# Hack for Rcpp->R initial values problem
R_NegInf <- -Inf # nolint
R_PosInf <- Inf # nolint
NA_LOGICAL <- NA # nolint
.linCmtSens <- NULL
.clearME <- function() {
assignInMyNamespace(".rxMECode", "")
assignInMyNamespace(".indLinInfo", list())
.rxFullPrint <- FALSE
#' Create an ODE-based model specification
#' Create a dynamic ODE-based model object suitably for translation
#' into fast C code
#' @param model This is the ODE model specification. It can be:
#' * a string containing the set of ordinary differential
#' equations (ODE) and other expressions defining the changes in
#' the dynamic system.
#' * a file name where the ODE system equation is contained
#' An ODE expression enclosed in `\{\}`
#' (see also the `filename` argument). For
#' details, see the sections \dQuote{Details} and
#' `rxode2 Syntax` below.
#' @param modName a string to be used as the model name. This string
#' is used for naming various aspects of the computations,
#' including generating C symbol names, dynamic libraries,
#' etc. Therefore, it is necessary that `modName` consists of
#' simple ASCII alphanumeric characters starting with a letter.
#' @param wd character string with a working directory where to
#' create a subdirectory according to `modName`. When
#' specified, a subdirectory named after the
#' \dQuote{`modName.d`} will be created and populated with a
#' C file, a dynamic loading library, plus various other working
#' files. If missing, the files are created (and removed) in the
#' temporary directory, and the rxode2 DLL for the model is
#' created in the current directory named `rx_????_platform`, for
#' example `rx_129f8f97fb94a87ca49ca8dafe691e1e_i386.dll`
#' @param filename A file name or connection object where the
#' ODE-based model specification resides. Only one of `model`
#' or `filename` may be specified.
#' @param extraC Extra c code to include in the model. This can be
#' useful to specify functions in the model. These C functions
#' should usually take `double` precision arguments, and
#' return `double` precision values.
#' @param debug is a boolean indicating if the executable should be
#' compiled with verbose debugging information turned on.
#' @param calcSens boolean indicating if rxode2 will calculate the
#' sensitivities according to the specified ODEs.
#' @param calcJac boolean indicating if rxode2 will calculate the
#' Jacobain according to the specified ODEs.
#' @param collapseModel boolean indicating if rxode2 will remove all
#' LHS variables when calculating sensitivities.
#' @param package Package name for pre-compiled binaries.
#' @param ... ignored arguments.
#' @param linCmtSens The method to calculate the linCmt() solutions
#' @param indLin Calculate inductive linearization matrices and
#' compile with inductive linearization support.
#' @param verbose When `TRUE` be verbose with the linear
#' compartmental model
#' @param fullPrint When using `printf` within the model, if `TRUE`
#' print on every step (except ME/indLin), otherwise when `FALSE`
#' print only when calculating the `d/dt`
#' @inheritParams rxode2parse
#' @details
#' The `Rx` in the name `rxode2` is meant to suggest the
#' abbreviation *Rx* for a medical prescription, and thus to
#' suggest the package emphasis on pharmacometrics modeling, including
#' pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD), disease progression,
#' drug-disease modeling, etc.
#' @section Creating rxode2 models
#' @includeRmd man/rmdhunks/rxode2-create-models.Rmd
#' @includeRmd man/rmdhunks/rxode2-syntax-hunk.Rmd
#' @return An object (environment) of class `rxode2` (see Chambers and Temple Lang (2001))
#' consisting of the following list of strings and functions:
#' * `model` a character string holding the source model specification.
#' * `get.modelVars`a function that returns a list with 3 character
#' vectors, `params`, `state`, and `lhs` of variable names used in the model
#' specification. These will be output when the model is computed (i.e., the ODE solved by integration).
#' * `solve`{this function solves (integrates) the ODE. This
#' is done by passing the code to [rxSolve()].
#' This is as if you called `rxSolve(rxode2object, ...)`,
#' but returns a matrix instead of a rxSolve object.
#' `params`: a numeric named vector with values for every parameter
#' in the ODE system; the names must correspond to the parameter
#' identifiers used in the ODE specification;
#' `events`: an `eventTable` object describing the
#' input (e.g., doses) to the dynamic system and observation
#' sampling time points (see [eventTable()]);
#' `inits`: a vector of initial values of the state variables
#' (e.g., amounts in each compartment), and the order in this vector
#' must be the same as the state variables (e.g., PK/PD compartments);
#' `stiff`: a logical (`TRUE` by default) indicating whether
#' the ODE system is stiff or not.
#' For stiff ODE systems (`stiff = TRUE`), `rxode2` uses
#' the LSODA (Livermore Solver for Ordinary Differential Equations)
#' Fortran package, which implements an automatic method switching
#' for stiff and non-stiff problems along the integration interval,
#' authored by Hindmarsh and Petzold (2003).
#' For non-stiff systems (`stiff = FALSE`), `rxode2` uses `DOP853`,
#' an explicit Runge-Kutta method of order 8(5, 3) of Dormand and Prince
#' as implemented in C by Hairer and Wanner (1993).
#' `trans_abs`: a logical (`FALSE` by default) indicating
#' whether to fit a transit absorption term
#' (TODO: need further documentation and example);
#' `atol`: a numeric absolute tolerance (1e-08 by default);
#' `rtol`: a numeric relative tolerance (1e-06 by default).
#' The output of \dQuote{solve} is a matrix with as many rows as there
#' are sampled time points and as many columns as system variables
#' (as defined by the ODEs and additional assignments in the rxode2 model
#' code).}
#' * `isValid` a function that (naively) checks for model validity,
#' namely that the C object code reflects the latest model
#' specification.
#' * `version` a string with the version of the `rxode2`
#' object (not the package).
#' * `dynLoad` a function with one `force = FALSE` argument
#' that dynamically loads the object code if needed.
#' * `dynUnload` a function with no argument that unloads
#' the model object code.
#' * `delete` removes all created model files, including C and DLL files.
#' The model object is no longer valid and should be removed, e.g.,
#' `rm(m1)`.
#' * `run` deprecated, use `solve`.
#' * `get.index` deprecated.
#' * `getObj` internal (not user callable) function.
#' @references
#' Chamber, J. M. and Temple Lang, D. (2001)
#' *Object Oriented Programming in R*.
#' R News, Vol. 1, No. 3, September 2001.
#' <>.
#' Hindmarsh, A. C.
#' *ODEPACK, A Systematized Collection of ODE Solvers*.
#' Scientific Computing, R. S. Stepleman et al. (Eds.),
#' North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1983, pp. 55-64.
#' Petzold, L. R.
#' *Automatic Selection of Methods for Solving Stiff and Nonstiff
#' Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations*.
#' Siam J. Sci. Stat. Comput. 4 (1983), pp. 136-148.
#' Hairer, E., Norsett, S. P., and Wanner, G.
#' *Solving ordinary differential equations I, nonstiff problems*.
#' 2nd edition, Springer Series in Computational Mathematics,
#' Springer-Verlag (1993).
#' Plevyak, J.
#' *`dparser`*, <>. Web. 12 Oct. 2015.
#' @author Melissa Hallow, Wenping Wang and Matthew Fidler
#' @seealso [eventTable()], [et()], [add.sampling()], [add.dosing()]
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' mod <- function() {
#' ini({
#' KA <- .291
#' CL <- 18.6
#' V2 <- 40.2
#' Q <- 10.5
#' V3 <- 297.0
#' Kin <- 1.0
#' Kout <- 1.0
#' EC50 <- 200.0
#' })
#' model({
#' # A 4-compartment model, 3 PK and a PD (effect) compartment
#' # (notice state variable names 'depot', 'centr', 'peri', 'eff')
#' C2 <- centr/V2
#' C3 <- peri/V3
#' d/dt(depot) <- -KA*depot;
#' d/dt(centr) <- KA*depot - CL*C2 - Q*C2 + Q*C3;
#' d/dt(peri) <- Q*C2 - Q*C3;
#' d/dt(eff) <- Kin - Kout*(1-C2/(EC50+C2))*eff;
#' eff(0) <- 1
#' })
#' }
#' m1 <- rxode2(mod)
#' print(m1)
#' # Step 2 - Create the model input as an EventTable,
#' # including dosing and observation (sampling) events
#' # QD (once daily) dosing for 5 days.
#' qd <- et(amountUnits = "ug", timeUnits = "hours") %>%
#' et(amt = 10000, addl = 4, ii = 24)
#' # Sample the system hourly during the first day, every 8 hours
#' # then after
#' qd <- qd %>% et(0:24) %>%
#' et(from = 24 + 8, to = 5 * 24, by = 8)
#' # Step 3 - solve the system
#' qd.cp <- rxSolve(m1, qd)
#' head(qd.cp)
#' }
#' @keywords models nonlinear
#' @concept Nonlinear regression
#' @concept ODE models
#' @concept Ordinary differential equations
#' @concept Pharmacokinetics (PK)
#' @concept Pharmacodynamics (PD)
#' @useDynLib rxode2, .registration=TRUE
#' @eval .rxodeBuildCode()
#' @importFrom PreciseSums fsum
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom checkmate qassert
#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace assignInMyNamespace download.file head sessionInfo compareVersion packageVersion
#' @importFrom stats setNames update dnorm integrate
#' @importFrom methods signature is
#' @importFrom memoise memoise is.memoised
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @importFrom qs qsave
#' @import tools
#' @import data.table
#' @export
rxode2 <- # nolint
function(model, modName = basename(wd),
wd = getwd(),
filename = NULL, extraC = NULL, debug = FALSE, calcJac = NULL, calcSens = NULL,
collapseModel = FALSE, package = NULL, ...,
linCmtSens = c("linCmtA", "linCmtB", "linCmtC"),
indLin = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
fullPrint=getOption("rxode2.fullPrint", FALSE),
envir=parent.frame()) {
if (!missing(wd) && missing(modName)) {
stop("working directory specified, but modName not declared, need to specify modName to create rxode2 c-files as a sub-directory of `wd`",
assignInMyNamespace(".rxFullPrint", fullPrint)
.modelName <- try(as.character(substitute(model)), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(.modelName, "try-error")) .modelName <- NULL
if (!missing(modName)) {
if (!checkmate::testCharacter(modName, max.len = 1)) {
stop("'modName' has to be a single length character", call. = FALSE)
if (!missing(extraC)) {
if (!checkmate::testAccess(extraC, "r")) {
stop("'extraC' needs to point to a file that exists and is readable", call. = FALSE)
if (!checkmate::checkLogical(collapseModel, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE)) {
stop("'collapseModel' needs to be logical", call. = FALSE)
if (!checkmate::checkLogical(indLin, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE)) {
stop("'indLin' needs to be logical", call. = FALSE)
if (!checkmate::checkLogical(debug, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE)) {
stop("'debug' needs to be logical", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(package)) {
if (!checkmate::checkCharacter(package, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE)) {
stop("'package' needs to a single character for the package name",
call. = FALSE
if (missing(modName)) {
stop("with packages 'modName' is required",
call. = FALSE
modName <- paste0(package, "_", modName)
if (!missing(model) && !missing(filename)) {
stop("must specify exactly one of 'model' or 'filename'",
call. = FALSE
if (missing(model) && !missing(filename)) {
model <- filename
if (!missing(model) && missing(filename)) {
if (is(substitute(model), "{")) {
model <- deparse(substitute(model))
if (model[1] == "{") {
model <- model[-1]
model <- model[-length(model)]
model <- paste(model, collapse = "\n")
} else if (inherits(model, "rxUi")) {
} else if (inherits(model, "function")) {
.args <- as.list([-1]
if (length(.args) != 1L) {
stop("model functions can only be called with one argument", call.=FALSE)
.tmp <- rxUiDecompress(.rxFunction2ui(model))
assign("modelName", .modelName, envir=.tmp)
} else if (is(model, "rxode2")) {
package <- get("package", model)
if (!is.null(package)) {
modName <- get("modName", model)
model <- model$.model
class(model) <- NULL
} else if ((is(model, "function") || is(model, "call"))) {
model <- deparse(body(model))[-1]
model <- paste(model[-length(model)], collapse = "\n")
.env <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
.env$.mv <- rxGetModel(model, calcSens = calcSens, calcJac = calcJac, collapseModel = collapseModel, indLin = indLin)
assignInMyNamespace(".linCmtSens", linCmtSens)
if (.Call(`_rxode2_isLinCmt`) == 1L) {
.env$.linCmtM <- rxNorm(.env$.mv)
.vars <- c(.env$.mv$params, .env$.mv$lhs, .env$.mv$slhs)
.env$.mv <- rxGetModel(.Call(
"linCmtA" = 1L, "linCmtB" = 2L,
"linCmtC" = 3L
), verbose
model <- rxNorm(.env$.mv)
class(model) <- "rxModelText"
.env$.model <- model
.env$missing.modName <- missing(modName)
wd <- .normalizePath(wd, "/", mustWork = FALSE)
if (.env$missing.modName) {
if (rxode2.tempfiles) {
.env$mdir <- suppressMessages(.normalizePath(rxTempDir(), mustWork = FALSE))
} else {
.env$mdir <- suppressMessages(.normalizePath(wd, mustWork = FALSE))
} else {
.env$mdir <- suppressMessages(.normalizePath(file.path(wd, sprintf("%s.d", modName)), mustWork = FALSE))
if (!file.exists(wd)) {
dir.create(wd, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
.env$modName <- modName
.env$model <- model
.env$extraC <- extraC
.env$debug <- debug
.env$calcJac <- calcJac
.env$calcSens <- calcSens
.env$collapseModel <- collapseModel
.env$wd <- wd
.env$package <- package
if (!is.null(.env$package)) {
.env$mdir <- .rxPkgDir(.env)
.env$compile <- eval(bquote(function() {
with(.(.env), {
.rx <- base::loadNamespace("rxode2")
if (!file.exists(wd)) {
dir.create(wd, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
.rx$.rxWithWd(wd, {
if (missing.modName) {
.rxDll <- .rx$rxCompile(.mv,
debug = debug,
package = .(.env$package)
} else {
.rxDll <- .rx$rxCompile(.mv,
dir = mdir,
debug = debug, modName = modName,
package = .(.env$package)
.rxDll$linCmtM <- .(ifelse(exists(".linCmtM", .env),
get(".linCmtM", .env), NA
assign("rxDll", .rxDll, envir = .(.env))
assign(".mv", .rxDll$modVars, envir = .(.env))
.env$get.modelVars <- eval(bquote(function() {
with(.(.env), {
.ret <- .mv[c("params", "state", "lhs")]
.p <- .ret["params"]
.ini <- names(.mv$.ini)
.init <- rxode2::rxInit(rxDll)
.ret$params <- .ret$params[!(.ret$params %in% names(.init))]
class(.ret) <- "list"
.env$state <- .env$.mv$state
if (.env$.mv$extraCmt == 1) {
.extra <- c("central", .env$.mv$stateExtra)
} else if (.env$.mv$extraCmt == 2) {
.extra <- c("depot", "central", .env$.mv$stateExtra)
} else {
.extra <- .env$.mv$stateExtra
.env$stateExtra <- .extra
.env$lhs <- .env$.mv$lhs
.env$params <- .env$.mv$params
.env$version <- rxode2::rxVersion()["version"]
.env$solve <- eval(bquote(function(..., returnType= "matrix", object = NULL) {
rxode2::rxSolve(object = get("rxDll", envir = .(.env)), ..., returnType = "matrix")
.env$dll <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
.env$assignPtr <- eval(bquote(function() {
rxode2::rxAssignPtr(get("rxDll", envir = .(.env)))
.env$run <- .env$solve
.env$modName <- modName
.env$model <- model # actual model code
## cmpMgr = cmpMgr,
.env$dynLoad <- eval(bquote(function(force = FALSE) {
rx <- .(.env)
.env$load <- .env$dynLoad
.env$dynUnload <- eval(bquote(function() {
rx <- .(.env)
.env$unload <- .env$dynUnload
.pkgStuff <- FALSE
if (!is.null(.env$package)) {
if (regexpr("_new", .env$modName) == -1) {
.pkgStuff <- TRUE
.env$isValid <- eval(bquote(function() {
if (!all(is.null(getLoadedDLLs()[[.(.env$package)]]))) {
if (loadNamespace("rxode2")$.pkgModelCurrent &&
utils::packageVersion("rxode2") == .(utils::packageVersion("rxode2"))) {
} else {
} else {
return(file.exists(rxode2::rxDll(get("rxDll", envir = .(.env)))))
.env$isLoaded <- eval(bquote(function() {
if ((!all(is.null(getLoadedDLLs()[[.(.env$package)]]))) &&
loadNamespace("rxode2")$.pkgModelCurrent &&
utils::packageVersion("rxode2") == .(utils::packageVersion("rxode2"))) {
} else {
rx <- .(.env)
.env$delete <- eval(bquote(function() {
if ((!all(is.null(getLoadedDLLs()[[.(.env$package)]]))) &&
loadNamespace("rxode2")$.pkgModelCurrent &&
utils::packageVersion("rxode2") == .(utils::packageVersion("rxode2"))) {
stop("cannot delete Dll in package", call. = FALSE)
} else {
rx <- .(.env)
if (!.pkgStuff) {
.env$isValid <- eval(bquote(function() {
return(file.exists(rxode2::rxDll(get("rxDll", envir = .(.env)))))
.env$isLoaded <- eval(bquote(function() {
rx <- .(.env)
.env$delete <- eval(bquote(function() {
rx <- .(.env)
.env$parse <- with(.env, function() {
stop("'$parse' is no longer supported", call. = FALSE)
.env$get.index <- eval(bquote(function(s) {
return(rxState(get("rxDll", envir = .(.env)), s))
.mv <- .env$.mv
.env$ <- .mv$trans[""] # nolint
tmp <- list(
dllfile = rxode2::rxDll(.env$rxDll),
ode_solver = as.vector(.mv$trans["ode_solver"]),
ode_solver_ptr = as.vector(.mv$trans["ode_solver_ptr"]),
prefix = as.vector(.mv$trans["prefix"]),
model = model,
isValid = eval(bquote(function() {
with(.(.env), isValid())
parse = eval(bquote(function() {
with(.(.env), parse())
compile = eval(bquote(function() {
with(.(.env), compile())
dynLoad = eval(bquote(function() {
with(.(.env), dynLoad())
dynUnload = eval(bquote(function() {
with(.(.env), dynUnload())
modelDir = .env$mdir, # model directory
get.modelVars = eval(bquote(function() {
with(.(.env), get.modelVars())
delete = eval(bquote(function() {
with(.(.env), delete())
get.index = eval(bquote(function(...) {
with(.(.env), get.index(...))
.rxDll = .env$rxDll,
rxDll = eval(bquote(function() {
with(.(.env), return(rxDll))
tmp <- list2env(tmp, parent = .env)
class(tmp) <- "RxCompilationManager"
.env$cmpMgr <- tmp
.env$calcJac <- (length(.mv$dfdy) > 0)
.env$calcSens <- (length(.mv$sens) > 0)
class(.env) <- "rxode2"
if (!is.null(.env$package)) {
.o <- rxDll(.env)
.o <- paste0(substr(.o, 0, nchar(.o) - nchar(.Platform$dynlib.ext)), ".o")
if (file.exists(.o)) {
.make <- file.path(.env$mdir, "Makevars")
if (file.exists(.make)) {
if (.rxPkgLoaded(.env$package)) {
.ns <- loadNamespace(.env$package)
if (!exists(".rxUpdated", .ns)) {
stop("cannot update package model", call. = FALSE)
} else {
.as <- .ns$.rxUpdated
assign(.env$modName, .env)
} else {
rxode2::rxIsLoaded(.env) # Show this is loaded.
#' @rdname rxode2
#' @export
RxODE <- rxode2
#' @rdname rxode2
#' @export
rxode <- rxode2
#' Get model properties without compiling it.
#' @param model rxode2 specification
#' @inheritParams rxode2
#' @return rxode2 trans list
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
rxGetModel <- function(model, calcSens = NULL, calcJac = NULL, collapseModel = NULL, indLin = FALSE) {
if (is(substitute(model), "call")) {
model <- model
if (is(substitute(model), "{")) {
model <- deparse(substitute(model))
if (model[1] == "{") {
model <- model[-1]
model <- model[-length(model)]
model <- paste(model, collapse = "\n")
} else if (inherits(model, "function") || inherits(model, "call")) {
model <- deparse(body(model))
if (model[1] == "{") {
model <- model[-1]
model <- model[-length(model)]
model <- paste(model, collapse = "\n")
} else if (inherits(model, "name")) {
model <- eval(model)
} else if (inherits(model, "character") || inherits(model, "rxModelText")) {
model <- as.vector(model)
} else if (inherits(model, "rxode2")) {
model <- rxModelVars(model)
## class(model) <- NULL;
} else if (inherits(model, "rxModelVars")) {
} else if (inherits(model, "rxDll")) {
model <- model$args$model
} else {
model <- rxModelVars(model)
if (!inherits(model, "rxModelVars")) {
stop("cannot figure out how to handle the model argument", call. = FALSE)
.ret <- rxModelVars(model)
if (!is.null(calcSens)) {
.calcSens <- TRUE
if (is(calcSens, "logical")) {
if (!calcSens) {
.calcSens <- FALSE
if (.calcSens) {
if (length(rxState(.ret)) == 0L) {
stop("sensitivities do not make sense for models without ODEs", call. = FALSE)
.stateInfo <- .rxGenFunState(.ret)
.s <- .rxLoadPrune(.ret, FALSE)
.s$..stateInfo <- .stateInfo
if (!is(calcJac, "logical")) {
calcJac <- FALSE
if (is.null(calcJac)) calcJac <- FALSE
if (rxIs(calcSens, "logical")) {
if (calcSens) {
calcSens <- .rxParams(model, TRUE)
.rxSens(.s, calcSens)
.tmp1 <- .s$..jacobian
if (!calcJac) .tmp1 <- ""
.tmp2 <- .s$..lhs
if (collapseModel) .tmp2 <- ""
.new <- paste(c(
), collapse = "\n")
.ret <- rxModelVars(.new)
} else {
## calcSens=FALSE removes the sensitivity equations.
.stateInfo <- .rxGenFunState(.ret)
.s <- .rxLoadPrune(.ret, FALSE)
.s$..stateInfo <- .stateInfo
if (length(.ret$sens) != 0) {
.new <- setNames(gsub(
rex::rex("d/dt(", or(.ret$sens), ")=", anything, "\n"), "",
), NULL)
.ret <- rxModelVars(.new)
.calcJac <- FALSE
if (!is.null(calcJac)) {
if (is(calcJac, "logical")) {
if (calcJac) {
.calcJac <- TRUE
if (.calcJac) {
## calcJac=TRUE, calcSens=FALSE
.tmp1 <- .s$..jacobian
if (!.calcJac) .tmp1 <- ""
.tmp2 <- .s$..lhs
if (collapseModel) .tmp2 <- ""
.new <- paste(c(
), collapse = "\n")
.ret <- rxModelVars(.new)
} else if (!is.null(calcJac)) {
if (length(.ret$sens) != 0) {
.new <- setNames(gsub(
rex::rex("d/dt(", or(.ret$sens), ")=", anything, "\n"), "",
), NULL)
.ret <- rxModelVars(.new)
.calcJac <- TRUE
if (is(calcJac, "logical")) {
if (!calcJac) {
.calcJac <- FALSE
if (.calcJac) {
if (length(rxState(.ret)) <= 0) {
## Jacobian capitalized because it should be spelled with a capital
stop("Jacobians do not make sense for models without ODEs", call. = FALSE)
.stateInfo <- .rxGenFunState(.ret)
.s <- .rxLoadPrune(.ret, FALSE)
.s$..stateInfo <- .stateInfo
.tmp1 <- .s$..jacobian
if (!.calcJac) .tmp1 <- ""
.tmp2 <- .s$..lhs
if (collapseModel) .tmp2 <- ""
.new <- paste(c(
), collapse = "\n")
.ret <- rxModelVars(.new)
} else {
## remove Jacobian
.stateInfo <- .rxGenFunState(.ret)
.s <- .rxLoadPrune(.ret, FALSE)
.s$..stateInfo <- .stateInfo
.tmp2 <- .s$..lhs
if (collapseModel) .tmp2 <- ""
.new <- paste(c(
), collapse = "\n")
.ret <- rxModelVars(.new)
if (indLin) {
.code <- .rxIndLin(.ret)
.new <- paste0(rxNorm(.ret), "\n", .code)
assignInMyNamespace(".rxMECode", .code)
.ret <- rxModelVars(.new)
#' Add item to solved system of equations
#' @title rxChain Chain or add item to solved system of equations
#' @param obj1 Solved object.
#' @param obj2 New object to be added/piped/chained to solved object.
#' @return When `newObject` is an event table, return a new
#' solved object with the new event table.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
rxChain <- function(obj1, obj2) {
.args <- rev(as.list([-1])
names(.args) <- c("obj", "solvedObject")
return("rxChain2", .args, envir = parent.frame(1)))
#' @rdname rxChain
#' @export
"+.solveRxDll" <- function(obj1, obj2) {
return(rxode2::rxChain(obj1, obj2))
#' Second command in chaining commands
#' This is s3 method is called internally with `+` and `\%>\%` operators.
#' @param obj the object being added/chained/piped to the solved object
#' @param solvedObject the solved object
#' @return chained operation
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxChain2 <- function(obj, solvedObject) {
#' @rdname rxChain2
#' @export
rxChain2.default <- function(obj, solvedObject) {
.args <- as.list(
gettext("Do not know how to add %s to rxode2 solved object %s"),
toString(.args[[2]]), toString(.args[[3]])
call. = FALSE
#' @rdname rxChain2
#' @export
rxChain2.EventTable <- function(obj, solvedObject) {
.args <- rev(as.list([-1])
names(.args) <- c("object", "events")
return("rxSolve", .args, envir = parent.frame(1)))
.isLatex <- function() {
## nocov start
if (!("knitr" %in% loadedNamespaces())) {
get("is_latex_output", asNamespace("knitr"))()
## nocov end
#' Internal function to figure out if this session supports Unicode
#' @return boolean indicating if this session supports Unicode
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.useUtf <- function() {
## nocov start
opt <- getOption("cli.unicode", NULL)
if (!is.null(opt)) {
} else {
l10n_info()$`UTF-8` && !.isLatex()
## nocov end
.getBoundRemember <- NULL
.getBound <- function(x, parent = parent.frame(2)) {
## nocov start
if (!is.null(.getBoundRemember)) return(.getBoundRemember)
.isRx <- try(rxIs(x, "rxode2"), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(.isRx, "try-error")) .isRx <- FALSE
if (.isRx) {
if (!is.null(x$package)) {
return(substr(x$modName, nchar(x$package) + 2, nchar(x$modName)))
bound <-"c", lapply(ls(globalenv()), function(cur) {
if (identical(parent[[cur]], x)) {
if (length(bound) > 1) bound <- bound[1]
if (length(bound) == 0) {
bound <-"c", lapply(ls(parent), function(cur) {
if (identical(parent[[cur]], x)) {
if (length(bound) > 1) bound <- bound[1]
if (length(bound) == 0) {
bound <- ""
## nocov end
.getReal <- function(x) {
## Should always be in sync
if (rxIs(x, "rxode2")) {
if (!is.null(x$package)) {
.ns <- loadNamespace(x$package)
if (exists(".rxUpdated", .ns)) {
.rxu <- get(".rxUpdated", .ns)
if (exists(x$modName, .rxu)) {
return(get(x$modName, .rxu))
#' Return the rxode2 coefficients
#' This returns the parameters , state variables
#' @param object is an rxode2 object
#' @param ... ignored arguments
#' @return a rxCoef object with the following
#' * `params` is a list of strings for parameters for the rxode2 object
#' * `state` is a list of strings for the names of each state in
#' the rxode2 object.
#' * `ini` is the model specified default values for the
#' parameters.
#' * `rxode2` is the referring rxode2 object
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @export
coef.rxode2 <- function(object,
...) {
.ret <- rxode2::rxModelVars(object)[c("params", "state", "ini", "sens", "fn.ini")]
.ret$rxode2 <- object
class(.ret) <- "rxCoef"
.rxPre <- function(model,
modName = NULL) {
if (!is.null(modName)) {
if (is.null(.pkg)) {
.modelPrefix <- paste0(gsub("\\W", "_", modName), "_", .Platform$r_arch, "_")
} else {
.modelPrefix <- paste0(gsub("\\W", "_", modName), "_")
} else {
.mv <- rxModelVars(model)
if (.Call(`_rxode2_codeLoaded`) == 0L) .rxModelVarsCharacter(setNames(rxNorm(.mv), NULL))
.cache <- .rxModelVarsCCache
.modelPrefix <- paste0("rx_", .mv$md5["parsed_md5"], "_", .Platform$r_arch, "_")
.md5Rx <- NULL
#' Return the md5 of an rxode2 object or file
#' This md5 is based on the model and possibly the extra c code
#' supplied for the model. In addition the md5 is based on syntax
#' options, compiled rxode2 library md5, and the rxode2
#' version/repository.
#' @inheritParams rxode2
#' @param ... ignored arguments
#' @return If this is a rxode2 object, return a named list:
#' * `file_md5` is the model's file's md5
#' * `parsed_md5` is the parsed model's file's md5.
#' Otherwise return the md5 based on the arguments provided
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export rxMd5
rxMd5 <- function(model, # Model File
...) {
## rxMd5 returns MD5 of model file.
## digest(file = TRUE) includes file times, so it doesn't work for this needs.
if (missing(model)) {
} else if (is(model, "character")) {
if (length(model) == 1) {
if (file.exists(model)) {
.ret <- readLines(model, warn = FALSE)
} else {
.ret <- model
} else {
if (any(names(model) == "normModel")) {
.ret <- setNames(model["normModel"], NULL)
if (any(names(model) == "indLin")) {
if (model["indLin"] != "") {
.ret <- setNames(paste0(
.ret, "\n",
), NULL)
} else {
stop("unknown model", call. = FALSE)
.tmp <- c(
rxode2.syntax.allow.ini, rxode2.calculate.jacobian,
.ret <- c(
.ret, .tmp, .rxIndLinStrategy, .rxIndLinState,
.linCmtSens, .udfMd5Info(), .rxFullPrint
if (is.null(.md5Rx)) {
.tmp <- getLoadedDLLs()$rxode2
class(.tmp) <- "list"
assignInMyNamespace(".md5Rx", digest::digest(.tmp$path, serialize = TRUE, file = TRUE, algo = "md5"))
## new rxode2 DLLs gives different digests.
.ret <- c(.ret, .md5Rx)
## Add version and github repository information
.ret <- c(.ret, rxode2::rxVersion())
text = model,
digest = digest::digest(list(.ret, .indLinInfo), serialize = TRUE, algo = "md5")
} else {
} # end function rxMd5
.rxLastModels <- NULL
.rxShouldUnload <- function(parseMd5) {
if (is.null(.rxLastModels)) return(TRUE)
return(!(parseMd5 %in% .rxLastModels))
.rxTimeId <- function(parseMd5) {
if (exists(parseMd5, envir = .rxModels)) {
.timeId <- get(parseMd5, envir = .rxModels)
} else {
.timeId <- as.integer(Sys.time())
assign(parseMd5, .timeId, envir = .rxModels)
.rxLastModels <- c(parseMd5, .rxLastModels)
.nKeep <- getOption("rxode2.dontUnload", 10)
.nKeep <- as.integer(.nKeep)
if (.nKeep <= 0L) {
.rxLastModels <- NULL
} else if (length(.rxLastModels) < .nKeep) {
.rxLastModels <- .rxLastModels[seq(1, .nKeep)]
assignInMyNamespace(".rxLastModels", .rxLastModels)
#' Translate the model to C code if needed
#' This function translates the model to C code, if needed
#' @inheritParams rxode2
#' @param modelPrefix Prefix of the model functions that will be
#' compiled to make sure that multiple rxode2 objects can coexist
#' in the same R session.
#' @param md5 Is the md5 of the model before parsing, and is used to
#' embed the md5 into DLL, and then provide for functions like
#' [rxModelVars()].
#' @param ... Ignored parameters.
#' @param modVars returns the model variables instead of the named
#' vector of translated properties.
#' @return a named vector of translated model properties
#' including what type of jacobian is specified, the `C` function prefixes,
#' as well as the `C` functions names to be called through the compiled model.
#' @seealso [rxode2()], [rxCompile()].
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxTrans <- function(model,
modelPrefix = "", # Model Prefix
md5 = "", # Md5 of model
modName = NULL, # Model name for DLL
modVars = FALSE, # Return modVars
...) {
} # end function rxTrans
#' @rdname rxTrans
#' @export
rxTrans.default <- function(model,
modelPrefix = "", # Model Prefix
md5 = "", # Md5 of model
modName = NULL, # Model name for DLL
modVars = FALSE, # Return modVars
...) {
.mv <- rxode2::rxModelVars(model)
if (modVars) {
} else {
return(c(.mv$trans, .mv$md5))
.rxMECode <- ""
#' @rdname rxTrans
#' @export
rxTrans.character <- memoise::memoise(function(model,
modelPrefix = "", # Model Prefix
md5 = "", # Md5 of model
modName = NULL, # Model name for DLL
modVars = FALSE, # Return modVars
...) {
## rxTrans returns a list of compiled properties
if (file.exists(model)) {
.isStr <- 0L
} else {
.isStr <- 1L
if (missing(md5)) {
md5 <- rxMd5(model)$digest
.ret <- .Call(
`_rxode2_trans`, model, modelPrefix, md5, .isStr,
.rxMECode, .rxSupportedFuns(),
if (inherits(.ret, "try-error")) {
if (.isStr == 0L) {
} else {
stop("cannot create rxode2 model", call. = FALSE)
md5 <- c(file_md5 = md5, parsed_md5 = rxMd5(c(
.ret$timeId <- .rxTimeId(md5["parsed_md5"])
.ret$md5 <- md5
if (.isStr == 1L) {
## Now update trans.
.prefix <- paste0("rx_", md5["parsed_md5"], "_", .Platform$r_arch, "_")
.libName <- substr(.prefix, 0, nchar(.prefix) - 1)
.ret <- .Call(`_rxode2_rxUpdateTrans_`, .ret, .prefix, .libName)
## dparser::dpReload();
## rxReload()
if (modVars) {
} else {
return(c(.ret$trans, .ret$md5))
#' @rdname rxIsLoaded
#' @export
rxDllLoaded <- rxIsLoaded
#' Compile a model if needed
#' This is the compilation workhorse creating the rxode2 model DLL
#' files.
#' @inheritParams rxode2
#' @param dir This is the model directory where the C file will be
#' stored for compiling.
#' If unspecified, the C code is stored in a temporary directory,
#' then the model is compiled and moved to the current directory.
#' Afterwards the C code is removed.
#' If specified, the C code is stored in the specified directory
#' and then compiled in that directory. The C code is not removed
#' after the DLL is created in the same directory. This can be
#' useful to debug the c-code outputs.
#' @param prefix is a string indicating the prefix to use in the C
#' based functions. If missing, it is calculated based on file
#' name, or md5 of parsed model.
#' @param force is a boolean stating if the (re)compile should be
#' forced if rxode2 detects that the models are the same as already
#' generated.
#' @param ... Other arguments sent to the [rxTrans()]
#' function.
#' @return An rxDll object that has the following components
#' * `dll` DLL path
#' * `model` model specification
#' * `.c` A function to call C code in the correct context from the DLL
#' using the [.C()] function.
#' * `.call` A function to call C code in the correct context from the DLL
#' using the [.Call()] function.
#' * `args` A list of the arguments used to create the rxDll object.
#' @inheritParams rxode2
#' @seealso [rxode2()]
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @importFrom sys exec_internal
#' @export
rxCompile <- function(model, dir, prefix, force = FALSE, modName = NULL,
package = NULL,
...) {
.getIncludeDir <- function() {
.cache <- R_user_dir("rxode2", "cache")
.parseInclude <- system.file("include", package = "rxode2")
if (dir.exists(.cache)) {
.include <- .normalizePath(file.path(.cache, "include"))
if (!dir.exists(.include)) {
.malert("creating rxode2 include directory")
dir.create(.include, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
.sysInclude <- system.file("include", package = "rxode2")
.files <- list.files(.parseInclude)
lapply(.files, function(file) {
file.copy(file.path(.parseInclude, file), file.path(.include, file))
.files <- list.files(.sysInclude)
lapply(.files, function(file) {
file.copy(file.path(.sysInclude, file), file.path(.include, file))
.malert("getting R compile options")
.cc <- rawToChar(sys::exec_internal(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R"), c("CMD", "config", "CC"))$stdout)
.cc <- gsub("\n", "", .cc)
.cflags <- rawToChar(sys::exec_internal(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R"), c("CMD", "config", "CFLAGS"))$stdout)
.cflags <- gsub("\n", "", .cflags)
.cflags <- paste0(.cflags, " -O", getOption("rxode2.compile.O", "2"))
.shlibCflags <- rawToChar(sys::exec_internal(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R"), c("CMD", "config", "SHLIB_CFLAGS"))$stdout)
.shlibCflags <- gsub("\n", "", .shlibCflags)
.cpicflags <- rawToChar(sys::exec_internal(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R"), c("CMD", "config", "CPICFLAGS"))$stdout)
.cpicflags <- gsub("\n", "", .cpicflags)
.malert("precompiling headers")
.args <- paste0(
.cc, " -I", gsub("[\\]", "/", .normalizePath(R.home("include"))), " ",
" -I\"", .normalizePath(.parseInclude), "\" ",
.cflags, " ", .shlibCflags, " ", .cpicflags, " -I", gsub("[\\]", "/", .normalizePath(.include)), " ",
paste(gsub("[\\]", "/", .normalizePath(.include)), "rxode2_model_shared.h", sep = "/"),
return(.normalizePath(system.file("include", package = "rxode2")))
.pkg <- NULL
#' @rdname rxCompile
#' @export
rxCompile.rxModelVars <- function(model, # Model
dir = NULL, # Directory
prefix = NULL, # Prefix
force = FALSE, # Force compile
modName = NULL, # Model Name
package = NULL,
...) {
assignInMyNamespace(".pkg", package)
## rxCompile returns the DLL name that was created.
model <- rxGetModel(model)
if (is.null(prefix)) {
prefix <- .rxPre(model, modName)
if (is.null(dir)) {
if (rxode2.tempfiles) {
.dir <- file.path(rxTempDir(), paste0(prefix, ".rxd"))
} else {
.dir <- getwd()
} else {
.dir <- dir
if (file.exists(.dir)) {
if (!file.exists(file.path(.dir, paste0(rxode2.md5, ".md5")))) {
.malert("remove old rxode2 dir {.file {.dir}}")
unlink(.dir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
.dir <- suppressMessages(.normalizePath(.dir, mustWork = FALSE))
if (!file.exists(.dir)) {
dir.create(.dir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
writeLines("rxode2", file.path(.dir, paste0(rxode2.md5, ".md5")))
.cFile <- file.path(.dir, sprintf("%s.c", substr(prefix, 0, nchar(prefix) - 1)))
.cDllFile <- file.path(.dir, sprintf("%s%s", substr(prefix, 0, nchar(prefix) - 1), .Platform$dynlib.ext))
.allModVars <- NULL
.needCompile <- TRUE
if (file.exists(.cDllFile)) {
.modVars <- sprintf("%smodel_vars", prefix)
if (!missing(prefix) && !missing(dir) &&
rex::rex(start, "rx_", n_times(any, 32), or("_x64", "_i386", "_", "")),
) == -1 &&
is.loaded(.modVars)) {
try(dyn.unload(.cDllFile), silent=TRUE)
.tmp <- try(unlink(.cDllFile), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
if (file.exists(.cDllFile)) {
stop("cannot seem to remove '", .cDllFile, "'",
} else {
try(dynLoad(.cDllFile), silent = TRUE)
if (is.loaded(.modVars)) {
.allModVars <- eval(parse(text = sprintf(".Call(\"%s\")", .modVars)), envir = .GlobalEnv)
.modVars <- .allModVars$md5
if (!any(names(.modVars) == "file_md5")) {
.needCompile <- FALSE
} else {
.needCompile <- FALSE
} else {
.needCompile <- FALSE
if (force || .needCompile) {
.lock <- paste0(.cFile, ".lock")
if (file.exists(.lock)) {
message("rxode2 already building model, waiting for lock file removal")
message(sprintf("lock file: \"%s\"", .lock))
while (file.exists(.lock)) {
message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
if (!(file.exists(.cDllFile))) {
stop("error building model on another thread", call. = FALSE)
} else {
add = TRUE
.Makevars <- .normalizePath(file.path(.dir, "Makevars"))
if (file.exists(.Makevars)) {
.firstMake <- readLines(.Makevars, 1)
if (length(.firstMake) == 0) {
} else if ("#rxode2 Makevars" == .firstMake) {
} else {
file.rename(.Makevars, paste0(.Makevars, ".bakrx"))
.trans <- model
if (file.exists(.cDllFile)) {
if (inherits(.modVars, "list")) {
if (.modVars["parsed_md5"] == .trans["parsed_md5"]) {
message("do not need to recompile, minimal change to model detected")
.needCompile <- FALSE
if (force || .needCompile) {
## Setup Makevars
## Now create C file
.mv <- model
.j <- 0
.i <- 0
.trans <- c(.mv$trans, .mv$md5)
## Load model into memory if needed
if (.Call(`_rxode2_codeLoaded`) == 0L) .rxModelVarsCharacter(setNames(.mv$model, NULL))
.prefix2 <- .rxModelVarsCCache[[3]]
## SEXP pMd5, SEXP timeId, SEXP fixInis
.newMod <- FALSE
if (!is.null(modName)) {
.newMod <- regexpr("_new", modName) != -1
.rxModelVarsLast[[17]] <- .indLinInfo
.model <- .rxModelVarsLast$model
.model["indLin"] <- .rxMECode
.rxModelVarsLast$model <- .model
if (!is.null(package) && !.newMod) {
.libname <- c(package, gsub(.Platform$dynlib.ext, "", basename(.cDllFile)))
`_rxode2_codegen`, .cFile, prefix, .libname,
.trans["parsed_md5"], paste(.rxTimeId(.trans["parsed_md5"])),
.rxModelVarsLast, .rxSupportedFuns()
} else {
.libname <- gsub(.Platform$dynlib.ext, "", basename(.cDllFile))
.libname <- c(.libname, .libname)
`_rxode2_codegen`, .cFile, prefix, .libname,
.trans["parsed_md5"], paste(.rxTimeId(.trans["parsed_md5"])),
.rxModelVarsLast, .rxSupportedFuns()
.defs <- ""
.ret <- sprintf(
"#rxode2 Makevars\nPKG_CFLAGS=-O%s %s -I\"%s\" -I\"%s\"\nPKG_LIBS=$(BLAS_LIBS) $(LAPACK_LIBS) $(FLIBS)\n",
getOption("rxode2.compile.O", "2"),
.defs, .getIncludeDir(),
system.file("include", package = "rxode2")
## .ret <- paste(.ret, "-g")
sink(.normalizePath(file.path(.dir, "extraC.h")))
try(dyn.unload(.cDllFile), silent = TRUE)
.cmd <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")
.args <- c("CMD", "SHLIB", basename(.cFile))
.rxBinpref <- Sys.getenv("rxBINPREF")
if (.rxBinpref != "") {
.oldBinpref <- Sys.getenv("BINPREF")
Sys.setenv("BINPREF" = .rxBinpref)
on.exit(Sys.setenv("BINPREF" = .oldBinpref), add = TRUE)
.rxWithWd(.dir, {
.out <- sys::exec_internal(cmd = .cmd, args = .args, error = FALSE)
.stderr <- rawToChar(.out$stderr)
if (!(all(.stderr == "") && length(.stderr) == 1)) {
message(paste(.stderr, sep = "\n"))
.badBuild <- function(msg, cSrc = TRUE) {
msg <- gettext(msg)
cli::rule(left = "stdout output")
message(paste(rawToChar(.out$stdout), sep = "\n"))
cli::rule(left = "stderr output")
message(paste(rawToChar(.out$stderr), sep = "\n"))
if (cSrc) {
cli::rule(left = "c source")
message(paste(readLines(.cFile), collapse = "\n"))
} else {
stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
if (!(.out$status == 0 && file.exists(.cDllFile))) {
.badBuild("error building model")
.tmp <- try(dynLoad(.cDllFile), silent = FALSE)
if (inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
## Try unloading rxode2 dlls now...
.tmp <- try(dynLoad(.cDllFile), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
.badBuild("Error loading model (though dll exists)", cSrc = FALSE)
} else {
warning("unloaded all rxode2 dlls before loading the current DLL", call. = FALSE)
.modVars <- sprintf("%smodel_vars", prefix)
if (is.loaded(.modVars)) {
.allModVars <- eval(parse(text = sprintf(".Call(\"%s\")", .modVars)), envir = .GlobalEnv)
} else {
.badBuild("Error, model doesn't have correct model variables.")
.call <- function(...) {
.args <- list(
model = model, dir = .dir, prefix = prefix,
force = force, modName = modName,
if (is.null(.allModVars)) {
stop("something went wrong in compilation")
assign(.cDllFile, 0L, envir = .rxModels) ## Loaded model.
ret <- suppressWarnings({
dll = .cDllFile,
c = .cFile,
model = .allModVars$model["normModel"],
modVars = .allModVars,
.call = .call,
args = .args
class(ret) <- "rxDll"
#' @rdname rxCompile
#' @export
rxCompile.character <- rxCompile.rxModelVars
#' @rdname rxCompile
#' @export
rxCompile.rxDll <- function(model, ...) {
.args <- as.list( = TRUE))
.rxDllArgs <- model$args
if (any(names(.rxDllArgs) == "dir")) {
.args$dir <- .rxDllArgs$dir
if (any(names(.rxDllArgs) == "prefix")) {
.args$prefix <- .rxDllArgs$prefix
if (any(names(.rxDllArgs) == "force")) {
.args$force <- .rxDllArgs$force
if (any(names(.rxDllArgs) == "modName")) {
.args$modName <- .rxDllArgs$modName
.args$model <- .rxDllArgs$model
return("rxCompile", "rxode2"), .args, envir = parent.frame(1)))
#' @rdname rxCompile
#' @export
rxCompile.rxode2 <- function(model, ...) {
#' @rdname rxDynLoad
#' @export
rxLoad <- rxDynLoad
#' @rdname rxDynUnload
#' @export
rxUnload <- rxDynUnload
.rxConditionLst <- list()
#' Current Condition for rxode2 object
#' @param obj rxode2 object
#' @param condition If specified and is one of the conditions in the
#' rxode2 object (as determined by [rxExpandIfElse()]),
#' assign the rxode2 current condition to this parameter. If the
#' condition is not one of the known condition, the condition is
#' set to `NULL`, implying no conditioning currently used.
#' @return Current condition for rxode2 object
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
rxCondition <- function(obj, condition = NULL) {
.key <- digest::digest(rxode2::rxNorm(obj, FALSE), algo = "md5", serialize = TRUE)
if (!missing(condition) && is.null(condition)) {
condition <- FALSE
if (is.null(condition)) {
return(getFromNamespace(".rxConditionLst", "rxode2")[[.key]])
} else if (any(condition == rxNorm(obj, TRUE))) {
.lst <- getFromNamespace(".rxConditionLst", "rxode2")
.lst[[.key]] <- condition
assignInMyNamespace(".rxConditionLst", .lst)
return(getFromNamespace(".rxConditionLst", "rxode2")[[.key]])
} else {
.lst <- getFromNamespace(".rxConditionLst", "rxode2")
.lst[[.key]] <- NULL
assignInMyNamespace(".rxConditionLst", .lst)
return(getFromNamespace(".rxConditionLst", "rxode2")[[.key]])
#' Get the normalized model
#' This get the syntax preferred model for processing
#' @inheritParams rxModelVars
#' @param condition Character string of a logical condition to use
#' for subsetting the normalized model. When missing, and a
#' condition is not set via `rxCondition`, return the whole
#' code with all the conditional settings intact. When a condition
#' is set with `rxCondition`, use that condition.
#' @param removeInis A boolean indicating if parameter initialization
#' will be removed from the model
#' @param removeJac A boolean indicating if the Jacobians will be
#' removed.
#' @param removeSens A boolean indicating if the sensitivities will
#' be removed.
#' @return Normalized Normal syntax (no comments)
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
rxNorm <- function(obj, condition = NULL, removeInis, removeJac, removeSens) {
if (!missing(removeInis) || !missing(removeJac) || !missing(removeSens)) {
.ret <- strsplit(rxNorm(obj, condition), "\n")[[1]]
if (missing(removeInis)) {
removeInis <- FALSE
if (missing(removeJac)) {
removeJac <- FALSE
if (missing(removeSens)) {
removeSens <- FALSE
if (removeInis) {
.ret <- .rxRmIni(.ret)
if (removeJac) {
stop("'removeJac' is no longer supported")
## .ret <- .rxRmJac(.ret)
if (removeSens) {
stop("'removeSens' is no longer supported")
## .ret <- .rxRmSens(.ret)
return(paste(.ret, collapse = "\n"))
} else {
if (is(condition, "logical")) {
if (!condition) {
condition <- NULL
} else {
.tmp <- rxode2::rxExpandIfElse(obj)
} else if (is.null(condition)) {
condition <- rxode2::rxCondition(obj)
if (is.null(condition)) {
.tmp <- rxode2::rxModelVars(obj)$model["normModel"]
names(.tmp) <- NULL
} else {
if (is(condition, "character")) {
.tmp <- rxode2::rxExpandIfElse(obj)[condition]
names(.tmp) <- NULL
} else {
return(rxNorm(obj, FALSE))
.rxModelVarsCCache <- NULL
.rxModelVarsLast <- NULL
.rxModelVarsCharacter <- function(obj) {
if (length(obj) == 1) {
.parseModel <- tempfile("parseModel4")
.prefix <- paste0(basename(.parseModel), "_", .Platform$r_arch, "_")
.exists <- try(file.exists(obj), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(.exists, "try-error")) {
.exists <- FALSE
} else {
.exists <- TRUE
if (.exists) {
.parseModel <- obj
} else {
.parseModel <- paste(obj, collapse = "\n")
.ret <- rxTrans(.parseModel, modelPrefix = .prefix, modVars = TRUE)
.cFile <- list(.exists, ifelse(.exists, obj, ""), .prefix)
assignInMyNamespace(".rxModelVarsCCache", .cFile)
assignInMyNamespace(".rxModelVarsLast", .ret)
} else {
.rxModelVarsCharacter(paste(obj, collapse = "\n"))
#' @rdname rxInits
#' @export
rxInit <- rxInits
#' Reload rxode2 DLL
#' Can be useful for debugging
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @return boolean of if the object is reloaded
#' @export
rxReload <- function() {
.tmp <- getLoadedDLLs()$rxode2
class(.tmp) <- "list"
.ret <- is.null(getLoadedDLLs()$rxode2)
.ret <- .ret && !is.null(getLoadedDLLs()$rxode2)
.rxModels <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
#' Get the rxModels information
#' @param env boolean that returns the environment where models are stored (TRUE), or the currently assigned rxode2 model variables (FALSE).
#' @keywords internal
#' @return internal rxModels information environment
#' @export
rxModels_ <- # nolint
function(env = TRUE) {
if (env) {
return(getFromNamespace(".rxModels", "rxode2"))
} else {
return(.Call(rxode2_get_mv, PACKAGE = "rxode2"))
#' All model variables for a rxode2 object
#' Return all the known model variables for a specified rxode2 object
#' These items are only calculated after compilation; they are
#' built-into the rxode2 compiled DLL.
#' To allow extension, an s3 hook is added in the function `rxModelVarsS3`.
#' @param obj rxode2 family of objects
#' @return A list of rxode2 model properties including:
#' * `params` a character vector of names of the model parameters
#' * `lhs` a character vector of the names of the model calculated parameters
#' * `state` a character vector of the compartments in rxode2 object
#' * `trans` a named vector of translated model properties
#' including what type of jacobian is specified, the `C` function prefixes,
#' as well as the `C` functions names to be called through the compiled model.
#' * `md5` a named vector that gives the digest of the model (`file_md5`) and the parsed model
#' (`parsed_md5`)
#' * `model` a named vector giving the input model (`model`),
#' normalized model (no comments and standard syntax for parsing, `normModel`),
#' and interim code that is used to generate the final C file `parseModel`
#' @keywords internal
#' @family Query model information
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
rxModelVars <- function(obj) {
if (is(substitute(obj), "{")) {
.obj <- deparse(substitute(obj))
if (.obj[1] == "{") {
.obj <- .obj[-1]
.obj <- .obj[-length(.obj)]
.obj <- paste(.obj, collapse = "\n")
if (inherits(obj, "raw") &&
inherits(obj, "rxUi")) {
obj <- rxUiDecompress(obj)
if (is(obj, "rxModelVars")) {
.tmp <- try(obj, silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
obj <- as.character(substitute(obj))
#' @rdname rxModelVars
#' @export
rxModelVarsS3 <- function(obj) {
#' @rdname rxModelVars
#' @export
rxModelVarsS3.rxUi <- function(obj) {
.ret <- rxUiDecompress(obj)
get("mv0", .ret)
#' @rdname rxModelVars
#' @export
rxModelVarsS3.default <- function(obj) {
stop("need an rxode2-type object to extract model variables",
.rxGetParseModel <- function(type = c("normal", "dt"),
collapse = TRUE) {
.type.idx <- c("normal" = 0L, "dt" = 1L)
if (is(type, "character")) {
type <- .type.idx[match.arg(type)]
.ret <- .Call(`_rxode2_parseModel`, type)
if (collapse) {
.ret <- paste(.ret, collapse = "")
.rxGetModelInfoFromDll <- function(dll) {
.base <- basename(dll)
if (nchar(.base) >= 36) {
if (substr(.base, 36, 36) == "_") {
.md5 <- substring(.base, 4, 35)
return(c(.md5, paste0("rx_", .md5, "_", .Platform$r_arch, "_")))
.extra <- nchar(.Platform$r_arch) + 1 + nchar(.Platform$dynlib.ext)
.mod <- substring(.base, 0, nchar(.base) - .extra)
return(c(.mod, paste0(.mod, "_", .Platform$r_arch, "_")))
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