
Defines functions setupRdataCache runQuery

Documented in runQuery

#' @title Get results from an SQL query to a RaMP database
#' @description
#' Utility function to execute the provided SQL query and get its results from
#' a RaMP-DB database.
#' @param sql `character(1)` with the SQL query to run.
#' @param db [RaMP()] object representing a RaMP database. By default
#'     (`db = RaMP()`) a connection to the most recent version is established,
#'     which will be downloaded first if it does not already exist in the local
#'     cache.
#' @return The result from the query.
#' @importMethodsFrom DBI dbGetQuery
#' @export
runQuery <- function(sql, db = RaMP()) {
    con <- .dbcon(db)
    dbGetQuery(con, sql)

# verifySQLite <- function() {
#   message("Checking for existing BiocFileCache entry for the RaMP SQLite Database.")
#   bfc <- BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache(cache = BiocFileCache::getBFCOption("CACHE"), ask=F)
#   cacheInfo <- BiocFileCache::bfcinfo()
#   cacheInfo <- cacheInfo[grepl("RaMP", cacheInfo$rname),]
#   if(nrow(cacheInfo) < 1) {
#     message("")
#     message("RaMP Database is not in file cache. Performing a one-time SQLite file download.")
#     url = packageDescription("RaMP")$Config_ramp_db_url
#     message("One time retrieval of RaMP Database Cache. This will take about 1 minute to download and unzip.")
#     path <- BiocFileCache::bfcadd(bfc, url, fname='exact')
#     cid <- names(path)
#     R.utils::gunzip(path, remove=F)
#     newpath <- gsub(".gz", "", path)
#     BiocFileCache::bfcremove(bfc, cid)
#     bfcEntry = BiocFileCache::bfcadd(bfc, newpath, fname='exact')
#     pkg.globals$sqlite_file_path = bfcEntry
#     message("SQLite has been initialized. Using file cache entry:")
#     message(bfcEntry)
#   } else {
#     message("RaMP DB found in BiocFileCache, SQLite File:")
#     message(cacheInfo$rpath[1])
#     pkg.globals$sqlite_file_path = cacheInfo$rpath[1]
#   }
# }

setupRdataCache <- function(db = RaMP()) {

  sql = "select data_key, data_blob from ramp_data_object"

  objs <- RaMP:::runQuery(sql, db)

  dbSummaryData = list()

  for(i in 1:nrow(objs)) {
    varName = objs[i,1]
    blob = objs[i,2]
    blob = blob[[1]]
    obj = memDecompress(from=blob, type = 'gzip', asChar = T)
    data = data.frame(data.table::fread(obj, sep="\t"), row.names = 1)
    dbSummaryData[[varName]] <- data

ncats/RaMP-DB documentation built on June 1, 2024, 9:34 p.m.