionID a path to a curve fit session
#' @param fitData a fidData object to refit
#' @param simpleFitSettings a list of simplefitsettings to attach to the fitData object
#' @return A list object with a fitted fitData object and sessionID
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Fit all the curveids in the database:
#' #get curveids
#' curveids <- as.character(query("select curveid from api_curve_params")[[1]])
#' #fitSettings
#' file <- system.file("conf", "default-ec50-fitSettings.json", package = "racas")
#' fitSettingsJSON <- readChar(file, file.info(file)$size)
#' fitSettings <- fromJSON(fitSettingsJSON)
#' #fit the data
#' system.time(response <- get_fit_data_experiment_code(fitSettings, curveids = curveids))
dose_response_session <- function(fitSettings, curveids = NA, sessionID = NA, fitData = NA, simpleFitSettings = NULL, flagUser = NULL, user = NULL, modelFit = NULL, ...) {
  if(all(is.na(c(curveids, sessionID, fitData)))) stop("Must provide curveids or sessionID or fitData, all are NA")
  if(class(curveids) == "character") {
    fitData <- get_fit_data_curve(curveids)
  if(!is.na(sessionID)) {
    fitSettings_new <- fitSettings
    sessionID_new <- sessionID
    simpleFitSettings_new <- simpleFitSettings
    modelFit_new <- modelFit
    flagUser_new <- flagUser
    fitSettings <- fitSettings_new
    sessionID <- sessionID_new
    simpleFitSettings <- simpleFitSettings_new
    flagUser <- flagUser_new    
    modelFit <- modelFit_new    
    rm(fitSettings_new,sessionID_new, simpleFitSettings_new, flagUser_new, modelFit_new)
    if(exists("fitData")) {
      fitData[, model.synced := FALSE]      
    } else {
      stop("fitData object does not exist in session, are you sure this was a fit session?")
  if(any(class(fitData) == "data.table")) {
    if(!is.null(fitData$simpleFitSettings)) {
      fitData[ , simpleFitSettings := NULL]
    fitData[ , simpleFitSettings := toJSON(simpleFitSettings)]
    if(!is.null(flagUser)) {
      fitData[ , userFlagStatus := flagUser]
    if(!is.null(fitData$modelFit)) {
      fitData[ , modelFit := NULL]
    if(!is.null(modelFit)) {
      fitData[ , modelFit := list(list(modelFit))]
    fitData <- dose_response(fitSettings, fitData) 
  } else {
    stop("fitData not a data.table")
  if(is.na(sessionID)) {
    sessionID <- saveSession()
  } else {
    sessionID <- saveSession(sessionID)
  return(list(fitData = fitData, sessionID = sessionID))

get_plot_window <- function(pts, logDose = TRUE, logResponse = FALSE, ymin = NA, ymax = NA, xmin = NA, xmax = NA){
  if(nrow(pts)==0) {
  } else {
    if(logDose) {
      maxDose <- max(pts$dose[pts$dose > 0])
      minDose <- min(pts$dose[pts$dose > 0])
    } else {
      maxDose <- max(pts$dose)
      minDose <- min(pts$dose)
    if(logResponse) {
      maxResponse <- max(pts$response[pts$response > 0])
      minResponse <- min(pts$response[pts$response > 0])
    } else {
      maxResponse <- max(pts$response)
      minResponse <- min(pts$response)
    responseRange <- abs(maxResponse-minResponse)
    doseRange <- abs(maxDose-minDose)
    if(is.na(ymin)) {
      if(logResponse) {
        ymin <- 10^(log10(minResponse) - 0.5)        
      } else {
        if(responseRange != 0) {
          ymin <- (minResponse - 0.10*responseRange)
        } else {
          ymin <- pretty(maxResponse)[1]
    if(is.na(ymax)) {
      if(logResponse) {
        ymax <- 10^(log10(maxResponse) + 0.5)        
      } else {
        if(responseRange != 0) {
          ymax <- (maxResponse + 0.10*responseRange)
        } else {
          ymax <- maxResponse + (maxResponse - pretty(maxResponse)[1])
    if(is.na(xmax)) {
      if(doseRange == 0) {
        xmax <- maxDose + (maxDose - pretty(maxDose)[1])
      } else {
        if(logDose) {
          xmax <- 10^(log10(maxDose) + 0.5)        
        } else {
          xmax <- maxDose + abs(0.1 * doseRange)
    if(is.na(xmin)) {
      if(doseRange == 0) {
        xmin <- pretty(minDose)[1]
      } else {
        if(logDose) {
          xmin <- 10^(log10(minDose) - 0.5)        
        } else {
          xmin <- minDose - abs(0.1 * doseRange)
#' tsv service url to data.table
#' Calls a tsv service and returns a data.table of results
#' @param url a url encoded string that calls a service that returns a tsv
#' @param type simple (uses data.table's fread which is fast but can't handle embedded html or tab seperated values) or complex (uses read.csv which is slower but can handle embeded tables .etc.)
#' @return a data.table result
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # AG values for dose response have complex results
#' url <- "http://host4.labsynch.com:8080/acas/api/v1/experiments/EXPT-00000408/agvalues/bystate/data/Dose%20Response/tsv"
#' tsv_url_to_data_table(url, "complex")
#' Subject values fo rdose response have simple results
#' url <- "http://host4.labsynch.com:8080/acas/api/v1/experiments/EXPT-00000408/subjectvalues/bystate/data/results/tsv"
#' tsv_url_to_data_table(url, "simple")
tsv_url_to_data_table <- function(url, type = c("simple", "complex"), ...) {
  myMessenger <- messenger()
  type <- match.arg(type)
  response <- getURL(url)
  if(type == "simple") {
    tsv_data_table <- suppressWarnings(fread(response, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
  if(type == "complex") {
    con <- textConnection(response)
    tsv_data_frame <- read.csv(con, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    tsv_data_table <- as.data.table(tsv_data_frame)
  tsv_data_table[ ,ignored := as.logical(ignored)]
  tsv_data_table[ ,publicData := as.logical(publicData)]
get_dose_response_values <- function(id, type = c("analysisgroupvalues", "treatmentgroupvalues", "subjectgroupvalues"), by = c("experiment", "analysisgroup")) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  by <- match.arg(by)
  typeRoute <- switch(type,
                      "analysisgroupvalues" = list("/agvalues/bystate/data/dose response/tsv"),
                      "treatmentgroupvalues" = list("/tgvalues/bystate/data/results/tsv"),
                      "subjectgroupvalues" = list("/subjectvalues/bystate/data/results/tsv", "/subjectvalues/bystate/data/test compound treatment/tsv")
  outputType <- switch(type,
                       "analysisgroupvalues" = "complex",
                       "treatmentgroupvalues" = "simple",
                       "subjectgroupvalues" = "simple"
  byRoute <- switch(by,
                    experiment = "experiments/",
                    analysisgroup = "analysisgroups/"
  urls <- lapply(paste0(racas::applicationSettings$client.service.persistence.fullpath, byRoute, id, typeRoute), URLencode)
  values <- lapply(urls, tsv_url_to_data_table, type = outputType)
  values <- rbindlist(values)

get_analysisgroup_values <- function(experimentID, analysisGroupID) {
  myMessenger <- messenger()
  if(missing(experimentID)) {
    ag_values <- get_dose_response_values(analysisGroupID, type = "analysisgroupvalues", by = "analysisgroup")
  } else {
    ag_values <- get_dose_response_values(experimentID, type = "analysisgroupvalues", by = "experiment")    
curve_fit_controller_getFitDataByExperimentIdOrCodeName <- function(experiment, modelFitType, format = "tsv") {
  url <- URLencode(paste0(racas::applicationSettings$client.service.persistence.fullpath,"curvefit/fitdata?format=",format,"&experiment=",experiment,"&modelFitType=",modelFitType))
  myMessenger <- messenger()  
  myMessenger$logger$debug(paste0("calling fit data service url: ", url))
  response <- getURL(url)
curve_fit_controller_getRawDataByExperimentIdOrCodeName <- function(experiment, format = "tsv", rawResultsPersistencePath = 'curvefit/rawdata', transformation = NULL) {
  if(is.null(transformation)) {
    transformation <- "efficacy"
  if(is.null(rawResultsPersistencePath) | length(rawResultsPersistencePath) == 0) {
    rawResultsPersistencePath <- 'curvefit/rawdata'
  url <- URLencode(paste0(racas::applicationSettings$client.service.persistence.fullpath, rawResultsPersistencePath,"?format=",format,"&experiment=",experiment,"&response=",transformation))
  myMessenger <- messenger()  
  myMessenger$logger$debug(paste0("calling raw data service url: ", url))
  response <- getURL(url)
curve_fit_controller_getRawDataByCurveId <- function(curveids, format = "tsv", rawResultsPersistencePath = 'curvefit/rawdata', transformation = NULL) {
  if(is.null(transformation)) {
    transformation <- "efficacy"
  if(is.null(rawResultsPersistencePath) | length(rawResultsPersistencePath) == 0) {
    rawResultsPersistencePath <- 'curvefit/rawdata'
  curveids <- as.list(unlist(curveids))
  response <- getURL(
    URLencode(paste0(racas::applicationSettings$client.service.persistence.fullpath, rawResultsPersistencePath,"?format=", format, "&response=",transformation)),
curve_fit_controller_getFitDataByCurveId <- function(curveids, format = "tsv") {
  curveids <- as.list(unlist(curveids))
  response <- getURL(
    URLencode(paste0(racas::applicationSettings$client.service.persistence.fullpath, "curvefit/fitdata?format=",format)),
get_cached_curve_fit_parameters <- function(curveids, ...) {
  curveids <- as.list(unlist(curveids))
  qu <- "select codekind,
                from api_curve_params_m where curveId in (REPLACEME)"
  curve_params <- rbindlist(query_replace_string_with_values(qu, string = "REPLACEME", curveids, 
  if(nrow(curve_params) == 0) {
    stop("got 0 results from api_curve_params_m table query for the following curvids: ", paste0(curveids, collapse = ","))
  setnames(curve_params, tolower(names(curve_params)))
  codeColumns <- c("algorithm flag status", "user flag status", "batch code")
  stringColumns <- c("Rendering Hint", "category")
  noneNumericColumns <- c(codeColumns,stringColumns)
  parameterDBNames <- c("EC50", "Min", "Max", "Slope","Fitted EC50", "Fitted Min", "Fitted Max", "Fitted Slope")
  kiDBNames <- c("Ki", "Min", "Max", "Fitted Kd", "Fitted Ligand Conc","Fitted Ki", "Fitted Min", "Fitted Max")
  stringValues <- curve_params[lskind %in% stringColumns,]
  if(nrow(stringValues) > 0) {
    dt1 <- dcast.data.table(stringValues, "curveid+recordeddate ~ lskind", value.var = "stringvalue")
  } else {
    dt1 <- data.table(curveid = curve_params$curveid)
    dt1[ , c(stringColumns) := as.character(NA)]
  curvesWithRenderingHints <- which(!is.na(dt1$"Rendering Hint"))
  if(length(curvesWithRenderingHints) > 0) {
    modelFitType <- dt1[min(curvesWithRenderingHints)]$"Rendering Hint"
  } else {
    modelFitType <- "4 parameter D-R"
  if(modelFitType == "4 parameter D-R abs slope") modelFitType <- "4 parameter D-R"
  numericValues <- curve_params[!lskind %in% noneNumericColumns,]
  if(nrow(numericValues) > 0) {
    dt2 <- dcast.data.table(numericValues, "curveid+curvedisplaymin+curvedisplaymax ~ lskind", value.var = "numericvalue")    
  } else {
    dt2 <- data.table(curveid = curve_params$curveid, recordeddate = curve_params$recordeddate)
    paramNames <- switch(modelFitType,
                         "4 parameter D-R" = parameterDBNames,
                         "Ki Fit" = kiDBNames)
    dt2[ , c("curvedisplaymin", "curvedisplaymax", paramNames) := as.numeric(NA)]
  codeValues <- curve_params[lskind %in% codeColumns,]
  if(nrow(codeValues) > 0) {
    dt3 <- dcast.data.table(codeValues, "curveid ~ lskind", value.var = "codevalue", fill = "")
  } else {
    dt3 <- data.table(curveid = curve_params$curveid)
    dt3[ , c(codeColumns) := as.character(NA)]
  setkey(dt1, "curveid")
  setkey(dt2, "curveid")
  setkey(dt3, "curveid")
  parameters <- dt1[dt2][dt3]
  parameters[ , "Rendering Hint" := modelFitType]
  flagAndRenderingColumnNames <- c("Rendering Hint", "user flag status", "algorithm flag status")
  parameters[ , flagAndRenderingColumnNames[!flagAndRenderingColumnNames %in% names(parameters)] := ""]
  for (j in flagAndRenderingColumnNames)
    setnames(parameters, c("Rendering Hint", "user flag status", "algorithm flag status"), c("renderingHint", "userFlagStatus", "algorithmFlagStatus"))
    renderingParameters <- switch(modelFitType,
                                "4 parameter D-R" = list(value = "EC50", names = data.frame(renderNames = c("ec50", "min", "max", "slope", "fittedec50", "fittedmin", "fittedmax", "fittedslope"), dbNames = parameterDBNames, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)),
                                "Ki Fit" = list(value = "Ki", names = data.frame(renderNames = c("ki", "min", "max", "fittedKd", "fittedLigandConc", "fittedki", "fittedmin", "fittedmax"), dbNames = kiDBNames, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
  namesExist <- renderingParameters$names$dbNames %in% names(parameters)
  setnames(parameters, renderingParameters$names$dbNames[namesExist], renderingParameters$names$renderNames[namesExist])
  operator <- curve_params[lskind == renderingParameters$value, c('curveid', 'operatorkind'), with = FALSE]
  if(nrow(operator) > 0) {
    setnames(operator, "operatorkind", "operator")
    setkey(operator, "curveid")  
    parameters <- parameters[operator]
  } else {
    parameters[ , c("operator", "operatorkind") := as.character(NA)]
  setnames(parameters, "curveid", "curveId")  
  setnames(parameters, "recordeddate", "recordedDate")  
get_cached_raw_data <- function(curveids, ...) {
  curveids <- as.list(unlist(curveids))
  points <- rbindlist(query_replace_string_with_values("select curveid, dose, doseUnits, response, responsekind, responseUnits, userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus, preprocessFlagStatus
                                                             from api_dose_response_m where curveid in (REPLACEME)", string = "REPLACEME", curveids, 
  setnames(points, c('curveId', 'dose', 'doseUnits', 'response', 'responseType', 'responseUnits', 'userFlagStatus', 'algorithmFlagStatus', 'preprocessFlagStatus'))
  points[ is.na(userFlagStatus), userFlagStatus := ""]
  points[ is.na(algorithmFlagStatus), algorithmFlagStatus := ""]
  points[ is.na(preprocessFlagStatus), preprocessFlagStatus := ""]
  points[ is.na(responseUnits), responseUnits := ""]
  points[ is.na(doseUnits), doseUnits := ""]
  points[ , tempFlagStatus := ""]
get_treatmentgroup_values <- function(experimentID, analysisGroupID) {
  myMessenger <- messenger()
  if(missing(experimentID)) {
    tg_values <- get_dose_response_values(analysisGroupID, type = "treatmentgroupvalues", by = "analysisgroup")
  } else {
    tg_values <- get_dose_response_values(experimentID, type = "treatmentgroupvalues", by = "experiment")    
get_subjectgroup_values <- function(experimentID, analysisGroupID) {
  myMessenger <- messenger()
  if(missing(experimentID)) {
    tg_values <- get_dose_response_values(analysisGroupID, type = "subjectgroupvalues", by = "analysisgroup")
  } else {
    tg_values <- get_dose_response_values(experimentID, type = "subjectgroupvalues", by = "experiment")    
curve_fit_controller_fitData_response_to_data_table <- function(curveFitControllerFitDataResponse, modelFitType = NA) {
  if(is.na(modelFitType)) {
    modelFitTypes <- fread(curveFitControllerFitDataResponse, select = "renderingHint")
    curvesWithRenderingHints <- which(!is.na(modelFitTypes$renderingHint))
    if(length(curvesWithRenderingHints) > 0) {
      modelFitType <- modelFitTypes[min(curvesWithRenderingHints)]$renderingHint
    } else {
      modelFitType <- "4 parameter D-R"
  fitData <- switch(modelFitType,
                    "4 parameter D-R" = fread(curveFitControllerFitDataResponse,   colClasses = c(curveId = "character",
                                                                                                  analysisGroupCode = "integer",
                                                                                                  recordedBy = "character",
                                                                                                  recordedDate = "character",
                                                                                                  batchCode = "character",
                                                                                                  category = "character",
                                                                                                  renderingHint = "character",
                                                                                                  min = "numeric",
                                                                                                  max = "numeric",
                                                                                                  ec50 = "numeric",
                                                                                                  minUnits = "character",
                                                                                                  maxUnits = "character",
                                                                                                  ec50Units = "character",
                                                                                                  slope = "numeric",
                                                                                                  fittedMin = "numeric",
                                                                                                  fittedMax = "numeric",
                                                                                                  fittedEC50 = "numeric",
                                                                                                  fittedSlope = "numeric",
                                                                                                  sse = "numeric",
                                                                                                  sst = "numeric",
                                                                                                  rsquared = "numeric",
                                                                                                  curveErrorsClob = "character",
                                                                                                  reportedValuesClob = "character",
                                                                                                  parameterStdErrorsClob = "character",
                                                                                                  fitSettings = "character",
                                                                                                  fitSummaryClob = "character",
                                                                                                  userFlagStatus = "character",
                                                                                                  algorithmFlagStatus = "character"
                    ), sep = "\t"),
                    "Ki Fit" = fread(curveFitControllerFitDataResponse,   colClasses = c(curveId = "character",
                                                                                         analysisGroupCode = "integer",
                                                                                         recordedBy = "character",
                                                                                         batchCode = "character",
                                                                                         category = "character",
                                                                                         renderingHint = "character",
                                                                                         min = "numeric",
                                                                                         max = "numeric",
                                                                                         ki = "numeric",
                                                                                         minUnits = "character",
                                                                                         maxUnits = "character",
                                                                                         kiUnits = "character",
                                                                                         fittedMin = "numeric",
                                                                                         fittedMax = "numeric",
                                                                                         fittedKi = "numeric",
                                                                                         ligandConc = "numeric",
                                                                                         kd = "numeric",
                                                                                         sse = "numeric",
                                                                                         sst = "numeric",
                                                                                         rsquared = "numeric",
                                                                                         curveErrorsClob = "character",
                                                                                         reportedValuesClob = "character",
                                                                                         parameterStdErrorsClob = "character",
                                                                                         fitSettings = "character",
                                                                                         fitSummaryClob = "character",
                                                                                         userFlagStatus = "character",
                                                                                         algorithmFlagStatus = "character"
                    ), sep = "\t")
  fitData[ , recordedDate := as.Date(recordedDate)]
  #Set all renderingHints to the thesame modelFitType as we can only render/or fit one curve class at a time
  fitData[ ,renderingHint := modelFitType]
  setkey(fitData, "curveId")
curve_fit_controller_fitData_dataTable_to_fitData <- function(serviceDataTable) {
  #Parameters Rules
  serviceDataTable[ , c("parameterRules", "inactiveRule", "fixedParameters", "inverseAgonistMode", "biphasicRule") := list(list(list(goodnessOfFits = list(), limits = list())),
  serviceDataTable[!exists("userFlagStatus") || is.na(userFlagStatus), userFlagStatus := ""]
  serviceDataTable[!exists("algorithmFlagStatus") || is.na(algorithmFlagStatus), algorithmFlagStatus := ""]
  serviceDataTable[ , model.synced := FALSE]
curve_fit_controller_rawData_response_to_data_table <- function(curveFitControllerRawDataResponse) {
  rawData <- fread(curveFitControllerRawDataResponse,   colClasses = c(curveId = "character",
                                                                       responseSubjectValueId = "integer",
                                                                       dose = "numeric",
                                                                       doseUnits = "character",
                                                                       response = "numeric",
                                                                       responseUnits = "character",
                                                                       algorithmFlagStatus = "character",
                                                                       algorithmFlagObservation = "character",
                                                                       algorithmFlagCause = "character",
                                                                       algorithmFlagComment = "character",
                                                                       preprocessFlagStatus = "character",
                                                                       preprocessFlagObservation = "character",
                                                                       preprocessFlagCause = "character",
                                                                       preprocessFlagComment = "character",
                                                                       userFlagStatus = "character",
                                                                       userFlagObservation = "character",
                                                                       userFlagCause = "character",
                                                                       userFlagComment = "character"
  setkey(rawData, "curveId")
get_analysis_group_id_from_curve_id <- function(curveID) {
  analyisGroupIDOfCurveID <- query(paste0("select ags.analysis_group_id 
                                          from analysis_group_state ags 
                                          join analysis_group_value agv 
                                          on agv.analysis_state_id=ags.id where agv.string_value = ", sqliz(curveID)))
get_cached_fit_data_curve_id <- function(curveids, full_object = TRUE, ...) {
  parameters <- get_cached_curve_fit_parameters(curveids, ...)
  if(full_object == TRUE) {
    points <- get_cached_raw_data(curveids, ...)
  return(list(parameters = parameters, points = points))

dose_response_fit <- function(fitData, refit = FALSE, ...) {
  fitDataNames <- names(fitData)
  # Get Point Stats and Inactive, Insufficient Range and Potent Categories
  fitData[ model.synced == FALSE, pointStats := list(list(get_point_stats(points[[1]], theoreticalMaxMode, theoreticalMax))), by = curveId]
  fitData[ model.synced == FALSE, c("inactive", "insufficientRange", "potent") := apply_inactive_rules(pointStats[[1]],points[[1]], inactiveRule[[1]], inverseAgonistMode), by = curveId]
  # Fit the model
  fitData[model.synced == FALSE, model := list(model = list(get_drc_model(points[[1]], drcFunction = modelFit[[1]]$drc_function, paramNames = modelFit[[1]]$paramNames, fixed = fixedParameters[[1]]))), by = curveId]
  # Extract model paramaeters and fit heuristics
  fitData[ model.synced == FALSE, fitConverged := ifelse(unlist(lapply(model, is.null)), FALSE, model[[1]]$fit$convergence), by = curveId]
  fitData[ model.synced == FALSE, c("fittedParameters", "goodnessOfFit.model", "goodnessOfFit.parameters") := {
    list(fittedParameters = list(get_parameters_drc_object(model[[1]])),
         goodnessOfFit.model = list(get_fit_stats_drc_object(model[[1]], points[[1]])),
         goodnessOfFit.parameters = list(get_goodness_of_fit_parameters_drc_object(model[[1]]))
    , by = curveId]
  fitData[ model.synced == FALSE, results.parameterRules := list(list(list(goodnessOfFits = apply_parameter_rules_goodness_of_fits(goodnessOfFit.parameters[[1]], parameterRules[[1]]$goodnessOfFits),
                                                                           limits = apply_parameter_rules_limits(fittedParameters[[1]],pointStats[[1]], parameterRules[[1]]$limits)
  ))), by = curveId]
  fitData[ model.synced == FALSE, algorithmFlagStatus := ifelse(!pointStats[[1]]$dose.count < 2 && (fitConverged | inactive | insufficientRange | potent), as.character(""), "no fit"), by = curveId]

  # Return the fitData object
  returnCols <- unique(c(fitDataNames, "model", "fitConverged", "pointStats", "fittedParameters", "goodnessOfFit.model", "goodnessOfFit.parameters", "results.parameterRules", "inactive", "insufficientRange", "potent"))
  fitData[ model.synced == FALSE, model.synced := TRUE]
  return(fitData[, returnCols, with = FALSE])

apply_parameter_rules_limits <- function(fittedParameters, pointStats, rules) {
  if(is.null(fittedParameters)) return(NULL)
  if(is.null(pointStats)) return(NULL)
  answer <- lapply(seq_along(rules), function(x) {
    rule <- rules[[x]]
    ruleName <- names(rules[x])
    reference <- rule$reference
    parameter <- rule$parameter
    type <- rule$type
    value <- rule$value
    operator <- rule$operator
    if(is.null(fittedParameters[parameter][[1]])) return(NULL)
    fail <- switch(type,
                   "logReference" = eval(parse( text = paste('fittedParameters[parameter]',operator,'10^(log10(pointStats[reference][[1]]) + value)'))),
                   "threshold" = eval(parse( text = paste('fittedParameters[parameter]',operator,'value'))),
                   "%" = eval(parse( text = paste('fittedParameters[parameter]',operator,'(pointStats[reference][[1]] + pointStats[reference][[1]]*(value/100))'))),
    if(fail) {
  }  )

apply_parameter_rules_goodness_of_fits <- function(goodnessOfFit.parameters, rules) {
  if(is.null(goodnessOfFit.parameters)) return(NULL)
  answer <- lapply(seq_along(rules), function(x) {
    rule <- rules[[x]]
    ruleName <- names(rules[x])
    parameter <- rule$parameter
    heuristic <- rule$type
    value <- rule$value
    operator <- rule$operator
    column <- paste0(parameter,".",heuristic)
    if(is.null(goodnessOfFit.parameters[column][[1]])) return(NULL)
    fitValue <- goodnessOfFit.parameters[column][[1]]
    if(!is.finite(fitValue)) {
      fail <- TRUE
    } else {
      fail <- eval(parse( text = paste('goodnessOfFit.parameters[paste0(parameter,".",heuristic)]',operator,'value')))
    if(fail) {

apply_inactive_rules <- function(pointStats, points, rule, inverseAgonistMode) {
  if(is.null(pointStats)) return(list(inactive = FALSE, insufficientRange = FALSE, potent = FALSE))
  if(is.null(points)) return(list(inactive = FALSE, insufficientRange = FALSE, potent = FALSE))
  if(pointStats$dose.count < 2) return(list(inactive = FALSE, insufficientRange = FALSE, potent = FALSE))
  if(length(rule) > 0) {
    threshold <- rule$value
    if(!is.null(rule$baseline) && !is.null(rule$baseline$value)) {
      baseline <- rule$baseline$value
    } else {
      baseline <- 0
    mockControls <- ifelse(is.null(rule$mockControls), FALSE, rule$mockControls)
    if(mockControls) {
      response.empiricalMin <- pointStats$response.empiricalMin
      response.empiricalMax <- pointStats$response.empiricalMax
      threshold <- threshold * abs(min(response.empiricalMin) - max(response.empiricalMax))
    means <- points[ userFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & preprocessFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & algorithmFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & tempFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG, list("dose" = dose, "mean.response" = mean(response)), by = dose]
    numDoses <- nrow(means)
    #inverseAgonistMode = FALSE = inverse agonists are inactive
    if(!inverseAgonistMode) {
      # Points must be greater than the baseline + the inactive threshold
      dosesAboveThreshold <- eval(parse(text = paste0('length(which((means$mean.response-baseline)',rule$operator,' threshold))')))
      inverseAgonist <- coefficients(lm(dose ~ mean.response, means))[[2]] < 0
    } else {
      dosesAboveThreshold <- eval(parse(text = paste0('length(which(abs(baseline-means$mean.response) ',rule$operator,' threshold))')))
    potent <- dosesAboveThreshold == numDoses
    inactive <- (dosesAboveThreshold < rule$activeDoses) || ifelse(inverseAgonistMode, FALSE, inverseAgonist && !potent)
    insufficientRange <- abs(pointStats$response.empiricalMax - pointStats$response.empiricalMin) < threshold
  } else {
    inactive <- FALSE
    insufficientRange <- FALSE
    potent <- FALSE
  return(list(inactive = inactive, insufficientRange = insufficientRange, potent = potent))  

get_drc_model <- function(dataSet, drcFunction = drc::LL.4, subs = NA, paramNames = eval(formals(drcFunction)$names), fixed, robust = "mean") {
  fixedParams <- data.frame(matrix(NA,1,length(paramNames)))
  names(fixedParams) <- paramNames
  fixed[unlist(lapply(fixed, is.null))] <- NULL
  matches <- match(paramNames, names(fixed), nomatch= FALSE)
  fixedParams[which(matches != 0)] <- fixed[matches]
  fixed <- unlist(fixedParams)
  fct <- drcFunction(fixed=fixed, names=paramNames)
  if(!"weight" %in% names(dataSet)) {
    dataSet$weight <- 1
  drcObj <- NULL
    drcObj <- drc::drm(formula = response ~ dose, data = dataSet, weights = dataSet$weight, subset = userFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & preprocessFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & algorithmFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & tempFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG, robust=robust, fct = fct, control = drc::drmc(errorm=TRUE))
  }, error = function(ex) {
    #Turned of printing of error message because shiny was printing to the browser because of a bug

get_point_stats <- function(pts, theoreticalMaxMode, theoreticalMax) {
  myMessenger <- messenger()
  pts <- copy(pts)
  pts[ , knockedOut := userFlagStatus==KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG | preprocessFlagStatus==KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG | algorithmFlagStatus==KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG | tempFlagStatus!=""]
  pts[, meanByDose := as.numeric(NA)]
  pts[ knockedOut == FALSE, meanByDose := mean(response), by = dose ]
  dose.count <- nrow(pts[ knockedOut == FALSE, .N, by = dose])
  response.empiricalMax <- pts[ knockedOut == FALSE, max(meanByDose)]
  response.empiricalMin <- pts[ knockedOut == FALSE, min(meanByDose)]
  dose.min <- min(pts[knockedOut == FALSE, ]$dose)
  dose.max <- max(pts[knockedOut == FALSE, ]$dose)
  dose.empiricalMaxResponse <- pts[(knockedOut == FALSE) &  meanByDose == response.empiricalMax, min(dose)]
  dose.empiricalMinResponse <- pts[(knockedOut == FALSE) &  meanByDose == response.empiricalMin, min(dose)]
  doses.withDoseAbove.doseEmpiricalMax.andResponseBelow.responseEmpiricalMax.andCanKnockout <- pts[(knockedOut == FALSE) & (algorithmFlagStatus != "hit") & dose > dose.empiricalMaxResponse & meanByDose < response.empiricalMax, unique(dose)]
  count.doses.withDoseAbove.doseEmpiricalMax.andResponseBelow.responseEmpiricalMax.andCanKnockout <- length(doses.withDoseAbove.doseEmpiricalMax.andResponseBelow.responseEmpiricalMax.andCanKnockout)
  doses.withDoseBelow.doseEmpiricalMin.andResponseAbove.responseEmpiricalMin.andCanKnockout <- pts[(knockedOut == FALSE) & (algorithmFlagStatus != "hit") & dose < dose.empiricalMinResponse & meanByDose > response.empiricalMin, unique(dose)]
  count.doses.withDoseBelow.doseEmpiricalMin.andResponseAbove.responseEmpiricalMin.andCanKnockout <- length(doses.withDoseBelow.doseEmpiricalMin.andResponseAbove.responseEmpiricalMin.andCanKnockout)
  myMessenger$logger$debug("About to set stats")
  stats <- list(dose.count = dose.count,
       dose.unit = unique(pts$doseUnits),
       response.unit = unique(pts$responseUnits),
       response.empiricalMax = response.empiricalMax, 
       response.empiricalMin = response.empiricalMin, 
       dose.min = dose.min, 
       dose.max = dose.max, 
       pts = pts, 
       doses.withDoseAbove.doseEmpiricalMax.andResponseBelow.responseEmpiricalMax.andCanKnockout = doses.withDoseAbove.doseEmpiricalMax.andResponseBelow.responseEmpiricalMax.andCanKnockout, 
       doses.withDoseBelow.doseEmpiricalMin.andResponseAbove.responseEmpiricalMin.andCanKnockout = doses.withDoseBelow.doseEmpiricalMin.andResponseAbove.responseEmpiricalMin.andCanKnockout,
       count.doses.withDoseAbove.doseEmpiricalMax.andResponseBelow.responseEmpiricalMax.andCanKnockout = count.doses.withDoseAbove.doseEmpiricalMax.andResponseBelow.responseEmpiricalMax.andCanKnockout,
       count.doses.withDoseBelow.doseEmpiricalMin.andResponseAbove.responseEmpiricalMin.andCanKnockout = count.doses.withDoseBelow.doseEmpiricalMin.andResponseAbove.responseEmpiricalMin.andCanKnockout)
  myMessenger$logger$debug("Just finished set stats")
  if (!is.na(theoreticalMaxMode)) {
    if (theoreticalMaxMode) {
      #TODO does this work?
      myMessenger$logger$debug(paste0("Theoretical max: ", theoreticalMax))
      dose.lowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax <- min(pts[knockedOut == FALSE & meanByDose>theoreticalMax/2.0, ]$dose)
      if(!is.finite(dose.lowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax)) {
        dose.lowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax <- dose.max
      myMessenger$logger$debug(paste0("Theoretical max dose.lowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax: ", dose.lowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax))
      dose.doseBelowLowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax <- max(pts[ knockedOut == FALSE & dose < dose.lowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax, ]$dose)
      if(!is.finite(dose.doseBelowLowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax)) {
        dose.doseBelowLowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax <- dose.min
      myMessenger$logger$debug(paste0("Theoretical max dose.doseBelowLowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax: ", dose.doseBelowLowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax))
      stats$dose.lowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax <- dose.lowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax
      stats$dose.doseBelowLowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax <- dose.doseBelowLowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax
      dose.lowestDoseBelowHalfTheoMax <- min(pts[knockedOut == FALSE & meanByDose<theoreticalMax/2.0, ]$dose)
      if(!is.finite(dose.lowestDoseBelowHalfTheoMax)) {
        dose.lowestDoseBelowHalfTheoMax <- dose.max
      myMessenger$logger$debug(paste0("Theoretical max dose.lowestDoseBelowHalfTheoMax: ", dose.lowestDoseBelowHalfTheoMax))
      dose.doseBelowLowestDoseBelowHalfTheoMax <- max(pts[ knockedOut == FALSE & dose < dose.lowestDoseBelowHalfTheoMax, ]$dose)
      if(!is.finite(dose.doseBelowLowestDoseBelowHalfTheoMax)) {
        dose.doseBelowLowestDoseBelowHalfTheoMax <- dose.min
      myMessenger$logger$debug(paste0("Theoretical max dose.doseBelowLowestDoseBelowHalfTheoMax: ", dose.doseBelowLowestDoseBelowHalfTheoMax))
      stats$dose.lowestDoseBelowHalfTheoMax <- dose.lowestDoseBelowHalfTheoMax
      stats$dose.doseBelowLowestDoseBelowHalfTheoMax <- dose.doseBelowLowestDoseBelowHalfTheoMax
  return( stats )

ki_fct.5 <- function(fixed = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), names = c("b", "c", "d", "e", "f")) {
  numParm <- 5
  if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names) == numParm)) {
    stop("Not correct names argument")
  if (!(length(fixed) == numParm)) {
    stop("Not correct length of 'fixed' argument")
  return(ki_fct(fixed = fixed, names = names)) 
ki_fct <- function(fixed = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), names = c("b", "c", "d", "e", "f"), method = c("1"), ssfct = NULL, fctName, fctText)  {
  method <- "1"
  numParm <- 5
  if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names) == numParm)) {
    stop("Not correct 'names' argument")
  if (!(length(fixed) == numParm)) {
    stop("Not correct 'fixed' argument")
  notFixed <- is.na(fixed)
  parmVec <- rep(0, numParm)
  parmVec[!notFixed] <- fixed[!notFixed]
  fct <- function(dose, parm) 
    parmMat <- matrix(parmVec, nrow(parm), numParm, byrow = TRUE)
    parmMat[, notFixed] <- parm
    cParm <- parmMat[, 2]
    #Bottom + (Top-Bottom)/(1+10^(X-log(10^logKi*(1+HotNM/HotKdNM))))
    #Max + (Min - Max)/(1+10^(X-log(10^logKi*(1+ligandConc/Kd))))
    #c("min", "max", "ki", "ligandConc", "kd")
    #cParm + (parmMat[,1]-cParm)/(1+10^(log10(dose)-log10(parmMat[,3]*(1+parmMat[,4]/parmMat[,5]))))  
    #Max + (Min - Max)/(1+10^(X-log(10^logKi*(1+ligandConc/Kd))))    
    x  <- log10(dose) #Convert log
    cParm + (parmMat[,1]-cParm)/(1+10^(x-log10(10^parmMat[,3]*(1+parmMat[,4]/parmMat[,5]))))
  retFct <- function(doseScaling, respScaling) {
    fct <- function(dose, parm) {
      parmMat <- matrix(parmVec/c(respScaling, respScaling, doseScaling), nrow(parm), numParm, byrow = TRUE)
      parmMat[, notFixed] <- parm
      cParm <- parmMat[, 2]
      cParm + (parmMat[,1] - cParm)/(1+10^(log10(dose)-log10(parmMat[,3]*(1+parmMat[,4]/parmMat[,5]))))      
  scaleFct <- function(doseScaling, respScaling) {        
    c(respScaling, respScaling, doseScaling, 1)[notFixed]
  if (!is.null(ssfct)) {
    ssfct <- ssfct
  } else {
    ssfct <- ki.ssf(fixed)
  names <- names[notFixed]
  lowerAs <- drc:::pickParm(parmVec, notFixed, 2)
  upperAs <- drc:::pickParm(parmVec, notFixed, 3)
  monoton <- drc:::monoParm(parmVec, notFixed, 1, -1)
  returnList <- list(fct = fct, 
                     ssfct = ssfct, 
                     names = names, 
#                      scaleFct = scaleFct, 
                     name = ifelse(missing(fctName),as.character(match.call()[[1]]), fctName), 
                     text = ifelse(missing(fctText), "Ki Fct (Ki as parameter)  *note Ki estimate below is in log base 10", fctText), 
                     noParm = sum(is.na(fixed)), 
                     lowerAs = lowerAs, 
                     upperAs = upperAs, 
                     monoton = monoton, 
                     modelFitType = "Ki Fit",
#                   retFct = retFct, 
                     fixed = fixed)
findbe1 <- function(doseTr, respTr, sgnb = 1, back = exp) {
  function(x, y, cVal, Val) {
    lmFit <- lm(respTr(y, cVal, dVal) ~ doseTr(x))
    coefVec <- coef(lmFit)
    bVal <- sgnb * coefVec[2]        
    eVal <- back(-coefVec[1] / (sgnb * bVal))
ki.ssf <- function(fixed, useFixed = FALSE) {
  ## Defining helper functions (used below)
  ytrans <- function(y, bVal, cVal) {log((cVal - y)/(y - bVal))}
  xfct <- function(x, y, bVal, cVal, dVal) {ytrans(y, bVal, cVal) / log(x / dVal)}
  #    efct <- function(x, y, bVal, cVal, dVal) {x * (((dVal - y) / (y - cVal))^(-1 / bVal))}
  dfct <- function(x, y, xVal, bVal, cVal) {x * exp(-ytrans(y, bVal, cVal)/xVal)}
  ## Assigning function for finding initial b and e parameter values    
  findbe1 <- function(doseTr, respTr, sgnb = 1, back = exp) {
    function(x, y, bVal, cVal) {
      lmFit <- lm(respTr(y, bVal, cVal) ~ doseTr(x))
      coefVec <- coef(lmFit)
      bVal <- sgnb * coefVec[2]      
      eVal <- back(-coefVec[1] / (sgnb * bVal))
  finde <- findbe1(function(x) {rVec <- log(x); rVec[!x>0 | !is.finite(x)] <- NA; rVec}, ytrans)
  function(dframe) {
    ncoldf <- ncol(dframe)
    x <- dframe[, 1]        
    y <- dframe[, ncoldf]
    ## Finding initial values for c and d parameters
    findbc <- function (x, y, scaleInc = 0.001) {
      yRange <- range(y)
      lenyRange <- scaleInc * diff(yRange)
      c(yRange[1] - lenyRange, yRange[2] + lenyRange)
    bcVal <- findbc(x, y)
    bVal <- bcVal[1]
    cVal <- bcVal[2]
    ## Finding initial values for b and e parameters    
    eVal <- finde(x, y, bcVal[1], bcVal[2])
    predicts <- c(bcVal, log10(eVal[1]))[is.na(fixed)]
substrateInhibition.3 <- function(fixed = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), names = c("vmax", "km", "ki")) {
  numParm <- 3
  notFixed <- is.na(fixed)
  parmVec <- rep(0, numParm)
  parmVec[!notFixed] <- fixed[!notFixed]
  fct <- function(dose, parm) 
    parmMat <- matrix(parmVec, nrow(parm), numParm, byrow = TRUE)
    parmMat[, notFixed] <- parm
    cParm <- parmMat[, 2]
    x  <- dose
    (parmMat[, 1] * x)/(parmMat[, 2] + x * (1+(x/parmMat[,3])))
  ssfct <- substrateInhibitionssfct(fixed)
  names <- names[notFixed]
  # lowerAs <- drc:::pickParm(parmVec, notFixed, 1)
  # upperAs <- drc:::pickParm(parmVec, notFixed, 2)
  # monoton <- drc:::monoParm(parmVec, notFixed, 1, -1)
  # list(fct = fct, ssfct = ssfct, names = names, fixed = fixed)
  returnList <- list(fct = fct, 
                     ssfct = ssfct, 
                     names = names, 
                     #                      scaleFct = scaleFct, 
                     name = as.character(match.call()[[1]]), 
                     text = "Substrate Inhibition", 
                     noParm = sum(is.na(fixed)), 
                     # lowerAs = lowerAs,
                     # upperAs = upperAs,
                     # monoton = monoton,
                     #                   retFct = retFct,
                     fixed = fixed)

substrateInhibitionssfct <- function(fixed) {
  ssfct <- function(data) {
    data <- as.data.table(data)
    data <- data[x != 0 ]
    means <- data[ , list(y = mean(y)), by = x]
    setkey(means, y, x)
    michaelisMentenGuesses <- stats::getInitial(y ~ SSmicmen(x, Vm, K), data = data[data$x <= means[nrow(means)]$x,])
    vmax <- michaelisMentenGuesses[1]
    km <- michaelisMentenGuesses[2]
    ki <- means[1,]$y
    return(as.vector(c(vmax, km, ki))[is.na(fixed)])

get_parameters_drc_object <- function(drcObj = drcObject) {
  if(is.null(drcObj)) {
  #Get calculated values (only non-fixed parameters)
  fittedParameters <- as.list(coefficients(drcObj))
  names(fittedParameters) <- gsub("\\:\\(Intercept\\)","", names(fittedParameters))
  if(!is.null(drcObj$fct$modelFitType) && drcObj$fct$modelFitType == "Ki Fit") {
    fittedParameters$ki <- 10^(fittedParameters$ki)
  fixedParameters <- as.list(drcObj$fct$fixed)
  fixedParameters[is.na(fixedParameters) | names(fixedParameters) == ""] <- NULL
  parameters <- c(fittedParameters, fixedParameters)
get_fit_stats_drc_object <- function(drcObject, points) {
  if(is.null(drcObject)) return(NULL)
  SSE <- suppressWarnings(sum((residuals(drcObject))^2))
  SST <- sum((points$response-mean(points[userFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & preprocessFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & algorithmFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG & tempFlagStatus!=KNOCKED_OUT_FLAG,]$response))^2)
  rSquared <- 1-(SSE/SST)
  return(list(SSE = SSE, SST = SST, rSquared = rSquared))
get_goodness_of_fit_parameters_drc_object <- function(drcObj) {
  if(is.null(drcObj)) {
  myMatrix <- suppressWarnings(coefficients(summary(drcObj)))
  rownames(myMatrix) <- gsub("\\:\\(Intercept\\)","", rownames(myMatrix))
  stdErrors <- as.list(myMatrix[,"Std. Error"])
  tValues <- as.list(myMatrix[,"t-value"])
  pValues <- as.list(myMatrix[,"p-value"])
  names(stdErrors) <- paste0(rownames(myMatrix),".stdErr")
  names(tValues) <- paste0(rownames(myMatrix),".tValue")
  names(pValues) <- paste0(rownames(myMatrix),".pValue")
  return(c(stdErrors,tValues, pValues))

#' fitData object to json response
#' Converts a fitData object to a json response to return to the GUI
#' @param a fitData object
#' @param ... addition arguments to be passed to \code{\link{toJSON}}
#' @return A json object of the fitData and any other objects coerced to json by ... \code{\link{toJSON}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Load and example fitData object
#' data("example-ec50-fitData-fitted")
#' #FitData object plus the "cars" data to a json string
#' fit_data_to_acas_experiment_response(fitData, cars)
fit_data_to_acas_experiment_response <- function(fitData, experimentCode, transactionId = -1, status, hasWarning, errorMessages = as.character(), ...) {
  hasError <- length(errorMessages) > 0
  if(!hasError) {
    rmd <- system.file("rmd", "fitDataToResponse_acas.rmd", package="racas")
    htmlSummary <- knit2html_bug_fix(input = rmd, 
                                     options = c("base64_images", "mathjax"),
                                     template =  system.file("rmd", "fitDataToResponse_acas.html", package="racas"),
                                     stylesheet = system.file("rmd", "racas_container.css", package="racas"))
  } else {
    rmd <- system.file("rmd", "fitDataToResponse_error.rmd", package="racas")
    htmlSummary <- knit2html_bug_fix(input = rmd, 
                                     options = c("base64_images", "mathjax"),
                                     template =  system.file("rmd", "fitDataToResponse_acas.html", package="racas"),
                                     stylesheet = system.file("rmd", "racas_container.css", package="racas"))
  response <- list(
    transactionId = transactionId,
    results = list(htmlSummary = htmlSummary,
                   status = status),
    hasError = hasError,
    hasWarning = hasWarning,
    errorMessages = errorMessages

knit2html_bug_fix <- function (input, output = NULL, text = NULL, template = template, stylesheet = stylesheet, options = c()) {
  originalWD <- getwd()
  t <- tempfile(pattern = "folder")
  tfile <- tempfile(tmpdir=t)
  out <- knitr::knit(input, output = tfile, text = NULL, envir = parent.frame(), encoding = getOption("encoding"), quiet = TRUE)
  output <- markdown::markdownToHTML(file = out, template = template, stylesheet = stylesheet, options = options, fragment.only = FALSE)
  unlink(t, recursive = TRUE)

load_dose_response_test_data <- function(type = c("small.ll4","large.ll4", "explicit.ll4", "small.mm2")) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  doseResponseSELFile <- switch(type,
                                "small.ll4" = system.file("tests", "data", "doseResponse", "docs", "Example-Dose-Response-SEL-LL4.xlsx", package="racas"),
                                "explicit.ll4" = system.file("docs", "example-dose-response-ec50-explicit.xlsx", package="racas"),
                                "small.mm2" = system.file("docs", "Example-Dose-Response-SEL-KD.xlsx", package="racas"),
                                "large.ll4" = system.file("docs", "Example-Dose-Response-SEL-Large.xlsx", package="racas")
  originalWD <- getwd()
  on.exit(  setwd(originalWD))
  acasHome <- racas::applicationSettings$appHome
  selCode <- file.path(acasHome,"public","src","modules","GenericDataParser","src","server","generic_data_parser.R")
  file.copy(doseResponseSELFile,"privateUploads/", overwrite = TRUE)
  source(selCode, local = TRUE)
  request <- list(fileToParse=basename(doseResponseSELFile), dryRunMode = "false", user="bbolt")
  response <- parseGenericData(request)
  if(response$hasError) {
  if(grepl("explicit",type)) {
    wb <- XLConnect::loadWorkbook(doseResponseSELFile)
    genericDataFileDataFrame <- XLConnect::readWorksheet(wb, sheet=1, header = FALSE, dateTimeFormat="A_date_was_in_Excel_Date_format")
    metaData <- getSection(genericDataFileDataFrame, lookFor = "Experiment Meta Data", transpose = TRUE)
    experimentCode <- metaData$"Experiment Code Name"
  } else {
    experimentCode <- response$results$experimentCode
  #   file <- system.file("docs", "example-simple-fitsettings-ll4.json", package = "racas")
  #   simpleSettingsJSON <- readChar(file, file.info(file)$size)
  #   simpleSettings <- fromJSON(simpleSettingsJSON)
  #   api_doseResponse.experiment(simpleSettings, recordedBy="bbolt", experimentCode=experimentCode)

limitValueSizeForDB <- function(v, dbType = getDBType()) {
  if(dbType == "Oracle") {
    if(v >= 1e+125) {
      v <- 99.99e+124
    } else if (v <= 1e-125 && v > 0) {
      v <- 1.0e-124
    } else if (v >= -1e-125 && v < 0) {
      v <- -1.0e-124
    } else if (v <= -1e125) {
      v <- -1.0e124
  } else {
    if(v >= 1e+20) {
      v <- 9.999e+19
    } else if (v <= 1e-20 && v > 0) {
      v <- 9.999e-19
    } else if (v >= -1e-20 && v < 0) {
      v <- -9.999e-19
    } else if (v <= -1e20) {
      v <- -9.999e+19

create_analysis_group_values_from_fitData <- function(analysisGroupId, curveName, reportedParameters, fixedParameters, fittedParameters, goodnessOfFit.model, category, flag_algorithm, flag_user, batchCode, recordedBy, lsTransaction, doseUnits, responseUnits, analysisGroupCode, renderingHint, reportedValuesClob, fitSummaryClob, parameterStdErrorsClob, curveErrorsClob, simpleFitSettings, typeMap) {
  setkey(typeMap, "name")
  if(!is.null(fittedParameters)) {
    names(fittedParameters) <- typeMap$ls_kind[match(gsub(" ", "", tolower(paste0("Fitted ",names(fittedParameters)))), gsub(" ", "",tolower(typeMap$ls_kind)))]


  reportedParameters[unlist(lapply(reportedParameters, function(x) is_null_or_na(x$value)))] <- NULL
  publicAnalysisGroupValues <- c(reportedParameters, list('batch code' = list(value = batchCode, operator = NULL), 'curve id' = list(value = paste0(analysisGroupCode,"_", lsTransaction), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)))
  names(publicAnalysisGroupValues) <- typeMap$ls_kind[match(tolower(names(publicAnalysisGroupValues)),  gsub("/","",tolower(typeMap$ls_kind)))]
  privateAnalysisGroupValues <- c(fittedParameters, goodnessOfFit.model, list('curve name' = curveName)[!is.na(curveName)], list('Rendering Hint' = renderingHint), c(list(category = category), list('algorithm flag status' = flag_algorithm)[!is.na(flag_algorithm)],  list('user flag status' = flag_user)[!is.na(flag_user)], list(reportedValuesClob = reportedValuesClob), list(fitSummaryClob = fitSummaryClob), list(parameterStdErrorsClob = parameterStdErrorsClob), list(curveErrorsClob = curveErrorsClob),  list(fitSettings = simpleFitSettings)))
  privateAnalysisGroupValues[unlist(lapply(privateAnalysisGroupValues, is_null_or_na))] <- NULL
  privateAnalysisGroupValues <- lapply(privateAnalysisGroupValues, function(x) list(value = x, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL))
  reportedParametersPublic <- TRUE
  if(!is.null(racas::applicationSettings$server.curveCurator.onRejectMakeReportedValuesNonPublic) && racas::applicationSettings$server.curveCurator.onRejectMakeReportedValuesNonPublic == TRUE) {
    if(identical(flag_user, "rejected") || flag_algorithm != "") reportedParametersPublic <- FALSE
  x <- c(publicAnalysisGroupValues,privateAnalysisGroupValues)   
  public <- c(rep(reportedParametersPublic, length(publicAnalysisGroupValues)), rep(FALSE, length(privateAnalysisGroupValues)))
  dbType <- getDBType()
  values <- lapply(x, function(x) {
    if(class(x$value) %in% c("numeric","integer")) {
      x$value <-limitValueSizeForDB(x$value, dbType)
      names(x)[names(x) == "value"] <- "numeric"
    } else {
      names(x)[names(x) == "value"] <- "character"
  values <- flatten_list_to_data.table(values)
  values[ , publicData := public]
  setkey(values, name)
  setkey(typeMap, ls_kind)
  values <- values[typeMap[!is.na(lsType)], allow.cartesian = TRUE]
  currentNames <- c("numeric", "character", "name", "state_kind", "state_type")
  missing <- which(!currentNames %in% names(values))
  if(length(missing) > 0) values[ , currentNames[missing] := NA]
  values <- values[!(field=="string_value" & is.na(character))]
  values <- values[!(field=="numeric_value" & is.na(numeric))]
  setnames(values, c("numeric", "character", "name", "state_kind", "state_type"), c("numericValue", "stringValue", "lsKind", "stateKind", "stateType"))
  values[lsType == "clobValue", c("stringValue", "clobValue") := list(as.character(NA), stringValue)]
  values[lsType == "codeValue", c("stringValue", "codeValue") := list(as.character(NA), stringValue)]
  values[ , unitKind := as.character(NA)]

  ## modifying values data.table as a side effect
  ## pulling in units definded in the definition json files that are brought in via typeMap
  setValueUnits <- function(typeKind, typeUnit){
    values[lsKind == typeKind, unitKind := typeUnit]
  knownTypes <- c("dose", "response", NA)
  resultTypes <- copy(typeMap)
  resultTypes <- resultTypes[!is.na(units)]
  resultTypes <- resultTypes[ ls_kind %in% values$lsKind ]
  resultTypes[!units %in% knownTypes, if(.N > 0) setValueUnits(typeKind=ls_kind, typeUnit=units),by=c("ls_kind","units")]

  values[lsKind %in% typeMap[units=="response"]$ls_kind, unitKind := responseUnits]
  values[lsKind %in% typeMap[units=="dose"]$ls_kind, unitKind := doseUnits]
  values[ , uncertaintyType := as.character(NA)]
  if("stdErr" %in% names(values)) {
    setnames(values, "stdErr", "uncertainty")
  } else {
    values[ , uncertainty := as.numeric(NA)]
  if("operator" %in% names(values)) {
    setnames(values, "operator", "operatorKind")
  } else {
    values[ , operatorKind := as.character(NA)]
  values[!is.na(uncertainty) == TRUE, uncertaintyType := "standard error"]
  values[ , recordedBy := recordedBy]
  values[ , lsTransaction := lsTransaction]
  values[ , recordedDate := as.numeric(format(Sys.time(), "%s"))*1000]
  values[ , id := analysisGroupId]
  values[ , c("field", "i.name", "units") := NULL]
#   agValues <- prepareTableForDD(values)

save_dose_response_data <- function(fitData, recorded_by) {
  myMessenger <- messenger()
  lstrans <- createLsTransaction()$id
  myMessenger$logger$debug("organizing parameter data for save")
  fitData[ , analysisGroupValues := {
    list(list(create_analysis_group_values_from_fitData(analysisGroupId = analysisGroupId,
                                                        batchCode = batchCode[[1]],
                                                        doseUnits = as.character(points[[1]][1]$doseUnits), 
                                                        responseUnits = as.character(points[[1]][1]$responseUnits), 
                                                        analysisGroupCode = analysisGroupCode[[1]], 
                                                        renderingHint = renderingHint[[1]],
                                                        reportedValuesClob = reportedValuesClob[[1]],
                                                        fitSummaryClob = fitSummaryClob[[1]],
                                                        parameterStdErrorsClob = parameterStdErrorsClob[[1]],
                                                        curveErrorsClob = curveErrorsClob[[1]],
                                                        simpleFitSettings = simpleFitSettings[[1]],
                                                        typeMap = modelFit[[1]]$typeMap
  }, by = curveId]
  values <- rbindlist(fitData$analysisGroupValues, fill = TRUE)
  setkey(values, stateType, stateKind, id)
  agValues <- values[ , {
    values <- copy(.SD)
    lsValues <- unname(lapply(split(values, f = row.names(values)), function(x) {
      drop <- x[, which(lapply(.SD, is.na)== TRUE)]
      x <- x[ , !drop, with = FALSE]
    list(lsValues = list(lsValues), recordedBy = unique(recordedBy), lsTransaction = unique(lsTransaction), recordedDate = unique(recordedDate))
  }, by = key(values), .SDcols = names(values)[!names(values) %in% key(values)]]
  setkey(agValues, id)
  agStates <- agValues[ , {
    states <- copy(.SD)
    setnames(states, "stateType", "lsType")
    setnames(states, "stateKind", "lsKind")
    lsStates <- unname(lapply(split(states, f = row.names(states)), function(x) {
      x <- as.list(x)
      x$lsValues <- x$lsValues[[1]]
    list(lsStates = list(lsStates))
  }, by = key(agValues), .SDcols = names(agValues)[!names(agValues) %in% key(agValues)]]
  groups <- unname(lapply(split(agStates, f = row.names(agStates)), function(x) {x <- as.list(x); x$lsStates <- x$lsStates[[1]]; return(x)}))
  groupJSON <- jsonlite::toJSON(groups, force = TRUE,  auto_unbox = TRUE, na = c("null"), digits = 20)

  myMessenger$logger$debug("here is the group data")

  myMessenger$logger$debug("ignoring old curve states")
  done <- query_replace_string_with_values("update analysis_group_state set ignored='1' where id in (REPLACEME)", string = "REPLACEME", values = unlist(fitData[ , grepl("analysisStateId_",names(fitData)), with = FALSE]))
  myMessenger$logger$debug("calling service to save parameter data")
  url <- paste0(racas::applicationSettings$client.service.persistence.fullpath, "analysisgroups", "/jsonArray")
  t <-tryCatch({
    response <- putURLcheckStatus(url, postfields=groupJSON, requireJSON = TRUE)
  }, error = function(ex) {
    myMessenger$logger$info("there was an error saving parameter data")
    myMessenger$logger$info("rolling back ignore of states")
    done <- query_replace_string_with_values("update analysis_group_state set ignored='0' where id in (REPLACEME)", string = "REPLACEME", values = unlist(fitData[ , grepl("analysisStateId_",names(fitData)), with = FALSE]))
    myMessenger$logger$info("rolled back ignore of states")
    myMessenger$addUserError("There was an error saving parameter data after the fit, changes to the data were rolled back")
  myMessenger$logger$debug("organizing flag data for save")
  changedPoints <- rbindlist(fitData$points)[flagchanged == TRUE,]
  if(nrow(changedPoints) > 0)
    changedPoints[ , dto := list(list({
        "userFlagStatus"= userFlagStatus,
        "algorithmFlagStatus" = algorithmFlagStatus,
        "responseSubjectValueId" = responseSubjectValueId,
        "algorithmFlagObservation" = algorithmFlagObservation,
        "algorithmFlagCause" = algorithmFlagCause,
        "algorithmFlagComment" = algorithmFlagComment,
        "preprocessFlagStatus" = preprocessFlagStatus,
        "preprocessFlagObservation" = preprocessFlagObservation,
        "preprocessFlagCause" = preprocessFlagCause,
        "preprocessFlagComment" = preprocessFlagComment,
        "userFlagObservation" = userFlagObservation,
        "userFlagCause" = userFlagCause,
        "userFlagComment" = userFlagComment,
        "recordedBy" = recorded_by,
        lsTransaction = lstrans
    })), by = responseSubjectValueId]
    dtos <- toJSON(changedPoints$dto)
    response <- getURL(
      paste0(racas::applicationSettings$client.service.persistence.fullpath, "curvefit/flagWells"),
    if(response != "") {
  myMessenger$logger$debug("returning after save")
  return(values[lsKind == 'curve id']$stringValue)
get_ls_type <- function(valueType) {
  valueTypesList <- fromJSON(getURL(paste0(racas::applicationSettings$client.service.persistence.fullpath, "valuetypes")))
  index <- which(rbindlist(valueTypesList)$typeName==valueType)
  if(length(index) != 0) {
    ls_type <- valueTypesList[[which(rbindlist(valueTypesList)$typeName==valueType)]]
  } else {
    ls_type <- NULL
create_ls_kind <- function(lsType, kindName) {
  typeKindList <- list(kindName = kindName, lsType = lsType)
  response <- getURL(
    paste0(racas::applicationSettings$client.service.persistence.fullpath, "valuekinds/"),
update_or_replace_experiment_metadata_value <- function(experimentCode, experimentID, lsType, lsKind, value) {   
  if(length(checkValueKinds(lsKind, lsType)$goodValueKinds)==0) {
    type <- get_ls_type(lsType)
    create_ls_kind(lsType = type, kindName = lsKind)
  if(missing(experimentCode)) experimentCode <- experimentID
  url <- URLencode(paste0(racas::applicationSettings$client.service.persistence.fullpath,"values/experiment/", experimentCode,"/bystate/metadata/experiment metadata/byvalue/",lsType,"/",lsKind,"/"))
  response <- getURL(
get_protocol_curve_display_min_and_max_by_curve_id <- function(curveid) {   
  url <- URLencode(paste0(racas::applicationSettings$client.service.persistence.fullpath,"curvefit/displayminmax"))
  response <- getURL(
  if(response == "[]") {
    return(list(ymax = as.numeric(NA), ymin = as.numeric(NA)))
  } else {
    values <- jsonlite::fromJSON(response)[, c('lsKind', 'numericValue')]
    displayValues <- list(ymax = values[values$lsKind == 'curve display max',]$numericValue, ymin = values[values$lsKind == 'curve display min',]$numericValue)
    displayValues[lapply(displayValues,length) == 0] <- NA
get_experiment_model_fit_status <- function(experimentCodeOrID, ...) {
  value <- get_experiment_metadata_value(experimentCodeOrID, lsType = "codeValue", lsKind = "model fit status", ...)
get_experiment_model_fit_type <- function(experimentCodeOrID, ...) {
  value <- get_experiment_metadata_value(experimentCodeOrID, lsType = "codeValue", lsKind = "model fit type", ...)
get_experiment_model_fit_transformation <- function(experimentCodeOrID, ...) {
  value <- get_experiment_metadata_value(experimentCodeOrID, lsType = "stringValue", lsKind = "model fit transformation", ...)
get_experiment_metadata_value <- function(experimentCodeOrID, lsType, lsKind, fullValue = FALSE) {
  url <- URLencode(paste0(racas::applicationSettings$client.service.persistence.fullpath,"experiments/", experimentCodeOrID,"/exptvalues/bystate/metadata/experiment metadata/byvalue/",lsType,"/",lsKind,"/json"))  
  response <- fromJSON(getURL(url))
  if(length(response) == 0) {
    value <- NULL
  } else {
    if(fullValue) {
      value <- response[[1]]
    } else {
      value <- response[[1]][[lsType]]
update_experiment_model_fit_status <- function(experimentCodeOrID, status) {
  response <- update_or_replace_experiment_metadata_value(experimentCodeOrID, lsType = "codeValue", lsKind = "model fit status", value = status)
update_experiment_model_fit_type <- function(experimentCodeOrID, type) {
  response <- update_or_replace_experiment_metadata_value(experimentCodeOrID, lsType = "codeValue", lsKind = "model fit type", value = type)
update_experiment_model_fit_parameters <- function(experimentCodeOrID, fitParameters) {
  response <- update_or_replace_experiment_metadata_value(experimentCodeOrID, lsType = "clobValue", lsKind = "model fit parameters", value = fitParameters)
update_experiment_model_fit_html <- function(experimentCodeOrID, html) {
  response <- update_or_replace_experiment_metadata_value(experimentCodeOrID, lsType = "clobValue", lsKind = "model fit result html", value = html)

save_fit_data <- function(fitData, recordedBy, lsTransaction) {
  ignoredAnalysisGroupStates <- lapply(fitData$stateId, function(x) {
    response <- getURL(
      postfields=toJSON(list(as.list(list(id = x)))))
  fitData[ , newStates := list(list(createAnalysisGroupState(
    analysisGroup = list(id =  analysisGroupId[[1]], version = 0),
    analysisGroupValues = analysisGroupValues[[1]]$analysisGroupValues,
    recordedBy = recordedBy,
    lsType = "data",
    lsKind = "dose response",
    lsTransaction = lsTransaction    
  ))), by = curveid]
  savedAnalysisGroupStates <- saveAcasEntities(fitData$newStates, "analysisgroupstates")

doseResponse_update_user_flag <- function(fitData, userFlagStatus, recordedBy) {
  savedUserFlag <- fitData[1]$ag_values[[1]][lsKind == "flag" & stringValue == "user" & ignored == FALSE]
  curated <- nrow(savedUserFlag) > 0
  #If the the curve has not been curated
  #If the flag_user approved
  #add approved flag
  #If the flag_user rejected
  #add rejected flag & ignore reportedParameters ...etc.
  #If the curve has been curated
  #If the current flag is approved
  #If the flag_user is approved
  #do nothing
  #If the flag_user is rejected
  #ignore the old flag & add the new flag & ignore reportedParameters ...etc.
  #If the current flag is rejected
  #If the flag_user is rejected
  #do nothing
  #If the flag_user is approved
  #ignore the old flag & add the new flag & ignore reportedParameters ...etc.
  reject_curve_ag_values <- function() {
    ids_to_reject <- fitData[1]$ag_values[[1]][ignored == FALSE & (publicData == TRUE) & !lsKind %in% c("batch code","curve id") ]$id
    values_to_reject <- lapply(ids_to_reject, get_entity_by_id, "analysisgroupvalues")
    rejected_analysis_group_values <- lapply(values_to_reject, function(x) {
      x$lsType <- "stringValue"
      x$stringValue <- flagUser
      updateAcasEntity(x, "analysisgroupvalues")
    reported_parameters_clob_id <- fitData[1]$ag_values[[1]][lsKind == "reportedValuesClob"]$id
    reported_parameters_valu <- lapply(reported_parameters_clob_id, get_entity_by_id, "analysisgroupvalues")
  approve_curve_ag_values <- function() {
    idsToIgnore <- fitData[1]$ag_values[[1]][ignored == FALSE & (publicData == TRUE | lsKind %in% c("reportedValuesClob")) & !lsKind %in% c("batch code","curve id") ]$id
    valuesToIgnore <- lapply(idsToIgnore, get_entity_by_id, "analysisgroupvalues")
    ignoredAnalysisGroupValues <- lapply(valuesToIgnore, function(x) {
      x$ignored <- FALSE
      updateAcasEntity(x, "analysisgroupvalues")
  ignore_flag <- function() {
    idsToIgnore <- fitData[1]$ag_values[[1]][lsKind == "flag" & stringValue == "user"]$id
    valuesToIgnore <- lapply(idsToIgnore, get_entity_by_id, "analysisgroupvalues")
    ignoredAnalysisGroupValues <- lapply(valuesToIgnore, function(x) {
      x$ignored <- TRUE
      updateAcasEntity(x, "analysisgroupvalues")
  add_flag <- function() {
    lsTransactionID <- createLsTransaction()$id
    flag_user_state_value <- createStateValue(lsState=get_entity_by_id(fitData[1]$stateId,acasCategory="analysisgroupstates"),
                                              lsType = 'comments',
                                              lsKind = 'flag',
                                              stringValue = 'user',
                                              comments = flagUser,
                                              publicData = FALSE,
                                              recordedBy = as.character(recordedBy))
    flag_user_state_value <- saveAcasEntities(list(flag_user_state_value), "analysisgroupvalues")
  if(!curated) {
    if(flagUser == "rejected") {
  } else {
    current_flag <- savedUserFlag$comments[[1]]
           "approved" = {
                    "approved" = {
                    "rejected" = {
           "rejected" = {
                    "approved" = {
                    "rejected" = {

get_ls_state_from_entity <- function(entities, ...) {
  unlistEntities <- unlist(entities, recursive = FALSE)
  lsStatesList <- unlistEntities[names(unlistEntities) == "lsStates"]
  lsStates <- do.call("c", lsStatesList)
  match_list_criteria <- function(lsState, listCriteria) {
    unlistedLSState <- unlist(lsState)
    match_criteria <- function(unlistedLSState, criteria) {
      any(names(unlistedLSState) == names(criteria) & unlistedLSState == criteria[[1]])
    return(all(unlist(lapply(1:length(listCriteria), function(x) match_criteria(unlistedLSState,listCriteria[x])))))
  matches <- unlist(lapply(lsStates, match_list_criteria, listCriteria = list(...)))
  lsStates[!matches] <- NULL

update_point_flags <- function(points, recordedBy, lsTransaction) {  
  pointData <- Reduce(function(x,y) rbind(x,y,fill = TRUE), points)
  pointData <- pointData[flagchanged == TRUE, ]
  addTheseFlags <- pointData[ !is.na(flag_user) | !is.na(flag_on.load) | !is.na(flag_algorithm)]
  ignoreTheseFlags <- pointData[!is.na(flag_sv_id), list(flag_sv_id, response_ss_id, response_ss_version, treatmentGroupId, flag_user, flag_on.load, flag_algorithm)]
  flagsToIgnore <- lapply(ignoreTheseFlags$flag_sv_id, get_entity_by_id, "subjectvalues")
  ignoredFlags <- lapply(flagsToIgnore, function(x) {
    x$ignored <- TRUE
    updateAcasEntity(x, "subjectvalues")
  if(nrow(addTheseFlags) > 0) {
    addTheseFlags <- reshape2::melt(addTheseFlags,  measure.vars = c("flag_user", "flag_on.load", "flag_algorithm"), value.name = "comments", variable.name = "stringValue")[!is.na(comments),]
    addTheseFlags[ , stringValue := gsub("flag_","" ,stringValue)]
    addTheseFlags[ , stringValue := gsub("on.load","on load" ,stringValue)]
    newFlags <- addTheseFlags[, list(list(createStateValue(lsType = "stringValue", lsKind = "flag", stringValue = stringValue, comments = comments, lsTransaction=lsTransaction,recordedBy=recordedBy, lsState=list(id=response_ss_id[[1]], version=response_ss_version[[1]])))), by = response_sv_id]$V1
    saveAcasEntities(newFlags, "subjectvalues")
  #Treatment group value updates
  update_tg_id <- unique(pointData$treatmentGroupId)
  updateTheseValues <- pointData[pointData$treatmentGroupId %in% update_tg_id]
  treatmentGroups <- lapply(update_tg_id, get_entity_by_id, "treatmentgroups")
  treatmentGroupDF <- ldply(treatmentGroups, flattenEntity, acasCategory= "treatmentGroup", includeFromState = c("id", "lsType", "lsKind", "version"))
  valuesToIgnoreDF <- treatmentGroupDF[treatmentGroupDF$lsKind == "Response", ]
  valuesToIgnore <- lapply(valuesToIgnoreDF$id, get_entity_by_id, "treatmentgroupvalues")
  ignoredValues <- lapply(valuesToIgnore, function(x) {
    x$ignored <- T
    updateAcasEntity(x, "treatmentgroupvalues")
  updateTheseValues$tgs_id <- treatmentGroupDF$stateId[match(updateTheseValues$treatmentGroupId, treatmentGroupDF$treatmentGroupId)]
  updateTheseValues$tgs_version <- treatmentGroupDF$stateVersion[match(updateTheseValues$treatmentGroupId, treatmentGroupDF$treatmentGroupId)]
  updateTheseValues$tgv_id <- treatmentGroupDF$id[match(updateTheseValues$treatmentGroupId, valuesToIgnoreDF$TreatmentGroupId)]
  if(nrow(updateTheseValues) > 0) {
    newValues <- updateTheseValues[, list(list(createStateValue(lsType = "numericValue",
                                                                lsKind = "Response", 
                                                                numericValue = na_to_null(suppressWarnings(mean(response))), 
                                                                uncertaintyType="standard deviation", 
                                                                uncertainty = na_to_null(sd(response)), 
                                   by = treatmentGroupId]$V1
    saveAcasEntities(newValues, "treatmentgroupvalues")

get_entity_by_id <- function(id, acasCategory, lsServerURL = racas::applicationSettings$client.service.persistence.fullpath) {
  response <- getURL(paste0(racas::applicationSettings$client.service.persistence.fullpath, acasCategory, "/", id))
  if (grepl("^<", response)) {
    myLogger <- createLogger(logName = "com.acas.sel", logFileName = "racas.log")
    stop(paste0("The loader was unable to find ", acasCategory, 
                " ", id, ". Check the logs at ", Sys.time()))
  response <- fromJSON(response)

add_clob_values_to_fit_data <- function(fitData) {
  opt <- options()
  options(scipen = 2)
  fitData <- copy(fitData)
  addingColumns <- c("reportedValuesClob", "fitSummaryClob", "parameterStdErrorsClob", "curveErrorsClob")
  removeColumns <- addingColumns[ addingColumns %in% names(fitData)]
#  saveSession("/tmp/reportedClobValue")

  if(length(removeColumns) > 0) fitData[ , removeColumns := NULL, with = FALSE]
  fitData[ , c("reportedValuesClob", "fitSummaryClob", "parameterStdErrorsClob", "curveErrorsClob") := {
    if(model.synced) {
      if(length(reportedParameters[[1]]) == 0) {
        reportedValuesClob <- list(NULL)
      } else {
        reportedValues <- flatten_list_to_data.table(reportedParameters[[1]])
        responseUnits <- points[[1]]$responseUnits[[1]]
        doseUnits <- points[[1]]$doseUnits[[1]]
        ## modifying reportedValues data.table as a side effect
        ## pulling in units definded in the definition json files that are brought in via typeMap
        setValueUnits <- function(typeKind, typeUnit){
          reportedValues[name == typeKind, units := typeUnit]
        knownTypes <- c("dose", "response", NA)
        resultTypes <- copy(modelFit[[1]]$typeMap)
        resultTypes <- resultTypes[!is.na(units)]
        resultTypes[ ,ls_kind:=gsub('/','',ls_kind)]
        resultTypes[ ,ls_kind:=tolower(ls_kind)]
        resultTypes <- resultTypes[ ls_kind %in% reportedValues$name ]
        resultTypes[!units %in% knownTypes, if(.N > 0) setValueUnits(typeKind=ls_kind, typeUnit=units),by=c("ls_kind","units")]

        reportedValues[name %in% tolower(modelFit[[1]]$typeMap[units=="response"]$ls_kind), units := responseUnits]
        reportedValues[name %in% tolower(modelFit[[1]]$typeMap[units=="dose"]$ls_kind), units := doseUnits]
        setkey(reportedValues, "name")
        reportedValues[ , value := prettyNum(value, digits = 4)]
        reportedValues[ name=='kcatkm', value := format(as.numeric(value), digits=4, scientific=TRUE)]

        reportedValues <- reportedValues[ , value := {
          if(exists("operator")) {
            paste(ifelse(is.na(operator), "",operator), value)
          } else {
        reportedValues <- reportedValues[ , c("name", "value", "units"), with = FALSE]
        reportedValues[ name=='kcatkm', name:='kcat/Km']
        reportedValuesClob <- data.table_to_html_table(reportedValues[ , c("name", "value", "units"), with = FALSE], 
                                                       include.rownames = FALSE, 
                                                       comment = FALSE, 
                                                       timestamp = FALSE, 
                                                       align = paste0(rep("l",ncol(reportedValues[ , c("name", "value", "units"), with = FALSE]) + 1), collapse = ""),
                                                       rotate.rownames = TRUE, 
                                                       html.table.attributes = "",
                                                       print.results = FALSE, 
                                                       include.colnames = FALSE) 
      if(fitConverged) {
        modelSummary <- summary(model[[1]])
        coefsMatrix <- rbind(NULL,apply(modelSummary$coef, 2,prettyNum, digits = 6))
        row.names(coefsMatrix) <- row.names(modelSummary$coef)
        if(nrow(coefsMatrix) > 1) {
          coefsMatrix <- coefsMatrix[order(rownames(coefsMatrix)),]          
        fitSummaryClob <- paste0("Model fitted: ",modelSummary$text,"<br>",
               "Parameter Estimates: ","<br>",
                                        include.rownames = TRUE, 
                                        comment = FALSE, 
                                        timestamp = FALSE, 
                                        align = paste0(rep("r",ncol(coefsMatrix) + 1), collapse = ""),
                                        html.table.attributes = "table-bordered'",
                                        print.results = FALSE),
               "Residual standard error:","<br>",
               prettyNum(modelSummary$rseMat[,"rse"], 4), "(",modelSummary$rseMat[,"df"], " degrees of freedom",")",

        goodnessOfFit.parameters <- flatten_list_to_data.table(goodnessOfFit.parameters[[1]])
        goodnessOfFit.parameters[ , c("name", "type") := {sp <- strsplit(name, "\\.")[[1]]
                                                          list(name = sp[[1]], type = sp[[2]])}, by = c("V1", "name")]
        goodnessOfFit.parameters[ , V1 := prettyNum(V1, digits = 4)]
        goodnessOfFit.parameters <- dcast.data.table(goodnessOfFit.parameters, name ~ type, value.var = "V1")
        parameterStdErrors <- data.table_to_html_table(goodnessOfFit.parameters,
                                                       align = paste0(rep("r",ncol(goodnessOfFit.parameters) + 1), collapse = ""),
                                                       include.rownames = FALSE, 
                                                       comment = FALSE, 
                                                       timestamp = FALSE, 
                                                       rotate.rownames = TRUE, 
                                                       html.table.attributes = "",
                                                       print.results = FALSE
        parameterStdErrorsClob <- parameterStdErrors
        curveErrors <- flatten_list_to_data.table(goodnessOfFit.model[[1]])[, c("name", prettyNum("V1", digits = 4)), with = FALSE]
        curveErrors[ name == "rSquared", name:= "R^2"]
        setkey(curveErrors, "name")
        curveErrorsClob <- data.table_to_html_table(curveErrors, 
                                                    align = paste0(rep("r",ncol(curveErrors) + 1), collapse = ""),
                                                    include.rownames = FALSE, 
                                                    comment = FALSE, 
                                                    timestamp = FALSE, 
                                                    rotate.rownames = TRUE, 
                                                    html.table.attributes = "",
                                                    print.results = FALSE, 
                                                    include.colnames = FALSE)
        list(reportedValuesClob = list(reportedValuesClob), fitSummaryClob = list(fitSummaryClob), parameterStdErrorsClob = list(parameterStdErrorsClob), curveErrorsClob = list(curveErrorsClob))
      } else {
        list(reportedValuesClob = list(reportedValuesClob), fitSummaryClob = list(NULL), parameterStdErrorsClob= list(NULL), curveErrorsClob = list(NULL))
    } else {
  }, by = curveId]

remove_point_flags <- function(points, flagKindsToRemove = c("algorithm", "preprocess", "user")) {
  points <- copy(points)
  flagKindsToRemove <- match.arg(flagKindsToRemove, several.ok =TRUE)
  if(length(flagKindsToRemove) > 0) {
    columnsToReset <- unlist(lapply(c("FlagCause","FlagObservation","FlagStatus","FlagComment"), function(x) paste0(flagKindsToRemove,x)))
    allFlagTypes <- eval(formals(remove_point_flags)$flagKindsToRemove)
    allFlagColumns <- unlist(lapply(c("FlagCause","FlagObservation","FlagStatus","FlagComment"), function(x) paste0(allFlagTypes,x)))
    userColumns <- columnsToReset[grepl("user",columnsToReset)]
    preprocessColumns <- columnsToReset[grepl("preprocess",columnsToReset)]
    algorithmColumns <- columnsToReset[grepl("algorithm",columnsToReset)]
    updateFlags <- points[, c("responseSubjectValueId", allFlagColumns), with = FALSE]
    if (length(userColumns)>0) updateFlags[  userFlagCause == "curvefit ko", userColumns := "", with = FALSE]
    if (length(preprocessColumns)>0) updateFlags[  preprocessFlagCause == "curvefit ko", preprocessColumns := "", with = FALSE]
    if (length(algorithmColumns)>0) updateFlags[  algorithmFlagCause == "curvefit ko", algorithmColumns := "", with = FALSE]
    points <- update_point_flags(points, updateFlags)
update_point_flags <- function(pts, updateFlags) {  
  pts <- copy(pts)
  returnCols <- names(pts)
  setkey(pts, "responseSubjectValueId")
  setkey(updateFlags,"responseSubjectValueId" )
  pts <- merge(pts,updateFlags, all.x = TRUE, by = "responseSubjectValueId", suffixes = c("",".y"))
  pts[ , flagchanged :=  {
        ((userFlagCause == "" | userFlagCause == "curvefit ko") && (preprocessFlagCause == "" | preprocessFlagCause == "curvefit ko") && (algorithmFlagCause == "" | algorithmFlagCause == "curvefit ko")) &&
        (!identical(userFlagStatus,userFlagStatus.y) |
        !identical(userFlagObservation,userFlagObservation.y) | 
        !identical(userFlagCause,userFlagCause.y) | 
        !identical(userFlagComment,userFlagComment.y) | 
        !identical(algorithmFlagStatus,algorithmFlagStatus.y) |
        !identical(algorithmFlagObservation,algorithmFlagObservation.y) | 
        !identical(algorithmFlagCause,algorithmFlagCause.y) | 
        !identical(algorithmFlagComment,algorithmFlagComment.y) |          
        !identical(preprocessFlagStatus,preprocessFlagStatus.y) |
        !identical(preprocessFlagObservation,preprocessFlagObservation.y) | 
        !identical(preprocessFlagCause,preprocessFlagCause.y) | 
        !identical(preprocessFlagComment,preprocessFlagComment.y) |
        }, by = "responseSubjectValueId" ]
  pts[flagchanged==TRUE , c('userFlagStatus', 'userFlagObservation', 'userFlagCause', 'userFlagComment', 'algorithmFlagStatus', 'algorithmFlagObservation', 'algorithmFlagCause', 'algorithmFlagComment', 'preprocessFlagStatus', 'preprocessFlagObservation', 'preprocessFlagCause', 'preprocessFlagComment' ):= list(userFlagStatus.y, userFlagObservation.y, userFlagCause.y, userFlagComment.y, algorithmFlagStatus.y, algorithmFlagObservation.y, algorithmFlagCause.y, algorithmFlagComment.y, preprocessFlagStatus.y, preprocessFlagObservation.y, preprocessFlagCause.y, preprocessFlagComment.y)]
  return(pts[, returnCols, with = FALSE])

LL4 <- 'min + (max - min)/(1 + exp(slope * (log(x/ec50))))'
LL4IC50 <- 'min + (max - min)/(1 + exp(slope * (log(x/ic50))))'
OneSiteKi <- 'max + (min-max)/(1+10^(log10(x)-log10(ki*(1+ligandConc/kd))))'
MM2 <- '(vmax*x)/(km + x)'
substrateInhibitionEq <- '(vmax*x)/(km+x*(1+x/ki))'

categorize.LL4 <- function(results.parameterRules, fitSettings, inactive, converged, insufficientRange, potent, pointStats, fittedParameters, inactiveRule) {
  category <- "sigmoid"
  resultList <- unlist(results.parameterRules)
  if(!converged) {
    category <- "lack of fit - fit did not converge"
  if(insufficientRange) {
    category <- "insufficient range"
  if("maxUncertaintyRule" %in% resultList | "ec50ThresholdHigh" %in% resultList) {
    # Uncertainty may be high but its possible the max is stil close to the empirical max which would make it look like a decent fit
    # For those curves, lets see if its somewhat close the empirical max by using the inactivethreshold value as a noise barrier
    closeToEmpiricalMax <- !is_null_or_na(fittedParameters$max) && (abs(pointStats$response.empiricalMax - fittedParameters$max) < 2*inactiveRule$value)

    if(closeToEmpiricalMax) {
      # Let the algorithm continue here as it may be a decent sigmoid
    } else {
      category <- "weak tested potency" 
  if("ec50ThresholdLow" %in% resultList | potent) {
    category <- "strong tested potency"
  if(inactive) {
    category <- "inactive"
  if(pointStats$dose.count < 2) {
    category <- "insufficient data"

categorize.LL4IC50 <- function(results.parameterRules, fitSettings, inactive, converged, insufficientRange, potent, pointStats, fittedParameters, inactiveRule) {
  category <- "sigmoid"
  resultList <- unlist(results.parameterRules)
  if(!converged) {
    category <- "lack of fit - fit did not converge"
  if(insufficientRange) {
    category <- "insufficient range"
  if("minUncertaintyRule" %in% resultList | "ic50ThresholdHigh" %in% resultList) {
    category <- "weak tested potency"
  if("ic50ThresholdLow" %in% resultList | potent) {
    category <- "strong tested potency"
  if(inactive) {
    category <- "inactive"
  if(pointStats$dose.count < 2) {
    category <- "insufficient data"

categorize.ki <- function(results.parameterRules, fitSettings, inactive, converged, insufficientRange, potent, pointStats, fittedParameters, inactiveRule) {
    category <- "sigmoid"
    resultList <- unlist(results.parameterRules)
    if(!converged) {
      category <- "lack of fit - fit did not converge"
    if(insufficientRange) {
      category <- "insufficient range"
    if("maxUncertaintyRule" %in% resultList | "kiThresholdHigh" %in% resultList) {
      category <- "weak tested potency"
    if("kiThresholdLow" %in% resultList | potent) {
      category <- "strong tested potency"
    if(inactive) {
      category <- "inactive"
    if(pointStats$dose.count < 2) {
      category <- "insufficient data"
categorize.MM2 <- function(results.parameterRules, fitSettings, inactive, converged, insufficientRange, potent, pointStats, fittedParameters, inactiveRule) {
  category <- "sigmoid"
  resultList <- unlist(results.parameterRules)
  if("maxUncertaintyRule" %in% resultList | "kdThresholdHigh" %in% resultList) {
    category <- "weak tested potency"
  if(!converged) {
    category <- "lack of fit - fit did not converge"
  if(insufficientRange) {
    category <- "insufficient range"
  if("kmThresholdLow" %in% resultList | potent) {
    category <- "strong tested potency"
  if(inactive) {
    category <- "inactive"
  if(pointStats$dose.count < 2) {
    category <- "insufficient data"
categorize.substrateInhibition <- function(results.parameterRules, fitSettings, inactive, converged, insufficientRange, potent, pointStats, fittedParameters, inactiveRule) {
  category <- "sigmoid"
  resultList <- unlist(results.parameterRules)
  if("maxUncertaintyRule" %in% resultList | "kdThresholdHigh" %in% resultList) {
    category <- "weak tested potency"
  if(!converged) {
    category <- "lack of fit - fit did not converge"
  if(insufficientRange) {
    category <- "insufficient range"
  if("kmThresholdLow" %in% resultList | potent) {
    category <- "strong tested potency"
  if(inactive) {
    category <- "inactive"
  if(pointStats$dose.count < 2) {
    category <- "insufficient data"
get_reported_parameters.LL4 <- function(results, inactive, fitConverged, insufficientRange, potent, fixedParameters, fittedParameters, pointStats, goodnessOfFit.parameters, goodnessOfFit.model, algorithmFlagStatus, userFlagStatus, theoreticalMaxMode, theoreticalMax, inactiveRule) {
  if(algorithmFlagStatus != "" | identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected")) {
    max <- list(value = ifelse(identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected"), userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    min <- list(value = ifelse(identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected"), userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    ec50 <- list(value = ifelse(identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected"), userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    slope <- list(value = ifelse(identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected"), userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- list(min = min, max = max, ec50 = ec50, slope = slope)
  if(potent) {
    max <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    min <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMin, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    if (!theoreticalMaxMode) {
      ec50 <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
    } else {
      if (pointStats$response.empiricalMin < theoreticalMax/2.0 ) {
        # some logic to get the lowest dose at which the avg is > than theoMax/2, then that dose
        ec50val <- pointStats$dose.lowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax
        ec50 <- list(value = ec50val, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
      } else {
        ec50 <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- list(min = min, max = max, ec50 = ec50)
  if(inactive | insufficientRange) {
    max <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    min <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMin, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    ec50 <- list(value = pointStats$dose.max, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- list(min = min, max = max, ec50 = ec50)
  # Uncertainty may be high but its possible the max is stil close to the empirical max which would make it look like a decent fit
  # For those curves, lets see if its somewhat close the empirical max by using the inactivethreshold value as a noise barrier
  closeToEmpiricalMax <- !is_null_or_na(fittedParameters$max) && (abs(pointStats$response.empiricalMax - fittedParameters$max) < 2*inactiveRule$value)

  if(!closeToEmpiricalMax && "maxUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits) {
    max <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  } else {
    if(is_null_or_na(fixedParameters$max)) {
      max <- list(value = fittedParameters$max, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$max.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$max.stdErr} else {NULL})
    } else {
      max <- list(value = fixedParameters$max, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  if("minUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits) {
    min <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMin, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  } else {
    if(is_null_or_na(fixedParameters$min)) {
      min <- list(value = fittedParameters$min, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$min.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$min.stdErr} else {NULL})
    } else {
      min <- list(value = fixedParameters$min, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  if(is_null_or_na(fixedParameters$slope)) {
    slope <- list(value = -fittedParameters$slope, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$slope.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$slope.stdErr} else {NULL})
  } else {
    slope <- list(value = -fixedParameters$slope, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  if("ec50ThresholdHigh" %in% results$limits | (!closeToEmpiricalMax && ("maxUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits)) | "ec50ThresholdLow" %in% results$limits) {
    if("ec50ThresholdHigh" %in% results$limits | (!closeToEmpiricalMax && "maxUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits)) {
      if (!theoreticalMaxMode) {
        ec50 <- list(value = pointStats$dose.max, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
      } else {
        if (pointStats$response.empiricalMax > theoreticalMax/2.0 ) {
          ec50val <- pointStats$dose.doseBelowLowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax
          ec50 <- list(value = ec50val, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
        } else {
          ec50 <- list(value = pointStats$dose.max, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
    } else {
      if (!theoreticalMaxMode) {
        ec50 <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
      } else {
        if (pointStats$response.empiricalMin < theoreticalMax/2.0 ) { #also if not biphasic
          # some logic to get the lowest dose at which the avg is > than theoMax/2, then that dose
          ec50val <- pointStats$dose.doseBelowLowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax #wrong see above
          ec50 <- list(value = ec50val, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
        } else {
          ec50 <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
  } else {
    ec50 <- list(value = fittedParameters$ec50, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$ec50.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$ec50.stdErr} else {NULL})
  reportedValues <- list(min = min, max = max, slope = slope, ec50 = ec50)
get_reported_parameters.LL4IC50 <- function(results, inactive, fitConverged, insufficientRange, potent, fixedParameters, fittedParameters, pointStats, goodnessOfFit.parameters, goodnessOfFit.model, algorithmFlagStatus, userFlagStatus, theoreticalMaxMode, theoreticalMax, inactiveRule) {
  if(algorithmFlagStatus != "" | identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected")) {
    max <- list(value = ifelse(identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected"), userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    min <- list(value = ifelse(identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected"), userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    ic50 <- list(value = ifelse(identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected"), userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    slope <- list(value = ifelse(identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected"), userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- list(min = min, max = max, ic50 = ic50, slope = slope)
  if(potent) {
    max <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    min <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMin, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    if (!theoreticalMaxMode) {
      ic50 <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
    } else {
      if (pointStats$response.empiricalMin < theoreticalMax/2.0 ) {
        # some logic to get the lowest dose at which the avg is > than theoMax/2, then that dose
        ic50val <- pointStats$dose.lowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax
        ic50 <- list(value = ec50val, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
      } else {
        ic50 <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- list(min = min, max = max, ic50 = ic50)
  if(inactive | insufficientRange) {
    max <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    min <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMin, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    ic50 <- list(value = pointStats$dose.max, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- list(min = min, max = max, ic50 = ic50)
  if("minUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits) {
    min <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMin, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  } else {
    if(is_null_or_na(fixedParameters$min)) {
      min <- list(value = fittedParameters$min, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$min.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$min.stdErr} else {NULL})
    } else {
      min <- list(value = fixedParameters$min, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  if("maxUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits) {
    max <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  } else {
    if(is_null_or_na(fixedParameters$max)) {
      max <- list(value = fittedParameters$max, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$max.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$max.stdErr} else {NULL})
    } else {
      max <- list(value = fixedParameters$max, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  if(is_null_or_na(fixedParameters$slope)) {
    slope <- list(value = -fittedParameters$slope, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$slope.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$slope.stdErr} else {NULL})
  } else {
    slope <- list(value = -fixedParameters$slope, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  if(("ic50ThresholdHigh" %in% results$limits | "minUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits) | ("ic50ThresholdLow" %in% results$limits)) {
    if(("ic50ThresholdHigh" %in% results$limits | "minUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits)) {
      if (!theoreticalMaxMode) {
        ic50 <- list(value = pointStats$dose.max, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
      } else {
        if (pointStats$response.empiricalMax > theoreticalMax/2.0 ) {
          ic50val <- pointStats$dose.doseBelowLowestDoseBelowHalfTheoMax
          ic50 <- list(value = ic50val, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
        } else {
          ic50 <- list(value = pointStats$dose.max, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
    } else {
      if (!theoreticalMaxMode) {
        ic50 <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
      } else {
        if (pointStats$response.empiricalMax > theoreticalMaxMode/2.0 ) { #also if not biphasic
          # some logic to get the lowest dose at which the avg is > than theoMax/2, then that dose
          ic50val <- pointStats$dose.min #wrong see above
          ic50 <- list(value = ic50val, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
        } else {
          ic50 <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
  } else {
    ic50 <- list(value = fittedParameters$ic50, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$ic50.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$ic50.stdErr} else {NULL})
  reportedValues <- list(min = min, max = max, slope = slope, ic50 = ic50)
get_reported_parameters.LL4IC50DMax <- function(results, inactive, fitConverged, insufficientRange, potent, fixedParameters, fittedParameters, pointStats, goodnessOfFit.parameters, goodnessOfFit.model, algorithmFlagStatus, userFlagStatus, theoreticalMaxMode, theoreticalMax, inactiveRule) {
  reportedParameters <- get_reported_parameters.LL4IC50(results, inactive, fitConverged, insufficientRange, potent, fixedParameters, fittedParameters, pointStats, goodnessOfFit.parameters, goodnessOfFit.model, algorithmFlagStatus, userFlagStatus, theoreticalMaxMode, theoreticalMax, inactiveRule)
  dmax <- list(value = "Not calculated", operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  shouldCalculateDMax <- fitConverged && fittedParameters$max == reportedParameters$max$value && fittedParameters$min == reportedParameters$min$value && fittedParameters$slope > 0
  if(!is.na(shouldCalculateDMax) && shouldCalculateDMax) {
    # IF Ymin <0 AND Ymin > -0.1 THEN Ymin =0 and calculate Dmax – or just assign as 100%.
    if(fittedParameters$min < 0 && fittedParameters$min > -0.1) {
      fittedParameters$min <- 0
    value <- ((fittedParameters$max - fittedParameters$min)/fittedParameters$max) * 100
    percentDifference <- (abs(fittedParameters$max - fittedParameters$min)/((fittedParameters$max + fittedParameters$min)/2))*100
    if(length(value) != 0 && is.finite(value) && !is.na(value) && percentDifference > 10 && !(fittedParameters$min < 0 && abs(value) > 100)) {
      dmax$value <- value
  reportedParameters <- c(reportedParameters, list(dmax = dmax))

get_reported_parameters.MM2 <- function(results, inactive, fitConverged, insufficientRange, potent, fixedParameters, fittedParameters, pointStats, goodnessOfFit.parameters, goodnessOfFit.model, algorithmFlagStatus, userFlagStatus, theoreticalMaxMode, theoreticalMax, inactiveRule) {
  if(algorithmFlagStatus != "" | identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected")) {
    vmax <- list(value = ifelse(identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected"), userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    km <- list(value = ifelse(identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected"), userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- list(vmax = vmax, km = km)
  if(potent) {
    vmax <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    if (!theoreticalMaxMode) {
      km <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
    } else {
      if (pointStats$response.empiricalMin < theoreticalMax/2.0 ) {
        # some logic to get the lowest dose at which the avg is > than theoMax/2, then that dose
        kmVal <- pointStats$dose.lowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax
        km <- list(value = kmVal, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
      } else {
        km <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- list(vmax = vmax, km = km)
  if(inactive | insufficientRange) {
    vmax <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    km <- list(value = pointStats$dose.max, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- list(vmax = vmax, km = km)
  if("maxUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits) {
    vmax <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  } else {
    if(is_null_or_na(fixedParameters$vmax)) {
      vmax <- list(value = fittedParameters$vmax, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$vmax.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$vmax.stdErr} else {NULL})
    } else {
      vmax <- list(value = fixedParameters$vmax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  if(("kmThresholdHigh" %in% results$limits | "vmaxUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits) | ("kmThresholdLow" %in% results$limits)) {
    if(("kmThresholdHigh" %in% results$limits | "vmaxUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits)) {
      if (!theoreticalMaxMode) {
        km <- list(value = pointStats$dose.max, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
      } else {
        if (pointStats$response.empiricalMax > theoreticalMax/2.0 ) {
          kmval <- pointStats$dose.doseBelowLowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax
          km <- list(value = kmval, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
        } else {
          km <- list(value = pointStats$dose.max, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
    } else {
      if (!theoreticalMaxMode) {
        km <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
      } else {
        if (pointStats$response.empiricalMin < theoreticalMax/2.0 ) { #also if not biphasic
          # some logic to get the lowest dose at which the avg is > than theoMax/2, then that dose
          kmval <- pointStats$dose.doseBelowLowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax #wrong see above
          km <- list(value = kmval, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
        } else {
          km <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
  } else {
    km <- list(value = fittedParameters$km, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$km.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$km.stdErr} else {NULL})
  reportedValues <- list(vmax = vmax, km = km)
  if(!is.null(fixedParameters$et)) {
    kcat <- list(value = vmax$value/fixedParameters$et, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    kcatkm <- list(value = 1E6*kcat$value/km$value, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- c(reportedValues, list(kcat = kcat, kcatkm = kcatkm))
get_reported_parameters.substrateInhibition <- function(results, inactive, fitConverged, insufficientRange, potent, fixedParameters, fittedParameters, pointStats, goodnessOfFit.parameters, goodnessOfFit.model, algorithmFlagStatus, userFlagStatus, theoreticalMaxMode, theoreticalMax, inactiveRule) {
  if(algorithmFlagStatus != "" | identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected")) {
    vmax <- list(value = ifelse(identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected"), userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    km <- list(value = ifelse(identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected"), userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    ki <- list(value = ifelse(identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected"), userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- list(vmax = vmax, km = km, ki = ki)
  if(potent) {
    vmax <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    if (!theoreticalMaxMode) {
      km <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
    } else {
      if (pointStats$response.empiricalMin < theoreticalMax/2.0 ) {
        # some logic to get the lowest dose at which the avg is > than theoMax/2, then that dose
        kmVal <- pointStats$dose.lowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax
        km <- list(value = kmVal, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
      } else {
        km <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- list(vmax = vmax, km = km)
  if(inactive | insufficientRange) {
    vmax <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    km <- list(value = pointStats$dose.max, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- list(vmax = vmax, km = km)
  if(is_null_or_na(fixedParameters$vmax)) {
    vmax <- list(value = fittedParameters$vmax, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$vmax.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$vmax.stdErr} else {NULL})
  } else {
    vmax <- list(value = fixedParameters$vmax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  if(is_null_or_na(fixedParameters$km)) {
    km <- list(value = fittedParameters$km, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$km.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$km.stdErr} else {NULL})
  } else {
    km <- list(value = fixedParameters$km, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  if(is_null_or_na(fixedParameters$ki)) {
    ki <- list(value = fittedParameters$ki, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$ki.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$ki.stdErr} else {NULL})
  } else {
    ki <- list(value = fixedParameters$ki, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  # if("maxUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits) {
  #   vmax <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  # } else {
  #   if(is_null_or_na(fixedParameters$vmax)) {
  #     vmax <- list(value = fittedParameters$vmax, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$vmax.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$vmax.stdErr} else {NULL})
  #   } else {
  #     vmax <- list(value = fixedParameters$vmax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  #   }
  # }
  # if(("kmThresholdHigh" %in% results$limits | "vmaxUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits) | ("kmThresholdLow" %in% results$limits)) {
  #   if(("kmThresholdHigh" %in% results$limits | "vmaxUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits)) {
  #     if (!theoreticalMaxMode) {
  #       km <- list(value = pointStats$dose.max, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
  #     } else {
  #       if (pointStats$response.empiricalMax > theoreticalMax/2.0 ) {
  #         kmval <- pointStats$dose.doseBelowLowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax
  #         km <- list(value = kmval, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
  #       } else {
  #         km <- list(value = pointStats$dose.max, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
  #       }
  #     }
  #   } else {
  #     if (!theoreticalMaxMode) {
  #       km <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
  #     } else {
  #       if (pointStats$response.empiricalMin < theoreticalMax/2.0 ) { #also if not biphasic
  #         # some logic to get the lowest dose at which the avg is > than theoMax/2, then that dose
  #         kmval <- pointStats$dose.doseBelowLowestDoseAboveHalfTheoMax #wrong see above
  #         km <- list(value = kmval, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
  #       } else {
  #         km <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
  #       }
  #     }
  #   }
  # } else {
  #   km <- list(value = fittedParameters$km, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$km.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$km.stdErr} else {NULL})
  # }
  reportedValues <- list(vmax = vmax, km = km, ki = ki)
  if(!is.null(fixedParameters$et)) {
    kcat <- list(value = vmax$value/fixedParameters$et, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    kcatkm <- list(value = 1E6*kcat$value/km$value, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- c(reportedValues, list(kcat = kcat, kcatkm = kcatkm))
get_reported_parameters.ki <- function(results, inactive, fitConverged, insufficientRange, potent, fixedParameters, fittedParameters, pointStats, goodnessOfFit.parameters, goodnessOfFit.model, algorithmFlagStatus, userFlagStatus,  theoreticalMaxMode, theoreticalMax, inactiveRule) {
  if(algorithmFlagStatus != "" | identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected")) {
    max <- list(value = ifelse(identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected"), userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    min <- list(value = ifelse(identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected"), userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    ki <- list(value = ifelse(identical(userFlagStatus, "rejected"), userFlagStatus, algorithmFlagStatus), operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- list(min = min, max = max, ki = ki)
  if(potent) {
    max <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    min <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMin, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    ki <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- list(min = min, max = max, ki = ki)
  if(inactive | insufficientRange) {
    max <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    min <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMin, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
    ki <- list(value = pointStats$dose.max, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
    reportedValues <- list(min = min, max = max, ki = ki)
  if("maxUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits) {
    max <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMax, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  } else {
    if(is_null_or_na(fixedParameters$max)) {
      max <- list(value = fittedParameters$max, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$max.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$max.stdErr} else {NULL})
    } else {
      max <- list(value = fixedParameters$max, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  if("minUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits) {
    min <- list(value = pointStats$response.empiricalMin, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  } else {
    if(is_null_or_na(fixedParameters$min)) {
      min <- list(value = fittedParameters$min, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$min.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$min.stdErr} else {NULL})
    } else {
      min <- list(value = fixedParameters$min, operator = NULL, stdErr = NULL)
  if(("kiThresholdHigh" %in% results$limits | "maxUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits) | ("kiThresholdLow" %in% results$limits)) {
    if(("kiThresholdHigh" %in% results$limits | "maxUncertaintyRule" %in% results$goodnessOfFits)) {
      ki <- list(value = pointStats$dose.max, operator = ">", stdErr = NULL)
    } else {
      ki <- list(value = pointStats$dose.min, operator = "<", stdErr = NULL)
  } else {
    ki <- list(value = fittedParameters$ki, operator = NULL, stdErr = if(is.finite(goodnessOfFit.parameters$ki.stdErr)) {goodnessOfFit.parameters$ki.stdErr} else {NULL})
  reportedValues <- list(min = min, max = max, ki = ki)

apply_limits.LL4 <- function(fitData, iterations = 20) {
  #While refit is true, keep refitting using fixed parameters
  #The reason we check refit and continue is because we are dealing with limits, 
  #if max is above limit so then we limit it, does min then go below limit? ok, then limit that....etc.
  #Check if limits have been exceeded and refit if not inactive, non-converged or insufficient range
  check_refit <- function(fitData) {
    refit <- fitData[ , {
      maxExceeded <- ifelse(is.null(results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits), FALSE, "maxThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits)
      minExceeded <- ifelse(is.null(results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits), FALSE, "minThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits)
      slopeExceeded <- ifelse(is.null(results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits), FALSE, "slopeThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits)
      exceededAThreshold <- (maxExceeded | minExceeded | slopeExceeded)
      refit <-  exceededAThreshold & (!inactive | !fitConverged | !insufficientRange | !potent)
    by = curveId]$V1
  refit <- check_refit(fitData)
  i <- 1
  while(any(refit) & i < iterations) {
    fitData[refit, model.synced := FALSE]
    fitData[refit, fixedParameters := {
      if(ifelse(is.null(fixedParameters[[1]]$max), FALSE, !is.na(fixedParameters[[1]]$max))) {
        fixedMax <- fixedParameters[[1]]$max
      } else {
        if("maxThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits) {
          if(parameterRules[[1]]$limits$maxThreshold$type == "threshold") {
            fixedMax <- parameterRules[[1]]$limits$maxThreshold$value
          } else {
            fixedMax <- pointStats[[1]][parameterRules[[1]]$limits$maxThreshold$reference][[1]]
        } else {
          fixedMax <- NA
      if(ifelse(is.null(fixedParameters[[1]]$min), FALSE, !is.na(fixedParameters[[1]]$min))) {
        fixedMin <- fixedParameters[[1]]$min
      } else {
        #fixedMax <- ifelse("Min threshold exceeded" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits, parameterRules[[1]]$limits$maxThreshold$value, NA)
        if("minThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits) {
          if(parameterRules[[1]]$limits$minThreshold$type == "threshold") {
            fixedMin <- parameterRules[[1]]$limits$minThreshold$value
          } else {
            fixedMin <- pointStats[[1]][parameterRules[[1]]$limits$minThreshold$reference][[1]]
        } else {
          fixedMin <- NA
      if(ifelse(is.null(fixedParameters[[1]]$slope), FALSE, !is.na(fixedParameters[[1]]$slope))) {
        fixedSlope <- fixedParameters[[1]]$slope
      } else {
        fixedSlope <- ifelse("slopeThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits, parameterRules[[1]]$limits$slopeThreshold$value, NA)
      list(list(myfixedParameters = list(max = fixedMax,min = fixedMin,slope = fixedSlope, ec50 = NA)))
    by = curveId]
    fitData <- dose_response_fit(fitData)
    refit <- check_refit(fitData)
    i <- i + 1
apply_limits.LL4IC50 <- function(fitData, iterations = 20) {
  #While refit is true, keep refitting using fixed parameters
  #The reason we check refit and continue is because we are dealing with limits, 
  #if max is above limit so then we limit it, does min then go below limit? ok, then limit that....etc.
  #Check if limits have been exceeded and refit if not inactive, non-converged or insufficient range
  check_refit <- function(fitData) {
    refit <- fitData[ , {
      maxExceeded <- ifelse(is.null(results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits), FALSE, "maxThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits)
      minExceeded <- ifelse(is.null(results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits), FALSE, "minThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits)
      slopeExceeded <- ifelse(is.null(results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits), FALSE, "slopeThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits)
      exceededAThreshold <- (maxExceeded | minExceeded | slopeExceeded)
      refit <-  exceededAThreshold & (!inactive | !fitConverged | !insufficientRange | !potent)
    by = curveId]$V1
  refit <- check_refit(fitData)
  i <- 1
  while(any(refit) & i < iterations) {
    fitData[refit, model.synced := FALSE]
    fitData[refit, fixedParameters := {
      if(ifelse(is.null(fixedParameters[[1]]$max), FALSE, !is.na(fixedParameters[[1]]$max))) {
        fixedMax <- fixedParameters[[1]]$max
      } else {
        if("maxThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits) {
          if(parameterRules[[1]]$limits$maxThreshold$type == "threshold") {
            fixedMax <- parameterRules[[1]]$limits$maxThreshold$value
          } else {
            fixedMax <- pointStats[[1]][parameterRules[[1]]$limits$maxThreshold$reference][[1]]
        } else {
          fixedMax <- NA
      if(ifelse(is.null(fixedParameters[[1]]$min), FALSE, !is.na(fixedParameters[[1]]$min))) {
        fixedMin <- fixedParameters[[1]]$min
      } else {
        #fixedMax <- ifelse("Min threshold exceeded" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits, parameterRules[[1]]$limits$maxThreshold$value, NA)
        if("minThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits) {
          if(parameterRules[[1]]$limits$minThreshold$type == "threshold") {
            fixedMin <- parameterRules[[1]]$limits$minThreshold$value
          } else {
            fixedMin <- pointStats[[1]][parameterRules[[1]]$limits$minThreshold$reference][[1]]
        } else {
          fixedMin <- NA
      if(ifelse(is.null(fixedParameters[[1]]$slope), FALSE, !is.na(fixedParameters[[1]]$slope))) {
        fixedSlope <- fixedParameters[[1]]$slope
      } else {
        fixedSlope <- ifelse("slopeThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits, parameterRules[[1]]$limits$slopeThreshold$value, NA)
      list(list(myfixedParameters = list(max = fixedMax,min = fixedMin,slope = fixedSlope, ic50 = NA)))
    by = curveId]
    fitData <- dose_response_fit(fitData)
    refit <- check_refit(fitData)
    i <- i + 1
apply_limits.MM2 <- function(fitData, iterations = 20) {
  #While refit is true, keep refitting using fixed parameters
  #The reason we check refit and continue is because we are dealing with limits, 
  #if max is above limit so then we limit it, does min then go below limit? ok, then limit that....etc.
  #Check if limits have been exceeded and refit if not inactive, non-converged or insufficient range
  check_refit <- function(fitData) {
    refit <- fitData[ , {
      maxExceeded <- ifelse(is.null(results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits), FALSE, "vmaxThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits)
      exceededAThreshold <- (maxExceeded)
      refit <-  exceededAThreshold & (!inactive | !fitConverged | !insufficientRange | !potent)
    by = curveId]$V1
  refit <- check_refit(fitData)
  i <- 1
  while(any(refit) & i < iterations) {
    fitData[refit, model.synced := FALSE]
    fitData[refit, fixedParameters := {
      if(ifelse(is.null(fixedParameters[[1]]$vmax), FALSE, !is.na(fixedParameters[[1]]$vmax))) {
        fixedMax <- fixedParameters[[1]]$max
      } else {
        if("vmaxThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits) {
          if(parameterRules[[1]]$limits$vmaxThreshold$type == "threshold") {
            fixedVMax <- parameterRules[[1]]$limits$vmaxThreshold$value
          } else {
            fixedVMax <- pointStats[[1]][parameterRules[[1]]$limits$vmaxThreshold$reference][[1]]
        } else {
          fixedMax <- NA
      list(list(myfixedParameters = list(vmax = fixedVMax, km = NA)))
    by = curveId]
    fitData <- dose_response_fit(fitData)
    refit <- check_refit(fitData)
    i <- i + 1
apply_limits.substrateInhibition <- function(fitData, iterations = 20) {
  #While refit is true, keep refitting using fixed parameters
  #The reason we check refit and continue is because we are dealing with limits, 
  #if max is above limit so then we limit it, does min then go below limit? ok, then limit that....etc.
  #Check if limits have been exceeded and refit if not inactive, non-converged or insufficient range
  check_refit <- function(fitData) {
    refit <- fitData[ , {
      maxExceeded <- ifelse(is.null(results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits), FALSE, "vmaxThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits)
      exceededAThreshold <- (maxExceeded)
      refit <-  exceededAThreshold & (!inactive | !fitConverged | !insufficientRange | !potent)
    by = curveId]$V1
  refit <- check_refit(fitData)
  i <- 1
  while(any(refit) & i < iterations) {
    fitData[refit, model.synced := FALSE]
    fitData[refit, fixedParameters := {
      if(ifelse(is.null(fixedParameters[[1]]$vmax), FALSE, !is.na(fixedParameters[[1]]$vmax))) {
        fixedMax <- fixedParameters[[1]]$max
      } else {
        if("vmaxThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits) {
          if(parameterRules[[1]]$limits$vmaxThreshold$type == "threshold") {
            fixedVMax <- parameterRules[[1]]$limits$vmaxThreshold$value
          } else {
            fixedVMax <- pointStats[[1]][parameterRules[[1]]$limits$vmaxThreshold$reference][[1]]
        } else {
          fixedMax <- NA
      list(list(myfixedParameters = list(vmax = fixedVMax, km = NA)))
    by = curveId]
    fitData <- dose_response_fit(fitData)
    refit <- check_refit(fitData)
    i <- i + 1
apply_limits.ki <- function(fitData, iterations = 20) {
  #While refit is true, keep refitting using fixed parameters
  #The reason we check refit and continue is because we are dealing with limits, 
  #if max is above limit so then we limit it, does min then go below limit? ok, then limit that....etc.
  #Check if limits have been exceeded and refit if not inactive, non-converged or insufficient range
  check_refit <- function(fitData) {
    refit <- fitData[ , {
      maxExceeded <- ifelse(is.null(results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits), FALSE, "maxThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits)
      minExceeded <- ifelse(is.null(results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits), FALSE, "minThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits)
      exceededAThreshold <- (maxExceeded | minExceeded)
      refit <-  exceededAThreshold & (!inactive | !fitConverged | !insufficientRange | !potent)
    by = curveId]$V1
  refit <- check_refit(fitData)
  i <- 1
  while(any(refit) & i < iterations) {
    fitData[refit, model.synced := FALSE]
    fitData[refit, fixedParameters := {
      if(ifelse(is.null(fixedParameters[[1]]$max), FALSE, !is.na(fixedParameters[[1]]$max))) {
        fixedMax <- fixedParameters[[1]]$max
      } else {
        if("maxThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits) {
          if(parameterRules[[1]]$limits$maxThreshold$type == "threshold") {
            fixedMax <- parameterRules[[1]]$limits$maxThreshold$value
          } else {
            fixedMax <- pointStats[[1]][parameterRules[[1]]$limits$maxThreshold$reference][[1]]
        } else {
          fixedMax <- NA
      if(ifelse(is.null(fixedParameters[[1]]$min), FALSE, !is.na(fixedParameters[[1]]$min))) {
        fixedMin <- fixedParameters[[1]]$min
      } else {
        #fixedMax <- ifelse("Min threshold exceeded" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits, parameterRules[[1]]$limits$maxThreshold$value, NA)
        if("minThreshold" %in% results.parameterRules[[1]]$limits) {
          if(parameterRules[[1]]$limits$minThreshold$type == "threshold") {
            fixedMin <- parameterRules[[1]]$limits$minThreshold$value
          } else {
            fixedMin <- pointStats[[1]][parameterRules[[1]]$limits$minThreshold$reference][[1]]
        } else {
          fixedMin <- NA
      list(list(myfixedParameters = list(max = fixedMax,min = fixedMin, ki = NA, kd = fixedParameters[[1]]$kd, ligandConc = fixedParameters[[1]]$ligandConc )))
    by = curveId]
    fitData <- dose_response_fit(fitData)
    refit <- check_refit(fitData)
    i <- i + 1
updateFitSettings.LL4 <- function(fitSettings, simpleSettings) {
  update.fitSetting.parameter.LL4 <- function(fitSettings, name, simpleSettingsParameter) {   
    if(simpleSettingsParameter$limitType=="none") {
      fitSettings$parameterRules$limits[[paste0(name,"Threshold")]] <- NULL
      fitSettings$fixedParameters[[name]] <- NULL
    if(simpleSettingsParameter$limitType=="pin") {
      fitSettings$parameterRules$limits[[paste0(name,"Threshold")]] <- NULL
      fitSettings$fixedParameters[[name]] <- ifelse(name=="slope",-simpleSettingsParameter$value,simpleSettingsParameter$value)
    if(simpleSettingsParameter$limitType=="limit") {
      fitSettings$parameterRules$limits[[paste0(name,"Threshold")]] <- list(parameter = name,
                                                                            type = "threshold",
                                                                            operator = switch(name,
                                                                                              max = ">",
                                                                                              min = "<",
                                                                                              ec50 = ">",
                                                                                              slope = "<",
                                                                                              stop(paste0("Unknown parameter:",name))),
                                                                            value = ifelse(name=="slope",-simpleSettingsParameter$value,simpleSettingsParameter$value),
                                                                            displayName = paste0(name," threshold exceeded")
      fitSettings$fixedParameters[[name]] <- NULL
  fitSettings <- update.fitSetting.parameter.LL4(fitSettings, name = "min", simpleSettingsParameter = simpleSettings$min)
  fitSettings <- update.fitSetting.parameter.LL4(fitSettings, name = "max", simpleSettingsParameter = simpleSettings$max)
  fitSettings <- update.fitSetting.parameter.LL4(fitSettings, name = "slope", simpleSettingsParameter = simpleSettings$slope) 
updateFitSettings.LL4IC50 <- function(fitSettings, simpleSettings) {
  update.fitSetting.parameter.LL4 <- function(fitSettings, name, simpleSettingsParameter) {   
    if(simpleSettingsParameter$limitType=="none") {
      fitSettings$parameterRules$limits[[paste0(name,"Threshold")]] <- NULL
      fitSettings$fixedParameters[[name]] <- NULL
    if(simpleSettingsParameter$limitType=="pin") {
      fitSettings$parameterRules$limits[[paste0(name,"Threshold")]] <- NULL
      fitSettings$fixedParameters[[name]] <- ifelse(name=="slope",-simpleSettingsParameter$value,simpleSettingsParameter$value)
    if(simpleSettingsParameter$limitType=="limit") {
      fitSettings$parameterRules$limits[[paste0(name,"Threshold")]] <- list(parameter = name,
                                                                            type = "threshold",
                                                                            operator = switch(name,
                                                                                              max = ">",
                                                                                              min = "<",
                                                                                              ic50 = ">",
                                                                                              slope = "<",
                                                                                              stop(paste0("Unknown parameter:",name))),
                                                                            value = ifelse(name=="slope",-simpleSettingsParameter$value,simpleSettingsParameter$value),
                                                                            displayName = paste0(name," threshold exceeded")
      fitSettings$fixedParameters[[name]] <- NULL
  fitSettings <- update.fitSetting.parameter.LL4(fitSettings, name = "min", simpleSettingsParameter = simpleSettings$min)
  fitSettings <- update.fitSetting.parameter.LL4(fitSettings, name = "max", simpleSettingsParameter = simpleSettings$max)
  fitSettings <- update.fitSetting.parameter.LL4(fitSettings, name = "slope", simpleSettingsParameter = simpleSettings$slope) 
updateFitSettings.MM2 <- function(fitSettings, simpleSettings) {
  update.fitSetting.parameter.MM2 <- function(fitSettings, name, simpleSettingsParameter) {   
    if(is.null(simpleSettingsParameter$limitType) || simpleSettingsParameter$limitType=="pin") {
      fitSettings$parameterRules$limits[[paste0(name,"Threshold")]] <- NULL
      fitSettings$fixedParameters[[name]] <- simpleSettingsParameter$value
    if(simpleSettingsParameter$limitType=="none") {
      fitSettings$parameterRules$limits[[paste0(name,"Threshold")]] <- NULL
      fitSettings$fixedParameters[[name]] <- NULL
    if(simpleSettingsParameter$limitType=="limit") {
      fitSettings$parameterRules$limits[[paste0(name,"Threshold")]] <- list(parameter = name,
                                                                            type = "threshold",
                                                                            operator = switch(name,
                                                                                              vmax = ">",
                                                                                              km = ">",
                                                                                              stop(paste0("Unknown parameter:",name))),
                                                                            value = simpleSettingsParameter$value,
                                                                            displayName = paste0(name," threshold exceeded")
      fitSettings$fixedParameters[[name]] <- NULL
  fitSettings <- update.fitSetting.parameter.MM2(fitSettings, name = "vmax", simpleSettingsParameter = simpleSettings$vmax)
  fitSettings <- update.fitSetting.parameter.MM2(fitSettings, name = "et", simpleSettingsParameter = simpleSettings$et)
updateFitSettings.substrateInhibition <- function(fitSettings, simpleSettings) {
  update.fitSetting.parameter.MM2 <- function(fitSettings, name, simpleSettingsParameter) {   
    if(is.null(simpleSettingsParameter$limitType) || simpleSettingsParameter$limitType=="pin") {
      fitSettings$parameterRules$limits[[paste0(name,"Threshold")]] <- NULL
      fitSettings$fixedParameters[[name]] <- simpleSettingsParameter$value
    if(simpleSettingsParameter$limitType=="none") {
      fitSettings$parameterRules$limits[[paste0(name,"Threshold")]] <- NULL
      fitSettings$fixedParameters[[name]] <- NULL
    if(simpleSettingsParameter$limitType=="limit") {
      fitSettings$parameterRules$limits[[paste0(name,"Threshold")]] <- list(parameter = name,
                                                                            type = "threshold",
                                                                            operator = switch(name,
                                                                                              vmax = ">",
                                                                                              km = ">",
                                                                                              stop(paste0("Unknown parameter:",name))),
                                                                            value = simpleSettingsParameter$value,
                                                                            displayName = paste0(name," threshold exceeded")
      fitSettings$fixedParameters[[name]] <- NULL
  fitSettings <- update.fitSetting.parameter.MM2(fitSettings, name = "vmax", simpleSettingsParameter = simpleSettings$vmax)
  fitSettings <- update.fitSetting.parameter.MM2(fitSettings, name = "et", simpleSettingsParameter = simpleSettings$et)
updateFitSettings.Ki <- function(fitSettings, simpleSettings) {
  update.fitSetting.parameter.Ki <- function(fitSettings, name, simpleSettingsParameter) {   
    if(is.null(simpleSettingsParameter$limitType) || simpleSettingsParameter$limitType=="pin") {
      fitSettings$parameterRules$limits[[paste0(name,"Threshold")]] <- NULL
      fitSettings$fixedParameters[[name]] <- ifelse(name=="slope",-simpleSettingsParameter$value,simpleSettingsParameter$value)
    if(simpleSettingsParameter$limitType=="none") {
      fitSettings$parameterRules$limits[[paste0(name,"Threshold")]] <- NULL
      fitSettings$fixedParameters[[name]] <- NULL
    if(simpleSettingsParameter$limitType=="limit") {
      fitSettings$parameterRules$limits[[paste0(name,"Threshold")]] <- list(parameter = name,
                                                                            type = "threshold",
                                                                            operator = switch(name,
                                                                                              max = ">",
                                                                                              min = "<",
                                                                                              ki = ">",
                                                                                              stop(paste0("Unknown parameter:",name))),
                                                                            value = simpleSettingsParameter$value,
                                                                            displayName = paste0(name," threshold exceeded")
      fitSettings$fixedParameters[[name]] <- NULL
  fitSettings <- update.fitSetting.parameter.Ki(fitSettings, name = "min", simpleSettingsParameter = simpleSettings$min)
  fitSettings <- update.fitSetting.parameter.Ki(fitSettings, name = "max", simpleSettingsParameter = simpleSettings$max)
  fitSettings <- update.fitSetting.parameter.Ki(fitSettings, name = "kd", simpleSettingsParameter = simpleSettings$kd)
  fitSettings <- update.fitSetting.parameter.Ki(fitSettings, name = "ligandConc", simpleSettingsParameter = simpleSettings$ligandConc)

get_fit_data_curve_id <- function(curveids, full_object = TRUE, ...) {
  renderingHint <- get_curve_id_rendering_hint(curveids[[1]], ...)
  modelFit <- racas::get_model_fit_from_type_code(renderingHint)
  qu <- modelFit$curveid_query
  fitData <- curve_fit_controller_fitData_dataTable_to_fitData(rbindlist(query_replace_string_with_values(qu, "REPLACEME", curveids, ...)))
  if(full_object) {
    experimentCode <- query(paste0("select e.code_name from experiment e join experiment_analysisgroup eag on e.id=eag.experiment_id join analysis_group ag on eag.analysis_group_id=ag.id join analysis_group_state ags on ag.id=ags.analysis_group_id join analysis_group_value agv on ags.id=agv.analysis_state_id where e.ignored <> '1' and e.deleted <> '1' and ag.ignored <> '1' and ag.deleted <> '1' and ags.ignored <> '1' and ags.deleted <> '1' and agv.ignored <> '1' and agv.deleted <> '1' and agv.ls_type='stringValue' and agv.ls_kind='curve id' and agv.string_value='",curveids[1],"'")
                            , ...)
    transformation <- get_experiment_model_fit_transformation(experimentCode[[1]])
    curveFitController_rawDataResponse <- curve_fit_controller_getRawDataByCurveId(curveids, rawResultsPersistencePath = modelFit$raw_results_persistence_path, transformation = transformation)
    rawData <- curve_fit_controller_rawData_response_to_data_table(curveFitController_rawDataResponse)
    rawData[ ,tempFlagStatus := ""]
    rawData[ , flagchanged := FALSE]
    rawData <- rawData[ , list(list(.SD)), .SDcols = 1:ncol(rawData), keyby = "curveId"]
    setnames(rawData, "V1", "points")
    fitData <- fitData[rawData]

get_curve_id_state_id <- function(curveid, ...) {
  qu <- paste0("SELECT analysis_state_id
               FROM analysis_group_value agv
               INNER JOIN analysis_group_state ags
               ON agv.analysis_state_id=ags.id
               WHERE agv.ls_type       = 'stringValue'
               AND agv.ls_kind         = 'curve id'
               AND agv.string_value = ",sqliz(curveid),"
               AND agv.ignored = '0'
               AND ags.ignored = '0'
               AND ags.ignored = '0'
               AND ags.ls_type = 'data'
               AND ags.ls_kind = 'dose response'")
  query(qu, ...)[[1]]
get_curve_id_rendering_hint <- function(curveid, ...) {
  state_id <- get_curve_id_state_id(curveid, ...)
  qu <- paste0("select string_value from analysis_group_value where ls_kind = 'Rendering Hint' and analysis_state_id = ", state_id)
  res <- query(qu, ...)
  if(nrow(res) == 0) {
  } else {
get_fit_data_experiment_code <- function(experimentCode, modelFitType, full_object = FALSE, modelFit,...) {
  myMessenger <- messenger()
  myMessenger$logger$debug("getting fitData2")
  qu <- modelFit$experiment_query
  queryResults <- rbindlist(query_replace_string_with_values(qu, "REPLACEME", experimentCode, ...))
  if(nrow(queryResults) == 0) {
    msg <- "no experiment results found"
  myMessenger$logger$debug("converting service return to fit_data object") 
  fitData <- curve_fit_controller_fitData_dataTable_to_fitData(queryResults)
  #Treatmeng Groups and Subject Groups
  setkey(fitData, "curveId")
  if(full_object) {
    myMessenger$logger$debug("getting rawData")
    transformation <- get_experiment_model_fit_transformation(experimentCode)
    curveFitController_rawDataResponse <- curve_fit_controller_getRawDataByExperimentIdOrCodeName(experimentCode, rawResultsPersistencePath = modelFit$raw_results_persistence_path, transformation = transformation)
    rawData <- curve_fit_controller_rawData_response_to_data_table(curveFitController_rawDataResponse)
    rawData[ ,tempFlagStatus := ""]
    rawData[ ,flagchanged := FALSE]
    rawData <- rawData[ , list(list(.SD)), keyby = "curveId"]
    setnames(rawData, "V1", "points")
    fitData <- fitData[rawData]
  myMessenger$logger$debug(paste0("returning with ", nrow(fitData), " curves"))

get_curve_data <- function(curveids, raw_data = FALSE, ...) {
  qu <- "SELECT pl.label_text as protocol_label, e.protocol_id as protocol_id, e.code_name as experiment_code_name, el.label_text as experiment_label, e.recorded_date as experiment_recorded_date, ag.id as analysis_group_id, agv.string_value as curve_id, batch.code_value as batch_code, rendering_hint.string_value as rendering_hint
  FROM protocol p
  JOIN protocol_label pl
  ON p.id = pl.protocol_id
  JOIN experiment e
  ON p.id = e.protocol_id
  JOIN experiment_label el
  ON e.id = el.experiment_id
  JOIN experiment_analysisgroup eag
  ON e.id=eag.experiment_id
  JOIN analysis_group ag
  ON eag.analysis_group_id=ag.id
  JOIN analysis_group_state ags
  ON ag.id=ags.analysis_group_id
  JOIN analysis_group_value agv
  ON ags.id=agv.analysis_state_id
  JOIN analysis_group_value batch
  ON ags.id=batch.analysis_state_id
  JOIN analysis_group_value rendering_hint
  ON ags.id=rendering_hint.analysis_state_id
  WHERE p.ignored = '0'
  AND pl.ignored = '0'
  AND pl.ls_type = 'name'
  AND pl.ls_kind = 'protocol name'
  AND e.ignored = '0'
  AND el.ignored = '0'
  AND el.ls_type = 'name'
  AND el.ls_kind = 'experiment name'
  AND agv.ls_type       = 'stringValue'
  AND agv.ls_kind         = 'curve id'
  AND batch.ls_type       = 'codeValue'
  AND batch.ls_kind         = 'batch code'
  AND batch.ignored = '0'
  AND rendering_hint.ls_type       = 'stringValue'
  AND rendering_hint.ls_kind         = 'Rendering Hint'
  AND rendering_hint.ignored = '0'
  AND agv.ignored = '0'
  AND ags.ignored = '0'
  AND ags.ignored = '0'
  AND ags.ls_type = 'data'
  AND ags.ls_kind = 'dose response'
  AND agv.string_value in (REPLACEME)"
  fitData <- rbindlist(query_replace_string_with_values(qu, "REPLACEME", curveids, ...))
  if(raw_data) {
    parameters <- fitData[ , list(list(get_fit_data_curve_id(curve_id, ...))), by = rendering_hint]
    parameters <- rbindlist(parameters$V1, fill = TRUE)
    setkey(parameters, "curveId")
    setkey(fitData, "curve_id")
    fitData <- parameters[fitData]

#' Get gooness of fit list from rendering hint options
#' Reads the default fit settings for the given model hint and updates it based on the simple request
#' @param renderingOptions a list of rendering options read from a config
#' @return a list of rendering hint goodness of fits in the format [{"SSE": {"value": value, "operator": operator}, ...etc.}]
get_goodness_of_fit_thresholds_from_rendering_options<- function(renderingOptions) {
  goodnessOfFitStatNames <- c("SSE", "SST", "rSquared")
  goodnessOfFitClasses <- c("warning", "error")
  goodnessOfFitParameters <- list()
  for(stat in goodnessOfFitStatNames) {
    goodnessOfFitParameters[[stat]] <- list()
    for(class in goodnessOfFitClasses) {
      goodnessOfFitParameters[[stat]][[class]] <- list("value" = NA_real_, "operator" = NA_character_)
      if(!is.null(renderingOptions$goodnessOfFit[[stat]][[class]]$value)) {
        goodnessOfFitParameters[[stat]][[class]]$value <- renderingOptions$goodnessOfFit[[stat]][[class]]$value
        goodnessOfFitParameters[[stat]][[class]]$operator <- renderingOptions$goodnessOfFit[[stat]][[class]]$operator

#' Calculates goodness of fit for a set of curves
#' Reads the default fit settings for the given model hint and updates it based on the simple request
#' @param fixedParams a list of fixed parameters to apply to the renderingOptions function
#' @param points a data table of points to calculate goodness of fit for
#' @param renderingOptions a list of rendering options read from a config
#' @return a list of goodness of fit values in the format [{"SSE": SSE, "SST": SST, "rSquared": rSquared}, ...etc.]
get_goodness_of_fit_stats_from_fixed_parameters <- function(fixedParams, points, fct) {
      # Calculate the goodness of fit parameters using the 
      # curve fit function and fixed parameters the user has provided
      SSE <- NA_real_
      SSR <- NA_real_
      SST <- NA_real_
      rSquared <- NA_real_
      missingParameters <- Filter(f=function(x) x$missing == TRUE, fixedParams)
      if(!is.na(fct) && length(missingParameters) == 0) {
        fct <- eval(parse(text=paste0('function(x) ', fct)))
        for(i in 1:length(fixedParams)) {
            assign(names(fixedParams)[i], fixedParams[[i]]$value)
        goodPoints <- filterFlaggedPoints(points[[1]], returnGood = TRUE)
        SSE <- sum((fct(goodPoints$dose) - goodPoints$response)^2)
        SSR <- sum((fct(goodPoints$dose) - mean(goodPoints$response))^2)
        SST <- SSR + SSE
        rSquared <- SSR/SST
        if(is.nan(rSquared)) {
          rSquared <- NA_real_
      return(list(SSE = SSE, SSR = SSR, SST = SST, rSquared = rSquared))

#' Get the protocol display min and max from a protocol entity
#' @param protocol a protocol entity
#' @return a list of of the format {"ymin": ymin, "ymax": ymax}
get_protocol_curve_display_min_and_max_by_protocol <- function(protocol) {
      # This function validates the calculated results against and subject data against the curve fit model
    protocolDisplayValues <- list(ymax=NA, ymin=NA)
    if(class(protocol) == "list" && length(protocol) > 1) {
      metadataState <- getStatesByTypeAndKind(protocol, "metadata_screening assay")
      if(length(metadataState) > 0) {
          curve_display_min_value <- getValuesByTypeAndKind(metadataState[[1]], "numericValue_curve display min")
          if(length(curve_display_min_value) > 0) {
              protocolDisplayValues$ymin <- curve_display_min_value[[1]]$numericValue
          curve_display_max_value <- getValuesByTypeAndKind(metadataState[[1]], "numericValue_curve display max")
          if(length(curve_display_max_value) > 0) {
              protocolDisplayValues$ymax <- curve_display_max_value[[1]]$numericValue
mcneilco/racas documentation built on Feb. 22, 2024, 10:07 p.m.