
test_that("paramtest classif.LMT train", {
  learner = lrn("classif.LMT")
  fun = RWeka::LMT
  exclude = weka_control_args(RWeka::LMT)
  # formula and data are handled via mlr3
  # mlr3 does not have the `control` argument because the parameters can be specified directly
  exclude = c("formula", "data", "control", exclude)
  paramtest = run_paramtest(learner, fun, exclude, tag = "train")
  control_args = weka_control_args(RWeka::LMT)
  expect_true(all(control_args %in% learner$param_set$ids()))

test_that("paramtest classif.LMT predict", {
  # Here we test that the learner implements those arguments that are passed via the
  # control argument to RWeka::LMT
  learner = lrn("classif.LMT")
  exclude = c( # all handled by mlr3
  paramtest = run_paramtest(learner, RWeka:::predict.Weka_classifier, exclude, tag = "predict") # nolint
mlr-org/mlr3extralearners documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 3:11 a.m.