
Defines functions plot_target_gene_expressions plot_miRNAs_per_gene plot_involved_miRNAs_to_modules plot_heatmaps plot_confusion_matrices plot_accuracy_sensitivity_specificity plot_density_scores plot_top_modules Random_spongEffects build_classifier_central_genes calibrate_model get_central_modules filter_ceRNA_network prepare_metabric_for_spongEffects prepare_tcga_for_spongEffects fn_RF_classifier enrichment_modules fn_get_semi_random_OE fn_OE_module fn_discretize_spongeffects define_modules fn_weighted_degree fn_combined_centrality fn_filter_network

Documented in build_classifier_central_genes calibrate_model define_modules enrichment_modules filter_ceRNA_network fn_combined_centrality fn_discretize_spongeffects fn_filter_network fn_get_semi_random_OE fn_OE_module fn_RF_classifier fn_weighted_degree get_central_modules plot_accuracy_sensitivity_specificity plot_confusion_matrices plot_density_scores plot_heatmaps plot_involved_miRNAs_to_modules plot_miRNAs_per_gene plot_target_gene_expressions plot_top_modules prepare_metabric_for_spongEffects prepare_tcga_for_spongEffects Random_spongEffects

#' Preprocessing ceRNA network
#' @param network  ceRNA network as data (typically present in the outputs of
#' sponge)
#' @param mscor.threshold mscor threshold (default 0.1)
#' @param padj.threshold adjusted p-value threshold (default 0.01)
#' @return filtered ceRNA network
fn_filter_network <- function(network,
                              mscor.threshold = .1,
                              padj.threshold = .01) {
    network %>%
        filter(mscor > mscor.threshold & p.adj < padj.threshold)

#' Function to calculate centrality scores
#' Calculation of combined centrality scores as proposed by Del Rio et al. (2009)
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @param CentralityMeasures dataframe with centrality score measures as columns
#' and samples as rows
#' @return Vector containing combined centrality scores
fn_combined_centrality <- function(CentralityMeasures) {

    CombinedCentrality.Score <- c()

    for (v in 1:nrow(CentralityMeasures)) {
        combined.c <- 0
        for (m in  colnames(CentralityMeasures)) {

            max.c <- max(CentralityMeasures[,m])
            min.c <- min(CentralityMeasures[,m])

            gene.c <- CentralityMeasures[v,m]

            combined.c <- combined.c + ((max.c - gene.c) / (max.c - min.c)^2)

        CombinedCentrality.Score <- c(CombinedCentrality.Score, 0.5*combined.c)

#' Function to calculate centrality scores
#' Calculation of weighted degree scores based on Opsahl et al. (2010)
#' Hyperparameter to tune: Alpha = 0 --> degree centrality as defined in
#' Freeman, 1978 (number of edges).
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @import tnet
#' @param network Network formatted as a dataframe with three columns containing
#' respectively node1, node2 and weights
#' @param undirected directionality of the network (default: T)
#' @param Alpha degree centrality as defined in Barrat et al., 2004 (default: 1)
#' @return Dataframe containing information about nodes and their weighted
#' centrality measure
fn_weighted_degree <- function(network,
                               undirected = T,
                               Alpha = 1){

    # Format input matrix by using numeric as node IDs
    Nodes <- data.frame(Nodes = union(network$geneA, network$geneB),
                        Nodes_numeric = seq(1, length(union(network$geneA,

    geneA.numeric <- Nodes$Nodes_numeric[match(network$geneA, Nodes$Nodes)]
    geneB.numeric <- Nodes$Nodes_numeric[match(network$geneB, Nodes$Nodes)]

    Input.network <- data.frame(Sender = geneA.numeric, Receiver = geneB.numeric,
                                Weight = network$mscor)

    if (undirected) {
        # Define networks as undirected
        Undirected.net <- Input.network %>% tnet::symmetrise_w()
        Weighted_degree <- tnet::degree_w(Undirected.net, alpha = Alpha) %>%

        Nodes$Weighted_degree <- Weighted_degree$output[match(Weighted_degree$node,


#' Functions to define Sponge modules, created as all the first neighbors of
#' the most central genes (= centrality), or with community detection methods (louvain, leiden, walktrap, optimal).
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @import igraph
#' @param network Network as dataframe and list of central nodes. First two
#' columns of the dataframe should contain the information of the nodes
#' connected by edges.
#' @param  central.modules consider central gene as part of the module. Is ignored if community detection is used for module creation.
#' (default: False)
#' @param remove.central Possibility of keeping or removing (default) central
#' genes in the modules (default: T)
#' @param set.parallel paralleling calculation of define_modules() (default: F)
#' @param module_creation c("centrality", "louvain", "leiden", "walktrap", "optimal") Which method should be used to create modules (default: "centrality")
#' @param param Is used to refine the community detection methods. Will influence the resolution parameter for the louvain or leiden algorithm and the steps parameter in the walktrap algorithm.
#' @export
#' @return List of modules. Module names are the corresponding central genes.
define_modules <- function(network,
                           central.modules = F,
                           remove.central = T,
                           set.parallel = T,
                           module_creation = "centrality", param) {
  # Some gene columns from SPONGEdb start with an uppercase G, so we need to adjust it just in case
  if("GeneA" %in% colnames(network)) {
    network = network %>% rename(geneA = GeneA)
  if("GeneB" %in% colnames(network)) {
    network = network %>% rename(geneB = GeneB)
  if(module_creation == "louvain"){
    graph <-graph.data.frame(network, directed = FALSE)
    cluster <- igraph::cluster_louvain(graph, resolution = param)
    Sponge.Modules <- list()
    k <- 1
    for(i in 1:length(cluster)) {
      Sponge.Modules[i] <- cluster[i]
      comm_graph = induced_subgraph(graph, cluster[[i]])
      names(Sponge.Modules)[i] <- names(which.max(degree(comm_graph)))    }
  if(module_creation == "leiden"){
    graph <-graph.data.frame(network, directed = FALSE)
    cluster <- igraph::cluster_leiden(graph, objective_function = "modularity", resolution_parameter = 3)
    Sponge.Modules <- list()
    k <- 1
    for(i in 1:length(cluster)) {
      Sponge.Modules[i] <- cluster[i]
      comm_graph = induced_subgraph(graph, cluster[[i]])
      names(Sponge.Modules)[i] <- names(which.max(degree(comm_graph)))
  if(module_creation == "optimal"){
    graph <-graph.data.frame(network, directed = FALSE)
    components <- igraph::clusters(graph, mode="weak")
    biggest_cluster_id <- which.max(components$csize)
    vert_ids <- V(graph)[components$membership == biggest_cluster_id]
    graph <- igraph::induced_subgraph(graph, vert_ids)
    cluster <- igraph::cluster_optimal(graph)
    Sponge.Modules <- list()
    k <- 1
    for(i in 1:length(cluster)) {
      Sponge.Modules[i] <- cluster[i]
      comm_graph = induced_subgraph(graph, cluster[[i]])
      names(Sponge.Modules)[i] <- names(which.max(degree(comm_graph)))    }

  if(module_creation == "walktrap"){
    graph <-graph.data.frame(network, directed = FALSE)
    cluster <- igraph::cluster_walktrap(graph,steps = param)
    Sponge.Modules <- list()
    k <- 1
    for(i in 1:length(cluster)) {
      Sponge.Modules[i] <- cluster[i]
      comm_graph = induced_subgraph(graph, cluster[[i]])
      names(Sponge.Modules)[i] <- names(which.max(degree(comm_graph)))    }
    set.parallel = F
    if (set.parallel) {
        Sponge.Modules <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(central.modules),  .packages = "dplyr") %dopar% {
            Sponge.temp <- network %>%
                dplyr::filter(geneA == central.modules$gene[i] | geneB == central.modules$gene[i])

            if(nrow(Sponge.temp) != 0) {
                Module.temp <- union(Sponge.temp$geneA, Sponge.temp$geneB)
                Module.temp <- Module.temp[Module.temp != central.modules$gene[i]]

                names(Module.temp) <- as.character(central.modules$gene[i])
    } else {

        Sponge.Modules <- list()
        k <- 1
        for(i in 1:nrow(central.modules)) {
            Sponge.temp <- network %>%
                filter(geneA == central.modules$gene[i] | geneB == central.modules$gene[i])

            if(nrow(Sponge.temp) != 0) {
                Module.temp <- union(Sponge.temp$geneA, Sponge.temp$geneB)
                Module.temp <- Module.temp[Module.temp != central.modules$gene[i]]

                Sponge.Modules[[k]] <- Module.temp
                names(Sponge.Modules)[k] <- as.character(central.modules$gene)[i]

                k <- k+1


    if (remove.central) {
        # Remove central lncRNA from each module
        Sponge.Modules.DoubleRemoved <- list()

        for (z in 1:length(Sponge.Modules)) {
            toKeep <- !(Sponge.Modules[[z]] %in% central.modules$gene)
            Sponge.Modules.DoubleRemoved[[z]] <- Sponge.Modules[[z]][!(Sponge.Modules[[z]] %in% central.modules$gene)]

        names(Sponge.Modules.DoubleRemoved) <- names(Sponge.Modules)
    } else {return(Sponge.Modules)}

#' discretize
#' #' (functions taken from: Jerby-Arnon et al. 2018)
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @param v gene distance (defined by mother function OE module function)
#' @param n.cat size of the bins (defined by mother function  OE module function)
#' @return discretized
    q1<-quantile(v,seq(from = (1/n.cat),to = 1,by = (1/n.cat)))
    u<-matrix(nrow = length(v))
    for(i in 2:n.cat){

#' Function to calculate enrichment scores of modules OE
#' (functions taken from: Jerby-Arnon et al. 2018)
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @param NormCount normalized counts
#' @param gene.sign significant genes
#' @param bin.size bin size (default: 100)
#' @param num.rounds number of rounds (default: 1000)
#' @param set_seed seed size (default: 42)
#' @return Signature scores
fn_OE_module <- function(NormCount,
                         bin.size = 100,
                         num.rounds = 1000,
                         set_seed = 42){

    SequencedGenes <- rownames(NormCount)
    # Center gene expression
    Centered.expr <- NormCount %>% t() %>% scale(center =T, scale = F) %>% t()

    # Average expression of a gene across cells
    Genes.dist <- rowMeans(NormCount,na.rm = T)

    # Divide genes in  expression bins
    Discretized.Genes.dist <- fn_discretize_spongeffects(Genes.dist,n.cat = bin.size)

    # Calculate OE scores
    Signature.scores <- matrix(data = 0,nrow = ncol(NormCount),ncol =1)
    sign.names <- names(gene.sign)
    colnames(Signature.scores) <- sign.names

    Signature.scores.raw <- Signature.scores
    random.scores<- Signature.scores

    b.sign <- is.element(SequencedGenes, gene.sign)
    if(sum(b.sign)<2) {next()}

    rand.scores<-fn_get_semi_random_OE(Centered.expr, Discretized.Genes.dist,b.sign,num.rounds = num.rounds)

    raw.scores <- colMeans(Centered.expr[b.sign,])
    final.scores <- raw.scores-rand.scores
    Signature.scores[,1] <- final.scores
    Signature.scores.raw[,1] <- raw.scores
    random.scores[,1] <- rand.scores


#' Function to calculate semi random enrichment scores of modules OE
#' (functions taken from: Jerby-Arnon et al. 2018)
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @param r expression matrix
#' @param genes.dist.q values of the genes after binning (result of binning)
#' @param b.sign does the signature contain less than 2 genes?
#' (controll parameter) (is set by mother function (OE module function))
#' @param num.rounds number of rounds (default: 1000)
#' @return random signature scores
fn_get_semi_random_OE <- function(r,
                                  num.rounds = 1000){
    # Previous name: get.random.sig.scores

    B<-matrix(data = F,nrow = length(genes.dist.q),ncol = num.rounds)
    Q<-matrix(data = 0,nrow = length(genes.dist.q),ncol = num.rounds)
    for (i in 1:nrow(sign.q)){
            for (j in 1:num.rounds){

        sel_matrix <- r[x,]
        if(is.array(sel_matrix)) return(colMeans(sel_matrix))
        else return(mean(sel_matrix))
    if(is.array(rand.scores)) rand.scores<-rowMeans(rand.scores)
    else rand.scores <- mean(rand.scores)


# 3) Calculate enrichment scores
# Input: List of modules (with module names), expression data (gene x samples)
# Output: matrix containing module enrichment scores (module x samples)

#' Calculate enrichment scores
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @import rlang
#' @param Expr.matrix ceRNA expression matrix
#' @param modules Result of define_modules()
#' @param bin.size bin size (default: 100)
#' @param min.size minimum module size (default: 10)
#' @param max.size maximum module size (default: 200)
#' @param min.expr minimum expression (default: 10)
#' @param method Enrichment to be used (Overall Enrichment: OE or Gene Set
#' Variation Analysis: GSVA) (default: OE)
#' @param cores number of cores to be used to calculate entichment scores
#' with gsva or ssgsea methods. Default 1
#' @export
#' @return matrix containing module enrichment scores (module x samples)
enrichment_modules <- function(Expr.matrix,
                               bin.size = 100,
                               min.size = 10,
                               max.size = 200,
                               min.expr = 10,
                               method = "OE",
                               cores = 1) {

    if (method %in% c("OE", "gsva", "ssgsea")) {

        if (method == "OE") {
            print(paste0("Calculating modules with bin size: ", bin.size, ", min size: ", min.size, ", max size:", max.size))

            Enrichmentscores.modules <- foreach(Module = 1:length(modules), .packages = c("dplyr", "GSVA"),
                                                .export = c("fn_OE_module", "fn_get_semi_random_OE", "fn_discretize_spongeffects"),
                                                .combine = "cbind") %dopar% {
                                                    results <- list()

                                                    if(length(modules[[Module]]) > min.size & length(modules[[Module]]) < max.size) {
                                                        if (sum((modules[[Module]] %in% rownames(Expr.matrix)), na.rm = TRUE) > min.expr) {
                                                            Enrichment.module <- round(fn_OE_module(Expr.matrix,modules[[Module]],bin.size),2)
                                                            colnames(Enrichment.module) <- names(modules)[Module]
            Enrichmentscores.modules <- Enrichmentscores.modules %>% t() %>% as.data.frame

            colnames(Enrichmentscores.modules) <- colnames(Expr.matrix)

        } else {
            Enrichmentscores.modules <- GSVA::gsva(as.matrix(Expr.matrix), modules, min.sz= min.size,
                                                   max.sz=max.size,method= method,parallel.sz = cores,
                                                   verbose=FALSE) %>% as.data.frame()

            colnames(Enrichmentscores.modules) <- colnames(Expr.matrix)

        if (!is_empty(Enrichmentscores.modules)) {
        } else {
    } else {
        print("Enrichment method must be one of OE, ssgsea, gsva")


#' Calibrate classification method
#' @param data Dataframe with module scores/covariates (modules x samples)
#' AND outcome variable
#' @param lev (default: NULL)
#' @param model (default: NULL)
#' @return Model and confusion matrix in a list
fn_exact_match_summary <- function (data,
                                    lev = NULL,
                                    model = NULL) {
    metric <- sum(data$obs == data$pred, na.rm = TRUE) / length(data$obs)
    names(metric) <- "Exact_match"

#' RF classification model
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @param Input.object data.frame made by predictors and dependent variable
#' @param K number of folds (k-fold)
#' @param rep number of times repeating the cross validation
#' @param metric metric (Exact_match, Accuracy) (default: Exact_match)
#' @param tunegrid defines the grid for the hyperparameter optimization during
#' cross validation (caret package)
#' @param set_seed set seed (default: 42)
#' @return
fn_RF_classifier <- function(Input.object,
                             metric = "Exact_match",
                             set_seed = 42){

    # Training settings
    # k Fold stratified CV
    trainIndex <- createFolds(Input.object$Class, k = K,
                              list = T, returnTrain = T)

    if (metric == "Exact_match") {
        control <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=K, repeats=rep, search="grid",
                                savePredictions = "final", classProbs = F,
                                summaryFunction = fn_exact_match_summary,
                                allowParallel = TRUE, index = trainIndex)
    } else if (metric == "Accuracy") {
        control <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=K, repeats=rep, search="grid",
                                savePredictions = "final", classProbs = F,
                                allowParallel = TRUE, index = trainIndex)

    rf.model <- train(Class~., data=Input.object, method="rf", metric=metric,
                      tuneGrid=tunegrid, trControl=control,
                      importance = TRUE)

    Confusion.matrix <- confusionMatrix(rf.model$pred$pred, rf.model$pred$obs)

    Output.rf <-list(Model = rf.model, ConfusionMatrix_training = Confusion.matrix)

#' prepare TCGA formats for spongEffects
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @param tcga_cancer_symbol e.g., BRCA for breast cancer
#' @param normal_ceRNA_expression_data normal ceRNA expression data
#' (same structure as input for SPONGE)
#' @param tumor_ceRNA_expression_data tumor ceRNA expression data
#' (same structure as input for SPONGE)
#' @param normal_metadata metadata for normal samples
#' (TCGA format style, needs to include column: sampleID, PATIENT_ID)
#' @param tumor_metadata metadata for tumor samples
#' (TCGA format style, needs to include column: sampleID, PATIENT_ID)
#' @param clinical_data clinical data for all patients
#' (TCGA format style, needs to include column: PATIENT_ID, AJCC_PATHOLOGIC_TUMOR_STAGE)
#' @param tumor_stages_of_interest array e.g.,
#' @param subtypes_of_interest array e.g.,
#' c("LumA",  "LumB",  "Her2",  "Basal", "Normal")
#' @export
#' @return list of prepared data. You can access it with list$objectname for
#' further spongEffects steps
prepare_tcga_for_spongEffects <- function(tcga_cancer_symbol,


    # Tidy and prepare input dataset
    TCGA.expr.tumor <- tumor_ceRNA_expression_data %>% t() %>% as.data.frame()
    TCGA.expr.normal <-normal_ceRNA_expression_data %>% t() %>% as.data.frame()
    TCGA.meta.normal <- normal_metadata %>%
        dplyr::filter(sampleID %in% colnames(TCGA.expr.normal))
    TCGA.meta.tumor <- tumor_metadata %>%
        dplyr::filter(sampleID %in% colnames(TCGA.expr.tumor))

    TCGA.meta.tumor$PATIENT_ID <- substr(TCGA.meta.tumor$sampleID,1,nchar(TCGA.meta.tumor$sampleID)-3)

    # Load metadata with grading information and keep only samples with StageI, II, III, and IV
    # clean stage mess
    MetaData_TCGA_Complete <- clinical_data %>%
        dplyr::filter(!(SUBTYPE %in% c("")) & PATIENT_ID %in% TCGA.meta.tumor$PATIENT_ID) %>%
        dplyr::filter(AJCC_PATHOLOGIC_TUMOR_STAGE %in% tumor_stages_of_interest) %>%
        mutate(Grading = ifelse(AJCC_PATHOLOGIC_TUMOR_STAGE %in% c('STAGE I', 'STAGE IA', 'STAGE IB'), "Stage_I",
                                ifelse(AJCC_PATHOLOGIC_TUMOR_STAGE %in% c('STAGE II', 'STAGE IIA', 'STAGE IIB'), "Stage_II",
                                       ifelse(AJCC_PATHOLOGIC_TUMOR_STAGE %in% "STAGE IV", "Stage_IV", "Stage_III"))))

    TCGA.meta.tumor <- TCGA.meta.tumor[match(MetaData_TCGA_Complete$PATIENT_ID, TCGA.meta.tumor$PATIENT_ID), ] %>%
        left_join(MetaData_TCGA_Complete, .by = PATIENT_ID)
    TCGA.meta.tumor$SUBTYPE <- gsub(tcga_cancer_symbol,"", TCGA.meta.tumor$SUBTYPE)
    TCGA.meta.tumor$SUBTYPE <- factor(TCGA.meta.tumor$SUBTYPE, levels = subtypes_of_interest)

    TCGA.expr.normal <- TCGA.expr.normal[, match(TCGA.meta.normal$sampleID, colnames(TCGA.expr.normal))]
    TCGA.expr.tumor <- TCGA.expr.tumor[, match(TCGA.meta.tumor$sampleID, colnames(TCGA.expr.tumor))]

    rownames(TCGA.expr.tumor) <- gsub("\\..*","",rownames(TCGA.expr.tumor))
    rownames(TCGA.expr.normal) <- gsub("\\..*","",rownames(TCGA.expr.normal))

    prep_TCGA_spongEffects <- list(TCGA.expr.tumor,TCGA.expr.normal,TCGA.meta.tumor,TCGA.meta.normal,MetaData_TCGA_Complete)
    names(prep_TCGA_spongEffects) <- c("TCGA.expr.tumor","TCGA.expr.normal","TCGA.meta.tumor","TCGA.meta.normal","MetaData_TCGA_Complete")

#' prepare METABRIC formats for spongEffects
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @param metabric_expression filepath to expression data in metabric format
#' @param metabric_metadata filepath to metabric metadata in metabric format
#' @param subtypes_of_interest array e.g.,
#' c("LumA",  "LumB",  "Her2",  "Basal", "Normal")
#' @param bioMart_gene_ensembl bioMart gene ensemble name
#' (e.g., hsapiens_gene_ensembl).
#' (See https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/biomaRt/inst/doc/biomaRt.html)
#' (default: hsapiens_gene_ensembl)
#' @param bioMart_gene_symbol_columns bioMart dataset column for gene symbols
#' (e.g. human: hgnc_symbol, mouse: mgi_symbol)
#' (default: hgnc_symbol)
#' @export
#' @return list with metabric expression and metadata. You can access it with
#' list$objectname for further spongEffects steps
prepare_metabric_for_spongEffects <- function(metabric_expression,
                                              bioMart_gene_ensembl = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl",
                                              bioMart_gene_symbol_columns = "hgnc_symbol"){
    METABRIC.expr <- read.delim(metabric_expression,
                                header=T) %>% dplyr::select(-Entrez_Gene_Id)
    METABRIC.expr <- METABRIC.expr[Biobase::isUnique(METABRIC.expr$Hugo_Symbol), ]

    METABRIC.expr <- fn_convert_gene_names(METABRIC.expr,bioMart_gene_ensembl,bioMart_gene_symbol_columns)
    colnames(METABRIC.expr) <- gsub("\\.", "-", colnames(METABRIC.expr))

    METABRIC.meta <- read.delim(metabric_metadata, comment.char="#") %>%
        filter(CLAUDIN_SUBTYPE %in% subtypes_of_interest & PATIENT_ID %in% colnames(METABRIC.expr))
    METABRIC.meta$CLAUDIN_SUBTYPE <- factor(METABRIC.meta$CLAUDIN_SUBTYPE, levels = subtypes_of_interest)

    METABRIC.expr <- METABRIC.expr[, match(METABRIC.meta$PATIENT_ID, colnames(METABRIC.expr))]

    names(prep_metabric_spongEffects) <- c("METABRIC.expr","METABRIC.meta")


#' prepare ceRNA network and network centralities from SPONGE / SPONGEdb
#' for spongEffects
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @param sponge_effects the ceRNA network downloaded as R object from SPONGEdb
#' (Hoffmann et al., 2021) or created by SPONGE (List et al., 2019)
#' (ends with _sponge_results in the SPONGE vignette)
#' @param Node_Centrality the network analysis downloaded as R object
#' from SPONGEdb (Hoffmann et al., 2021) or created by SPONGE and containing centrality measures.
#' (List et al., 2019) (ends with _networkAnalysis in the SPONGE vignette, you can also use your own network centrality measurements)
#' if network_analysis is NA then the function only filters the ceRNA network, otherwise it will filter the given network centralities, but will not recalculate them based on the filtered ceRNA network.
#' @param add_weighted_centrality calculate and add weighted centrality measures to previously
#' available centralities. Default = T
#' @param mscor.threshold mscor threshold to be filtered (default: NA)
#' @param padj.threshold adjusted p-value to be filtered (default: NA)
#' @export
#' @return list of filtered ceRNA network and network centrailies. You can
#' access it with list$objectname for further spongEffects steps
filter_ceRNA_network <- function(sponge_effects,
                                 Node_Centrality = NA,
                                 add_weighted_centrality = T,
                                 mscor.threshold = NA,
                                 padj.threshold = NA){

    #Filter SPONGE network for significant edges
    Sponge.filtered <- sponge_effects %>%
        fn_filter_network(mscor.threshold =  mscor.threshold, padj.threshold = padj.threshold)
    # Some gene columns from SPONGEdb start with an uppercase G, so we need to adjust it just in case
    if("GeneA" %in% colnames(Sponge.filtered)) {
      Sponge.filtered = Sponge.filtered %>% rename(geneA = GeneA)
    if("GeneB" %in% colnames(Sponge.filtered)) {
      Sponge.filtered = Sponge.filtered %>% rename(geneB = GeneB)
    Node_Centrality <- Node_Centrality %>%
        dplyr::filter(gene %in% Sponge.filtered$geneA | gene %in% Sponge.filtered$geneB)

    # Calculate weighted centrality scores and add them to the ones present in SpongeDB
        sponge_network_centralites <- list(Sponge.filtered)
        names(sponge_network_centralites) <- c("Sponge.filtered")
        Nodes <- fn_weighted_degree(Sponge.filtered, undirected = T, Alpha = 1)

        Node_Centrality <- Node_Centrality %>%
            mutate(Weighted_Degree = Nodes$Weighted_degree[match(Node_Centrality$gene, Nodes$Nodes)])
        sponge_network_centralites <- list(Sponge.filtered,Node_Centrality)
        names(sponge_network_centralites) <- c("Sponge.filtered","Node_Centrality")


#' prepare ceRNA network and network centralities from SPONGE / SPONGEdb
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @import tnet
#' @param central_nodes Vector containing Ensemble IDs of the chosen RNAs to use as central nodes for the modules.
#' @param node_centrality output from filter_ceRNA_network() or own measurement, if own measurement taken, please provide node_centrality_column
#' @param ceRNA_class default c("lncRNA","circRNA","protein_coding") (see http://www.ensembl.org/info/genome/genebuild/biotypes.html)
#' @param centrality_measure Type of centrality measure to use. (Default: "Weighted_Degree", calculated in filter_ceRNA_network())
#' @param cutoff the top cutoff modules will be returned (default: 1000)
#' @export
#' @return top cutoff modules, with selected RNAs as central genes
get_central_modules <- function(central_nodes,
                                ceRNA_class = c("lncRNA","circRNA","protein_coding"),
                                centrality_measure = "Weighted_Degree",
                                cutoff = 1000){

    if (centrality_measure %in% colnames(node_centrality)) {
        if("circRNA" %in% ceRNA_class)
            df_circRNAS_to_add <- node_centrality[ with(node_centrality, grepl("circ", gene) | grepl(":", gene) | grepl("chr", gene))]
            central_nodes<- c(central_nodes,df_circRNAS_to_add$gene)

        Node.Centrality.weighted <- node_centrality %>%
            dplyr::filter(gene %in% central_nodes) %>%
            dplyr::arrange(desc(centrality_measure)) %>%

    } else {
        print(paste0("centrality_measure must be one of the following: ", colnames(node_centrality)))

#' tests and trains a model for a disease using a training and test data set
#' (e.g., TCGA-BRCA and METABRIC)
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @param modules return from enrichment_modules() function
#' @param modules_metadata metadata table containing information about samples/patients
#' @param label Column of metadata to use as label in classification model
#' @param sampleIDs Column of metadata containing sample/patient IDs to be matched with column names of spongEffects scores
#' @param Metric metric (Exact_match, Accuracy) (default: Exact_match)
#' @param tunegrid_c defines the grid for the hyperparameter optimization during
#' cross validation (caret package) (default: 1:100)
#' @param n_folds number of folds (default: 10)
#' @param repetitions  number of k-fold cv iterations (default: 3)
#' @export
#' @return returns a list with the trained model and the prediction results
# train_and_test_model <- function(train_modules,
#                                  train_modules_metadata,
#                                  test_modules,
#                                  test_modules_metadata,
#                                  test_modules_meta_data_type = "TCGA",
#                                  metric = "Exact_match",
#                                  tunegrid_c = c(1:100),
#                                  n_folds = 10,
#                                  repetitions = 3){
#     BRCA.Modules.OE <- train_modules
#     METABRIC.Modules.OE <-test_modules
#     TCGA.meta.tumor = train_modules_metadata
#     METABRIC.meta = test_modules_metadata
#     Metric <- metric
#     #Find common modules
#     CommonModules <- intersect(rownames(BRCA.Modules.OE), rownames(METABRIC.Modules.OE))
#     BRCA.Modules.OE <- BRCA.Modules.OE[CommonModules, ]
#     METABRIC.Modules.OE <- METABRIC.Modules.OE[CommonModules, ]
#     # Train subtype classifier -------------------------------------------------------------
#     # Define input
#     Inputdata.model <- t(BRCA.Modules.OE) %>% scale(center = T, scale = T) %>%
#         as.data.frame()
#     Inputdata.model <- Inputdata.model %>%
#         mutate(Class = as.factor(TCGA.meta.tumor$SUBTYPE[match(rownames(Inputdata.model), TCGA.meta.tumor$sampleID)]))
#     Inputdata.model <- Inputdata.model[! is.na(Inputdata.model$Class), ]
#     # Define hyperparameters
#     Metric <- Metric
#     tunegrid <- expand.grid(.mtry=tunegrid_c)
#     n.folds <- n_folds # number of folds
#     repetitions <- repetitions # number of k-fold cv iterations
#     # Calibrate model
#     SpongingActivity.model <- fn_RF_classifier(Inputdata.model, n.folds, repetitions, metric = Metric, tunegrid)
#     #Test classification performance on second cohort
#     METABRIC.Modules.OE <- METABRIC.Modules.OE[ ,complete.cases(t(METABRIC.Modules.OE))]
#     if(test_modules_meta_data_type == "METABRIC"){
#         Meta.metabric <- METABRIC.meta$CLAUDIN_SUBTYPE[match(colnames(METABRIC.Modules.OE), METABRIC.meta$PATIENT_ID)]
#     }
#     if(test_modules_meta_data_type == "TCGA"){
#         Meta.metabric <- METABRIC.meta$SUBTYPE[match(colnames(METABRIC.Modules.OE), METABRIC.meta$sampleID)]
#     }
#     Input.Metabric <- t(METABRIC.Modules.OE) %>% scale(center = T, scale = T)
#     Prediction.model <- predict(SpongingActivity.model$Model, Input.Metabric)
#     Meta.metabric<-as.factor(Meta.metabric)
#     SpongingActivity.model$ConfusionMatrix_testing <- confusionMatrix(as.factor(Prediction.model), Meta.metabric)
#     prediction_model<-list(SpongingActivity.model,Prediction.model)
#     names(prediction_model) <- c("SpongingActivity.model","Prediction.model")
#     return(prediction_model)
# }

#' Calibrate classification RF classification model
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @param Input Features to use for model calibration.
#' @param modules_metadata metadata table containing information about samples/patients
#' @param label Column of metadata to use as label in classification model
#' @param sampleIDs Column of metadata containing sample/patient IDs to be matched with column names of spongEffects scores
#' @param Metric metric (Exact_match, Accuracy) (default: Exact_match)
#' @param tunegrid_c defines the grid for the hyperparameter optimization during
#' cross validation (caret package) (default: 1:100)
#' @param n_folds number of folds (default: 10)
#' @param repetitions  number of k-fold cv iterations (default: 3)
#' @export
#' @return returns a list with the trained model and the prediction results
calibrate_model <- function(Input,
                            Metric = "Exact_match",
                            tunegrid_c = c(1:100),
                            n_folds = 10,
                            repetitions = 3){

    if (label %in% colnames(modules_metadata) & sampleIDs %in% colnames(modules_metadata)) {

        # Train subtype classifier -------------------------------------------------------------
        # Define input
        Inputdata.model <- t(Input) %>% scale(center = T, scale = T) %>%
        Inputdata.model <- Inputdata.model %>%
            mutate(Class = as.factor(modules_metadata[match(rownames(Inputdata.model), modules_metadata[,sampleIDs]), label]))
        Inputdata.model <- Inputdata.model[! is.na(Inputdata.model$Class), ]

        # Define hyperparameters
        Metric <- Metric
        tunegrid <- expand.grid(.mtry=tunegrid_c)
        n.folds <- n_folds # number of folds
        repetitions <- repetitions # number of k-fold cv iterations

        # Calibrate model
        SpongingActivity.model <- fn_RF_classifier(Input.object = Inputdata.model, K = n.folds, rep = repetitions, metric = Metric,tunegrid = tunegrid)


    } else {print("label and/or sampleIDs must be columns in metadata")}

#' build classifiers for central genes
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @param train_gene_expr expression data of train dataset,
#' genenames must be in rownames
#' @param test_gene_expr expression data of test dataset,
#' genenames must be in rownames
#' @param train_enrichment_modules return of enrichment_modules()
#' @param test_enrichment_modules return of enrichment_modules()
#' @param train_meta_data meta data of train dataset
#' @param test_meta_data meta data of test dataset
#' @param train_meta_data_type TCGA or METABRIC
#' @param test_meta_data_type TCGA or METABRIC
#' @param metric metric (Exact_match, Accuracy) (default: Exact_match)
#' @param tunegrid_c defines the grid for the hyperparameter optimization during
#' cross validation (caret package) (default: 1:100)
#' @param n.folds number of folds to be calculated
#' @param repetitions  number of k-fold cv iterations (default: 3)
#' @export
#' @return model for central genes
                                         n.folds = 10,



    # Define central genes that are also present in test set (METABRIC)
    Common.CentralGenes <- intersect(rownames(METABRIC.expr), intersect(rownames(TCGA.expr.tumor), rownames(BRCA.Modules.OE)))

    # Define model input
    #TCGA.expr.tumor <- TCGA.expr.tumor[, match(TCGA.meta.tumor$sampleID, colnames(TCGA.expr.tumor))]

    Inputdata.centralGene <- t(TCGA.expr.tumor[rownames(TCGA.expr.tumor) %in% Common.CentralGenes, ]) %>% scale(center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) %>%

        Inputdata.centralGene <- Inputdata.centralGene %>%
            mutate(Class = as.factor(TCGA.meta.tumor$SUBTYPE[match(rownames(Inputdata.centralGene), TCGA.meta.tumor$sampleID)]))
        Inputdata.centralGene <- Inputdata.centralGene %>%
            mutate(Class = as.factor(TCGA.meta.tumor$CLAUDIN_SUBTYPE[match(rownames(Inputdata.centralGene), TCGA.meta.tumor$PATIENT_ID)]))

    Inputdata.centralGene <- Inputdata.centralGene[! is.na(Inputdata.centralGene$Class), ]

    CentralGenes.model <- fn_RF_classifier(Input.object = Inputdata.centralGene, K =  n.folds, rep =  repetitions, metric = Metric, tunegrid =  tunegrid)

    #Test classification performance on second cohort
    Inputdata.centralGene.Metabric <- t(METABRIC.expr[Common.CentralGenes, ]) %>% scale(center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
    Prediction.centralGenes.model <- predict(CentralGenes.model$Model, Inputdata.centralGene.Metabric)

    if(test_meta_data_type == "TCGA"){
        CentralGenes.model$ConfusionMatrix_testing <- confusionMatrix(as.factor(Prediction.centralGenes.model), as.factor(METABRIC.meta$SUBTYPE))
    if(test_meta_data_type == "METABRIC"){
        CentralGenes.model$ConfusionMatrix_testing <- confusionMatrix(as.factor(Prediction.centralGenes.model), as.factor(METABRIC.meta$CLAUDIN_SUBTYPE))


#' build random classifiers
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @param sponge_modules result of define_modules()
#' @param train_gene_expr expression data of train dataset,
#' genenames must be in rownames
#' @param test_gene_expr expression data of test dataset,
#' genenames must be in rownames
#' @param train_meta_data meta data of train dataset
#' @param test_meta_data meta data of test dataset
#' @param train_meta_data_type TCGA or METABRIC
#' @param test_meta_data_type TCGA or METABRIC
#' @param metric metric (Exact_match, Accuracy) (default: Exact_match)
#' @param tunegrid_c defines the grid for the hyperparameter optimization during
#' cross validation (caret package) (default: 1:100)
#' @param n.folds number of folds to be calculated
#' @param repetitions  number of k-fold cv iterations (default: 3)
#' @param bin.size bin size (default: 100)
#' @param min.size minimum module size (default: 10)
#' @param max.size maximum module size (default: 200)
#' @param min.expr minimum expression (default: 10)
#' @param method Enrichment to be used (Overall Enrichment: OE or Gene Set
#' Variation Analysis: GSVA) (default: OE)
#' @param cores number of cores to be used to calculate entichment scores with gsva or ssgsea methods. Default 1
#' @param replace Possibility of keeping or removing (default) central
#' genes in the modules (default: F)
#' @export
#' @return randomized prediction model
# build_classifier_random<-function(sponge_modules,
#                                   train_gene_expr,
#                                   test_gene_expr,
#                                   train_meta_data,
#                                   test_meta_data,
#                                   train_meta_data_type="TCGA",
#                                   test_meta_data_type="TCGA",
#                                   metric="Exact_match",
#                                   tunegrid_c=c(1:100),
#                                   n.folds = 10,
#                                   repetitions=3,
#                                   min.size = 10,
#                                   bin.size = 100,
#                                   max.size = 200,
#                                   min.expression=10,
#                                   replace = F,
#                                   method = "OE"){
#     Sponge.modules<- sponge_modules
#     Metric<-metric
#     Sizes.modules <- lengths(Sponge.modules)
#     TCGA.expr.tumor<-train_gene_expr
#     METABRIC.expr<-test_gene_expr
#     TCGA.meta.tumor<-train_meta_data
#     METABRIC.meta<-test_meta_data
#     tunegrid<-expand.grid(.mtry=tunegrid_c)
#     # Define random modules
#     Random.Modules <- list()
#     for(j in 1:length(Size.modules)) {
#         Module.Elements <-  sample.int(n = nrow(TCGA.expr.tumor), size = Size.modules[j],
#                                        replace = replace)
#         # print(Module.Elements)
#         Random.Modules[[j]] <- rownames(TCGA.expr.tumor)[Module.Elements]
#     }
#     names(Random.Modules) <- names(Sponge.modules)
#     # Calculate enrichment scores for BRCA and METABRIC
#     BRCA.RandomModules.OE <- enrichment_modules(TCGA.expr.tumor, Random.Modules,
#                                                 bin.size = bin.size, min.size = min.size, max.size = max.size, method = method, min.expr =  min.expression)
#     METABRIC.RandomModules.OE <- enrichment_modules(METABRIC.expr, Random.Modules,
#                                                     bin.size = bin.size, min.size = min.size, max.size = max.size, method = method, min.expr =  min.expression)
#     #Find common modules
#     CommonModules <- intersect(rownames(BRCA.RandomModules.OE), rownames(METABRIC.RandomModules.OE))
#     BRCA.RandomModules.OE <- BRCA.RandomModules.OE[CommonModules, ]
#     METABRIC.RandomModules.OE <- METABRIC.RandomModules.OE[CommonModules, ]
#     # Train model
#     Inputdata.model.RANDOM <- t(BRCA.RandomModules.OE) %>% scale(center = T, scale = T) %>%
#         as.data.frame()
#     if(train_meta_data_type=="TCGA"){
#         Inputdata.model.RANDOM <- Inputdata.model.RANDOM %>%
#             mutate(Class = as.factor(TCGA.meta.tumor$SUBTYPE[match(rownames(Inputdata.model.RANDOM), TCGA.meta.tumor$sampleID)]))
#     }
#     if(train_meta_data_type=="METABRIC"){
#         Inputdata.model.RANDOM <- Inputdata.model.RANDOM %>%
#             mutate(Class = as.factor(TCGA.meta.tumor$CLAUDIN_SUBTYPE[match(rownames(Inputdata.model.RANDOM), TCGA.meta.tumor$PATIENT_ID)]))
#     }
#     Inputdata.model.RANDOM <- Inputdata.model.RANDOM[! is.na(Inputdata.model.RANDOM$Class), ]
#     Random.model <- fn_RF_classifier(Inputdata.model.RANDOM, n.folds, repetitions, metric = Metric, tunegrid)
#     #Test classification performance on second cohort
#     METABRIC.RandomModules.OE <- METABRIC.RandomModules.OE[ ,complete.cases(t(METABRIC.RandomModules.OE))]
#     if(test_meta_data_type=="TCGA"){
#         Meta.metabric <- METABRIC.meta$SUBTYPE[match(colnames(METABRIC.RandomModules.OE), METABRIC.meta$sampleID)]
#     }
#     if(test_meta_data_type=="METABRIC"){
#         Meta.metabric <- METABRIC.meta$CLAUDIN_SUBTYPE[match(colnames(METABRIC.RandomModules.OE), METABRIC.meta$PATIENT_ID)]
#     }
#     Input.Metabric.random <- t(METABRIC.RandomModules.OE) %>% scale(center = T, scale = T)
#     Prediction.random.model <- predict(Random.model$Model, Input.Metabric.random)
#     Random.model$Prediction.model <- Prediction.random.model
#     Random.model$ConfusionMatrix_testing <- confusionMatrix(as.factor(Prediction.random.model), Meta.metabric)
#     return(Random.model)
# }

#' Define random modules
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @param sponge_modules result of define_modules()
#' @param gene_expr Input expression matri
#' @param bin.size bin size (default: 100)
#' @param min.size minimum module size (default: 10)
#' @param max.size maximum module size (default: 200)
#' @param min.expr minimum expression (default: 10)
#' @param method Enrichment to be used (Overall Enrichment: OE or Gene Set
#' Variation Analysis: GSVA) (default: OE)
#' @param cores number of cores to be used to calculate entichment scores with gsva or ssgsea methods. Default 1
#' @param replace Possibility of keeping or removing (default) central
#' genes in the modules (default: F)
#' @export
#' @return A list with randomly defined modules and related enrichment scores
                              min.size = 10,
                              bin.size = 100,
                              max.size = 200,
                              replace = F,
                              method = "OE",
                              cores = 1){

    Size.modules = sapply(sponge_modules, length)

    # Define random modules
    Random.Modules <- list()

    for(j in 1:length(Size.modules)) {
        Module.Elements <-  sample.int(n = nrow(gene_expr), size = Size.modules[j],
                                       replace = replace)
        # print(Module.Elements)
        Random.Modules[[j]] <- rownames(gene_expr)[Module.Elements]
    names(Random.Modules) <- names(Sponge.modules)

    # Calculate enrichment scores with chosen method
    Random.modules <- enrichment_modules(gene_expr, Random.Modules,
                                         bin.size = bin.size, min.size = min.size, max.size = max.size, method = method, min.expr =  min.expression, cores)

    return(list(Random_Modules = Random.Modules, Enrichment_Random_Modules = Random.modules))

#' plots the top x gini index modules (see Boniolo and Hoffmann 2022 et al. Figure 5)
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import MetBrewer
#' @param trained_model returned from train_and_test_model
#' @param k_modules top k modules to be shown (default: 25)
#' @param k_modules_red top k modules shown in red - NOTE: must be smaller
#' than k_modules (default: 10)
#' @param text_size text size (default 16)
#' @param bioMart_gene_symbol_columns bioMart dataset column for gene symbols
#' (e.g. human: hgnc_symbol, mouse: mgi_symbol)
#' (default: hgnc_symbol)
#' @param bioMart_gene_ensembl bioMart gene ensemble name
#' (e.g., hsapiens_gene_ensembl).
#' @export
#' @return plot object for lollipop plot
plot_top_modules <- function(trained_model,
                             k_modules = 25,
                             k_modules_red = 10,
                             text_size = 16) {

    final.model <- trained_model$Model$finalModel
    Variable.importance <- importance(final.model) %>% as.data.frame() %>%
        arrange(desc(MeanDecreaseGini)) %>%

     #Change gene names (deprecated, too slow)
     mart <-useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl", useMart("ensembl"))
     genes <- Variable.importance$Module
     G_list <- getBM(
                     attributes = c("ensembl_gene_id","hgnc_symbol",'external_gene_name', "description"),
                     values = genes, mart = mart, useCache = FALSE)
   Variable.importance <- Variable.importance %>%
         mutate(Hugo_Symbol = G_list$hgnc_symbol[match(Variable.importance$Module, G_list$ensembl_gene_id)],
                Name_lncRNA_Results = ifelse(Hugo_Symbol == "", Module, Hugo_Symbol))


    p<-Variable.importance[1:k_modules, ] %>%
        mutate(Analysed = c(rep("1", k_modules_red), rep("0",grey_modules))) %>%
        arrange(desc(MeanDecreaseGini)) %>%
        ggplot(aes(x=reorder(Name_lncRNA_Results, MeanDecreaseGini), y=MeanDecreaseGini)) +
        geom_point() +
        geom_segment( aes(x=Name_lncRNA_Results, xend=Name_lncRNA_Results, y=0, yend=MeanDecreaseGini, color = Analysed)) +
        scale_colour_manual(values=c("red", "black"), breaks = c("1", "0")) +
        xlab("Module") +
        ylab("Mean decrease in Gini index") +
            panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
            panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
            axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
            legend.title = element_blank(),
            legend.background = element_blank(),
            panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA, size=1),



#' plots the density of the model scores for subtypes (see Boniolo and Hoffmann 2022 et al. Fig. 2)
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @import ComplexHeatmap
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import MetBrewer
#' @import tidyr
#' @param trained_model returned from train_and_test_model
#' @param spongEffects output of enrichment_modules()
#' @param meta_data metadata of samples
#' (retrieved from prepare_tcga_for_spongEffects() or
#' from prepare_metabric_for_spongEffects())
#' @param meta_data_type TCGA or METABRIC
#' @param label Column of metadata to use as label in classification model
#' @param sampleIDs Column of metadata containing sample/patient IDs to be matched with column names of spongEffects scores
#' @export
#' @return plots density scores for subtypes
plot_density_scores <- function(trained_model,
    ##FIGURE 2
    if (label %in% colnames(meta_data) & sampleIDs %in% colnames(meta_data)) {
        title<-paste0("spongEffects scores")

        final.model <- trained_model$Model$finalModel
        Variable.importance <- importance(final.model) %>% as.data.frame() %>%
            arrange(desc(MeanDecreaseGini)) %>%

        Density.plot <- spongEffects[rownames(spongEffects) %in% Variable.importance$Module, ] %>%
            gather(Patient, Score) %>%
            mutate(Class = meta_data[match(Patient, meta_data[,sampleIDs]), label]) %>%
            ggplot(aes(x = Score, y = Class, fill = Class)) +
            geom_density_ridges() +
            xlab(title) +
            theme_bw() +
            theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
                  panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
                  axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
                  legend.position = "none",
                  panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA, size=1),
                  axis.text=element_text(size=25), axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black"),
                  axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black"),
                  axis.title.y =element_text(size=30),
                  axis.title.x =element_text(size=30))

    } else {print("label and/or sampleIDs must be columns in metadata")}
#' list of plots for (1) accuracy and (2) sensitivity + specificity
#' (see Boniolo and Hoffmann 2022 et al. Fig. 3a and Fig. 3b)
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @import ComplexHeatmap
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import MetBrewer
#' @import ggpubr
#' @param trained_model returned from train_and_test_model
#' @param central_genes_model returned from build_classifier_central_genes()
#' @param all_expression_model training and testing like central_genes_model but on ALL common expression data
#' @param random_model returned from train_and_test_model using the randomization
#' @param training_dataset_name name of training (e.g., TCGA)
#' @param testing_dataset_name name of testing set (e.g., METABRIC)
#' @param subtypes array of subtypes
#' (e.g., c("Normal", "LumA", "LumB", "Her2", "Basal"))
#' @export
#' @return list of plots for (1) accuracy and (2) sensitivity + specificity
plot_accuracy_sensitivity_specificity <- function(trained_model,


    central_genes<- as.logical(central_genes)
    all_expression<- as.logical(all_expression)

    training_string<-paste0(training_dataset_name," (Training)")
    testing_string<-paste0(testing_dataset_name," (Testing)")

    SpongingActiivty.model <-trained_model

    ##FIGURE 3A

    if(central_genes && !all_expression)
      Accuracy.df <- data.frame(Run = rep(set_names, 3),
                                Model = c(rep("Modules", 2), rep("Central Genes", 2), rep("Random", 2)),
                                Accuracy = c(SpongingActiivty.model$ConfusionMatrix_training[["overall"]][['Accuracy']], SpongingActiivty.model$ConfusionMatrix_testing[["overall"]][['Accuracy']],
                                             Random.model$ConfusionMatrix_training[["overall"]][['Accuracy']], Random.model$ConfusionMatrix_testing[["overall"]][['Accuracy']]))

      Accuracy.df$Model <- factor(Accuracy.df$Model, levels = c("Modules", "Random", "Central Genes"))
      Accuracy.df$Run <- factor(Accuracy.df$Run, levels = set_names)
    }else if(!central_genes && !all_expression){
      Accuracy.df <- data.frame(Run = rep(set_names, 2),
                                Model = c(rep("Modules", 2), rep("Random", 2)),
                                Accuracy = c(SpongingActiivty.model$ConfusionMatrix_training[["overall"]][['Accuracy']], SpongingActiivty.model$ConfusionMatrix_testing[["overall"]][['Accuracy']],
                                             Random.model$ConfusionMatrix_training[["overall"]][['Accuracy']], Random.model$ConfusionMatrix_testing[["overall"]][['Accuracy']]))

      Accuracy.df$Model <- factor(Accuracy.df$Model, levels = c("Modules", "Random"))
      Accuracy.df$Run <- factor(Accuracy.df$Run, levels = set_names)

    }else if(central_genes && all_expression){
      Accuracy.df <- data.frame(Run = rep(set_names, 4),
                                Model = c(rep("Modules", 2), rep("Central Genes", 2), rep("Random", 2), rep("All Expression",2)),
                                Accuracy = c(SpongingActiivty.model$ConfusionMatrix_training[["overall"]][['Accuracy']], SpongingActiivty.model$ConfusionMatrix_testing[["overall"]][['Accuracy']],
                                             Random.model$ConfusionMatrix_training[["overall"]][['Accuracy']], Random.model$ConfusionMatrix_testing[["overall"]][['Accuracy']],
                                             all_expression_model$ConfusionMatrix_training[["overall"]][['Accuracy']], all_expression_model$ConfusionMatrix_testing[["overall"]][['Accuracy']]))

      Accuracy.df$Model <- factor(Accuracy.df$Model, levels = c("Modules", "Random", "Central Genes", "All Expression"))
      Accuracy.df$Run <- factor(Accuracy.df$Run, levels = set_names)

    Accuracy.plot <- Accuracy.df %>%
        ggplot(aes(x=Accuracy, y=Model)) +
        geom_line(aes(group = Model)) +
        geom_point(aes(shape = Run)) +
        theme_light() +
        xlab("Subset Accuracy") +
        ylab("") +

    # Sensitivity and Specificity
    # Figure 3b
    Metrics.SpongeModules.training <- SpongingActiivty.model$ConfusionMatrix_training[["byClass"]][c(1:length(unique(subtypes)))] %>% as.data.frame() %>%
        mutate(Model = "Modules") %>% tibble::rownames_to_column('Class') #%>% gather(Metric, Value, Sensitivity:Specificity,-Class, -Model)


    Metrics.Random.training <- Random.model$ConfusionMatrix_training[["byClass"]][c(1:length(unique(subtypes)))] %>% as.data.frame() %>%
        mutate(Model = "Random") %>% tibble::rownames_to_column('Class') #%>% gather(Metric, Value, Sensitivity:Specificity,-Class, -Model)

    if(central_genes && !all_expression)
      Metrics.CentralGenes.training <- CentralGenes.model$ConfusionMatrix_training[["byClass"]][c(1:length(unique(subtypes)))] %>% as.data.frame()%>%
        mutate(Model = "Central Genes") %>% tibble::rownames_to_column('Class') #%>% gather(Metric, Value, Sensitivity:Specificity,-Class, -Model)

      Metrics.training <- rbind(Metrics.SpongeModules.training, rbind(Metrics.Random.training, Metrics.CentralGenes.training)) %>%
        mutate(Run = training_string)
    }else if(!central_genes && !all_expression){
      Metrics.training <- rbind(Metrics.SpongeModules.training, Metrics.Random.training) %>%
        mutate(Run = training_string)
    }else if(central_genes && all_expression){
      Metrics.CentralGenes.training <- CentralGenes.model$ConfusionMatrix_training[["byClass"]][c(1:length(unique(subtypes)))] %>% as.data.frame()%>%
        mutate(Model = "Central Genes") %>% tibble::rownames_to_column('Class') #%>% gather(Metric, Value, Sensitivity:Specificity,-Class, -Model)

      Metrics.AllExpression.training <- all_expression_model$ConfusionMatrix_training[["byClass"]][c(1:length(unique(subtypes)))] %>% as.data.frame()%>%
        mutate(Model = "All Expression") %>% tibble::rownames_to_column('Class') #%>% gather(Metric, Value, Sensitivity:Specificity,-Class, -Model)

      Metrics.training <- rbind(Metrics.SpongeModules.training, rbind(Metrics.Random.training, rbind(Metrics.CentralGenes.training, Metrics.AllExpression.training))) %>%
        mutate(Run = training_string)

    Metrics.SpongeModules.testing <- SpongingActiivty.model$ConfusionMatrix_testing[["byClass"]][c(1:length(unique(subtypes)))] %>% as.data.frame() %>%
        mutate(Model = "Modules") %>% tibble::rownames_to_column('Class') #%>% gather(Metric, Value, Sensitivity:Specificity,-Class, -Model)

    Metrics.Random.testing <- Random.model$ConfusionMatrix_testing[["byClass"]][c(1:length(unique(subtypes)))] %>% as.data.frame()%>%
        mutate(Model = "Random") %>% tibble::rownames_to_column('Class') #%>% gather(Metric, Value, Sensitivity:Specificity,-Class, -Model)

    if(central_genes && !all_expression)
      Metrics.CentralGenes.testing <- CentralGenes.model$ConfusionMatrix_testing[["byClass"]][c(1:length(unique(subtypes)))] %>% as.data.frame()%>%
        mutate(Model = "Central Genes") %>% tibble::rownames_to_column('Class') #%>% gather(Metric, Value, Sensitivity:Specificity,-Class, -Model)

      Metrics.testing <- rbind(Metrics.SpongeModules.testing, rbind(Metrics.Random.testing, Metrics.CentralGenes.testing)) %>%
        mutate(Run = testing_string)
    }else if(!central_genes && !all_expression){
      Metrics.testing <- rbind(Metrics.SpongeModules.testing,Metrics.Random.testing) %>%
        mutate(Run = testing_string)
    }else if(central_genes && all_expression){
      Metrics.CentralGenes.testing <- CentralGenes.model$ConfusionMatrix_testing[["byClass"]][c(1:length(unique(subtypes)))] %>% as.data.frame()%>%
        mutate(Model = "Central Genes") %>% tibble::rownames_to_column('Class') #%>% gather(Metric, Value, Sensitivity:Specificity,-Class, -Model)

      Metrics.AllExpression.testing <- all_expression_model$ConfusionMatrix_testing[["byClass"]][c(1:length(unique(subtypes)))] %>% as.data.frame()%>%
        mutate(Model = "All Expression") %>% tibble::rownames_to_column('Class') #%>% gather(Metric, Value, Sensitivity:Specificity,-Class, -Model)

      Metrics.testing <- rbind(Metrics.SpongeModules.testing, rbind(Metrics.Random.testing, rbind(Metrics.CentralGenes.testing, Metrics.AllExpression.testing))) %>%
        mutate(Run = testing_string)

    Metrics <- rbind(Metrics.training, Metrics.testing)

    if(central_genes && !all_expression)
      Metrics$Model <- factor(Metrics$Model, levels = c("Modules", "Random", "Central Genes"))
    }else if(!central_genes && !all_expression){
      Metrics$Model <- factor(Metrics$Model, levels = c("Modules", "Random"))
    }else if(central_genes && all_expression){
      Metrics$Model <- factor(Metrics$Model, levels = c("Modules", "Random", "Central Genes", "All Expression"))
    Metrics$Run <- factor( Metrics$Run, levels = set_names)

    Metrics$Class <- gsub("Class: ", "", Metrics$Class)
    #Metrics$Class <- factor(Metrics$Class, levels =subtypes)

    Metrics.plot <- Metrics %>%
        ggplot(aes(x = Class, y = Value, fill = Model)) +
        geom_bar(position = "dodge", stat = "identity", width = 0.5) +
        facet_grid(Metrics$Run) +
        xlab("Metric") +
        ylab("") +

    metric_plots<-ggarrange(Accuracy.plot,Metrics.plot,ncol = 1,nrow = 2)

    #names(metric_plots) <- c("Accuracy.plot","Metrics.plot")


#' plots the confusion matrix from spongEffects train_and_test()
#' (see Boniolo and Hoffmann 2022 et al. Fig. 3a and Fig. 3b)
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @import ComplexHeatmap
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import MetBrewer
#' @param trained_model returned from train_and_test_model
#' @param subtypes_testing_factors subtypes of testing samples as factors
#' @return plot of the confusion matrix
#' @export
#' @return returns confusion matrix plots of the trained model
plot_confusion_matrices <- function(trained_model,

    # Visualize confusion matrices  -------------------------------------------
    # SpongEffect model (Supplementary Confusion Matrices)

    Meta.metabric<- na.omit(subtypes.testing.factors)

    # Prediction.SpongeModules<- as.character(trained.model$Prediction.model)

    Prediction.SpongeModules <- data.frame(Predicted = as.factor(trained.model$Prediction.model),
                                           Observed = as.factor(subtypes.testing.factors))
    Prediction.SpongeModules.cm <- confusion_matrix(targets = Prediction.SpongeModules$Observed,
                                                    predictions = Prediction.SpongeModules$Predicted)

    Confusion.matrix.SpongeModules <- cvms::plot_confusion_matrix(Prediction.SpongeModules.cm$`Confusion Matrix`[[1]],
                                                                  add_sums = T,
                                                                  add_normalized = FALSE,
                                                                  add_col_percentages = FALSE,
                                                                  add_row_percentages = FALSE,
                                                                  sums_settings = sum_tile_settings(
                                                                      palette = "Oranges",
                                                                      label = "Total",
                                                                      tc_tile_border_color = "black"),
                                                                  darkness = 0)


#' plots the heatmaps from training_and_test_model
#' (see Boniolo and Hoffmann 2022 et al. Fig. 6)
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ComplexHeatmap
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @import biomaRt
#' @param trained_model returned from train_and_test_model
#' @param spongEffects output of enrichment_modules()
#' @param meta_data metadata of samples
#' (retrieved from prepare_tcga_for_spongEffects() or
#' from prepare_metabric_for_spongEffects())
#' @param label Column of metadata to use as label in classification model
#' @param sampleIDs Column of metadata containing sample/patient IDs to be matched with column names of spongEffects scores
#' @param Modules_to_Plot Number of modules to plot in the heatmap. Default = 2
#' @param show.rownames Add row names (i.e. module names) to the heatmap. Default = F
#' @param show.colnames Add column names (i.e. sample names) to the heatmap. Default = F
#' @export
#' @return ComplexHeatmap object
                        Modules_to_Plot = 10,
                        show.rownames = T,
                        show.colnames = F, title){

    if (label %in% colnames(meta_data)  & sampleIDs %in% colnames(meta_data)) {
        final.model <- trained_model$Model$finalModel
        Variable.importance <- importance(final.model) %>% as.data.frame() %>%
            arrange(desc(MeanDecreaseGini)) %>%

        # Visualize Heatmaps  ---------------------------------------------------------
        # Define annotation layer
        meta_data$SUBTYPE <- gsub(pattern = "TGCT_Seminoma",replacement = "Seminoma", x = meta_data$SUBTYPE)
        meta_data$SUBTYPE <- gsub(pattern = "TGCT_NonSeminoma",replacement = "Non-seminoma", x = meta_data$SUBTYPE)
        Annotation.meta <- meta_data[match(colnames(spongEffects), meta_data[, sampleIDs]), ]
        spongeEffects.toPlot <- spongEffects[match(Variable.importance$Module, rownames(spongEffects)), ]
        spongeEffects.toPlot<- spongeEffects.toPlot[ rowSums(is.na(spongeEffects.toPlot)) == 0,]
        exprmat <- spongeEffects.toPlot
        exprmat<- data.frame(t(exprmat[]))
        test <- Convert_Gene_Names(Expr = exprmat )
        exprmat$subtype = Annotation.meta[,label][!is.null(Annotation.meta[,label])]
        exprmat <- exprmat[order(exprmat$subtype),]
        annotation_col <- data.frame(exprmat$subtype)
        colnames(annotation_col) <- "Subtype"
        exprmat$subtype = NULL
        exprmat <- data.frame(t(exprmat[]))
        mart <- useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl", useMart("ensembl"))
        ensgIds <- rownames(exprmat)
        convertedGeneDF <- getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id',
                                           'hgnc_symbol'),mart = mart,values =ensgIds, 
                             useCache = FALSE)
        GeneNames <- convertedGeneDF[match(ensgIds, convertedGeneDF$ensembl_gene_id), 2]
        rownames(exprmat) <- GeneNames
       # Plot
        # annotation colors
        safe_colorblind_palette <-  c("#D55E00", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73",
                                      "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#000000", "#CC79A7")
        annotation.colors <- list(SUBTYPE = safe_colorblind_palette)
        names(annotation.colors$SUBTYPE) = unique_subtypes
        length(annotation.colors$SUBTYPE) = length(unique_subtypes)
        Heatmap.p <-  exprmat %>%
          t() %>% scale() %>% t()%>%
        ComplexHeatmap::pheatmap(annotation_colors= annotation.colors, annotation_col = annotation_col, show_rownames = show.rownames, heatmap_legend_param = list(title="Z-score"), color= rev(brewer.pal(n=length(unique_subtypes), name="RdYlBu")), main= title,cluster_cols = F, column_names_side = "top", show_colnames = show.colnames, cluster_rows = F)


    } else {print("label and/or sampleIDs must be columns in metadata")}

#' plots the heatmap of miRNAs invovled in the interactions of the modules
#' (see Boniolo and Hoffmann 2022 et al. Fig. 7a)
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import caret
#' @import dplyr
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import randomForest
#' @import ggridges
#' @import cvms
#' @import miRBaseConverter
#' @import ComplexHeatmap
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import MetBrewer
#' @import grid
#' @import stringr
#' @param sponge_modules result of define_modules()
#' @param trained_model returned from train_and_test_model
#' @param gene_mirna_candidates output of SPONGE or SPONGEdb (miRNAs_significance)
#' @param k_modules top k modules to be shown (default: 25)
#' @param filter_miRNAs min rowsum to be reach of miRNAs (default: 3.0)
#' @param bioMart_gene_symbol_columns bioMart dataset column for gene symbols
#' (e.g. human: hgnc_symbol, mouse: mgi_symbol)
#' (default: hgnc_symbol)
#' @param bioMart_gene_ensembl bioMart gene ensemble name
#' (e.g., hsapiens_gene_ensembl)
#' @param width the width of the heatmap (default: 5)
#' @param length the length of the heatmap (default: 5)
#' @param show_row_names show row names (default: T)
#' @param show_column_names show column names (default: T)
#' @param show_annotation_column add annotation column to columns (default: F)
#' @param title the title of the plot (default: "Frequency")
#' @param legend_height the height of the legend (default: 1.5)
#' @param labels_gp_fontsize the font size of the labels (default: 8)
#' @param title_gp_fontsize  the font size of the title (default: 8)
#' @param legend_width the width of the legend (default: 3)
#' @param column_title the column title (default: "Module")
#' @param row_title the title of the rows (default: "miRNA")
#' @param row_title_gp_fontsize the font size of the row title (default: 10)
#' @param column_title_gp_fontsize the font size of the column title (default: 10)
#' @param row_names_gp_fontsize the font size of the row names (default: 7)
#' @param column_names_gp_fontsize the font size of the column names (default: 7)
#' @param column_names_rot the rotation angel of the column names (default: 45)
#' @param unit either cm or inch (see ComplexHeatmap parameter)
#' @export
#' @return plot object
                                          k_modules = 25,
                                          filter_miRNAs = 3.0,
                                          bioMart_gene_symbol_columns = "hgnc_symbol",
                                          bioMart_gene_ensembl = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl",
                                          width = 5,
                                          length = 5,
                                          show_row_names = T,
                                          show_column_names = T,
                                          show_annotation_column = F,
                                          title = "Frequency",
                                          legend_height = 1.5,
                                          labels_gp_fontsize= 8,
                                          title_gp_fontsize = 8,
                                          legend_width = 3,
                                          column_title = "Module",
                                          row_title = "miRNA",
                                          row_title_gp_fontsize = 10,
                                          column_title_gp_fontsize = 10,
                                          row_names_gp_fontsize = 7,
                                          column_names_gp_fontsize = 7,
                                          column_names_rot = 45,
                                          unit = "cm"){



    final.model <- trained_model$Model$finalModel
    Variable.importance <- importance(final.model) %>% as.data.frame() %>%
        arrange(desc(MeanDecreaseGini)) %>%

    if(length(rownames(Variable.importance))< k_modules){

    Variable.importance.top_k=Variable.importance[1:k_modules, ]$Module

    httr::set_config(httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = FALSE))
    mart <- useDataset(bioMart_gene_ensembl, useMart("ensembl"))

    vec_colnames = vector(length = k_modules)
    vec_colnames_ensg = names(Sponge.modules.downstrean)
    df_centralnodes_map = data.frame()
    df_mirnas_map = data.frame()

    for (ensg in names(Sponge.modules.downstrean)) {

        df_intern = data.frame(matrix(ncol=1,nrow=1))
        df_intern <- rbind(df_intern,ensg)
        df_intern <- df_intern[-c(1),]
        df_intern <- data.frame(df_intern)
        df_intern <- getBM(filters= "ensembl_gene_id", attributes= c("ensembl_gene_id",bioMart_gene_symbol_columns,"description"),values=df_intern$Geneid,mart= mart)

        name <- df_intern$hgnc_symbol
        name <- as.character(name)
        if(is.na(name) || length(name)==0)
            name <- df_intern$ensembl_gene_id
        if(is.na(name) || length(name)==0)
            name <- ensg
        vec_colnames[count] = name


    df_heatmap = data.frame(matrix(ncol=k_modules,nrow=0))
    df_heatmap = as.data.frame(df_heatmap)

    for (ensg in vec_colnames_ensg)
        #ensg = "chr2:215378174:215386958:-"
        module_symbole = ensg

        df_symbolname = df_centralnodes_map[which(df_centralnodes_map$ensembl_gene_id == ensg), ]

        module_symbole = df_symbolname$hgnc_symbol



        vec_all_targets = Sponge.modules.downstrean[[ensg]]

        df_intern = data.frame(matrix(ncol=1,nrow=length(vec_all_targets)))
        df_intern$Geneid = vec_all_targets
        df_intern <- df_intern[-c(1),]
        df_intern <- data.frame(df_intern)
        df_intern <- getBM(filters= "ensembl_gene_id", attributes= c("ensembl_gene_id",bioMart_gene_symbol_columns,"description"),values=df_intern$Geneid,mart= mart)


        df_mirna_counts = data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(df_mirnas_intern$Accession)))
        colnames(df_mirna_counts) <- df_mirnas_intern$TargetName
        df_mirna_counts[is.na(df_mirna_counts)] <- 0

        count_targets = 0


        for (ensg_target in df_intern$ensembl_gene_id)

            df_symbolname = df_intern[which(df_intern$ensembl_gene_id == ensg_target), ]

            #symbolname = df_symbolname$hgnc_symbol


                miRNAs_thistarget <- miRNAs_significance.downstream.Target[[symbolname]]$mirna

                intersect_mirnas = intersect(miRNAs_thistarget$TargetName,df_mirnas_intern$TargetName)

                for (i_mirnas in intersect_mirnas)
                        already_counted = df_mirna_counts[,i_mirnas]
                        already_counted = already_counted + 1
                        df_mirna_counts[,i_mirnas] = already_counted



        for (mirna_name in colnames(df_mirna_counts)) {
                if(!any(row.names(df_heatmap) == mirna_name))
                    df_heatmap[nrow(df_heatmap)+1,] <- 0

                freq = df_mirna_counts[,mirna_name]/count_targets

                df_heatmap[mirna_name, module_symbole] = freq



    col.heatmap <- met.brewer("VanGogh3",n=5,type="continuous")

        column.Annotation <- HeatmapAnnotation(Group = colnames(df_heatmap))

        # Heatmap
        heatmap.miRNA <- df_heatmap %>%
            Heatmap(na_col = "white", col =  col.heatmap, # right_annotation = row.Annotation,
                    show_row_names = show_row_names, show_column_names = show_column_names,
                    heatmap_legend_param = list(
                        title = title,
                        at = c(0, 0.5, 1),
                        legend_height = unit(legend_height, unit),
                        labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = labels_gp_fontsize),
                        title_gp = gpar(fontsize = title_gp_fontsize),
                        direction = "horizontal", legend_width = unit(legend_width, unit),
                        title_position = "topleft"),
                    top_annotation = column.Annotation,
                    column_title = column_title, row_title = row_title,
                    row_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = row_title_gp_fontsize),
                    column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = column_title_gp_fontsize),
                    row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = row_names_gp_fontsize), column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = column_names_gp_fontsize), column_names_rot = column_names_rot,
                    rect_gp = gpar(col = "white", lwd = 0.5),
                    width = unit(width, unit), height = unit(length, unit))
        # Heatmap
        heatmap.miRNA <- df_heatmap %>%
            Heatmap(na_col = "white", col =  col.heatmap, # right_annotation = row.Annotation,
                    show_row_names = show_row_names, show_column_names = show_column_names,
                    heatmap_legend_param = list(
                        title = title,
                        at = c(0, 0.5, 1),
                        legend_height = unit(legend_height, unit),
                        labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = labels_gp_fontsize),
                        title_gp = gpar(fontsize = title_gp_fontsize),
                        direction = "horizontal", legend_width = unit(legend_width, unit),
                        title_position = "topleft"),
                    #top_annotation = column.Annotation,
                    column_title = column_title, row_title = row_title,
                    row_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = row_title_gp_fontsize),
                    column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = column_title_gp_fontsize),
                    row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = row_names_gp_fontsize), column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = column_names_gp_fontsize), column_names_rot = column_names_rot,
                    rect_gp = gpar(col = "white", lwd = 0.5),
                    width = unit(width, unit), height = unit(length, unit))



    #draw(heatmap.miRNA, heatmap_legend_side = "bottom",
    #     annotation_legend_side = "bottom")

#' plot expression of miRNAs in module for specific RNA (no negative values!)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import reshape2
#' @param target the target gene
#' @param genes_miRNA_candidates the miRNAs of the module to plot the relative expression against
#' @param mi_rna_expr the miRNA expression
#' @param meta the meta information for annotations
#' @param log_trasform defaut T: whether the results should be log transformed
#' @param pseudocout defaut 1e-3: the pseudocounts
#' @param unit the unit to display for the data. This parameter does not chance the behaviour of the method and the data is expected to match the provided unit
#' @export
#' @return plot object
plot_miRNAs_per_gene <- function(target, genes_miRNA_candidates, mi_rna_expr, meta, log_transform = T, pseudocount = 1e-3, unit = "counts") {
  # extract miRNAs associated with given RNA
  candidates <- genes_miRNA_candidates[[target]]
  miRNAs <- candidates[["mirna"]]
  miRNA_expr <- mi_rna_expr[,miRNAs]
  # sum all expressions for the given conditions
  miRNA_expr <- merge(miRNA_expr, meta[,c("SUBTYPE", "sampleID")], by.x = 0, by.y = "sampleID")
  miRNA_expr <- data.frame(miRNA_expr, row.names = 1)
  miRNA_expr <- aggregate(miRNA_expr[,1:(ncol(miRNA_expr)-1)], list(condition=miRNA_expr$SUBTYPE), FUN=sum)
  miRNA_expr <- t(data.frame(miRNA_expr, row.names = 1))
  miRNA_expr <- melt(miRNA_expr, id.vars = "x", varnames = c("miRNA", "variable"))
  miRNA_expr$miRNA <- gsub("\\.", "-", miRNA_expr$miRNA)
  # label
  label <- paste0("miRNA ", unit, " over samples")
  # log transform if given
  if (log_transform){
    miRNA_expr$value <- log10(miRNA_expr$value + pseudocount)
    label <- paste0("log10 + ", pseudocount, " ", label)
  # two bar plots in one
  bars <- ggplot(miRNA_expr, aes(y=miRNA, x=value, fill=variable)) +
    ggtitle(target) +
    geom_bar(stat='identity', position='dodge') +
    xlab(label) + 
    scale_fill_discrete(name = "Condition")

#' plot the target gene heatmap
#' @import pheatmap
#' @param target the target gene
#' @param target_genes the genes of the module to plot the heatmap with
#' @param gene_expression the gene expression
#' @param meta the meta information for annotations
#' @param gtf_raw defaut NA: if given, will convert to hgnc
#' @param annotation defaut NA: gene annotations
#' @export
#' @return pheatmap heatmap
plot_target_gene_expressions <- function(target, target_genes, gene_expression, meta, gtf_raw = NA, annotation = NA) {
  # get target expression
  target_expression <- gene_expression[,target, drop = F]
  # get target genes expressions
  target_genes_expression <- gene_expression[,target_genes]
  # combine into one
  data <- t(cbind(target_expression, target_genes_expression))
  # save all conditions of samples
  conditions <- unique(meta$SUBTYPE)
  target <- "ANKS6 expression in module"
  # convert to hgnc if gtf is given
  if (!is.na(gtf_raw)) {
    print("reading GTF file and converting to HGNC symbols...")
    gtf <- rtracklayer::readGFF(gtf)
    gene.ens.all <- unique(gtf[!is.na(gtf$transcript_id),c("gene_id", "gene_name")])
    colnames(gene.ens.all) <- c("ensembl_gene_id", "hgnc_symbol")
    rownames(gene.ens.all) <- gene.ens.all$ensembl_gene_id
    # convert
    annotation = gene.ens.all
  if (!is.na(annotation)){
    ensgs <- rownames(data)
    ensgs <- merge(ensgs, annotation, by = 1, all.x = T)
    ensgs[!is.na(ensgs$hgnc_symbol),"x"] <- ensgs[!is.na(ensgs$hgnc_symbol),"hgnc_symbol"]
    rownames(data) <- ensgs$x
  # heat color scheme
  colors <- c(colorRampPalette(c("blue", "orange"))(100), colorRampPalette(c("orange", "red"))(100))

  # annotation colors
  safe_colorblind_palette <-  c("#D55E00", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73",
                                              "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#000000", "#CC79A7")
  annotation.colors <- list(SUBTYPE = safe_colorblind_palette)

  names(annotation.colors$SUBTYPE) = conditions
  length(annotation.colors$SUBTYPE) = length(conditions)
  # create annotation for heat map
  df <- data.frame(meta[,c("sampleID", "SUBTYPE")], row.names = 1)
  data = data +1
  return(pheatmap::pheatmap(data, treeheight_row = 0, treeheight_col = 0,
                     show_colnames = F, cluster_rows = T, cluster_cols = T,
                     color = colors,annotation_colors = annotation.colors, annotation_col = df, main = target, fontsize_row = 10, show_rownames = F))
mlist/SPONGE documentation built on Feb. 12, 2023, 1:22 a.m.