
Defines functions pull_bio

Documented in pull_bio

#' Pull biological data (age, length, weight) from the NWFSC data warehouse
#' The website is: https://www.webapps.nwfsc.noaa.gov/data
#' This function can be used to pull a single species or all observed species
#' In order to pull all species leave common_name or sci_name as NULL
#' @template common_name
#' @template sci_name
#' @template years
#' @template survey
#' @template dir
#' @template convert
#' @template verbose
#' @author Chantel Wetzel
#' @export
#' @import chron
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # SurveyName is only arg that has to be specified
#' bio_dat <- PullBio.fn(SurveyName = "NWFSC.Combo")
#' # Example with specified common name
#' bio_dat <- PullBio.fn(Name = "vermilion rockfish",
#' SurveyName = "NWFSC.Combo")
#' # Example with specified scientific name
#' bio_dat <- PullBio.fn(SciName = "Eopsetta jordani",
#' SurveyName = "NWFSC.Combo")
#' # Example with multiple names
#' bio_dat <- PullBio.fn(SciName = c("Sebastes aurora","Eopsetta jordani"),
#' SurveyName = "NWFSC.Combo")
# bio_dat <- PullBio.fn(Name = c("Sunset rockfish", "vermilion rockfish",
# "vermilion and sunset rockfish"), SurveyName = "NWFSC.Combo")
#' }
pull_bio <- function(common_name = NULL,
                     sci_name = NULL,
                     years = c(1970, 2050),
                     dir = NULL,
                     convert = TRUE,
                     verbose = TRUE) {

  options(timeout = 4000000)
  if (survey %in% c("NWFSC.Shelf.Rockfish", "NWFSC.Hook.Line")) {
    stop("The catch pull currently does not work for NWFSC Hook & Line Survey data.",
      "\nA subset of the data is available on the data warehouse https://www.webapp.nwfsc.noaa.gov/data",
      "\nContact John Harms (john.harms@noaa.gov) for the full data set.")

  if(length(c(common_name, sci_name)) != max(c(length(common_name), length(sci_name)))){
    stop("Can not pull data using both the common_name or sci_name together.
         \n Please retry using only one." )

  check_dir(dir = dir, verbose = verbose)

  if (is.null(common_name)) {
    var_name <- "scientific_name"
    species <- sci_name
  } else {
    var_name <- "common_name"
    species <- common_name
  if (is.null(sci_name) & is.null(common_name)) {
    var_name <- c("scientific_name", "common_name")
    species <- "pull all"

  project_long <- check_survey(survey = survey)

  if (length(years) == 1) {
    years <- c(years, years)

  vars_short <- c(
    "project", "trawl_id", "common_name", "scientific_name", "year", "vessel", "pass",
    "tow", "datetime_utc_iso", "depth_m", "weight_kg", "ageing_lab", "otosag_id",
    "length_cm", "width_cm", "sex", "age_years", "latitude_dd", "longitude_dd"

  vars_long <- c(vars_short,

  # symbols here are generally: %22 = ", %2C = ",", %20 = " "
  species_str <- convert_to_hex_string(species)
  add_species <- paste0("field_identified_taxonomy_dim$", var_name, "|=[", species_str,"]")

  if (any(species == "pull all")) {
    add_species <- ""

  url_text <- get_url(data_table = "trawl.individual_fact",
                      project_long = project_long,
                      add_species = add_species,
                      years = years,
                      vars_long = vars_long)

  if (verbose) {
    message("Pulling biological data. This can take up to ~ 30 seconds (or more).")
  bio_pull <- try(get_json(url = url_text))

  if (!is.data.frame(bio_pull) & !survey %in% c("Triennial", "AFSC.Slope")) {
    stop(cat("\nNo data returned by the warehouse for the filters given.
            Make sure the year range is correct for the project selected and the input name is correct,
            otherwise there may be no data for this species from this project.\n"))

  # Filter out non-standard samples
  # Some early entries are NA for standard sample indicators. These should be retained.
  standard_lengths <- bio_pull[, "standard_survey_length_or_width_indicator"] %in% c(NA, "NA", "Standard Survey Length or Width")
  bio_pull <- bio_pull[standard_lengths, ]

  # Remove non-standard ages
  nonstandard_age <- which(bio_pull[, "standard_survey_age_indicator"] == "Not Standard Survey Age")
  if (length(nonstandard_age) > 0) {
    bio_pull[nonstandard_age, "age_years"] <- NA

  # Remove non-standard weights
  nonstandard_wgt <- which(bio_pull[, "standard_survey_weight_indicator"] == "Not Standard Survey Weight")
  if (length(nonstandard_wgt) > 0) {
    bio_pull[nonstandard_wgt, "weight_kg"] <- NA

  # Remove water hauls
  water_hauls <- is.na(bio_pull[, "operation_dim$legacy_performance_code"])
  if (sum(water_hauls) > 0) {
    bio_pull[water_hauls, "operation_dim$legacy_performance_code"] <- -999
  good_tows <- bio_pull[, "operation_dim$legacy_performance_code"] != 8
  bio_pull <- bio_pull[good_tows, ]

  find <- colnames(bio_pull) == "ageing_laboratory_dim$laboratory"
  colnames(bio_pull)[find] <- "ageing_lab"

  # Remove the extra columns now that they are not needed
  bio_pull <- bio_pull[, vars_short]

  if (survey %in% c("Triennial", "AFSC.Slope")) {

    url_text <- get_url(data_table = "trawl.triennial_length_fact",
                    project_long = project_long,
                    add_species = add_species,
                    years = years,
                    vars_long = vars_long)

    len_pull <- try(get_json(url = url_text))

    # Remove water hauls
    if (is.data.frame(len_pull)) {
      fill_in <- is.na(len_pull[, "operation_dim$legacy_performance_code"])
      if (sum(fill_in) > 0) {
        len_pull[fill_in, "operation_dim$legacy_performance_code"] <- -999
      good_tows <- len_pull[, "operation_dim$legacy_performance_code"] != 8
      len_pull <- len_pull[good_tows, ]

      len_pull$weight_kg <- NA
      len_pull$date <- chron::chron(format(as.POSIXlt(len_pull$datetime_utc_iso, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), "%Y-%m-%d"), format = "y-m-d", out.format = "YYYY-m-d")
      len_pull$trawl_id <- as.character(len_pull$trawl_id)

  if (nrow(bio_pull) > 0) {
    bio_pull$date <- chron::chron(format(as.POSIXlt(bio_pull$datetime_utc_iso, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), "%Y-%m-%d"), format = "y-m-d", out.format = "YYYY-m-d")
    bio_pull$trawl_id <- as.character(bio_pull$trawl_id)

    bio <- bio_pull

  if (survey %in% c("Triennial", "AFSC.Slope")) {
    if (!is.null(bio_pull) & sum(is.na(bio_pull$age_years)) != length(bio_pull$age_years)) {
      age_data <- bio_pull
    } else {
      age_data <- NULL

    bio <- list()
    if (is.data.frame(len_pull)) {
      bio$Lengths <- len_pull
    } else {
      bio$Lengths <- "no_lengths_available"
    if (!is.null(age_data)) {
      bio$Ages <- age_data
    } else {
      bio$Ages <- "no_ages_available"
    if (verbose) {
      message("Triennial & AFSC Slope data returned as a list: bio_data$length_data and bio_data$age_data\n")

  if(convert) {
    bio$age <- bio$age_years
    bio$weight <- bio$weight_kg
    firstup <- function(x) {
      substr(x, 1, 1) <- toupper(substr(x, 1, 1))
    if(survey %in% c("Triennial", "AFSC.Slope")){
      bio[[1]][, "weight"] <- bio[[1]][, "weight_kg"]
      colnames(bio[[1]]) <- firstup(colnames(bio[[1]]))

        bio[[2]][, "age"] <- bio[[2]][, "age_years"]
        bio[[2]][, "weight"] <- bio[[2]][, "weight_kg"]
        colnames(bio[[2]]) <- firstup(colnames(bio[[2]]))
    } else {
      colnames(bio) <- firstup(colnames(bio))

    x = bio,
    dir = dir,
    name_base = paste0("bio_", species, "_", survey),
    verbose = verbose

nwfsc-assess/nwfscSurvey documentation built on May 5, 2024, 5:21 a.m.