
context('Tests for other references.')



#### BrainSpan ####
test_that('brainspan map does not throw errors.', {
    expect_error(brainspan_map(example_seurat, 'E13', genes_use = c('NEUROD6', 'DLX2')), NA)

bsmap <- brainspan_map(example_seurat, genes_use = c('NEUROD6', 'DLX2'))

test_that('brainspan maps can be plotted.', {
    expect_error(plot_map(bsmap), NA)
    expect_error(plot_structure_similarity(bsmap), NA)

#### Mousebrain ####
test_that('mousebrain map does not throw errors.', {
    expect_error(mousebrain_map(example_seurat, genes_use = c('NEUROD6', 'DLX2'), pseudobulk_groups = T, group_name = 'cluster'), NA)
    expect_error(mousebrain_map(example_seurat, genes_use = c('NEUROD6', 'DLX2')), NA)

mbmap <- mousebrain_map(example_seurat, genes_use = c('NEUROD6', 'DLX2'), pseudobulk_groups = T, group_name = 'cluster')

test_that('mousebrain maps can be plotted.', {
    expect_error(plot_map(mbmap), NA)
    expect_error(plot_structure_similarity(mbmap), NA)

test_that('mousebrain annotations can be plotted.', {
    expect_error(plot_annotation(mbmap), NA)
    expect_error(plot_annotation('mousebrain'), NA)
quadbiolab/VoxHunt documentation built on March 4, 2024, 6:37 a.m.