
Defines functions get_dependency_from_json_schema get_by_prop_from_json_schema as_table_schema

Documented in as_table_schema get_by_prop_from_json_schema get_dependency_from_json_schema

# Util functions for playing nice with SYNAPSE schemas and SCHEMATIC json-ld schemas

# -- Synapse schema ------------------------------------------------------------#

#' Transform table data to target schema for Synapse storage 
#' **Currently implements list-schema features first and will do more later.** 
#' Check and encode data values to expectations of Synapse target table schema for storage. 
#' The target schema is more likely from an existing table, since new tables can take advantage of `build_table`. 
#' To get compatible list data, does JSON encoding and optionally `list_truncate` when running into length limits.
#' If truncation is not OK, then the incompatibility will have to be resolved by updating schema outside of this. 
#' Note that the setting applies to ALL list columns, though it would be desirable to be column-specific.
#' @param df A table, i.e. `data.frame`.
#' @param schema Table [schema object](https://python-docs.synapse.org/build/html/Entity.html#synapseclient.table.Schema) or 
#' Synapse id of target table from which to get schema.
#' @param list_truncate If length exceeds schema max for list columns, set `TRUE` to allow data truncation, `FALSE` to error only (default).
#' @return Synapse Table object ready for storing.
#' @export
as_table_schema <- function(df, 
                            list_truncate = FALSE) {
  if("data.table" %in% class(df)) df <- as.data.frame(df)
  if(!"synapseclient.table.Schema" %in% class(schema) && is_valid_syn_id(schema)) schema <- .syn$get(schema)
  col_schema <- .syn$getTableColumns(schema) %>% reticulate::iterate()
  # Basic checks of columns
  col_schema_names <- sapply(col_schema, `[[`, "name")
  if(length(col_schema_names) != length(df)) stop("Number of columns differs from schema.")
    df <- df[col_schema_names] # enforce same order as schema while checking names
  }, error = function(e) stop("Column names don't match ones in schema."))
  # https://docs.synapse.org/rest/org/sagebionetworks/repo/model/table/ColumnType.html
  col_type <- sapply(col_schema, `[[`, "columnType")
  for(i in seq_along(col_type)) {
    values <- df[[i]]
    if(grepl("STRING", col_type[i])) {
      maxsize <-  col_schema[[i]]$maximumSize
      if(anyNA(values)) stop("Please remove NA values from STRING column ", names(df)[i])
      size_fail <- sapply(values, function(x) any(nchar(x) > maxsize))
      if(any(size_fail)) stop(paste("Characters in", names(df)[i], "exceeds max size of", maxsize))
    if(grepl("*_LIST", col_type[i])) {
      maxlen <- col_schema[[i]]$maximumListLength
      len_fail <- sapply(values, function(x) length(x) > maxlen)
      if(any(len_fail)) {
        if(list_truncate) {
          values[len_fail] <- sapply(values[len_fail], function(x) x[1:maxlen])
          warning(paste("Data truncated for", names(df)[i], "to fit max list length of", maxlen))
        } else {
          stop(paste("Data in", names(df)[i], "exceeds max list length of", maxlen))
      df[[i]] <- sapply(values, function(x) as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(unlist(x)))) # unlist in case x is derived from list
  table_data <- synapseclient$Table(schema, df)

# -- Schematic (JSON-LD) schema ------------------------------------------------#

#' Look up connected nodes by specified property in JSON-LD schema
#' Use with schematic-generated JSON-LD schema: given `@id`, get connected nodes by specified prop (e.g. `sms:something`).
#' Intended to be a generic used to define more specific lookup utils. 
#' Can do recursive lookup, though graph should be a tree/acyclic (!). 
#' (Useful for props such as `dependsOn`, doesn't make sense for props such as `rdfs:label`.)
#' @param id Id (`@id`) for which to get range values; include prefix if needed. 
#' @param prop Property; include prefix if needed.
#' @param schema Path (URL or local) to file from which schema will be read, or schema as list object.
#' @param return_labels Return labels (default), otherwise ids of connected nodes. 
#' @param recursive Recursive lookup?
#' @param result Vector of accumulated results; used for recursive lookup.
#' @param rest Vector of remaining ids; used for recursive lookup.
#' @export
get_by_prop_from_json_schema <- function(id, 
                                         schema = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nf-osi/nf-metadata-dictionary/main/NF.jsonld',
                                         return_labels = TRUE,
                                         recursive = FALSE,
                                         result = NULL,
                                         rest = NULL) {
  if(!is.list(schema)) {
    schema <- jsonlite::read_json(schema)
    schema <- schema$`@graph`
  matches <- Filter(function(x) x$`@id` == id, schema)
  if(!length(matches)) stop(glue::glue("Id `{id}` not found in schema!"))
  ids <- unlist(lapply(matches[[1]][[prop]], function(x) x$`@id`))
  if(return_labels) {
    labels <- Filter(function(x) x$`@id` %in% ids, schema) %>%
      sapply(function(x) x$`sms:displayName`) %>% unlist()
    result <- c(result, labels) 
  } else {
    result <- c(result, ids)
  rest <- c(rest, ids)
  if(recursive && length(rest)) {
    id <- rest[1]
    rest <- rest[-1]
  } else {
    # result
    unique(result) # dup ids exist because of https://github.com/Sage-Bionetworks/schematic/issues/708

#' Get dependencies for node in JSON-LD schema
#' Shorthand for getting props defined in annotation template using `get_by_prop_from_json_schema` under the hood.
#' @inheritParams get_by_prop_from_json_schema
#' @export
get_dependency_from_json_schema <- function(id,
                                            prop = "sms:requiresDependency",
                                            schema = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nf-osi/nf-metadata-dictionary/main/NF.jsonld',
                                            return_labels = TRUE,
                                            recursive = TRUE,
                                            result = NULL,
                                            rest = NULL) {
  get_by_prop_from_json_schema(id, prop, schema, return_labels, recursive, result, rest)
nf-osi/nfportalutils documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 1:05 p.m.