
Defines functions stat_intron stat_exon

Documented in stat_exon stat_intron

#' @title Create a summary statistics table for exons width data
#' @description This function takes a data frame of GENCODE annotations as input. It calculates the summary statistics of exons length taking into consideration their ordinal position. It returns a data frame containing the summarized exons length data data.
#' @usage stat_exon(input)
#' @param input The name of the data frame containing exon annotations from GENCODE and the ordinal position of each exon
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom plotrix std.error
#' @keywords statistics parameters
#' @seealso \code{\link{stat_intron}}
#' @return A data frame of exons width summary statistics
#' @examples
#' df <- load_gtf("gencode.v27.lncRNAs.gtf")
#' stat_exon(df)

stat_exon <- function(input) {
  ## classify exons
  exons <- subset(classified_exons_df, classified_exons_df$type=="exon")
  exons_len <- subset(exons, select = c("width", "EXON_CLASSIFICATION"))
  grouped_exons <- dplyr::group_by(exons_len, EXON_CLASSIFICATION)
  # calculating mean, median, sd, and standard error
  summarised_df <- dplyr::summarise_all(grouped_exons, 
  # assigning number of elements
  N <- as.data.frame(table(grouped_exons$EXON_CLASSIFICATION))
  colnames(N) <- c("EXON_CLASSIFICATION", "N")
  final <- suppressWarnings(left_join(N,summarised_df, by = "EXON_CLASSIFICATION"))
  df <- as.data.frame(final)

#' @title Create a summary statistics table for introns width data
#' @description This function takes a data frame of introns as input. It calculates the summary statistics of introns length taking into consideration their ordinal position and splice sites. The function returns a data frame containing the summarized data.
#' @usage stat_intron(input)
#' @param input The name of the data frame containing introns coordinates and the splice sites of each intron
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom plotrix std.error
#' @keywords statistics parameters
#' @seealso \code{\link{stat_exon}}
#' @return A data frame of introns width summary statistics
#' @examples
#' stat_intron(intron_df)

stat_intron <- function(input) {
  # first introns
  first_introns <- subset(input, input$intron_number=="intron1")
  fi_len <- subset(first_introns, select="width")
  fi_len$group <- "first_intron"
  # inner introns
  inner_introns <- subset(input, input$intron_number!="intron1")
  ii_len <- subset(inner_introns, select="width")
  ii_len$group <- "inner_intron"
  # gc introns
  gc <- subset(input, input$donor_ss=="GC" & input$acceptor_ss=="AG")
  gc_len <- subset(gc, select="width")
  gc_len$group <- "gc_intron"
  # gc first introns
  gc_fi <- subset(gc, gc$intron_number=="intron1")
  gc_fi_len <- subset(gc_fi, select = "width")
  gc_fi_len$group <- "gc_first_intron"
  # gc inner introns
  gc_ii <- subset(gc, gc$intron_number!="intron1")
  gc_ii_len <- subset(gc_ii, select = "width")
  gc_ii_len$group <- "gc_inner_intron"
  # gt introns
  gt <- subset(input, input$donor_ss=="GT" & input$acceptor_ss=="AG")
  gt_len <- subset(gt, select="width")
  gt_len$group <- "gt_intron"
  # gt first introns
  gt_fi <- subset(gt, gt$intron_number=="intron1")
  gt_fi_len <- subset(gt_fi, select = "width")
  gt_fi_len$group <- "gt_first_intron"
  # gt inner introns
  gt_ii <- subset(gt, gt$intron_number!="intron1")
  gt_ii_len <- subset(gt_ii, select = "width")
  gt_ii_len$group <- "gt_inner_intron"
  # at introns
  at <- subset(input, input$donor_ss=="AT" & input$acceptor_ss=="AC")
  at_len <- subset(at, select="width")
  at_len$group <- "at_intron"
  # at first introns
  at_fi <- subset(at, at$intron_number=="intron1")
  at_fi_len <- subset(at_fi, select = "width")
  at_fi_len$group <- "at_first_intron"
  # at inner introns
  at_ii <- subset(at, at$intron_number!="intron1")
  at_ii_len <- subset(at_ii, select = "width")
  at_ii_len$group <- "at_inner_intron"
  total <- rbind(fi_len,ii_len,gc_len,gc_fi_len,gc_ii_len,gt_len,gt_fi_len,gt_ii_len,at_len,at_fi_len,at_ii_len)
  grouped <- dplyr::group_by(total, group)
  # calculating mean, median, sd, and standard error
  stat <- dplyr::summarise_all(grouped, 
  stat$group <- factor(as.character(stat$group), 
                       levels = c("first_intron", "inner_intron", "gc_intron", "gt_intron", "at_intron","gc_first_intron", "gt_first_intron","at_first_intron", "gc_inner_intron", "gt_inner_intron", "at_inner_intron"))
  final1 <- stat[order(stat$group), ]
  # assigning number of elements
  N <- c(nrow(first_introns), nrow(inner_introns), nrow(gc), nrow(gt),nrow(at), nrow(gc_fi), nrow(gt_fi), nrow(at_fi), nrow(gc_ii), nrow(gt_ii), nrow(at_ii))
  final2 <- cbind(final1, N)
  final3 <- final2[,c(1,6,2,3,4,5)]
  df <- as.data.frame(final3)
monahton/GencoDymo documentation built on Nov. 29, 2021, 9:16 a.m.