
Defines functions .clean_signal_ind .clean_flow_rate_ind .clean_flow_rate_ind .save_bead_clean clean_files

Documented in clean_files

#' Clean flow rate and signal
#' @description Cleans the flow rate using functions from flowAI package and
#' the signal using flowCut package.
#' @param files Character vector or list with the paths of the raw files.
#' @param cores Number of cores to be used.
#' @param to_plot Character variable that indicates if plots should be generated.
#' The default is "All", which generates plots for flow rate and all channels.
#' Other options are "Flagged Only", plots the flow rate and channels that were
#' spotted with flowCut as incorrect and "None", does not plots anything.
#' @param clean_flow_rate Logical, if flow rate should be cleaned.
#' @param clean_signal, Logical, if signal should be cleaned.
#' @param out_dir Character, pathway to where the plots should be saved,
#' only if argument to_plot = TRUE, default is set to file.path(getwd(), Cleaned).
#' @param alpha numeric, as in flowAI::flow_auto_qc. The statistical
#' significance level used to accept anomalies. The default value is 0.01.
#' Applies to flow rate.
#' @param data_type Character, if MC (mass cytometry) of FC (flow cytometry)
#' data are analyzed.
#' @param channels_to_clean Character vector of the channels that needs
#' to be cleaned.Applies to signal cleaning.
#' @param Segment As in flowCut, an integer value that specifies the
#' number of events in each segment to be analyzed.Default is 1000 events.
#' @param arcsine_transform Logical, if the data should be transformed with
#' arcsine transformation and cofactor 5, default is set to TRUE.
#' Applies to signal cleaning.
#' @param non_used_bead_ch Character vector, bead channels that does not contain
#' any marker information, thus do not need to be cleaned and used
#' for further analysis.Applies to signal cleaning.
#' @param MaxPercCut As in flowCut, numeric between 0-1 the maximum percentage of
#' event that will be removed form the data.Applies to signal cleaning.
#' @param UseOnlyWorstChannels As in flowCut, logical, automated detection of the
#' worst channel that will be used for cleaning.Applies to signal cleaning.
#' @param AllowFlaggedRerun as in flowCut, logical, specify if flowCut will run
#  second time in case the file was flagged.Applies to signal cleaning.
#' @param AlwaysClean as in flowCut, logical. The file will be cleaned even if
#' it has a relatively stable signal. The segments that are 7 SD away
#' from the mean of all segments are removed.Applies to signal cleaning.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to flowcut.Applies to signal cleaning.
#' @return Cleaned, untransformed flow frame if arcsine_transform argument
#' set to TRUE, otherwise transformed flow frame is returned. Save plots
#' with prefix "_beadNorm_flowAI.png" and "flowCutCleaned.png" to out_dir
#' if parameter to_plot set to "All" or "Flagged Only".
#' @examples
#' # Set and create the directory where cleaned fcs files will be saved
#'clean_dir <- file.path(dir, "Cleaned")
#'# Define which files will be cleaned
#'files <- list.files(bead_norm_dir,
#'                    ignore.case = TRUE,
#'                    pattern = "_beadNorm.fcs$",
#'                    full.names = TRUE)
#'# Clean files
#'clean_files(files, cores = 1,
#'            out_dir = clean_dir,
#'            to_plot = "All",
#'            data_type = "MC",
#'            Segment = 1000,
#'            arcsine_transform = TRUE,
#'            non_used_bead_ch = "140")
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
clean_files <- function(files,
                        cores = 1,
                        to_plot = "All",
                        clean_flow_rate = TRUE,
                        clean_signal = TRUE,
                        out_dir = NULL,
                        alpha = 0.01,
                        data_type = "MC",
                        channels_to_clean = NULL,
                        Segment = 1000,
                        arcsine_transform = TRUE,
                        non_used_bead_ch = NULL,
                        MaxPercCut = 0.5,
                        UseOnlyWorstChannels = TRUE,
                        AllowFlaggedRerun = TRUE,
                        AlwaysClean = TRUE,
                        ...) {
  # Check parameters
  if(!is(files, "character") & !is(files, "list")) {
    stop("files must be a character vector or a list")

  if(is(files, "list")){
    files <- unlist(files)

  if (any(!is(cores, "numeric") | cores < 1)){
    stop("cores must be a positive number")

  if(!is(clean_flow_rate, "logical")){
    stop("clean_flow_rate must be logical")

  if(!is(clean_signal, "logical")){
    stop("clean_signal must be logical")

  # create out_dir if does not exist
    out_dir <- file.path(getwd(), "Cleaned")
  if(!dir.exists(out_dir)){dir.create(out_dir, recursive = TRUE)}

  if (!all(file.exists(files))){
    stop("incorrect file path, the fcs file does not exist")

  # Analysis with a single core
  if (cores == 1) {
    lapply(files, function(x) {
                       to_plot = to_plot,
                       clean_flow_rate = clean_flow_rate,
                       clean_signal = clean_signal,
                       out_dir = out_dir,
                       alpha = alpha,
                       data_type = data_type,
                       channels_to_clean = channels_to_clean,
                       Segment = Segment,
                       arcsine_transform = arcsine_transform,
                       non_used_bead_ch = non_used_bead_ch,
                       MaxPercCut = MaxPercCut,
                       UseOnlyWorstChannels = UseOnlyWorstChannels,
                       AllowFlaggedRerun = AllowFlaggedRerun,
                       AlwaysClean = AlwaysClean)})

  # Parallelized analysis
  else {
    BiocParallel::bplapply(files, function(x) {
                       to_plot = to_plot,
                       clean_flow_rate = clean_flow_rate,
                       clean_signal = clean_signal,
                       out_dir = out_dir,
                       alpha = alpha,
                       data_type = data_type,
                       channels_to_clean = channels_to_clean,
                       Segment = Segment,
                       arcsine_transform = arcsine_transform,
                       non_used_bead_ch = non_used_bead_ch,
                       MaxPercCut = MaxPercCut,
                       UseOnlyWorstChannels = UseOnlyWorstChannels,
                       AllowFlaggedRerun = AllowFlaggedRerun,
                       AlwaysClean = AlwaysClean)},
      BPPARAM = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = cores))


.save_bead_clean <- function(file,
                             to_plot = "All",
                             clean_flow_rate = TRUE,
                             clean_signal = TRUE,
                             out_dir = getwd(),
                             alpha = 0.01,
                             data_type = "MC",
                             channels_to_clean = NULL,
                             Segment = 1000,
                             arcsine_transform = TRUE,
                             non_used_bead_ch = NULL,
                             MaxPercCut = 0.5,
                             UseOnlyWorstChannels = TRUE,
                             AllowFlaggedRerun = TRUE,
                             AlwaysClean = TRUE,
  # read fcs file
  ff <- flowCore::read.FCS(filename = file,
                           transformation = FALSE)

    # clean flow rate
    message("cleaning flowrate for ", basename(file))
    ff <- .clean_flow_rate_ind(flow_frame = ff,
                               out_dir = out_dir,
                               to_plot = to_plot,
                               data_type = data_type)


    # clean signal
    message("cleaning signal for ", basename(file))
    ff <- .clean_signal_ind(flow_frame = ff,
                            to_plot = to_plot,
                            out_dir = out_dir,
                            Segment = Segment,
                            arcsine_transform = arcsine_transform,
                            data_type = data_type,
                            non_used_bead_ch = non_used_bead_ch)

  # Write FCS files
                      file = file.path(out_dir, gsub("_beadNorm","_cleaned",

.clean_flow_rate_ind <- function(flow_frame, to_plot = TRUE,
                                 out_dir = getwd(), alpha = 0.01,
                                 data_type = "MC") {

  if (data_type == "MC"){
    time_division <- 100
    timestep <- 0.01
  else if (data_type == "FC") {
    time_division <- 1
    word <- which(grepl("TIMESTEP", names(flowCore::keyword(flowCore::flowSet(ff)[[1]])),
                        ignore.case = TRUE))
    timestep <- as.numeric(flowCore::keyword(flowCore::flowSet(ff)[[1]])[[word[1]]])
    stop("type of data MC or FC needs to be specified")

  if (to_plot == "None") {
    to_plot <- FALSE
  else {
    to_plot <- TRUE


  flow_frame@exprs[, "Time"] <- flow_frame@exprs[, "Time"]/time_division

  FlowRateData <- .flow_rate_bin_adapted(flow_frame,
                                         timeCh = "Time",
                                         timestep = timestep)

  FlowRateQC <- .flow_rate_check_adapted(x = flow_frame,
                                         FlowRateData = FlowRateData,
                                         alpha = alpha,
                                         use_decomp = TRUE)

  if (to_plot == TRUE){

    out_dir <- file.path(out_dir, "FlowRateCleaning")

                  gsub(".fcs", "_flowAI.png",
                       ignore.case = TRUE)),
        width = 800,
        height = 600)
    if(data_type == "MC"){
      FlowRateQC$res_fr_QC[,1] <- timestep
    p <- .plot_flowrate(FlowRateQC, data_type = data_type)

  flow_frame_cl <- flow_frame[FlowRateQC$goodCellIDs,]
  flow_frame_cl@exprs[,"Time"] <- flow_frame_cl@exprs[,"Time"]*time_division


#' flow_rate_bin_adapted
#' @description flow_rate_bin_adapted
#' @param x flow frame
#' @param second_fraction the fraction of the seconds used in the data.
#' @param timeCh Time channel.
#' @param timestep
#' @return timeFlowData, the cell assignment to the bins.
#' @references this code is strongly based on flowAI::flow_rate_bin.
.flow_rate_bin_adapted <- function (x, second_fraction = 0.1, timeCh = timeCh,
                                    timestep = timestep)
  xx <- flowCore::exprs(x)[, timeCh]
  idx <- c(1:nrow(x))
  endsec <- ceiling(timestep * max(xx))
  lenx <- length(xx)
  secbegin <- as.numeric(gsub("(.*)(\\.)(.{0}).*", "\\1\\2\\3", xx[1]))
  tbins <- seq(secbegin, endsec/timestep, by = as.numeric(second_fraction)/timestep)
  if (tail(tbins, n=1) < endsec/timestep){
    tbins <- c(tbins, tail(tbins, n=1) + 10)
  if (secbegin == 0){
    secbegin2 <- 0
  } else {
    secbegin2 <- as.numeric(gsub("(.*)(\\.)(.{1}).*", "\\1\\2\\3", xx[1]/100))

  secbin <- seq(secbegin2, endsec, by = as.numeric(second_fraction))
  minbin <- round(secbin/60, 3)
  nrBins <- length(tbins) - 1
  tbCounts <- c(0, hist(xx, tbins, plot = FALSE)$counts)
  expEv <- lenx/(nrBins)
  binID <- do.call(c, mapply(rep, x = 1:length(tbCounts),
                             times = tbCounts, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
  if (length(idx) != length(binID))
    stop("length of cell ID not equal length of bin ID")
  timeFlowData <- list(frequencies = cbind(tbins, minbin,
                                           secbin, tbCounts),
                       cellBinID = data.frame(cellID = idx,
                                              binID = binID),
                       info = data.frame(second_fraction = second_fraction,
                                         expFrequency = expEv, bins = nrBins))

.clean_flow_rate_ind <- function(flow_frame, to_plot = TRUE,
                                 out_dir = getwd(), alpha = 0.01,
                                 data_type = "MC") {

  if (data_type == "MC"){
    time_division <- 100
    timestep <- 0.01
  else if (data_type == "FC") {
    time_division <- 1
    word <- which(grepl("TIMESTEP", names(flowCore::keyword(flowCore::flowSet(ff)[[1]])),
                        ignore.case = TRUE))
    timestep <- as.numeric(flowCore::keyword(flowCore::flowSet(ff)[[1]])[[word[1]]])
    stop("type of data MC or FC needs to be specified")

  if (to_plot == "None") {
    to_plot <- FALSE
  else {
    to_plot <- TRUE


  flow_frame@exprs[, "Time"] <- flow_frame@exprs[, "Time"]/time_division

  FlowRateData <- .flow_rate_bin_adapted(flow_frame,
                                         timeCh = "Time",
                                         timestep = timestep)

  FlowRateQC <- .flow_rate_check_adapted(x = flow_frame,
                                         FlowRateData = FlowRateData,
                                         alpha = alpha,
                                         use_decomp = TRUE)

  if (to_plot == TRUE){

    out_dir <- file.path(out_dir, "FlowRateCleaning")

                  gsub(".fcs", "_flowAI.png",
                       ignore.case = TRUE)),
        width = 800,
        height = 600)
    if(data_type == "MC"){
      FlowRateQC$res_fr_QC[,1] <- timestep
    p <- .plot_flowrate(FlowRateQC, data_type = data_type)

  flow_frame_cl <- flow_frame[FlowRateQC$goodCellIDs,]
  flow_frame_cl@exprs[,"Time"] <- flow_frame_cl@exprs[,"Time"]*time_division


#' Plots flow rate
#' @description plots flow rate for .fcs files
#' @param data_type Character, if "MC" (mass cytometry) or "FC" data are analyzed
#' @param FlowRateQC list obtained using flowAI:::flow_rate_check function
#' @return xgraph plot
#' @references this code is adapted from the flowAI:::flow_rate_plot()
#' Monaco, G., Chen, H., Poidinger, M., Chen, J., de Magalhães, J.P.,
#' and Larbi, A. (2016). flowAI: automatic and interactive anomaly discerning
#' tools for flow cytometry data. Bioinformatics 32, 2473–2480.
.plot_flowrate <- function (FlowRateQC, data_type = "MC")
  if (data_type == "MC"){
    lab <- "Time (10 * Seconds)"
  } else {
    lab <- "Time (Seconds)"
  second_fraction <- FlowRateQC$res_fr_QC$second_fraction
  num_obs = FlowRateQC$res_fr_QC$num_obs
  frequencies = as.data.frame(FlowRateQC$frequencies)
  anoms = as.data.frame(FlowRateQC$anoms)
  anoms_points = as.data.frame(cbind(sec_anom = frequencies$secbin[anoms$index],
                                     count_anom = anoms$anoms))
  xgraph <- ggplot2::ggplot(frequencies, ggplot2::aes_string(x = "secbin", y = "tbCounts")) +
    ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                                         panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), text = element_text(size = 30)) +
    ggplot2::geom_line(colour = "darkblue")
  xgraph <- xgraph + ggplot2::labs(x = lab, y = paste0("Number of events per 1/",
                                                       1/second_fraction, " of a second"))
  if (!is.null(anoms_points)) {
    xgraph <- xgraph + ggplot2::geom_point(data = anoms_points, aes_string(x = "sec_anom",
                                                                           y = "count_anom"),
                                           color = "green4", size = 5,
                                           shape = 1, stroke = 3)

.clean_signal_ind <- function(flow_frame,
                              channels_to_clean = NULL,
                              to_plot = "All",
                              Segment = 1000,
                              out_dir = getwd(),
                              arcsine_transform = TRUE,
                              non_used_bead_ch = NULL,
                              MaxPercCut = 0.5,
                              UseOnlyWorstChannels = TRUE,
                              AllowFlaggedRerun = TRUE,
                              AlwaysClean = TRUE,
                              data_type = "MC",

  channels_to_transform <- find_mass_ch(flow_frame, value = FALSE)

  if (arcsine_transform){

    if(data_type == "MC"){
      ff_t <- flowCore::transform(flow_frame,
    else if (data_type == "FC"){
      ff_t <- flowCore::transform(flow_frame,
                                                          flowCore::arcsinhTransform(a = 0, b = 1/150, c = 0)))

    else {
      stop("specify data type MC or FC")

  else {
    ff_t <- flow_frame

  if (!is.null(channels_to_clean)){

    ch_to_clean <- which(flowCore::colnames(flow_frame) %in% channels_to_clean)

    if(!("TIME" %in% toupper(flowCore::colnames(flow_frame)[ch_to_clean]))){
      ind_Time <- grep("TIME", toupper(flowCore::colnames(flow_frame)))
      channels <- unique(sort(c(ch_to_clean, ind_Time)))

  else {

    if (!is.null(non_used_bead_ch)) {
      non_bead_ch <- "140"
    else {
      non_bead_ch <- paste(non_used_bead_ch, collapse="|")

    ind_Time <- grep("TIME", flowCore::colnames(flow_frame), value = T, ignore.case = T)
    ch_to_clean <- c(ind_Time, find_mass_ch(flow_frame, value = TRUE))
    ind_nonbeads <- grep(non_bead_ch, flowCore::colnames(flow_frame), value = TRUE)
    channels <- ch_to_clean[!(ch_to_clean %in% ind_nonbeads)]
    channels <- grep(paste(channels, collapse = "|"), flowCore::colnames(flow_frame))

  out_dir <- file.path(out_dir, "SignalCleaning")

  cleaned_data <- flowCut::flowCut(f = ff_t,
                                   Segment = Segment,
                                   MaxPercCut = MaxPercCut,
                                   Channels = channels,
                                   FileID = gsub("_beadNorm", "_flowCutCleaned",
                                   Plot = to_plot,
                                   Directory = out_dir,
                                   UseOnlyWorstChannels = UseOnlyWorstChannels,
                                   AllowFlaggedRerun = AllowFlaggedRerun,
                                   AlwaysClean = AlwaysClean)

  ff_t_clean <- cleaned_data$frame

  if (arcsine_transform){

    if(data_type == "MC"){
      ff_clean <- flowCore::transform(ff_t_clean,
    else if (data_type == "FC"){
      ff_clean <- flowCore::transform(ff_t_clean,
                                                              CytoNorm::cytofTransform.reverse(x = 150)))

    else {
      stop("specify data type MC or FC")

  else {
    ff_clean <- ff_t_clean


#' @references this code uses internal functions from flowAI package
#' Monaco, G., Chen, H., Poidinger, M., Chen, J., de Magalhães, J.P.,
#' and Larbi, A. (2016). flowAI: automatic and interactive anomaly discerning
#' tools for flow cytometry data. Bioinformatics 32, 2473–2480.
.flow_rate_check_adapted <- function (x, FlowRateData, alpha = alpha,
                                      use_decomp = use_decomp)
  fr_frequences <- FlowRateData$frequencies
  fr_cellBinID <- FlowRateData$cellBinID
  second_fraction <- FlowRateData$info["second_fraction"]
  if (length(unique(fr_frequences[, 2])) == 1) {
    fr_autoqc <- NULL
  else {
    fr_autoqc <- .anomaly_detection_addapted(fr_frequences[, "tbCounts"],
                                             alpha = alpha,
                                             use_decomp = use_decomp)
  if (is.null(fr_autoqc) || is.null(fr_autoqc$anoms)) {
    badPerc <- 0
    newx <- x
    goodCellIDs <- fr_cellBinID$cellID
    badCellIDs <- NULL
  else {
    goodCellIDs <- fr_cellBinID$cellID[!(fr_cellBinID$binID %in%
    badCellIDs <- setdiff(fr_cellBinID$cellID, goodCellIDs)
    badPerc <- round(1 - (length(goodCellIDs)/nrow(fr_cellBinID)),
    params <- flowCore::parameters(x)
    keyval <- flowCore::keyword(x)
    sub_exprs <- flowCore::exprs(x)
    sub_exprs <- sub_exprs[goodCellIDs, ]
    newx <- flowCore::flowFrame(exprs = sub_exprs, parameters = params,
                                description = keyval)
  cat(paste0(100 * badPerc, "% of anomalous cells detected in the flow rate
             check. \n"))
  return(list(anoms = fr_autoqc$anoms, frequencies = fr_frequences,
              FRnewFCS = newx, goodCellIDs = goodCellIDs,
              badCellIDs = badCellIDs,
              res_fr_QC = data.frame(second_fraction = second_fraction,
                                     num_obs = fr_autoqc$num_obs,
                                     badPerc = badPerc)))

.anomaly_detection_addapted <- function (x, max_anoms = 0.49,
                                         direction = "both", alpha = 0.01,
                                         use_decomp = TRUE, period = 1,
                                         verbose = FALSE)
  if (is.vector(x) && is.numeric(x)) {
    x <- ts(x, frequency = period)
  else if (is.ts(x)) {
  else {
    stop("data must be a time series object or a vector that holds numeric
  if (length(rle(is.na(c(NA, x, NA)))$values) > 3) {
    stop("Data contains non-leading NAs. We suggest replacing NAs with
         interpolated values (see na.approx in Zoo package).")
  else {
    x <- na.omit(x)
  if (max_anoms > 0.49) {
    stop(paste("max_anoms must be less than 50% of the data points (max_anoms =",
               round(max_anoms * length(x), 0), " data_points =",
               length(x), ")."))
  if (!direction %in% c("pos", "neg", "both")) {
    stop("direction options are: pos | neg | both.")
  if (!(0.01 <= alpha || alpha <= 0.1)) {
    print("Warning: alpha is the statistical significance level, and is usually
          between 0.01 and 0.1")
  if (is.null(period)) {
    stop("Period must be set to the number of data points in a single period")
  if (use_decomp) {
    x_cf <- .cffilter_adapted(x)
    med_t <- trunc(median(x_cf$trend))
    sign_n <- sign(x_cf$trend - med_t)
    sign_n[which(sign_n == 0)] <- 1
    x_2 <- as.vector(trunc(abs(x - med_t) + abs(x_cf$cycle)) *
    trend <- x_cf$trend
  else {
    x_2 <- as.vector(x - median(x))
    trend <- x
  anomaly_direction = switch(direction, pos = data.frame(one_tail = TRUE,
                                                         upper_tail = TRUE),
                             neg = data.frame(one_tail = TRUE,
                                              upper_tail = FALSE),
                             both = data.frame(one_tail = FALSE,
                                               upper_tail = TRUE))
  n <- length(x_2)
  data_det <- data.frame(index = 1:length(x), values = x_2,
                         or_values = trend)
  max_outliers <- trunc(n * max_anoms)
  func_ma <- match.fun(median)
  func_sigma <- match.fun(IQR)
  R_idx <- 1L:max_outliers
  num_anoms <- 0L
  one_tail <- anomaly_direction$one_tail
  upper_tail <- anomaly_direction$upper_tail
  for (i in 1L:max_outliers) {
    if (verbose)
      message(paste(i, "/", max_outliers, "completed"))
    if (one_tail) {
      if (upper_tail) {
        ares <- data_det[[2L]] - func_ma(data_det[[2L]])
      else {
        ares <- func_ma(data_det[[2L]]) - data_det[[2L]]
    else {
      ares = abs(data_det[[2L]] - func_ma(data_det[[2L]]))
    data_sigma <- func_sigma(ares)
    if (data_sigma == 0)
    ares <- ares/data_sigma
    R <- max(ares)
    temp_max_idx <- which(ares == R)[1L]
    R_idx[i] <- data_det[[1L]][temp_max_idx]
    data_det <- data_det[-which(data_det[[1L]] == R_idx[i]),
    if (one_tail) {
      p <- 1 - alpha/(n - i + 1)
    else {
      p <- 1 - alpha/(2 * (n - i + 1))
    t <- qt(p, (n - i - 1L))
    lam <- t * (n - i)/sqrt((n - i - 1 + t^2) * (n - i +
    if (R > lam)
      num_anoms <- i
  if (num_anoms > 0) {
    R_idx <- R_idx[1L:num_anoms]
    all_data <- data.frame(index = 1:length(x), anoms = x)
    anoms_data <- subset(all_data, (all_data[[1]] %in% R_idx))
  else {
    anoms_data <- NULL
  return(list(anoms = anoms_data, num_obs = n))

.cffilter_adapted <- function (x, pl = NULL, pu = NULL, root = FALSE,
                               drift = FALSE,
                               type = c("asymmetric", "symmetric",
                                        "fixed", "baxter-king",
                                        "trigonometric"), nfix = NULL,
                               theta = 1)
  type = match.arg(type)
  if (is.null(root))
    root <- FALSE
  if (is.null(drift))
    drift <- FALSE
  if (is.null(theta))
    theta <- 1
  if (is.null(type))
    type <- "asymmetric"
  if (is.ts(x))
    freq = frequency(x)
  else freq = 1
  if (is.null(pl)) {
    if (freq > 1)
      pl = trunc(freq * 1.5)
    else pl = 2
  if (is.null(pu))
    pu = trunc(freq * 8)
  if (is.null(nfix))
    nfix = freq * 3
  nq = length(theta) - 1
  b = 2 * pi/pl
  a = 2 * pi/pu
  xname = deparse(substitute(x))
  xo = x
  x = as.matrix(x)
  n = nrow(x)
  nvars = ncol(x)
  if (n < 5)
    warning("# of observations < 5")
  if (n < (2 * nq + 1))
    stop("# of observations must be at least 2*q+1")
  if (pu <= pl)
    stop("pu must be larger than pl")
  if (pl < 2) {
    warning("pl less than 2 , reset to 2")
    pl = 2
  if (root != 0 && root != 1)
    stop("root must be 0 or 1")
  if (drift < 0 || drift > 1)
    stop("drift must be 0 or 1")
  if ((type == "fixed" || type == "baxter-king") && nfix <
    stop("fixed lag length must be >= 1")
  if (type == "fixed" & nfix < nq)
    stop("fixed lag length must be >= q")
  if ((type == "fixed" || type == "baxter-king") && nfix >=
    stop("fixed lag length must be < n/2")
  if (type == "trigonometric" && (n - 2 * floor(n/2)) != 0)
    stop("trigonometric regressions only available for even n")
  theta = as.matrix(theta)
  m1 = nrow(theta)
  m2 = ncol(theta)
  if (m1 > m2)
    th = theta
  else th = t(theta)
  g = convolve(th, th, type = "open")
  cc = g[(nq + 1):(2 * nq + 1)]
  j = 1:(2 * n)
  B = as.matrix(c((b - a)/pi, (sin(j * b) - sin(j * a))/(j *
  R = matrix(0, n, 1)
  if (nq > 0) {
    R0 = B[1] * cc[1] + 2 * t(B[2:(nq + 1)]) * cc[2:(nq +
    R[1] = pi * R0
    for (i in 2:n) {
      dj = Bge(i - 2, nq, B, cc)
      R[i] = R[i - 1] - dj
  else {
    R0 = B[1] * cc[1]
    R[1] = pi * R0
    for (j in 2:n) {
      dj = 2 * pi * B[j - 1] * cc[1]
      R[j] = R[j - 1] - dj
  AA = matrix(0, n, n)
  if (type == "asymmetric") {
    if (nq == 0) {
      for (i in 1:n) {
        AA[i, i:n] = t(B[1:(n - i + 1)])
        if (root)
          AA[i, n] = R[n + 1 - i]/(2 * pi)
      AA[1, 1] = AA[n, n]
      AAu = AA
      AAu[!upper.tri(AAu)] <- 0
      AA = AA + .flipud_adapted(.fliplr_adapted(AAu))
    else {
      A = Abuild(n, nq, g, root)
      Ainv = solve(A)
      for (np in 0:ceiling(n/2 - 1)) {
        d = matrix(0, n, 1)
        ii = 0
        for (jj in (np - root):(np + 1 + root - n)) {
          ii = ii + 1
          d[ii] = Bge(jj, nq, B, cc)
        if (root == 1)
          d[n - 1] = R[n - np]
        Bhat = Ainv %*% d
        AA[np + 1, ] = t(Bhat)
      AA[(ceiling(n/2) + 1):n, ] = .flipud_adapted(.fliplr_adapted(AA[1:floor(n/2),
  if (type == "symmetric") {
    if (nq == 0) {
      for (i in 2:ceiling(n/2)) {
        np = i - 1
        AA[i, i:(i + np)] = t(B[1:(1 + np)])
        if (root)
          AA[i, i + np] = R[np + 1]/(2 * pi)
        AA[i, (i - 1):(i - np)] = AA[i, (i + 1):(i +
      AA[(ceiling(n/2) + 1):n, ] = .flipud_adapted(.fliplr_adapted(AA[1:floor(n/2),
    else {
      for (np in nq:ceiling(n/2 - 1)) {
        nf = np
        nn = 2 * np + 1
        A = Abuild(nn, nq, g, root)
        Ainv = solve(A)
        d = matrix(0, nn, 1)
        ii = 0
        for (jj in (np - root):(-nf + root)) {
          ii = ii + 1
          d[ii] = Bge(jj, nq, B, cc)
        if (root)
          d[nn - 1] = R[nf + 1]
        Bhat = Ainv %*% d
        AA[np + 1, 1:(2 * np + 1)] = t(Bhat)
      AA[(ceiling(n/2) + 1):n, ] = .flipud_adapted(.fliplr_adapted(AA[1:floor(n/2),
  if (type == "fixed") {
    if (nq == 0) {
      bb = matrix(0, 2 * nfix + 1, 1)
      bb[(nfix + 1):(2 * nfix + 1)] = B[1:(nfix + 1)]
      bb[nfix:1] = B[2:(nfix + 1)]
      if (root) {
        bb[2 * nfix + 1] = R[nfix + 1]/(2 * pi)
        bb[1] = R[nfix + 1]/(2 * pi)
      for (i in (nfix + 1):(n - nfix)) AA[i, (i - nfix):(i +
                                                           nfix)] = t(bb)
    else {
      nn = 2 * nfix + 1
      A = Abuild(nn, nq, g, root)
      Ainv = solve(A)
      d = matrix(0, nn, 1)
      ii = 0
      for (jj in (nfix - root):(-nfix + root)) {
        ii = ii + 1
        d[ii] = Bge(jj, nq, B, cc)
      if (root)
        d[nn - 1] = R[nn - nfix]
      Bhat = Ainv %*% d
      for (ii in (nfix + 1):(n - nfix)) AA[ii, (ii - nfix):(ii +
                                                              nfix)] = t(Bhat)
  if (type == "baxter-king") {
    bb = matrix(0, 2 * nfix + 1, 1)
    bb[(nfix + 1):(2 * nfix + 1)] = B[1:(nfix + 1)]
    bb[nfix:1] = B[2:(nfix + 1)]
    bb = bb - sum(bb)/(2 * nfix + 1)
    for (i in (nfix + 1):(n - nfix)) AA[i, (i - nfix):(i +
                                                         nfix)] = t(bb)
  if (type == "trigonometric") {
    jj = 1:(n/2)
    jj = jj[((n/pu) <= jj & jj <= (n/pl) & jj < (n/2))]
    if (!any(jj))
      stop("frequency band is empty in trigonometric regression")
    om = 2 * pi * jj/n
    if (pl > 2) {
      for (t in 1:n) {
        for (k in n:1) {
          l = t - k
          tmp = sum(cos(om * l))
          AA[t, k] = tmp
    else {
      for (t in 1:n) {
        for (k in n:1) {
          l = t - k
          tmp = sum(cos(om * l))
          tmp2 = (cos(pi * (t - l)) * cos(pi * t))/2
          AA[t, k] = tmp + tmp2
    AA = AA * 2/n
  if (root) {
    tst = max(abs(c(apply(AA, 1, sum))))
    if ((tst > 1e-09) && root) {
      warning("Bhat does not sum to 0 ")
      cat("test =", tst, "\n")
  if (drift)
    x = undrift(x)
  x.cycle = AA %*% as.matrix(x)
  if (type == "fixed" || type == "symmetric" || type == "baxter-king") {
    if (nfix > 0)
      x.cycle[c(1:nfix, (n - nfix + 1):n)] = NA
  x.trend = x - x.cycle
  if (is.ts(xo)) {
    tsp.x = tsp(xo)
    x.cycle = ts(x.cycle, start = tsp.x[1], frequency = tsp.x[3])
    x.trend = ts(x.trend, start = tsp.x[1], frequency = tsp.x[3])
    x = ts(x, start = tsp.x[1], frequency = tsp.x[3])
  if (type == "asymmetric")
    title = "Chiristiano-Fitzgerald Asymmetric Filter"
  if (type == "symmetric")
    title = "Chiristiano-Fitzgerald Symmetric Filter"
  if (type == "fixed")
    title = "Chiristiano-Fitzgerald Fixed Length Filter"
  if (type == "baxter-king")
    title = "Baxter-King Fixed Length Filter"
  if (type == "trigonometric")
    title = "Trigonometric Regression Filter"
  res <- list(cycle = x.cycle, trend = x.trend, fmatrix = AA,
              title = title, xname = xname, call = as.call(match.call()),
              type = type, pl = pl, pu = pu, nfix = nfix, root = root,
              drift = drift, theta = theta, method = "cffilter", x = x)
  return(structure(res, class = "mFilter"))

.flipud_adapted <- function (x)
  apply(as.matrix(x), 2, rev)

.fliplr_adapted <- function (x)
  t(apply(as.matrix(x), 1, rev))
prybakowska/CytoQP documentation built on June 28, 2022, 12:36 a.m.