
Defines functions flywire_updateids flywire_last_modified server_address flywire_islatest flywire_supervoxels_binary flywire_supervoxels flywire_cloudvolume flywire_xyz2id .flywire_latestid flywire_latestid flywire_l2ids flywire_leaves_cache_info flywire_leaves_frombytes flywire_leaves_tobytes flywire_leaves_impl flywire_leaves_cached flywire_leaves id64 flywire_rootid_cached flywire_roots_helper flywire_rootid cgtimestamp2posixct flywire_change_log

Documented in flywire_change_log flywire_cloudvolume flywire_islatest flywire_l2ids flywire_last_modified flywire_latestid flywire_leaves flywire_rootid flywire_updateids flywire_xyz2id

#' Summarise edits for one or more FlyWire segment ids
#' @details When \code{filtered=TRUE} the following are removed \itemize{
#'   \item edits that are outside of the given root id - meaning these edits are
#'   in the history of the cell but the affected part of the arbour was since
#'   cut off.
#'   \item edits that were since undone by an inverse operation (often temporary
#'   splits made while reviewing a neuron.)
#'   }
#' @param x One or more flywire segment ids (character vector recommended but
#'   any format accepted by \code{\link{flywire_ids}} will work).
#' @param root_ids Whether to look up the root ids before/after each change.
#'   Default \code{TRUE}. As of June 2021 root_ids are always returned, so this
#'   is a noop.
#' @param filtered Whether to filter out edits unlikely to relate to the current
#'   state of the neuron (default \code{TRUE}, see details).
#' @param tz Time zone for edit timestamps. Defaults to "UTC" i.e. Universal
#'   Time, Coordinated. Set to "" for your current timezone. See
#'   \code{\link{as.POSIXct}} for more details.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{flywire_fetch}}
#' @param OmitFailures Whether to omit neurons for which there is an API timeout
#'   or error. The default value (\code{TRUE}) will skip over errors, while
#'   \code{NA}) will result in a hard stop on error. See \code{\link{nlapply}}
#'   for more details.
#' @return A data frame with values \itemize{
#'   \item \code{operation_id} a unique id for the edit
#'   \item \code{timestamp} in POSIXct format, to the nearest ms
#'   \item \code{user_id} numeric id for the user responsible for the edit
#'   \item \code{is_merge} whether it was a merge or a split
#'   \item \code{user_name} as a string
#'   \item \code{before_root_ids and after_root_ids} as space separated strings
#'   }
#'   In addition when \code{filtered=FALSE}, \code{in_neuron} \code{is_relevant}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' flywire_change_log("720575940619010932")
#' flywire_change_log("720575940619010932", filtered = FALSE)
#' # with a flywire URL
#' u="https://ngl.flywire.ai/?json_url=https://globalv1.flywire-daf.com/nglstate/5409525645443072"
#' flywire_change_log(u)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' # use flexible root id specification
#' flywire_change_log("DA2_lPN_R")
#' }
#' @importFrom nat nlapply progress_natprogress
flywire_change_log <- function(x, filtered=TRUE, tz="UTC",
                               root_ids=TRUE, OmitFailures=TRUE, ...) {

    warning("root_ids=FALSE is no longer supported")
  if(length(x)>1) {
    ## use nlapply for fault tolerance + progress bar
    # need to name input vector to ensure that .id works in bind_rows
    res=nat::nlapply(x, flywire_change_log, OmitFailures=OmitFailures, tz=tz, ...)
    # otherwise bind_rows has trouble
    df=dplyr::bind_rows(res, .id='id')
    # the rownames are ugly and not useful

  pu=httr::parse_url(flywire_api_url(endpoint = "root/%s/tabular_change_log"))

  pu$path=sprintf(pu$path, x)
  res=flywire_fetch(url, ...)
  if(!is.null(res[['before_root_ids']])) {
    res[['before_root_ids']]=sapply(res[['before_root_ids']], paste,
                                    collapse=" ", USE.NAMES = F)
    res[['after_root_ids']]=sapply(res[['after_root_ids']], paste,
                                   collapse=" ", USE.NAMES = F)
  df=as.data.frame(lapply(res, unlist), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  df$timestamp=cgtimestamp2posixct(df$timestamp/1e3, tz=tz)

# where x should be a unix timestamp
# i.e. the number of seconds after 00:00 on January 1, 1970 **at UTC**
cgtimestamp2posixct <- function(x, tz='UTC') {
  if(inherits(x, 'datetime.datetime'))
  as.POSIXct(x, origin="1970-01-01", tz=tz)

#' Find the root_id of a FlyWire segment / supervoxel.
#' @details The main purpose of this function is to convert a supervoxel into
#'   the current root id for the whole segment. If a segment id has been updated
#'   due to editing, calling with the original segment id will still return the
#'   same segment id (although calling it with a supervoxel would return the new
#'   segment id). If you wish to find the latest root id, then you can use
#'   \code{\link{flywire_latestid}}, but this is fairly slow (think 1 second per
#'   neuron). However in general it is best to select an XYZ location defining a
#'   neuron of interest, or the associated supervoxel id and store that, since
#'   these can be very rapidly looked up by \code{\link{flywire_xyz2id}} and
#'   \code{\link{flywire_rootid}}.
#'   There are three \code{method}s. \code{"flywire"} is simpler but will be
#'   much slower for many supervoxels since each id requires a separate http
#'   request.
#'   The \code{"cave"} method is \emph{much} faster and can process hundreds of
#'   ids per second. In order to avoid sending too many requests in one go
#'   (there is a limit to the post message size), id lookups are chunked into a
#'   maximum of 50,000 lookups in a single call. This can be modified by passing
#'   in the \code{chunksize} argument or setting the
#'   \code{fafbseg.flywire_roots.chunksize} option. Set this smaller if the
#'   queries time out / give "Request Entity Too Large" errors. Larger settings
#'   are unlikely to have much of a speed impact.
#'   The cloudvolume method was the default until August 2022. It uses the same
#'   server endpoint but in my tests is about 2x slower than cave (but still
#'   much faster than \code{method='flywire'})
#' @param x One or more FlyWire segment ids
#' @param stop_layer Which layer of the chunked graph to stop at. The default
#'   \code{NULL} is equivalent to layer 1 or the full root id. Coarser layer 2
#'   IDs can be a useful intermediate for some operations.
#' @param method Whether to use the flywire API (slow but no python required) OR
#'   cave/cloudvolume (faster for many input ids, but requires python). "auto"
#'   (the default) will choose "cave" or "cloudvolume" (in that order) if
#'   available flywire otherwise.
#' @param integer64 Whether to return ids as integer64 type (more compact but a
#'   little fragile) rather than character (default \code{FALSE}).
#' @param cache Whether to cache supervoxel id -> rootid mappings. Default is
#'   \code{FALSE} and this only works when a \code{version} or \code{timestamp}
#'   is available. Note that the cache is held in memory and will therefore be
#'   regenerated for each R session.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{pbsapply}} and
#'   eventually \code{\link{flywire_fetch}} when \code{method="flywire"} OR to
#'   \code{cv$CloudVolume} when \code{method="cloudvolume"}
#' @inheritParams flywire_cave_query
#' @inheritParams flywire_xyz2id
#' @return A vector of root ids as character vectors.
#' @export
#' @family flywire-ids
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' flywire_rootid(c("81489548781649724", "80011805220634701"))
#' # same but using the flywire sandbox segmentation
#' with_segmentation('sandbox', {
#' flywire_rootid(c("81489548781649724", "80011805220634701"))
#' })
#' }
flywire_rootid <- function(x, method=c("auto", "cave", "cloudvolume", "flywire"),
                           cloudvolume.url=NULL, ...) {
  x <- if(bit64::is.integer64(x)) {
    stopifnot(all(valid_id(x, na.ok = T)))
  } else {
    x <- ngl_segments(x, as_character = TRUE, include_hidden = FALSE, must_work = F, ...)
    stopifnot(all(valid_id(x, na.ok = T)))

  if(method=="auto" && requireNamespace('reticulate')) {
    else if(reticulate::py_module_available('cloudvolume'))
  timestamp=flywire_timestamp(version=version, timestamp = timestamp, convert = FALSE)
  if(!is.null(stop_layer)) stop_layer=as.integer(stop_layer)

  if(method=='flywire' && (!is.null(timestamp) || !is.null(stop_layer) || cache))
    stop("'flywire' method of flywire_rootid incompatible with timestamps, stop_layer or cache!")
    cloudvolume.url <- flywire_cloudvolume_url(cloudvolume.url, graphene = TRUE)

    return(flywire_rootid_cached(x, timestamp = timestamp, integer64=integer64,
                                 stop_layer = stop_layer,
                                 method=method, ...))

  orig <- NULL
  zeros <- x=="0" | is.na(x)
  if(sum(zeros)>0) {
    orig <- x
    x <- x[!zeros]
    if(length(x)==0) {
      warning("no valid input ids")

  if(any(duplicated(x))) {
    unames=flywire_rootid(uids, method=method, integer64=integer64, cloudvolume.url = cloudvolume.url, timestamp = timestamp, stop_layer = stop_layer, cache=FALSE, ...)
    ids <- unames[match(bit64::as.integer64(x), uids)]
  } else {
    ids <- if(method=="flywire") {
      if(length(x)>1) {
        pbapply::pbsapply(x, flywire_rootid, method="flywire", cloudvolume.url=cloudvolume.url, ...)
      } else {
        url=sprintf("https://prodv1.flywire-daf.com/segmentation/api/v1/table/%s/node/%s/root?int64_as_str=1", basename(cloudvolume.url), x)
        res=flywire_fetch(url, ...)
        unlist(res, use.names = FALSE)
    } else if(method=='cloudvolume') {
        method = 'cloudvolume',
        cloudvolume.url = cloudvolume.url,
        integer64 = integer64,
        timestamp = timestamp,
        stop_layer = stop_layer,
    } else if(method=='cave') {
      flywire_roots_helper(x, method='cave', integer64 = integer64,
                           timestamp=timestamp, stop_layer = stop_layer, ...)
      stop("Failed to retrieve root ids for all input ids!")

  if(integer64) {
    if(isFALSE(is.null(orig))) {
  } else ids=as.character(ids)

  if(sum(zeros)>0) {
  } else ids

# private function to process roots, but ensuring that we don't exceed a maximum
# chunk size
flywire_roots_helper <- function(x,
                                 method=c("cloudvolume", 'cave'),
                                 ...) {
  checkmate::assert_int(nchunks, lower=1)
  chunks=rep(seq_len(nchunks), rep(chunksize, nchunks))[seq_len(nx)]
  vol <- if(method=='cave') flywire_cave_client()
  else flywire_cloudvolume(cloudvolume.url)

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = nx, show_after=2,
                                   format = "  flywire_roots [:bar] :percent eta: :eta")

  for(i in chunkstoread) {
    pyres <- if(method=='cave')
      reticulate::py_call(vol$chunkedgraph$get_roots, supervoxel_ids = ids,...)
      else reticulate::py_call(vol$get_roots, ids, ...)
    res[[length(res)+1]]=pyids2bit64(pyres, as_character = !integer64)
  vres=unlist(res, use.names = F)

# provate function to rovide a cache service for svid to rootid look ups at a given timestamp
# nb stop_layer => root id
flywire_rootid_cached <- function(svids, timestamp=NULL, integer64=FALSE,
                                  stop_layer=0L, ...) {
  timestamp=flywire_timestamp(timestamp = timestamp)

  rids=id64(svids, integer64 = T)
  svids=id64(svids, integer64 = F)
  if(any(duplicated(svids))) {
    usvid=id64(svids, integer64 = F, unique = T)
    urid=flywire_rootid_cached(usvid, timestamp = timestamp,
                               integer64=integer64, stop_layer=stop_layer, ...)
    rids=urid[match(svids, usvid)]
    return(id64(rids, integer64 = integer64))
  d <- svid2rootid_cache(timestamp, stop_layer)

  missing_svids <- svids[!svids %in% d$keys()]
  if(length(missing_svids)>0) {
    message("flywire_rootid_cached: Looking up ", length(missing_svids),
            " missing keys")
    missing_values=flywire_rootid(missing_svids, timestamp = timestamp, integer64 = T, stop_layer = stop_layer, cache=FALSE, ...)
    vcache_mset(d, missing_svids, missing_values)
  rids=vcache_mget(d, svids)
  id64(rids, integer64 = integer64)

# simple private function to convert ids to char or 64 bit as required
# basically does the same as flywire_ids for simple input
id64 <- function(x, integer64=FALSE, unique = FALSE, na2zero=TRUE) {
  stopifnot(is.character(x) || bit64::is.integer64(x))
  myunique <- function(x) {
    x <- if(unique) unique(x) else x
    if(na2zero) x[is.na(x)]=0L
  if(integer64) myunique(bit64::as.integer64(x))
  else as.character(myunique(x))

svid2rootid_cache <- memoise::memoise(function(timestamp, stop_layer=1L) {
  # use timestamp to the nearest microsecond as key
  timestampus.numeric=as.numeric(as.POSIXct(timestamp, tz = 'UTC'))*1e6
  vcache64(paste('svid2rootid', timestampus, stop_layer, sep = '-'))

#' Find all the supervoxel (leaf) ids that are part of a FlyWire object
#' @description This workhorse function underlies the ability to define synaptic
#'   connections and neurotransmitter predictions for flywire neurons.
#' @param integer64 Whether to return ids as integer64 type (the default, more
#'   compact but a little fragile) rather than character (when \code{FALSE}).
#' @param cache Whether to cache the results of flywire_leaves calls. See
#'   details.
#' @param mip The mip level for the segmentation (expert use only)
#' @param bbox The bounding box within which to find supervoxels (default =
#'   \code{NULL} for whole brain. Expert use only.)
#' @export
#' @inheritParams flywire_rootid
#' @details By default repeated calls to \code{flywire_leaves} are cached on
#'   disk. This functionality is provided by the \code{cachem} package now used
#'   by the \code{memoise} package. By default the cache will expand up to 1.5GB
#'   and then start pruning on a least recently used basis (LRU). 1.5GB might
#'   store 10-20,000 results for \code{flywire_leaves} calls depending on the
#'   size of the corresponding neurons.
#'   Since each root id can map to hundreds of thousands of supervoxel ids,
#'   there are space implications. In order to save space, the results are
#'   stored as compressed 64 bit integers (which are ~30x smaller than character
#'   vectors). The compression step does add an extra ~ 5% time on a cache miss
#'   but is 100x + faster on a cache hit. The default compression is based on
#'   the suggested brotli library if available, gzip otherwise.
#'   There is functionality for a memory cache on top of the disk cache, but
#'   this is not currently exposed as the disk read time appears small compared
#'   with the time for uncompressing and other overheads.
#'   The cache can be controlled by two package options:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \code{fafbseg.cachedir} The location on disk. If not previously set,
#'   it is set to an appropriate user folder on package load using
#'   \code{rappdirs::\link[rappdirs]{user_data_dir}}. Note that the cache for
#'   this function will be located inside a folder called \code{flywire_leaves}.
#'   \item \code{fafbseg.flcachesize} The maximum cache size in bytes. When the
#'   storage space exceeds this results are pruned using a LRU algorithm.
#'   Defaults to \code{1.5 * 1024^3} when unset.
#'   }
#'   Note that the default configuration means that the cache will be shared for
#'   a given user across R sessions. It is worth bearing in mind the possibility
#'   of race conditions if multiple applications are writing/pruning the cache.
#'   For example if the \code{fafbseg.flcachesize} has different values in
#'   different sessions, the session with the smallest value will start pruning
#'   files on disk before the other session.
#' @family flywire-ids
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' kcid="720575940623755722"
#' length(flywire_leaves(kcid))
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' # developer function to check cache status
#' fafbseg:::flywire_leaves_cache_info()
#' }
flywire_leaves <- function(x, cloudvolume.url=NULL, integer64=FALSE,
                           mip=0L, bbox=NULL, cache=TRUE, ...) {
  x=ngl_segments(x, as_character = TRUE, include_hidden = FALSE, ...)
  # really needs to be an integer

  cloudvolume.url <- flywire_cloudvolume_url(cloudvolume.url, graphene = TRUE)
  if(isTRUE(cache)) {
      stop("Cannot currently use cache=TRUE with non-standard bounding box")
    compression=if(requireNamespace('brotli', quietly = T)) 'brotli' else 'gzip'

  vol <- flywire_cloudvolume(cloudvolume.url = cloudvolume.url, ...)
  if(isTRUE(cache)) {
    if(length(x)>1) {
      res=pbapply::pbsapply(x, flywire_leaves_cached, integer64=integer64, mip=mip, bbox=bbox,
                            cloudvolume.url=cloudvolume.url, compression=compression, ..., simplify = FALSE)
    } else {
      flywire_leaves_cached(x, integer64=integer64, mip=mip, bbox=bbox,
                            cloudvolume.url=cloudvolume.url, compression=compression,...)
  } else {
    if(length(x)>1) {
      res=pbapply::pbsapply(x, flywire_leaves_impl, integer64=integer64, mip=mip, bbox=bbox,
                            cloudvolume.url=cloudvolume.url, ..., simplify = FALSE)
    } else {
      flywire_leaves_impl(x, integer64=integer64, mip=mip, bbox=bbox,

flywire_leaves_cached <-
           compression = 'gzip') {
    x = ngl_segments(x, as_character = T)
    # nb hash the cloudvolume URL since key is only lower case alphanumeric
    key=paste0(x, sep="ooo", digest::digest(cloudvolume.url, algo = 'xxhash64'))
    if(cachem::is.key_missing(value)) {
      # not in the cache, will look up remotely and convert to compressed bytes
        mip = mip,
        cloudvolume.url = cloudvolume.url,
        type = compression
      cache$set(key, compbytes)
    } else {
      compbytes = value
    # now we need to turn compressed bytes back into ids
    bytes=flywire_leaves_frombytes(compbytes, type = compression)
    ids = readBin(bytes, what = double(), n = length(bytes) / 8)
    class(ids) = 'integer64'
    if (integer64)

# private function that does the most basic supervoxel query via CloudVolume
flywire_leaves_impl <- function(x, cloudvolume.url, mip, bbox=NULL, integer64=TRUE, ...) {
  vol <- flywire_cloudvolume(cloudvolume.url = cloudvolume.url, ...)
  if(is.null(bbox)) bbox=vol$meta$bounds(mip)
  res=reticulate::py_call(vol$get_leaves, x, mip=mip, bbox=bbox)
  ids=pyids2bit64(res, as_character=isFALSE(integer64))

# private function that converts flywire_leaves results into
# a maximally efficient compressed representation
flywire_leaves_tobytes <- function(x, cloudvolume.url, mip, ...,
           type = c("gzip", "bzip2", 'xz', 'none', 'snappy', "brotli")) {
    ids=flywire_leaves_impl(x, integer64=TRUE, mip=mip,
                            cloudvolume.url=cloudvolume.url, ...)
    if(length(ids)==0) return(raw())
    bytes=writeBin(unclass(ids), raw())
    if(type=='none') return(bytes)
    if(type=='snappy') stop("not implemented") # snappier::compress_raw(bytes)
    # quality = 2 is actually faster and better than gzip
    if(type=='brotli') brotli::brotli_compress(bytes, quality = 2)
    else memCompress(bytes, type=type)

# define a cachem cache to hold results
# (non-memoised) function to decompress the results of above
flywire_leaves_frombytes <- function(x, type=c("gzip", "bzip2", 'xz', 'none', 'snappy', 'brotli')) {
  if(type=='none' || length(x)==0) return(x)
  if(type=='snappy') stop("not implemented") # snappier::decompress_raw(x)
  if(type=='brotli') {
    tryCatch(brotli::brotli_decompress(x), error=function(e) {
      # we have a mix of brotli and gzip in many cases
      memDecompress(x, type='gzip')
  else memDecompress(x, type=type)

# memoised so that we can change cache dir during a session but not make more
# than one cache object per condition
flywire_leaves_cache <- memoise::memoise(function(
  cachesize=getOption("fafbseg.flcachesize", 1.5 * 1024^3),
  hybrid=FALSE) {
  # so we can use cachedir for other caches.
  if(isTRUE(nzchar(cachedir))) cachedir=file.path(cachedir, subdir)
  # don't gzip on top of brotli
  writenogz=function(...) saveRDS(..., compress = F)
  d <- cachem::cache_disk(max_size = cachesize, dir = cachedir, write_fn = writenogz)
  if(isTRUE(hybrid)) {
    # unclear that mem cache gives any useful benefit given compression cycle
    m <- cachem::cache_mem(max_size = 200 * 1024^2)
    cl <- cachem::cache_layered(m, d)
  } else d

# private: status of cache
flywire_leaves_cache_info <- function(subdir="flywire_leaves", ...) {
  cache <- flywire_leaves_cache(subdir=subdir, ...)
  ci <- cache$info()
  ff=dir(ci$dir, full.names = TRUE)
  c(ci, nitems=cache$size(), current_size=sum(file.size(ff)))

#' Return level 2 supervoxel ids for neurons
#' @param x root ids including as neuroglancer scene URLs
#' @description Level 2 supervoxel ids are one step up from the terminal
#'   supervoxel ids (level 1) that are the finest resolution in the chunked
#'   graph. Like root ids, level 2 supervoxels can be edited: this results in
#'   the level 2 id being destroyed and two new ones being created. Unlike the
#'   root id after a merge or split, only the l2 ids at the edit location
#'   change, while most of the others remain the same.
#' @inheritParams flywire_rootid
#' @param cache Whether to cache the results on disk
#' @return A vector of ids (usually as 64 bit integers); a named list of vectors when x has length >1.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' length(flywire_l2ids("720575940604351334"))
#' }
flywire_l2ids <- function(x, integer64=TRUE, cache=TRUE) {
  fcc = flywire_cave_client()
  x=flywire_ids(x, integer64 = FALSE)
  if(length(x)>1) {
    res=pbapply::pbsapply(x, flywire_l2ids, simplify = FALSE, integer64=integer64)
  fl2c=flywire_leaves_cache(subdir = file.path('flywire_l2ids', fcc$datastack_name))
  if(cachem::is.key_missing(ids)) {
    res=reticulate::py_call(fcc$chunkedgraph$get_leaves, x, stop_layer = 2L)
    ids=pyids2bit64(res, as_character=isFALSE(integer64))
    fl2c$set(x, ids)

#' Find the most up to date FlyWire rootid for one or more input rootids
#' @description Finds the supervoxel ids for the input rootid and then maps
#'   those to their current rootid by simple majority vote.
#' @details By default a sample of the input rootids is used since that step is
#'   the most time consuming part. The sample can be defined as a fraction
#'   (0<sample<1) or an absolute number. They will be clamped to the actual
#'   number of supervoxels in the object.
#'   \code{flywire_latestid} does a precheck to see if the input rootids have
#'   been updated using \code{\link{flywire_islatest}}; this precheck is very
#'   fast (thousands of neurons per second). Only those ids that are not up to
#'   date are then further processed to identify the new rootid. This second
#'   step is slow (order 1-10 s per object). If you need to do this regularly
#'   for a set of neurons, it is \bold{much} better to keep an XYZ location or
#'   even better a supervoxel id at a safe location on the neuron such as the
#'   primary branch point (typically where the cell body fibre joins the rest of
#'   the neuron).
#'   Note that after edits that remove pieces of a starting neuron,
#'   flywire_latestid will return the id of the largest resultant piece.
#' @param rootid One ore more FlyWire rootids defining a segment (in any form
#'   interpretable by \code{\link{ngl_segments}})
#' @param level The resolution level of the chunked graph to use when
#'   calculating identity changes. An integer between 1 and 2. The default (2,
#'   implying slightly larger supervoxels) is considerably faster but gives good
#'   results for all but the smallest fragments. See
#'   \code{\link{flywire_l2ids}}.
#' @param sample An absolute or fractional number of supervoxel ids to map to
#'   rootids or \code{FALSE} (see details).
#' @param method \code{"cave"} uses the \code{caveclient} python module, which
#'   is generally faster, but has the disadvantage that it does not disambiguate
#'   between the two options after a split. For this reason,
#'   \code{method="auto"} (the default) currently chooses "leaves". NB this
#'   method does benefit from the persistent cache in \code{flywire_leaves} so
#'   second lookups will be much faster.
#' @param Verbose When set to \code{TRUE} prints information about what fraction
#'   of
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{flywire_leaves}}
#' @inheritParams flywire_rootid
#' @return A character vector of rootids. When the input is 0 or NA or a rootid
#'   that does not exist in the chunked graph, the output will be 0.
#' @export
#' @family flywire-ids
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # one of the neurons displayed in the sandbox
#' with_segmentation('sandbox', flywire_latestid('720575940625602908'))
#' \dontrun{
#' with_segmentation('sandbox', flywire_latestid('720575940625602908', Verbose = T))
#' # check every supervoxel (slow for bigger neurons, but this KC is smallish)
#' flywire_latestid('720575940616243077', sample=FALSE)
#' # update a neuroglancer URL with the most up to date segment ids
#' # nb this is slow since it looks at all supervoxels - much more efficient to
#' # store a single xyz location or supervoxel id
#' u="https://ngl.flywire.ai/?json_url=https://globalv1.flywire-daf.com/nglstate/5695907068641280"
#' ngl_segments(u) <- flywire_latestid(ngl_segments(u))
#' # open modified URL in your browser
#' browseURL(u)
#' }
#' }
flywire_latestid <- function(rootid, sample=100L, level=2L,
                             timestamp=NULL, version=NULL,
                             Verbose=FALSE, method=c("auto", "leaves", "cave"), ...) {
  if(Verbose) message("Checking if any ids are out of date")
  timestamp=flywire_timestamp(timestamp = timestamp, version=version)
  ids=flywire_ids(rootid, integer64 = F, must_work = FALSE, na_ok = T)
  fil=flywire_islatest(ids, timestamp = timestamp)
  needsupdate=!fil & !is.na(fil)
  if(method=='auto') {
  if(any(needsupdate)) {
    if(Verbose) message("Looking up ", sum(needsupdate), " outdated ids!")
    new=pbapply::pbsapply(ids[needsupdate], .flywire_latestid,
                          sample=sample, Verbose=Verbose,
                          method=method, level=level,
                          timestamp=timestamp, ...)
  } else return(ids)
# private function
.flywire_latestid <- function(rootid, level=2, cloudvolume.url, method, timestamp=NULL, ..., sample, Verbose) {
  checkmate::checkIntegerish(level, lower=1, upper = 2, any.missing = F, len = 1)
  svids=if(level==1) flywire_leaves(rootid, cloudvolume.url = cloudvolume.url, integer64 = T, ...) else flywire_l2ids(rootid, integer64 = T)
  if(length(svids)==0) {
    warning("unable to map rootid: ", rootid, " onto valid leaf ids!")
  if(method=='cave') {
    newseg=cave_latestid(rootid, ..., integer64 = FALSE, timestamp=timestamp)
    if(length(newseg)==0) newseg=NA
    if(length(newseg)==1) return(newseg)
    warning('Ambiguous results for ', rootid,
            ' with method="cave", trying method="leaves"')
    checkmate::check_numeric(sample, lower = 0, upper = 1)
    if(sample<1) sample=1L

  if(!isFALSE(sample)) {
    checkmate::check_integerish(sample, lower = 1, upper = Inf)
    if(sample<length(svids)) {
      svids=sample(svids, size = sample)

  rootids.new=flywire_rootid(svids, cloudvolume.url = cloudvolume.url, timestamp=timestamp, ...)
  tt=tt[setdiff(names(tt), "0")]
    warning("large changes in supervoxel composition for: ", rootid)

  if(Verbose) {
    message(floor(pct_correct), "% of supervoxel ids match the new rootid!")


#' Find FlyWire root or supervoxel (leaf) ids for XYZ locations
#' @param xyz One or more xyz locations as an Nx3 matrix or in any form
#'   compatible with \code{\link{xyzmatrix}} including \code{neuron} or
#'   \code{mesh3d} surface objects.
#' @param rawcoords whether the input values are raw voxel indices or in nm
#' @param voxdims voxel dimensions in nm used to convert raw coordinates.
#' @param cloudvolume.url URL for CloudVolume to fetch segmentation image data.
#'   The default value of NULL chooses the flywire production segmentation
#'   dataset.
#' @param root Whether to return the root id of the whole segment rather than
#'   the supervoxel id.
#' @param method Whether to use the
#'   \href{https://services.itanna.io/app/transform-service/docs}{spine
#'   transform-service} API or cloudvolume for lookup. \code{"auto"} is
#'   presently a synonym for \code{"spine"}.
#' @param fast_root Whether to use a fast but two-step look-up procedure when
#'   finding roots. This is strongly recommended and the alternative approach
#'   has only been retained for validation purposes.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{pbapply} when looking up
#'   multiple positions.
#' @inheritParams flywire_rootid
#' @inheritParams flywire_cave_query
#' @details root ids define a whole neuron or segmented object. supervoxel ids
#'   correspond to a small group of voxels that it is assumed must all belong to
#'   the same object. supervoxel ids do not change for a given a segmentation,
#'   whereas root ids change every time a neuron is edited. The most stable way
#'   to refer to a FlyWire neuron is to choose a nice safe location on the
#'   arbour (I recommend a major branch point) and then store the location and
#'   supervoxel id. You can rapidly map the supervoxel id to the current root id
#'   using \code{\link{flywire_rootid}}.
#'   As of November 2020, the default approach to look up supervoxel ids for a
#'   3D point is using the
#'   \href{https://services.itanna.io/app/transform-service/docs}{spine
#'   transform-service} API. This is order 100x faster than mapping via
#'   cloudvolume (since that must make a single web request for every point) and
#'   Eric Perlman has optimised the layout of the underlying data for rapid
#'   mapping.
#'   Note when using the slower cloudvolume method (which may still be required
#'   for volumes for which a fast lookup via spine is not available) that
#'   finding the supervoxel for a given XYZ location is order 3x faster than
#'   finding the root id for the agglomeration of all of the super voxels in a
#'   given object. Perhaps less intuitively, if you want to look up many root
#'   ids, it is actually quicker to do \code{flywire_xyz2id(,root=F)} followed
#'   by \code{\link{flywire_rootid}} since that function can look up many root
#'   ids in a single call to the ChunkedGraph server. This is what happens when
#'   setting \code{fast_root=TRUE}, the default.
#' @return A character vector of segment ids, \code{NA} when lookup fails.
#' @export
#' @family flywire-ids
#' @importFrom nat pointsinside
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' \dontrun{
#' # example based on defining some sample points from real neurons
#' # sample dataset from FAFB catmaid
#' n=elmr::dense_core_neurons[[1]]
#' set.seed(42)
#' ss=sample(nvertices(n), size=10)
#' # first convert FAF14 points to FlyWire coordinate space
#' nx=xform_brain(elmr::dense_core_neurons[[1]], ref="FlyWire", sample="FAFB14")
#' pts=xyzmatrix(nx)[ss,]
#' }
#' # for simplicity just define those same sample points directly
#' pts = matrix(
#' c(428910.52, 110629.64, 174800, 410201.86, 110419.1, 180400,
#'   337136, 129926.28, 189280, 349981.85, 136041.53, 199280, 398361.74,
#'   110731.26, 182640, 382789.26, 118987.04, 189920, 358033.92, 171592.92,
#'   143960, 360990.48, 140277.42, 201400, 376258.06, 125201.51, 194400,
#'   331370.31, 128338.58, 181760),
#' ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE,
#' dimnames = list(NULL, c("X", "Y", "Z"))
#' )
#' #' # Fast and simple appoach to find ids in one (user-facing) step
#' flywire_xyz2id(pts)
#' ## illustrate what's happening under the hood
#' # find the ids for the selected xyz locations
#' # NB fast_root=FALSE was the default behaviour until Nov 2020
#' flywire_xyz2id(pts, fast_root=FALSE, method="cloudvolume")
#' # we can also find the supervoxels - much faster
#' svids=flywire_xyz2id(pts, root=FALSE)
#' # now look up the root ids - very fast with method="cloudvolume", the default
#' flywire_rootid(svids)
#' }
flywire_xyz2id <- function(xyz, rawcoords=FALSE, voxdims=c(4,4,40),
                           method=c("auto", "cloudvolume", "spine"),
                           ...) {
  if(isTRUE(is.numeric(xyz) && is.vector(xyz) && length(xyz)==3)) {
    xyz=matrix(xyz, ncol=3)
  } else {
  if(isTRUE(rawcoords)) {
    xyz <- scale(xyz, scale = 1/voxdims, center = FALSE)

  cloudvolume.url <- flywire_cloudvolume_url(cloudvolume.url, graphene = TRUE)

  if(method=="auto") {
    if(spine_ok()) method="spine"
    else {
      warning("Unable to reach: ", .spine_baseurl,
              ". Falling back to slower cloudvolume method.")
  if(method %in% c("spine")) {
    if(isTRUE(root) && isFALSE(fast_root)) {
      warning("You must use fast_root=TRUE when mapping with method=",method)
  } else {
    cv=flywire_cloudvolume(cloudvolume.url = cloudvolume.url)
from cloudvolume import Vec

def py_flywire_xyz2id(cv, xyz, agglomerate):
  pt = Vec(*xyz) // cv.meta.resolution(0)
  img = cv.download_point(pt, mip=0, size=1, agglomerate=agglomerate)
  return str(img[0,0,0,0])


    safexyz2id <- function(pt) {
      tryCatch(pydict$py_flywire_xyz2id(cv, pt, agglomerate=root && !fast_root),
               error=function(e) {

    res=pbapply::pbapply(xyz, 1, safexyz2id, ...)

  if(fast_root && root) {
    res=flywire_rootid(res, cloudvolume.url = cloudvolume.url, timestamp = timestamp, version = version, stop_layer = stop_layer, integer64 = integer64)
  if(isFALSE(rawcoords) && sum(res==0)>0.25*length(res)) {
    # we got some failures to map, let's see if there might have been a mistake
    # with what kind of coords we were passed.
    if(all(is_rawcoord(xyz))) {
      warning("It looks like you may be passing in raw coordinates. If so, use rawcoords=TRUE")
  if(integer64) bit64::as.integer64(res) else as.character(res)

#' Low level access to FlyWire data via Python cloudvolume module
#' @details this is the equivalent of doing (in Python):
#'   \verb{from cloudvolume import CloudVolume vol =
#'   CloudVolume('graphene://https://prodv1.flywire-daf.com/segmentation/table/fly_v31',
#'    use_https=True)}
#'   The cache tries to be intelligent by \itemize{
#'   \item 1. generating a new object for every input parameter combination
#'   (which of course you would need to do in Python)
#'   \item 2. avoiding stale references by checking that Python is currently
#'   running and that the returned CloudVolume object is non-null. It also
#'   regenerates the object every hour.}
#'   Note that reticulate the package which allows R/Python interaction binds to
#'   one Python session. Furthermore Python cannot be restarted without also
#'   restarting R.
#' @param cached When \code{TRUE} (the default) reuses a cached CloudVolume
#'   object from the current Python session. See details.
#' @param min_version A minimum version for the cloudvolume Python module e.g.
#'   \code{"3.12"}. The default \code{NULL} implies any version is acceptable.
#' @param ... Additional arguments  passed to the CloudVolume constructor
#' @inheritParams flywire_xyz2id
#' @importFrom memoise forget memoise timeout
#' @seealso \code{\link{simple_python}} for installation of the necessary Python
#'   packages.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cv=flywire_cloudvolume()
#' # detailed info about the image volume
#' cv$info
#' # bounding box (Python format in raw voxels)
#' cv$bounds
#' # in nm
#' boundingbox(cv)
#' # get help for a function
#' reticulate::py_help(cv$get_roots)
#' }
flywire_cloudvolume <- function(cloudvolume.url=NULL, cached=TRUE,
                                min_version=NULL, ...) {
  cloudvolume.url <- flywire_cloudvolume_url(cloudvolume.url, graphene = TRUE)
  if(!isTRUE(cached) || !reticulate::py_available())
  vol <- flywire_cloudvolume_memo(cloudvolume.url, min_version=min_version, ...)
  # just in case we end up with a stale reference from a previous python session
  if(reticulate::py_is_null_xptr(vol)) {
    vol <- flywire_cloudvolume_memo(cloudvolume.url, min_version=min_version, ...)

flywire_cloudvolume_memo <- memoise( function(cloudvolume.url,
                                              min_version=NULL, ...) {
  cv <- check_cloudvolume_reticulate(min_version=min_version)
  vol <- cv$CloudVolume(cloudpath = cloudvolume.url, use_https=TRUE, ...)
}, ~timeout(3600))

# need to harmonise URLs etc, but this is a big speed-up, so should just get on
# with rolling it out
flywire_supervoxels <- function(x, voxdims=c(4,4,40)) {
  pts=scale(xyzmatrix(x), center = F, scale = voxdims)
  if(any(nas)) {
    svids=rep("0", nrow(pts))
    svids[!nas]=flywire_supervoxels(pts[!nas,,drop=F], voxdims = c(1,1,1))

  body=jsonlite::toJSON(list(x=pts[,1], y=pts[,2], z=pts[,3]))
  res=httr::POST(u, body = body)
  j=httr::content(res, as='text', encoding = 'UTF-8')
  svids=unlist(jsonlite::fromJSON(j, simplifyVector = T), use.names = F)


flywire_supervoxels_binary <- function(x, voxdims=c(4,4,40)) {
  pts=scale(xyzmatrix(x), center = F, scale = voxdims)
  ptsb=writeBin(as.vector(pts), con = raw(), size=4)

  res=httr::POST(u, body=ptsb, encode = "raw")
  bytes=readBin(arr, what = numeric(), n=length(arr)/8, size = 8, endian = 'little')

#' Check that one or more FlyWire root ids have not been further edited
#' @description You can think of \code{flywire_islatest} as returning whether a
#'   root id is valid at a given timestamp (by default now). If the
#'   corresponding object has been edited, invalidating the root id, or does not
#'   (yet) exist then
#' @details This call is quite fast (think thousands of ids per second). The
#'   current implementation also de-duplicates the input automatically. You can
#'   pass in a vector containing duplicates and only the unique ids will be
#'   passed on to the server.
#'   If you provide input as \code{integer64} then data will be sent in binary
#'   form to the flywire server. This can have a significant time saving for
#'   large queries (think 10000+).
#'   When a \code{timestamp} or \code{version} is provided, only edits up until
#'   that time point will be considered. Note that since August 2022
#'   \code{flywire_islatest} will return \code{FALSE} in the case of a rootid
#'   that was not created until after the \code{timestamp}. Formerly it returned
#'   \code{TRUE} (see
#'   \href{https://github.com/seung-lab/PyChunkedGraph/pull/412}{seung-lab/PyChunkedGraph#412})
#' @param x FlyWire rootids in any format understandable to
#'   \code{\link{ngl_segments}} including as \code{integer64}
#' @param timestamp (optional) argument to set an endpoint - edits after this
#'   time will be ignored (see details).
#' @param cache Whether to cache the result - the default value of \code{NA}
#'   will do this if a \code{timestamp} or \code{version} argument is supplied.
#' @inheritParams flywire_latestid
#' @inheritParams flywire_timestamp
#' @param ... Additional arguments to \code{\link{flywire_fetch}}
#' @return A logical vector of length matching the input. NA/0 input values will
#'   return NA as output.
#' @export
#' @family flywire-ids
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' flywire_islatest("720575940621039145")
#' flywire_islatest(c("720575940619073968", "720575940637707136"))
#' # check the first id up to a given timestamp
#' # when was it created (= last modified)
#' flywire_last_modified('720575940619073968')
#' # TRUE
#' flywire_islatest('720575940619073968', timestamp = '2020-12-03 UTC')
#' # FALSE since it didn't exist
#' flywire_islatest("720575940619073968", timestamp = "2020-12-01 UTC")
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' latest=flywire_latestid("720575940619073968")
#' flywire_islatest(latest)
#' # compare checking roots downstream of two large bilateral neurons
#' blids=c("720575940619073968", "720575940637707136")
#' blidsout=flywire_partners(blids)
#' # 3.2 vs 4.7s in my test
#' bench::mark(bin=flywire_islatest(blidsout$post_id),
#'   str=flywire_islatest(as.character(blidsout$post_id)))
#' }
flywire_islatest <- function(x, cloudvolume.url=NULL, timestamp=NULL,
                             version=NULL, cache=NA, ...) {
  url=flywire_api_url("is_latest_roots?int64_as_str=1", cloudvolume.url=cloudvolume.url)
  if(!is.null(timestamp) || !is.null(version)) {
    timestamp=flywire_timestamp(version = version, timestamp=timestamp)
    # convert to double and then format without any decimal places
    url=sprintf("%s&timestamp=%s", url,
                format(as.numeric(timestamp), scientific=F, digits=1))
  cache=isTRUE(cache) || (
    is.na(cache) && (!is.null(version) || !is.null(timestamp)))

  ids=if(is.integer64(x)) {
  } else ngl_segments(x, as_character = TRUE, must_work = F)
  if(length(ids)==0) {
    warning("no valid ids passed to flywire_islatest")
  # nb it takes as long to find unique ids as to find duplicates
  # drop any 0s; setdiff munges bit64
  if(length(uids)<length(ids)) {
    islatest <- if(length(uids)==0L) logical()
    else flywire_islatest(uids, timestamp=timestamp,
                          cloudvolume.url=cloudvolume.url, cache=cache, ...)
    res <- islatest[match(x, uids)]

  if(cache) {
    # see which ones we know about and then recall to look up the rest
    rvals=vcache_mget(d, as.character(uids))
    if(length(missing_uids)>0) {
      mres=flywire_islatest(missing_uids, timestamp=timestamp, cache=FALSE, cloudvolume.url=cloudvolume.url, ...)
      vcache_mset(d, missing_uids, mres)

  if(is.integer64(ids)) {
    if(grepl('fanc-fly', url)) {
      # hack to get around ongoing issue here:
      # https://flywire-forum.slack.com/archives/C01M4LP2Y2D/p1645528484303539
    } else {
      url=paste0(url, "&is_binary=1")
  } else {
  res=flywire_fetch(url = url, body=body, ... )

flywire_islatest_cache <- memoise::memoise(function(timestamp) {
  vcache(paste('flywire_islatest', timestampus, sep = '-'), default = NA)

server_address <- function(u) {

#' Check when a root id was last edited
#' @details The raw information for this call is in seconds since the epoch,
#'   00:00 on 1 January 1970 UTC. Specifying a \code{tz} argument changes the
#'   display but not the actual time of the event i.e. Princeton will typically
#'   display 5h behind Cambridge corresponding to the same physical time.
#' @param x A set of flywire ids
#' @param tz A timezone in which to display the modification time; defaults to
#'   UTC (~ the proper name for GMT).
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to the low-level
#'   \code{\link{flywire_fetch}} function
#' @inheritParams flywire_partners
#' @return A vector of \code{\link{POSIXct}} timestamps, by default in the
#'   standard UTC timezone.
#' @export
#' @family flywire-ids
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' flywire_last_modified("720575940639218165")
#' # Your local time zone
#' flywire_last_modified("720575940639218165", tz="")
#' # Cambridge (the original one)
#' flywire_last_modified("720575940639218165", tz="GB")
#' # Princeton
#' flywire_last_modified("720575940639218165", tz="US/Eastern")
#' }
flywire_last_modified <- function(x, tz="UTC", cloudvolume.url = NULL, ...) {
  u=flywire_cloudvolume_url(cloudvolume.url = cloudvolume.url, graphene = F)

  root_ids=flywire_ids(x, integer64=T)
  if(length(uroot_ids)==0) {
    return(cgtimestamp2posixct(NA, tz=tz))
  data = jsonlite::toJSON(list(node_ids=uroot_ids))
  res=flywire_fetch(url = u2, body=data, ...)
  ## reduplicate
  rdres=res$timestamp[match(root_ids, uroot_ids)]
  cgtimestamp2posixct(rdres, tz=tz)

#' Update flywire root ids to any timestamp using XYZ position or supervoxel ids
#' @description \code{flywire_updateids} updates root ids to the latest version
#'   (or any arbitrary integer materialisation version / timestamp that you
#'   specify). To be as efficient as possible, it will use supervoxel ids, XYZ
#'   positions or failing that the slower \code{\link{flywire_latestid}}.
#'   As of November 2022 the default behaviour will use a per-session supervoxel
#'   id to root id cache in order to speed up repeated lookups for the same root
#'   id / supervoxel id pairs at a given timestamp/version. See
#'   \code{\link{flywire_rootid}} for further details.
#' @param x Current root ids
#' @param svids optional supervoxel ids
#' @param xyz optional xyz locations in any form understood by
#'   \code{\link{xyzmatrix}}
#' @inheritParams flywire_xyz2id
#' @param cache Whether to cache supervoxel id to root id mappings. The default
#'   value of \code{NA} will do this when a version or timestamp argument is
#'   specified. See \code{\link{flywire_rootid}} for details.
#' @param Verbose Whether to print a message to the console when updates are
#'   required.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{flywire_islatest}} or
#'   \code{\link{flywire_latestid}}
#' @return A vector of the same form as \code{x} with updated ids.
#' @export
#' @family flywire-ids
#' @examples
#' kcs=data.frame(
#' rootid=c("720575940602553568", "720575940602564320", "720575940602605536"),
#' xyz=c("(159284,42762,3594)", "(159035,41959,3594)", "(157715,44345,3594)")
#' )
#' # update root ids
#' kcs$rootid=flywire_updateids(kcs$rootid, xyz=kcs$xyz)
flywire_updateids <- function(x, svids=NULL, xyz=NULL, rawcoords=FALSE,
                              voxdims=c(4,4,40), cache=NA,
                              version=NULL, timestamp=NULL, Verbose=TRUE, ...) {
  if(!is.null(xyz) && !is.null(svids)) {
    warning("only using svids for update!")
  timestamp=flywire_timestamp(timestamp=timestamp, version = version)
  if(is.null(xyz) && is.null(svids)) {
    warning("No xyz or svids argument. Falling back to (slow) flywire_latestid!")
    return(flywire_latestid(x, timestamp=timestamp, ...))
  cache=isTRUE(cache) || (
    is.na(cache) && (!is.null(version) || !is.null(timestamp)) && !is.null(svids))

  # NB if a version/timestamp is provided this lookup will be cached
  fil=flywire_islatest(x, timestamp=timestamp, cache=cache, ...)

  newids <- if(!is.null(xyz)) {
    if(any(badrows[toupdate])) {
      warning("unable to update ", sum(badrows&toupdate), " ids with bad XYZ info")
      toupdate=toupdate & !badrows
      if(!any(toupdate)) return(x)
    if(Verbose) message("Updating ", sum(toupdate), " ids")
    flywire_xyz2id(xyz[toupdate, , drop=F], voxdims=voxdims,
                   rawcoords=rawcoords, timestamp = timestamp)
  } else {
    if(any(badsvids[toupdate])) {
      warning("unable to update ", sum(badsvids & toupdate), " ids with bad supervoxel info")
      toupdate=toupdate & !badsvids
      if(!any(toupdate)) return(x)
    if(Verbose) message("Updating ", sum(toupdate), " ids")
      flywire_rootid_cached(bit64::as.integer64(svids[toupdate]), timestamp = timestamp, integer64 = F)
      flywire_rootid(bit64::as.integer64(svids[toupdate]), timestamp = timestamp)

natverse/fafbseg documentation built on Nov. 11, 2024, 9:50 p.m.