Man pages for netZoo/netZooR
Unified methods for the inference and analysis of gene regulatory networks

adj2elConvert a bipartite adjacency matrix to an edgelist
adj2regulonConvert bipartite adjacency to regulon
adjMatToElistconverts adjacency matrix to edge list
alpacaMain ALPACA function
alpacaCommunityStructureRotationComparing node community membership between two networks
alpacaComputeDifferentialScoreFromDWBMCompute Differential modularity score from differential...
alpacaComputeDWBMmatmScaleDifferential modularity matrix
alpacaComputeWBMmatCompute modularity matrix for weighted bipartite network
alpacaCraneFind the robust nodes in ALPACA community using CRANE
alpacaDeltaZAnalysisEdge subtraction method (CONDOR optimizaton)
alpacaDeltaZAnalysisLouvainEdge subtraction method (Louvain optimizaton)
alpacaExtractTopGenesExtract core target genes in differential modules
alpacaGenLouvainGeneralized Louvain optimization
alpacaGetMemberget the member vector from alpaca object
alpacaGOtabtogenesThe top GO term associated genes in each module
alpacaGoToGenesMap GO terms to gene symbols
alpacaListToGoGO term enrichment for a list of gene sets
alpacaMetaNetworkCreate alpacaMetaNetwork for Louvain optimization
alpacaNodeToGeneRemove tags from gene names
alpacaObjectToDfListConverts alpaca output into list of data frames
alpacaRotationAnalysisCommunity comparison method (CONDOR optimizaton)
alpacaRotationAnalysisLouvainCommunity comparison method (CONDOR optimizaton)
alpacaSimulateNetworkSimulated networks
alpacaTestNodeRankEnrichment in ranked list
alpacaTidyConfigRenumbering community membership vector
alpacaTopEnsembltoTopSymTranslating gene identifiers to gene symbols
alpacaWBMlouvainGeneralized Louvain method for bipartite networks
annotateFromBiomartAnnotate your Expression Set with biomaRt
bladderBladder RNA-seq data from the GTEx consortium
BuildSubnetworkFind the subnetwork of significant edges connecting the...
CalculatePValuesCalculate p-values for all edges in the network using a...
checkMisAnnotationCheck for wrong annotation of a sample using classical MDS...
checkTissuesToMergeCheck tissues to merge based on gene expression profile
cobraRun COBRA in R
condorClusterMain clustering function for condor.
condorCoreEnrichCompare qscore distribution of a subset of nodes to all other...
condorCreateObjectcreates condor object
condorMatrixModularityIteratively maximize bipartite modularity.
condorModularityMaxIteratively maximize bipartite modularity.
condorPlotCommunitiesPlot adjacency matrix with links grouped and colored by...
condorPlotHeatmapPlot weighted adjacency matrix with links grouped by...
condorQscoreCalculate Qscore for all nodes
condorRunRun CONDOR clustering
craneBipartitePertrubs the bipartite network with fixed node strength
craneUnipartitePertrubs the unipartite network with fixed node strength from...
createCondorObjectCreate list amenable to analysis using 'condor' package.
createPandaStyleCreate a Cytoscape visual style for PANDA network
degreeAdjustFunction to adjust the degree so that the hub nodes are not...
domonsterMONSTER quick-start with pre-made regulatory networks
downloadGTExDownload GTEx files and turn them into ExpressionSet object
dragonRun DRAGON in R.
el2adjConvert bipartite edge list to adjacency mat
el2regulonConvert a bipartite edgelist to regulon
elistAddTagsAdds "_A" to first column and "_B" to second column
elistIsEdgeOrderEqualcheck if first two columns are identical
elistRemoveTagsundo elistAddTags
elistSortSorts the edge list based on first two columns in...
elistToAdjMatConverts edge list to adjacency matrix
exon.sizeGene length
extractMatrixExtract the appropriate matrix
filterGenesFilter specific genes
filterLowGenesFilter genes that have less than a minimum threshold CPM for...
filterMissingGenesFilter genes not expressed in any sample
filterSamplesFilter samples
FindConnectionsForAllHopCountsFor all hop counts up to the maximum, find subnetworks...
FindSignificantEdgesForHopFind the subnetwork of significant edges n / 2 hops away from...
GenerateNullPANDADistributionGenerate a null distribution of edge scores for PANDA-like...
genesExample of a gene list
isElistCheck if data frame is an edge list
jutterDegreeCRANE Beta perturbation function. This function will add...
lionessCompute LIONESS (Linear Interpolation to Obtain Network...
lionessPyRun python implementation of LIONESS
monsterMOdeling Network State Transitions from Expression and...
monsterBereFullBipartite Edge Reconstruction from Expression data (composite...
monsterCalculateTmPValuesCalculate p-values for a tranformation matrix
monsterCheckDataTypeChecks that data is something MONSTER can handle
monsterdTFIPlotThis function plots the Off diagonal mass of an observed...
monsterHclHeatmapPlotTransformation matrix plot
monsterMonsterNIBipartite Edge Reconstruction from Expression data
monsterResMONSTER results from example cell-cycle yeast transition
monsterTransformationMatrixBi-partite network analysis tools
monsterTransitionNetworkPlotThis function uses igraph to plot the transition matrix...
monsterTransitionPCAPlotPrincipal Components plot of transformation matrix
mut.ucecExample of mutation data
normalizeTissueAwareNormalize in a tissue aware context
otterRun OTTER in R
pandaDiffEdgesIdentify differential edges in two PANDA networks
pandaPyRun Python implementation PANDA in R
pandaToAlpacaUse two PANDA network to generate an ALPACA result
pandaToCondorObjectTurn PANDA network into a CONDOR object
plotCMDSPlot classical MDS of dataset
plotDensityDensity plots of columns in a matrix
plotHeatmapPlot heatmap of most variable genes
PlotNetworkPlot the networks, using different colors for transcription...
priorPpFilter low confident edge signs in the prior network using...
pumaPANDA using microRNA associations
qsmoothQuantile shrinkage normalization
qstatsCompute quantile statistics
RunBLOBFISHGiven a set of genes of interest, full bipartite networks...
runEgretRun EGRET in R
sambarMain SAMBAR function.
sambarConvertgmtConvert .gmt files into a binary matrix.
sambarCorgenelengthNormalize gene mutation scores by gene length.
sambarDesparsifyDe-sparsify gene-level mutation scores into gene set-level...
SignificantBreadthFirstSearchFind all significant edges adjacent to the starting nodes,...
skinSkin RNA-seq data from the GTEx consortium
small1976Pollinator-plant interactions
sourcePPISource the Protein-Protein interaction in STRING database
spiderSeeding PANDA Interactions to Derive Epigenetic Regulation
tigerTIGER main function
TIGER_exprTIGER example expression matrix
TIGER_priorTIGER example prior network
visPandaInCytoscapePlot PANDA network in Cytoscape
yeastToy data derived from three gene expression datasets and a...
netZoo/netZooR documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 4:34 a.m.